Absolutely the truth. The West never helped, they tried through their NGOs, but the NGOs they employed only come into our nations to divide and to indoctrinates, but never actually helped, like China did, but i also have to give it to Japan. They actually helped too, but the West? No, never. They only care about Political Correctness and how many pronouns there are. Nothing of substances.
I've heard that USA didn't get High Speed Train because some powerful people (prob politician too) invested serious amount of money in airline business. Plus, USA is all about capital, if they clean the water in michigan, mineral water sales would eventually go down, if they build good public transportation, US Oil Company would loses profits. It's also same with the food, if they feed us healthy food, those big pharma won't be getting any profits. Funny system if u ask me
Salahsatu kalimat menohok dari abang bule ini, "Indonesia termasuk negara korup tapi masih bisa membangun infrastruktur seperti ini, sedangkan di michigan tidak ada sama sekali" Berarti di negara maju pun jg ada korupsi bedanya mungkin gak dipublikasikan aja.
Iya bang andaikan tidak ada korup dan sda di kelola dg baik oleh negara sendiri , warga indonesia ga kerja pun digaji 10jt sebulan ,terlalu kaya negara kita tpi terlalu banyak pula korupnya
Siapa bilang Amerika ga ada korupsi. Hanya dalam bentuk dan model lain...kalo pajaknya tinggi, harga mahal...tapi infrastuktur-nya diabaikan. Tuh...uang pajak dikemanain? Nonton film2 gelap sana merasa serem juga.
Kalo disana "KORUP"nya legal , dibilang "LOBBYING" ya namanya sogok biar undang-undang menguntungkan perusahaan.. Jadi disana itu yang menguasai orang-orang kaya/perusahaan, pemerintahnya itu cuma babu disuruh2, nah yang menderita rakyat biasa / jelata, karena pemerintah menuruti kata perusahaan bukan untuk kepentingan rakyatnya
Noooo dia gk blg Indonesia negara korup. Dia blg laporan dari pemerintah US yg di beritakan yg mereka tau di sana kalau indo itu negara korup. Jadi statement itu bukan dri dia sndiri. Krn dia dnger dri pemerintahan ny
Indonesia saat ini masuk paling marak dengan kasus2 besar korupsi tapi masih bisa bikin kereta cepat, dan masih bisa membangun. andai tak ada korup Indonesia pasti bisa lebih cepat lagi melesat dalam membangun.
bukan menuduh...garong di bumn sulit dimusnahkan kecuali asn yg sekarang di delete..lalu ganti yg benar2 baru..tp itu jg gk mungkin..tgl system di buat yg baru, agar korupsi bisa ditekan...syukur2 hilang
I am really grateful Indonesia has this fast train, when my mom get a stroke attack and need to submitted immediately to ER, i rush to Bandung using this. Cut 3hours if i am using my car. And now i am happy more people enjoying this facility too,
when i worked as a geotechnical drilling rig seller I travelled several times to indonesia, and spent a few trips between Jakarta and Bandung. Back then(2012-2015), it took roughly 6 hrs and we were crammed in a suv like mini bus. LOOK how things improved today. As I no longer hold the same job I don't think i would visit indonesia in the foreseen future, but I wish the best for the country and its people.
10 tahun lalu kalo mau nyobain naik mrt/lrt/kereta bandara mesti ke BKK, KL, SGP kalo naik kereta cepat mesti ke jepang nonton moto gp ke sepang paling deket.. terima kasih kerja kerasnya pak jokowi kita semua sudah punya infrastruktur itu semua ❤
Dia appreciate ya karna simply he can afford it, meanwhile most indonesian can't. It is nice to have this kinda things tapi gaada urgensinya alias masih banyak bgt yang harus jadi prioritas dibanding kereta cepat.
@@greenlight8376klo gak sekarang kapan lagi Bang. Basic untuk jd negara maju itu salah satunya fasilitas infrastruktur yang paling penting. Klo mikirin orang miskin terus kapan majunya. Faham lu!!!
Saya lama di Amerika. Public transportation sangat buruk, karena memang pemerintah tidak fokus untuk pelayanan umum. Apalagi tinggal di kota kecil, bus umum beroperasi satu jam sekali.
