Part 1 An Open Letter- Frank Fox American Heritage

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 546

  • @drewarmstrong4325
    @drewarmstrong4325 3 месяца назад +1

    How about a part two to this now?

  • @kellyallen9754
    @kellyallen9754 2 года назад +5

    Well Mr. Fox, what do you think about your President now? This administration makes the last administration look like pretty dang good.

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 2 года назад

      I think it's hilarious! All of these comments in support of Frank Fox. Now they all have to live with Biden as President...and it's only been a year!

    • @dominique___1980
      @dominique___1980 2 месяца назад

      @@matthewbrown3722 - y'all's comments didn't age well.

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 2 месяца назад

      @@dominique___1980 You didn't watch the video? He thought the Russian collision was legit, it was debunked. My comment is about how I'll informed Frank Fox was about Trump. And believing Biden would heal the country was a joke. Tell me, do you buy your own groceries? Cause if you do, you know exactly how bad the economy has gotten under the Biden administration. You're probably some young and inexperienced kid. Who doesn't know anything about economics or politics.

  • @rogerkallen
    @rogerkallen 4 года назад +19

    I appreciate this video and the words from Dr. Fox and am so disheartened by the comments below. I'm not one to comment, publicly, about my political opinions. However, I'm absolutely worried about the future of our democracy because of the character and tactics of Donald Trump. I know what people believe depends so much on their sources of news/information. We all need to get out of our echo-chambers and seek truth ("Oh say, what is truth, tis the fairest gem...") by reading and listening to different sources of information.

    • @katgroch
      @katgroch 4 года назад +2

      If I could like your comment 100 times, I would. (Oh, wait, that would be fraud.) :} It isn't about politics for me this election.but about respect for our character and respect for our democracy.

    • @Kamaehara
      @Kamaehara 4 года назад +2

      Democracy is in good hand with President Donald J. Trump. What actions has he done to weaken the democratic process or attack the US constitution? None.
      Trump's tactics are working. His language is a tool to have people sit around a table to work out a solution to a common problem. He was elected to solve problems not avoid them.
      To learn the truth you need to get closer to the source of information and not rely on hearsay or interpretation. When more than 90% of the press reports negatively about Trump I don't think I can trust the media since they all use the same language, almost word for word, as if they were puppets...

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 Год назад

      You were wrong and Frank Fox was wrong. You don't seek truth, you are blind just like this fool.

  • @moniquefausett678
    @moniquefausett678 4 года назад +2

    This was just shared with me today, but I have thought all those things you’ve shared. I’ve watched family and friends act like Trump is the answer and today, my morning prayers I prayed for understanding of why I felt this way about Trump and others didn’t ...then your video was sent to me...I think this was an answer to my prayer and gave me comfort that I am doing the right thing and that I see his corruption. Thank you for sharing.

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 Год назад

      Well now we know who doesn't get answers to prayers.

  • @281scj
    @281scj 3 года назад +3

    We have a Constitutional Republic with democracy. That is the fundamental flaw with your line of thought.

  • @Entropy825
    @Entropy825 4 года назад +5

    Frank's protest vote against Trump is a vote for team socialism. It's a binary choice. You can't take a stance against Trump without taking a stance in favor of Biden, Harris, Bernie, AOC, Schumer, Pelosi, Comey, Strozk, The Green New Deal, socialized medicine, socialized education, etc. We are very close to a slide into socialism that we can never recover from, and sadly people like Professor Fox are helping us get there. I took American Heritage at BYU from Professor Fox in 1994, and I loved it. I thought it was the best class on any subject I had ever had. It saddens me to see the TDS.
    I would go through the video and counter his points one by one, but it wouldn't make any difference. The TDS would prevent him, or anyone who thinks like him, from hearing.
    EDIT: A little note on "truth telling". In order to convince you to vote against Trump, Professor Fox is saying things (about both Trump and Biden) that he doesn't actually believe, or could only believe if he were insane. I'm sorry to see what has happened to you, Professor Fox.

    • @williamjacobsen7529
      @williamjacobsen7529 4 года назад

      It's amazing to watch someone like Fox publicly state that he will actually vote against his own self interests by supporting socialism.

    • @casaderobison2718
      @casaderobison2718 4 года назад

      I can and do take a stance against Trump without supporting any of the people you have listed. Our electoral system is based on representative democracy in the form of a republic. Thus, my "protest vote" in Utah will not help Biden, and Trump is the only one who can really hurt Trump. He drove the house into Democrat control two years ago. If he loses this time, as it appears he probably will (though I was certain he'd lose in 2016 so what do I know), he will have no one to blame for his loss than himself.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад

      If you will go to Politico, an unbiased fact check site that received the Pulitzer prize for being accurate, you will be able to see the lies and search for truth. I find it challenging during this time of "division" to read the facts. It seems easier to like up my horse behind the one I want to believe. I hope that I will be humble and able to discern right from wrong, good from evil and truth from lies. It is very difficult for sure and I end up watching every news network to get a balanced view. A little FOX, a little MSNBC, a little CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Then lots of prayer and hope that I am listening to the right facts.

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 HA! do you get paid from Politico?

  • @joanlantis4497
    @joanlantis4497 3 года назад +1

    “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.”
    ― Theodore Roosevelt trea·son
    the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. IT WAS TREASON.

  • @MarkAvo
    @MarkAvo 2 месяца назад

    The Dunning Kruger is strong in these comments.

  • @lisasmith8517
    @lisasmith8517 4 года назад +1

    For a reubttal to his arguments go here:

  • @lukehales7376
    @lukehales7376 4 года назад +60

    I took American Heritage from Dr Fox in the late 90s and loved it so much that I ended up working as a TA for two years. I was promoted to head TA my second year and worked closely with various AH professors.
    The class that Dr. Fox and Pope created was truly phenomenal and incredibly impactful....not to mention entertaining. However, it appears that over the years the course has become watered down and sort of lost its way. Last I checked (someone correct me if I'm wrong) one of the most central concepts to the course (THE GOOD) was missing.
    I did not vote for Trump in the 2016 election (I wrote in Ted Cruz as a protest vote). I particularly did not like Trump's characterization of undocumented immigrants. I didn't like the affairs with porn stars and multiple marriages and divorces. I don't like his pettiness and inflated ego.
    But I love the results of his Presidency. He has accomplished more for the country than any president since Reagan. Also, as I have seen how relentlessly the media attacks him I have come to like him more.
    My two main criticisms of Dr. Fox's letter:
    1. his two references to working for the First Presidency were out of place...but then to go on and bet his eternal salvation that the General Authorities are NOT supporting Trump....that was beyond inappropriate.
    2. Fox argues that we should vote for Biden "for his balance, for his wisdom, for his humanity, and more than anything else, for his power to heal."....Really?! This does not sound like the words of a conservative Republican. Dr. Fox's letter would have been more persuasive if he had recognized the serious flaws in Biden but argued that he is still the better candidate. In Fox's follow-up video he dismisses Biden's pro-choice stance as not relevant for this election cycle. Yet, the Democratic Party platform (which Biden supports) states "We believe unequivocally...that every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion. We will repeal the Title X domestic gag rule and restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood..." It would also appear highly likely that Biden would pack the supreme court if Roe v Wade was overturned.
    Well, let me add a third criticism: Pres. Nelson has asked that we stop using the term "Mormon". The fact that Dr. Fox does seems to imply he doesn't take The First Presidency seriously even though he used to work for them.
    I do have concerns about Trump's statements or inferences that if he loses there will not be a peaceful transfer of power. But I am also concerned about Democrats and voter fraud. I'm concerned about a second term from a man who seems to really love power. However, all things considered, I think he is clearly the better option.

    • @williamjacobsen7529
      @williamjacobsen7529 4 года назад +10

      Well articulated rebuttal, Luke. This statement and entire video post by Fox is so inappropriate. His "righteous high ground" stating that he bets his "eternal salvation" that the Church's GAs are not supporting POTUS is so offensive and evil as if to say that each of these church leaders are of a "group think mentality" and that each are not of their own mind and God-given agency on their private voting preferences. Fox really should have thought more deeply and carefully about making this video public.

    • @lukehales7376
      @lukehales7376 4 года назад +5

      @@williamjacobsen7529 Agreed! Fox's letter/video really showed a lack of judgement.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +2

      Know your facts. Donald Trump has not helped this country unless it is him telling you that. You must be watching Fox news which according to the neutral fact checkers is inaccurate much of the time and tends to spin in order to make Donald Trump look better. It is very sad that so many have been deceived. I appreciate this professor for sharing what he has observed. Sadly from my fact checking, he is right on point. I pray everyday that I will not be deceived.

