Imagine skipping classes at the university with some friends and ending up going to the cinema. Nobody knew a thing about this movie, it was the premiere. Imagine our faces walking out the cinema after seeing this. 🤯
Exactly 3 months after the movie was released, I went to a guesthouse at 2 am and wanted to watch a movie and I chose this movie by chance. Since that day, everyone I know has identified me with the matrix, because I imposed this movie on everyone :) The fact that almost everyone knows this movie and its theory nowadays gives me both a good and a bad feeling. Because less is more valuable.
@@altumlux I've seen this film many times. But I Learnt something from this watch along. Oracle says "Sorry kid" Neo "I'm not the one" Oracle "Maybe in the next life". Neo Dies and gets reborn (The next life, becomes the One). So proving there is no free choice, we make choices automatically, we have to learn after why we made them and then we can reprogram our brains to make better choices.
"Understand Neo. Some people are so inured, so hopelessly dependant on the system, that they will fight to protect it." Truer words have never been put on screen.
just a toddler - old enough to recognize it and watch it tumble into the void and wonder how everyone older than me shrugs it off to the point where it frustrates. the fact the zoomers cant have that perspective terrifies me a little.. and just saying that will totally be lost on them too. society was just so different and of course just saying that someone will stroll along and pick something reaaaaaaaally specific to throw a wrench in that statement :\
The best part of this movie is aside from a few tech upgrades you can literally play this movie as is today how it was made then and it would still be a great movie. This thing is 25 years old and has held up amazingly.
43:59 “then why are you creating it?” He didn’t create it. He’s just an agent. He’s a warden for the prison made by a higher authority who hates his job and wants out. This is his easiest way out.
I watched soooo many reactions 25 years later... i cant believe a single reactor understood the phone call!!😂.. thats how internet worked- ur phone didnt work while on internet made that noise everytime u signed into internet
Yeah. At some point I found my modem card settings and there was an option to disable the sounds :) that was so much better afterwards and then my mom didn't realize that I was using the internet again causing phone bills to increase. Though when she tried to call someone she of course knew it. Year or two later we got us ISDN modem which was improvement from the regular modem. It was able to split the phone line into 2 lines so it was either a 64kbps 1 line and the phone line would stay free for phone calls or 128kpbs 2 lines and the latencies were hugely better.. it was like 100-150ms to game server with regular modem down to 10-20ms with ISDN. And the cost was a bit higher to install it but later on you could use it for free from 5pm to 7am and weekends. So for a 16 year old it was one of the best times.. though I did suffer from sleep deprivation I guess :) I remember if I played with 1 line 64kbps I couldn't stream music from while playing since it increased the ping dramatically. With two lines the bandwidth was enough to sustain music stream while playing :) I had the Matrix movie when in 2000 it was available as a dvd or something and I watched it maybe 20-50 times :) it was amazing back then.
I watched this in cinemas when I was 14 years old. Me and my brother went to go and see another movie, a comedy can't remember but it was sold out so we went to the matrix, I knew nothing about it. All I know was when I left the cinema, I was speechless, my mind was absolutely blown. I had never seen anything like it before in my life, remember this was before all the crazy special effects we have now and are so accustomed to. Still my fav movie of all time.
My favorite production detail of this movie is that everything in the Matrix is green, but it wasn't done in post or with a camera filter. They dyed all of clothes and painted all of the sets with a hint of green to differentiate the two worlds without changing the actors' skin color.
Now imagine seeing that movie in the theaters when it came out, at least nowadays we have similar things, superhero movies that make impossible things, but back then we didn't have any of that, this was one if the first movies of its kind, we had never seen anything like this, in fact this is the movie that led the way for everything we see nowadays, it blew our minds back in 1999, i wasn't the same when i walked out that theater, this movie is life changing.
Meh. I was fed a fairly unconventional media diet by my dad, who was a mega fan of the cyberpunk genre, from the age of 5 onward. He got me into Akira, Bladerunner, and Ghost in the Shell by the time I was 8, and I had read the Sprawl Trilogy starting with Neuromancer by William Gibson by that time as well. So, when The Matrix came out and I saw it at 9, it absolutely won both of our hearts as a damned good movie, but I was already too familiar with most of the concepts in the film to have my mind utterly blown away. I just came out of the theater and asked my dad if we could buy another ticket and watch the next viewing 😂 He compromised and brought me back to the theater to watch it again the next week.
Did you notice that the oracle told him he's not the one, but maybe in the next life? Well, he did die, was resurrected (by the holy Trinity, no less) and became The One. And at the end he literally went up into the sky ...