Namanya juga negara cowboy, doyannya ya cuma berhubungan dgn senjata. Rakyatnya aja dibebaskan memiliki senpi. Gak heran bnyk warga stres yg pengen bundir tapi ngajak berjamaah, dgn malakukan penembakan massal. Anggaran terbesar difokuskan hnya unk pertahanan & keperluan perang, membiayai 38 pangkalan militernya yg tersebar di di seantero jagat.... Sementara rakyat tunawismanya semakin melonjak & butuh penanganan serius, pemerintahnya sendiri malah sibuk ngurusi konflik negara lain ... hadeehh
Iya betul sx, amerika kalau niat bikin kereta cepat udah dari dulu jga ada karna tau sendiri lah amerika😂 negara berteknologi , cuma rakyatnya lebih enak ke kendaraan mobil pesawat sih@@distapermana4488
alhamdulillah.....ternyata bangsa indonesia bisa berbuat yg tidak kalah dari negara barat.....maju terus bangsaku INDONESIA...pilih pemimpin yang melakukan perubahan demi kemajuan bukannya melakukan perubahan karena ANTITESIS pada pemerintahan sebelumnya.....!!!!
Wkwkkw pada percaya banget , lu tau gk sih nih bule cuma manfaatin kita buat dapet duit , amerika kereta nya gak kayak gitu bro , ayo lah jangan mau dibodoh - bodohin
China is changing the world for developing Countries. China is helping the standard of living for these countries by building modern infrastructure and fast train transportation.
PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China merupakan perusahaan dengan jenis konsorsium (pembiayaan bersama suatu proyek atau perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh dua lembaga atau lebih) antara BUMN Indonesia dengan China Railways dengan skema Business to Business (B2B), dimana 60 persen sahamnya dikuasai oleh PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN .
Semoga ekonomi Indonesia makin maju kedepannya, biar kereta cepat bisa sampai Surabaya. Bahkan kalau perlu dari Merak-Banyuwangi, Lampung-Aceh, dll. Mimpi aja dulu, dulu China juga biasa aja sekarang jadi negara maju. Bismillah, semoga dpt pejabat gak pada gila korupsi tapi gila kerja buat kebaikan negara. Aamiin
Indonesia sekarang adalah kekuatan ekonomi terbesar dan top size ekonomi di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Jangan heran oleh badan keuangan dunia internasional imf-world bank jakarta metropolitan city sebagai pusat bisnis kawasan Asia Tenggara. Keren jakarta guys👍
Fun fact: many Japanese peoples are un happy with this,each times Japanese vlogger reviews this train, its comments section full of hate and yeah swears words... So thanks mr evan,feels free if you wanna stay here in Indonesia,enjoy your exploration👍and good luck!
@@Cacan_Empas Dulu ceritanya yg pnya inisiatif buat bikin itu Jepang..trus kata pemerintah Indo ya udah bikin rencananya..bikinlah Jepang kan mulai dari rute, design, pokonya semua dipikirin..udah abis invest bnyak kan Jepang..puluhan Milyar klo ga salah..lalu pas udah dikasiin "proposalnya" dng rincian biayanya, tiba2 di serobot China pake planning yg dari Jepang tnpa ada timbal balik ke Jepangnya...trus rame di Jepang yah gitu lah intinya..bnyak lg cerita2 tambahannya..
Base on his information. Indonesia di cap sbg negara korup. Tp Evan bingung disini jauhhh lebih baik dr amrik. Coba kebayang tidak kalau negara kita bebas dari koruptor, pasti bisa berlipat2 lebih baik dari keadaan yg skrg. Yuk kita kawal UU pemiskinan koruptor dan hukuman maksimal utk koruptor. Maju terus Indonesia. 🇮🇩 God Bless Indonesia 🙏
Percuma mana mau DPR ngesahkan UU yang merugikan mereka, padahal pak Jokowi sudah kirim surat sejak tahun lalu ke DPR tentang UU perampasan aset ga digubris sama DPR 😂
You haven't heard of it,because it's built buy the Chinese.It's using the same standards of the 350kmph bullet trains in China...In fact,the trains are the same,the stations looks the same,and the control system is also the same...
