yes, this is exactly how it has been put: "it's like FLYING just above the ground", from the driver's perspective. it is a new driving experience, also and especially for the passenger. the passenger has a great view through the large windows on the left and right, and can enjoy the ride.
@SlowPCGaming1 The support wheels replace in the first function the legs and feet of any motorcyclist when stopping and going. Each motorcyclist must decide for himself when he needs to support his single-track vehicle so that it does not tip over. All do completely automatically without thinking about it. In my closed cabin, the legs remain in the cabin, so I still have to decide for myself when I have to support my vehicle. If an automatic system got in my way, that would be very dangerous. The driver has to make all the decisions himself.
And when travelling as a couple, the required space is optimally and efficiently utilised. Behind the pillion passenger's head is a cargo compartment with a load capacity of 140 litres for all luggage. The ergonomic RECARO seats offer maximum seating comfort even on very long journeys.
Basically, this is a concept for individual mobility requirements, whereby the energy used per person is converted into movement in an incomparably advantageous way. It is also safe and great fun. Energy-efficient riding also applies to all other motorbikes, but the cabin motorbike concept differs precisely because of this cabin. The atmosphere in the cabin is comparable to that in a car, but you are riding a motorbike.
Why aren’t government promoting this for driving to work instead of moving all that weight of a car back and forth. Clearly no government really care about the environment otherwise these would be everywhere.
that is indeed a good argument, because these vehicles are very economical and efficient. the petrol engines consume less than comparable motorbikes. Parking does not require as much space as a car, but unfortunately there is no government that takes care of such matters.
@@MonoRacer unfortunately Plutocracy and cronyism in the oil industry crush any obvious solutions. It a no brainer, government could incentivise by a reduced registration but the oil companies are in their pockets
I always try to explain safety in the same way. The material for a helmet is stable and is designed to protect the head. The material for the cab of these vehicles is very stable and is designed to protect the occupants.
Dalek! Je z Čech❤! Výtvor pana Andrleho..první kusy byly v Československu vyrobeny již v roce 1950.... To je naprostá pravda. Jan Anderle a Arnold Wagner se několikrát setkali a vyměnili si myšlenky o tomto fantastickém nápadu.
The ride in good clothes, possibly in the rain, and then on a motorbike? The inventor of these vehicles, Arnold Wagner, describes this personal motif in his book. Riding a motorbike on a long distance to work, and getting off well dressed, without helmet and leather clothing as one of his motives. I personally love to ride a cabin motorbike in the winter with summer clothing and interior heating. during the summertime, I have an air conditioner that regulates the interior comfortably.
this is one of many reasons why i love riding my motorbike in this closed cabin. i am safe and protected on all my journeys in this cabin. the high weight of these cabin motorbikes also requires a different riding style than with a small lightweight off-road machine. with enough riding experience, you can also ride quite sportily around the bends, but a small springbok would leave you behind in the eternal slalom. on the long stretch, you'll catch up with the little one again.
It is not the driver's seat that is suitable for a possible overnight stay in the vehicle, but the pillion seat. The driver's seat can be folded forward so that you have enough space in the back to spend the night. However, it is only suitable for one p person.
Imagine it's a real motorcycle with the difference that you sit in a protective cabin and therefore don't have to wear a crash helmet and leather clothing. But it's definitely a motorcycle with a BMW K1200RS engine. The new vehicles are now only built with an electric drive. 😉
There is no gyroscope for balancing in these vehicles. That is a different concept. In the mid to late 1980s, the first ECO vehicles were driven in Switzerland, where the cabin motorbike was developed and built.
@@andrewjenery1783 When slow driving comes to a standstill, every single-track vehicle must be supported otherwise it will tip over. Motorcyclists and cyclists place their legs on the road below. As we are sitting in a closed cabin here, there are two support wheels which are lowered at the touch of a button in 0.3 seconds. If you want to set off from a standstill, you can retract the stabiliser wheels again from a low minimum speed.
Did some googling on this and you're right that there's no gyro involved... I was aware of the support wheels which seem to deploy when the ECO veh is almost at a standstill, so I'm still amazed that they stay upright at slow speeds.@@MonoRacer
@@andrewjenery1783 I think as long as the wheels are rolling, it is possible to drive straight ahead with steering movements. There are also these artists who stand with their bikes without rolling and only prevent them from tipping over by steering. This is no longer so easy with heavy single-track vehicles.
This is a really interesting vehicle. Is there a model that removes the back seat in favor of storage? I could see this being a nice single person vehicle.
In fact, 3 models were built as single-seaters, but these vehicles were correspondingly shorter. All vehicles have a boot with up to 140 litres of storage space behind the pillion rider's head.
Guten Tag / Hallo / 你好 / สวัสดี ครับ / Добрый день / Здравствуйте Ich möchte mich Herzlich bedanken für das Video Solche zu geschlossenen Motorrad gefällt mir., das ist sehr gut Ich habe das anderen Meinungen gelesen., Und ich bin froh das gibt's Menschen welche fahren auch solche., geschlossene Motorräder., das Video sehr gut., das hatt mir sehr gut gefallen Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß in Ihrem Reißen mit so einem schönen Motorrad 🏍 Mit freundlichen Grüßen Alexander 🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍
if you are seriously interested in buying a cabin motorbike, please have a look at they offer new and also used vehicles. on the page you will find a contact form, which you have to fill in. afterwards you will be contacted again.
