I was 33 years old, a Christian Chaplain, Baptist, I studied Judaism to learn to relate to Jews, why do they reject Jesus etc, I also wanted to learn how to convert Jews to Christianity. But as I studied Hebrew scripture I fell in love with it, I converted to Judaism.
@HolydiverMrp Exactly what happened to you happens to many christians, priests too, they study Islam to be able to argue for Jesus as son of God to muslims, they want to dive deeper, they learn to read the Quran in arabic and they end up converting to Islam. There is only One God!
My turning point from christian evangelist to converting to judaism it was the learning of biblical Hebrew. It was terrifying when I realized the deception and that I was deceived for so long The solution I believe is to teach Biblical Hebrew. Rabbi Tovia, you are the answer to my prayers when I was looking for answers to my questions HalleluYah!
My whole life I've had evangelicals trying to convince me of those lies I always knew in my Hebrew heart they weren't true and to be honest I do think Christianity is a valid faith just so long as it possesses and focuses on the gospel of grace, because I know Christians who are good decent and compassionate people because of the Gospel of Grace, though without it it is full of legalists and Liars, it is the true bridge between faiths. I believe even polytheists that are sincere, Hindus Buddhists eg. , can with the gospel of grace share in a single spiritual community as we were all meant to be as their has only ever been one true& nameless God. Shalom
@berts558 the early believers were one God Jesus name believers. The trinity is later developed by Tertullian around 200AD, which was then voted into their religion in 325AD. They're pagans and not Christian at all.
I was a Christian and converted to Judaism. My life never has made so much sense like it has now. I pray only to Hashem and no one else. I am now where my soul belongs.
Judaism, Samaritans, Mandaeans and Islam is only true monotheism. I have more respect from Judaism, Samaritan and Mandaeans. Alwite/Nusairi, Druze, Ismailis and Alevism Shia are just like Christianity, believe human as God, but not a prophet but cousin of Muhammad, Ali. even more worst, some Shia believe 12 Imam as God, 12 descendant of Muhammad daugther Fatimah and Ali a cousin of Muhammad, more moderate Shia like Jafari/Twelver in Iraq, Iran and Lebanon are not believe as God but more holy than prophet. Alwite(like Syrian President Bashar Al-Ashad) is one of them. they are extereme version of Jafari shia. Monothiesm Christian are extinct, a take over by trinitian version.
I grew up a Trinitarian and then now a Noahide monotheist. I thank Hashem that Rabbi Tovia Singer open my mind. I always enjoy watching his shows in RUclips such a blessing to the soul from Hashem.
Rabbi Singer and Rabbi Wildes, thank you so much. I did not believe some of the events of the bible, or was at least skeptical. Your words have proven to me the events of the bible for the first time in my 68 years. While I have tried to follow the Noahide laws since I first started following Rabbi Singer a few years ago, it has always been a burden on my heart that I did not believe some of the events in the bible. Now, I believe them, pulling me even closer to Noahide. You are both inspirations. Thank you so much from an old man with a new view.
In a search for truth, which began 20 years ago, I found Rabbi Singer on the web at around 2005...His teachings was instrumental in locking in my faith to the One True G-D of all things seen and of all things unseen. He truly brought Light to my eyes and my Spirit.....May the All-Mighty continue to Bless and Keep Rabbi Singer.
@Blessed .....No matter who the prophesied Messiah that brings in world peace turns out to be, it will be HaShem that orchestrates the outcome of His Word.
"I am First (ie: I have no father), I am last (ie: I have no son) and besides for Me there is no God (ie: I have no brother or co-creator, I am alone)." Isaiah 44:6.
@DARK KATACLYSM sorry brother you're really truly ignoring so much scripture. It's not just the one that the gentleman quoted it's pretty much the entire book of Isaiah you're ignoring. Please read all of Isaiah and the Bible.
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth s amama
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth aa mamamma
@@THEACANDAS He does - he brought up the "Jews for nothing" issue. In my opinion being a secular Jew doesn't mean "Jew for nothing", rather Jews for science, art, etc. He wants Jews remain Jews, not being stolen by Christian missionaries all the time, that's all. What's wrong with not not believing in those invisible beings in the sky? As a secular non-believer I feel emotionally related to Judaism. It's all about emotions.
@@zoltankoves That’s the first time I’ve heard him address the issue. By the way the Fact is that the brightest Jewish minds are either atheist or Believers in Jesus as the Messiah including Simon Greenleaf founder of Harvard law and author of the “Treatise on the law of evidence” the Gold Standard on evidence writings in the 1800’s
Rabbi is absolutely right, my conversion began when I was a child growing up in a Jewish neighborhood in West Philadelphia. I saw the way Jews carried themselves and the way they raised there children . Many of my friends were Jewish they treated me so much better then my Christian family and other Christians. Yahuda
My christian elder said to me 35 years ago that those who havnt accepted jesus into their lives will perish in hell. I love my old people an many never accepted christianity. I loudly disagreed. I left that church an have been searching since. now ive heard rabbi tovi singer an i know i was right. Praise God.
EXACTLY!! That's the very reason that there are SO many Jews who have converted to false, pagan Christianity and other religions - they WEREN'T taught the Hebrew scriptures at home by their parents! It's an extremely SAD situation, but fortunately, there are now outreach Rabbis, who are bringing these people back to God's Truth!! .
I'm just so happy to learn about the Creator. (-: (-: Psalms 22:27 Praise the ONE! Those who seek Him, their hearts will be revived forever. Thank You Lord!!
@Abraham Mani no where in our scriptures is an anti chrust mentioned and lol we use Jeremiah 31 to show you we all still need to be observing the laws even after the messiah comes. Stop lying about an Antichrist that you would have to go to christian literature to find and stop trying to prove Christianity wrong by mentioning Jeremiah 31.
@Abraham Mani wow a John written much much later tried to make it sound similar to Ezekiel. That does not convince us and I keep telling you our tanach already proves all Christianity is false. Stop spreading false teachings to others. Not OK Mani
@@Love-One-Another that isn't even yeshua that is 'moshiya' from that verse. You can't read the Hebrew, lol you have literally never read the book of Isaiah then. Yehoshua is a common name though. It is Joshua in English. Thanks for demonstrating how you are not someone to be explaining any Torah to Jews. Someone who can't even read the Hebrew. What a joke. Even outside of Israel Jewish kids can read Hebrew. They read from the prayer book every morning. They can read this isaiah any other line also. They are ahead of you. But it isn't your fault. You are a christian idol worshipper. We should feel sorry for you but I do not even feel that The point is that you are not even qualified to argue with us
@@Love-One-Another oh and the last word is moshiya. do not get confused either thinking it is moshiach. Doesn't have the het letter on the end we normally transliterate as 'ch'
I shine the same light. Comes naturally. Never knew until I was asked 'Do you take Jesus as your Lord and Savior!!!' ...I could not put anything between me and God. I didn't know until then. I also found out I'm Askenazi, which I didn't know until my daughter did a DNA test. All my life I just assumed I was a Christian At Large, with no real denomination. Now it is clear, I am not a Christian. I had to be tested. I passed the test. Now I watch Rabbi Tovia and it all makes sense as to why my mother's family kept the secret.
Sing it rabbi!!! I was a evangelical Christian… didn’t seek to convert people of Judaism but did grow up loving them and indeed it did lead me to the curiosity of Judaism
@Abraham Mani: What you said are blasphemous LIES that God NEVER said to us, that continue to be preached even after thousands of years, by false, pagan, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology "Christianity"! NOWHERE did God EVER tell us that we need to be "saved" and that if we don't 'believe' in the Jewish Messiah, that He will send us to "hell", NOR did He EVER mention a "cross" to us! These outright LIES just DO NOT exist in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures given to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. The "NT" is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God, and it blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us in the ETERNAL words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE look up the meaning of the word "ETERNAL", since you, and all of Christianity seem to have NO clue what that word means! p.s. God also specifically told us that one man CANNOT die for the sins of another - this is a horrific pagan ritual that God absolutely ABHORS! .
My religious education was so boring that I didn’t even distinguish Israel from Russia at first. Not one of my teachers made me feel proud of my heritage. I faced antisemitism during my week-day secular education and boredom during my religious education. Id see Hassidic Jews and they were a weird embarrassment to me. I had no trouble passing as a Christian and preferred that to being hated and embarrassed. It wasn’t until I had my DNA tested and have the result come back as 99.9% Ashkenazic Jew, before I started to educate myself about our people. Now I wish that there had been someone like Rabbi Singer teaching me as a child. Now as an old man I would like to make Aliyah but my atheist ex-Catholic wife doesn’t want to move.
"Only to YHVH (the Creator) Who brought you up from the land of Egypt with great might and with an outstretched arm, only Him shall you fear, and to Him shall you prostrate yourselves..." 2nd Kings 17:36.
Thank you, the both of you! great work! Rabbi Tovia Singer you look so genuine! You makes the words of Hashem so Real! may Hashem keep you and bless you! Thank you!!!
