Engaging Hebrew Israelites

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Dr. Eric Mason discusses the history of the Hebrew Israelite movement and how to engage them with the gospel.

Комментарии • 864

  • @noeliyah6669
    @noeliyah6669 5 лет назад +112

    Glad some of the audience realizes that the church is not equipping believers to defend the faith. If nothing else Hebrew Israelites is motivating me to study a heck of a lot.
    Wish someone would ask when the church is going to stop celebrating Halloween and Easter!

    • @zootedbanyasharala544
      @zootedbanyasharala544 5 лет назад +4

      StraightNoey Chaser They not going stop celebrating 💯

    • @supr4rce
      @supr4rce 5 лет назад +7

      StraightNoey Chaser
      Don’t forget Christmas! Ask these people why Christmas was being celebrated 500 years before Christ existed and explain the correlation of celebrating a time of the year he wasn’t born using a decorated evergreen tree.
      Jeremiah 10:2-4 KJV
      [2] Thus saith the Lord , Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
      [3] For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
      [4] They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
      Christianity is pure foolishness!

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад +2

      Knowledge Wisdom you do know that has nothing to do with Christmas, right?

    • @ysraelfamily6795
      @ysraelfamily6795 5 лет назад +1

      @@zootedbanyasharala544 it's called sarcasm sarcasm . She's not really asking just rhetorical question

    • @zootedbanyasharala544
      @zootedbanyasharala544 5 лет назад +1

      Ysrael Family she didn’t ask a question at all and I wasn’t answering a question

  • @mikaahlayahawadah8747
    @mikaahlayahawadah8747 5 лет назад +66

    Jeremiah 23:1

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад +1

      Physician heal thyself.

    • @whiskeywine
      @whiskeywine 5 лет назад +2

      He's useless

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      Genesis Malachi how so?

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 5 лет назад +2

      Cartier Wallace. You can quote the words, anyone can, and Satan did, so what?
      The fact is apart from God, and clinging to an allegiance with a cult, you are in trouble.

    • @mikaahlayahawadah8747
      @mikaahlayahawadah8747 5 лет назад +2

      @@MRFITTA I but put down a scripture and I'm being judged. The minds of the sons of men are revealed according to how scriptures make them feel.

  • @indymodestudios2188
    @indymodestudios2188 5 лет назад +12

    "I'd rather you live right, than shout right!" - Pastor Mason on why good exegesis is of upmost importance and NOT what I want a passage to say.

  • @chadjones4036
    @chadjones4036 5 лет назад +41

    Shalom mishpacha, ALL praise to the Most High! Be gracious and loving to our brothers we disagree with. I used to be indoctrinated with Pre-trib dispensation theology and later Reformed covenant theology and so forth. I thought John Frame's systematic theology was truth and I used Van Til's presuppositional apologetics to fight the good fight for true Christianity....and I was wrong. I was traceable in my discipleship and evangelical leadership....and I was wrong. I've got plenty of critiques of Christianity throughout the years that were just and true but I continued forward blindly. I just want to encourage those sincere in their faith, no matter what they believe currently, to humble themselves and pray. HalleluYAH! Ask your Father to reveal truth. We don't wake up all at once. I didn't discover truth until I was broken and genuinely desired to be obedient more than I desired to be right. It was by grace that I came into the truth, not my scholarship. His sheep will hear his voice. He will reward those who diligently seek him. HalleluYAH!!!

    • @tooswee
      @tooswee 5 лет назад +1

      Blessing to my brother I can read how must you love TMH from your words

    • @Rchelle_YAHsdaughter
      @Rchelle_YAHsdaughter 5 лет назад

      Yes!!! Thank you for this blessed word of encouragement brother!!! This truly blessed me. I have been praying daily about this, seeking increased wisdom, understanding, discernment and knowledge. We definitely have to do that!! I am learning every day, and I agree with everything you said.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

    • @Rchelle_YAHsdaughter
      @Rchelle_YAHsdaughter 5 лет назад

      @@tooswee Amen, so can I....his words are a blessing.

    • @deborahswart1718
      @deborahswart1718 4 года назад

      I am happy for you that the Holy Spirit is guiding you in all truth, as Messiah promised He would when He promised to send the Holy Spirit for a variety of reasons.

    • @adrianoch2874
      @adrianoch2874 4 года назад +2

      Matthew 1:18-19 (KJV) Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
      Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.
      Matthew 1:23 (KJV) Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
      Do you believe in the JESUS? also why do HI change JESUS name but use every other words in the KJV as translated.

  • @sevbanks
    @sevbanks 5 лет назад +25

    Those Sicarii Israelites have an open platform where you can go on and debate the scriptures. I think it's good because you can test your knowledge on the scriptures. If you're teaching how to engage them you should lead by example and go on there show and showcase your knowledge on the scriptures.

    • @Slemchaby
      @Slemchaby 5 лет назад +10

      He wants zero smoke. The Isreallites are in the Bible heavy.

    • @sevbanks
      @sevbanks 5 лет назад +1

      @free citizen01 they probably won't engage with you because you have little knowledge of the scriptures. You don't even understand the scripture that you just quoted....

    • @danielisrael5961
      @danielisrael5961 5 лет назад


    • @TrevWILL79
      @TrevWILL79 Год назад +2

      He did engage them. But what I always see is a bunch of BHI cats try to gang up on one person thru intimidation

    • @israel4reel787
      @israel4reel787 Год назад +2

      @@TrevWILL79Stop crying 😢

  • @lynnj85
    @lynnj85 3 года назад +10

    I ,deeply, apperciate this 2hr presentation and clarification of our holy Creator's inspiring words. I was once blinded by this so-call awakening thru flesh (identity) gratification, but not thru spirit gratification. It's so weird how our sinful egos can trick us and cause us to become fallen, even whilst in the process of taking the steps to turn to the light of God. Thank God that there is a holy spirit whom reproves us and does not allow us to remain stuck and soulfully lost (detoured) onto deceit. This commentary truly brought ease to my heart, soul, mind, body and spirit. ❤ Keep on being a disciple , as Christ Jesus/Yeshua instructed us to be. Defend the faith the RIGHT way! We must "love" one another and in doing so...then can willful obedience and compliance towards our Father (abba) come naturally. God is spirit and so are we! You have blessed us today, sir.💪✌💯😇😇😇😇

  • @latrellturner9936
    @latrellturner9936 5 лет назад +22

    This shows how well the Willie Lynch Syndrome worked on our people!!!!! We cannot accept that we are the chosen people that the Bible speaks of!!!!!! We are the only race of people that argue over who they are!!!!!! Truly SAD. Their plan against us worked perfectly!!!!!! Psalms 83!!!!!!!!

    • @whiskeywine
      @whiskeywine 5 лет назад +9

      Even with the gates wide open good slaves won't leave the plantation

    • @danielisrael5961
      @danielisrael5961 5 лет назад +1

      Latrell ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH Turner In the movie good bye uncle Tom it shows how the black Christian church was CREATED. SMH

    • @latrellturner9936
      @latrellturner9936 5 лет назад

      @@danielisrael5961 I have to check that out ASAP!!!!! THANKS BRO!!!!

    • @danielisrael5961
      @danielisrael5961 5 лет назад


    • @JoeMama-fo6bn
      @JoeMama-fo6bn 11 месяцев назад

      Bro you guys manipulate the Bible even American history they don’t teach in America that America had black slave owners like Anthony Johnson who even owned white slaves in America and not even 8% of Americans owned slaves

  • @chaanayaahla1166
    @chaanayaahla1166 5 лет назад +18

    this man is waking up everyday.....and fighting against God.....SMH.....APTTMH

    • @kushuk2360
      @kushuk2360 5 лет назад

      U right , an HOUSE SLAVE of USA?