Indonesian leaders have wisely chosen China to help build a high-speed railway system. Looking at Japan's performance in Vietnam and India, if Indonesia chooses Japan, I can be 100% sure that Indonesia cannot have high-speed rail in such a timely manner.
It's not apple to apple comparison. Can't blame Japan for the issue in India. That country is more corrupt than Indonesia, hence their high speed rail stalled for years. Every state governments want the piece of pie from the project. It frustrated Japan more than India.
Yeah its pretty impressive ain't it. The Whoosh high speed train is Chinese built. Both the train, the stations, and the entire line is built to the same standards as the Chinese high speed rail network. And China has the largest high speed rail system in the world, larger than everything else in the entire rest of the world combined, and some of the highest speeds anywhere. The Whoosh is like a little taste test of it. The line in Indonesia is really short right now, but the plan is to extend it all the way across Java to Surabaya. In the US, there have been attempts at building high speed rail. There's mainly the California high speed rail project between Los Angeles and San Fransisco but that suffers from delays, a lack of consistent federal funding, insistant people that often refuse to let the line be built through their area, a lack of inhouse engineering driving up the cost, and more. Private companies have tried too. Brightline in Florida exists but many wouldnt call that a high speed train since it only goes 125mph and only briefly, spending the rest of its route at mostly 70-110mph, which is about the same speed as Amtrak. A company in Texas, Texas Central has plans for a line between Dallas and Houston, and Amtrak is getting involved in that. Brightline is planning on building a new line between Las Vegas and the outskirts of Greater LA, but it also suffers from poor design choices. So while it should be able to go almost as fast as the Whoosh, in practise it'll spend most of its time going much slower, due to the decission to build the line almost entirely within 2 existing freeway lanes, which in several cases have sharp curves the trains can't go through very fast. Either way the whole "Why doesnt the US have good trains or high speed trains, or good public transit" all of those things are a very deep rabbithole involving everything from state sabotage of rail companies, oil company sabotage of public transit, massive state support for airlines while trains were dying, single family suburbs and culs-de-sac bankrupting cities and being impossible to serve with public transit, extremely strict zoning laws, Freight railroads owning all the tracks and sabotaging Amtrak, and themselves with abysmal states of repair, just to earn more money, it goes on and on. I will say Indonesia has corruption, heck Jakarta is at risk of flooding, risking the livelihood and safety for hundreds of thousands while the government doesnt even care, but the US is likely even more corrupt if I'm gonna be honest.
Jakarta is in risk of flooding and there's no clear solution for that. Government only care about moving officials and making them feel comfortable in IKN.
@@s0nnyburnettso sorry that you are getting such a massive dose of cognitive dissonance, Chinese high speed rails have been operating for a lot more than ten years now. Most countries don't choose Japs because they can't deliver.
The fastest train in East Coast is Acela Amtrak north east corridor, and it only run for 125mph . America is now left behind in train transportation, idk why . 😢
because the CAR company lobby to make UNITED STATES to be CAR centric country, so they can sell their car.. they will lobby against anything that undermine their sales, like better public transportation
Why there is no high speed train in the US? Because most tracks in US owned by freight company and not specifically built for passenger train with high speed. Amtrak only owned 530 miles, the majority of track they used to transport passenger are leased from freight companies.
@@tennyboy2303ya Indonesia juga gitu. Jangan terlalu overproud dengan negata kita. Klo emang Indonesia menurut kamu lebih bagus dari amerika ya gimana amerika negara maju tapi sini enggak?
@@RafaRadityo7 jangan inferior, mereka maju di sisi tech inovation, military, dan stem nya soal social walfare jauh kita lah. Liat aja asuransi kesehatan, gue bisa bilang sistem BPJS adalah sistem asuransi dari negara yg paling maju dibanding di negara maju lain. Netizen sekarang kadang ngerasa "gue gak overproud kaya kebanyakan netizen nih" padahal tanpa disadari masuk ke jebakan Inferiority complex.
