I joined the British Army at 16yrs 1984. Andy McNab failed selection first time around for SAS. Although at his second time of selection he passed. The word here is "Respect". Education is a great thing! "Who Dares Wins"
You folks are wonderful and I have so much love & respect for your real true knowledge & information that you provide for all of us people and I think I can speak for us all. I owe my life to all people who watch out for us all and give us real life that we don't have and or know about.
These silly toffs are supposed to be the cream of our education system and they can't even fathom how inappropriate it is to ask a veteran 'What's it like to kill somebody in cold blood?' or 'How many people have you killed?'. This is the inevitable result of people living their lives absolutely and utterly sheltered from the real world.
What's it like to kill someone has got to be the most important question when questioning the military or war veteran. It's a personal question but one that must be asked.
Love all you squeaky clean people who have never lied or exaggerated a story in your lives. His story just happens to be under the spotlight. Bottom line is, what he has told the truth about shows more balls and determination in one week than most of you will show in your lifetime. He still deserves a lot of respect.
@@justindoonerwind6076 because they are not under active threat of vengeance killing. also they are gone, dead men should be honoured by their true name
And then she proceeded to leave her mic on the entire time (actually right up near the end when she actually needed to use it again but it had finally turned off). Educated people are usually idiots outside of their narrow fields
Anyone else just watching this because of the Covid 19 pandemic, and they just wanted to watch a bunch of people sitting close together and coughing? I've watched it 3 times this week! A reminder of a bygone age!
Technically speaking a sergeant is an officer; he just doesn't have a commission. There's nothing terribly wrong with that statement. It just doesn't chime with what most people think is an officer.
@@pete3816 In the British Army at least, a sergeant is an NCO - a Non-Commissioned Officer. Officers are either commissioned or non-commissioned - either way, they're still officers.
I reckon they were all half afraid of him. He comes from a world so far away from the halls of Cambridge, Id imagine he's someone they can't fathom. Very surprised also at how terrible some of the questions were ...
Me too Tom D! You'll notice too, that the direction' of her knees regularly 'changed' in that they pointed in 'Andy's' direction as he moved about the foreground. Added to wish was her persistent preening (an anthropomorphic tell' and giveaway'), with both arms set as to extenuate her small waist, her chest region as well as the obvious bi-lateral leg display. If body shape were a military rank, she'd definitely be rather high up in 22 Regiment! Excellent comment Tom D. Best wishes.
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter it depends on your view. As I recall most of the freedom fighters I met in Northern Ireland were uneducated disenfranchised young men who were being used by the people in charge to achieve their aims. Sounds familiar doesn't it? By his own admission McNab has killed people which makes him a 'killer' in the literal sense. In my experience of the Irish Republican Army they spent most of their time raising money to fund the cause by intimidation, robbery and theft, When they did carry out a 'military' operation it invariably involved some kind of ambush usually preceded by a house takeover where the occupants would be held at gunpoint and scare witless or it might be their other favourite the IED planted in a shopping centre with the risk of killing members of the public. The people they recruited as 'volunteers' were kept in line by the threat of brutal reprisals if they transgressed. Some of theses punishments were used against their own communities one particular favourite being the 'kneecapping' Now you would be wrong to think I believe the British Army always behaved impeccably they didn't. But lets be clear anyone who thinks that IRA were honourable and played fair and the British were colonial oppressors frankly is delusional. Finally just a parting shot to all you keyboard warriors whether you except it or not there are really bad people in the world who want nothing more that to hurt you. its just as well some people are prepared to leave their computers games behind and defend the rights you enjoy.
Philip Marks Yes she did. Good grief what a colossal blunder, was she over excited or just bone ignorant. I'am old the son of a former Royal Navy officer now deceased I know my military history she is a proper tango whisky India tango.
He lied about his first kill when he was a green jacket!! He named Paddy Macnamara. That would have been well documented, but their is NO history at all of this ira terrorist being killed!! And if you know your history every ira terrorist killed has been made public as Sinn Fein refuse to admit that they are cold blooded killers!! So I had respect for Mcnab but think he is living in a world of his own fiction...!!
The B for Bravo (Bravo Two Zero) most probably relates to B Squadron. I think he was with Air Troop. I met him once when he made the transition from soldier to author when I was stationed at RAF Leuchars in Fife. We were all impressed from the Station Commander on down!
How many of those who criticise AM below - have served in the armed forces & know anything about the culture, the lifestyle ? How many have had to push themselves to their physical, mental, emotional limits - and beyond ? How many have faced life or death situations ? How many know anything about the grim realities of war ? None - such comments are naive, ignorant & worthless.
We are criticizing him for being a liar. We respect the man for even getting into the SAS but theres no need to lie at all. The story was brave enough already without stupid claims of massive battles leaving 250 Iraqui dead etc and without blaming Vince. That was really low I thought since the man was killed and can't answer back. Vince Phillips did nothing wrong and was a bloody good soldier no matter what mc nab says in his novel. The real SAS have a very low opinion of mcNab and his shitty story and his sell out of Vince.
@@archiewalters3633 I read and research lots of stuff , including internal opinions of the SAS I am not one of these people who click a video link and instantly know exactly what happened. No great mystery to it.
McNab might a little confused over the film Heat and the raid on the Bank of America in North Hollywood. The film Heat was in fact made well before the raid and was released in the USA on 15th December 1995. The raid took place on 28th February 1997. 12 Police Officers were shot, not 9 as he says.
I think asking the question "What it's like to kill someone" is an interesting one, to someone who doesn't have a clue, that's after all is why Andy's there to explain things that we normal people don't know about. Why that lad is supposed to know it's a complete no no to ask that question is beyond me, I didn't know that was off limits!!