    • @lukehales7376
      @lukehales7376 4 года назад +3

      ​@@joanpetersenrond3571 To avoid talking past each other please clarify what facts I got wrong.

    • @robertwren9321
      @robertwren9321 4 года назад +1

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 From LDS Fact Checker:

  • @coolclubsforkids4128
    @coolclubsforkids4128 4 года назад +47

    Betting your eternal salvation on something so trivial as an election or how someone’s going to vote is really making light of your eternal salvation.

    • @g.brandontuft8558
      @g.brandontuft8558 4 года назад +11

      I totally agree with you. That statement is absurd and irreverent. His arguments seem to be born more out of hate for Trump than anything else, but when he said what you quote above, he lost all credibility with me...

    • @youtube-learned
      @youtube-learned 4 года назад +4

      He's hypothetically betting on the leadership of the church not an election.

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 4 года назад +4

      @@youtube-learned Actually he is wagering on the leaderships support of a candidate in an election.

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад +1

      Or perhaps you’re missing the point… He doesn’t view the current election as “trivial”.

    • @5maineloonsfamilypublishng415
      @5maineloonsfamilypublishng415 4 года назад +1

      I do not think Pence claiming or even alluding to support for Trump or any candidate, by our prophets and apostles in order to win votes is a trivial matter. The prophet and apostles have given no such indication. Therefor it is a lie meant to manipulate voters. But many Trump supporters have come to view lies as a trivial thing. That being said I think it was irreverent to make such a claim as staking his eternal salvation on it. People can get too carried away these days.

  • @kathycrapo3224
    @kathycrapo3224 4 года назад +6

    “ the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and the doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy...from such turn away.”

  • @ericjohnson7950
    @ericjohnson7950 3 месяца назад

    "My vote is going to Joe Biden in this election for his balance, for his wisdom, for his humanity, and, more than anything else, for his power to heal our country."
    That didn't age well. I'm not gloating. Professor Fox, who are you voting for in 2024?

  • @benv7933
    @benv7933 4 года назад +2

    Last time I checked you could vote for Trump, Biden and still be a faithful member. Happened before, now and later. Let's quit shaming people for their opinions.

  • @DonnaTagliaferri
    @DonnaTagliaferri 4 года назад +18

    And what presidential candidate should I vote for that tells the truth - Joe Biden? This is crazy.

    • @TmenclM
      @TmenclM 4 года назад +1

      crazy, hypocritical, maybe even a liar. how can he call himself a historian when he says we live in a democracy. we live in a republic.

  • @coolclubsforkids4128
    @coolclubsforkids4128 4 года назад +17

    Trump supports and has acted to help these issues/causes:
    - Pro Life
    - Reducing Taxes
    - Reducing regulations
    - supporting police
    - reducing our involvement in foreign conflicts
    - reducing central planning and government micromanagement
    - celebrating our heritage
    - Fair and transparent elections - citizens vote once, non-citizens and dead people don’t vote at all.
    - increasing legal immigration as the economy can handle, reducing illegal immigration
    - reducing crime
    - reducing corruption in public life.
    I strongly believe in the constitution, I enjoy the inalienable rights I hold, and I see Trump, after much thought and consideration, as the best defender of these rights by far of the two choices offered. To call Trump supporters “Mindless” is incredibly arrogant, and I can guarantee that for me and many others, there is far more thought going into why we support Trump because the popular press and the celebrity culture really tries to push us towards Biden. It takes a lot more strength to resist the tide than to go along with it - and the cultural tide that is encouraging 8 year old transgenderism, abortion on demand, central planning and control of our healthcare and wallets, defunding the police - that tide is pushing us in the wrong direction and creating lots of misery.

    • @kathyperrins8538
      @kathyperrins8538 4 года назад +1

      What an insult to call Trump supporters mindless!!!!!!!!!!

  • @braidenchilds7448
    @braidenchilds7448 4 года назад +21

    As a former American Heritage TA of three years, I’m disappointed that my comment on the FB post was deleted. I guess we’ve seen this week that there is no room for any voice of opposition these days. Challengers are not debated anymore. They are silenced.

  • @stevenbergstrom4360
    @stevenbergstrom4360 4 года назад +1

    I am so very interested in what people call Utah Values. I listened to mr Fox and I would like to think that it represents the best of Utah values. Demanding honesty and selfless service from a public official doesn’t seem radical. Yet the comments seem to say otherwise. By the way, if you took Fox’s class at BYU like I did so many years ago you were there to learn from it. If you didn’t agree with him then who cares you were a student if you have grown to adulthood and continued the education in history that started in that class, congratulations. If you continue to read and search and reason about your ideas, you’ve done what the course was designed to give you

  • @sophielle777
    @sophielle777 4 года назад +4

    I've listened attentively, and I was really amused how Mr. Fox could see all wrongdoing on one side only being totally blind to the wrongdoing on the other side. Giving his accusation to one person, he failed to notice that the same could be said about the other one.
    No one is above the law? Really? I've learned this sad lesson on my own. I am not allowed to see my children in the US (visa denied for reason they are too poor, no good salary, no roots), while millions of undocumented immigrants are treated like they are above the law (like they never break US law entering the country illegally)! Biden is a corrupt politician who is breaking US law often, who really profited (which is documented) from foreign nationals, including Ukraine and China, and Mr. Fox is seeing wrongdoing on Trump side only based on what? Based on the democrats lies about connections of Russia and Trump. And this lie was created by Clinton (the fact is also documented). And what Mr. Fox was telling about the lies in the beginning of his speech? Lies could end our democracy?
    The democratic party had a choice to present a good candidate for president. They failed and presented two corrupted lying opportunists, who are going to ruin the country.
    I escaped a socialist country; Biden-Harris are going to drag me back to communism... Thanks, but no, thanks...

  • @Kamaehara
    @Kamaehara 4 года назад +2

    Frank Fox, you've been excommunicado. The Holy Ghost has long left you.

  • @6maingot
    @6maingot 4 года назад +3

    If this is what BYU professors are teaching...we're in trouble

  • @pedalingfast
    @pedalingfast 4 года назад +19

    Pharisees stick together. More reasons right here as to why so many have lost faith or any desire to send our kids to BYU.

    • @jchiara
      @jchiara 4 года назад

      BYU is a sad place. President Worthen has formed a Committee on Race and the school is running into the arms of critical theory, which has always been the response to failure of Marxist workers revolts not materializing.
      BYU is late to the game, but is quickly trying to catch up with the rest of academia in destroying actual learning and development.

  • @ashleyanne826
    @ashleyanne826 4 года назад +12

    I can bet my ‘eternal salvation’ that he’s not even a conservative republican and just because you teach civics doesn’t mean you’re pro-American. I would love to see his voting record!

    • @normapypermitchell7724
      @normapypermitchell7724 4 года назад +1

      Many of us are conservative Republicans and feel exactly like Frank Fox.

    • @Rochelleht
      @Rochelleht 4 года назад +2

      Norma Pyper Mitchell How can you call yourself a conservative republican when you can’t support the most conservative president we’ve ever had?

    • @normapypermitchell7724
      @normapypermitchell7724 4 года назад +2

      @@Rochelleht I've voted republican since the 1950s. That's how I call myself a conservative republican. But I have eyes, ears and a brain. I cannot accept Trump's politics of hatred and lies toward all who dare disagree with him. I remember every president since and including FDR, but I've never seen anything like #45. So sad and frightening.

    • @Rochelleht
      @Rochelleht 4 года назад +2

      Has it ever occurred to you that the things you think abt Trump are actual lies by the press? I know you think you’ve seen it with your ‘own eyes’, but trust me. They take what he says and twists it and makes him into the ultimate villain. And even if he is the biggest jerk of a personality, I don’t care. He’s actually doing what no conservative president has every done. And that’s included Reagan.

    • @normapypermitchell7724
      @normapypermitchell7724 4 года назад +3

      @@Rochelleht I don't need the press to tell me what I see and hear. Too many tweets straight from his personal tweeter.

  • @rightanglo8911
    @rightanglo8911 4 года назад +30

    "Trust me as a political historian, as an expert in government, and even as a lifelong conservative." There's nothing I like more than being talked down to by so-called "experts" lol.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +5

      He is an expert. We would be well to humble ourselves and listen to him his warning message.