Hi, just to tell you all that the best part of the movie allways comes after seeing it. Day by day you will realize that this is totally true, things are like this. Wellcome to the real world, take care and enjoy 😎
They had the camera setup to do those 360 pan shots at the Consumer Electronics Show at the Nikon booth one year. You would go go in there and jump or do a pose and they gave you a thumb drive with you as the star with a wicked background. I regret not standing in line for that! Also, most of this was blue screen, CGI was not even available. The actors stunts were with harnesses and support wires. incredible movie for 1999. I don't think it will ever "age out" as one of the best movie productions ever!
At the beginning of the film, Neo pulls a memory card out of a book titled "Simulation and SImulacra" by Jean Boudrillard who coined the term "Hyperreal" to refer to things which try to emulate, improve, and replace reality, and the phrase "Desert of the real" to refer to the old abandoned reality that's been replaced.
The woman in the red dress actually caused a wreck during filming. She was walking in the lot going to set and some guy driving by in his high dollar car saw her. He kept looking right up to the point he crashed trying to pull into a garage.
All the foreshadowing: Neo: "Are you saying I can dodge bullets?" Morpheus: "No, Neo. I'm saying when you're ready, you won't have to." Oracle: "One of you is going to die." Oracle: "You've got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting on something" Neo: "What?" Oracle: "Your next life maybe. Who knows."
Right after this movie, "The Animatrix” came out. It’s a collection of short films, done in multiple different art styles, that expand the universe and lore. One of the shorts is a prequel to the first movie, and two other shorts function as lead-ins to the sequel.
35:49 The dejavu scene.. You were right.. The glitch.. It's like, when you change any settings at your Windows, the computer ask you shut down itself and turn on again right?.. When you change some settings in this world, the cat's move start from begining again.. That is the same move and we called it Dejavu..
35:23 I have those glasses. Trust me you don't want them. Unless you got a good size nose, they DO NOT stay on your face. And the screws that hold them on, if they fall off, toss the glasses. The bolts are so tiny you'll never find them again.
Guys. I believe you would enjoy the deeper meaning of this movie related to spirituality/self/consciousness. It was nice to see people enjoy it like I did in '99.
One thing most people miss about this movie centers around the oracle and what she tells Neo about being the one. She tells him "You got the gift, but it seems like youre waiting on something. You next life perhaps." This becomes true at the end of the movie when Agent Smith kills Neo. When Trinity brings him back, that is his next life. He is then the One, and he feels/knows it. Great reaction though, its refreshing to see someone who appreciates what this movie truly is. You get a new sub lol. If you love this, you will also love Constantine, John Wick, and an older film called Speed, all starring Keaneu.
I think Will Smith will regret for the rest of his life that he didnt take Keanu's part in the film. I am glad he didnt take it, Keanu is perfect as NEO.
Agreed. I feel like Wil Smith would've tried to play Neo as more sassy and wisecracking and, given his star power at the time, he probably would've gotten his way and ruined the vibe of the movie. There def would've been a moment where he punches Agent Smith and said, "Welcome to reality!" or something goofy. That being said, I will say that it's funny now hearing so many people talk about what a great actor Keanu Reeves is because, at the time, he was known as exactly the opposite. Like, he was great at being Ted "Theodore" Logan, but his acting was really wooden in any kind of non-goofy role (and his attempt at a British accent in "Dracula" was just painful). I remember watching The Matrix in the theater for the first time and when Keanu finally said his first line of dialogue after a couple of silent minutes onscreen, someone in the theater shouted, "Oh my god, shut up!" and everyone laughed bc he was thought of as one of those actors who was nice to look at but wasn't on-camera because of his acting ability. To his credit, though, he worked hard, found his lane, and has earned that respect. Plus it doesn't hurt that he's reportedly a great guy IRL.
The biggest plot hole for me? If the agents could really dodge bullets like the one on the roof, any hand to hand combat would be ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE.
At 25:20 Morpheous try to say, you dont breath oxygen in this area because we are inside a computer program.. If you want stronger or faster, you can change this programs code.. Because they didnt tired actually, their bodies are lying on the couch.. Their minds are inside this program (this place)... So if you want more stronger or faster, just change the speed codes and be faster that's it.... Also little amazing detail at 25:20 ... neo's mind thinks that fighting area is real.. because of this he sweated.. But Morpheous knows this place is a computer program.. Because of this Morpheous didnt sweat when they fought .. Because that is not a real world :)) So amazing detail.. Neo needs to convince his own mind that this place is not real. Because of this Morpheous keep saying him "Free your mind".