Brother I put over 500,000 miles on just my 2nd vehicle and it was a 2nd hand purchase too, the problem is that normal people don't know how to take care of all the other things for their cars except for just putting gas or something. You need to be multi task and be able to do everything, that's what Jaja is good about.
McNab’s book ‘Bravo two Zero’ was enthralling, I read it through in one sitting. That said, I was somewhat disappointed to find out later that most of the actual action in the book what complete fiction.
" Brave Two Zero " ?! Darling please don't confuse them. These poor kids are sworn to secrecy for seeing Mcnab's face. Any false information given to them could lead to barbaric interrogation by their jobcentre's most elite advisors! God have mercy on their young souls.
Andy McNab was a Sergeant in the SAS not an Officer and his book was Bravo Two Zero NOT Brave Two Zero.These awful badly researched errors were in the first few seconds and I gave up on the interview immediately.The Cambridge Union made similar mistakes when Jason Fox appeared.If this University is for the academic elite then I seriously worry for the education of this country.Not good enough.
actually they can, and they didn't have to sign anything. because he is no longer in the army, keeping his identity is purely for his own security. If there is anything that's sensitive, McNab himself shouldn't release it to the audience anyway
Ton Buching Ham is what makes me Love this guy so much I'm going back to the gym and I thinking I'm going to possibly be looking and talking a little bit about nothing with anyone who may look like Irene.
I didn't insult the students, did I? I worked in a factory when I left school. I was always exhausted after a 12 hour shift lol. I was merely remarking on what is to me a most strident contrast. I suspect most societies leave the wet work to their working classes. I'm sounding like a marxist - I'm certainly not. I have a law degree, I respect learning
Andy McNab is an acknowledged hero of the SAS. He led (and failed) as leader of Bravo Two Zero. His books express the view that the Establishment is always in the right. Even to his statements that Palestinian people in Israeli-occupied PALESTINE are terrorists. Since he left the Regiment he has worked for anyone who would pay him and written his story, in his worldview. This is what we should remember.....McNab was a social outcast. The only sector that would accept him was the Armed Forces. He still believes that it was a great thing to be recognised as a "killer" by the army after shooting a freedom fighter in Northern Ireland. He was a member of 7 Troop SAS. Very commendable. However, we would do well to remember that of the 8 guys in 7 Troop, 1 was killed in a firefight by the Irish Republican Army. McNab and two others survived and retired. The rest committed Suicide! Love, Peace and Truth.
To do what he has done in his life and still managed to be alive is unbelievable, you have no clue. Doing what we need to do to survive after a career like that is self preservation, anybody would do the same.
***** Do not patronize me. The MOJ have stated they can't find the relevant case file. If you can give me the number and name of the casefile I will look into it
Never understand why people do not asking him about the controversy about Bravo Two Zero.... what he thinks of The Real Bravo Two Zero documentary, Vince Phillips etc....
Wish I'd have been there to meet Andy Mac...I served with Legs Lane (B20 sect.) when he was at spt Tp, 9 Sqn. I was gutted when I heard he had been killed on the border of Syria.
That's a condition he imposed on the venue and that they had to impose on the audience. It's just him saying it. It has nothing to do with the law or the military. If he wants to, he can go on national TV in a miniskirt, shouting "I was in the SAS"
It's not about him telling the audience, it's the fact that he probably knows an uncountable about of sensitive military secrets, were one of those students to go and reveal to a terrorist his identity, then they wouldn't hesistate to kidnap and torture him, again, to try and get them. Hence the no cameras.
Simon Watts McNab is definitely great for people with short attention spans and limited vocabulary, who probably only read a book on the toilet.But make no mistake, most of the well-known thriller writers have spent their entire careers trying to write like MacLean.
@@revol148 what comments did andy mcnab make?? I think andy mcnab is a liar and chris ryan is a dickhead. Chirs ryan in his book blamed everything on Vince Phillips. Mike coburn who was in the patrol has a book called soldier 5 were he tells the truth.
You are right about privileged bit, and some of us are certainly twats. Definitely wrong about totally lost though, keep in mind quite a few Generals including the current CGS was educated in Cambridge, the founder of SAS was educated in Cambridge. Would you say it's a total lost on them?
I've lost SO much respect which I thought I had for this bloke. He believes and states that "war has improved" due to technology. Bullshit. The number of civilians killed per conflict has increased over the years. When he was talking about being in Baghdad to destroy a water treatment plant or a power source or whatever, these are civilian targets. In that same war there were over 1,000,000 people who died as a result of the dirty water and related ills from that. It's a form of biological warfare to destroy sewage treatments works, water treatment works, and to destroy power stations for a city? Not something to boast about.
Now I'm not saying what happens in war is good by any means. But without war we wouldn't be as advanced as we are now, The Germans in ww2 advanced our knowledge of medical science significantly (by nasty methods) and I think he's talking more about war has improved for modern army's in terms of fire power and protection, not really civilians, and he's gone through a big chunk of his life being trained to kill so that probably why he's boasting about it, because that's what he knows.
Cheers Luke. I'm aware of what he's on about and I read almost everything the bloke ever wrote, and he's quite an entertaining read. Mind you, for him to be running a company of Mercs, he's lost my fanhood! I don't like mercs and even less do I like the ones who straddle posh desks and suck money out of the impoverished coffers of whitehall.
You do get some clues in here as to why the book deviates from the rather more factual debrief that he gave to his unit just after the Bravo Two Zero patrol. The extra 'colour' that was added wasn't just down to him and Chris Ryan's inability to relate what actually happened. Whilst the book is based on real events, it doesn't stick to facts where fiction is more 'explosive'. Its interesting that his and Chris Ryan's real names are now freely available on Wikipedia too....