    • @rightanglo8911
      @rightanglo8911 4 года назад +3

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 He's an "expert" in a topic that most people are already familiar with, and that is easy to research for anyone who cares to, which I do. I never blindly follow "experts", and especially not when it comes to politics.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +4

      I think he is an expert. He has studied the rise and fall of nations and has way more knowledge than I do. A PHD and many years of teaching. I appreciate that he is expressing his views and respect that.

    • @rightanglo8911
      @rightanglo8911 4 года назад +8

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 One thing about LDS people is that we tend to be a bit too trusting. Which is why MLMs thrive in Utah, for example. Fox is trying to take advantage of that trusting nature. See the language he uses when he says he would "bet his eternal salvation" that the church leaders aren't voting for Trump. That's manipulative and despicable language.

    • @quickmana
      @quickmana 4 года назад +5

      Calling a person with a doctorate in history and decades of experience a "so-called" expert and trying to deny basic facts about their history being conservative (I'm sure there are literally thousands of Morman past students that knew him) is exactly the type of ignorance that is plaguing our country right now.
      I have never responded to political idiots on RUclips before but sheesh man, consider country over politics.

  • @casaderobison2718
    @casaderobison2718 4 года назад +8

    I took American Heritage in the late 80s. It was a great class. I may not come to the same conclusion as Brother Fox with regards to voting for Biden, but I absolutely agree with him about Trump. The fact that Trump has had some success with political principles is, in my opinion, evidence that occasionally his self interest coincides with the nation's interests, and that even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
    Character matters. Trump did not believe he would win four years ago as is evidenced by statements he made on the campaign trail. He would not have been the party nominee if the mass media had not given him so much coverage at the expense of the other people vying for the GOP nomination. They did it because Trump was a ratings winner, and I believe in part because of liberal bias: by focusing so much attention on the most extreme person seeking the nomination, they hoped or believed they would help the Democrat nominee. Most people were shocked come 9 November 2016 that Trump managed to win the election.
    Trump spent much time in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election claiming the election was rigged. I'm sure he would have liked to have never made those claims of illegitimacy after having managed to win, but he didn't win because of himself, it was in spite of himself. The fact that he's playing by the same game plan this time is just further evidence in support of claims Brother Fox made.
    In watching this, I do not see Brother Fox making any unrighteous claims. He is just very sure that the general authorities of the church do not en masse support Donald Trump as Pence stated. I believe he is correct. Even those who might like his politics do not like his character. "We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion." It is not limited to Trump, but he is an excellent example thereof. More importantly to me (paraphrasing) "no power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of [authority], only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; by kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile." I do not see any of those attributes in Trump.
    Ultimately, I do not care for Trump or Biden. I don't fault those who feel Trump is too flawed for voting for Biden, and I don't blame those who fear Biden's politics for supporting Trump. I can't support either, so I'll vote third party again in 2020, and I'll take some small solace that at least one of them will lose the election. Hopefully both, but I won't hold my breath for that outcome.
    If Trump loses, he will have no one to blame for his loss than himself. Lying, contention, and child-like behaviors that we would punish in our own children are not prerequisites for a successful presidency. As long as we continue to support that, we will get more of it.
    Thank you Brother Fox for your remarks.

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 Год назад

      How about now. We are on the verge of economic collapse. Would you say there is a difference between Biden and Trump?

  • @davesmith6455
    @davesmith6455 4 года назад +3

    It’s a democratic republic. The background music is particularly compelling.

  • @markbasker3930
    @markbasker3930 4 года назад +8

    Greetings Korihor!

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад

      Your counter argument is a personal attack? Whom is more like Korihor here?

  • @tatayki
    @tatayki 4 года назад +10

    That is a sweet treehouse.

  • @ejs7721
    @ejs7721 4 года назад +19

    How has he (Trump) violated the laws?

    • @byarmo59
      @byarmo59 4 года назад +1

      This is how he has deceived so many.видео.html

    • @ejs7721
      @ejs7721 4 года назад

      @@byarmo59 yep I agree

    • @j.jensen4539
      @j.jensen4539 4 года назад +5

      1. He is making private incoming off the presidency.
      2. He allowed a foreign government to influence our election.
      3. He ignored subpoenas from the Congress.
      4.His minions lied to the FBI
      5. He stole money from the military budget to build his wall without congressional approval.
      6. He sent federal troops to act in states without governor’s permission.
      7. Still hasn’t returned immigrant children in prison to their families.
      8. And there is more....
      1-6 are all violations of the laws in the constitution.
      7. Was a judge’s order, decided based on existing federal law.

    • @tatankat5839
      @tatankat5839 4 года назад +5

      All democratic talking points/lies....not one of those points has been proved of Trump but they are provable with democrats. It's called projecting.

    • @sophielle777
      @sophielle777 4 года назад +3

      @@j.jensen4539 , Biden was making private incomes of his vice-presidency by accepting the China and Ukraine bribes in form of family income

  • @lukewardle500
    @lukewardle500 4 года назад +12

    I’m very discouraged by the current state of affairs in the US. As a someone with two political science degrees I have a different perspective from the average person but I don’t know enough to say for sure that Trump or Biden is the best. Having said that, this chap can’t know anymore than most people but he sounds very convinced that he is right …just like everyone else that has an opinion… but to me he seems extremely naive.
    Fox starts off the video reminding Cougars (I'm not one, by a long shot) that he created the American Heritage program, which probably falls into the political science dept. maybe history. Then he immediately departs from the academic approach and reverts to character and emotion. We all know Trump is a slime ball but he may be only a slightly more obvious slime ball than other candidates.
    If Fox is putting the blame of lying the American people on Trumps shoulders he is not looking at history correctly. They all lie to us, some more convincingly than others. Trump is not very convincing…we all know he is full of hot air. On the other hand, the Democratic party is lying to us and until recently doing such a good job it was nearly impossible to tell what the truth is.
    Fox speaks of checks and balances between the branches of government and states that republicans in the house and senate are afraid of him. What a load of nonsense. “It” is so much bigger than this short term fear Fox refers to - it's a problem with the two party system we find ourselves in.
    Above the law? Yes, Trump breaks the law and should be held accountable for it. BUT, at least we know what he is. In political science there is a theory (BTW, I’m aware that all theories can be proven or disproven with another theory) stating that it’s best to leave a predictable despot in power than replace him with someone unknown and unpredictable. Again, Trump is super predictable and he is actually working on things, and making progress, on things I think need attention. Biden, and his ilk, have broken and continue to break the law but it seems to be acceptable for them to do it because main stream media tells us it’s OK or MSM doesn’t cover it.
    The points about a foreign adversary are absurd. First of all, it’s essential for our top government leaders to have relationships with enemies…in fact, the closer the relationship is the better. Further, it’s OK for Obama to have a public friendly relationship with Cuban leaders but not OK for Trump to get close to what Fox terms an adversary? (BTW, where is Fox’s proof that Trump is betraying the US?) I would rather have Trump close to Xi and Putin than not. Fox is up in the night! Saying that Trump allowed Russia to interfere with our election is like saying that I allowed my daughter to catch a cold… Russia has been meddling in US elections since the beginning of the cold war.
    Fox is looking for someone to blame for Covid. He seems to think that because Trump has terrible “bed-side manner” that Covid is his doing. Fox doesn’t seem to take into account that we are a nation of freedom loving individuals that cannot be controlled by mandate in the same way that EVERY other country in the world has “successfully” dealt with it. Every single totalitarian country has a much better record controlling the virus than the free countries. The reason for this is because of our system, not a single person. Any other president would have botched this as well, maybe worse than Trump.
    Fox is trying to stir emotions at the end of the video by telling us that Trump won’t accept losing, if that happens (or Fox will claim Trump stole it if he wins). Maybe he’s saying that Trump stole the 2016 election. If that’s the case then Fox needs to review why we have the Electoral College.
    Fox makes it sound like because church leaders aren’t supporting Trump by default they are supporting Biden. We, nor Fox, can know who each individual LDS leader supports and to make it sound that he knows is conniving in a way I find despicable. BTW, what Pence said in AZ is up for interpretation.
    I don’t think it's time for our country to heal. We haven’t torn the bandaid off completely. We haven’t got to the root of what is polluting our nation. I personally welcome troubling times because it will do us all good - if we can survive it.

    • @tamarawalkenhorst9194
      @tamarawalkenhorst9194 4 года назад +2

      I didn't have time to read it all...way too long. For those of you out there that pick on Trump as being a slime ball, and all of the sexuall miss conduct think about two situations on the Democrat side (and there is more than just these two examples). If the media we have today was in power in the 60's, for the republican side...oh the crap that would have come out about JFK!!! And what about Clinton having sex with a sleezy intern right in the oval office of the white house. Don't be judging someone else's garbage in their backyard until you look at your own.
      This Fox guy sounds as deranged as Biden. They both need to accompany each other to the dementia home.
      The thing I see about Utan's who are against Trump is they feel he is not Christ Like. He doesn't sound sweet like Romney. Trump is the best thing that has happened to the Republican party. Its time the party gets tough and stands up.