İnsanoğluna böyle güzel işler yapabilme kabiliyetini, düşünme yeteneğini, elleri gözleri aklı veren, duyguları yaratan, Yüce Yaratıcıya, Rabbimize sonsuz şükürler olsun, Elhamdülillah
Das sehe ich genau so und es sollte auch nicht als Beispiel zur Nachahmung gedacht sein! Es ist leider so passiert und nun will ich das auch nicht deswegen löschen. Ein NoGo! --- yes, sorry zum Glück habe ich keinen Strafzettel bekommen 😅
@@MonoRacer Ja, okay. Grundlegend haben wir ja die Stvo und an der sollte man sich nicht vorbeischlängeln. Strafzettel gilt es zu daher zu vermeiden. Geht auch ganz leicht, wenn man sich an die Regeln hält. 😉 Was aber viel wichtiger ist: Unfälle vermeiden. Die Leidtragenden sind dann oftmals eher die anderen Beteiligten. Das finde ich dann gar nicht mehr witzig.
@@PBrandolin Du hast vollkommen Recht, das Wichtigste ist keine Unfälle zu machen, und das ist auch so. Normalerweise halte ich mich auch an die StVO, das war eine unglückliche Ausnahme.
опорные колеса, конечно, управляются вручную большим пальцем левой руки. если бы опорные колеса автоматически втягивались или выдвигались, то гонщик не имел бы никакого влияния на то, когда они поднимаются или опускаются. у обычного мотоциклиста ноги тоже не опускаются автоматически, но ваша голова решает, когда, где и как.
@@БарсиВасси Но в основном они используются в дождь, снег и грязь. Нет, конечно, вы можете ездить на нем и в хорошую погоду. И, как мы все знаем, это еще и веселее.
The front ring stabilises the roof structure. It is a reinforcement of the bodywork. It is not disturbing when driving. All-round visibility is not restricted. There is only a blind spot to the rear left, which is why you turn your head to the rear left before overtaking.
i would also be very happy if a large vehicle manufacturer would produce this cabin motorbike in a series. unfortunately, nobody has really thought about it yet.
Das macht bestimmt Spaß und ist auch noch schnell, sieht sehr entspannt aus. Wie funktioniert das mit der Gangschaltung oder ist das eher ein Automatikgetriebe?
Das Original 5 Gang Getriebe von BMW wurde von PERAVES so umgebaut, das es nun einen Rückwärtsgang und vier Vorwärtsgänge hat. Kupplung ist mit dem linken Fuß zu betätigen wie beim Auto. Die Gänge werden links an der Lenkstange mit dem linken Zeigefinger vorgewählt.
there is no second-hand market because only less than 200 vehicles were built. the only source I know of for offers of second-hand vehicles is this is the homepage of the manufacturer and when an owner of these rare vehicles wants to part with them, the owners often turn to Arnold Wagner, the inventor and manufacturer of these cab motorbikes. specific driving instruction is absolutely necessary before anyone can drive these cabin motorbikes! This driving training is offered in Brno, Czech Republic. This is the manufacturer's address.
@@MonoRacer Thanks, Wow only 200. I would build one, but the glass would be price to get made. I would go with the 1250 or maybe the new 1300 motor. As well all the BMW ESA, ABS, TFT, and so on... Would be a fun project.
The passengers are in a very well protected cabin. The body is built from reinforced tubular steel roll bars wrapped in carbon fiber composite and Kevlar. Lightweight materials with maximum strength. In the event of an accident, it naturally depends on the course of the accident and the speed at which a possible impact occurs.
@@bobdebouwer7835 At least not as bad as a normal motorcycle. Motorcycles are not really that bad, regardless of whether they are normal motorcycles or abnormal motorcycles, but a few motorcyclists are really bad.
Did you build this? It’s very cool! I have many questions. Do the wheels extend/retract automatically with speed? What is the power train and or base vehicle?
i didn't build this, i'm just happy that i can drive something like this. the support wheels have to be operated manually. i feel like i've answered this question a hundred times. it's always your decision when what happens and what the support wheels should do. The most recent basis for petrol vehicles was the BMW K1200RS
La tecnología del giroscopio no me parece madura. ¿Conoce algún vehículo de una sola vía en el que esta tecnología funcione sin problemas? Con las ruedas de apoyo, la frenada y el desplazamiento funcionan con un 100% de fiabilidad, y eso es muy importante.
good question. yes, that's right, if you want to get in there in the pouring rain, you should definitely have an umbrella with you. that way you can prevent too much rain from getting inside the vehicle.
So it's narrow, sleek, and very low to the ground. -Is there anything else we can do to make it less visible to other motorists? Hmm, how about we paint it tarmac-grey?
Good idea from you to make it invisible, but the road traffic regulations stipulate that all motorbikes must always be ridden with lights. Xenon lights are even fitted here, so you have very good visibility at the front and the lights are also very visible at the rear, day and night. sorry, but your request cannot be granted.
@@BigChungus-zg6zw The vehicle lighting, i.e. the Xeon light, is 1.1 metres or 3.28 feet or 39.37 inches high. Is that OK for you? How high is the light on your motorbike?
@@MonoRacer I wear highly visible clothing so visibility for oncoming traffic is over 5ft regardless of lights. On top of that as a human I have a physical form that is easily recognizable as something other than a slight bump in the road.
Due to the extremely low air resistance of 0.18 caused by the drop-shaped surface, vehicles with petrol engines consume less than 4 litres per 100 km at 90 km/h and 4.5 at 120 km/h. Electrically powered vehicles consume 7 kWh/100km or achieve 205.3 MPGe.
@@MonoRacer So, the setup is not made for fuel reduction. Since a small car can already get 1:25. And many motorcycles can get this even without a aerodynamic cabin. There should be a model with a better configuration. Maybe a diesel even.
that's right, this vehicle is definitely aerodynamic and efficient. the petrol-engined vehicles met these requirements perfectly, but the new electric version is undoubtedly even more efficient.
всю информацию вы можете найти на: и можно ли и как экспортировать/импортировать, а также регистрация и транспортировка должны быть проверены вами.