I seriously advise you watch the Animatrix episodes about the birth of this world. the two episodes (on YT) are "The Second Renaissance" part 1 and 2. These are official cannon animations that were released after this movie, and before the sequel movies.
There I a theory in physics called simply "simulation theory." It does postulate that the "simulation" gives us rules like speed of light. That keeps us grounded here tethered to our blue ball.
Few things to note. Neo = One , Anagram I've seen this film many times. But I Learnt something from this watch along. Oracle says "Sorry kid" Neo "I'm not the one" Oracle "Maybe in the next life". Neo Dies and gets reborn (The next life, becomes the One). So proving there is no free choice, we make choices automatically, we have to learn after why we made them and then we can reprogram our brains to make better choices.
Oh nice.. I didn't notice that either. Also nice details are the green tint everywhere when they are in the matrix. Another one is in the action scenes is when it's slow motion it's basically from Neo's or Trinity's perspective as they see things moving slower and they are faster and when it's normal speed it's from the Matrix perspective.
You mentioned how everything was green at the beginning of the movie, and yes, it is. They tinted all scenes in the Matrix green, Real Life is natural color, and the Construct is tinted yellow.
Guys, watch Matrix 2 and 3, they are great movies too! And i recommend to watch Alien 1 and 2, Predator 1 and 2, Terminator 1 and 2 (T2 Theatrical cut), Robocop 1 and 2, The Abyss and The Thing, only THE BEST SciFi, i know you all gonna love it!
I always find it so funny how every reacting to this always forgets what the oracle said. One of you is going to die and since they rescued Morpheus, it only leaves Neo so of course he hast to die. She also said that you’re waging for something, your next life perhaps. His next life as the one. Haven’t seen a single person catch that.
Yes, the other 3 films in the series are continuations. You should watch them, even if they aren't as great as this first one, they all have some awesome scenes and eventually tell the whole story.
I was born in 1995 so first time i saw this i loved it cuz of the fighting but it always confused me, when older i went back and watched the trilogy and my brain melted, the fact that i watched it so many times without really getting it is crazy
Theory about how we might live in a simulation has been around since the 1960s. People already had their suspicions even back then 😂 If you ever come across those 'glitch in the matrix' videos, it will creep you up even more haha.
i Remember watching this on the BIG Screen it was STUNNING... think about it this movie is allmost 1/4 of a century old and still even today looks just like it was made a couple of years ago. there is even a matrix screen saverfor PC'S lol.
_"One pill makes you taller, and one pill makes you small... And the ones that Mother gives you, don't do anything at all... Go ask Alice, when she's 10 feet tall!"_
Don't listen to the haters Matrix 4 is actually really good - but you have to understand the context and the meta humour, which is fundamental to the series - understanding that the first movie was written and meant to be entirely a metaphor for gender transition, and about the systems which oppose ones free expression because of status quo, or just accepting the reality presented to you - whereas there is no spoon, so we're free to know ourselves, if we can only give ourselves permission to do so
If you think Keanu Reeves looks so young in this movie, you should check out "Parenthood" and the two early "Bill and Ted" movies, which came out a good decade earlier. P.S. Adita you are so gorgeous - Amin you better be treating that gal well!
The idea is not new - Plato's Allegory of the cave is 2400 years old. But the movie is very good at motivating you to follow the plot and thereby immerse yourself in this old thought experiment. Also, it's an anime but filmed as live action. Great stuff. Suggestion: John Carpenter's "They Live".
There was also a Matrix PC game that took place in the time frame of the sequels. I had the game but sadly never played it through due to some issues in the game. I've been wondering what extras there would have been in the storyline.
Neo finally can see the real side of this Matrix.. These are just compiter programs and codes and Antivirus programs..the only think he must do is changing the codes.. Like a strong computer viruses.. So he can stop bullets because bullets are codes too.. in computer program as a virus, you can delete any codes.. So neo deleted the bullets' speed codes.. Because of this bullets stopped.. Think like that
@@wadumin One of my comment is turkish.(I'm turkish). Sorry about that.. I was so excited while I commented.. So I just forget that I must write English :D
If you two decide to continue with the Matrix trilogy, please don't skip the oft forgotten Animatrix. Its a collection of 9 short stories animated by some top anime production companies that fit in between the first and second Matrix movies. Some are good, some are ok, some are amazing. "The Second Renaissance" part 1 and 2 detail the buildup and war between humans and AI and totally worth watching if nothing else.