"With regard to everything that I have told you, be watchful to keep, and the name of any foreign god, do not even utter, it shouldn't be heard on your lips" Exodus 23:13.
@@GodLovesYou1980 Since there's only one living GOD then we can use YHWH. It's in Tanakh several thousand times. It's the OTHER gods that should be nameless, yes including the supposedly "son" !!!
@@GodLovesYou1980 Actually YHWH is a distortion of HIS name because of the adoption of the Masoretic text 🙄. There is quite a bit of information on why modern Hebrew sounds like it is now and one of the reasons is the Masoretic text. The True biblical language is Ghabary.
Rabbi Tovia is right, we Muslims appreciate him very much. Plus, he told us so much about Judaism that we didn’t know. PS The Muslims world is also trying to save itself against the onslaught of humanist secularism.
I wish you Mazel Tov very much and hope you educate as many young people as much as possible. I do it myself in Stockholm, and I have been in Israel 47 times but I want 47 times more.
@Abraham Mani: What you said are blasphemous LIES that God NEVER said to us, that continue to be preached even after thousands of years, by false, pagan, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology "Christianity"! NOWHERE did God EVER tell us that we need to be "saved" and that if we don't 'believe' in the Jewish Messiah, that He will send us to "hell", NOR did He EVER mention a "cross" to us! These outright LIES just DO NOT exist in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures given to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. The "NT" is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God, and it blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us in the ETERNAL words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE look up the meaning of the word "ETERNAL", since you, and all of Christianity seem to have NO clue what that word means! p.s. God also specifically told us that one man CANNOT die for the sins of another - this is a horrific pagan ritual that God absolutely ABHORS!
The "Christian love for the Jew", of which so much is heard these days, turns out to be conditional in an overwhelming majority of cases. Christians, evangelical Christian missionaries in particular, view the Jews as a blind people in need of being made into "believers". When their missionary efforts fail, or when their deceptions are exposed, their professed love for the Jew quickly turns into hatred and contempt.
Ha! The Evangelical Backfire! That’s my story exactly! I was raised Scots Presbyterian in a small town of mostly Scots and Scots Irish but I had a Jewish Great Grandfather from Germany, Grandpa Max, so I knew a bit about Judaism. Years later I had a Jewish friend from Manhattan who introduced me to “Messianic Judaism” and I began attending a Messianic Synagogue where I became very interested in all things Jewish. I started learning Hebrew on my own and could read enough of The Tanach in Hebrew to realize that some key scriptures were very different than what I was reading in my Christian Bible. I began to lean more towards Judaism and challenged the Rabbi on the scriptures. Long story short I was “Blacklisted” and my name was published and smeared in The Messianic Jewish Times by the President of The Messianic Jewish Alliance. The President was the founder of the movement and of the newspaper, Rabbi Haim Levi, Tampa, Florida. I lost a few friends but gained a great deal of knowledge about The Hebrew Scriptures. I did not convert to Judaism but I became a strong supporter of Israel and the Jewish people in general. I do not attend church ⛪️, not any church and I never will. Here’s the kicker! The good Rabbi reverted back to “Orthodox Judaism” shortly before he passed. I don’t think this little man from the country of Columbia was even Jewish at all but he sure made a lot of money from unsuspecting faith seekers!!
"Emperor Antoninus asked Rebbi [Rabbi Yehuda haNasi] "Do I have a portion in the World to Come?" Rebbi answered him "Yes, you do." Antoninus replied "But isn't it written [in Obadiah] 'There will be no survivors from the House of Esau'?", "Yes" Rebbi answered, "but that only applies to those who *behave* like Esau." Tractate Avoda Zara 10b.
@DARK KATACLYSM: NEVER WAS..... *NEVER WILL BE!!* So you need to stop propagating your hate-filled, anti-God, anti-Jewish, man-made propaganda that God NEVER said to us! NO FURTHER SCRIPTURES were given after Mt. Sinai - therefore NO "New Testament", NO "Jesus" character! "Christianity" is a blasphemous religion that absolutely DID NOT come from God! PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11, since they have been studying the original Hebrew scriptures all the way back to Mt. Sinai - something false, pagan Christianity REFUSED to do, leaving them in profound darkness as to what God actually said to us, which resulted in the false, pagan religion of "Christianity", that blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE buy yourself a Hebrew Bible (says "TANACH" on the cover) so you can see for yourself what God actually said to us, and so you can leave the false, pagan teachings you are learning from your "blind guides" that know ZERO about the Hebrew scriptures given to us by God.
"And you shall be *oh so careful* for yourselves, for you did not see any image on the day that Hashem spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire. *Lest you CORRUPT YOURSELVES and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, the likeness of male or female* ," Deuteronomy 4.
@@jessedylan6162 The *false Messiah* is in the Torah Isaiah says the *Ancient* and *honourable* he is the head the prophet that teacheth lies he is the tail> and I Daniel I saw one LIKE a son of man ( Ben Adam) came unto the *Ancient* of days
@@theunclejezusshow8260 2 nd Thessalonians 2 > let no man decieve you by any means for that day shLl not come except there come a falling away first and that man of SIN be revealed the son of perdition !
I was adopted by a mix couple, evangelical and secular scared Jew . By the time I was 16 i knew I am Jewish whether or not i can prove it. I was kept in Xtianity by the wonderful mother of the adoption and it took me years to clean myself from idolatry. 35 years ago i converted through Orthodox. Messianic Chrisianity grieves my spirit. They are evil and deceptive. Just being near me makes my whole body sick.
I know what you mean! I was once part of the "Messianics", so I got to see firsthand, all the dirty tricks they use to deceive people, ignorant of the Hebrew scriptures, into converting to their false, pagan, man-made, replacement theology, blasphemous religion. I'm so glad to know that you allowed Hashem to open your eyes to His Truth! May He continue to bless you in all that you do!!
"But will God ever dwell on the earth? Behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You; much less this temple that I have erected." 1st Kings 8:27.
But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded? This is the actual quote.
"And I am YHVH ("The Creator") your God from the land of Egypt, *and a god other than Me do not know* , & there is no Savior other than Me." Hoseah 13:4. R.I.P. Xianity.
Repeat it again and again. Because ALL Christians fail to read what is so extremely simple... NO IDOLATRY, means NO IDOLATRY! They still, run to do sin and then, instead of repenting, and praying straight to THE FATHER... They say, no one is perfect...besides, they have John 3:16. That is 100% IDOLATRY! That's what to expect from the Greek / Roman mythology of Christianity.
Here is Trinity.. Isaiah 6:1( I saw the Lord seated on a throne.. 3 :HOLY, HOLY , Holy is the Lord Almighty. (3 times holy. Y not 4 times 8:- I heard the the voice of the Lord. Whom shall I send? Who will go for "US"? (why "US" but not" I") Note( THE VOICE OF THE WORD OF THE LORD SIAD)
@@GodLovesYou1980 El means "The All Able/PowerfulOne", YHVW means "The One Giving Continual Existance to Everything/the Creator" its called "Shem Havayah" the "Name of Continual existance".
@@thereasaterry4854 I dont accuse people of lying often. Rabbi Singer knows the truth but lies about it. Hes not mistaken, he lies on purpose. Isaiah 9;6 says Jesus is God. This Rabbi somehow denies it says that. The guy is nuts. And you stiff necked jews believe him.
@Abraham Mani No man is god, do not worship man before Holy Hashem, for you're prayers are a Abomination. Without the True law's, You're prayers are a Abomination. Always remember this. Oh it is in Deuteronomy. Put No god upon my face. Said Holy Hashem to Moses. Noah was chosen because he only worshipped one Holy Hashem. Abraham was a blessed man. For he chose the Only Holy Hashem. Man can try lead others to temptations. By the Grace of Holy Hashem may he lead us away from temptations. Deliver us from Evil. Thank you Rabbi Tovia. I know only one Holy Hashem. I chose him. Amen.
@Abraham Mani: What you said are blasphemous LIES that God NEVER said to us, that continue to be preached even after thousands of years, by false, pagan, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology "Christianity"! NOWHERE did God EVER tell us that we need to be "saved" and that if we don't 'believe' in the Jewish Messiah, that He will send us to "hell", NOR did He EVER mention a "cross" to us! These outright LIES just DO NOT exist in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures given to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. The "NT" is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God, and it blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us in the ETERNAL words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE look up the meaning of the word "ETERNAL", since you, and all of Christianity seem to have NO clue what that word means! p.s. God also specifically told us that one man CANNOT die for the sins of another - this is a horrific pagan ritual that God absolutely ABHORS!
"Rabbi Meir would teach: From what verse is it derived that even a non-jew who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest? It is derived from that which is stated: “You shall therefore keep My statutes and My ordinances, which if a man does he shall live by them” (Leviticus 18:5). It doesn't say "Which if Priests, Levites, and Israelites do they shall live by them", but rather: “A man,” which indicates mankind in general. You have therefore learned a source for our tradition that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest- And it was taught there in the context of this baraita [teaching], that this is with regards to a gentile who engages in the study of their seven mitzvot". [Jewish commentary on the Talmud: It is a mitzva (positive commandment) for a gentile to study the halakhot [laws] that pertain to the seven Noahide mitzvot, and when he does so he is highly regarded to the level of even a High Priest]. Sanhedrin page 59.