Yes, these are the arguments you have mentioned here. Due to the particularly aerodynamic surface shape, it is very efficient, consumes less gasoline and also drives faster. In the event of an accident, it is a safe cabin that can protect you and your life. In the cabin motorcycle has all the comfort as in a modern car. No other open motorcycle offers this.
@@MonoRacer I love the idea of two wheel car. I believe that it will be the most efficient way for people to travel around. And it should not be some rich people's new toy. I would say come to China and make it affordable for most of the people.
For the motorised version, could an auto clutch like rekluse be installed. Also, how does it handle speed bumps (will the bottom get scratched). There are many here in the suburbs. Thanks.
An original BMW transmission with 5 gears was converted into a transmission with 4 forward gears and one reverse gear. if the bumps are not a problem with a normal car, then not with these vehicles. have a lowered car, then your bumps are a problem, but that is not the case here.
The engine of this vehicle is a BMW K1200RS. There is no gyro, the support wheels are extended manually at the touch of a button in 0.3 seconds, and this is only necessary for stopping and parking. Otherwise you drive it like any other single-track vehicle.
the transmission has four forward gears and one reverse gear. you shift gears with your left index finger and operate the clutch with your left foot. on the steering bar on the left side, easily accessible for the left index finger, is a preselector for forward and reverse. a foot brake is designed for the right foot and you can accelerate with your right hand.
if you want to buy such a cabin motorcycle, please have a look at there you can find offers for new electric vehicles and also used petrol cabin motorcycles
Lamentablemente, aún no existe una agencia general en España. Si está interesado en una moto de cabina de este tipo, quizás debería participar en un curso de formación de pilotos, ya que el manejo correcto de las ruedas de apoyo es un requisito previo para la conducción. En Alemania o Suiza existe la posibilidad de ir de pasajero. Puede participar en un curso de formación de pilotos en Brno, en la República Checa.
As goofy as these things look and despite the ridicule I'd get from my riding friends, I really want to try one of these. However, part of the reason I moved from cars to motorcycles was height issues - when I was a poor student, I couldn't afford a car that comfortably fit my 6'6" frame. Is there a height restriction for the pilot in these things?
There isn't really a height limit, but from 2.10 metres upwards it does get a bit cramped for the driver. I don't think you'll be ridiculed by your motorbike friends, I think your motorbike friends will be jealous because you'll be riding a bike that keeps you dry in the rain. You don't need a crash helmet or leather clothing and you have air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. You can listen to the radio and talk to your pillion passenger without Bluetooth headphones in your helmet.
@@wollschweinriddim606 so the sunlight already reaches the cabin, it's more like the sunlight is quite intense. in summer i'm happy to have air conditioning, and in winter i have heating. what i really miss is the airflow that a motorcyclist experiences. a breeze lets you feel the speed, i miss that here in the cabin.
Jan Aderle, : "Between 1938 and 1941 he developed 25 single-track cars, called Dálník, with streamlined bodywork on a motorbike engine,[1] similar to later cab scooters. It differed from the Mauser single-track car in that the support wheels could be raised by hand or foot operation, which simplified the starting process." Jan Anderle and Arnold Wagner often met and exchanged ideas. It's all about the same principle. Single-track vehicles with training wheels to stop or go down. As if the little child on his bicycle with training wheels could fold up his training wheels while driving. So the Dalnik and the MonoRacer have a lot in common, but thanks to technological development, the MonoRacer is at a considerable stage of development. If someone with a lot of money were to build this project in large series, it would make economic and ecological sense and the prices for these vehicles would become affordable.
what if you took the training whels off of it and then have 2 wheels in the front and 2 in the back and then made it wider to seat 2 people up front and 2 in the back and then put a much bigger engine in it and gave it a trunk to store things?
If you remove the training wheels and then have 2 wheels at the front and 2 at the rear and then want to make it wider so that there is room for 2 people at the front and 2 at the rear, and then fit a much larger engine and add a boot for stowing things, then yes, then you have an automobile. Then, unfortunately, it's no longer a single-track vehicle.
Sorry für die verspätete Antwort. In den KabinenMotorrädern wurden fast immer BMW Motoren eingebaut, je nach derzeitigem Entwicklungsstand. Zuletzt immer ausgestattet K-1200-RS. Alle brauchbaren Teile von den BMW Motorrädern wurde mit verbaut. Insofern steckt eine ganze Menge BMW in den Fahrzeugen.
Wie funktioniert das mit den Stützrädern, wenn man quer an ein steilen hügel stehen bleibt. Können die Stützen variabel ausfahren, also eine Seit weiter als normal null und die andere Seite fährt nicht so weit aus?
@Yo_Hahn die Stützwerkräder fahren immer links wie rechts gleich aus. Wenn Unebenheiten auf der Straße sind musst du so fahren das keine Querkräfte resultieren.
There is no kickstand for this motorcycle. The support wheels stabilize the vehicle when stationary and are moved up or down in 0.3 seconds at the touch of a button.
@@hamzahansari6900 No, they do not go automatically! Imagine the support wheels would go down automatically when you drive slowly through a curve, then you have a problem. the support wheels replace the legs and feet of the driver. the decision when a motorcyclist has to support his vehicle lies with the driver, his brain gives the command now feet down or you will tip over. that's exactly how I have to do it in the closed cabin, my brain has to give the command with the left thumb to press a switch up or down so that the vehicle is supported when stopping.
No, they do not go automatically! Imagine the support wheels would go down automatically when you drive slowly through a curve, then you have a problem. the support wheels replace the legs and feet of the driver. the decision when a motorcyclist has to support his vehicle lies with the driver, his brain gives the command now feet down or you will tip over. that's exactly how I have to do it in the closed cabin, my brain has to give the command with the left thumb to press a switch up or down so that the vehicle is supported when stopping.
sorry to reply so late for such a simple and short answer. The top speed of the vehicles normally produced is 240 kilometres, almost 150 miles. However, turbo engines have also been installed which can reach speeds of over 330 km, the equivalent of 205 miles.