  • @vincentandrews6230
    @vincentandrews6230 5 лет назад +9

    Silly People in the comments here can’t take truth!!! 😂😂😂 God bless you Eric Mason God is using you

  • @ireallylovenia
    @ireallylovenia 5 лет назад +16

    This was so helpful and answered a ton of my questions from the interactions I've had with these people. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • @lucashammond5191
      @lucashammond5191 5 лет назад +8

      Sis he's lying, please don't buy into this unlearned doctrine... peace be with you

    • @supr4rce
      @supr4rce 5 лет назад +5

      Nia there are bad Israelite camps you shouldn’t interact with but all in all, Christianity is the biggest lie ever propagated on mankind. Every Israelite used to be a Christian of some degree, many used to be pastors and began reading and Bible without the foolishness of Christianity (specifically the Old Testament that Christianity tells you not to bother with). Christianity is a fairytale compared to the reality of what Israelites know. You’re an Israelite that believes you’re a Gentile that needs to be saved by the people who are oppressing us and our identity!
      Genesis 10:2-5 KJV
      [2] The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
      [3] And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
      [4] And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
      [5] By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
      Also Diphath. Literal meanings are opened, enlarged, fair or light (father of the Caucasoid/Indo-Europoid, Indo-European, Indo-Germanic, or Indo-Aryan races - Japhethites). Japheth is the progenitor of seven sons: (See Genesis 10:2-5)
      So are you a Gentile?

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 5 лет назад +2

      Knowledge Wisdom Partial bible verses does not a good argument make. There are ton of references to the Gentiles in the book of Jeremiah as well. Read Jeremiah 46. Moreover, you must first prove from the scriptures that someone is ethnic Israel, and Deuteronomy 28 does not substantiate your argument.

    • @cjkeys809
      @cjkeys809 2 года назад +1

      Sis you fell for the pump fake

    • @ivorysmith239
      @ivorysmith239 2 года назад

      First of all, there is NO such thing as a “ex Christian”. (John 2:19) Second, the Bible says in Romans 3:23 for ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is NOONE on Earth who was able to keep the commandments EXCEPT Jesus Christ. DO NOT LIE and say you have kept the Ten Commandments. (1 John 1:10) REPENT (Matthew)

  • @Ladyrolanda
    @Ladyrolanda 4 года назад +6

    One apple doesn’t represent an orchard. I know plenty of Israelites who don’t prescribe to these behaviors. He overlooked the the majority.

    • @samonsax1588
      @samonsax1588 Год назад

      Right , anyone can do thus with Christianity too , all you have to do is pick a few preachers that talk crazy and paint the face of Christianity as a whole through those lens and bam there you have it.

    • @carvellboyce6434
      @carvellboyce6434 7 месяцев назад


  • @mikaahlayahawadah8747
    @mikaahlayahawadah8747 5 лет назад +22

    Jeremiah 23:25
    I have heard what the Prophets said, that prophesy LIES IN MY NAME, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.

    • @whiskeywine
      @whiskeywine 5 лет назад +2

      There u go!

    • @tooswee
      @tooswee 5 лет назад +2

      @@whiskeywine explain this verse please?
      1 Corinthians 1:23 (KJV)
      23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

  • @hazahizabbanzabalawan3815
    @hazahizabbanzabalawan3815 5 лет назад +30

    Man... The so-called Christian church is DONE!!!!

    • @gospelcentered101
      @gospelcentered101 5 лет назад +2

      “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16:18‬ ‭CSB‬‬

    • @defendersoftheway712
      @defendersoftheway712 5 лет назад +1

      The Christ had nothing to do with the establishment of Paulinity aka Christianity. Paulinity is the construct of 2nd Century Greco-Roman Gentile Philosophers and their Hellenized converts! Neither The Christ nor his Apostles had anything to do with the creation of Paulinity aka Pauline Christianity!

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      Defenders Of The Way you are incorrect.

    • @carvellboyce6434
      @carvellboyce6434 5 лет назад +3

      @@gospelcentered101 You right his church not Roman Catholicism or Christianity historically white european christians committed the worst atrocities recorded in human history everyplace they went they murdered raped stolen lied enslaved lynched conquered colonized injustice inhumane treatment destroyed people completely the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and that's what happened when european christians went out to spread the gospel a good tree bares good fruit bad tree bares bad fruit ur religion bared fruits of a bad tree so don't ever try to compare the first assemblies true fellowship of the Messiah with your modern day Babylonian Paganism Satanic Worship his church will prevail yours will fall

    • @danielisrael5961
      @danielisrael5961 5 лет назад

      Dr. Eric M. Mason church MEANS circe .circe was a idol that the Greeks believed that could change people into animals do you understand the etymology of words ??? The word circe was changed to the word church . SMH

  • @magik001
    @magik001 5 лет назад +11

    There is no stopping the awakening. The most highs hands has already made it's move.

    • @theronwright1413
      @theronwright1413 4 года назад +10

      Or maybe y’all falling for doctrine of demons . Many will fall away

    • @magik001
      @magik001 4 года назад

      @@theronwright1413 You really want to put that theory to the test. Test the doctrine? Cause we csn do that for sure to reveal which doctrine is of devils

    • @Harrow2033
      @Harrow2033 Год назад

      It’s not an awakening…this is a last days doctrine of devils….
      Anyone teaching you there is no actual hell and teach the lake of fire is America, and that there is no trinity and turn the Holy Ghost into the law…are preaching a false gospel.

    • @victormeshkov5987
      @victormeshkov5987 Год назад +3

      @@magik001 your decieved man.

  • @FaithMuzic
    @FaithMuzic 5 лет назад +17

    This “ that” fulfilled doesn’t mean finished

    • @theronwright1413
      @theronwright1413 4 года назад +1

      It does it means complete

    • @Humble_Soul7
      @Humble_Soul7 3 года назад +1

      Regardless ach Isaiah 53/40 chapter is what Matthew 26:54-56 is talking about the commandment the fact that he came to die

  • @isaacs.9383
    @isaacs.9383 8 месяцев назад +2

    I was using direct Hebrew to have a discussion with these brothers and they called it word wizardry and I’m like no I’m using the language that you all claim to be linked too

  • @Itz-All-Gud
    @Itz-All-Gud 5 лет назад +15

    Revelation 22:14-15
    14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
    15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
    Revelation 14:12
    12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
    Revelation 12:17
    17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    • @sicarrinazarene8610
      @sicarrinazarene8610 3 года назад +1

      The last page of the bible says keep thr commandments. And so does every publisher. But 4 sum reason paul can come along and supposedly go against the hole premise of the oracles. And they believe it... Dummies...

    • @carvellboyce6434
      @carvellboyce6434 7 месяцев назад


  • @shawn5117
    @shawn5117 5 лет назад +9

    Question for Epiphany Fellowship...Was Jesus sent to do his own WILL or the WILL of The MOST HIGH YAH?

    • @thelastquincy1457
      @thelastquincy1457 3 года назад +5

      That must be a trick question because Jesus says he was sent to do the will of his father and then later on says his and his fathers will are one so the will being done is both his and his fathers.

  • @benyah33
    @benyah33 5 лет назад +19

    Pastor Mason, why are you running 🏃 from the Sicari camp?

    • @twhite937
      @twhite937 5 лет назад +1

      You must have watched that video in the 1611 KJV, huh...

    • @benyah33
      @benyah33 5 лет назад +2

      Thomas White no, I watched him run away, now he’s avoiding them.

    • @twhite937
      @twhite937 5 лет назад +5

      @@benyah33 lol. Context is important. I know they teach you to discard it and choose emotionalism but would you miss a flight just to argue with people who think they know everything?

    • @jefferyrandall8030
      @jefferyrandall8030 5 лет назад +4

      Thomas White Dude stop. Pastor pork chop went over there proud thinking he was gonna show those young warriors up. But ran away defeated instead. Everybody saw those brothers read from the Bible. Pastor pig knuckles refused a Bible being handed to him.

    • @benyah33
      @benyah33 5 лет назад +2

      Thomas White you avoided that truth like ppc is avoiding the Sicari. I believe Divine Prospect want the 💨 also.