Even though a Gentile is obligated to learn the details of the Seven Noahide Commandments and the Noahide Code that he is commanded to follow, this learning itself is not in the category of a particular commandment (something that Gentiles are additionally commanded to observe). Gentiles do not have a Divine commandment of learning Torah, but this is rather an obligation that is included in the Noahide Commandments themselves. It is included in every Divine commandment that the one who is commanded should know and be involved in learning how to keep that commandment (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 77).
So you dont believe jesus was the messiah or that he resurrected. And yet, all thru the five books of moses that if you live by the law, you live. Fulfillment of the law brings eternal life. If you wont live by the law, well moses said you will die by the law, the story of jesus is that he overcame death because he understood and lived by the law. To prove the word is the breath of life.
34:00 what an amazing phenomenon, this is literally a brazen example of "giluy yichud", where Hashem shows His total power by using the evil to be a vessel to bring holiness to the world. I just made a lecture video on this topic on my channel. Absolutely beautiful!
"And it shall be on that day, says Hashem...I will cut off the *names* of the Idols from the land, and they will not be remebered ever again, and also the false prophets and the spirit of impurity, I will remove from the earth...and it shall be on that day all the "prophets" will be ashamed of their prophecies...And they will be asked *"what are those wounds between your hands?"* And he will say "the wounds I received in the house of my friends"...Zechariah 13 verses 2-6.
The destruction of the Temple must've been so awesome. Especially when a Roman soldier tossed a piece of burning wood inside and it went up in flames Must've been great
"A teaching from the study house of Elijah the prophet: I testify against myself heaven and earth, whether it be a man or a woman, whether it be a non-jew or a jew, whether it be a servant or a maid-servant, it is all solely according to their deeds that Divine Inspiration rests on them." Tanna DeBei Eliyahu.
I don't know how you could read that f I l t h from the T a l m u d An then think, ' Yeah, this is fine '. You people can't debate the Oral torah like Christians or Muslims debate their texts
Most respected rabbi, could you say something about the family of historical Jesus, his brother James for instance. Thank you for your work, sincerely.
@@catrol5899 God already gave a plan for gentiles in Genesis 9. Anything true from the New Testament can be found in the Torah. You don't need Paul or Jesus.
@@catrol5899 the human Christian God didn't exist until his mother gave birth to him, christianity is obviously false religion, god is one not a truine creature
@@JaJa-bf6qk Jesus said, "I and the Father are One." Thomas said to Him, "My Lord and my God." Jesus said, "If you do not believe I Am you will die in your sins." Do you need more? Jesus said, "He that has seen Me has seen the Father."
More like demonic. Good people don't reply as these so called Christians. I didn't realize how Out of balance, hateful they are. Pray for all these lost souls. 🤺💐
@@johncao5428 we as Jews agree. Jesus was a false prophet. You get death for that and bad punishment in the afterlife. You are not insulting us Jews mentioning the Talmud speaking badly of jesus. We have been telling you for 2000 years that the jesus of the Nt is a false prophet. We say it proudly and loudly. We won't stop saying it till the actual messiah does come because then the christians will know their own heresy
In regard to a trip to Israel, I work a lot. I went to Israel, just for a week. I decided I would concentrate on Jerusalem, rather than trying to see the entire country in a week. I plan on returning when possible, right now I have an aging mother issue. When I go back I may tour other cities. My trip to Jerusalem was extremely special. I also think keys to staying Jewish are affiliating with a synagogue, going to Shabbat services, being in Sisterhood and even taking classes at the JCC. I study Hebrew every Sunday. I am taking a class on mahjong (not very religious), but I enjoy being around other Jewish women my own age. I work in a very gentile world, but my social life is pretty much all Jewish.
41:41 What you say to them is "how d'you know you weren't there?" "Why do you think you weren't there?" 41:45 You can't really ask people to "simply believe" anything. If they were there they'll have a 'memory'. If not, they won't. This is what I said earlier as to the belief in Gilgul or not affects the entire outlook. When there's no belief in rebirth there's no belief in prior connections.
this is false. judaism does not stand on belief in Gilgul. it stands on the credibility of the history and traditions and books of an entire nation all attesting to the truth of the religion. from father to son.
@@proudpharisee5303 I didn't say that it 'stood' on it. I said that the belief in rebirth affects one's outlook. In the other comment. 'The belief in/understanding of 'rebirth' and 'reincarnation' may seem very unimportant, but whether one believes in 'rebirth' and 'reincarnation' or not actually makes a HUGE difference to one's ENTIRE outlook on everything.'
@Abraham Mani no G-d of Israel never mentions an Antichrist. Not in all our holy scriptures, not the 5 books of Moses or prophets or writings. Have to go to christian literature to find it. That is like a Muslim telling you jesus says to follow sharia law. Stop lying about an Antichrist. G-d of Israel says no such thing and never mentions an Antichrist. You Mani are a liar
@Abraham Mani the comforter > Hebrews 11-5 by faith Abel offered to G_d a more excellent sacrifice than that Cain by which he obtained *witness* that he was righteous G_d testifying *his gifts* that by being dead yet he *speak*
"When there will be among you a person who claims to be a prophet or a dreamer and they give you a sign or a supernatural miracle, and the sign or miracle in which they spoke happens and they say to you "lets go after foreign worships in which you *have not known of* and worship", do not listen to them, *for Hashem your God is testing you to see if you love Him with all your heart and soul,* after Hashem your God shall you go, it is Him that you shall fear, *it is His commandments that you shall keep,* His voice shall you listen to, *Him shall you worship,* and to Him shall you cling, *and that person shall be killed,* because they spoke falsehood against Hashem your God *TO MAKE YOU STRAY FROM THE PATH THAT Hashem your God commanded you to go in* and you shall remove that evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 13. "When your fellow tells you in secret saying "let us go and serve foreign worship *WHICH YOU NOR YOUR FOREFATHERS HAVE KNOWN OF* ...do not desire them, don't listen to them, do not have pity on them, do not have mercy on them and do not try to cover for them, for you shall surely cause him to be killed... *because they seeked to lead you astray from Hashem your God* " Deuteronomy 13. "The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews dwelling in Egypt...because of their evil, which they did to provoke Me... *to worship foreign worships, which they did not know of, not them, not you, nor your forefathers* ." Jeremiah 44:1-5. "...worships they didn't know, *newly invented worships that your forefathers did not fear* ". Anything that is newly invented, what our forefathers didn't experience, worship, know, or fear, is IDOLATRY and against the 1st two commandments where all Jews heard God command that He alone is our God and to not have any other god but Him or to ever leave the path He commanded us in going. *Case closed.*
Remember.. Jesus is a prophet, muhammad is the last prophet. They are prophet send by god. But u jews reject jesus and muhammad. Christian not reject jesus butbthey reject muhammad. Only islam not reject all prophet has sent by god from the first prophet adam until the last prophet is prophet muhammad. Thats why god was angry with the jews
Zechariah says: The flock detested me, and I grew weary of them and said, “I will not be your shepherd. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish. Let those who are left eat one another’s flesh.” Then I took my staff called Favor and broke it, revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. It was revoked on that day, and so the oppressed of the flock who were watching me knew it was the word of the lord." This eating of "another's flesh" happened in AD70. Yahweh cut off his people and left a spiritual remnant (not a physical remnant). Some of the people who were not called by his name were also grafted into the remnant. There is no longer a fleshly distinction (sons of God by way of physical generation). By the way, the Genesis account of creation is not an account of physical creation, but of a covenant creation. Most Christians don't know this. Even people who were not of physical generation, could be brought in ("Let no foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say, “The LORD will utterly exclude me from His people.” And let the eunuch not say, “I am but a dry tree.”). This is clear in the tanakh. The "Land of Israel" today has nothing to do with Covenant Israel. They were cut off and slaughtered in AD70. Their abominations left them desolate. Evangelicals are looking for a future that doesn't exist. Scofield was actually funded by big money from the banks, the very people who still call themselves Jews. My name is Kuehne (a variation of Cohen, or as in Kuhn and Loeb), but since I know that the genealogical records were kept in the Temple, there is no way that either you (Singer) or me (a Cohen), can trace back our lineage to anyone after Jerusalem was desolated. All those records were destroyed. If you have any lineage, like me, it goes back to Europe somewhere. You cannot know beyond that. Anyone who claims such is either ignorant or not being honest.
Any Gentile who accepts these Seven Noahide Commandments, and is careful to observe them, is truly a pious individual of the nations of the world, and merits an eternal portion in the future World to Come. (And with this merit, the person will be included in the Resurrection of the Dead). This applies only if he accepts them and does them because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah, and made it known through Moses our teacher, that the Children of Noah were previously commanded to fulfill them (the Divine Code by Rabbi Weiner, Second Edition, p 49). What about Gentiles who never had access to the Noahide Code? Reincarnation may be God's way to give a soul an extra opportunity it deserves (the same, p 26).