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 4 года назад +1

      @@tamarawalkenhorst9194 You should have read it. It was actually pretty good. I like yours too.

  • @ejs7721
    @ejs7721 4 года назад +41

    A lot of talking without any proof.
    "I will bet my eternal salvation". This guy is something else. Good luck with that!

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +3

      If you will go to Politico, an unbiased fact check site that received the Pulitzer prize for being accurate, you will be able to see the lies and search for truth. I find it challenging during this time of "division" to read the facts. It seems easier to like up my horse behind the one I want to believe. I hope that I will be humble and able to discern right from wrong, good from evil and truth from lies. It is very difficult for sure and I end up watching every news network to get a balanced view. A little FOX, a little MSNBC, a little CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Then lots of prayer and hope that I am listening to the right facts.

  • @diannasmith7119
    @diannasmith7119 4 года назад +8

    Shame on you fox. Shame Shame gadianton leader.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +1

      If you will go to Politico, an unbiased fact check site that received the Pulitzer prize for being accurate, you will be able to see the lies and search for truth. I find it challenging during this time of "division" to read the facts. It seems easier to like up my horse behind the one I want to believe. I hope that I will be humble and able to discern right from wrong, good from evil and truth from lies. It is very difficult for sure and I end up watching every news network to get a balanced view. A little FOX, a little MSNBC, a little CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Then lots of prayer and hope that I am listening to the right facts.

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад

      Gadianton?! 🙄 he’s out in the open.

    • @diannasmith7119
      @diannasmith7119 4 года назад

      @@ojfranklin gadianton warriors were in site but their words twisted minds

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@ojfranklin So was Gadianton...just not his unseen doings

  • @ldr540
    @ldr540 4 года назад +21

    It’s entertaining, but sad, to see how real TDS is. And how it turns previously normal people into weasely liars and makes them say the strangest things (I’ll bet my eternal salvation??). Or maybe they were weasels all along, and only now have been exposed.

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад

      No idea what TDS is, but notably you led with a personal attack vs providing a single counterpoint to Dr. Fox’s argument. That seems a little weasel-ish.

    • @ldr540
      @ldr540 4 года назад

      @@ojfranklin Have you been living under a proverbial rock? TDS = Trump derangement syndrome. Here's a counterpoint in Fox's own style and at his own level of argumentation: I bet my eternal salvation that Fox's fear-mongering rhetoric about Trump is pure hyperbole.

  • @picknpull8888
    @picknpull8888 4 года назад +6

    CNN has a spot for you!

  • @joanpetersenrond3571
    @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +5

    Read fact checkers on Sean Hannity.

  • @RaiderChampion34
    @RaiderChampion34 4 года назад +12

    Blue liar > Red liar with soft background music...saved you 7 mins

  • @annathompson9191
    @annathompson9191 4 года назад +1

    Thank you very much, Professor Fox. This rings so true.
    Your class was one of my most valuable experiences at the University. This semester my own son is enrolled, and we couldn't be more grateful for the crucial understanding and perspective he is gaining as a citizen of this great nation and as a 1st time voter in 2020.

  • @ahyesperfection4964
    @ahyesperfection4964 4 года назад +14

    A man with a brain,

    • @sophielle777
      @sophielle777 4 года назад

      What is perfect about repeating the same lies like propaganda does?

    • @ahyesperfection4964
      @ahyesperfection4964 4 года назад

      @@sophielle777 Everything...

    • @ahyesperfection4964
      @ahyesperfection4964 4 года назад

      I enjoy reading comments from triggered people like you

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 Год назад

      This aged horribly. 'Perfection' 😂

  • @yeshalloween
    @yeshalloween 4 года назад +15

    Sorry. TRUMP2020. I know why I'm voting for him.

  • @mclassie77
    @mclassie77 4 года назад +13

    Oh dear! You have been misled professor!!

  • @boomerangbooksprovo1270
    @boomerangbooksprovo1270 2 года назад

    Wow, this Joe Biden thing really didn't pan out well did it??

  • @ceharris47
    @ceharris47 4 года назад +10

    The name Biden could be inserted most places for the name Trump and China for Russia and the argument can be made by both sides, but, looking at results, compare Trump’s accomplishments in four years to Biden’s in 47.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +2

      If you will go to Politico, an unbiased fact check site that received the Pulitzer prize for being accurate, you will be able to see the lies and search for truth. I find it challenging during this time of "division" to read the facts. It seems easier to like up my horse behind the one I want to believe. I hope that I will be humble and able to discern right from wrong, good from evil and truth from lies. It is very difficult for sure and I end up watching every news network to get a balanced view. A little FOX, a little MSNBC, a little CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Then lots of prayer and hope that I am listening to the right facts.

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 Wow! how many times do you tell yourself this in the mirror each day?

  • @Chanteteaches
    @Chanteteaches 4 года назад +23

    “It’s not a choice between Republican or Democratic policies nor conservative or liberal principles. It’s a choice growing out of the very nature and being of our democracy.” That’s exactly how I feel! Our political climate is a giant contradiction because I DO agree with many republican policies, as does this brave conservative political historian. I understand why some people who share my same religious values are party-loyal for these same policies. I feel the contradiction.
    BUT. . . believe we need someone in the highest office of our land to represent these policies who first and foremost speaks the truth, sows seeds of unity, not division, knows that he/she is not above the law, and passionately protects the people. I don't believe you can be morally corrupt yet produce good fruit. You cannot serve God and mammon.

    • @kathyperrins8538
      @kathyperrins8538 4 года назад +3

      Jill Biden was married having an affair with Joe, and that’s morally ok?

    • @mr.v10centauro69
      @mr.v10centauro69 4 года назад +3

      POTUS and family have lost millions in support of this Administration. Biden has built His fortune while in office. This is clear.
      ACB would have never been nominated under a Biden Harris Administration to the USSC. That act alone should be enough to help conservatives decide which way to vote.

    • @sbcohrs3622
      @sbcohrs3622 4 года назад +5

      You're judging harshly a man you do not know yet support a liberal Democrat who has produced nothing, hired no one, has become filthy rich by influence peddling, has a son who will end up in federal prison? Flowing this false professor is wrong. Is he not influence peddling? Yes.

    • @EtanChamare
      @EtanChamare 4 года назад

      It’s nice to see at least one intelligent comment on this video.

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      What seeds of division has he sown? A real question... I always hear that statement but I can't think of any division he has sown.

  • @williamjacobsen7529
    @williamjacobsen7529 4 года назад +3

    And this is only Part 1? Good grief! With as badly as Part 1 has gone, one would think that Fox would not even consider doing Part 2.

    • @amberleavitt1032
      @amberleavitt1032 4 года назад

      I saw part two earlier today he addressed the issue of abortion. I can't even find part 2 now so maybe he took it down. It was terrible and I'm sure he got attacked big time for it.

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад

      Hoping this is a 20 part series :-).

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@amberleavitt1032 it's still there and just as ambiguous and empty as this one.

  • @gholman9182
    @gholman9182 4 года назад +13

    Did he say “Mindless” followers? Worse than Watergate? Also, I’m not sure I can take direction from a BYU professor with a mustache

  • @avatarjonathan3568
    @avatarjonathan3568 4 года назад +19

    This video is this guy’s resignation from BYU... and politics... and rational thinking.

    • @Chanteteaches
      @Chanteteaches 4 года назад +6

      Well, he is retired so no resignation neessary. And given that he's devoted his entire career to the study of government and political history, I would assume he's entitled to an opinion about it, even if it's different from your own. There must be a way we can allow freedom of thought without demoralizing comments. That's unfortuantely the strategy of my life-long party and it's embarrasing. "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

    • @darens440
      @darens440 4 года назад +4

      @@Chanteteaches Devoting an entire career to something does not mean they are good. Look at Joe Biden, he's been in government for 47 years and has accomplished very little. I suppose he did pass a racially prejudiced Crime bill in 1994 targeting minorities. He did push for school segregation in the 70s to prevent "a racial jungle". For 8 years he had the great power of Vice President used it to make his family rich instead of improving American lives. Doesn't matter though, it will be Kamala Harris as president for most of Biden's term. She certainly has a nefarious start to her political career. She is inexperienced in governing; having only served as a junior senator for 3 years. She does have a lot of experience in aggressively prosecuting minorities in California. One of whom was fully exonerated and given 10 million dollars for the wrongful conviction. (Jamal Trulove) If you want to expand the prison and welfare populations by all means vote Harris Biden 2020.