  • @originalsue8323
    @originalsue8323 Год назад +6

    Amen Pastor! The churches are sleeping. Many don't even know about the Hebrews Israelites

  • @rbb5980
    @rbb5980 5 лет назад +2

    Interesting that these comments are only filled with Hebrew Israelist. Why are you all always so aggressive?? Do you not have the spirit of God living in you?

  • @StraitwayIndianaGoshen
    @StraitwayIndianaGoshen 5 лет назад +9

    What are you talking about?!?!?
    Have you ever been to Straitway?!?!?
    I bet you won’t debate Pastor Dowell in front of YOUR CHURCH or Ron Dalton
    Flat out joke in skinny jeans!

    • @yardeniyastrong8584
      @yardeniyastrong8584 5 лет назад

      Or debate Divine Prospect...for that fact!!

    • @pilgrimsintheearth1501
      @pilgrimsintheearth1501 5 лет назад +6

      This guy is supposedly preparing christians to engage israelites something he can't even do smh

    • @rilla1983
      @rilla1983 5 лет назад +2

      Shalom AHCH. Just watching this presentation I feel the same old traditional Sunday morning church service Spirit emanating from it. makes me think how many people in this congregation will actually engaged in a scholarly dialogue with our fellow brethren? Wouldn't be surprised to see them on the corners now promoting lawless pork chop Christianity.

    • @supr4rce
      @supr4rce 5 лет назад +3

      Cameron Anderson
      These Sunday choir singing JC Penny Christians don’t step to well educated Israelites. And even if you do crush their stupid Christian doctrines all they do is stop listening and leave. I sat and talked calmly with my Aunt USING SCRIPTURE and she still rejected 90% of what I showed her! She was completely lost about the Old Testament and had no clue about the biblical identity of ANYBODY, including the nation known as the Gentiles!
      Genesis 10:2-5 KJV
      [2] The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
      [3] And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
      [4] And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
      [5] By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
      Also Diphath. Literal meanings are opened, enlarged, fair or light (father of the Caucasoid/Indo-Europoid, Indo-European, Indo-Germanic, or Indo-Aryan races - Japhethites). Japheth is the progenitor of seven sons:
      Ask these delusional black people how are they Gentiles if they’re not European? Because that’s what their religion teaches-no matter what race you are you’re a ”European”! Smh. Christians will get embarrassed stepping to awakened Israelites!

    • @great-info-online505
      @great-info-online505 3 года назад +1

      Pastor Dowell is a Freemason.

  • @jtpreacher5892
    @jtpreacher5892 5 лет назад +10

    I got a question that hopefully gets answered:
    In order to serve God and to worship him in spirit and in truth do I need the religion of Christianity???
    Is Jesus or the Israelites the originator of the religion of Christianity???
    Is the Bible a Christian book???
    Who did God make a covenant with a people or the religion of Christianity???
    Hope to hear from you soon, shalom!!!

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      JT Preacher yes!

    • @jtpreacher5892
      @jtpreacher5892 5 лет назад

      revbray so let me get this straight, you are saying I need the religion of Christianity to serve God, where is that anywhere in the Bible commanded especially since you say Jesus not the Israelites created the religion!!!

    • @jtpreacher5892
      @jtpreacher5892 5 лет назад

      revbray you also God DIDNT make a covenant with a people you must not have read the Bible here are just 5 scriptures:
      “And 👉🏿I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a Yah unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.”👈🏿💯
      ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭17:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “Wherefore the 👉🏿children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.”👈🏿💯
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭31:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “And thou shalt say 👉🏿unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the Yahuah Israel is my son, even my firstborn:”👈🏿💯
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭4:22‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “For I 👉🏿will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you.”👈🏿💯
      ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭26:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “The Yahuah did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the Yahuah loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the Yahuah brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Know therefore that the Yahuah he is Yah, the faithful Yah, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;”
      ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭7:7-9‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The Lord of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.”
      ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31:31-36‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9:3-4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      JT Preacher JT Preacher it is the only true religion on the planet. There are only two: Gods and the devils/mans. Unfortunately you are at this moment serving the devils religion.
      It is right here my friend: John 8:24. Jesus created the religion since Jesus is God my friend.
      Keep trying though. Maybe one day you will get it. Blessings.

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      JT Preacher you are confusing the different covenants in the Bible with one another. And that might be you issue. I do know yet but we will see. All the covenants find their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus friend and that is why I said what I said. Jesus is Israel or did you not know that? LOL!
      It might help if you grant to me the same capacity to read and understand that you do. I have read my bible.

  • @MrBr3kdc
    @MrBr3kdc 5 лет назад +8

    Great teaching pastor!!!lot of good information thats needed in the church

  • @theronwright1413
    @theronwright1413 4 года назад +2

    The Gospel was in Africa before Europe so how is Christianity a white thing???

    • @mirandaaldrich9616
      @mirandaaldrich9616 2 месяца назад

      I always wondered the same thing. I haven't read the Ethiopian Bible though it may be translated differently 😊

  • @007mia7
    @007mia7 5 лет назад +28

    With all due respect, you cannot stop this awakening that’s taking place. Your teaching is not edifying. It comes across as boastful & unnecessarily complicated. In your attempts to appear wise, your pretentiousness makes you appear foolish. You spend a lot of time talking about Israelites, not because they are weak...but because they are stronger on street corners than your well planned capitalist pulpit.
    People are starving for the truth. The truth you and those like you have never been able to provide. Stop making everything about you, how you feel, your credentials. If you are a servant of God you will be held accountable for all you lead astray.

    • @gammajudge1445
      @gammajudge1445 5 лет назад +6

      It might just be the curse keeping this guy blind. The law said we would worship wood and stone which is christianity n roman catholic faith. Esau want people that look like us to fight the awakening.

    • @tooswee
      @tooswee 5 лет назад

      @@supr4rce esau has mixed his seed in us as well.
      Amos 9:9 kjv
      “For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.”

    • @portcitypizzle
      @portcitypizzle 4 года назад +2

      Mia DoubleZeroSeven his teaching is COMPLETELY edifying... Did you listen to the whole message or “just enough” for you to summarize you don’t agree?

    • @gunnerapple6173
      @gunnerapple6173 4 года назад +1

      He not the one leading people astray. Do not mock God

    • @theronwright1413
      @theronwright1413 4 года назад +1

      How do Christians worship wood?? Another misconception

  • @jtpreacher5892
    @jtpreacher5892 5 лет назад +6

    I’m curious what were the scriptures that were being used in 1 COR 15 verse 3 through 4 if there were no New Testament letters???

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 5 лет назад +3

      JT Preacher......the Hebrew bible. The Law, the Prophets, and psalms point to Jesus, but I think you know already.

    • @Itz-All-Gud
      @Itz-All-Gud 5 лет назад

      You do realize all Paul (Shaul) taught was the Law, right? There was no "New Testament" at that time.

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 5 лет назад +2

      @@Itz-All-Gud what are you on about, Jesus death initiated the new covenant, Paul was taught by the Spirit of God, after his encounter with the risen Lord how to apply the law ; he taught the righteousness that comes by faith in the Son of God APART FROM THE LAW.
      And he taught much more like this, IDK where people get these self taught ideas from. SMH.
      Ask God for wisdom, and if you're not born again, you better seek God for the rebirth.

    • @Itz-All-Gud
      @Itz-All-Gud 5 лет назад

      @@MRFITTA Justification is through Mashiach, of course, but New Testament was not even written.
      Isaiah 8:20
      To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
      This is what he taught.
      We must still keep the commandments whether Christian-sanity followers agree or not:
      Revelation 22:14-15
      14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
      15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
      Revelation 14:12
      12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
      Revelation 12:17
      17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 5 лет назад +1

      @@Itz-All-Gud ah, so you're another one of those. Okay, so as the commandments were part of the Mosaic Law, and covenant, how do you obey the rules for observing the feasts ie travelling to Jerusalem to present yourself- and to what temple? etc
      Oh and the new covenant supersedes anything that was before.
      You need to check what the word commandments means and how it's used in the context of the verses you quoted.