I will remain an Orthodox Christian. But Rabbi Tovia Singer always makes Christians FAR less triumphalist about their hermeneutics and the evangelical addiction to Bible idolatry.
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth amammaa
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth aamammaap
The question is why judaism and jews are willing to compromise their faith to get support form evangelicals? And for how long this support will continue?
"And it will be, *that it is all those who will call in the name of HaShem (not the christian greek mythical jeZeus) whom will be saved,* because on mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a saved remnant, as Hashem has promised..." Joel 3:5. So......those who will call in a name that isn't His (as all christians do).....mhmm.....
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth a amamama
Lmao Why the money bag? Isn't it your texts that condone usury, not ours. Also your influence in America is a much bigger issue, an people are noticing
From the pages of the Spider-Man comic and even before the comic are these famous words "with great power comes great responsibility " the responsibility of the Jewish people is to be a light to the nations. It doesn't get any better than that saying. In the words of Stan Lee "Nuff said." Thanks for having my favorite rabbi Tovia Singer on your show.
so have they fulfilled that responsibility? in what way are the Jews a light to tge nations now? I've never known any jew or Jewish organisation tell me about G*d.
This was Romes plan to make the Jew the scapegoat for rejecting Jesus and also responsible for killing God's son. All Roman Propaganda! See Cesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwell
RTS: "That's a wonderful question! Tosfos asks that question..." Me: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙌🏼🙏🏼💙 Rabbi Singer is one of a kind! What a genius and what a good soul he is. כן ירבו! 🙌🏼🙏🏼💙
I was raised in the Episcopal Church and then went to UCC and finally Unity. None of these talk this way about Jews. That doesn’t take away from the huge numbers of evangelicals that are frolicking around causing mayhem.
I recall Rabbi Tovia, with a slight smirk, talking about how Christianity was never permitted in Yemen. He was referring to the persecution by a Jwsh King in the 6th century. That smirk said alot No different to the evangelicals he dislike
I have a friend who was a evangelical Christian now going to a "Jew for Jesus" church and calls her pastor Rabbi, keep the Sabbath and celebrate the Jewish holidays as if a Jewish woman. It's amazing that she believes they are supposed to keep the Sabbath. Of course still reading the KJ Bible, how wrong can one continues to be? If at leas she read Torah, maybe her heart and mind would change. Get smarter and come to the conclusion that the TRUE GOD, CREATOR of the universe is not JC. It's the poison of Christendom growing more and more every day and is also terrifying. Where are these people goin to end up? I wonder....
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Were forbidden to keep their commandments? Where in the Tanakh does it say that? (I'm not trying to say you're wrong, I'm just wondering)
@@matthewp956 Moses only gave the Torah and the 613 commandments as an inheritance to Israel, as Deuteronomy 33:4 states: 'The Torah... is the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob.' Gentiles are obligated to keep the 7 Noahide commandments only.
I'm a former Christian grew up in the assembly of God church, and i never was taught about evangelizing the Jews.. We honored and loved the Jews... Our church actually supported numerous Jewish projects.. not messianic Jews
I was 33 years old, a Christian Chaplain, Baptist, I studied Judaism to learn to relate to Jews, why do they reject Jesus etc, I also wanted to learn how to convert Jews to Christianity. But as I studied Hebrew scripture I fell in love with it, I converted to Judaism.
Wow - that's amazing!! May Hashem continue to bless you in all that you do!!
@HolydiverMrp Exactly what happened to you happens to many christians, priests too, they study Islam to be able to argue for Jesus as son of God to muslims, they want to dive deeper, they learn to read the Quran in arabic and they end up converting to Islam. There is only One God!
My turning point from christian evangelist to converting to judaism it was the learning of biblical Hebrew. It was terrifying when I realized the deception and that I was deceived for so long The solution I believe is to teach Biblical Hebrew. Rabbi Tovia, you are the answer to my prayers when I was looking for answers to my questions HalleluYah!
Bless you
My whole life I've had evangelicals trying to convince me of those lies I always knew in my Hebrew heart they weren't true and to be honest I do think Christianity is a valid faith just so long as it possesses and focuses on the gospel of grace, because I know Christians who are good decent and compassionate people because of the Gospel of Grace, though without it it is full of legalists and Liars, it is the true bridge between faiths. I believe even polytheists that are sincere, Hindus Buddhists eg. , can with the gospel of grace share in a single spiritual community as we were all meant to be as their has only ever been one true& nameless God.
You must have been a trinitarian then
@@Post-Trib yes he would be, he clearly said he was a Christian all Christians are trinitarians, forgive me all nicaean Christians are trinitarians
@berts558 the early believers were one God Jesus name believers. The trinity is later developed by Tertullian around 200AD, which was then voted into their religion in 325AD. They're pagans and not Christian at all.
Thank you Rabbi Singer for all that you do
I was a Christian and converted to Judaism. My life never has made so much sense like it has now. I pray only to Hashem and no one else. I am now where my soul belongs.
I woke up last week after 13yrs of the NT lies. I'm so amazed by Hashem giving me the greatest gift. To know Him. Like being born again again!
And when we all recognize this Messiah will come
Judaism, Samaritans, Mandaeans and Islam is only true monotheism. I have more respect from Judaism, Samaritan and Mandaeans. Alwite/Nusairi, Druze, Ismailis and Alevism Shia are just like Christianity, believe human as God, but not a prophet but cousin of Muhammad, Ali. even more worst, some Shia believe 12 Imam as God, 12 descendant of Muhammad daugther Fatimah and Ali a cousin of Muhammad, more moderate Shia like Jafari/Twelver in Iraq, Iran and Lebanon are not believe as God but more holy than prophet. Alwite(like Syrian President Bashar Al-Ashad) is one of them. they are extereme version of Jafari shia. Monothiesm Christian are extinct, a take over by trinitian version.
I’m curious as to what happens to non-Jews who choose to reject Jesus and only follow Hashem, but not convert.
I’m a former Evangelical Christian who converted to Judaism, Baruch Hachem!
God bless you for seeing the light !!
That's GREAT!!! May Hashem continue to bless you, and give you much wisdom and strength to live your new life!!!
Wow how long did it take
@@adambrodman6229 2 years
I grew up a Trinitarian and then now a Noahide monotheist. I thank Hashem that Rabbi Tovia Singer open my mind. I always enjoy watching his shows in RUclips such a blessing to the soul from Hashem.
Rabbi Singer and Rabbi Wildes, thank you so much. I did not believe some of the events of the bible, or was at least skeptical. Your words have proven to me the events of the bible for the first time in my 68 years. While I have tried to follow the Noahide laws since I first started following Rabbi Singer a few years ago, it has always been a burden on my heart that I did not believe some of the events in the bible. Now, I believe them, pulling me even closer to Noahide. You are both inspirations.
Thank you so much from an old man with a new view.
I’m not Jewish but I believe in defending and protecting Israel at all costs. I Love the G-D of Abraham ,lsaac and Jacob.
Keep up the good work Rabbi its time for the Christian world to know n understand the real truth thankyou n best regards from samoa
In a search for truth, which began 20 years ago, I found Rabbi Singer on the web at around 2005...His teachings was instrumental in locking in my faith to the One True G-D of all things seen and of all things unseen. He truly brought Light to my eyes and my Spirit.....May the All-Mighty continue to Bless and Keep Rabbi Singer.
My brother
Ponder upon the idea that Rabbi Tovia Singer may be the awaited Eliyahu Hanavi who has to return at The End of Days.
@@1abcabcabc991 Okay, let's not exaggerate.
@@1abcabcabc991 Hes a liar extraordinaire and you are his dupe.
.....No matter who the prophesied Messiah that brings in world peace turns out to be, it will be HaShem that orchestrates the outcome of His Word.
"I am First (ie: I have no father), I am last (ie: I have no son) and besides for Me there is no God (ie: I have no brother or co-creator, I am alone)." Isaiah 44:6.
@DARK KATACLYSM Jesus was a false prophet and failed Messiah.
But one of over a thousand.
@DARK KATACLYSM sorry brother you're really truly ignoring so much scripture. It's not just the one that the gentleman quoted it's pretty much the entire book of Isaiah you're ignoring. Please read all of Isaiah and the Bible.
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth
@@DamianoftheRyans go nd search for MOST HIGH tht Jesus teach.
I think the world is blessed to have a man like tovia preach about the true word of god. May god bless this man and give him strength!!
Well, I was a christian for many years, but I crossed back. Thank you Rabbi Singer.
Hi, same here. As I never had a place to "cross back" now I'm an atheist. Sick of any religion, but culturally related to Judaism.