@nandawasthi I also imagine 330 km/h to be like another world. in the cabin motorbike you can also imagine you are flying in an aeroplane about half a metre above the road. anything over 200 km/h is very, very fast to drive, and if you want to go even faster you need "space and safety". that's not a problem on test and race tracks, but in germany there are still stretches of motorway where no speed limit is prescribed. if you want to drive faster than 200 km/h you should have "space and safety" there too. if i have this "space/safety" with the cabin motorbike then i still only ever drive just over 200 km/h. i'm not a racer, but a motorcyclist on normal roads.
My friend I really liked the song.
me too
That's pretty cool, it looks like you're in a fighter jet cockpit. I bet it's a weird sensation the first few times you drive/ride it
yes, this is exactly how it has been put: "it's like FLYING just above the ground", from the driver's perspective.
it is a new driving experience, also and especially for the passenger. the passenger has a great view through the large windows on the left and right, and can enjoy the ride.
Well if the landing gear is manual as I was told then not tipping over or totally wiping out is going to be harder to avoid.
The support wheels replace in the first function the legs and feet of any motorcyclist when stopping and going. Each motorcyclist must decide for himself when he needs to support his single-track vehicle so that it does not tip over. All do completely automatically without thinking about it. In my closed cabin, the legs remain in the cabin, so I still have to decide for myself when I have to support my vehicle. If an automatic system got in my way, that would be very dangerous. The driver has to make all the decisions himself.
Na toll, jetzt habe ich Ohrwurm und will den ganzen Song hören.
Da bin ich ganz deiner Meinung! Guten Morgen ist ein echter Ohrwurm. Es gibt etliche Varianten von dem Song.
Very good to travel for couples who wish to tour & 2 adventure new places, I love it
And when travelling as a couple, the required space is optimally and efficiently utilised. Behind the pillion passenger's head is a cargo compartment with a load capacity of 140 litres for all luggage. The ergonomic RECARO seats offer maximum seating comfort even on very long journeys.
Das Teil ist echt super, hätte ich auch gerne!!!
@Martin Becker: Probefahrt gefällig?
WOW! What a Trip I envisioned something like this a Long Time ago for Safety and Looks!
Basically, this is a concept for individual mobility requirements, whereby the energy used per person is converted into movement in an incomparably advantageous way. It is also safe and great fun. Energy-efficient riding also applies to all other motorbikes, but the cabin motorbike concept differs precisely because of this cabin. The atmosphere in the cabin is comparable to that in a car, but you are riding a motorbike.
Awesome my Friend! Enjoy!@@MonoRacer
Why aren’t government promoting this for driving to work instead of moving all that weight of a car back and forth. Clearly no government really care about the environment otherwise these would be everywhere.
that is indeed a good argument, because these vehicles are very economical and efficient. the petrol engines consume less than comparable motorbikes. Parking does not require as much space as a car, but unfortunately there is no government that takes care of such matters.
@@MonoRacer unfortunately Plutocracy and cronyism in the oil industry crush any obvious solutions. It a no brainer, government could incentivise by a reduced registration but the oil companies are in their pockets
government is for/by the 1%
Техника чудес воплощение грёз можно смотреть с улыбкой а можно всерьёз
It's like a helmet for the rider AND motorcycle!
I always try to explain safety in the same way. The material for a helmet is stable and is designed to protect the head. The material for the cab of these vehicles is very stable and is designed to protect the occupants.
Que exelente se ve eso , protege bien del frio y la lluvia y se ve comodo
Saludos .
This would have been a LOT better than my motorcycle in the rain and cold!!!
Dálník! To je z Čech❤! Výtvor pana Andrleho..prví kusy už vznikali v 1950 v Československu..
Dalek! Je z Čech❤! Výtvor pana Andrleho..první kusy byly v Československu vyrobeny již v roce 1950....
To je naprostá pravda. Jan Anderle a Arnold Wagner se několikrát setkali a vyměnili si myšlenky o tomto fantastickém nápadu.
So good, the perfect blend between car and motorcycle, for a commute no need to change from leathers into work clothes
The ride in good clothes, possibly in the rain, and then on a motorbike?
The inventor of these vehicles, Arnold Wagner, describes this personal motif in his book. Riding a motorbike on a long distance to work, and getting off well dressed, without helmet and leather clothing as one of his motives.
I personally love to ride a cabin motorbike in the winter with summer clothing and interior heating. during the summertime, I have an air conditioner that regulates the interior comfortably.
Its a totally complete canopy with wiper machine I like 👍🏻 your beautiful hardwork
In the interior you have all the advantages that are also installed in modern cars. And the possible bad weather stays outside.
This is perfect for those who hate sitting on the left side in a car but think that motobikes are too dangerous this will combine both worlds.
this is one of many reasons why i love riding my motorbike in this closed cabin. i am safe and protected on all my journeys in this cabin.
the high weight of these cabin motorbikes also requires a different riding style than with a small lightweight off-road machine.
with enough riding experience, you can also ride quite sportily around the bends, but a small springbok would leave you behind in the eternal slalom. on the long stretch, you'll catch up with the little one again.
Can the seat extend into a sleeping position like in business class airplanes? For sleeping in it during long roadtrips.
It is not the driver's seat that is suitable for a possible overnight stay in the vehicle, but the pillion seat. The driver's seat can be folded forward so that you have enough space in the back to spend the night. However, it is only suitable for one p person.
