There's sensors on the track that trigger the music to skip to certain parts depending on how fast the train is moving through the course. That way, the music matches certain parts of the ride perfectly.
@@yuzuru01 First, wow this was a comment 10 years ago you're replying to so I was confused at first. Second, you can hear it while riding the ride skipping ahead as it reaches certain sections.
There's sensors on the track that trigger the music to skip to certain parts depending on how fast the train is moving through the course. That way, the music matches certain parts of the ride perfectly.
Squadaloo how would u know
@@yuzuru01 First, wow this was a comment 10 years ago you're replying to so I was confused at first. Second, you can hear it while riding the ride skipping ahead as it reaches certain sections.
0:04 Block 2
0:46 Block 3
1:24 Block 4
im 99% sure this was recorded in 2001
I’m sure
it was.
@MrX8991 Yeah it changes completely at 1:24
This is like a remix of the song
My fav ride
Its my favorite ride too!
I miss Paradise Pier...
It Closed
Who thinks this was recorded in 2001?
Lukas Gandy This was recorded one week before the park had opened.
@@finn_4761 There is people in the park
LukasLovesCats It was audience reaction. They let special guests in for VIP and filming.
@@finn_4761 I see
LukasLovesCats? Your literally me that’s my name and with a k and I love cats
It’s extremely blurry!
Nice POV! The camera mounted really showed the difference from a none camera mounted.
They trimmed the hell out of the song and what is up with the song right before the loop listen closely.
The one in Las Vegas?
Nope. It's on Anaheim California.
it is@@maximilianrotondi941
@sonicgodzilla123 its Disneyland though xD