Until when this blood shield shall stop? Still, it is going as we see it is going on. It all ignorance, that keeps, the division in religion, Ethnics and cane. Can't we learn simply from the Somaly land society who called us to work in its own land? the country has enough manpower and resources. the expansion of education and industry should be our moto. But when and who shall comfort the above that shall avoid poverty.
Cruel Mengistu Hailemariam should be prosecuted for what he did. Killing people was like drinking water for him. He started with the famous and respected king in the world and then killed almost everybody including his friends. He did not want anybody educated or smarter than him or a person with wisdom. He was so, so in secured. It was all about him. Now, he lives a good like outside Ethiopia. He betrayed everybody who was bowing tor him. He is a monster. He should pay for what he did. Now, he denied everything. What a shame. Ethiopia is never lucky. After him another one and then after that another disaster. It is now over 50 years. Ethiopia is having a hard time and suffering to this date. Sad.
Colonel Mangistu Hilamarim and his colleagues did have enough knowledge and education to solve the issue on the table. As concequece, Ethiopian people scarfied and so many others problems rooted from 1967 mistakes.
Teferi Bante wanted to stay with the US. But, Mengistu and most of the derg members wanted for USSR to come. USA was forced to cut its budgets because of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973. One of the targets was Kagnew Station. The US start cutting the budget for Ethiopia. USSR took advantage of the situation and they came. They solved the problem with the shortage of oil. They armed the deg to their teeth and encouraged them to murder. Thousand of civilians, most of whom innocent, were murdered in cold blood. Millions more died of starvation while the derg was spending millions of dollars for its 10th anniversary.
How can you say this ? Amhara has been massacred the last 32 years . Worse the last 5 years been killed every day and displaced. How come you don’t see this ? Fano is a freedom fighter. They are tired of being killed. Now the government went to Amhara kilele Genociding innocent civilians. They will be accountable.
አቢይ አህመድ ዳግማዊ መንግስቱ።
በኢትዮጵያ ሥልጣን ለመያዝ የሚከድበት የግድያ ስልት በደንብ ያስረዳል። ለሀገር የሚጠቅሙ ከፍተኛ ምሁራን ዜጎች አልቀዋል።
So sad 😭 mog😢
Menge ilove you 🔥🔥🔥🔥
አማን ዓንዶም አልተረሸኑም አልተያዙም ላመኑበት ተዋግተው ተሰዉ።
በትክክል አይታወቅም ጀነራል አማን ቤታቸው እኛ ሰፈር ጦር ሀይሎች አካባቢ ነው ወይ በታንክ ተደምስሰዋል ወይ እራሳቸውን አጥፍተዋል
ኮረኔል ዳንኤል መቶ እየተዋጉ ነበር
ታሪክ እንዲህ በእውነተኛ ገጽታው ሲቀርብ ደስ ይላል! ወያኔን ሰጠላን መንግስቱን ማወደስ እና የፈጠራ ትርክት መፍጠር ነውር ነው፡፡ ያለ ችሎታው ስልጣንን ወዶ ታላላቅ የኢትዮጵያን ዕንቁዎችን አርዶ አርዶ፤ አገሪቷን ሰው አልባ ካደረገ በኋላ ውርደትን መርጦ በመፈርጠጥ በቁሙ የሞተ እንደ መንግስቱ ሃ/ማ በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ የለም!
ተፈሪ በተፈጠሮው ደግ ሰዉ ነበር - የዋሕ በሚባል ደረጃ ... በጀነራል አማን የተደረገው አካሄድ ሊያስጠነቅቀው ሲገባ ... ተፈጥሮን መቀየር ቀላል አይደለም እና በየዋሕነት ገፋ ... የዋሆች ያልሆኑ ገፍትረው ጕድጓድ አስገቡት ...
አረመኔው መንግሥቱ ኃ/ማ አንድ ብሎ ኢትዮጵያን በሰው ደም ያረከሰበት ዘመን.
❗ኢትዮጵያን በዘር ከፋፍሎ የበሀር በር አሳጥቶ ትውልድን ሀገርን ገሎ ዛሪም ነቀርሳው ያለቀቀን የ ህወሓት ወያኔን ያክል ጠላት ኢትዮጵያ በታሪኳ አስተናግዳ አታውቅም❗
መንጌ ጀግና ሐገር ወዳድ ቆራጥ መሪ ነበር
@@antealehegnhailu2589 ጅግና ሰው የቅርብ ጓደኛቻቸው ሳይቀር ለስልጣን ብሎ በጭካኔ ገድሎ ኣይሸሽም። የጅግና ፍጥረት የለውም።
Until when this blood shield shall stop? Still, it is going as we see it is going on.