    • @Chanteteaches
      @Chanteteaches 4 года назад +2

      daren s thanks for sharing. I’m not here to futilely argue candidate histories with you. So I’ll leave it at this - I’m happy you live in a country where you are free to express them. Take care.

    • @darens440
      @darens440 4 года назад +4

      ​@@Chanteteaches No Problem, i will cover Trump for you. He was never in politics until he announced he would run. Then Obama+Biden illegally spied on his campaign without any consequences. He was then suddenly branded a racist because he ran as a republican supporting America First. They fabricated the russia hoax and wasted years/millions of dollars keeping it going. When that failed, they tried impeachment over a no fault phone call. That failed, and Trump reacted very quickly to Cov19 by banning travel from China. Biden's response? "Xenophobic!" Biden would not have done this and our situation would have been significantly worse. Now Joe Biden is plagiarizing trump's successful ideas (buy/hire/build american) mixing in the radical left's socialist ideals. Biden is lying about fracking and packing the supreme court. Biden is also avoiding any real criticism or debate so nobody can see how fragile the old guy is. At 77 can you blame him?

    • @FredFredrickson4104
      @FredFredrickson4104 4 года назад

      @@darens440 I’ve never gotten a Trump supporter to respond to this video for me.видео.html Let me know your thoughts.

  • @changosprietos
    @changosprietos 4 года назад +5

    Thank you for speaking up.

  • @ejs7721
    @ejs7721 4 года назад +27

    Relationship with Putin? Show me one document.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +1

      Thank you for your question. Trump was impeached and the documents were redacted. Barr took care of things.
      Honestly, I hope that I will be humble and able to discern right from wrong, good from evil and truth from lies. It is very difficult for sure and I end up watching every news network to get a balanced view. A little FOX, a little MSNBC, a little CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Then lots of prayer and hope that I am listening to the right facts.

    • @ejs7721
      @ejs7721 4 года назад

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 you should add a few news sources that aren't main stream media like Glenn Beck or even people like Ben Shapiro, Candence owens, etc...
      Appreciate your comment, it's definitely a polarizing time and I agree, we should all try to be humble and hopefully we can discern truth from lies.

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 HA! Wow and enough of your little mantra at the end.

  • @lloydmobley8056
    @lloydmobley8056 4 года назад +14

    Glad I didn't take his class. I might be less informed today.

  • @davidknecht
    @davidknecht 4 года назад +2

    OK everyone. Thanks for your comments, thumbs ups and downs. Don't worry. This was just a social experiment. Thanks again for commenting.

    • @sbcohrs3622
      @sbcohrs3622 4 года назад +4

      Your "social experiment" ignited a firestorm in my community and across the country. It was as irresponsible as the mr fox statements. Are you a BYU employee? I don't expect an honest answer since your experiment was so profoundly dishonest.

    • @coolclubsforkids4128
      @coolclubsforkids4128 4 года назад +4

      Is this just a random comment or do you have some basis for saying this was just a social experiment?

  • @kvanderstel
    @kvanderstel 4 года назад +14

    Well, I just about threw up at 2:30, I guess I'm a mindless dolt. This guy's blathering prevents me from finishing this video, and to think this is part 1

  • @anghlucas
    @anghlucas 4 года назад +21

    Thank you for taking a courageous stand for something you clearly believe in (and have deep knowledge and expertise in) especially knowing you’ll get backlash in this polarized climate. Those commenting here with personal attacks, outrage, or anger are revealing more about themselves than about you. You stood with calm, quiet, gentle integrity. The difference between your demeanor and many of those who disagree with you could not be more stark.

    • @mr.v10centauro69
      @mr.v10centauro69 4 года назад +2

      He publicly slandered the POTUS without substance backing He claims. Professor Fox will not be imprisoned, or harmed in any way as most would be subjecting themselves to if He were to do this elsewhere. In the public forum of commenting, His remarks earn Him zero right to Quarter.

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      And this means what?

  • @mr.v10centauro69
    @mr.v10centauro69 4 года назад +20

    Professor Fox, that was hard to watch. The Music only made it worse. Both candidates have their share of past and present sin. So be it. Trump perhaps has more. Be it unto the Lord.
    Lets talk policy and the future.
    POTUS has received 4 nods for the NPP in 2021. Strong military, no new foreign wars. NATO Allies doing more than ever to pay up, and doing something to try confront our chief antagonist on the World Stage, China, not Russia. Globalism has hurt this country a great deal economically. Aging, 1 term at best Biden, and the democrats stand for Globalism, along with many republicans.
    Great civilizations of the past survived tyrants at times, but never survived large scale moral decay, over extension in foreign commitments, and mob rule. Largesse, or the loftiness of the branches overcoming the strength of the roots will be our downfall.
    We need to get spending under control and keep our cash flow up. We can handle debt, but only with good cash flow. The party which yurns for the destruction of the fossil fuel industry before a market driven alternative is affordably in place, has no viable economic answers. Pelosi and the left present no viable soultions for growing industry and the economy except from taxing, cutting, and theoretical green growth with a track record that is in the red for expense.
    Climate Science does not scan for all because it has been politicized. Science has married politics and divorced reason and logic in many areas. Both parties are guilty here, but only one is centered on the slow, subtle destruction of the use of fossil fuels before rightly, and logically, we as a species transition away from their usage. The closure of the last coal plant in NYS is an example of this. Our energy prices go up, and we are more at risk for brown outs as our consumption increases. All while losing 15 to 20 million in local tax revenue and still buying out of state coal derived power on the sly to supplement our power demands. This way, Governor Cuomo can say His administration has meet its Climate Policy goals. This one act, has destroyed a community, hurt surrounding communities, and disrupted industry supplying the plant to a degree that is hard to track. And this is but one, small example of the problem of policies rooted ideological pursuits rather than reason and what is best for the people you govern. This man will be the face of the Democrat Party in 4 years, and in some circles, already is.
    Biden and the Democratic ticket are not the answer to americas woes; ie, the economic fallout on the horizon. We cannot spend our way out of this. Obama did that once, doubled the debt, and left us with GDP under 2% after 8 years.
    Want to better gaurentee a victor and reaffirm an untampered with election? Want to silence many of the conspirators? Show up and vote in person. Every one of us. As we largely do and have done outside of the absentee process. If this is close, and largely decided by mail in ballots, counted weeks after the election and vulnerable to fraud, then POTUS or Biden have a right to battle it out in the courts. Very American, albeit unfortunent and expensive to the taxpayer and the economy.
    Grateful for your love of America Professor. Not a fan of your insinuation to knowing the mind of the Brethren, or your voting for the more moral candidate when Joe Biden and K Harris are your chosen candidates.
    In that vien of freedom that you excerised in making the video, as a BYUI Alumni, I profoundly disagree with your stance.
    My compliments to your treehouse.

  • @hugofraga4281
    @hugofraga4281 4 года назад +4

    [Cue dropping shades.] I love this. Thanks, Professor Fox. You the man. And I still have my AH book. Can anyone tell me the 7 market weaknesses?

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 Год назад

      Here's the biggest market weakness, taking advice from fools and calling them 'the man.' 😅

  • @ethanhallstrom3394
    @ethanhallstrom3394 3 года назад

    He is really ostracizing those that don't have his same beliefs and I really think there is a difference between his beliefs and what could be the truth. Besides that, I do agree with the rest of what was said cause Trump is simply not a great Presidential selection. Again, not a fan of the music and the plight that is heavily laden with pathos to "his BYU American heritage students"

  • @kathrynwouden9578
    @kathrynwouden9578 4 года назад +26

    Standing ovation for your courage for speaking truth! Many stand with you! Keep speaking out!

    • @Sam33407
      @Sam33407 4 года назад +3

      That’s not courage. That’s the main stream opinion. Since when did it take courage to publicly attack Trump?

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      Please provide and factual proof he presented

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 Год назад

      So how does his truth hold up? Should he continue speaking out? He was so wrong.

  • @krystynamccurdy5197
    @krystynamccurdy5197 4 года назад +1

    He keeps saying “this is the reason why you took American Heritage” the whole time I took that class I felt like my instructor was trying to indoctrinate me. It was not a class that invited free thinking but rather presented the instructors opinions as fact. I don’t think that’s a great point to make for anyone who has taken the class, unless the point is to brainwash us.