  • @PapaBearCraig
    @PapaBearCraig 4 года назад +9

    Such a great message!!!!!!!! Jesus died on the cross for ALL!!! 🙌🏾

    • @PapaBearCraig
      @PapaBearCraig 3 года назад

      @Kiing79 SicDaggerCarp 1 John 2:2

    • @PapaBearCraig
      @PapaBearCraig 3 года назад +1

      @Kiing79 SicDaggerCarp If you believe that the old covenant scripture of Isaiah 45:17 destroys the new covenant scripture 1 John 2:2, you're decieved and need to spend more time in the scripture with the help of the Holy Spirit.

    • @PapaBearCraig
      @PapaBearCraig 3 года назад +1

      @Kiing79 SicDaggerCarp Isaiah 45:17 DOES NOT say that the world was Israel.

    • @PapaBearCraig
      @PapaBearCraig 3 года назад

      @Kiing79 SicDaggerCarp Again, 1 John 2:2 states clearly that Jesus died for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD! Please read your bible sir!

    • @steveoshana3606
      @steveoshana3606 3 года назад

      Jesus was talking about his disciples when he said i pray for them not the world if u really understand it better.

  • @mirandaaldrich9616
    @mirandaaldrich9616 2 месяца назад

    I grew up in a Christian church and turned my back and was wild for many years. The last few years I have come to my senses. As soon as i started getting my faith back I ran into this Hebrew Israelites movement on TikTok and it has crushed me. I hope to God its not true. I have never in my life believed that God hates people, but it says right in the bible that God hates Esau and according to this doctrine I am one who God hates. If this doctrine isnt true then pray that I can find some peace and comfort in knowing its a lie

  • @originalsue8323
    @originalsue8323 Год назад +2

    In the book of Acts, it shows clearly that God sent peter to preach to the gentiles (,the table clothe ",s vision) He sent Paul to the gentiles (In Damascus road vision) . ONLY AT THE BEGINNING, he said to go mainly to the Israelites. Later " go to all nations and preach the gospel whosoever believed will be saved, whosoever don't believe shall be dammed. Whosoever Whosoever.

  • @greymangaming1877
    @greymangaming1877 Год назад +2

    Matthew 7:21-24
    “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
    Those who follow the Black Hebrew Israelite teachings may find themselves here on that day.

  • @cdollaz7237
    @cdollaz7237 2 года назад +2

    May God have the Glory alone in the context that God has given! not man. Not the black man not the white man not whatever man. But the creator of all things that is not bound by the creation. May God of the Bible Honor is name!

  • @youngwisdom681
    @youngwisdom681 5 лет назад +6

    Keep spreading the truth Pastor!!!!!

    • @zootedbanyasharala544
      @zootedbanyasharala544 5 лет назад +2

      Adam Frederick Which part was truth

    • @jefferyrandall8030
      @jefferyrandall8030 5 лет назад +1

      Adam Frederick Psalms 191:142 Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and THY LAW is the TRUTH. 1st John 2:4 He that saith I KNOW him and keepeth not his a commandments is a LIAR and the TRUTH is not in him. Eric Mason doesn’t teach nor keep the commandments. Therefore he is a pork chop eating...tithe taking liar VOID of GOD ‘S truth. Period.

    • @dolanridgecommunitychurch7433
      @dolanridgecommunitychurch7433 Год назад

      @@zootedbanyasharala544 All of it.

    • @GodWillMusic
      @GodWillMusic Год назад

      @@dolanridgecommunitychurch7433mason kicking against the pricks!!

  • @Slemchaby
    @Slemchaby 5 лет назад +6

    Our people have to come out of those churches and back the the Laws, Statutes, and Commandments. Eric Mason is leading you to your death with that Christianity doctrine. He got slayed by a 20 year old in re: to the scriptures. Ask yourself, if all the laws were fulfilled could you worship other gods and still enter the kingdom of heaven? Yahawa Forbid!

  • @christylesescobar
    @christylesescobar 5 лет назад +17

    Eric Is A Clear Understanding Of A Step And Fetch Individual...Yisrael This Is The Example Of Who Doesn't Belong To Us...Looking For Recognition...This Will All Be Addressed...Wait For It...Shalum

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 5 лет назад

      tmhchild_shayarahla _ I think you meant “example” not “understanding”. Unfortunately like so many of the dissenting commenters, you resort to leaving ad hominem responses. Are you saved from the wrath of God and are you at peace with God? If so, please explain biblical. Thanks for your time kind sir.

    • @tooswee
      @tooswee 5 лет назад

      @@CaldwellApologeticsplease explain this verse and thank you for doing so.
      1 Corinthians 1:23 (KJV)
      23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

    • @christylesescobar
      @christylesescobar 5 лет назад

      @@tooswee ✊🏿

    • @christylesescobar
      @christylesescobar 5 лет назад

      @@CaldwellApologetics Explain This And I Might Consider Continuing A Dialogue With You...2 Kings 5:15 King James Version (KJV)
      15 And he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him: and he said, Behold, 👉🏽now I know👈🏽 that there is 👉🏽no God👈🏽 in all the earth, but 👉🏽in Israel:👈🏽 now therefore, I pray thee, take a blessing of thy servant.
      ...I Digress

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 5 лет назад

      @@christylesescobar In 2 Kings 2:15 , Naaman the Syrian (Aramite), after being healed in the Jordan River according to the instructions of the prophet Elisha, acknowledges that the only true god is the God of Israel. All other gods are false. Because of his faith in the true God (YHWH), he decides to worship YHWH through sacrifice.
      2 Kings 2:18 And Naaman said, Shall there not then, I pray thee, be given to thy servant two mules’ burden of earth? for thy servant will henceforth offer neither burnt offering nor sacrifice unto other gods, but unto the LORD.
      I am so glad you referenced this account. Do you recall the reaction Jesus received in Luke 4 when he explicated this account after reading Isaiah 61? Fascinating indeed.

  • @WinJennings
    @WinJennings 2 года назад +2

    Love This! Thank You Dr.Mason

  • @BooCuzz
    @BooCuzz 5 лет назад +8

    Them H.I. flood this RUclips platform... repent and turn to God fellas... your own works won't get you in only JESUS. So walk around all puffed up bragging on yourselves if you want to...we lift up JESUS not ourselves.

    • @supr4rce
      @supr4rce 5 лет назад

      Terry Pope
      Save your breath! In less than five years your Christian churches will be nothing more than reminders of how racist Christianity is. You can’t depict Gentiles as Hebrews and say “race doesn’t matter” to a Gentile Christ that never existed!
      Genesis 10:2-5 KJV
      [2] The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
      [3] And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
      [4] And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
      [5] By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
      Mark 13:22 KJV
      [22] For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
      Also Diphath. Literal meanings are opened, enlarged, fair or light (father of the Caucasoid/Indo-Europoid, Indo-European, Indo-Germanic, or Indo-Aryan races - Japhethites). Japheth is the progenitor of seven sons: (See Genesis 10)
      1. the action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values and practices.
      2. the rejection or destruction of religious images as heretical; the doctrine of iconoclasts.
      Wisdom of Solomon 14:11-12 KJVA
      [11] Therefore even upon the idols of the Gentiles shall there be a visitation: because in the creature of God they are become an abomination, and stumblingblocks to the souls of men, and a snare to the feet of the unwise.
      [12] For the devising of idols was the beginning of spiritual fornication, and the invention of them the corruption of life.
      Revelation 20:10 KJV
      [10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
      I’m sorry; what were you saying about “works” and Gentile “Jesus”? Smh.

    • @marcusdavis3927
      @marcusdavis3927 5 лет назад

      Us Hebrew Israelite know that works only "will not" get u into the Kingdom of heaven. It takes faith with works!!!!!! We are not puffed up. We just ready the bible for ourselves and have a better understanding of what it says. We call this "THE TRUTH".. The churches/pastors are definitely not teaching this. These pastors need to stop putting all Hebrews Israelite in the "One West Camp Doctrine" Most Hebrews are against the "One West" teachings.