Please definitely watch the rest. Even the newest one. Matrix 4 got a lack of flack and I wont say its the best one but it oddly ironically works with the rest of them but it was originally a trilogy. Also, I am telling on my own age here but I was a young adult when this came out and everyone thinks AI is such a newer innovation but really we have been working on the technology of AI for a long time. I was testing a chatbot AI online back in 1997. But it has made huge strides lately.
18:24 this ship's name plate says "Mark III No. 11". Mark 3:11 (in the bible) is "You are the son of God." which is basically what Neo is (the AI being God).
I'm so f...n gelous you watched it 25 years later and understand it so easily. I had to watch it like 15 times to wrap my head around the idea of it. F..k you Amin and Anita.. I totally love your sense of humour. I enjoy you like my own friends. Thank you for that. Btw the creators were brothers Washowski who are now sisters..😂 You turned me into subscriber with LOTR. Now let's watch some movies, so keep it going. Greetings from my Bulgaria.
"for 1999 the cgi is great" There's not been much "CGI" for the intro - other than a couple of backgrounds replaced (blue screen) there's no CGU in the opening sequence with Trinity. Even the "freeze frame" - that was done with over 120 cameras each taking still shots around her in a circle, at 24 FPS equivalent. There's some wire removal and such - but so far, to the point the gentleman said "for 1999 the cgi is great" - there's not been any CGI. yet.
Imagine skipping classes at the university with some friends and ending up going to the cinema. Nobody knew a thing about this movie, it was the premiere. Imagine our faces walking out the cinema after seeing this. 🤯
Happened to me. then 9/11 happened and I saw the truth.
Our game company bought a row of seats and treated the employees to this movie. So epic.
Exactly 3 months after the movie was released, I went to a guesthouse at 2 am and wanted to watch a movie and I chose this movie by chance. Since that day, everyone I know has identified me with the matrix, because I imposed this movie on everyone :) The fact that almost everyone knows this movie and its theory nowadays gives me both a good and a bad feeling. Because less is more valuable.
@@altumlux I've seen this film many times. But I Learnt something from this watch along.
Oracle says "Sorry kid" Neo "I'm not the one" Oracle "Maybe in the next life".
Neo Dies and gets reborn (The next life, becomes the One).
So proving there is no free choice, we make choices automatically, we have to learn after why we made them and then we can reprogram our brains to make better choices.
Y'all need to see Keanu as "Constantine". He's perfectly badass for a really cool movie. And with an unbelievable cast!!
Keanu called the role of Constantine his favorite. "I would like to play John Constantine again" (c).
They should also react to *Street Kings* (2008).
It's also a DC movie.
"Understand Neo. Some people are so inured, so hopelessly dependant on the system, that they will fight to protect it."
Truer words have never been put on screen.
That's literally so true, thanks for watching ❤
1999, what a time to be alive (and old enough to enjoy it)
the 90's were the peak of the western civilisation.
Evet... 90's sonu ve 2000's başları tüm zamanların birçok anlamda en iyi zaman aralığı.
just a toddler - old enough to recognize it and watch it tumble into the void and wonder how everyone older than me shrugs it off to the point where it frustrates. the fact the zoomers cant have that perspective terrifies me a little.. and just saying that will totally be lost on them too. society was just so different and of course just saying that someone will stroll along and pick something reaaaaaaaally specific to throw a wrench in that statement :\
The best part of this movie is aside from a few tech upgrades you can literally play this movie as is today how it was made then and it would still be a great movie. This thing is 25 years old and has held up amazingly.
Well said - "So" true. Respect.
43:59 “then why are you creating it?”
He didn’t create it. He’s just an agent. He’s a warden for the prison made by a higher authority who hates his job and wants out. This is his easiest way out.
this is such a great twist in the story that even the agent doesn't like the system and wants to escape it
I watched soooo many reactions 25 years later... i cant believe a single reactor understood the phone call!!😂.. thats how internet worked- ur phone didnt work while on internet made that noise everytime u signed into internet
Yeah. At some point I found my modem card settings and there was an option to disable the sounds :) that was so much better afterwards and then my mom didn't realize that I was using the internet again causing phone bills to increase.
Though when she tried to call someone she of course knew it.
Year or two later we got us ISDN modem which was improvement from the regular modem. It was able to split the phone line into 2 lines so it was either a 64kbps 1 line and the phone line would stay free for phone calls or 128kpbs 2 lines and the latencies were hugely better.. it was like 100-150ms to game server with regular modem down to 10-20ms with ISDN.
And the cost was a bit higher to install it but later on you could use it for free from 5pm to 7am and weekends. So for a 16 year old it was one of the best times.. though I did suffer from sleep deprivation I guess :)
I remember if I played with 1 line 64kbps I couldn't stream music from while playing since it increased the ping dramatically. With two lines the bandwidth was enough to sustain music stream while playing :)
I had the Matrix movie when in 2000 it was available as a dvd or something and I watched it maybe 20-50 times :) it was amazing back then.