@@zoltankoves I wonder why Tovia doesn’t reach out to the 90% of Jews like you that do not believe in the God of the Bible
@@THEACANDAS He does - he brought up the "Jews for nothing" issue. In my opinion being a secular Jew doesn't mean "Jew for nothing", rather Jews for science, art, etc. He wants Jews remain Jews, not being stolen by Christian missionaries all the time, that's all. What's wrong with not not believing in those invisible beings in the sky? As a secular non-believer I feel emotionally related to Judaism. It's all about emotions.
@@zoltankoves That’s the first time I’ve heard him address the issue. By the way the Fact is that the brightest Jewish minds are either atheist or Believers in Jesus as the Messiah including Simon Greenleaf founder of Harvard law and author of the “Treatise on the law of evidence” the Gold Standard on evidence writings in the 1800’s
Rabbi is absolutely right, my conversion began when I was a child growing up in a Jewish neighborhood in West Philadelphia. I saw the way Jews carried themselves and the way they raised there children . Many of my friends were Jewish they treated me so much better then my Christian family and other Christians. Yahuda
My christian elder said to me 35 years ago that those who havnt accepted jesus into their lives will perish in hell. I love my old people an many never accepted christianity. I loudly disagreed. I left that church an have been searching since. now ive heard rabbi tovi singer an i know i was right. Praise God.
"You shall teach it to your children" you shall speak of it while you sit in your home,,,,,,,,,very important
EXACTLY!! That's the very reason that there are SO many Jews who have converted to false, pagan Christianity and other religions - they WEREN'T taught the Hebrew scriptures at home by their parents! It's an extremely SAD situation, but fortunately, there are now outreach Rabbis, who are bringing these people back to God's Truth!! .
Thank you Rabbi Singer.
I'm just so happy to learn about the Creator. (-: (-:
Psalms 22:27 Praise the ONE! Those who seek Him, their hearts will be revived forever.
Thank You Lord!!
Rabbi singer pulled me out of the Church. Love Tovia Singer
Thank you🦋…Shabbat helped me heal from trauma💝❤️🩹🦋
Thank you so much dear Rabbis..i have learning so much from you guys Shalom!
Rabbi you are amazing! Your knowledge of the scriptures and the history of Judaism and Christianity, is phenomenal. May Hashem continue to bless you.
@Abraham Mani no where in our scriptures is an anti chrust mentioned and lol we use Jeremiah 31 to show you we all still need to be observing the laws even after the messiah comes.
Stop lying about an Antichrist that you would have to go to christian literature to find and stop trying to prove Christianity wrong by mentioning Jeremiah 31.
@Abraham Mani wow a John written much much later tried to make it sound similar to Ezekiel. That does not convince us and I keep telling you our tanach already proves all Christianity is false. Stop spreading false teachings to others. Not OK Mani
@@goldengun9970 he like so many on these videos are trolls and will do anything to persuade it to look Christian.
Oh come on
Surely I'm a knotch up from these evangelicals thar copy and paste scripture
@Abraham Mani The beast that brings PEACE
I second that! Well said
Thank you!! You do much Rabbi Tovia Singer !! You are such a blessing!!
@@Love-One-Another no that does not mean that. Stop desecrating our Torah. You are one sick individual, I hope you get well
@@Love-One-Another christianity is a Roman religion not from abraham
The "rabbi" is only a blessing if you want a curse. How does he deny his messiah? He is a tool of the devil.
@@Love-One-Another that isn't even yeshua that is 'moshiya' from that verse. You can't read the Hebrew, lol you have literally never read the book of Isaiah then. Yehoshua is a common name though. It is Joshua in English.
Thanks for demonstrating how you are not someone to be explaining any Torah to Jews. Someone who can't even read the Hebrew. What a joke. Even outside of Israel Jewish kids can read Hebrew. They read from the prayer book every morning. They can read this isaiah any other line also. They are ahead of you.
But it isn't your fault. You are a christian idol worshipper. We should feel sorry for you but I do not even feel that
The point is that you are not even qualified to argue with us
@@Love-One-Another oh and the last word is moshiya. do not get confused either thinking it is moshiach. Doesn't have the het letter on the end we normally transliterate as 'ch'
Thank you Rabbi! You are a blessing to us...from Davao, Philippines.
Todah Rabah Rabbi.
I shine the same light. Comes naturally. Never knew until I was asked 'Do you take Jesus as your Lord and Savior!!!' ...I could not put anything between me and God. I didn't know until then. I also found out I'm Askenazi, which I didn't know until my daughter did a DNA test. All my life I just assumed I was a Christian At Large, with no real denomination. Now it is clear, I am not a Christian. I had to be tested. I passed the test. Now I watch Rabbi Tovia and it all makes sense as to why my mother's family kept the secret.
Sing it rabbi!!! I was a evangelical Christian… didn’t seek to convert people of Judaism but did grow up loving them and indeed it did lead me to the curiosity of Judaism
@Abraham Mani: What you said are blasphemous LIES that God NEVER said to us, that continue to be preached even after thousands of years, by false, pagan, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology "Christianity"! NOWHERE did God EVER tell us that we need to be "saved" and that if we don't 'believe' in the Jewish Messiah, that He will send us to "hell", NOR did He EVER mention a "cross" to us! These outright LIES just DO NOT exist in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures given to us at Mt. Sinai.
PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. The "NT" is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God, and it blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us in the ETERNAL words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE look up the meaning of the word "ETERNAL", since you, and all of Christianity seem to have NO clue what that word means!
p.s. God also specifically told us that one man CANNOT die for the sins of another - this is a horrific pagan ritual that God absolutely ABHORS! .
My religious education was so boring that I didn’t even distinguish Israel from Russia at first. Not one of my teachers made me feel proud of my heritage. I faced antisemitism during my week-day secular education and boredom during my religious education. Id see Hassidic Jews and they were a weird embarrassment to me. I had no trouble passing as a Christian and preferred that to being hated and embarrassed. It wasn’t until I had my DNA tested and have the result come back as 99.9% Ashkenazic Jew, before I started to educate myself about our people. Now I wish that there had been someone like Rabbi Singer teaching me as a child. Now as an old man I would like to make Aliyah but my atheist ex-Catholic wife doesn’t want to move.
"Only to YHVH (the Creator) Who brought you up from the land of Egypt with great might and with an outstretched arm, only Him shall you fear, and to Him shall you prostrate yourselves..." 2nd Kings 17:36.
Ponder upon the idea that Rabbi Tovia Singer may be the awaited Eliyahu Hanavi who has to return at The End of Days.
Rabbi Tovia is a coward, denies the content of the T a l m u d
Because he knows that people would rightfully hate your ilk if they knew
@@1abcabcabc991: Uhh...no! The Rabbi's name is "Tovia" - NOT "Eliyahu".
💝 You Rabbi
Singer - ☝
Education, education education 🕎🙏🎶🌷☕
Thank you, the both of you! great work! Rabbi Tovia Singer you look so genuine! You makes the words of Hashem so Real! may Hashem keep you and bless you! Thank you!!!
I love this interview
@Abraham Mani 😂
@Abraham Mani 😂
This video should have 100 million views…
"With regard to everything that I have told you, be watchful to keep, and the name of any foreign god, do not even utter, it shouldn't be heard on your lips" Exodus 23:13.
@@GodLovesYou1980 Since there's only one living GOD then we can use YHWH. It's in Tanakh several thousand times. It's the OTHER gods that should be nameless, yes including the supposedly "son" !!!
@@GodLovesYou1980 Actually YHWH is a distortion of HIS name because of the adoption of the Masoretic text 🙄. There is quite a bit of information on why modern Hebrew sounds like it is now and one of the reasons is the Masoretic text. The True biblical language is Ghabary.
@Blessed איסתרא בלגינא, קיש קיש קריא
@Blessed Read the 1st two of the 10 commandments, read Deut chapter 4, stop thinking for God and seek the actual truth.
@Blessed read all of deuteronomy very carefully, good luck
Rabbi Tovia is right, we Muslims appreciate him very much. Plus, he told us so much about Judaism that we didn’t know.
PS The Muslims world is also trying to save itself against the onslaught of humanist secularism.
I wish you Mazel Tov very much and hope you educate as many young people as much as possible. I do it myself in Stockholm, and I have been in Israel 47 times but I want 47 times more.
May HaShem continue to bless you Rabbi Singer .
@Abraham Mani: What you said are blasphemous LIES that God NEVER said to us, that continue to be preached even after thousands of years, by false, pagan, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology "Christianity"! NOWHERE did God EVER tell us that we need to be "saved" and that if we don't 'believe' in the Jewish Messiah, that He will send us to "hell", NOR did He EVER mention a "cross" to us! These outright LIES just DO NOT exist in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures given to us at Mt. Sinai.
PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. The "NT" is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God, and it blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us in the ETERNAL words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE look up the meaning of the word "ETERNAL", since you, and all of Christianity seem to have NO clue what that word means!
p.s. God also specifically told us that one man CANNOT die for the sins of another - this is a horrific pagan ritual that God absolutely ABHORS!
