I love that word said by the chiefs priests that where you go about destroying people you are forgotten that every evils person have a bitter ending. Where people think them can do on doable the can do the unimagination. Forgotten that every did will be wages. People who take preasure in destroying others people have them ever have any thoughts or think twice if this thing happened to them will them be happy. Because if you look your own skin to be glitters but going around destroying others people own don't you know the wrath of God will intervene and prevail. The worse part of it all the so called evildoers their ending is always disastrous. people take preasure in evils doing forgotten even you forget and move on the universe never forget. evils doesn't pay but the ends is always full of sorrows and pain, people who take preasure in other people misfortune is like who is digging pit that him/her will fall into in the nearest futures. for those who do evils and put on mask while accuse the innocent you may think you are wise and smart full of manipulation but universe watch every movement of every single individuals. ONLY WHAT I HAVE TO SAY TO MY CONCLUSIONS ON THIS IF GOD WHICH IS ULTIMATE JUDGE OF ALL THE FORCING IN THE UNIVERSE SAY YES nobody can say no. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE JUDGE.
I love that word said by the chiefs priests that where you go about destroying people you are forgotten that every evils person have a bitter ending. Where people think them can do on doable the can do the unimagination. Forgotten that every did will be wages. People who take preasure in destroying others people have them ever have any thoughts or think twice if this thing happened to them will them be happy. Because if you look your own skin to be glitters but going around destroying others people own don't you know the wrath of God will intervene and prevail. The worse part of it all the so called evildoers their ending is always disastrous. people take preasure in evils doing forgotten even you forget and move on the universe never forget. evils doesn't pay but the ends is always full of sorrows and pain, people who take preasure in other people misfortune is like who is digging pit that him/her will fall into in the nearest futures. for those who do evils and put on mask while accuse the innocent you may think you are wise and smart full of manipulation but universe watch every movement of every single individuals. ONLY WHAT I HAVE TO SAY TO MY CONCLUSIONS ON THIS IF GOD WHICH IS ULTIMATE JUDGE OF ALL THE FORCING IN THE UNIVERSE SAY YES nobody can say no. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE JUDGE.
Wow this film is amazing ❤🙏 is really education
Very very educative...
ROSE I like your ending ,it was kind of funny
Akua Ataa we miss you, come back ooooo
Kyiewaa end let me laughing too much i can't stop laughing mpoo ooo
Please find out who sent 2thieves and what does it mean?