It all ignorance, that keeps, the division in religion, Ethnics and cane. Can't we learn simply from the Somaly land society who called us to work in its own land? the country has enough manpower and resources. the expansion of education and industry should be our moto. But when and who shall comfort the above that shall avoid poverty.
ይህን ሁሉ ወንጀል የሰራው መንግስቱ ኃይለማሪያም የሚሉት ጭራቅ በህይወት መኖሩ ይገርመኛል።
አይ ኢትዮጵያ ዛሬም ህዝብ እያለቀ ነው!
በሬ ካራጁ ጋር
አረመኔው መንግሥቱ ሀይለማሪያም ንጉሱን ገድሎ እነ አማን አምዶምን እነ ተፈሪ በንቲን አረ ስንቱ ንፁሀን ቀይ ሽብር ብሎ በሚልዮን የሚቆጠሩ ከፈጀ በኃላ ለጥ ብሎ ዝምባቤ ልጆቹን አስተምሮ በሰላም ይኖራል:: ወይ አፍሪካ በተለይ ደግሞ ኢትዮጵያ የሰው ህይወት የረከሰበት ያስዝናል
Cruel Mengistu Hailemariam should be prosecuted for what he did. Killing people was like drinking water for him. He started with the famous and respected king in the world and then killed almost everybody including his friends. He did not want anybody educated or smarter than him or a person with wisdom. He was so, so in secured. It was all about him. Now, he lives a good like outside Ethiopia. He betrayed everybody who was bowing tor him. He is a monster. He should pay for what he did. Now, he denied everything. What a shame. Ethiopia is never lucky. After him another one and then after that another disaster. It is now over 50 years. Ethiopia is having a hard time and suffering to this date. Sad.
❗ኢትዮጵያን በዘር ከፋፍሎ የበሀር በር አሳጥቶ ትውልድን ሀገርን ገሎ ዛሪም ነቀርሳው ያለቀቀን የ ህወሓት ወያኔን ያክል ጠላት ኢትዮጵያ በታሪኳ አስተናግዳ አታውቅም❗
ከህውሀት 10 እጥፍ ይሻላል. ምንም ቢሆን የተገዳደሉት በሀሳብ ልዩነት እንጂ ክልል ፈጥረው አልነበረም.
በአለም ላይ ያሉ መንግስታት የማይገድል የለም ። ሁሉም ይገላሉ ያስራሉ ። ስለዚህ የሱን ገኖ ማውራቱ አግባብ አይደለም።
መንግስቱ ሐገሩን የሚወድ ሰው ነው ። እነ መለስ እነ ዶክተር አብይ ናቸው ሰላማዊያንን የጨረሱት ታሪክም አይረሳውም
Colonel Mangistu Hilamarim and his colleagues did have enough knowledge and education to solve the issue on the table. As concequece, Ethiopian people scarfied and so many others problems rooted from 1967 mistakes.
Ye esachue toss isekezarey deres waga iyaskefelen new, God forgive us all😢 let us pray that God will turn to us and ubsolve us off our sin.🙏
ትክክል ነው በእግዚአብሄር የተቀባ መሪ እስከሚመጣ ድረስ መፀለይ ነው
this historical evidence is make me shock .
I think so from 1967 Upton known it's cooled blood government Administered .
መንግስቱ እና አብይ አንድ ናቸው!!
የሰይጣውንት ኣገር። የጠንቛዮች ዘር
ልመጣ ነው
በመንጌ የተነሳ ነው ምሁር የተባለ አልቆ ሀገሪቱ በዘረኞች እና ከፋፋዮች እጅ ላይ እንትወድቅ የሆነው
Ayeeeee mengestu, killer
መንግስቱ ሴይጣን .....
❗ኢትዮጵያን በዘር ከፋፍሎ የበሀር በር አሳጥቶ ትውልድን ሀገርን ገሎ ዛሪም ነቀርሳው ያለቀቀን የ ህወሓት ወያኔን ያክል ጠላት ኢትዮጵያ በታሪኳ አስተናግዳ አታውቅም❗
Of eegi yaa Tafarii Bantii
Xoobiyaan nama gantii
ብለዋቸው ነበር የኦሮሞ ህዝብ::
ይሄ አህያ የሆነ መንግስቱ የሚባል መሀይም አገራችንንኮ እሱ ነው የገደላት ይህ እርጉም
ንጉሠ ነገሥ ቀዳማዊ ኃለሥላሴ ይባላሉ!!!!