The "Christian love for the Jew", of which so much is heard these days, turns out to be conditional in an overwhelming majority of cases. Christians, evangelical Christian missionaries in particular, view the Jews as a blind people in need of being made into "believers". When their missionary efforts fail, or when their deceptions are exposed, their professed love for the Jew quickly turns into hatred and contempt.
You are projecting In others the hate that you have in your heart
@@THEACANDAS Jews and Noahides are honest about their hatred of idolatry.
Don't cry over xtians..YHWH said Jews r deaf nd blind.. Isaiah 6:9-10
@@xyz.9140 Jews who serve your man-idol must be deaf and blind.
@@xyz.9140 Christian's have multiple gods (trinity) definitely false religion
Ha! The Evangelical Backfire! That’s my story exactly!
I was raised Scots Presbyterian in a small town of mostly Scots and Scots Irish but I had a Jewish Great Grandfather from Germany, Grandpa Max, so I knew a bit about Judaism.
Years later I had a Jewish friend from Manhattan who introduced me to “Messianic Judaism” and I began attending a Messianic Synagogue where I became very interested in all things Jewish. I started learning Hebrew on my own and could read enough of The Tanach in Hebrew to realize that some key scriptures were very different than what I was reading in my Christian Bible. I began to lean more towards Judaism and challenged the Rabbi on the scriptures. Long story short I was “Blacklisted” and my name was published and smeared in The Messianic Jewish Times by the President of The Messianic Jewish Alliance. The President was the founder of the movement and of the newspaper, Rabbi Haim Levi, Tampa, Florida.
I lost a few friends but gained a great deal of knowledge about The Hebrew Scriptures. I did not convert to Judaism but I became a strong supporter of Israel and the Jewish people in general. I do not attend church ⛪️, not any church and I never will.
Here’s the kicker! The good Rabbi reverted back to “Orthodox Judaism” shortly before he passed. I don’t think this little man from the country of Columbia was even Jewish at all but he sure made a lot of money from unsuspecting faith seekers!!
"Emperor Antoninus asked Rebbi [Rabbi Yehuda haNasi] "Do I have a portion in the World to Come?" Rebbi answered him "Yes, you do." Antoninus replied "But isn't it written [in Obadiah] 'There will be no survivors from the House of Esau'?",
"Yes" Rebbi answered, "but that only applies to those who *behave* like Esau." Tractate Avoda Zara 10b.
Israel is entirely derived from Esau, in technology and aid. Eventually Esau will wake up, an you will be trapped in between Esau and Ishmael
The Gospels aren't concerned with ripping people off or abusing children, unlike the text u quote from
@@johncao5428 then they don't deal with anything very real.
Thank you dear Rabbis for this information, I had no idea this is going on. Who could have imagined so much misinformation. Loved Jews for Nothing.
thank you Rabbi for all your teachings! You’ve helped change my life ✨🤍
@DARK KATACLYSM therefore Superman👌
@DARK KATACLYSM: NEVER WAS..... *NEVER WILL BE!!* So you need to stop propagating your hate-filled, anti-God, anti-Jewish, man-made propaganda that God NEVER said to us! NO FURTHER SCRIPTURES were given after Mt. Sinai - therefore NO "New Testament", NO "Jesus" character! "Christianity" is a blasphemous religion that absolutely DID NOT come from God!
PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11, since they have been studying the original Hebrew scriptures all the way back to Mt. Sinai - something false, pagan Christianity REFUSED to do, leaving them in profound darkness as to what God actually said to us, which resulted in the false, pagan religion of "Christianity", that blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai.
PLEASE buy yourself a Hebrew Bible (says "TANACH" on the cover) so you can see for yourself what God actually said to us, and so you can leave the false, pagan teachings you are learning from your "blind guides" that know ZERO about the Hebrew scriptures given to us by God.
@@Love-One-Another YeshaYahu means the salvation of God
@@Love-One-Another the whole book of Isaiah is about God salvation of His people. It’s not about jesus saving anybody
@DARK KATACLYSM the Great Pretender
Thank you dear Rabbis ❤❤❤
I am learning so much from you guys and how the identity of Abba has been changed in NT and how the OT has been christianised !
Well Don tovia
"And you shall be *oh so careful* for yourselves, for you did not see any image on the day that Hashem spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire. *Lest you CORRUPT YOURSELVES and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, the likeness of male or female* ," Deuteronomy 4.
Yeah, so what?
Jws know all about false messiahs. Like when you chose to follow Simon Bar Kokbah, an then lost your homeland lmao
@Abraham Mani You may have been Decieved by The One Eyed Farmers
@@jessedylan6162 The *false Messiah* is in the Torah Isaiah says the *Ancient* and *honourable* he is the head the prophet that teacheth lies he is the tail> and I Daniel I saw one LIKE a son of man ( Ben Adam) came unto the *Ancient* of days
@@theunclejezusshow8260 2 nd Thessalonians 2 > let no man decieve you by any means for that day shLl not come except there come a falling away first and that man of SIN be revealed the son of perdition !
I was adopted by a mix couple, evangelical and secular scared Jew . By the time I was 16 i knew I am Jewish whether or not i can prove it. I was kept in Xtianity by the wonderful mother of the adoption and it took me years to clean myself from idolatry. 35 years ago i converted through Orthodox. Messianic Chrisianity grieves my spirit. They are evil and deceptive. Just being near me makes my whole body sick.
I know what you mean! I was once part of the "Messianics", so I got to see firsthand, all the dirty tricks they use to deceive people, ignorant of the Hebrew scriptures, into converting to their false, pagan, man-made, replacement theology, blasphemous religion.
I'm so glad to know that you allowed Hashem to open your eyes to His Truth! May He continue to bless you in all that you do!!
Great interview thank you and Shabbat shalom.
Great video! Thank you!
I'm on your side and you're annoying me
❤ thank you rabbi ❤
"But will God ever dwell on the earth? Behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You; much less this temple that I have erected." 1st Kings 8:27.
Awesome data research תודה רבה שלום 👍
But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?
This is the actual quote.
@@bobdobbs943 I translate directly from the Hebrew, its my first language,
@@bobdobbs943 From original hebrew Torah?
@@Nudnik1 kjv
"And I am YHVH ("The Creator") your God from the land of Egypt, *and a god other than Me do not know* , & there is no Savior other than Me." Hoseah 13:4. R.I.P. Xianity.
Repeat it again and again.
Because ALL Christians fail to read what is so extremely simple...
They still, run to do sin and then, instead of repenting, and praying straight to THE FATHER...
They say, no one is perfect...besides, they have John 3:16.
That is 100% IDOLATRY!
That's what to expect from the Greek / Roman mythology of Christianity.
Here is Trinity..
Isaiah 6:1( I saw the Lord seated on a throne..
3 :HOLY, HOLY , Holy is the Lord Almighty.
(3 times holy. Y not 4 times
8:- I heard the the voice of the Lord.
Whom shall I send? Who will go for "US"?
(why "US" but not" I")
@@royeby3640 who is most high (deut:32/8) .. Now yu start crying...
@@GodLovesYou1980 El means "The All Able/PowerfulOne", YHVW means "The One Giving Continual Existance to Everything/the Creator" its called "Shem Havayah" the "Name of Continual existance".
@@xyz.9140 wow, you spotted a three. That doesn't mean G-d is anything like three. He is One
Blessings be upon you Rabbis!
Abraham Mani
Please shut up, your just getting in the way of a good discussion
Hashem bless you and guard you for your gargantuan efforts to protect b'nei ysrael ! And what in truth is a fight for all mankind .
Thank you Rabbi Tovia.
Thank you for lying to us Rabbi.
He never lied .
What's the matter bob?
@@thereasaterry4854 I dont accuse people of lying often. Rabbi Singer knows the truth but lies about it. Hes not mistaken, he lies on purpose. Isaiah 9;6 says Jesus is God. This Rabbi somehow denies it says that. The guy is nuts. And you stiff necked jews believe him.
@Abraham Mani
Only one Holy Hashem.
@Abraham Mani
No man is god, do not worship man before Holy Hashem, for you're prayers are a Abomination.
Without the True law's,
You're prayers are a Abomination.
Always remember this.
Oh it is in Deuteronomy. Put
No god upon my face.
Said Holy Hashem to Moses.
Noah was chosen because he only worshipped one Holy Hashem.
Abraham was a blessed man.
For he chose the Only Holy Hashem.
Man can try lead others to temptations.
By the Grace of Holy Hashem may he lead us away from temptations.
Deliver us from Evil.
Thank you Rabbi Tovia.
I know only one Holy Hashem.
I chose him. Amen.
Be Strong! Be Strong!
And may we be strengthened.
@Abraham Mani: What you said are blasphemous LIES that God NEVER said to us, that continue to be preached even after thousands of years, by false, pagan, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology "Christianity"! NOWHERE did God EVER tell us that we need to be "saved" and that if we don't 'believe' in the Jewish Messiah, that He will send us to "hell", NOR did He EVER mention a "cross" to us! These outright LIES just DO NOT exist in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures given to us at Mt. Sinai.
PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. The "NT" is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God, and it blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us in the ETERNAL words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE look up the meaning of the word "ETERNAL", since you, and all of Christianity seem to have NO clue what that word means!
p.s. God also specifically told us that one man CANNOT die for the sins of another - this is a horrific pagan ritual that God absolutely ABHORS!
"Rabbi Meir would teach: From what verse is it derived that even a non-jew who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest? It is derived from that which is stated: “You shall therefore keep My statutes and My ordinances, which if a man does he shall live by them” (Leviticus 18:5). It doesn't say "Which if Priests, Levites, and Israelites do they shall live by them", but rather: “A man,” which indicates mankind in general. You have therefore learned a source for our tradition that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest- And it was taught there in the context of this baraita [teaching], that this is with regards to a gentile who engages in the study of their seven mitzvot". [Jewish commentary on the Talmud: It is a mitzva (positive commandment) for a gentile to study the halakhot [laws] that pertain to the seven Noahide mitzvot, and when he does so he is highly regarded to the level of even a High Priest]. Sanhedrin page 59.
I recall reading that now that you mention it.
Even though a Gentile is obligated to learn the details of the Seven Noahide Commandments and the Noahide Code that he is commanded to follow, this learning itself is not in the category of a particular commandment (something that Gentiles are additionally commanded to observe). Gentiles do not have a Divine commandment of learning Torah, but this is rather an obligation that is included in the Noahide Commandments themselves. It is included in every Divine commandment that the one who is commanded should know and be involved in learning how to keep that commandment (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2018, p 77).
@@GodLovesYou1980 The Lord is not your man-idol.
@Abraham Mani I don't understand why you're addressing this comment to me.
So you dont believe jesus was the messiah or that he resurrected. And yet, all thru the five books of moses that if you live by the law, you live. Fulfillment of the law brings eternal life. If you wont live by the law, well moses said you will die by the law, the story of jesus is that he overcame death because he understood and lived by the law. To prove the word is the breath of life.
34:00 what an amazing phenomenon, this is literally a brazen example of "giluy yichud", where Hashem shows His total power by using the evil to be a vessel to bring holiness to the world. I just made a lecture video on this topic on my channel. Absolutely beautiful!
Bravo, well said 👍😃❤️
"And it shall be on that day, says Hashem...I will cut off the *names* of the Idols from the land, and they will not be remebered ever again, and also the false prophets and the spirit of impurity, I will remove from the earth...and it shall be on that day all the "prophets" will be ashamed of their prophecies...And they will be asked *"what are those wounds between your hands?"* And he will say "the wounds I received in the house of my friends"...Zechariah 13 verses 2-6.
Well didn't really work out
Your Temple was destroyed and JC went onto be the most influential figure in world history
The destruction of the Temple must've been so awesome. Especially when a Roman soldier tossed a piece of burning wood inside and it went up in flames
Must've been great
You have to learn from your mistakes. You didn't learn anything from Simon Bar Kokbah
Fantastic interview!!
This has been a very sincere and enlightening conversation! Thank you both 👍
Thank you, Rabbi Tovia Singer for your videos always learning something new. 💯👍
"A teaching from the study house of Elijah the prophet: I testify against myself heaven and earth, whether it be a man or a woman, whether it be a non-jew or a jew, whether it be a servant or a maid-servant, it is all solely according to their deeds that Divine Inspiration rests on them." Tanna DeBei Eliyahu.
I don't know how you could read that f I l t h from the T a l m u d
An then think, ' Yeah, this is fine '. You people can't debate the Oral torah like Christians or Muslims debate their texts
We are maybe small in number,but we wil win,becouse hashem leads us he is our rock and light!! Rabbi be bless !!!
Most respected rabbi, could you say something about the family of historical Jesus, his brother James for instance. Thank you for your work, sincerely.
You wouldnt like his answer lol
If jesus is the true truine God why no prophet mentioned the trinity? Christianity is sketchy it doesn't make any sense
@@catrol5899 God already gave a plan for gentiles in Genesis 9.
Anything true from the New Testament can be found in the Torah.
You don't need Paul or Jesus.
@@catrol5899 the human Christian God didn't exist until his mother gave birth to him, christianity is obviously false religion, god is one not a truine creature
@@JaJa-bf6qk Jesus said, "I and the Father are One." Thomas said to Him, "My Lord and my God." Jesus said, "If you do not believe I Am you will die in your sins." Do you need more? Jesus said, "He that has seen Me has seen the Father."
Yes ❤️ love and Bless ! 🙌 Always wondered when I use to attend Church. Jesus ?? Hmm a Jewish Boy with a Spanish Name 🤔..
Yes, that's a great question!! I never even thought of that when I was still in the church! Thanks for pointing that out!!
Rabbi, you always inspire with your words of wisdom - thank you for the tremendous work that you do!
It's Roman to believe in Jesus. It is Jewish not to believe in JC.
It is Christian to believe in JC. It is Jwsh to believe be boils in a cauldron of sht
Yes, clearly.
When you match up the message of the Gospels, to such vile hatred. Therss no comparison
More like demonic.
Good people don't reply as these so called Christians.
I didn't realize how
Out of balance,
hateful they are.
Pray for all these lost souls.
@@johncao5428 we as Jews agree. Jesus was a false prophet. You get death for that and bad punishment in the afterlife. You are not insulting us Jews mentioning the Talmud speaking badly of jesus. We have been telling you for 2000 years that the jesus of the Nt is a false prophet. We say it proudly and loudly. We won't stop saying it till the actual messiah does come because then the christians will know their own heresy
In regard to a trip to Israel, I work a lot. I went to Israel, just for a week. I decided I would concentrate on Jerusalem, rather than trying to see the entire country in a week. I plan on returning when possible, right now I have an aging mother issue. When I go back I may tour other cities. My trip to Jerusalem was extremely special. I also think keys to staying Jewish are affiliating with a synagogue, going to Shabbat services, being in Sisterhood and even taking classes at the JCC. I study Hebrew every Sunday. I am taking a class on mahjong (not very religious), but I enjoy being around other Jewish women my own age. I work in a very gentile world, but my social life is pretty much all Jewish.
All Jews are commanded to live in Israel.
@@Love-One-Another No, it translates to ‘God saves’, the name Isaiah and Yeshu come from the same root.
It's funny how your ilk call for mass immigration and diversity in other people's societies
But then become ethnocentric in your own lol
How did I start this argument? I was just talking about a trip to Israel and staying Jewish!
41:41 What you say to them is "how d'you know you weren't there?" "Why do you think you weren't there?" 41:45 You can't really ask people to "simply believe" anything. If they were there they'll have a 'memory'. If not, they won't. This is what I said earlier as to the belief in Gilgul or not affects the entire outlook. When there's no belief in rebirth there's no belief in prior connections.
this is false. judaism does not stand on belief in Gilgul. it stands on the credibility of the history and traditions and books of an entire nation all attesting to the truth of the religion. from father to son.
@@proudpharisee5303 I didn't say that it 'stood' on it. I said that the belief in rebirth affects one's outlook. In the other comment. 'The belief in/understanding of 'rebirth' and 'reincarnation' may seem very unimportant, but whether one believes in 'rebirth' and 'reincarnation' or not actually makes a HUGE difference to one's ENTIRE outlook on everything.'
A show about John Hagee and CUFI would be interesting.
Really insightful and I can say that I really have enjoyed this thorough interview of different christological views.
@Abraham Mani no G-d of Israel never mentions an Antichrist. Not in all our holy scriptures, not the 5 books of Moses or prophets or writings.
Have to go to christian literature to find it. That is like a Muslim telling you jesus says to follow sharia law.
Stop lying about an Antichrist. G-d of Israel says no such thing and never mentions an Antichrist.
You Mani are a liar
Maisey S,
I'm surprised it is not called Christoline views like in Pauline Theology. Make it effeminate.
@Abraham Mani
My message was for Maisey S.
@Abraham Mani Revelation 13 he looks like a lamb *Abel* and he spake like a dragon *Cain*
@Abraham Mani the comforter > Hebrews 11-5 by faith Abel offered to G_d a more excellent sacrifice than that Cain by which he obtained *witness* that he was righteous G_d testifying *his gifts* that by being dead yet he *speak*
"When there will be among you a person who claims to be a prophet or a dreamer and they give you a sign or a supernatural miracle, and the sign or miracle in which they spoke happens and they say to you "lets go after foreign worships in which you *have not known of* and worship", do not listen to them, *for Hashem your God is testing you to see if you love Him with all your heart and soul,* after Hashem your God shall you go, it is Him that you shall fear, *it is His commandments that you shall keep,* His voice shall you listen to, *Him shall you worship,* and to Him shall you cling, *and that person shall be killed,* because they spoke falsehood against Hashem your God *TO MAKE YOU STRAY FROM THE PATH THAT Hashem your God commanded you to go in* and you shall remove that evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 13.
"When your fellow tells you in secret saying "let us go and serve foreign worship *WHICH YOU NOR YOUR FOREFATHERS HAVE KNOWN OF* ...do not desire them, don't listen to them, do not have pity on them, do not have mercy on them and do not try to cover for them, for you shall surely cause him to be killed... *because they seeked to lead you astray from Hashem your God* " Deuteronomy 13.