But it's weird how his version jibes so well with Chris's. They both say in the books that they never really spoke again after that mission. Why even add that detail? The MoD knew about the books before they came out. They would have had to have approved them and checked them for sensitive information. I think what happened was nothing like either book. And, given the way both authors use their books as a chance to complain about improper logistics and intelligence, I think that both "Andy" and "Chris" were reminded before their books were published, that they had an opportunity to garner some public support for increased funding. I absolutely believe that both books are a pack of lies. But they're not the lies a common door kicker would tell. They're the lies the top brass would want told. Even the fact that - for the first time - an SAS operator, would decide to write up a real mission and sell the story to a publisher...it seems a bit off. I'm sure the MoD would be fine with it as long as no senstive information got out, but I don't see anyone with the mindset of a seargent in the SAS, wanting to break tradition and stick his head above the parapet by being the first person from the regiment to really break their silence on such a huge scale. Before Bravo Two Zero came out, people revered the SAS for its secrecy. Now you have virtually the entire selection process pieced together from multiple sources, and half the guys coming out of the regiment, are on TV. I can't help but think the whole thing is part of some disinformation scheme. It sounds like conspiratard BS, but it's very in keeping with everything we knew about the regiment before 1992
+1965CAPTKIRK It is not only for his own safety he dont show his face he have got some death threats....he also dont show his face to protect some of the people he was involved with when he was station on Northern Ireland and still lives there so they are not placed in danger by getting identified thorugh Andy.
Check out ex s.a.s soldier Ben Griffins video on here, called i will not fight for queen and country. Those working for peace in this world are the real heroes in my opinion, Every country has a right to an army, but we really need to stop making heroes out of soldiers. War movies and war books by ex soldiers shows that war is now a part of the entertainment industry, and that's the way that 'they' want it, think not ? Think again......Andy makes a living out of professional 'war heroism'
+justmadeit2 Soldiers only execute the wishes of the politicians, so I believe they do deserve our respect - I think it's a far more difficult job than you can truly imagine...a for making heroes out of them, without doubt many have carried extremely heroic acts, so those do deserve to be treated as heroes...just as anyone in civilian life would in similar circumstances....
+justmadeit2 Im a veteran and dont ask me why I volunteered? Its the lies about heroism and fighting for Queen and country! I was very fit so in the selection I chose the toughest service there was? I didnt know I would regret this for the rest of my life? Your ego is huge when you get your Green beret with your insignia! ! But as I experienced the feeling of being shoot at with live ammunition for the first time, I shit my pants and tried to dig myself into the ground! Pure terror!
Caver461 Dont lecture me boy! Until you walked in my boots and seen what I seen! Im not saying we shouldnt protect us with a military simply that the care for veterans is lousy at the best!
Melchersson Firstly I'm not your boy, I'm a veteran as well and likely as old or older than you. Secondly, the comment was not addressed to you - it was the moron who started the comment stream (justmadeit2). Why would you assume that I'd thought your opinion was degenerate? I hadn't even read it.
In the Military I'm the one who sleeps last we call it Pahak in Armenian it means Guard. Plus I'm also the one who knew when the other Pahaks aka Guards go to sleep cause I wake up about 12 minutes after I put them to sleep but that was in my young life in Boy Scouts so we was still in the early times of our growing learning times that's why its so hard for people to forget unforgettable things.
Two questions that should not be asked or answered 'hove you killed anyone'. and 'how many have you killed'. Pathetic questions and Andy shouldn't have given them an answer to that.
Margret Thatcher sent them to teach the KR how to lay mines in paddy fields to take off the limbs of women and children. The conflict was an extension of the Cold War and Thatcher and Reagan saw a victory against Communist ideological expansion there as more important than the lives of millions of dark skinned civilians. The SAS do what they are tasked to do and would have been fed the Communist-threat line so the blame lies fully with one woman. Having said that simply following orders is not an acceptable excuse. You would think the 'best young minds of Britain' (Cambridge under-grads) would have scrutinized McNab on his moral decision a bit??
@@appptyltd9436 its a matter of history. "On 25 June 1991, after two years of denials, the government finally admitted that the SAS had been secretly training the "resistance" since 1983. A report by Asia Watch filled in the detail: the SAS had taught "the use of improvised explosive devices, booby traps and the manufacture and use of time-delay devices". The author of the report, Rae McGrath (who shared a joint Nobel Peace Prize for the international campaign on landmines), wrote in the Guardian that "the SAS training was a criminally irresponsible and cynical policy".
j Zhao says the talk took place in 2000 i am sure mcnab mentioned 911,so how so. plus his english is not what i would expect from someone from cambridge.
Some of these people...do they ever look in the mirror and think about how they are perceived? As for McNab he was an incredible soldier but laid on the BS massively for B2Zero. If anyone who has ever worn a uniform believes they dropped 250 Iraqi soldiers needs their heads examined. If you want to know what happened look up Michael Asher and the real Bravo Two Zero.
I agree fully that person was a fool. I think there were more than one who asked that question. Not defending him in anyway, because i would have kick the shit out of him if i were there. But that's a generally civi thing, civilians don't understand the fact that you shouldn't ask question like that, it's not just in cambridge where people ask this kind of questions. There is a significant number of people there who has no common sense, but trust me, you can't buy an education in cambridge
Haha, "Do you know how many people you've killed"? You know there was going to be a morally superior virtue signalling follow up to that. Andy shut him down perfectly.
This speech did not seem to go down well with the audience. I usually have very little time for such students. Seen too may videos of them being offended by everything and politically correct. Whilst I recognise this man was in the SAS (something I could never do) from what I have read he really doesn't need all this anonymity and security. Other soldiers have not spoken well of him. Chris Ryan seems more honest about events in Bravo Two Zero and doesn't hide himself when speaking in public. He didn't come across well here in my view. Somewhat self absorbed and out of his depth at the Cambridge Union. Don't get me wrong, he had the courage to go to war and I have never been in the forces but I cannot help having formed a negative opinion of him from background reading.