    • @marcusdavis3927
      @marcusdavis3927 5 лет назад

      @@supr4rce APTTMH!!!!!! This Hebrew movement is done by YAH.. There is no stopping it and the ⛪ "churchs" are starting to panic.

    • @BooCuzz
      @BooCuzz 5 лет назад +1

      @@supr4rce you write all of this but you imposters Don't truly believe in what Jesus accomplished or as y'all call him in that fake language YamahaTires ....you all puffed up...all of you it seems... focused more on the color of your skin than God Himself or as y'all call him yamamacado🤷🏾‍♂️ neither of you were born back then either so miss me with that nonsense. You people take those classes few times a week... feeling intelligent you say huh? Not studying the Bible in it's entirety. Fell away is what you've done my boy SMH.
      Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
      Hebrews 6:1‭-‬6 KJV
      Well fellas here goes...O and I do mean fellas since I know in most camps only the fellas able to come together and discuss scriptures.. regular old cult mill I guess🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @nebmariam2288
    @nebmariam2288 9 месяцев назад +1

    I hate passing judgement on any one. I can truly say that faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way we can obtain salvation. We know The Father only through Jesus Christ. If salvation is what people are truly working towards, but our actions speak for what is truly shown in our hearts. Man can not serve God and mammon.

    • @nebmariam2288
      @nebmariam2288 9 месяцев назад +1

      Also we must all repent for our sins. As well as fast and make ourselves right with the Lord. Trying our best to navigate this treacherous world while being the light and confounding darkness through each step through Jesus Christ we will overcome this world In Christ, Jesus name we pray Amen

  • @bklbaron
    @bklbaron 4 года назад +8

    I just came across this video and I was very disappointed and confused with Dr. Mason's objective. First of all I decided many years ago, before my insight of the Hebrew Israelites, not to deal with any Religious organization that displays the Roman cross commission by Constantine I. This was a tool used to crucify our Messiah and thousands of other Israelites in 70AD. So no matter what he says in his lectures, as long as he and congregation worship on Sunday and display that cross, his plight is fruitless.

  • @King__XL
    @King__XL 5 лет назад +20

    So you got a reader now? Lol

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 5 лет назад +3

      King xL This is nothing new. Churches have been using readers for generations.

    • @tooswee
      @tooswee 5 лет назад

      @@CaldwellApologetics still no understanding
      1 Corinthians 1:23 (KJV)
      23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

    • @cjkeys809
      @cjkeys809 4 года назад +1

      Rick Caldwell bro stop lying. Y’all stole that from Hebrews. And this video is trash

    • @tiathompson6674
      @tiathompson6674 4 года назад

      @@cjkeys809 No, I spent 30 years in Christianity before being awakened. There have always been readers, especially in non denominational churches with armor bearers.

    • @cjkeys809
      @cjkeys809 4 года назад

      Tia Thompson naw y’all stole that fam. Stop lying

  • @rilla1983
    @rilla1983 5 лет назад +4

    So bronze or brass describes His "royal" prowess? Hmm interesting. Why not the highest quality precious metal which is gold to describe the royal "prowess" of our Mashiach or even silver if according to your interpretation is alluding to status? This guy Eric Mason elects not make the connection with Daniel chapter 7:9 and especially Daniel 10:6. In which The MOST HIGH GOD YAH himself is described with his arms in color of fine brass. Once again I reiterate, if any figurative language to be used in describing his Royal "prowess" why would it not be the best of every element to describe HIS magnificence and preeminence? not the lowest ranking precious metal?
    In any economic system show me which class of people would value bronze over gold?

    • @supr4rce
      @supr4rce 5 лет назад +3

      Cameron Anderson
      You’ll have to excuse him, he’s got a doctorate in stupidity! Smh.

  • @jonathanharris9698
    @jonathanharris9698 4 года назад +8

    Keep preaching my Hebrew brothers

  • @gdoeniroclippergod9977
    @gdoeniroclippergod9977 5 лет назад +10

    Keep the Commandments and the faith of Christ.....Qam Yasharala.🔜📖✡️🦁🔝

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 5 лет назад

      Gdoeniro ClipperGod What are the commandments of Christ specifically?

    @MONOPOLYCREDIT 2 года назад +1

    Schedule a formal debate. Charge $10 to view. Let the people decide for themselves. Simple.

    • @victormeshkov5987
      @victormeshkov5987 Год назад

      theres n debate. they contradict themselves in proposing scriputres to support their claim that contradict other scriptures. thats called deception.

  • @theronwright1413
    @theronwright1413 4 года назад +4

    This is my issue with Hebrew Israelites . Nowhere in scriptures it states that Israelites will lose their identity. Israel always knew who they were and they still sinned before God. Your identity doesn’t save . Following Christ does . If ya dentist save. Israel wouldn’t have rejected Christ. Paul used to persecute Christians . So if Christianity is false why did Paul talk about the new faith ??? Smh it’s obvious that their doctrine corrupt they care more about identity than actually following God

    • @bm945
      @bm945 3 года назад +1

      Are you a special kind of foolish? It clearly states the Israelites would have a great falling away, and discontinue from their heritage. You’re a dang liar who doesn’t read the scriptures. 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Jeremiah 17:4. Stop LYING!

  • @sumojudah5925
    @sumojudah5925 5 лет назад +16

    😂 damn the evidence don’t lie you use the same scriptures you got cut with and took it to yo congregation as if you knew that 😂 damn we see the church falling apart 😂

    • @WestsideTech
      @WestsideTech 5 лет назад +4

      Kan 🕎✊🏿🦁

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 5 лет назад +4

      Sumo Judah All I see is a courageous brother in the Lord exposing the damnable errors of Hebrew Israelism. Using the language “got cut” only demonstrates that you treat this as a competition. But this is about the eternal destiny of your soul. Do you have peace with God according to the scriptures? Are you saved from the wrath of God?

    • @jefferyrandall8030
      @jefferyrandall8030 5 лет назад +1

      Rick Caldwell The wrath of GOD is found in Psalms 149. Arrest and slavery for the heathen nations.

    • @sumojudah5925
      @sumojudah5925 5 лет назад +1

      Westside Tech if I listen to Christianity and you I’ll be doomed y’all teach the world that they can be lawless all you gotta do is have faith and you can do anything you want when the Bible doesn’t say that at all.

    • @sumojudah5925
      @sumojudah5925 5 лет назад

      Westside Tech it’s a competition to the church they ones losing money over it it’s messing up their business. Gods word shouldn’t be a profit do you know the church is a 100 billion dollar business? Do you know what can be done with a 100 billion???

  • @johnjanedoe7158
    @johnjanedoe7158 5 лет назад +4

    Commandment keepers (they're in the christian church as well ) are different from hebrew Israelities

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 10 месяцев назад

      Are the commandment keepers part if the Hebrew Roots Movement?

  • @travisanderson3920
    @travisanderson3920 Год назад +2

    So glad I found this man. I heard of him from Vocab Malone - who tears down this false religion of BHI.

    • @israel4reel787
      @israel4reel787 Год назад +1

      They haven’t tore down anything, we’re still growing.

    • @travisanderson3920
      @travisanderson3920 Год назад

      @@israel4reel787 well I want speaking of physically treating down the HI.. but biblically treating it down. Hebrew Israelites is an evil religion whose foundation is in hate. Majority of the ones I have seen or interacted with have a spirit of hate in them... NOT the Holy Spirit. It's a deception from Satan

    • @DontePietrowski
      @DontePietrowski 10 месяцев назад

      @@travisanderson3920it’s still in the growth stage. Once the movement has matured you’ll see it’s true power. Bless you.

  • @shirlthepearl100
    @shirlthepearl100 5 лет назад +11

    Blew it on your own turf without opposition; not good.

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      Please explain how?

