That scene at the end of season 1 was very symbolic. It was Jax stepping out and letting everyone know he wasnt going to tow the company line. Tara in this scene also stepped out and essentially marked her territory. She claimed Jax and put Gemma and Wendy on blast. She let Wendy and all the women in Charming for that matter know that Jax was hers and she let Gemma know that she wasnt going anywhere.
That scene at the end of season 1 was very symbolic. It was Jax stepping out and letting everyone know he wasnt going to tow the company line. Tara in this scene also stepped out and essentially marked her territory. She claimed Jax and put Gemma and Wendy on blast. She let Wendy and all the women in Charming for that matter know that Jax was hers and she let Gemma know that she wasnt going anywhere.
SAMCRO Forever
Larkin' Poe
As soon as I get close to a cig I am going to do what I have to get it asd
Time for a change
Marbole blacks ok