I heard that Chris Ryan didn't participate in as many missions as McNab, which is why Ryan shows his face. I also heard that there's several significant IRA characters in Northern Ireland that want to see McNab dead, due to the fact that McNab served there before the Gulf. I don't know whether these are true or not, but I'm sure there is a good reason behind why he hides his identity.
He worked with UC SB officer's in Belfast, he doesn't show his face as that could compromise the SB officer's and put them and their families in danger. This is the only reason, he is an honourable man.
I've seen him in person. He said that he was in 14 Det in N. Ireland and that he also spent time in The Increment which is MI6's deniable hit squad. That last bit may or may not be true but he definitely said it. He also said that he had been prepared to do public appearances (in fact I think he has done them since, including this one at the Students Union) but there was a fire bomb found at his first scheduled public appearance which led to him cancelling future ones. It seems he is doing them now, but maybe the time in 14 Det and the Increment is one reason why he doesnt go in for filming/photographs.. maybe its part of the PR - who knows?
Can't understand why you'd do a talk in front of so many people, yet hide your face when doing a 1-1 interview - People do have memory with faces, especially when you are stood in front of them for that length of time. Oh, and why Andy McNabb?.....why not use your real name which is common knowledge
Dude, I agree they shouldn't look like bunch of shit bags, but students in Cambridge actually have more than a full time working schedule. I couldn't go to that talk because I had a supervision at the same time, and that talk took place at 2000. What would you be doing at 2000 as a "working class hard man"?
Unfortuntely This is a comercial line for the powers that be to use this and become rich with money. There is a very different story about Ireland and its function. This man never met higher concious awareness. Someone mentions Hero. Not one soldier see's himself or herself as a hero.
I joined the British Army at 16yrs 1984. Andy McNab failed selection first time around for SAS. Although at his second time of selection he passed. The word
here is "Respect". Education is a great
thing! "Who Dares Wins"
You folks are wonderful and I have so much love & respect for your real true knowledge & information that you provide for all of us people and I think I can speak for us all. I owe my life to all people who watch out for us all and give us real life that we don't have and or know about.
So much Light, I think this is one of the best course's I've ever sat in and attended.
These silly toffs are supposed to be the cream of our education system and they can't even fathom how inappropriate it is to ask a veteran 'What's it like to kill somebody in cold blood?' or 'How many people have you killed?'. This is the inevitable result of people living their lives absolutely and utterly sheltered from the real world.
Yes and NO.
People as this without understand that it is a touchy subject. But if you are at Cambridge then you are going to question a lot things.
TakeThe RedPill The real world is hardly being faced with having to kill a man in cold blood.
+TakeThe RedPill Why is it inappropriate?
If you have to ask the question the answer won't make any sense
What's it like to kill someone has got to be the most important question when questioning the military or war veteran. It's a personal question but one that must be asked.
Love all you squeaky clean people who have never lied or exaggerated a story in your lives. His story just happens to be under the spotlight. Bottom line is, what he has told the truth about shows more balls and determination in one week than most of you will show in your lifetime. He still deserves a lot of respect.
So why does he hide behind a pseudonym, but was prepared to use the real names of the three dead men, in Bravo Two Zero??
@@justindoonerwind6076 because they are not under active threat of vengeance killing. also they are gone, dead men should be honoured by their true name
@@justindoonerwind6076 A good mystery marketing ploy in my opinion. 5 mins online will get you a picture of him and his real name.
Did the lady at the start say Brave Two Zero? Wow, and this is Cambridge?
Absolutely correct..So this wasn't exactly a illustrious beginning for this young lass at Cambridge..Wtf!!
Yes, concentrating on sounding good while missing the attention to detail. A civilian lol. We all make mistakes.
And then she proceeded to leave her mic on the entire time (actually right up near the end when she actually needed to use it again but it had finally turned off). Educated people are usually idiots outside of their narrow fields
Anyone else just watching this because of the Covid 19 pandemic, and they just wanted to watch a bunch of people sitting close together and coughing? I've watched it 3 times this week! A reminder of a bygone age!
So well spoken, yes I agree with everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger in a form of improvement.
A very thought provoking lecture.
"Andy McNab, the SAS Officer(?) who raised prominence with his book Brave Two Zero(?)". Get it right people.
he was not an officer he was a SGT]
@Jock McMerry she didn't - she said officer
Technically speaking a sergeant is an officer; he just doesn't have a commission. There's nothing terribly wrong with that statement. It just doesn't chime with what most people think is an officer.
@@MSM4U2POM 😂 a sergeant is categorically not an officer.
@@pete3816 In the British Army at least, a sergeant is an NCO - a Non-Commissioned Officer. Officers are either commissioned or non-commissioned - either way, they're still officers.
such disrespect when he was questioned about his kills, not on.
@Jeff Lane he killed at least one guy in Northern Ireland. Know your facts mate.
Fascinating. I would have happily paid to be in that audience. Notice the contrast between the working class hard man and the audience
I reckon they were all half afraid of him. He comes from a world so far away from the halls of Cambridge, Id imagine he's someone they can't fathom. Very surprised also at how terrible some of the questions were ...
Very interesting man, much respect.
Me too Tom D! You'll notice too, that the direction' of her knees regularly 'changed' in that they pointed in 'Andy's' direction as he moved about the foreground. Added to wish was her persistent preening (an anthropomorphic tell' and giveaway'), with both arms set as to extenuate her small waist, her chest region as well as the obvious bi-lateral leg display. If body shape were a military rank, she'd definitely be rather high up in 22 Regiment! Excellent comment Tom D. Best wishes.