  • @tUnEkOrLiOn
    @tUnEkOrLiOn 5 лет назад +14

    I hope y’all repent and get in this truth... QAM YASHRAHLAH

  • @tooswee
    @tooswee 5 лет назад +8

    Pastor Mason why did the heathens lie and painted themselves as holy men of Israel?
    1 Maccabees 3:48 (kjv 1611)
    “And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.”

    • @carltonhepburn4072
      @carltonhepburn4072 4 года назад

      Your using the maccabees to make a point your have no knowledge of scripture 🤦🏾‍♂️smh

    • @tooswee
      @tooswee 4 года назад

      @@carltonhepburn4072 how this scriptures 1 Corinthians 1:23 King James Version (KJV)
      23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
      Is it foolishness to believe the black man needs a white man to save him?

    • @tooswee
      @tooswee 4 года назад +1

      @@carltonhepburn4072 sir what is the 1st commandment and do you believe Afro-Americans is breaking that commandment when they put Christ crucified before The Most High YA'OH after He said this 👇🏾
      Isaiah 43:11
      “I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.”

    • @tiathompson6674
      @tiathompson6674 4 года назад

      @@carltonhepburn4072 Psalm 83

    • @kenyonprunty6258
      @kenyonprunty6258 7 месяцев назад

      Why would he make a race to damn them,the gentiles are in the Bible and they also have the same salvation as you do it’s in the Bible,accept it or sleep in the dirt.I say that because you are being very hateful and that is not what YAH commands you to do so sin is sin and hate is hate the wicked will return to the dirt.

  • @tagbarzeev8283
    @tagbarzeev8283 10 месяцев назад +1

    These are not Hebrews or Israelites. The ancient Hebrews didn't use a New Testament or believe in Jesus .

  • @KGB94TV
    @KGB94TV 4 года назад +1

    Christian Churches sounds like a publicly traded company.
    "And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise." (John 2:16, KJV)

  • @KingMike-un5vz
    @KingMike-un5vz 11 месяцев назад +1

    What is wrong with knowing that you are actually a Hebrew

  • @abiyahyisrael5481
    @abiyahyisrael5481 3 года назад +2

    I thought he was supposed to be discussing The Hebrew Israelite movement. You can't debunk The Most High. This pastor is reading the Bible and saying that the verses are not actually saying what it reads. Somebody tell this pastor The Most High don't need help speaking.

    • @Harrow2033
      @Harrow2033 Год назад

      Hebrew Israelites doctrines are false
      1. The bottomless pit = Europe
      2. The lake of fire = America after WW3.
      3. The Holy Ghost = The law.
      4. Jesus Christ = 2nd god = Arianism
      5. Jesus is = reincarnation of Adam / Solomon

  • @334Emanuel
    @334Emanuel 2 года назад +1

    Whats a really great Lexicon?

  • @PapaBearCraig
    @PapaBearCraig 4 года назад +2

    Such much truth!!!

  • @LarryIsrael
    @LarryIsrael 5 лет назад +2

    This is information on Israelites in Africa that cannot be refuted‼️
    ~There were 5 major waves of Israelite migrations into Africa after they became a nation
    “ The first wave of Israelites to enter into Africa occurred around 700 BC by some of the 10 lost tribes from the Northern Kingdom of Israel. After YAH divorced the Northern Kingdom from being His people (Jeremiah 3:8) for worshiping other gods and allowed them to be enslaved by the Assyrians in 722 BC (2 Kings 18:11-12); many of those tribes chose to leave the land of their slavemasters so they could return back to worshiping YAH again (2 Esdras 13:40-45). They migrated from the lands of the Assyrians and crossed over the Euphrates River into Africa. Most of these tribes entered into Africa through Egypt and eventually settled on the Eastern and Southern regions of Africa. Later in history, these tribes became known as the Bantu peoples. And the majority of those Bantus tribes still reside in Africa today; such as the Lemba, Falasha, Hutu, Tutsi, Makua, etc.
    The 2nd wave of Israelites into Africa happened between 600 BC and 500 BC when tribes from the Southern Kingdom (the Jews) began migrated into Egypt. After the Jews were released from slavery by the Babylonians in 586 BC to go back to Jerusalem, many of the Jews left and fled into Egypt to hide from the Chaldeans who were persecuting them (2 Kings 25:25-26, Jeremiah 43). While in Egypt, the Jews settled on the Nile River on Elephantine Island and built a thriving Hebrew community. There, they kept the torah; which are the laws and commandments of Yah, and even built a temple to worship Him in that resembled the previous one in Israel. However, the Elephantine temple was eventually destroyed by Egyptian rebels in 410 BC. 11 After that, the tribes migrated elsewhere.
    The 3rd wave of Israelites into Africa happened between 300 BC and 1 AD when the Greeks began transporting their Hebrew slaves (Jews) and subjects to Egypt. In 332 BC, after Alexander The Great conquered the land of Egypt, he began placing a large number of Jews living in Greece in Alexandria, Egypt. 12 His governor of Egypt, Ptolemy, also began transporting Jews to Egypt. According to the famous Jewish Historian Josephus, Ptolemy led some 120,000 Jewish captives to Egypt from the areas of Judea, Jerusalem, Samaria, and Mount Gerizim.13 These Jews living in Egypt under the rulership of the Greeks translated the Old Testament scrolls into Greek, which became known as the Septuagint. 14
    The 4th and largest wave of Israelites into Africa occurred in 70 AD as a result of Roman persecution. In the year 66 AD, the Jews became tired of being subject to the rulership of the Romans and went to war against the Roman armies, which lasted about 4 years. 15 Horrific tragedies happened to both parties, but the Jews suffered most, ending in the murders of over 100,000 soldiers. 16 Then in 70 A.D., General Pompey and the Roman army made their way to Jerusalem and destroyed the temple and the city. 17 As a result of the Roman’s siege of Jerusalem, over one million Jews were murdered 18 and another 95,000 were taken as captives to Caesarea, Europe. 19 The remaining Jews (and other Israelite tribes) fled into the countries of Africa and Arabia to escape from persecution and enslavement. 20 According to Josephus, there were “millions of Jews that fled into Africa” during the Roman’s siege of Jerusalem. 21
    The 5th wave of Israelites into Africa occurred between 1492 and 1500 AD when the Black Jews living in Spain and Portugal began migrating to North and West Africa after being banned from these countries. In 1492, after Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand had conquered the land of Spain, they issued out a public decree that all Jews must leave the country of Spain or convert to Christianity. 22 Then in 1496, Queen Isabella persuaded King Manoel of Portugal to expell the Jews living there as well. During this period, the Jews were heavily persecuted and forced to become Christians or leave the country. As a result, over 100,000 Jews were scattered across the Mediterranean coasts; with most of them migrating to Northern and Western Africa. 23

    • @vincentandrews6230
      @vincentandrews6230 5 лет назад

      Micha ISRAEL Sir you are a fool!!! Christianity was already in Africa a 1000 years before Europe! It was never a white mans religion! Nobody was forced into Christianity...you need to read books!! Not stuff on RUclips or google!

    • @MrCimetg
      @MrCimetg 2 года назад

      @@vincentandrews6230 that statement is very ignorant brother. Even my childrens history books tells us about how Christianity was forced on so called negros, hispanics and natives. Are the history books wrong also?! There is documented proof on this. It can not be denied by anyone with a brain.

    • @kenyonprunty6258
      @kenyonprunty6258 7 месяцев назад

      And you are promoting hate and this is not in Gods nature Jesus did not walk around preaching hate he walked around preaching salvation and love how is this so twisted that you think it’s okay to preach hate remember what the Israelites did to God they always disobey and disrespect the most high and still do today you need to seek Jesus for salvation and forgiveness and follow in his footsteps to make sure you are saved just being black will not save you from sin and hate is definitely sin.

  • @defendersoftheway712
    @defendersoftheway712 5 лет назад +26

    This guy committed hermeneutical suicide! The theology presented here is unsound and unbiblical. This is sad! Pauline Christan Apologetics is truly dead! Would love to discuss this live with the Doctor if he is tired of running!

