100-mečio dainų šventės dalyvių eitynės nuo Katedros iki Vingio parko - II dalis

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • 2024 m. liepos 6 d. Vilnius skambėjo nuo dainų, šokių ir besišypsančių veidų jūros! Dainų šventės dalyvių eitynės iš Katedros aikštės į Vingio parką tapo įspūdingu reginiu, pritraukusiu tūkstančius žiūrovų. Eitynės ne tik dovanojo nuotaikingą reginį, bet ir tapo vienybės, patriotizmo ir meilės Lietuvai demonstracija.
    Šiame vaizdo įraše - dar daugiau įvairovės! Atvyko lietuvių diasporos delegacijos iš viso pasaulio, puošdamos savo tautines vėliavas ir demonstruodamos savitą kultūrą. Vilniaus miesto ir rajono kolektyvai eisenoje užbaigė šventinę atmosferą, atspindėdami Lietuvos grožį ir dvasią.
    July 6, 2024, Vilnius resonated with a sea of songs, dances, and smiling faces! The Dainų Šventė (Song Festival) parade from Katedros Aikštė (Cathedral Square) to Vingio Parkas (Vingis Park) became a spectacular event, attracting thousands of spectators. The parade not only provided an entertaining spectacle but also became a demonstration of unity, patriotism, and love for Lithuania.
    Lithuanian Song Celebration Marks 100th Anniversary with Historic Finale: 12,000 Performers Unite for Song Day in Vilnius, Honoring Legacy of Peaceful Resistance During Soviet Occupation The 100th Lithuanian Song Celebration, a week-long UNESCO-recognized event marking its centennial, concluded with a grand finale on July 6 at Vingis Park in Vilnius featuring 12,000 performers on one stage.
    In 2008, the Lithuanian Song Celebration was inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Throughout the week-long event, there were 37,000 performers, 1,500 ensembles, and 100 conductors, with a program encompassing 40 hours and featuring 14 concerts and events. Approximately 2,000 Lithuanian expatriates came back home to perform at the Lithuanian Song Celebration. There were 24 groups from the USA, 7 from Canada, and 14 from neighboring Poland.
    This video showcases even more diversity! Lithuanian diaspora delegations from around the world arrived, adorned with their national flags and showcasing their unique cultures. Vilnius city and district ensembles completed the festive atmosphere in the parade, reflecting Lithuania's beauty and spirit.
    Video by Kazys Daugėla, 2024

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