Brilliant thanks 😁👍👏👏👏
why did the cambridge union film this with a potato?
I think we may just stay in the Army until the end, this is an awesome class, I love realness.
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter it depends on your view. As I recall most of the freedom fighters I met in Northern Ireland were uneducated disenfranchised young men who were being used by the people in charge to achieve their aims. Sounds familiar doesn't it? By his own admission McNab has killed people which makes him a 'killer' in the literal sense. In my experience of the Irish Republican Army they spent most of their time raising money to fund the cause by intimidation, robbery and theft, When they did carry out a 'military' operation it invariably involved some kind of ambush usually preceded by a house takeover where the occupants would be held at gunpoint and scare witless or it might be their other favourite the IED planted in a shopping centre with the risk of killing members of the public. The people they recruited as 'volunteers' were kept in line by the threat of brutal reprisals if they transgressed. Some of theses punishments were used against their own communities one particular favourite being the 'kneecapping' Now you would be wrong to think I believe the British Army always behaved impeccably they didn't. But lets be clear anyone who thinks that IRA were honourable and played fair and the British were colonial oppressors frankly is delusional. Finally just a parting shot to all you keyboard warriors whether you except it or not there are really bad people in the world who want nothing more that to hurt you. its just as well some people are prepared to leave their computers games behind and defend the rights you enjoy.
Well said.
Did she just say brave 2 zero ?
Philip Marks Yes she did. Good grief what a colossal blunder, was she over excited or just bone ignorant. I'am old the son of a former Royal Navy officer now deceased I know my military history she is a proper tango whisky India tango.
He lied about his first kill when he was a green jacket!! He named Paddy Macnamara. That would have been well documented, but their is NO history at all of this ira terrorist being killed!! And if you know your history every ira terrorist killed has been made public as Sinn Fein refuse to admit that they are cold blooded killers!!
So I had respect for Mcnab but think he is living in a world of his own fiction...!!
She did
The B for Bravo (Bravo Two Zero) most probably relates to B Squadron. I think he was with Air Troop. I met him once when he made the transition from soldier to author when I was stationed at RAF Leuchars in Fife. We were all impressed from the Station Commander on down!
Dumb bimbo obviously hated the guy and the talk. Look at her demeanor during the talk. "Oh what a foul individual".
Wow this is so amazing.
How many of those who criticise AM below - have served in the armed forces & know anything about the culture, the lifestyle ? How many have had to push themselves to their physical, mental, emotional limits - and beyond ? How many have faced life or death situations ? How many know anything about the grim realities of war ? None - such comments are naive, ignorant & worthless.
We are criticizing him for being a liar.
We respect the man for even getting into the SAS but theres no need to lie at all.
The story was brave enough already without stupid claims of massive battles leaving 250 Iraqui dead etc and without blaming Vince.
That was really low I thought since the man was killed and can't answer back.
Vince Phillips did nothing wrong and was a bloody good soldier no matter what mc nab says in his novel.
The real SAS have a very low opinion of mcNab and his shitty story and his sell out of Vince.
Well said!
@@zenoist2 and how would you know the internal opinions of the SAS
@@archiewalters3633 I read and research lots of stuff , including internal opinions of the SAS I am not one of these people who click a video link and instantly know exactly what happened. No great mystery to it.
@@zenoist2 Mind citing a source?
So many questions about killing people- you'd hope that Cambridge would have more intelligent questions to ask.
Good questions come from life experience. If you are still in education that is still limited.
McNab might a little confused over the film Heat and the raid on the Bank of America in North Hollywood. The film Heat was in fact made well before the raid and was released in the USA on 15th December 1995. The raid took place on 28th February 1997. 12 Police Officers were shot, not 9 as he says.
that honoured that she didn't bother to learn the name of the book
I think asking the question "What it's like to kill someone" is an interesting one, to someone who doesn't have a clue, that's after all is why Andy's there to explain things that we normal people don't know about. Why that lad is supposed to know it's a complete no no to ask that question is beyond me, I didn't know that was off limits!!
These toffs have no experience of hardship or having to rough it out in the wilds. Andy talking about his exploits must seem like gobblygook to them .
Toffs? With that accent?
Are you mad ! Some of these people had beans and toast for dinner one time!
He was in the same regiment as my cousin, the Green jackets were light infantry.
Brother I put over 500,000 miles on just my 2nd vehicle and it was a 2nd hand purchase too, the problem is that normal people don't know how to take care of all the other things for their cars except for just putting gas or something. You need to be multi task and be able to do everything, that's what Jaja is good about.
That's funny when you said the worlds oldest guy comes in, lmao !
McNab’s book ‘Bravo two Zero’ was enthralling, I read it through in one sitting. That said, I was somewhat disappointed to find out later that most of the actual action in the book what complete fiction.
" Brave Two Zero " ?! Darling please don't confuse them. These poor kids are sworn to secrecy for seeing Mcnab's face. Any false information given to them could lead to barbaric interrogation by their jobcentre's most elite advisors! God have mercy on their young souls.
"Brave two zero". Good grief.
Andy McNab was a Sergeant in the SAS not an Officer and his book was Bravo Two Zero NOT Brave Two Zero.These awful badly researched errors were in the first few seconds and I gave up on the interview immediately.The Cambridge Union made similar mistakes when Jason Fox appeared.If this University is for the academic elite then I seriously worry for the education of this country.Not good enough.
My goodness,I'm glad I missed the beginning..And these are the UK's (potentially)finest!
"Brave two zero", no it is 'Bravo' two zero, she has obviously read that book cover to cover.