    • @EtanChamare
      @EtanChamare 4 года назад

      You call it indoctrination because it counters the ideas you’ve previously been indoctrinated with.

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@EtanChamare Being taught true doesn't imply indoctrination

    • @EtanChamare
      @EtanChamare 4 года назад

      @@GodFatherDeVoochi You call it truth because it’s what you believe, not because it’s necessarily true. Everything that’s taught as an absolute truth that isn’t based on math and formal logic is simply indoctrination, whether it’s absolutely true or not.

  • @cillaeatscheese
    @cillaeatscheese 4 года назад +10

    Loved your class in 2004, probably my favorite one at BYU. I'm open to the thoughts presented here but my main concerns were not addressed in these videos. What about Joe's mental capacity? Pelosi is already getting her ducks in a row to take him out ASAP. When that happens and Kamala moves in, aren't we leading right down the path of socialism and then communism and then fascism? I see the radical left ready to pounce, especially in congress! We know that they support the blm organization, which has an openly communist agenda. Then what happens to those of us who are against it? Will we be taken out? And what about Venezuela? We are following that pattern exactly, not Sweden as many claim. I really am interested in professor Fox's answers, these are legitimately my concerns. Honestly all the reasons he has given don't even touch my concerns. Please reply!

    • @bobaseth1
      @bobaseth1 4 года назад +7

      I consider myself to be libertarian. I’m trying to be civil, so please don’t interpret my comment as an attack in any way! :)
      “Joe’s mental capacity” The fact of the matter is that the majority of these claims are attacks levied at his stutter that he has had since he was a child. He frequently talks about that stutter and how it contributes to his gaffes. Watching him in the debates for sustained periods and not just spliced clips, anyone can tell that he is quite mentally sharp, though he does still have gaffes, as anyone does (remember covfefe, hamberders, and the Alabama hurricane? It happens!)
      “Kamala Harris” I’m curious what makes you think she is a radical leftist. Most democrats consider her to be an establishment candidate, and although she ran as a progressive candidate before, her track record is very centrist in many ways.
      “Socialism leads to communism leads to fascism” There are very few people in the country that want socialism a la China, Venezuela, USSR, etc. (they’re called “tankies”). Most “radical leftists” want free education, healthcare, etc. which is more similar to democratic socialist policies found in Europe. The U.S. is the only developed country without universal healthcare, AND I AM NOT SAYING THAT I ADVOCATE FOR UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE, but my point is that if someone DID advocate for it, it is not so radical given that every developed country already has universal healthcare.
      “Communism” I don’t necessarily demonize communism as an ideology, given that there are many peaceful communes within the United States currently (The Yellow Deli people, Hutterites, etc.) the real problem with many communist societies is the authoritarianism, where the government takes away the citizens’ freedom at the cost of implementing communism (which is why countries such as China, Venezuela, Cuba, and the USSR are evil). So while communism can be good or bad depending on the scale, authoritarianism is always evil. No one should exercise unrighteous dominion over another. So I wouldn’t personally say “communism is bad,” because I tend to believe that communism is bad if it is coupled with authoritarianism.
      “Fascism” Fascism is of course evil, because although communism isn’t necessarily authoritarian, fascism by definition is authoritarian. However, what the left wants is not IMO fascism, because fascism generally requires a belief in the superiority of a race or nation and uses that to silence opposition. I don’t think there are many on the left or the right that would say they believe in the superiority of one race over another, so I think the fascism argument is a strawman.
      These are some viewpoints that I thought of while reading your comment, I realize you were hoping to get an answer from Dr. Fox, but I hope it can stimulate healthy discussion.

    • @Linda1961lam
      @Linda1961lam 4 года назад +3

      You’re concerned about Biden, but not Trump’s slurring, shuffling? Mentioning work ups about strokes when no one else had? Ironic.

    • @cillaeatscheese
      @cillaeatscheese 4 года назад

      @@bobaseth1 Thank you for your thoughts! 👍

    • @karenpoch
      @karenpoch 4 года назад

      @@bobaseth1 Thank you for your civility. When government doles something out to the populace they have power over the populace. You could liken this to a parent who doles money out to a child and then withholds the money if the child doesn’t do what the parent wishes. Socialism gives government more power. We the people would rather hold on to our power and liberty than to give it up for free medical care that isn’t free. (We will pay for it through a bureaucratic third party) Medical care would be watered down at best. I could give you plenty of examples of Canada’s problems with health care. My father was born there and my brother-in-law sees plenty of Canadians who come to the US for health care in his practice.

  • @Sam33407
    @Sam33407 4 года назад +24

    You had me thinking you were basing this on principle until you got to the ridiculous assertion about Covid. Then I realized you were just hiding your own political agenda under a feigned longing for integrity in leadership.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад

      I just can't feel peace when the President of the US is trash talking others? Everyone seems to be against him. He is the common denominator. The entire world is "faking" news about corona-virus. The negative talk about our brothers and sisters of other nations and races doesn't feel right.

    • @Sam33407
      @Sam33407 4 года назад +3

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 I agree. Trump is deeply flawed as a human. I wish he would act and speak as suits the office. However, Dr. Fox’s criticisms apply every bit to Joe Biden. In addition, I am pro life and Biden is not. I wish we had other options but putting Biden, and ultimately Harris in office is not the answer.

    • @tatankat5839
      @tatankat5839 4 года назад

      Yes...well said

    • @karenpoch
      @karenpoch 4 года назад +1

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 I looked at your profile and can see you are subscribed to CNN and MSNBC. You also mention Politico in many of your replies to comments as a fact checker. It looks like you are on a steady diet of liberalism. I can’t take anything serious Mr Fox says.

  • @kathleenmiller2562
    @kathleenmiller2562 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Professor Fox. Thank you for having the courage to step out and even be called names and be disbelieved. I can see by the comments below that many of the people rather than stating what they agree and disagree and why have taking their queue from the Trump playbook of calling names, investigating your past, your present relationship with the church. I am a Republican and I was against Trump. I saw the Republican party reluctantly endorsed him but felt they couldn't win without him. I even reluctantly voted for him because I would have been arrested as opposed to Hillary when I had a clearance for the government for not abiding security laws. Many dictators have gotten into power by endorsing religion, eschewing the media or controlling it, keeping only friends and family members or sheep around you that only agree with you and saying "I'm only right." Party members thought they could win him to their way and perhaps control him. I hoped he would change, but he only got worse. He has fired and defamed anyone that has opposed him. He is very childlike, narcissist and non-Christian in his actions. Anyone that goes into politics nowadays sells their soul to interest groups. Many use what they perceive as Biden's own weaknesses as an excuse to defend Trump. I can understand people that voted for him again because they stand for the party platform. But I didn't -I see him as a danger to the constitution. His allies are dictators because he admires them. You only look at Putin and you can see he is smirking because he knows Trump is a weakness to the U.S. For those of us that studied that Eastern part the world at BYU, who have taken a look at socialism, communism and totalitarianism, know there is very little difference in actual practice. Having grown up in Utah, I can see that many members think being Republican and voting straight Republican is the only choice and name call you liberal or a communist or something else if they don't. They don't believe the prophets to keep politics out of church building and there are good parts of both parties. Unfortunately, in believing that Republican equates the same to being a member of the church, they have failed to see the corruption that has entered the Republican party as well.

    • @kathleenmiller2562
      @kathleenmiller2562 3 года назад

      I didn't think you had to address the church with this--just state your experience.

  • @kvigoren
    @kvigoren 4 года назад +12

    I took your class fall semester of 1996. One of the best classes I ever attended at BYU. Thank you for speaking up when it matters. I know what courage this requires at any institution, yet alone BYU. I hope truth, integrity, and true leadership prevail.

  • @eddycheval4332
    @eddycheval4332 3 года назад

    I love this...Great job!

  • @ejs7721
    @ejs7721 4 года назад +16

    What fear is he spreading?

  • @micmacc2014
    @micmacc2014 4 года назад +5

    The United States of America’s is a Democracy? I guess if the professor keeps saying it, makes it so.

    • @EtanChamare
      @EtanChamare 4 года назад

      If you don’t understand the definition of democracy, I think you need to take American Heritage again.

  • @metagrossjr87
    @metagrossjr87 4 года назад +7

    As a BYU-Idaho student, I’m glad I took AP gov and tested out of American Heritage. This was a poor attempt to sway LDS republicans who aren’t quite conservative to vote for Biden based on “morals” and “principle.” Why vote for a politician that is in almost every way opposed to your beliefs and ideology? Because they are a slightly better person in their public life?
    And the soft music in the background. Is that supposed to invoke a feeling like it’s from the Church or something? Good job trying to use BYU and the Church to give more authority to your opinion.