Beda negara beda kebijakan, kereta barang mungkin bisa memudahkan distribusi barang komoditas warganya lebih lancar, tanpa harus terjebak macet, dan kendala cuaca maupun kerusakan truck angkut barang. Distribusi barang lancar tentunya bisa hemat biaya dan meminimalisir kerusakan barang yang butuh ketepatan waktu agar tidak terjadi pembusukan maupun kelangkaan. Berharap pemerintah juga bisa buat infrastruktur kereta barang agar distribusi barang antar kota maupun provinsi bisa lancar tanpa harus keluar biaya tambahan seperti kerusakan truck angkut karena perjalanan terlalu jauh dan Medan jalan yang buruk, kemacetan yang sebabkan keterlambatan truk barang bisa buat kerusakan barang dan kelangkaan barang, pungli di jalan baik oleh preman jalanan maupun oknum aparat keparat, jalan bisa bertahan lebih lama karena berkurangnya kendaraan truk barang beban berlebihan melintas. Jika kereta barang ada di Indonesia mungkin biaya barang sampai ke konsumen lebih murah dan lebih lancar juga. Semoga pemerintah bisa buatkan infrastruktur kereta barang dengan terminal bongkar muat kontainer barang terhubung antar kota, provinsi dalam satu pulau.
@@mingwu1133every country in this world has its own share of the good and the bad people. Some things may happen much better or much worse in one or other countries.
Enjoy our speed train, Sir Evan. We are still learning here, so we still use technology from other countries, but next we plan to make our speed train by our own. Thx & Welcome to Indonesia 😊🙏
Terima kasih banyak sudah membuat video tentang kemajuan Indonesia, saya berharap konten anda selalu memberitakan tentang negara ini, karena disaat anda memberitakan ttg Indonesia disaat bersamaan Viewer dan Subscriber anda akan melonjak, sesungguhnya netizen Indonesia akan sangat menghargai anda.
Kalau masalah seperti ini beda mas.. harus belajar bahasa ingris, karena biar pelayanan yang di dapat orang luar negara bisa lebih nyaman @@bhresastro7079
Tinggal di daerah pelosok dulu baru ngomong ttg transportasi publik di Indonesia, bahkan di kota besar ga semua punya bis modelan transjakarta. Bandung aja ga ada msh hrs naik angkot kemana mana. Makin macet makin banyak daerah penuh sama mobil buka transportasi publik. Indonesia bukan Jakarta aja
@@olahanikan3698 ntar dibangun ga ada yg naik yg ada boncos apbn buat nambal income. Dari data jaman belanda menurut Arsip nasional indonesia Staatspoorwegen bangun trem trem di pelosok pada boncos pemasukan ga menentu setelah lalulintas rempah mandek pada 30 an.
Apa2 Jokowi, ini negara yg punya bkn Jokowi jd menyebalkan. Lagian kemajuan itu bkn dilihat dr seberapa kencang laju kereta. Ampun warga konoha kalo sdh menjilat.
Akhirnya nemu komentar gini. Kereta sekelas gini baru cuma dijawa. Thumbnail videonya bodoh, cuma membandingkan kereta terburuk Amerika vs. kereta terbaik Indonesia. Perbandingan macam apa itu? Sengaja banget narik viewer netizen Indo. Aku muak dengan komen² netizen overproud yg terbuai dgn pujian palsu. Gak sadar mereka kalau sedang dimanfaatin viwernya, saat ini youtubernya pasti sedang foya² dapet duit banyak.
Are you exit from the train station in Padalarang? Your ticket include the train to the downtown of Bandung, you can follow people to go to the next train
Terima kasih pak Jokowi beliau adalah seorang malaikat Nya Indonesia lanjutkan perjuanganmu pak Jokowi ☝️🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪👍👍👍🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ rakyat Indonesia bersama 🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟
@@_Cawe_Cawe_ya sama aja dia yg niat bangun relasi. lu kira gampang. kalo emg krna tiongkok doang knapa ga dari dulu aja dri sblm jokowi jd presiden. kalo mau benci sama jowoki boleh tapi gausah denial sama fakta kalo beliau kerja nya nyata😛
Jakarta train: 🗿💪 Java train: 🗿💪 Sumatra train: 🥺 Sulawesi train: 🥺 Kalimantan, Bali, NTB, NTT, Maluku, Papua train: 💀 Trains in all US states: 🗿💪 Overproud Indonesian netizens: 😱😎🗿❤️🇮🇩 The youtuber: 🤑🤑🤑🤑
I think you keep forgetting about the age of the country. Indonesia's a relatively young country, who, mind you, is still DEVELOPING. The US is 248 yo, they've had time to build their nation and still look at where their public transportation is at. If Indonesia continues these developments and branch out further into other islands (which I believe we will, because look at IKN), the transportation system will be impeccable.