    • @soulonland6190
      @soulonland6190 5 лет назад

      Pauline Christian apologetics. What does that entail?

    • @defendersoftheway712
      @defendersoftheway712 5 лет назад

      Those who attempt to defend Pauline Christianity call themselves and/or are referred to as "Apologist". "Pauline" because the theology is based on eisegetical or proof texted versions of the "Pauline Epistles"

    • @soulonland6190
      @soulonland6190 5 лет назад

      @@defendersoftheway712 Doesn't Paul do good enough defending himself? His sword is sharp.

    • @defendersoftheway712
      @defendersoftheway712 5 лет назад +3

      Yes, Paul actually does a great job at defending himself. However, that hasn't stopped folk from lying on him and twisting his teachings for past 2,000 years though. Selah

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      Defenders Of The Way sorry but you are incorrect.

  • @allenporter4993
    @allenporter4993 5 лет назад +1

    I wish I could meet someone that agrees with Eric Mason and would like to sit and debate ideas in Philadelphia. I'm down to meet anywhere at anytime.

    • @portcitypizzle
      @portcitypizzle 4 года назад +1

      Allen Porter why do you need someone who agrees with him, why not call him yourself to a debate?

  • @wordassassinhebrews4125
    @wordassassinhebrews4125 5 лет назад +9

    Dr. Eric Mason this is Bro Jamal Thompson from your Facebook we need more Pastors like you, to wake up the body of Christ on the [ Hebrew Roots movement ] Pastor MUCH RESPECT 👍🏾 !!! We need to stay on the battlefield and keep contending the Faith Jude 3-4👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿

    • @christylesescobar
      @christylesescobar 5 лет назад +1

      You Are A Good Step And Fetch Individual...

    • @wordassassinhebrews4125
      @wordassassinhebrews4125 5 лет назад

      I'm not understanding you, what do you mean?

    • @angie123praiseyah7
      @angie123praiseyah7 5 лет назад


    • @wordassassinhebrews4125
      @wordassassinhebrews4125 5 лет назад +1

      Shalom sister can you answer this simple question for me, why should I let you in heaven?
      Without being born again. John 3:3 , you know the story of Nicodemus.

    • @beitshemakahal4123
      @beitshemakahal4123 5 лет назад

      Shalom Bro. You do know that Jude was a Messianic Hebrew and NOT a Christian. The Faith he was talking about defending was NOT Christianity, which was an invention of Constantine and Rome in the 3rd century! Do you research! Don't believe me! Shalom

  • @powerfulforce9984
    @powerfulforce9984 4 года назад +2

    Just don't see how you getting away with some of this stuff and video it like you're correct.

  • @portcitypizzle
    @portcitypizzle 4 года назад +3

    Thank you Dr. Mason.. Black exceptionalism is no better than white exceptionalism. The message of Christ and the cross is that there is salvation to all who truly believe and understand that they are a sinner in need of a savior. All this other sensationalism, black theology or white theology God will sift through in the judgement..

  • @NasiAnahYasharahla
    @NasiAnahYasharahla Год назад +1

    But he will not debate any of these Israelites smh

    • @deeinfinite
      @deeinfinite Год назад

      Truth doesn’t need to be debated, it stands on its on. There is a video where he engaged the “Israelites” floating around

  • @shawn5117
    @shawn5117 5 лет назад +2

    Question for Epiphany Fellowship...Does Jesus contradicts The MOST HIGH YAH?

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      Of course not because he is the Lord God Almighty.

    • @supr4rce
      @supr4rce 5 лет назад

      So you think Jesus (not his real name) was the most high God of Israel, Yahawah???
      John 7:28-29 KJV
      [28] Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye both know me, and ye know whence I am: and I am not come of myself, but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not.
      [29] But I know him: for I am from him, and he hath sent me.
      So he didn’t send himself, he knows him and he explains himself that the most High is God. Christianity is pagan ignorance on steroids!

    • @revbray
      @revbray 5 лет назад

      Knowledge Wisdom you are incorrect. I did not say that Jesus was the Father but that Jesus was Almighty God. See you don’t know what Christians believe and why we believe it. Jesus is not the Father.

  • @mrpakkmann3607
    @mrpakkmann3607 5 лет назад +13

    This guy has no knowledge of scriptures...the Bible has the answers to why we are in the conditions we are in...they are all prophecies!!! This needs to do more research in the Bible...

  • @faceoff3143
    @faceoff3143 5 месяцев назад

    All I want to know is who are we 🤷🏾‍♂️.. like real shit do we fit the prophecies? Or not .. all I can say is I seek GOD with all my heart & it lead me to the Hebrew Israelite I can lie & I never ever followed no camp God will give you your own understanding

  • @rogerjohnson833
    @rogerjohnson833 10 месяцев назад

    I remember when I backslid many years ago, and the Holy Ghost said to me, that if I don't repent, he'd put me on the corners with the guys with the big buckles and the big boots, that's the exact words he said to me.
    I am telling on me. To I am his endtime watchman. God never destroys a person or a city, except that he first warns them.
    God warned me, and now as a black endtime watchman, I am warning all who are so-called black Israelites and also those who support them.

  • @tooswee
    @tooswee 5 лет назад +3

    You can encourage all the pagan religions to come against us with their strong men and we will still come for our people and pray for you. You can beat us down physically with your demons but you will never stop us for coming for our people to teach them who they are.
    John 15:13 (KJV)
    13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
    1 John 4:4 (KJV)
    4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
    Isaiah 1:3 (kjv 1611)
    “The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.”

  • @ArielBenAvraham
    @ArielBenAvraham 5 лет назад +1

    Deuteronomy 18:20
    [20]But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

  • @yardeniyastrong8584
    @yardeniyastrong8584 5 лет назад +2

    Woww... He thinks the Book of Jasher is weird...Im done. SMH

  • @only4thareal526
    @only4thareal526 5 лет назад +8

    Porkchop pastor!!! You finish bahasham yahawahshi

  • @amberharrison2954
    @amberharrison2954 Год назад +1

    We need faith and works, through faith are we brought to thy works. Our faith begins when we fear our father in heaven, in return we we begin to learn of his righteousness and right ruling. It is then we come into understanding of his love and there is no other more good nor as just as our Creator. Thus we begin to put into practice all his law's all his ways because we know that there is much wickedness that manifest when we are dis-obiedient to his laws and we begin to see how much we have contributed to the wickedness physically and spiritually. If all were obedient to the law we would have heaven on earth this very moment. Unfortunately God is allowing us to see what wickedness truly is so that we forsake it and despise it as he despises wickedness.

  • @DontePietrowski
    @DontePietrowski 10 месяцев назад

    Wonder if pastor would say Israel/Arabia isn’t north east Africa too.

  • @amosisreal3392
    @amosisreal3392 4 года назад

    With all that was said in the philosophical manner doesn't matter when Christ said himself if you want eternal life keep the Commandments so whatever the Commandments are we must keep them if not you want sieve salvation of eternal life please try to argue that.

  • @intelligentthinker8085
    @intelligentthinker8085 Год назад +1

    Had some respect for this dude but not after this blasphemy.

  • @powerfulforce9984
    @powerfulforce9984 4 года назад

    He didn't die on the cross for other people sins.
    He died on the cross for teaching people they're in control of they're own life. That's according to the bible.
    God or christ never said he was born to die for people sins.

  • @officer50sapar55
    @officer50sapar55 5 лет назад +10

    🤔 this judite slandering.