  • @virginiaallen4723
    @virginiaallen4723 4 года назад +2

    We need more people to listen to this. I have shared it with friends.

  • @joanpetersenrond3571
    @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +4

    Many excellent points. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  • @kevinwalkenhorst337
    @kevinwalkenhorst337 4 года назад +2

    Truth is light and light is Spirit, even the spirit of Jesus Christ. Use your good sense and be prayerful. There is one person who knows all truth!

  • @mahonrimoriancumer3430
    @mahonrimoriancumer3430 4 года назад +4

    Better get the guy who knew about his son having a naked zoom call with a 14 year old and did nothing. Can't have a name caller in there.

  • @anniecalderon5526
    @anniecalderon5526 4 года назад +5

    This professor is full of hate. You have to get rid of that hate before claiming for salvation.

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад +1

      A well communicated argument is “hate”? Your echo chamber must be fabulous!

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@ojfranklin hate can be well communicated

  • @ejs7721
    @ejs7721 4 года назад +17

    Name some things he's lied about please?

    • @j.jensen4539
      @j.jensen4539 4 года назад +4

      ej 1. This virus will disappear.
      2. I did not collude with Russia
      3. I did not ignore the intelligence report on the Russian bounties for American soldiers.
      4. I have a health plan to replace ACA.
      5. I’m not trying to repeal pre-existing conditions.
      6. I will not touch your social security.
      7. Our economy is doing great!
      8. I will bring back coal.
      9. I will increase American manufacturing.
      10. Etc, etc, etc.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +3

      If you will go to Politico, an unbiased fact check site that received the Pulitzer prize for being accurate, you will be able to see the lies and search for truth. I find it challenging during this time of "division" to read the facts. It seems easier to like up my horse behind the one I want to believe. I hope that I will be humble and able to discern right from wrong, good from evil and truth from lies. It is very difficult for sure and I end up watching every news network to get a balanced view. A little FOX, a little MSNBC, a little CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Then lots of prayer and hope that I am listening to the right facts.

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 Год назад

      ​@@j.jensen4539Haha! These look so ridiculous now. You probably forgot about this. But here it is, with your name attached.

  • @jefflowry7169
    @jefflowry7169 4 года назад +21

    This is sad to watch. In most respects a good man trading on the name of BYU and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to push his political agenda. Too much reliance on ethos/pathos and not enough on logos - common amongst democrats, whether legitimate or compensated.

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +1

      It seems to me that this intelligent and knowledgeable professor is trying to warn us. I think it's only political agenda is to warn people who have been deceived by Donald Trump who is a known liar. He has surrounded himself with Gadianton robbers.

    • @jefflowry7169
      @jefflowry7169 4 года назад

      It seems to me that you are not able to appropriately discern who is lying and who is actually entrenched with those who deceive. The members of the Democratic Party are expert at breaking the law, changing our laws to the detriment of our society, being divisive, and spreading hate and intolerance. They then, in acts of projection, point the finger at members of the Republican Party saying the republicans are the ones committing these acts and claim republicans are lying if they deny it.

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад

      Based on your response and using logical syllogism, you must be in good company with Democrats as your initial and follow up comment lacked logos. Tu quoque.

    • @jefflowry7169
      @jefflowry7169 4 года назад

      This video is the logos behind my comments. Accusation after accusation with no substantive facts to support the accusations. Baseless, projecting, and enslaving. The debate last night adds even more credibility to my comments. Mr. Biden lied multiple times about his involvement with foreign government/industry and his position on immigration, crime, and energy. Talk about hypocrisy.....

  • @thatguy1860
    @thatguy1860 4 года назад +1

    BYU sucks now officially!!! If the church turns away from freedom, they are dead to me!

  • @president2
    @president2 4 года назад +2

    Even my most elite will be deceived I paraphrase.

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад

      And yet some will have “ears to listen”,

  • @phil8572
    @phil8572 2 года назад +1

    This didn’t age well…Biden gave you what you voted for…
    Also, if your betting on your “Eternal Salvation” over political scrap do you really hold that salvation in high regard?

  • @kyledaines2428
    @kyledaines2428 4 года назад +3

    Modern-day Pharisee

    • @joanpetersenrond3571
      @joanpetersenrond3571 4 года назад +1

      If you will go to Politico, an unbiased fact check site that received the Pulitzer prize for being accurate, you will be able to see the lies and search for truth. I find it challenging during this time of "division" to read the facts. It seems easier to like up my horse behind the one I want to believe. I hope that I will be humble and able to discern right from wrong, good from evil and truth from lies. It is very difficult for sure and I end up watching every news network to get a balanced view. A little FOX, a little MSNBC, a little CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Then lots of prayer and hope that I am listening to the right facts.

    • @kyledaines2428
      @kyledaines2428 4 года назад

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 Dude even Politico leans left. The left influence on media is everywhere, even when they say they're 'unbiased'

    • @EtanChamare
      @EtanChamare 4 года назад

      @@kyledaines2428 Everyone is left compared to Hitler.

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@joanpetersenrond3571 Enough of your mantra

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      @@EtanChamare Who's talking about Hitler?

  • @nataliebrowning5784
    @nataliebrowning5784 4 года назад +14

    Totally pathetic!!

  • @coolclubsforkids4128
    @coolclubsforkids4128 4 года назад +16

    I strongly disagree with your points. You provide no substantiation apart from DNC talking points. The Chinese controversy about access and about half of a son’s salary going to his dad in office should give everyone pause about the democratic candidate. ALL of the points you mention here seem to apply far more to Biden and progressives than they do to Trump. I have been very happy with the outcomes under Trump - including judges that are more likely to interpret laws based on the constitution than to inflict their own opinions on us under the guise of law. However coarse Trump may have been, he’s emerged as a leader who gets GOOD results and increases our liberties. That is a good thing. It was disheartening to lose more and more freedom under obama, to see the government step in and regulate our lives to the smallest degree. I support Trump because he is turning that around. He is producing profoundly good results.

  • @RyanFarnes
    @RyanFarnes 4 года назад +5

    What an embarrassment to invoke BYU for this. I will never stop being amazed at how pedestrian and mediocre the intellect is of people that so often assert expertise.

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад

      Do you have a counterpoint? Dr. Fox’s class is a requirement at all LDS schools. Why would it be wrong to reference that?

    • @RyanFarnes
      @RyanFarnes 4 года назад

      ​@@ojfranklin "...invoke BYU," not the American Heritage course.
      The platform and movement that Biden represents, and his moral character, is incompatible with the principles espoused by BYU's sponsoring institution. Where does one even start with a video that states that the election is not about policies or principles? Then to assert that "mind and spirit" are the defining measurements. Both candidates are empty suits devoid of character. All that is left are competing policies and principles for which they are politically incentivized.
      Joseph Biden has premised his campaign on an untruth with the "very fine people," lie. That Professor Fox doesn't recognize this is entirely discrediting.
      If I create a more lengthy rebuttal, I'll post a link to it here.

  • @Eseindividuo
    @Eseindividuo 4 года назад +1

    As a foreign student (Peruvian) I took AH from him at BYU nearly 30 years ago. It is sad to see that he has fallen prey to the many lies and false characterizations of this President. MAGA 2020

  • @amandastark5053
    @amandastark5053 4 года назад +20

    Thank you Dr. Fox! I agree wholeheartedly.
    Listen to the historians!

    • @sbcohrs3622
      @sbcohrs3622 4 года назад +1

      He's not a historian.

    • @Sam33407
      @Sam33407 4 года назад +2

      Yes. Let’s listen to the historians. Watch the left duplicate the failed revolutions of France, Russia, China, and Cuba. Trump is a dumpster fire but Biden is twice as crooked and not above ushering in the end of free speech.

    • @GodFatherDeVoochi
      @GodFatherDeVoochi 4 года назад

      When they are learned they think they are wise

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 Год назад

      Feel embarrassed yet? Don't worry, you'll be reminded when the economy collapses.