Just imagine how fun it would be if it was a motorcycle
Imagine it's a real motorcycle with the difference that you sit in a protective cabin and therefore don't have to wear a crash helmet and leather clothing. But it's definitely a motorcycle with a BMW K1200RS engine. The new vehicles are now only built with an electric drive. 😉
I loved this machine by this one video. Super like
Fantastic vehicle that I think has a gyro for balancing. I remember seeing these a lot in Switzerland when on holiday there in the 80's.
There is no gyroscope for balancing in these vehicles. That is a different concept.
In the mid to late 1980s, the first ECO vehicles were driven in Switzerland, where the cabin motorbike was developed and built.
What then stops them from keeling over at slow speeds.@@MonoRacer
@@andrewjenery1783 When slow driving comes to a standstill, every single-track vehicle must be supported otherwise it will tip over. Motorcyclists and cyclists place their legs on the road below. As we are sitting in a closed cabin here, there are two support wheels which are lowered at the touch of a button in 0.3 seconds. If you want to set off from a standstill, you can retract the stabiliser wheels again from a low minimum speed.
Did some googling on this and you're right that there's no gyro involved... I was aware of the support wheels which seem to deploy when the ECO veh is almost at a standstill, so I'm still amazed that they stay upright at slow speeds.@@MonoRacer
@@andrewjenery1783 I think as long as the wheels are rolling, it is possible to drive straight ahead with steering movements. There are also these artists who stand with their bikes without rolling and only prevent them from tipping over by steering. This is no longer so easy with heavy single-track vehicles.
Super cool. Though I would have been listening to Deep Purple.
This is a really interesting vehicle. Is there a model that removes the back seat in favor of storage? I could see this being a nice single person vehicle.
In fact, 3 models were built as single-seaters, but these vehicles were correspondingly shorter. All vehicles have a boot with up to 140 litres of storage space behind the pillion rider's head.
Awesome! Wow. I want one…👍
it's a great thing, get yourself one
Guten Tag / Hallo / 你好 / สวัสดี ครับ / Добрый день / Здравствуйте
Ich möchte mich Herzlich bedanken für das Video
Solche zu geschlossenen Motorrad gefällt mir., das ist sehr gut
Ich habe das anderen Meinungen gelesen.,
Und ich bin froh das gibt's Menschen welche fahren auch solche., geschlossene Motorräder., das Video sehr gut., das hatt mir sehr gut gefallen
Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß in Ihrem Reißen mit so einem schönen Motorrad 🏍
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Alexander 🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍
@Alex Sokolow: спасибо за ваш добрый вклад. если вы захотите присоединиться к нам для пробной поездки, мы будем рады вам.
can you backup into a park spot with this thing?
but of course you can park in a car park with it. of course there is also a reverse gear for manoeuvring
I would get one of this and go on a road trip in Europe. Although I will modify the window to have small openings to let in fresh air
if you are seriously interested in buying a cabin motorbike, please have a look at they offer new and also used vehicles. on the page you will find a contact form, which you have to fill in. afterwards you will be contacted again.
İnsanoğluna böyle güzel işler yapabilme kabiliyetini, düşünme yeteneğini, elleri gözleri aklı veren, duyguları yaratan, Yüce Yaratıcıya, Rabbimize sonsuz şükürler olsun, Elhamdülillah
Evet, aynen öyle.
Nice song! ))
You should install a gyro to keep it upright when stopped. How a Greek taco keeps it from falling, I do not know. But they are delicious.
This technology is not used here
Nettes Video, wenn man die benutzte Technik betrachtet. Die Oldie-Musik mag Geschmackssache sein, aber das Zeigen eines Verkehrsverstoßes: Ein NoGo!
Das sehe ich genau so und es sollte auch nicht als Beispiel zur Nachahmung gedacht sein!
Es ist leider so passiert und nun will ich das auch nicht deswegen löschen.
Ein NoGo! --- yes, sorry
zum Glück habe ich keinen Strafzettel bekommen 😅
@@MonoRacer Ja, okay. Grundlegend haben wir ja die Stvo und an der sollte man sich nicht vorbeischlängeln.
Strafzettel gilt es zu daher zu vermeiden. Geht auch ganz leicht, wenn man sich an die Regeln hält. 😉
Was aber viel wichtiger ist: Unfälle vermeiden. Die Leidtragenden sind dann oftmals eher die anderen Beteiligten. Das finde ich dann gar nicht mehr witzig.
@@PBrandolin Du hast vollkommen Recht, das Wichtigste ist keine Unfälle zu machen, und das ist auch so. Normalerweise halte ich mich auch an die StVO, das war eine unglückliche Ausnahme.
so, basically a bike in a bubble,, Sehr gut! Ich mag das!
@kanubeenderman: so if the term bubble is used for the vehicle housing, then i would say it is a safety bubble 😉
Gute Nacht aus Mexico
How does someone fit in the second seat? There is no room for legs or to climb in.
The passenger or pillion seat is extremely comfortable. The legs can be fully stretched out to the left and right of the driver's seat.
1:40 The helper wheels are pulled up. Shown in the backwards mirrors
Very well seen! At 1:40 the support wheels go up, of course, when manually operated by switch
Sensacional. Maravilha pura. Adorei de mais....
montaste-o? então aprecia-lo.
Интересно а боковые колёса убираются автоматически или они на постоянной основе?
опорные колеса, конечно, управляются вручную большим пальцем левой руки. если бы опорные колеса автоматически втягивались или выдвигались, то гонщик не имел бы никакого влияния на то, когда они поднимаются или опускаются. у обычного мотоциклиста ноги тоже не опускаются автоматически, но ваша голова решает, когда, где и как.
Veri nice how can I purchase in india and what is the price for india
I'm not currently aware of any deliveries to India, but it would be perfect for India. maybe it will come to India one day.