ቀዳማዊ ኃይለስላሴ ንጉሰ ነገስት ዘ ኢትዮጵያ
Aman Andom Tewagtew bezu sewoch kegdelu bahuala engi Tereshenew Aydelem yetarem
U are right that’s we heard about Aman Andom
ተራ ወታደሮችም ነበሩበት
ተ/ወታደር ግርማ አየለ በኋላ ብ/ጄነራል
አማን አምዶን እቤቱ ውስጥ አልያዝም ሲል በታንክ ከነ ቤቱ ጨፈለቁት። መንግስቱ አራማኔ ነው
It is not EpRP, It is EPLF(Shaabiya) Lead by EPLF commando member named Goitom. EPRP was sympathiser.
Tonkolegna malet Tankara scientist malet now . Tonkolegna now Hager ye me geza 😎
ስይጣን ብቻ..
ጄኔራል አማን አምዶም አልተረሸኑም ጦር ኃይሎች አጠገብ ከሚገኘው ቤታቸው ሆነው ተታኩሰው ነው ያለፉት!!!!😉
አረመኔው የደርግ መንግስት መንግስቱ ጌታ የስራህን ይስጥህ አንተ ባሪያ አረመኔ እንደ መልክህ
❗ኢትዮጵያን በዘር ከፋፍሎ የበሀር በር አሳጥቶ ትውልድን ሀገርን ገሎ ዛሪም ነቀርሳው ያለቀቀን የ ህወሓት ወያኔን ያክል ጠላት ኢትዮጵያ በታሪኳ አስተናግዳ አታውቅም❗
Ziga kolkolle neftegna👊
በኢትዬጲያ ታሪክ አጤ ቴድሮስ ለሀገሩ ጥሩ መሪ የለም ሁሉም ስህተት ስረተዋል❤
ሁሉም ስህተት ሠርተዋል።
የማታውቀውን አትዘላብድ
@@Bio650 ምናው የአጼዎች ናፋቂ ነህ
@@Zinet23t4 አዎ
@@maberomenze2392 like lll
Megistu Metefo baria neber enquanem laymelse hade.
መንግስቱ መይም ስለሆነች የተማሩትን ምሁራኖች ቀርጥፋ በላቻቸው።
መንኔ ሙሁራን ገደለ .እውነት ነው የደደቢት ደደቦች ህዝቡ ለህዝብ በተላትነት እተገዳደለ የሚኖሩበት ተንኮል ሰሩ የማያባራው እልቂት እንደቀጠለ ነው
Teferi Bante wanted to stay with the US. But, Mengistu and most of the derg members wanted for USSR to come. USA was forced to cut its budgets because of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973. One of the targets was Kagnew Station. The US start cutting the budget for Ethiopia. USSR took advantage of the situation and they came. They solved the problem with the shortage of oil. They armed the deg to their teeth and encouraged them to murder. Thousand of civilians, most of whom innocent, were murdered in cold blood. Millions more died of starvation while the derg was spending millions of dollars for its 10th anniversary.
Ke ya Rashana ken tejemerow now ye debterwowcj ye wushet terektewch mebetates ye tejemere,ye Ketel 😎
መንጌ መኖር ያለበት ሰዉ
❗ኢትዮጵያን በዘር ከፋፍሎ የበሀር በር አሳጥቶ ትውልድን ሀገርን ገሎ ዛሪም ነቀርሳው ያለቀቀን የ ህወሓት ወያኔን ያክል ጠላት ኢትዮጵያ በታሪኳ አስተናግዳ አታውቅም❗
ያ ደደብ ጭንቅላት።በላቸው ለዛ ቆሻሻ ስርዓቱ
ethioian aferesooo yawodemate woyane sayehone Derege new
This EPRp duty is similar to Amhara Fano duties of today.
How can you say this ? Amhara has been massacred the last 32 years . Worse the last 5 years been killed every day and displaced. How come you don’t see this ? Fano is a freedom fighter. They are tired of being killed. Now the government went to Amhara kilele Genociding innocent civilians. They will be accountable.
Ofcorse Derg and Fano are the same dictators Ethiopian are not lucky at leaders I am sorry
@@foryou4761 Fano is not your leaders
Asafari tarik🤮
ይህቅጥረኛ ሺማግሌ ሞትላተክብርአለኝ