  • @sanmiguel1698
    @sanmiguel1698 5 лет назад +2

    Great work

  • @powerfulforce9984
    @powerfulforce9984 4 года назад +4

    Christ taught in precepts and parables.
    Stop miss leading people

  • @KGB94TV
    @KGB94TV 4 года назад

    How can you engage a woman of a household without go through her man? This is straight confusion.
    "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (1 Corinthians 14:33-35, KJV)

  • @anthonybendawid5903
    @anthonybendawid5903 5 лет назад +11

    Those jeans teetering on the borderline brother. As it Written. Thou shall not test the Lord thy God.
    I’m going to be honest in the sight of TMH. You’re at a huge disadvantage when it comes to engaging Israelites. You’re trying to fit Roman philosophies into a Hebrew Book. Quickly and effectively dismantled. Every single Christian denomination is from a Roman and it’s pure speculation as is the Talmud to Torah. It started with the Catholic Church and then her Sunday Morning Daughters carrying on the spirit of Babylon. You’re the adversary of Israelites including the Messiah.
    Revelation 17:5 KJVS
    Revelation 18:4-5 KJVS
    [4] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. [5] For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 5 лет назад +1

      Anthony BenDawid. you're not born again so you haven't a clue how God can work by the power of his Spirit.
      And just like Satan did with Jesus, you throw out verses which are not applicable. SMH. Times may change, but the ways of Satan remain.
      Appeal to the flesh of man, and his desire for recognition and power, and usually a cult or worse is spawned - enter the Hebrew Israelites.

    • @anthonybendawid5903
      @anthonybendawid5903 5 лет назад

      MR. FITTA Be more specific. What are you accusing me of leaving out and then we’ll who holds up to the totality of Scriptures.

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 5 лет назад

      @@anthonybendawid5903 I'm accusing you of not knowing God, you must be born again.
      And I know you are not.
      So before you start anything show that you're united with Christ and born again by the Spirit of God.
      I'm not interested in a ding dong of scriptural tennis.

    • @anthonybendawid5903
      @anthonybendawid5903 5 лет назад

      MR. FITTA I bet you’re not! It’s not you who I seek to please so you’re whole dialogue was just a waste of time. Let me know when you can you can use the Words of the Messiah to push your Christianity. If you would like me to do the same in favor of keeping the Law, NO PROBLEM. Otherwise find you somebody else to play with.

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 5 лет назад

      @@anthonybendawid5903 like I said, throwing down verses doesn't mean a thing, if you are not part of the body of believers.
      Mormons can throwdown
      Muslims can throwdown
      Jews( the real ones) can throwdown
      Even Satanists can throwdown scriptures
      So you can run, but you cannot hide from God, and his wrath.

  • @jbeez_theahch
    @jbeez_theahch 10 месяцев назад

    That boy give martin luther the white supremacist more credibility than his own people

  • @thetubeinsideyou
    @thetubeinsideyou Год назад

    To call slavery servitude is ridiculous, while some of the forms were basically like indentured slavery, there are other parts of the bible that cleary allow for slavery as we know it today. So lets not pretend like all talk of slavery is just indentured servitude.

  • @illegalalien5431
    @illegalalien5431 10 месяцев назад

    You can say whatever you want because they already debated you out in the street and you didn't have nothing to say

  • @wadeoradio
    @wadeoradio 5 лет назад +8

    Love that you guys are doing this. Very important content for the church.

    • @yaramyahuyashraal5453
      @yaramyahuyashraal5453 5 лет назад +7

      This brother is a Dr.. and he said the deu 28 isn't prophecy..smh... thats really bad...then he said they would sell themselves and no one would buy them would be one of the signs but then he quoted Josephus that said the men 17 and under were sold into slavery to the mines and thousands were sold also..yall got to wake up to this nonsense. this was really bad, so much confusion.

    • @chadjones4036
      @chadjones4036 5 лет назад +1

      Wade, my brother! First off, Love you bro. Secondly, without a shadow of a doubt E Mase is wrong. I love the brother and it pains me to hear him tear down the truth. We're the people. This topic is so crucial that I won't even argue or debate. However my number still the same for anybody that has it and sincerely wants to talk.

  • @powerfulforce9984
    @powerfulforce9984 4 года назад +1

    Pastor you did the same thing you called out the isralites out for doing.
    You said fulfilled have to be taken as the author normally use the word.
    When isralite use Egypt, they reference when the word egypt is being used as bondage from the same other.

  • @ysraelfamily6795
    @ysraelfamily6795 5 лет назад +3

    Are you aware much of Greek mythology is mixed in your seminary (saucery) training. Opps🤔

  • @originalsue8323
    @originalsue8323 Год назад +1

    Salvation is a gift according to the Bible. It says for by grace are you saved trough faith it is a gift of God not of work lest anyone should boast. Google where it is in the bible. That's why the thief on the cross had a chance. That is why the gospel is called GOOD news,the gospel is proclaiming that Jesus came to give sinners another chance because he took upon himself our sins.The bible says "the one who knew no sins became sin so we can become the righteousness of God.

  • @powerfulforce9984
    @powerfulforce9984 4 года назад

    I think you did a good job on some scriptures showing and proving.

  • @khalilali8860
    @khalilali8860 10 месяцев назад

    I have a great love and respect for the Israelites,My thing is with any religious group is None of them are about the business of building Instutions,Businesses and Infrastructiure which will create JOBS.But all I see is People who are caught up in titles and names.These Europeans don't give a damm about what you call yourself.

  • @joshuamelton9148
    @joshuamelton9148 5 лет назад +1

    Very informative. The tell sign of any believe system that I always ask is what is their view on Jesus. Some Hebrew Israelites camps believe that Jesus is the reincarnation of both Adam and King Solomon.

    • @Shachaawar
      @Shachaawar 5 лет назад

      That's not biblical tho wym

    • @gunnerapple6173
      @gunnerapple6173 4 года назад

      How can they believe that when the Bible says Solomon was white

  • @abiyahyisrael5481
    @abiyahyisrael5481 3 года назад +1

    This guy is trying to take bits and pieces of different camps to put his story together falsely about the Israelites. We believe the Bible. Precept upon precept. Line upon line. Yes read the Bible and let it speak for itself.

  • @midwestprince153
    @midwestprince153 10 месяцев назад

    Yall do know the Israelites lived amongst the Greeks were considered Greek or gentiles although they are Israelites by blood

  • @studentofthewordofgod6644
    @studentofthewordofgod6644 5 лет назад

    Pastors are mad because Israelites standing on these corners are getting people to do what the church could not for years...and that's STUDY. I don't see seminars are how to come against those pedophiles in the Catholic Church or those pastors who are trafficking young women through their church. Where are the lessons about keeping satanic holidays? Where are the seminars on how to engage the Mormons? What the seminars on how to engage false pastors? SMH...we don't want truth...we want a hip way to have the same old church. PEOPLE NEED TRUTH.

  • @yardeniyastrong8584
    @yardeniyastrong8584 5 лет назад +8

    This Pastor is running scared. When you hit the pockets, that's when they start speaking out. He's condemning the Israelite Community, but still not teaching.

    • @hopetaylor4946
      @hopetaylor4946 5 лет назад

      Don't seem like he running to me. God does not hate the very people he has made. Sounds just like white supremacy to me. Bully you tell you they the only ones... yep White Supremacy is working

    • @yardeniyastrong8584
      @yardeniyastrong8584 5 лет назад

      @@hopetaylor4946 ???? Don't understand your point.

    • @kushuk2360
      @kushuk2360 5 лет назад

      U are right!

  • @seanword8742
    @seanword8742 5 лет назад +1

    These comments should be good

  • @KimSmith-ib2kc
    @KimSmith-ib2kc 7 месяцев назад

    Tell the people the truth that some of these so called black peoples are real Jews

  • @orchestratedadmin
    @orchestratedadmin 3 года назад

    What? Your breakdown of Deuteronomy 28:68 is not slavery? You're missing the point. It said with SHIPS. As a Dr. you should able to explain using the bible when did the Israelites go back to Egypt on ships? Please explain

  • @foundationofrighteousnessf4615
    @foundationofrighteousnessf4615 5 лет назад +2

    I need you to go in depth on revelation 1:14-15 dont just bring it out and say "I dont have time to go into depth on this"

    • @foundationofrighteousnessf4615
      @foundationofrighteousnessf4615 3 года назад

      @Julian Clarke so who are the Isrealites today? Yes christ prayed for the Isrealites only but who are they today???