Эң сонун унаа экен " жолду ээлебейт
With that aerodynamic shell, it must get great fuel efficiency.
Yes, the value for the air resistance is 0.18 and is therefore very aerodynamic.
@@MonoRacerно главная польза в дождь, мокрый снег и грязь
@@БарсиВасси Но в основном они используются в дождь, снег и грязь.
Нет, конечно, вы можете ездить на нем и в хорошую погоду. И, как мы все знаем, это еще и веселее.
I wish there hadn't been annoying music. I would loved to have listened to the sound of the engine.
You can watch the video "Steering a motorbike properly". There is no music and you can hear the sound of the engine.
i like this bike
Nice. But that front ring looks to be aa whole lot of blind spots.
The front ring stabilises the roof structure. It is a reinforcement of the bodywork. It is not disturbing when driving. All-round visibility is not restricted. There is only a blind spot to the rear left, which is why you turn your head to the rear left before overtaking.
Exactly what I need!! It's a shame big companies won't build such machines
i would also be very happy if a large vehicle manufacturer would produce this cabin motorbike in a series. unfortunately, nobody has really thought about it yet.
Hermoso parece de una película sobre el futuro
Une belle moto semble avoir été créée pour un film futuriste, mais elle est réelle! Et ça marche
Beautiful form of transportation
In my view, this is the best form of transport for individual private transport
Price kya hai bhai
Tec1 great Cabin should make for Any two Wheel Machine.the Wheel Greatest Hawass. 😊
Das macht bestimmt Spaß und ist auch noch schnell, sieht sehr entspannt aus. Wie funktioniert das mit der Gangschaltung oder ist das eher ein Automatikgetriebe?
Das Original 5 Gang Getriebe von BMW wurde von PERAVES so umgebaut, das es nun einen Rückwärtsgang und vier Vorwärtsgänge hat. Kupplung ist mit dem linken Fuß zu betätigen wie beim Auto. Die Gänge werden links an der Lenkstange mit dem linken Zeigefinger vorgewählt.
@@MonoRacer Danke dir für die Antwort
I like that if I had that money I would buy one and go on holiday , I’ve not had a holiday since Joyce passed away
I am very sorry about Joyce. all the best for you.
is there a used market?
there is no second-hand market because only less than 200 vehicles were built. the only source I know of for offers of second-hand vehicles is
this is the homepage of the manufacturer and when an owner of these rare vehicles wants to part with them, the owners often turn to Arnold Wagner, the inventor and manufacturer of these cab motorbikes.
specific driving instruction is absolutely necessary before anyone can drive these cabin motorbikes! This driving training is offered in Brno, Czech Republic. This is the manufacturer's address.
@@MonoRacer Thanks, Wow only 200. I would build one, but the glass would be price to get made. I would go with the 1250 or maybe the new 1300 motor. As well all the BMW ESA, ABS, TFT, and so on... Would be a fun project.
Can't imagine what would happen to passengers in case of accident. How vehicle body is protecting them?
The passengers are in a very well protected cabin. The body is built from reinforced tubular steel roll bars wrapped in carbon fiber composite and Kevlar. Lightweight materials with maximum strength. In the event of an accident, it naturally depends on the course of the accident and the speed at which a possible impact occurs.
At least not as bad as a normal motorcycle.
@@bobdebouwer7835 At least not as bad as a normal motorcycle.
Motorcycles are not really that bad, regardless of whether they are normal motorcycles or abnormal motorcycles, but a few motorcyclists are really bad.
Did you build this? It’s very cool! I have many questions. Do the wheels extend/retract automatically with speed? What is the power train and or base vehicle?
i didn't build this, i'm just happy that i can drive something like this. the support wheels have to be operated manually. i feel like i've answered this question a hundred times. it's always your decision when what happens and what the support wheels should do.
The most recent basis for petrol vehicles was the BMW K1200RS
Fand ich mal richtig Cool...wurde gerne mal eins fahren ❤😊
Komm vorbei und probier es aus
@@MonoRacer echt jetzt..??? Wo denn bitte???!!!
hier findest du Angebote und Kontakte.
@@MonoRacer danke sehr...!!!!
هل موجد منها في العراق
This is the first time I've seen such a vehicle. It looks like a spaceship!
Yes, it feels like a spaceship on streets and there is a lot of fun with it.
This is brilliant and I want one!
get in contact
There worth the price of like 3 cars lol. Totally ripping of stupid guilable rich people.
Con un giroscopio incorporado, No seria necesarias las ruedas prequeñas al detenerse en un pare. Buen diseño
La tecnología del giroscopio no me parece madura. ¿Conoce algún vehículo de una sola vía en el que esta tecnología funcione sin problemas?
Con las ruedas de apoyo, la frenada y el desplazamiento funcionan con un 100% de fiabilidad, y eso es muy importante.
Wouldn't it get wet inside when you open it up to get in? I live in a rainy city.
good question. yes, that's right, if you want to get in there in the pouring rain, you should definitely have an umbrella with you. that way you can prevent too much rain from getting inside the vehicle.
Es muy interesante y útil, pero es necesario la produccion en masa para abaratar el precio.
@@victoriaalvarez5024 eso es exactamente lo que pienso
Perfecto!! Fuel powered! Yes❤
So it's narrow, sleek, and very low to the ground.
-Is there anything else we can do to make it less visible to other motorists?
Hmm, how about we paint it tarmac-grey?
Good idea from you to make it invisible, but the road traffic regulations stipulate that all motorbikes must always be ridden with lights. Xenon lights are even fitted here, so you have very good visibility at the front and the lights are also very visible at the rear, day and night. sorry, but your request cannot be granted.
@@MonoRacer So even a low rise would obscure the lights.