@@anne19777 Iya, aku tahu, kereta kita pasti nanti akan tambah improve kok. Yang aku masalahkan adalah thumbnail sengaja bener mikat netizen Indo yang gampang overproud. Thumbnail ya ngambil foto kereta terjelek di US dibanding²in sama kereta terbaik di Indo. Tujuannya apa? Tentu saja narik viewer, karena Indonesia negara dgn populasi terbanyak No 4 + netizen gampang bangga, ini dimanfaatkan jadi ladang cuan oleh youtuber luar negri. #AdaIndonesiaCoy
@@MSTF-o4h luxury train di US juga menurut gw mediocre banget malah dan emang faktanya klo membicarakan the quality from service and comfort, di Indo jauh lebih enak menurut gw. Di US you're paying more and you're not even receiving half the quality you'll be receiving here.
Setelah melihat ini, ternyata Amerika tidak sebaik yg diceritakan di media masa kawan hahahaha 😂. Very beautiful Indonesian Now then America. The Technology of transportations and Publics sosialities is so very good in Indonesia today 🎉🎉🎉
When you said like China and Japan actually fun fact.... This high-speed train service is operated by PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (Indonesia China Fast Train) , 60% of whose shares are held by PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN Indonesia (Indonesian government) , while the remainder is held by China Railway International Co. Ltd. via Beijing Yawan HSR Co. Ltd. This service route is the first phase of a series of lines in the high-speed rail system on the island of Java... And the technology of the train are from Huawei 😅😅😅 so yeahhh... China whose built this one...
As an Indonesian, allow me to say thank you to you, for this wonderful video. Nice! But yes, we Indonesians, do have corruption problems. Big unsolved ones. And some other major problems as well, like in majr economical crisis, we have not been able to uphold the law good enough, illegal mining, controversial Presidential election processes, Nepotism, nation disintegration potential, Islamophobia, etc. I guess, in the end, the percentage of cases, shall be the way to determine the end result, the so-called overall scores. :)
@@JokoTarub-e2h Singapura pun secara demokrasi rankingnya jeblok jauh dibawah kita loh. Di sana mana bebas komen/kritik pemerintah kayak di Indonesia? Yang pasti, semua negara punya plus minusnya masing2
Blog semua negara jg ada masalah korupsi ,,,ente klo jabat jg pasti korupsi ,,jgn sok suci ,,,banyak kader2 PKS yg katanya bersih y korupsi jg ,,,semua tergantung individu ,,blog
@@jokowijayanto6217 😃😄😄 Sebagai dosen NKRI dengan NIDN dan kepangkatan, saya simpulkan, anda: Pandir. BAHKAN macam tak cukup paham Bahasa Inggris. Padahal ini diajarkan mulai setidaknya SMP. Belum lagi hal betapa buruknya anda dalam berbahasa, menggunakan tanda baca, mengeja, bergaya bahasa, berlogika, bersopan-santun. 😃😄 Karena TERJEMAHAN dari kalimat saya di atas: *Sebagai orang Indonesia, izinkan saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda atas video yang luar biasa ini. Bagus!* *Tapi ya, kami orang Indonesia, memang punya masalah korupsi.* *Masalah-masalah besar yang belum terpecahkan.* *Dan beberapa permasalahan besar lainnya juga, seperti krisis ekonomi besar, kami belum mampu menegakkan hukum dengan baik, penambangan liar, proses pemilihan Presiden yang kontroversial, Nepotisme, potensi disintegrasi bangsa, Islamofobia, dll.* *Saya kira, pada akhirnya, persentase kasus, akan menjadi cara untuk menentukan hasil akhir, yang disebut sebagai: skor (nilai) keseluruhan.* :)
@@jokowijayanto6217 Dan setidaknya dengan menilik dari tulisan anda di atas, yang jelas ada banyak kesalahan dalam peraturan Bahasa Indonesia, di faktor-faktor: ▪️Tata Bahasa. ▪️Ejaan. ▪️Tanda Baca. Juga: ▪️Gaya Bahasa anda. Hingga faktor: ▪️Logika. Maka, insyaa Allaah, anda memang ... macam pandir. 😄😊
I believe one of the reasons why United States don't invest on public transportation is because most people have cars there. Even some of the homeless have cars. If the government invest more on train stations, they also need to think about how people go to the station from their home. Which means, bus transportation needs to be better and reachable.