I wish someone would ask his opinion on the real bravo two zero documentary
These are the benefactors of nepotism that are now in junior govenmental and strong financial company positions!
shuto 123. Best post on RUclips!! dead on.
actually they can, and they didn't have to sign anything. because he is no longer in the army, keeping his identity is purely for his own security. If there is anything that's sensitive, McNab himself shouldn't release it to the audience anyway
My question would have been "Do you secretly like wearing womens underwear like so many other tough guy soldiers do"?
90% of army is gay.
We wore womens/ wives nylon tights in winter exercise in minus 30
Plenty of workers on building sites wear female tights for warmth.
That's Phill Mitchell not Andy McNab
Ton Buching Ham is what makes me Love this guy so much I'm going back to the gym and I thinking I'm going to possibly be looking and talking a little bit about nothing with anyone who may look like Irene.
I didn't insult the students, did I? I worked in a factory when I left school. I was always exhausted after a 12 hour shift lol. I was merely remarking on what is to me a most strident contrast. I suspect most societies leave the wet work to their working classes. I'm sounding like a marxist - I'm certainly not. I have a law degree, I respect learning
Andy McNab is an acknowledged hero of the SAS. He led (and failed) as leader of Bravo Two Zero. His books express the view that the Establishment is always in the right. Even to his statements that Palestinian people in Israeli-occupied PALESTINE are terrorists. Since he left the Regiment he has worked for anyone who would pay him and written his story, in his worldview. This is what we should remember.....McNab was a social outcast. The only sector that would accept him was the Armed Forces. He still believes that it was a great thing to be recognised as a "killer" by the army after shooting a freedom fighter in Northern Ireland. He was a member of 7 Troop SAS. Very commendable. However, we would do well to remember that of the 8 guys in 7 Troop, 1 was killed in a firefight by the Irish Republican Army. McNab and two others survived and retired. The rest committed Suicide! Love, Peace and Truth.
To do what he has done in his life and still managed to be alive is unbelievable, you have no clue. Doing what we need to do to survive after a career like that is self preservation, anybody would do the same.
You have any proof of this?
***** I did the Fan dance when I was a child lol. And I asked for proof.
***** Then how come the MOJ have said they can't locate the relevant case file? And did you know he was in Greece doing private contract work?
***** Do not patronize me. The MOJ have stated they can't find the relevant case file. If you can give me the number and name of the casefile I will look into it
Never understand why people do not asking him about the controversy about Bravo Two Zero.... what he thinks of The Real Bravo Two Zero documentary, Vince Phillips etc....
Probably a condition of him agreeing to do the talk-bound to be pre agreed ground rules.
Wish I'd have been there to meet Andy Mac...I served with Legs Lane (B20 sect.) when he was at spt Tp, 9 Sqn. I was gutted when I heard he had been killed on the border of Syria.
Reading... .The Real Bravo Two Zero : The Truth Behind Bravo Two Zero
By Michael Asher,.. Will open every bodies eyes!!!!!
True!,,, dat
Woman in red STOP COUGHING!! really annoying!! .. and brave two zero? I thought uni kids could read?
Heat the film - no reaction - talking to 5 year olds.
Cambridge 'Woke' University...... "Brave two zero..."
That's a condition he imposed on the venue and that they had to impose on the audience. It's just him saying it. It has nothing to do with the law or the military. If he wants to, he can go on national TV in a miniskirt, shouting "I was in the SAS"
You may want to read/watch an item by Michael Asher, titled "The REAL Bravo Two Zero"... nuff said
Did anyone ask him why all his mates say that all the stuff in Bravo Two Zero was fiction.
His ex wife said a lot of it was fiction as well.
She would know, being there along side him in the sandbox............ honestly!.
All his mates? Names please and precise details of what part of Bravo Two Zero was fiction.
She can’t even get the name of his book right.
It's not about him telling the audience, it's the fact that he probably knows an uncountable about of sensitive military secrets, were one of those students to go and reveal to a terrorist his identity, then they wouldn't hesistate to kidnap and torture him, again, to try and get them. Hence the no cameras.
LOL That dizzy bird in the introduction described him as an Officer!! The book he wrote was Bravo 2 Zero not brave 2 zero!! lol
He was a non-commissioned officer ( a Sgt. In the SAS and in the infantry).
Andy mcnab at the Cambridge union lol
"Brave Two Zero"
He ain't no Alistair MacLean....
Alistair. Google it. I did, to make sure.
Less boring for a start.
Simon Watts
McNab is definitely great for people with short attention spans and limited vocabulary, who probably only read a book on the toilet.But make no mistake, most of the well-known thriller writers have spent their entire careers trying to write like MacLean.
tell us about Vince Philips Andy?
He died
@@cheekboy7247 the circumstances?
@@revol148 hypothermia
@@cheekboy7247 nothing to do with poor team leadership on McNab's behalf including slanderous comments made by him against Philips in his book?
@@revol148 what comments did andy mcnab make?? I think andy mcnab is a liar and chris ryan is a dickhead. Chirs ryan in his book blamed everything on Vince Phillips. Mike coburn who was in the patrol has a book called soldier 5 were he tells the truth.
Could people stop coughing already for fucks sake..
You are right about privileged bit, and some of us are certainly twats. Definitely wrong about totally lost though, keep in mind quite a few Generals including the current CGS was educated in Cambridge, the founder of SAS was educated in Cambridge. Would you say it's a total lost on them?
You're going back 80 years when many military, MI5 and 6 people came out of Cambridge. No comparison to what is the reality today.
Where did you acquire your skill for workmen like prose, Andy?
I've lost SO much respect which I thought I had for this bloke. He believes and states that "war has improved" due to technology. Bullshit. The number of civilians killed per conflict has increased over the years.