Realistically how high off the ground are they. Knee height?
The vehicle lighting, i.e. the Xeon light, is 1.1 metres or 3.28 feet or 39.37 inches high. Is that OK for you? How high is the light on your motorbike?
@@MonoRacer I wear highly visible clothing so visibility for oncoming traffic is over 5ft regardless of lights. On top of that as a human I have a physical form that is easily recognizable as something other than a slight bump in the road.
@@BigChungus-zg6zw OK, you are very visible. As a motorcyclist, you should always expect not to be seen.
It looks economical. What is the fuel consumption?
Due to the extremely low air resistance of 0.18 caused by the drop-shaped surface, vehicles with petrol engines consume less than 4 litres per 100 km at 90 km/h and 4.5 at 120 km/h. Electrically powered vehicles consume 7 kWh/100km or achieve 205.3 MPGe.
@@MonoRacer So, the setup is not made for fuel reduction. Since a small car can already get 1:25. And many motorcycles can get this even without a aerodynamic cabin.
There should be a model with a better configuration. Maybe a diesel even.
@@bobdebouwer7835 Electric drives are the best and will probably be the future.
if it is as aerodynamic as it looks this must be a very very efficient vehicle
that's right, this vehicle is definitely aerodynamic and efficient. the petrol-engined vehicles met these requirements perfectly, but the new electric version is undoubtedly even more efficient.
Мне очень понравился мотоцикл с кабинкой, а главное можно зимой ездить спокойно и в не погоду, сколько будет стоить, в Казахстане можно купить?
всю информацию вы можете найти на:
можно ли и как экспортировать/импортировать, а также регистрация и транспортировка должны быть проверены вами.
Is it available in India?
at the moment there are no exports to india, but in the future this will probably be the case
Nice vehicle - terible music ;-)
I wish they had a version with foot operated accelerator and break. Of course, the "straddling" of the drivers legs would need to be fixed.
Wow , schöne 👍👍👍👍👍
What's the point? Faster? More Oil efficiency? Safer? More comfort? More fun?
Yes, these are the arguments you have mentioned here. Due to the particularly aerodynamic surface shape, it is very efficient, consumes less gasoline and also drives faster. In the event of an accident, it is a safe cabin that can protect you and your life. In the cabin motorcycle has all the comfort as in a modern car. No other open motorcycle offers this.
@@MonoRacer I love the idea of two wheel car. I believe that it will be the most efficient way for people to travel around. And it should not be some rich people's new toy. I would say come to China and make it affordable for most of the people.
Its called the mobotracer. Made in Switzerland or maybe sweden.
Made in Switzerland but NOT in sweden.
에어컨 있나요?
에어컨이 있나요?
네, 에어컨을 비롯해 사운드 시스템, 핸즈프리 전화 시스템, 후진 카메라, 열선 시트 등 최신 차량에서 볼 수 있는 모든 것이 있습니다.
Мотык,что надо!Супер байк❤
Да, спасибо. Я тоже в восторге от велосипеда с кабиной.
For the motorised version, could an auto clutch like rekluse be installed.
Also, how does it handle speed bumps (will the bottom get scratched). There are many here in the suburbs.
An original BMW transmission with 5 gears was converted into a transmission with 4 forward gears and one reverse gear.
if the bumps are not a problem with a normal car, then not with these vehicles. have a lowered car, then your bumps are a problem, but that is not the case here.
How to buy one?
It is not ready for export to Korea
korea 2
@@남길호-p1t 제가 기업가인데. 곧 한국서 저런 vehicle 을 만들어볼까 합니다. ㅋ
Kab launch ho rahi hai bhai apne bataya nahi
"I think it is an excellent product." 👍
@Andy Munnings: I feel the same way too
I eagerly want to buy in Korea please
Is it based on an existing bike.What engine and capacity?.Does it use gyros for stability or just rely on the outrigger wheels?.
The engine of this vehicle is a BMW K1200RS. There is no gyro, the support wheels are extended manually at the touch of a button in 0.3 seconds, and this is only necessary for stopping and parking. Otherwise you drive it like any other single-track vehicle.
Do you shift like a regular motorcycle?
It looks like a motorcycle. BMW handlebars…
the transmission has four forward gears and one reverse gear. you shift gears with your left index finger and operate the clutch with your left foot. on the steering bar on the left side, easily accessible for the left index finger, is a preselector for forward and reverse. a foot brake is designed for the right foot and you can accelerate with your right hand.
it is a motorcycle. many components were built with BMW components together. on the handlebars and cockpit well to see. the engine is BMW K1200RS.
@@MonoRacer Genius
Wow Lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!....I want oneeeeeeeee!!!!!.
I'm glad you like it
Wow i liked it....can we buy
if you want to buy such a cabin motorcycle, please have a look at there you can find offers for new electric vehicles and also used petrol cabin motorcycles
Muy bonita pero en qué tienda las vende aquí en españa
Lamentablemente, aún no existe una agencia general en España. Si está interesado en una moto de cabina de este tipo, quizás debería participar en un curso de formación de pilotos, ya que el manejo correcto de las ruedas de apoyo es un requisito previo para la conducción. En Alemania o Suiza existe la posibilidad de ir de pasajero. Puede participar en un curso de formación de pilotos en Brno, en la República Checa.
I want to buy. How do I contact you?
If you are interested in such a vehicle, you should visit the following site: or also
Крутой мопед!!!👍👍👍
As goofy as these things look and despite the ridicule I'd get from my riding friends, I really want to try one of these.
However, part of the reason I moved from cars to motorcycles was height issues - when I was a poor student, I couldn't afford a car that comfortably fit my 6'6" frame.
Is there a height restriction for the pilot in these things?
