Unfortunately the seller is Korean domestic, but I think it is very common goods and you may find sellers in your country. smartstore.naver.com/samsungoring/products/4425752781?NaPm=ct%3Dkj5ztlg4%7Cci%3Dcheckout%7Ctr%3Dppc%7Ctrx%3D%7Chk%3D6f53d4bffaf7ae7743a66f2e57d89c5eca4553b5
Hi. Cool job! Can you give me a link to this silicone washers?)
Unfortunately the seller is Korean domestic, but I think it is very common goods and you may find sellers in your country.
You can also use o-rings
Hi. Did you just put them under the fan cover only. Thanks.
Yes the washers placed under the fan cover. PS5 + washer + fan + washer + fan cover
Did u use only 1 ring or in every slot ?
2 rings per each slot