When he was talking about being in Baghdad to destroy a water treatment plant or a power source or whatever, these are civilian targets. In that same war there were over 1,000,000 people who died as a result of the dirty water and related ills from that. It's a form of biological warfare to destroy sewage treatments works, water treatment works, and to destroy power stations for a city? Not something to boast about.
Now I'm not saying what happens in war is good by any means. But without war we wouldn't be as advanced as we are now, The Germans in ww2 advanced our knowledge of medical science significantly (by nasty methods) and I think he's talking more about war has improved for modern army's in terms of fire power and protection, not really civilians, and he's gone through a big chunk of his life being trained to kill so that probably why he's boasting about it, because that's what he knows.
Cheers Luke. I'm aware of what he's on about and I read almost everything the bloke ever wrote, and he's quite an entertaining read. Mind you, for him to be running a company of Mercs, he's lost my fanhood! I don't like mercs and even less do I like the ones who straddle posh desks and suck money out of the impoverished coffers of whitehall.
Yemach Shemo His books are repetitive, predictable. The last half a dozen, was him cashing in
Only Me They are still actually quite good to be honest.
Sergeant MayMay I agree, that's how I came up with my opinion on them I had to read them to find out
You do get some clues in here as to why the book deviates from the rather more factual debrief that he gave to his unit just after the Bravo Two Zero patrol. The extra 'colour' that was added wasn't just down to him and Chris Ryan's inability to relate what actually happened. Whilst the book is based on real events, it doesn't stick to facts where fiction is more 'explosive'. Its interesting that his and Chris Ryan's real names are now freely available on Wikipedia too....
But it's weird how his version jibes so well with Chris's. They both say in the books that they never really spoke again after that mission. Why even add that detail? The MoD knew about the books before they came out. They would have had to have approved them and checked them for sensitive information. I think what happened was nothing like either book. And, given the way both authors use their books as a chance to complain about improper logistics and intelligence, I think that both "Andy" and "Chris" were reminded before their books were published, that they had an opportunity to garner some public support for increased funding.
I absolutely believe that both books are a pack of lies. But they're not the lies a common door kicker would tell. They're the lies the top brass would want told.
Even the fact that - for the first time - an SAS operator, would decide to write up a real mission and sell the story to a publisher...it seems a bit off. I'm sure the MoD would be fine with it as long as no senstive information got out, but I don't see anyone with the mindset of a seargent in the SAS, wanting to break tradition and stick his head above the parapet by being the first person from the regiment to really break their silence on such a huge scale.
Before Bravo Two Zero came out, people revered the SAS for its secrecy. Now you have virtually the entire selection process pieced together from multiple sources, and half the guys coming out of the regiment, are on TV.
I can't help but think the whole thing is part of some disinformation scheme. It sounds like conspiratard BS, but it's very in keeping with everything we knew about the regiment before 1992
Interesting reading some of the shitty comments on here, just because most of us would never mount up to what he is don't get all defensive about it.
every one has a life and a journey
some like some dontn some dont give a shit
1 life
live it how you please
dont complain.
Can they see his face?
Not sure why he still hides his face after all these years. None of the others do.
+1965CAPTKIRK Because he is still working on operations
+1965CAPTKIRK It is not only for his own safety he dont show his face he have got some death threats....he also dont show his face to protect some of the people he was involved with when he was station on Northern Ireland and still lives there so they are not placed in danger by getting identified thorugh Andy.
Check out ex s.a.s soldier Ben Griffins video on here, called i will not fight for queen and country. Those working for peace in this world are the real heroes in my opinion, Every country has a right to an army, but we really need to stop making heroes out of soldiers. War movies and war books by ex soldiers shows that war is now a part of the entertainment industry, and that's the way that 'they' want it, think not ? Think again......Andy makes a living out of professional 'war heroism'
+justmadeit2 Soldiers only execute the wishes of the politicians, so I believe they do deserve our respect - I think it's a far more difficult job than you can truly imagine...a for making heroes out of them, without doubt many have carried extremely heroic acts, so those do deserve to be treated as heroes...just as anyone in civilian life would in similar circumstances....
+justmadeit2 Im a veteran and dont ask me why I volunteered? Its the lies about heroism and fighting for Queen and country! I was very fit so in the selection I chose the toughest service there was? I didnt know I would regret this for the rest of my life? Your ego is huge when you get your Green beret with your insignia! ! But as I experienced the feeling of being shoot at with live ammunition for the first time, I shit my pants and tried to dig myself into the ground! Pure terror!
Soldiers keep people like you safe and free to express your degenerate opinions.
Caver461 Dont lecture me boy! Until you walked in my boots and seen what I seen! Im not saying we shouldnt protect us with a military simply that the care for veterans is lousy at the best!
Firstly I'm not your boy, I'm a veteran as well and likely as old or older than you. Secondly, the comment was not addressed to you - it was the moron who started the comment stream (justmadeit2). Why would you assume that I'd thought your opinion was degenerate? I hadn't even read it.
Would It Not Be Normal, Too Do Three Years First
He's hated in the regiment, described by one as 'a barrow boy'
Yet he's the most decorated soldier in the WHOLE of the British Army? Some gonads!
All those brains and still can’t read ‘Bravo Two Zero’.
In the Military I'm the one who sleeps last we call it Pahak in Armenian it means Guard. Plus I'm also the one who knew when the other Pahaks aka Guards go to sleep cause I wake up about 12 minutes after I put them to sleep but that was in my young life in Boy Scouts so we was still in the early times of our growing learning times that's why its so hard for people to forget unforgettable things.
Why didn't he use his real name ❓
People don’t like soldiers, special forces are an even bigger target, could put him in a lot of danger
Brave Two Zero? Maybe literary skills should be important to entry to Cambridge.