There isn't really a height limit, but from 2.10 metres upwards it does get a bit cramped for the driver. I don't think you'll be ridiculed by your motorbike friends, I think your motorbike friends will be jealous because you'll be riding a bike that keeps you dry in the rain. You don't need a crash helmet or leather clothing and you have air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. You can listen to the radio and talk to your pillion passenger without Bluetooth headphones in your helmet.
@@MonoRacer but you cant catch unfiltered sunlight😐
@@wollschweinriddim606 so the sunlight already reaches the cabin, it's more like the sunlight is quite intense. in summer i'm happy to have air conditioning, and in winter i have heating. what i really miss is the airflow that a motorcyclist experiences. a breeze lets you feel the speed, i miss that here in the cabin.
@@MonoRacer man sollte die Frontscheibe runterkurbeln können🎉
Did the 6062 sell?
yes, the 6062 has been sold.
Das ist doch mal ein schickes Gefährt.😊
Danke für die Blumen🌹
Is it called a Dalnik?
Jan Aderle, :
"Between 1938 and 1941 he developed 25 single-track cars, called Dálník, with streamlined bodywork on a motorbike engine,[1] similar to later cab scooters. It differed from the Mauser single-track car in that the support wheels could be raised by hand or foot operation, which simplified the starting process."
Jan Anderle and Arnold Wagner often met and exchanged ideas. It's all about the same principle. Single-track vehicles with training wheels to stop or go down. As if the little child on his bicycle with training wheels could fold up his training wheels while driving.
So the Dalnik and the MonoRacer have a lot in common, but thanks to technological development, the MonoRacer is at a considerable stage of development. If someone with a lot of money were to build this project in large series, it would make economic and ecological sense and the prices for these vehicles would become affordable.
Very cool😊👍👍
How much is it?
the prices can be found here:
what if you took the training whels off of it and then have 2 wheels in the front and 2 in the back and then made it wider to seat 2 people up front and 2 in the back and then put a much bigger engine in it and gave it a trunk to store things?
If you remove the training wheels and then have 2 wheels at the front and 2 at the rear and then want to make it wider so that there is room for 2 people at the front and 2 at the rear, and then fit a much larger engine and add a boot for stowing things, then yes, then you have an automobile. Then, unfortunately, it's no longer a single-track vehicle.
Ist das von BMW?
Sorry für die verspätete Antwort. In den KabinenMotorrädern wurden fast immer BMW Motoren eingebaut, je nach derzeitigem Entwicklungsstand. Zuletzt immer ausgestattet K-1200-RS. Alle brauchbaren Teile von den BMW Motorrädern wurde mit verbaut.
Insofern steckt eine ganze Menge BMW in den Fahrzeugen.
Beautiful 👍🏻
the good thing is you get not wet if its rain ^^
Exactly right, that's a major advantage of this bike. you stay dry whether it's raining or snowing.
How much is it worth, and where is it made?
here you will find all the answers to your questions:
Beautiful machine, aerodynamic, easy to drive, economic.
looks like fun!
actually it is a lot of fun to drive.
This thing has to be a fucking blast. Motorcycling in luuuxuurryyyy
Yes, that's more or less how you should imagine it.
@@MonoRacer 🤣
Wie funktioniert das mit den Stützrädern, wenn man quer an ein steilen hügel stehen bleibt. Können die Stützen variabel ausfahren, also eine Seit weiter als normal null und die andere Seite fährt nicht so weit aus?
die Stützwerkräder fahren immer links wie rechts gleich aus. Wenn Unebenheiten auf der Straße sind musst du so fahren das keine Querkräfte resultieren.
that though is my mind since childhood . so what is the top speed
The top speed of most cabin motorcycles is 240 km/h. Only a few turbo machines were built with over 320 km/h.
How does the kickstand or whatever keeps it upright when parked fold away
There is no kickstand for this motorcycle. The support wheels stabilize the vehicle when stationary and are moved up or down in 0.3 seconds at the touch of a button.
@@MonoRacer so they aren't automatic?
@@hamzahansari6900 No, they do not go automatically!
Imagine the support wheels would go down automatically when you drive slowly through a curve, then you have a problem. the support wheels replace the legs and feet of the driver. the decision when a motorcyclist has to support his vehicle lies with the driver, his brain gives the command now feet down or you will tip over. that's exactly how I have to do it in the closed cabin, my brain has to give the command with the left thumb to press a switch up or down so that the vehicle is supported when stopping.
No, they do not go automatically!
Imagine the support wheels would go down automatically when you drive slowly through a curve, then you have a problem. the support wheels replace the legs and feet of the driver. the decision when a motorcyclist has to support his vehicle lies with the driver, his brain gives the command now feet down or you will tip over. that's exactly how I have to do it in the closed cabin, my brain has to give the command with the left thumb to press a switch up or down so that the vehicle is supported when stopping.видео.html@@MonoRacer
What was the top speed ? 😁
sorry to reply so late for such a simple and short answer. The top speed of the vehicles normally produced is 240 kilometres, almost 150 miles. However, turbo engines have also been installed which can reach speeds of over 330 km, the equivalent of 205 miles.
@@MonoRacer oh my God 😵💫💪😂 330km. It may feel other worldly inside this at such speeds. 😁
I also imagine 330 km/h to be like another world. in the cabin motorbike you can also imagine you are flying in an aeroplane about half a metre above the road.
anything over 200 km/h is very, very fast to drive, and if you want to go even faster you need "space and safety". that's not a problem on test and race tracks, but in germany there are still stretches of motorway where no speed limit is prescribed. if you want to drive faster than 200 km/h you should have "space and safety" there too. if i have this "space/safety" with the cabin motorbike then i still only ever drive just over 200 km/h. i'm not a racer, but a motorcyclist on normal roads.