I watched this in cinemas when I was 14 years old. Me and my brother went to go and see another movie, a comedy can't remember but it was sold out so we went to the matrix, I knew nothing about it. All I know was when I left the cinema, I was speechless, my mind was absolutely blown. I had never seen anything like it before in my life, remember this was before all the crazy special effects we have now and are so accustomed to. Still my fav movie of all time.
I still remember leaving the theatre in 1999. I was wandering in the mall, completely baffled away...
It is incredibly mind-blowing
Reanu Keeves was indeed perfect for this movie. 😆
Loll, thanks for watching ❤
Lmao 😂that had me dying. I have to go back and listen to make sure I heard right 😂😂😂❤
The music at the end from Rage Against the Machine :” wake up “ indeed
One of the all-time best movies.
My favorite production detail of this movie is that everything in the Matrix is green, but it wasn't done in post or with a camera filter. They dyed all of clothes and painted all of the sets with a hint of green to differentiate the two worlds without changing the actors' skin color.
Now imagine seeing that movie in the theaters when it came out, at least nowadays we have similar things, superhero movies that make impossible things, but back then we didn't have any of that, this was one if the first movies of its kind, we had never seen anything like this, in fact this is the movie that led the way for everything we see nowadays, it blew our minds back in 1999, i wasn't the same when i walked out that theater, this movie is life changing.
Meh. I was fed a fairly unconventional media diet by my dad, who was a mega fan of the cyberpunk genre, from the age of 5 onward.
He got me into Akira, Bladerunner, and Ghost in the Shell by the time I was 8, and I had read the Sprawl Trilogy starting with Neuromancer by William Gibson by that time as well.
So, when The Matrix came out and I saw it at 9, it absolutely won both of our hearts as a damned good movie, but I was already too familiar with most of the concepts in the film to have my mind utterly blown away.
I just came out of the theater and asked my dad if we could buy another ticket and watch the next viewing 😂 He compromised and brought me back to the theater to watch it again the next week.
Remember what the Oracle said, "who knows, your next life maybe"
Did you notice that the oracle told him he's not the one, but maybe in the next life? Well, he did die, was resurrected (by the holy Trinity, no less) and became The One. And at the end he literally went up into the sky ...
Food + your reaction video is just heaven.
Can't wait for other parts of matrix.
Ayyy you're awesome ❤
@@wadumin you need to watch the rest of the series and if you guys love Disney try descendents
He just called 1999 "Classic" and suddenly I feel old AF lmaoo
Hi, just to tell you all that the best part of the movie allways comes after seeing it. Day by day you will realize that this is totally true, things are like this. Wellcome to the real world, take care and enjoy 😎
"Reano Keevs" killed me 🤣🤣😂😂
They had the camera setup to do those 360 pan shots at the Consumer Electronics Show at the Nikon booth one year. You would go go in there and jump or do a pose and they gave you a thumb drive with you as the star with a wicked background. I regret not standing in line for that! Also, most of this was blue screen, CGI was not even available. The actors stunts were with harnesses and support wires. incredible movie for 1999. I don't think it will ever "age out" as one of the best movie productions ever!
Oh wow, thanks for watching ❤
At the beginning of the film, Neo pulls a memory card out of a book titled "Simulation and SImulacra" by Jean Boudrillard who coined the term "Hyperreal" to refer to things which try to emulate, improve, and replace reality, and the phrase "Desert of the real" to refer to the old abandoned reality that's been replaced.
The woman in the red dress actually caused a wreck during filming. She was walking in the lot going to set and some guy driving by in his high dollar car saw her. He kept looking right up to the point he crashed trying to pull into a garage.
Holy shittttt
All the foreshadowing:
Neo: "Are you saying I can dodge bullets?"
Morpheus: "No, Neo. I'm saying when you're ready, you won't have to."
Oracle: "One of you is going to die."
Oracle: "You've got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting on something"
Neo: "What?"
Oracle: "Your next life maybe. Who knows."
The greatest action movie of all time
Right after this movie, "The Animatrix” came out. It’s a collection of short films, done in multiple different art styles, that expand the universe and lore. One of the shorts is a prequel to the first movie, and two other shorts function as lead-ins to the sequel.
Seconding "The Animatrix". I thought the title was dumb and avoided it for years. It was fantastic when i finally saw it.