"The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews dwelling in Egypt...because of their evil, which they did to provoke Me... *to worship foreign worships, which they did not know of, not them, not you, nor your forefathers* ." Jeremiah 44:1-5.
"...worships they didn't know, *newly invented worships that your forefathers did not fear* ". Anything that is newly invented, what our forefathers didn't experience, worship, know, or fear, is IDOLATRY and against the 1st two commandments where all Jews heard God command that He alone is our God and to not have any other god but Him or to ever leave the path He commanded us in going. *Case closed.*
Ponder upon the idea that Rabbi Tovia Singer may be the awaited Eliyahu Hanavi who has to return at The End of Days.
@@1abcabcabc991 No my friend. Eliyahu haNavi will not be a reincarnation...Elijah himself will be sent to us.
Remember.. Jesus is a prophet, muhammad is the last prophet. They are prophet send by god. But u jews reject jesus and muhammad. Christian not reject jesus butbthey reject muhammad. Only islam not reject all prophet has sent by god from the first prophet adam until the last prophet is prophet muhammad. Thats why god was angry with the jews
@@avakin140 nonsense.
Zechariah says:
The flock detested me, and I grew weary of them and said, “I will not be your shepherd. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish. Let those who are left eat one another’s flesh.”
Then I took my staff called Favor and broke it, revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. It was revoked on that day, and so the oppressed of the flock who were watching me knew it was the word of the lord."
This eating of "another's flesh" happened in AD70. Yahweh cut off his people and left a spiritual remnant (not a physical remnant). Some of the people who were not called by his name were also grafted into the remnant. There is no longer a fleshly distinction (sons of God by way of physical generation). By the way, the Genesis account of creation is not an account of physical creation, but of a covenant creation. Most Christians don't know this. Even people who were not of physical generation, could be brought in ("Let no foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say, “The LORD will utterly exclude me from His people.” And let the eunuch not say, “I am but a dry tree.”). This is clear in the tanakh. The "Land of Israel" today has nothing to do with Covenant Israel. They were cut off and slaughtered in AD70. Their abominations left them desolate. Evangelicals are looking for a future that doesn't exist. Scofield was actually funded by big money from the banks, the very people who still call themselves Jews. My name is Kuehne (a variation of Cohen, or as in Kuhn and Loeb), but since I know that the genealogical records were kept in the Temple, there is no way that either you (Singer) or me (a Cohen), can trace back our lineage to anyone after Jerusalem was desolated. All those records were destroyed. If you have any lineage, like me, it goes back to Europe somewhere. You cannot know beyond that. Anyone who claims such is either ignorant or not being honest.
Any Gentile who accepts these Seven Noahide Commandments, and is careful to observe them, is truly a pious individual of the nations of the world, and merits an eternal portion in the future World to Come. (And with this merit, the person will be included in the Resurrection of the Dead). This applies only if he accepts them and does them because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah, and made it known through Moses our teacher, that the Children of Noah were previously commanded to fulfill them (the Divine Code by Rabbi Weiner, Second Edition, p 49). What about Gentiles who never had access to the Noahide Code? Reincarnation may be God's way to give a soul an extra opportunity it deserves (the same, p 26).
Yeah, na. As a slave to the chosen people
@@johncao5428 Go away.
The Gospel doesn't talk about people boiling in excrement lol or sx with 3 year old girls
Where are you from g o y?
What is your background that you would forfeit it to be a 2nd class J w
@@catrol5899 every human being makes mistakes. Just saying
I will remain an Orthodox Christian. But Rabbi Tovia Singer always makes Christians FAR less triumphalist about their hermeneutics and the evangelical addiction to Bible idolatry.
All Gentiles are obligated to keep the Torah's 7 Noahide commandments.
Dostoyevsky knew what these folk are about
I was a Baptist cristian.. Thanks to G-d polling me out and Rabbi Singer for solidifying my faith in the 1 creator.
These people hate you lol
Nonsense, you only want to believe that so you can rationalize hating them.
No really lol check out what the t a l m u d says about JC or Christianity
35:55 Yes, that's me.
Rabbi Singer you should debate One For Israel Ministries. We could use your voice.
Check out Yaron Reuvens videos on them
@@firstcentury1885 Rabbi Singer could definitely beat them
@@firstcentury1885 Why did one for Israel bring on a fake rabbi to “debate”?
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth
The question is why judaism and jews are willing to compromise their faith to get support form evangelicals? And for how long this support will continue?
"And it will be, *that it is all those who will call in the name of HaShem (not the christian greek mythical jeZeus) whom will be saved,* because on mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a saved remnant, as Hashem has promised..." Joel 3:5. So......those who will call in a name that isn't His (as all christians do).....mhmm.....
@DARK KATACLYSM He was, He was killed against his own will, exactly what God said would happen to false prophets in Deuteronomy 13.
@DARK KATACLYSM God is not a human, God can't die and God doesn't have a God or worships other
@DARK KATACLYSM and Jesus prayed to be saved" my God, God..."
@DARK KATACLYSM Never happened... same stuff as zeus hercules pegasis, greek pagan mythical nonsense.
the pharaoh during moses was ramses ii which reign the longest and quran called him pharaoh and for the middle kingdom joseph didnt used the word pharaoh, talking about septuagint whiches cant translated the acrostic poems of hebrew language that probably inspired by god so if your masoratic was corrupted then what now? also latin vulgate used for thousand years by church contain interpolation in psalm 14 verse 3 or psalm 13 depend what bible you read its wrote their mouth like open sepulchre also its follow masoratic not septuagint, the length of sojourn followed masoratic the age of patriach also followed masoratic, the nt have interpolation until kjv being undermined, wheres the preservation, you dont need to translate quran the arabic will just touch your soul and can be recite also memorize by people, thevquran touch people heart by its beautiful recitation you cant do that with english language, quran the truth
i would like to convert
Please speak with an Orthodox or Chabad Rabbi, who will advise you how to proceed. May Hashem bless and guide you on your journey!
Check out eastern philosophy
Greeting, Yep Politics Christian influence is crazy stuff
@Abraham Mani The Authors of Confusion, The OneEyed Farmers 👁🚜💰
Lmao Why the money bag?
Isn't it your texts that condone usury, not ours.
Also your influence in America is a much bigger issue, an people are noticing
So if you're from the south Pacific who do we turn too?
From the pages of the Spider-Man comic and even before the comic are these famous words "with great power comes great responsibility " the responsibility of the Jewish people is to be a light to the nations. It doesn't get any better than that saying. In the words of Stan Lee "Nuff said." Thanks for having my favorite rabbi Tovia Singer on your show.
so have they fulfilled that responsibility? in what way are the Jews a light to tge nations now? I've never known any jew or Jewish organisation tell me about G*d.
@@mohammedhanif6780 walk into a synagogue and talk to a rabbi and they will talk to you.
42:00 Isaiah 42:14
This was Romes plan to make the Jew the scapegoat for rejecting Jesus and also responsible for killing God's son. All Roman Propaganda! See Cesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwell
God tv has a lot to answer for.
RTS: "That's a wonderful question! Tosfos asks that question..."
Me: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙌🏼🙏🏼💙
Rabbi Singer is one of a kind! What a genius and what a good soul he is.
כן ירבו! 🙌🏼🙏🏼💙
I was raised in the Episcopal Church and then went to UCC and finally Unity. None of these talk this way about Jews. That doesn’t take away from the huge numbers of evangelicals that are frolicking around causing mayhem.
No one should believe in a mythical logos name of jesus
I recall Rabbi Tovia, with a slight smirk, talking about how Christianity was never permitted in Yemen. He was referring to the persecution by a Jwsh King in the 6th century. That smirk said alot
No different to the evangelicals he dislike
I have a friend who was a evangelical Christian now going to a "Jew for Jesus" church and calls her pastor Rabbi, keep the Sabbath and celebrate the Jewish holidays as if a Jewish woman. It's amazing that she believes they are supposed to keep the Sabbath. Of course still reading the KJ Bible, how wrong can one continues to be? If at leas she read Torah, maybe her heart and mind would change. Get smarter and come to the conclusion that the TRUE GOD, CREATOR of the universe is not JC. It's the poison of Christendom growing more and more every day and is also terrifying. Where are these people goin to end up? I wonder....
Gentiles are forbidden to keep Jewish commandments.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Were forbidden to keep their commandments? Where in the Tanakh does it say that? (I'm not trying to say you're wrong, I'm just wondering)
@@matthewp956 Moses only gave the Torah and the 613 commandments as an inheritance to Israel, as Deuteronomy 33:4 states: 'The Torah... is the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob.' Gentiles are obligated to keep the 7 Noahide commandments only.
I'm a former Christian grew up in the assembly of God church, and i never was taught about evangelizing the Jews.. We honored and loved the Jews... Our church actually supported numerous Jewish projects.. not messianic Jews