  • @scottcantwell4512
    @scottcantwell4512 4 года назад +33

    I had the class high in American Heritage among 900 students and in the 20 years since then have delved much deeper into Civics. I took it from the Honors professor, not you, and it was one of my favorite classes.
    You, Professor, are deluded, misrepresent the principles taught in that class for your own political bias, and throw out already disproven allegations against Trump as if they are fact. You are trying to manipulate the uninformed. You are doing it knowingly.
    Throwing your vote behind Biden/Harris with their clear track record of corruption and socialist principles show you’ve turned your back on the founding principles of our Republic. I’m disgusted with your name dropping BYU, this class, The First Presidency, the brethren. There are heavy eternal consequences for wresting the words of the prophets for your gain.
    I’ll vote for the candidate with an intention and track record of upholding the sanctity of unborn life, supporting the family, upholding the Constitution as it is written, including religious liberty, the second amendment, the 14th amendment, etc. That’s Trump. And his stellar pre-Covid 19 economy, work to curtail sex trafficking, high employment rates among all snd especially among minorities, ssupport for the rule of law, historic cut to federal regulations and the size of government and taxes are all just icing on the cake.
    Biden/Harris promise to make abortion the law of the land. Promise to make religions bow to the woke agenda or else. Will pack the court, push to remove the filibuster and thus create a simple majority, and take other destructive actions to the Constitution. And the corruption of these two is staggering. Both show zero regard for the rule of law - not a single police force endorsed them (many endorse Trump).
    You seem to have forgotten that this is not a Democracy, it’s a Republic. That the founding fathers feared the mob rule and manipulation possible under a Democracy, almost as much as a tyranny. And you conveniently forgot what the electoral college is and the important purpose for it.
    The 100 level text book you wrote 25 years ago was just ok. The poor arguments you just cobbled together and the attempt to name drop church leadership are not ok. For letting your students know your political opinions in such an overt way, you get an F.

    • @sbcohrs3622
      @sbcohrs3622 4 года назад +6

      You have expressed my very shocked thoughts that such a deluded one is affiliated with BYU...I'm shaken by this to my very spirit. The students have no defense of such acteisted view. God please protect our children...

    • @sbcohrs3622
      @sbcohrs3622 4 года назад

      a twisted

    • @sbcohrs3622
      @sbcohrs3622 4 года назад +1

      My comment is in support of Scott Cantells...

    • @darens440
      @darens440 4 года назад +5

      Wow, Scott, that is excellent. This professor is clearly suffering from cognitive dissonance.

    • @ctr1linda
      @ctr1linda 4 года назад +4

      Thank you Scott for your comments above. They reflect my thoughts exactly.

  • @WWarnick
    @WWarnick 4 года назад +1

    Thank you beyond words for posting this. I’ve been seeing the same things but no one takes me seriously and it’s very disconcerting - especially since we all have a similar love for the Constitution in common and are students of it as well as history. I see warning patterns all over the place, but am made to feel like I’m overreacting and paying attention to the wrong things. But these things ARE the foundation. WITH the foundation you can discuss and change policy. WITHOUT the foundation, all bets are off and you are sliding into autocracy where no discussion or change would ever be possible again. It’s been so very confusing as to why no one else seems to be seeing this. So THANK YOU for speaking out. I feel so much less alone in all this. Thank you.

  • @Ehcfe
    @Ehcfe 4 года назад +5

    Was this supposed to be a comedy, because I couldn’t help but laugh through the whole thing. If I had the time I would go through each point, but this should be enough: “I am a conservative republican”... but voting for the most socialist leftist ticket.

  • @1TCarlson
    @1TCarlson 4 года назад +20

    Wow! As co-founder of the American Heritage program, I would think you would know that America is a Constitutional Republic, NOT a “Democracy”, point #1. Point #2, representing yourself as a “Republican” is laughable when it is clear you stand for communism. Point #3 “I’ll pray for your “eternal salvation” because you clearly need it. Also... thanks for deleting my comment on the FB page... clear evidence that your ego can’t stand it when you’re corrected. P.S. Even the prophet himself won’t get involved in political persuasion.... what’s your real game here??

    • @EtanChamare
      @EtanChamare 4 года назад

      I bet your brain looks like a giant bowling ball

  • @thatguy1860
    @thatguy1860 4 года назад +21

    Joe bidens wisdom, lol

  • @Sam33407
    @Sam33407 4 года назад +6

    You need to spend equal time on Joe Biden. Trump is extremely flawed as you describe. Joe Biden is every bit as corrupt but has the advantage of more decades in office. Party affiliation does matter. Who a candidate will put on the Courts matters. Personal corruption being equal, Trump is the lesser of two evils.

  • @IshDaFishPickleball
    @IshDaFishPickleball 4 года назад +4

    Pretty pathetic!!!

  • @VeryBeri1
    @VeryBeri1 4 года назад +7

    Thank you Prof. Fox. I was in your class (many many years ago), and it was my favorite class. I completely agree with you regarding Pres. Trump.

  • @brycebarrowes9570
    @brycebarrowes9570 4 года назад +7

    I’m not saying he’s completely wrong about trump, but he opens this video saying he’s not left or right, but then makes a clearly leaned political attack on Trump. He lays out his metrics for justification ie lies and mindless followers, overreaching powers, etc, but then completely ignores the fact that it is prevalent in both parties. Why just single out trump if those are the metrics by which you measure how to vote? Our politics are corrupt on both sides, also trying to manipulate people by playing the lds card, smh.

  • @ericjohnston2924
    @ericjohnston2924 4 года назад +2

    I am a BYU Alumnus and an Active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. And I am proud to say that I have made up my mind about who to vote for. Nothing in your vitriol diatribe changes my mind, therefore at a minimum, I will be cancelling your vote for Uncle Joe Biden. As a side note, I want to state that your 'betting of your eternal salvation' that General Authorities will be voting for Biden is an interesting statement. As you should know, everyone, except the Sons of Perdition, will receive eternal salvation. You are going to get it no matter what, even if you really did not earn it. However, you will probably not get your eternal exaltation, except to the Telestial Kingdom; where you can hang out with Nancy P., Barack O., and Joe B.,

    • @ojfranklin
      @ojfranklin 4 года назад

      Lol...speaking of “vitriol” ^^^
      How sad that your connecting your activity in the church with this statement Eric.

  • @22dominicanderson
    @22dominicanderson 4 года назад

    Lol. They all lie.

  • @Dragonboy118
    @Dragonboy118 4 года назад +4


  • @magdadenver
    @magdadenver 4 года назад +7

    Thank you for speaking up for us!

  • @johnewell7156
    @johnewell7156 4 года назад +1

    This is amazing? I have sent this to all my Mormon family

  • @alyssacarman5521
    @alyssacarman5521 4 года назад +5

    Dear Professor Fox,
    As a current BYU Student, I am concerned about the lack of actual sources in your video, your unsupported claims about Joe Biden's character and abilities, and your willingness to let your eternal salvation hang on a bet about who our General Authorities support in private--something we were strongly advised AGAINST doing in this last conference.
    I use:
    to look at JUST the voting records, the declared positions and nominations any political candidate has made. Next time you'd like to make a political statement, please consider doing so with sources, I am interested in what you have to say when you do.

    • @EtanChamare
      @EtanChamare 4 года назад +1

      This video isn’t about Joe Biden, it’s about Trump being a danger to our country and constitution.

    • @loudog1964
      @loudog1964 2 года назад

      Yeah...that didn't age well.

  • @michaelmilam9359
    @michaelmilam9359 4 года назад +4

    See video that shows how wrong he is. He can't be trusted.

  • @trudybryant4690
    @trudybryant4690 4 года назад +9

    It is apparent you no nothing of what you speak. You just threw away your credibility and your salvation.

  • @lazeralien
    @lazeralien 4 года назад +1

    Most of this sounds more like Biden than Trump. This is aging poorly after a week. Lololol

  • @JustAnotherDay72
    @JustAnotherDay72 4 года назад +2

    Dr Fox why did you get fired from BYU? Is it because your students kept saying how much they hate your class because you were arrogant and taught your opinion? Why were you ex communicated from the Mormon faith and why are you trying to lead other members astray, pretending to still be a good active Mormon?!

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 4 года назад

      Chazz Foster is that true? He's not a member of the church. Was he fired?

    • @JustAnotherDay72
      @JustAnotherDay72 4 года назад +1

      @@matthewbrown3722 that’s all true... he hasn’t been active in over 14 years. I need to somehow attach the 2 videos by Darin Southam. His channel is called “Excellence in All”. It explains all of this!

    • @matthewbrown3722
      @matthewbrown3722 4 года назад

      @@JustAnotherDay72 I'll look it up. Thanks.

    • @floorcookie
      @floorcookie 4 года назад +1

      He wasn't excommunicated. Still going to church. He's in my dad's ward.

    • @JustAnotherDay72
      @JustAnotherDay72 4 года назад

      I know someone in his ward too who said they haven’t seen him more than a few times in the last 12 years. He said he’s been inactive since he was fired from BYU.