35:49 The dejavu scene.. You were right.. The glitch.. It's like, when you change any settings at your Windows, the computer ask you shut down itself and turn on again right?.. When you change some settings in this world, the cat's move start from begining again.. That is the same move and we called it Dejavu..
The matrix, starring Ted Theodore Logan, still feels weird, that's how I remember him.
They both used phone booths to travel. 😁😉
@@randomchord yeah, never thought about that haha
You might Enjoy the old student film on youtube "Computer Boy (Matrix Spoof) (720p, 30FPS AI Upscaled)" if you remember Tedeanu
Oh I know you two are about to be fun to watch with this! Love The Matrix.
Ayyy thanks for watching ❤
I have those glasses. Trust me you don't want them. Unless you got a good size nose, they DO NOT stay on your face.
And the screws that hold them on, if they fall off, toss the glasses. The bolts are so tiny you'll never find them again.
Dang it, it's ok I'll just put them somewhere
Guys. I believe you would enjoy the deeper meaning of this movie related to spirituality/self/consciousness.
It was nice to see people enjoy it like I did in '99.
One thing most people miss about this movie centers around the oracle and what she tells Neo about being the one. She tells him "You got the gift, but it seems like youre waiting on something. You next life perhaps." This becomes true at the end of the movie when Agent Smith kills Neo. When Trinity brings him back, that is his next life. He is then the One, and he feels/knows it.
Great reaction though, its refreshing to see someone who appreciates what this movie truly is. You get a new sub lol. If you love this, you will also love Constantine, John Wick, and an older film called Speed, all starring Keaneu.
Thanks for watching mate ❤
I love Keanu Reeves this movie, John Wick, but my personal favorite is actually a sports comedy called The Replacements
We'll check it out ❤
I think Will Smith will regret for the rest of his life that he didnt take Keanu's part in the film. I am glad he didnt take it, Keanu is perfect as NEO.
Agreed. I feel like Wil Smith would've tried to play Neo as more sassy and wisecracking and, given his star power at the time, he probably would've gotten his way and ruined the vibe of the movie. There def would've been a moment where he punches Agent Smith and said, "Welcome to reality!" or something goofy.
That being said, I will say that it's funny now hearing so many people talk about what a great actor Keanu Reeves is because, at the time, he was known as exactly the opposite. Like, he was great at being Ted "Theodore" Logan, but his acting was really wooden in any kind of non-goofy role (and his attempt at a British accent in "Dracula" was just painful). I remember watching The Matrix in the theater for the first time and when Keanu finally said his first line of dialogue after a couple of silent minutes onscreen, someone in the theater shouted, "Oh my god, shut up!" and everyone laughed bc he was thought of as one of those actors who was nice to look at but wasn't on-camera because of his acting ability. To his credit, though, he worked hard, found his lane, and has earned that respect. Plus it doesn't hurt that he's reportedly a great guy IRL.
The biggest plot hole for me? If the agents could really dodge bullets like the one on the roof, any hand to hand combat would be ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE.
Also, if humans could learn anything by just having a program being downloaded into them, why not learn the most they can? They would be unstopabble
@@cardosutoro9 perhaps the limited capacity of human brain? Thinking Johnny Mnemonic right now...
At 25:20 Morpheous try to say, you dont breath oxygen in this area because we are inside a computer program.. If you want stronger or faster, you can change this programs code.. Because they didnt tired actually, their bodies are lying on the couch.. Their minds are inside this program (this place)... So if you want more stronger or faster, just change the speed codes and be faster that's it....
Also little amazing detail at 25:20 ... neo's mind thinks that fighting area is real.. because of this he sweated.. But Morpheous knows this place is a computer program.. Because of this Morpheous didnt sweat when they fought .. Because that is not a real world :)) So amazing detail.. Neo needs to convince his own mind that this place is not real. Because of this Morpheous keep saying him "Free your mind".
Reanu Keeves!!! Hahahaha! You guys are great for each other and I’m really enjoying watching your reactions
OK, I'm sold on your reactions now. Subscribed.
You gotta love an Oracle who gives out chocolate chip cookies.
pretty sure they'd love the gun fu in Equilibrium.
Added ❤
I seriously advise you watch the Animatrix episodes about the birth of this world. the two episodes (on YT) are "The Second Renaissance" part 1 and 2. These are official cannon animations that were released after this movie, and before the sequel movies.
Anita reacted perfectly to my favorite master piece... it's just tooo gooood
The prequels of the Matrix, The Animatrix is pretty cool too
Reanu Keeves is my favorite actor 😊❤
In 1999 I was 14, and the internet was bran new. My father took me to go see this opening weekend and it blew my mind for weeks!