11. He said 8 in his book
Andy McNab has made a lot of money out of writing FICTION staring with Bravo Two Zero.
Al Taylor
Look at you singing off your RUclips comments, you can’t really comment on his stories as someone who wasn’t there
can Bravo Two Zero kill C19 and how does that feel?
Two questions that should not be asked or answered 'hove you killed anyone'. and 'how many have you killed'. Pathetic questions and Andy shouldn't have given them an answer to that.
British government set SAS to train Khmer Rouge.....WHAT?
Margret Thatcher sent them to teach the KR how to lay mines in paddy fields to take off the limbs of women and children. The conflict was an extension of the Cold War and Thatcher and Reagan saw a victory against Communist ideological expansion there as more important than the lives of millions of dark skinned civilians. The SAS do what they are tasked to do and would have been fed the Communist-threat line so the blame lies fully with one woman. Having said that simply following orders is not an acceptable excuse. You would think the 'best young minds of Britain' (Cambridge under-grads) would have scrutinized McNab on his moral decision a bit??
I wonder if his time in South East Asia was with the Khmer Rouge training them to set land mines.
I should have watched the whole thing he talks about it at the end.
Zero training of laying land mines ffs
You don't need British SF training to lay a mine. Two minutes with a local who has done it twice is enough.
@@appptyltd9436 its a matter of history. "On 25 June 1991, after two years of denials, the government finally admitted that the SAS had been secretly training the "resistance" since 1983. A report by Asia Watch filled in the detail: the SAS had taught "the use of improvised explosive devices, booby traps and the manufacture and use of time-delay devices". The author of the report, Rae McGrath (who shared a joint Nobel Peace Prize for the international campaign on landmines), wrote in the Guardian that "the SAS training was a criminally irresponsible and cynical policy".
@@DanCThorpe the anti-truth, anti-democratic Manchester Guardian blog... pffft.
j Zhao says the talk took place in 2000 i am sure mcnab mentioned 911,so how so.
plus his english is not what i would expect from someone from cambridge.
He mentioned RGJ was replaced by The Rifles - that occurred in 2007.
He's from Peckham, not Cambridge.
And had fun in the camping shop at Crystal Palace!
Not a patch on Michael Franzese
Some of these people...do they ever look in the mirror and think about how they are perceived? As for McNab he was an incredible soldier but laid on the BS massively for B2Zero. If anyone who has ever worn a uniform believes they dropped 250 Iraqi soldiers needs their heads examined. If you want to know what happened look up Michael Asher and the real Bravo Two Zero.
Micheal Asher should have been here and disgraced the liar
I agree fully that person was a fool. I think there were more than one who asked that question. Not defending him in anyway, because i would have kick the shit out of him if i were there. But that's a generally civi thing, civilians don't understand the fact that you shouldn't ask question like that, it's not just in cambridge where people ask this kind of questions. There is a significant number of people there who has no common sense, but trust me, you can't buy an education in cambridge
Haha, "Do you know how many people you've killed"? You know there was going to be a morally superior virtue signalling follow up to that. Andy shut him down perfectly.
This speech did not seem to go down well with the audience. I usually have very little time for such students. Seen too may videos of them being offended by everything and politically correct. Whilst I recognise this man was in the SAS (something I could never do) from what I have read he really doesn't need all this anonymity and security. Other soldiers have not spoken well of him. Chris Ryan seems more honest about events in Bravo Two Zero and doesn't hide himself when speaking in public. He didn't come across well here in my view. Somewhat self absorbed and out of his depth at the Cambridge Union. Don't get me wrong, he had the courage to go to war and I have never been in the forces but I cannot help having formed a negative opinion of him from background reading.
I heard that Chris Ryan didn't participate in as many missions as McNab, which is why Ryan shows his face. I also heard that there's several significant IRA characters in Northern Ireland that want to see McNab dead, due to the fact that McNab served there before the Gulf. I don't know whether these are true or not, but I'm sure there is a good reason behind why he hides his identity.
He worked with UC SB officer's in Belfast, he doesn't show his face as that could compromise the SB officer's and put them and their families in danger. This is the only reason, he is an honourable man.
I've seen him in person. He said that he was in 14 Det in N. Ireland and that he also spent time in The Increment which is MI6's deniable hit squad. That last bit may or may not be true but he definitely said it.
He also said that he had been prepared to do public appearances (in fact I think he has done them since, including this one at the Students Union) but there was a fire bomb found at his first scheduled public appearance which led to him cancelling future ones.
It seems he is doing them now, but maybe the time in 14 Det and the Increment is one reason why he doesnt go in for filming/photographs.. maybe its part of the PR - who knows?
He should have asked how many soy latte's they have had.
What's a terrorist?
Can't understand why you'd do a talk in front of so many people, yet hide your face when doing a 1-1 interview - People do have memory with faces, especially when you are stood in front of them for that length of time. Oh, and why Andy McNabb?.....why not use your real name which is common knowledge
See below for the definition of 'inverted snobbery'.
Haha, there had to be one!
Dude, I agree they shouldn't look like bunch of shit bags, but students in Cambridge actually have more than a full time working schedule. I couldn't go to that talk because I had a supervision at the same time, and that talk took place at 2000. What would you be doing at 2000 as a "working class hard man"?
Unfortuntely This is a comercial line for the powers that be to use this and become rich with money.
There is a very different story about Ireland and its function.
This man never met higher concious awareness.
Someone mentions Hero.
Not one soldier see's himself or herself as a hero.
brave 2 zero ??? whaaa ?
Chris Ryan hoofed it outta of Iraq.. all I have to say Andy
That woman needs speech therapy
Good to eeeeeducation bud