Reanu Keeves is indeed so great in this. 🤣
There I a theory in physics called simply "simulation theory." It does postulate that the "simulation" gives us rules like speed of light. That keeps us grounded here tethered to our blue ball.
That's insane, and scary
👍 for Simulation Theory
👎 for "rules like the speed of light"
Free Your Mind
Awesome movie to react to, glad you enjoyed it so much!
It was incredible. Thanks for watching ❤
Listen, I totally agree, Reanu Keeves is the best 😂
Few things to note.
Neo = One , Anagram
I've seen this film many times. But I Learnt something from this watch along.
Oracle says "Sorry kid" Neo "I'm not the one" Oracle "Maybe in the next life".
Neo Dies and gets reborn (The next life, becomes the One).
So proving there is no free choice, we make choices automatically, we have to learn after why we made them and then we can reprogram our brains to make better choices.
Oh nice.. I didn't notice that either.
Also nice details are the green tint everywhere when they are in the matrix.
Another one is in the action scenes is when it's slow motion it's basically from Neo's or Trinity's perspective as they see things moving slower and they are faster and when it's normal speed it's from the Matrix perspective.
If you like Hugo Weaving as Smith, you’ll love him as V in *V for Vendetta*. He never even reveals his face but sounds amazing
1999 this movie floored me
You mentioned how everything was green at the beginning of the movie, and yes, it is. They tinted all scenes in the Matrix green, Real Life is natural color, and the Construct is tinted yellow.
Love that ❤
One of my favorite movies which stars Robin Williams is What Dreams May Come. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just leave that there.
Guys, watch Matrix 2 and 3, they are great movies too! And i recommend to watch Alien 1 and 2, Predator 1 and 2, Terminator 1 and 2 (T2 Theatrical cut), Robocop 1 and 2, The Abyss and The Thing, only THE BEST SciFi, i know you all gonna love it!
Added ❤
"Welcome... to the real world."
Great reaction guys, thanks for watching my movie.
now you have to react to the rest of them.
Thanks for watching it with us ❤
I always find it so funny how every reacting to this always forgets what the oracle said. One of you is going to die and since they rescued Morpheus, it only leaves Neo so of course he hast to die. She also said that you’re waging for something, your next life perhaps. His next life as the one. Haven’t seen a single person catch that.
the movie deals with a lot of interesting topics and philosophy. my personal fav sci-fi
Actually, the saying isn't "Get out of the matrix", it's "There's a glitch in the matrix" 😁
Lord of the Rings stands alone as my favourite set of movies. The Matrix is the best of the rest
TLOTR is an all time best
Totally agree. Matrix is definitely in my top 10 movies of all time. LOTR is #1.
It's Sad We Still Enslaved Today Cause Gov't Is Slavery Especially Under The Act OF 1871 SMDH!!..
I totally agree with you, Matrix is the best of the rest.
I love your guys' peraonalities 😃Was a very fun watch haha!
Reano Keeves for President 🇺🇸
Yes, the other 3 films in the series are continuations. You should watch them, even if they aren't as great as this first one, they all have some awesome scenes and eventually tell the whole story.
We'll definitely check them out ❤
Fun fact Will Smith was originally pegged to play Neo but he turned it down. Also you have to watch the prequel of the Matrix called Animatrix
The music is SO important to this movie.
I was born in 1995 so first time i saw this i loved it cuz of the fighting but it always confused me, when older i went back and watched the trilogy and my brain melted, the fact that i watched it so many times without really getting it is crazy
Guys how you haven't seen matrix😂😭😭 glad u have now !
Anita watched it before, it was my first time watching and I'm literally out of words describing how amazing this was
“The Matrix is coming!” ….they’re…IN the Matrix… 😂
How’d you already know he was IN the Matrix and under control if you hadn’t seen it? Haha. Great reaction guys 😊
Guessed it right 😁❤️
This is one of those vert de PERFECT movies. Happy to see more ppl enjoying it ^_^
btw... Reanu Keves? 😂😂😂😂
Reanu Keeves, he was great playing Wohn Jick.
Theory about how we might live in a simulation has been around since the 1960s. People already had their suspicions even back then 😂 If you ever come across those 'glitch in the matrix' videos, it will creep you up even more haha.
i Remember watching this on the BIG Screen it was STUNNING... think about it this movie is allmost 1/4 of a century old and still even today looks just like it was made a couple of years ago. there is even a matrix screen saverfor PC'S lol.
Exactlyyy this movie is incredibly well made ❤
Looking foward to the 2nd movie
Just uploaded it❤
I didn't care what anyone says, I've always liked Reanu Keeves
When Trinity does that side cartwheel off the wall toward the end, the actress did that in one take.
Damnnnn respect
This movie is legendary. You guys are such a blast to watch movies with btw!
Thanks mate❤
_"One pill makes you taller, and one pill makes you small... And the ones that Mother gives you, don't do anything at all... Go ask Alice, when she's 10 feet tall!"_
Welcome to the you need see ANIMATRIX 🤯🤯 mind blow
Don't listen to the haters Matrix 4 is actually really good - but you have to understand the context and the meta humour, which is fundamental to the series - understanding that the first movie was written and meant to be entirely a metaphor for gender transition, and about the systems which oppose ones free expression because of status quo, or just accepting the reality presented to you - whereas there is no spoon, so we're free to know ourselves, if we can only give ourselves permission to do so
34:04 Oracle means Seer. One who sees the future.
Love it, thanks for letting us know ❤
You should both absolutely watch 'The Animatrix'. You've gone down the rabbit hole. Keep going.
I feel like Anita's reaction at 11:24 was like "I repressed this memory!!" haha
LMAO yesss
You guys are just two geeks meant to be with each other. Never change. ❤
Ayyy hahah, thanks mate❤
If you think Keanu Reeves looks so young in this movie, you should check out "Parenthood" and the two early "Bill and Ted" movies, which came out a good decade earlier.
P.S. Adita you are so gorgeous - Amin you better be treating that gal well!
We'll check them out, oh i treat her like a queen 😁❤️
Fun reaction. Keep going, there all fantastic
Thanks for watching ❤
24:12 That's the "arts" in martial arts.
Love it❤
The idea is not new - Plato's Allegory of the cave is 2400 years old. But the movie is very good at motivating you to follow the plot and thereby immerse yourself in this old thought experiment. Also, it's an anime but filmed as live action. Great stuff.
Suggestion: John Carpenter's "They Live".
There was also a Matrix PC game that took place in the time frame of the sequels. I had the game but sadly never played it through due to some issues in the game. I've been wondering what extras there would have been in the storyline.
Great movie
There is no spoon
There is now. I just finished doing the dishes.
@@johnplaysgames3120 If there was an award for most inane comment, you'd win.
Always take the Red Pill.
Neo finally can see the real side of this Matrix.. These are just compiter programs and codes and Antivirus programs..the only think he must do is changing the codes.. Like a strong computer viruses.. So he can stop bullets because bullets are codes too.. in computer program as a virus, you can delete any codes.. So neo deleted the bullets' speed codes.. Because of this bullets stopped.. Think like that
That's insane, god i love this film
@@wadumin One of my comment is turkish.(I'm turkish). Sorry about that.. I was so excited while I commented.. So I just forget that I must write English :D
They all did learned martial arts for this which I think is super cool to make it look authentic.
It was absolutely beautiful, respect.
If you two decide to continue with the Matrix trilogy, please don't skip the oft forgotten Animatrix. Its a collection of 9 short stories animated by some top anime production companies that fit in between the first and second Matrix movies. Some are good, some are ok, some are amazing. "The Second Renaissance" part 1 and 2 detail the buildup and war between humans and AI and totally worth watching if nothing else.
Please definitely watch the rest. Even the newest one. Matrix 4 got a lack of flack and I wont say its the best one but it oddly ironically works with the rest of them but it was originally a trilogy. Also, I am telling on my own age here but I was a young adult when this came out and everyone thinks AI is such a newer innovation but really we have been working on the technology of AI for a long time. I was testing a chatbot AI online back in 1997. But it has made huge strides lately.
18:24 this ship's name plate says "Mark III No. 11". Mark 3:11 (in the bible) is "You are the son of God." which is basically what Neo is (the AI being God).
Oh wowww
I'm so f...n gelous you watched it 25 years later and understand it so easily. I had to watch it like 15 times to wrap my head around the idea of it. F..k you Amin and Anita.. I totally love your sense of humour. I enjoy you like my own friends. Thank you for that. Btw the creators were brothers Washowski who are now sisters..😂 You turned me into subscriber with LOTR. Now let's watch some movies, so keep it going. Greetings from my Bulgaria.
"for 1999 the cgi is great"
There's not been much "CGI" for the intro - other than a couple of backgrounds replaced (blue screen) there's no CGU in the opening sequence with Trinity. Even the "freeze frame" - that was done with over 120 cameras each taking still shots around her in a circle, at 24 FPS equivalent. There's some wire removal and such - but so far, to the point the gentleman said "for 1999 the cgi is great" - there's not been any CGI. yet.