Menurut gw sih ga begitu, Masalahnya itu kepadatan penduduknya, di Indo itu malah pemerintahnya ingin masyarakat naik kendaraan umum, kalau lu tinggal di Jakarta/Bandung pasti ngerasain jalan utama itu pasti macet terus beda dengan di AS. Di AS juga kalau di New York itu kendaraan umumnya terintegrasi, karena kendaraan disana juga banyak macetnya.
Indonesia government is still super corrupt, but somehow we manage to survive, we're okay.....can we imagine if our government is more clean, honest, really work for the country little bit more..... definitely Indonesia can become a giant country for sure....
@@shekondogare you sure..? 🤔 because many various products from India enter Indonesia, especially tools. But there are no Indonesian products in India. *This means that many small industries in India can survive and even export*
Well I believe there are no government in the world that is clean, including here in Indonesia. We've been told thatif you heard something bad about the government, you better believe it that the reality about that is actually worst..lol. But I think Indonesia is in the right direction. Glad you enjoy your trip..very cool video. Safe trip buddy!
I really like how you appreciate everything here. but as for note, please don't overestimate our country, our train infrastructure indeed is great, but it doesn't mean our other infrastructure is being treated the same way. We still have a lot things to improve here, especially "corruption" we need to get rid of that first.
Corruption is not a big deal. If a officer could make 100 people earn 100$/day, he get 500$ is alright. Getting money is not a big wrong, getting money without doing anything is! In another words, give the great officer more money, let them lead the country growing!
Terimakasih buat Presiden Jokowi yg sudah bangun kereta cepat Indonesia...... Indonesia maju ❤❤❤pak presiden jokowi presiden paling hebat memimpin Indonesia supaya jadi negara maju❤❤
Maju karna didongkrak pake teknologi import.. msh hrs diajari dari china, jepang, barat,dst. terus kpn bangsa ini bs berguna bwt kemajuan banyak negara??
The cleanliness of Indonesian train stations is not influenced by Islam. Don't connect it with religion. I'm Indonesian. In the past, Indonesian stations were very dirty. Changes occurred when the head of the train company was led by Ignatius Jonan. He was even a Catholic who reformed trains and stations to make them clean and good
@@marcelleo29 Huh what? Necessity?? Even in the mosque, it's dirty, the place for "wudhu" is always muddy and smelly feet everywhere😅. Lol very disgusting
you're the best reviewer, way better than those other vloggers who just film stuff without even trying and tasting it. you actually get the full experience firsthand and then hook us up with the legit lowdown.
And the fact that we still need a feeder train at Padalarang Station is criminal, and Padalarang Station is not even within Bandung nor Cimahi's perimeter. Both Karawang and Tegalluar stations are being put as far away from a concentration of population. Not to mention that Halim station's connectivity to other modes is still heavily limited to Halim LRT and busses with irregular schedules. It's a bit of a disappointment that this HSR train is only accessible to upper-middle class at bare minimum, making Jakarta-Bandung HSR funding being put on a thin ice. I'm only giving Jakarta-Bandung HSR A 6.8 / 10
Bro she didn't get why you were saying when you asked the stewards if you could film the 1st. Class. She thought you wanted to sit in 1st class. You can of course film anywhere in there.
@@poetry81 The thing is, if they're unsure they should ask what the person means instead of just answer it ignorantly. Common problems with non-native foreign language. Or bro could've repeated the question or request just to make sure she gets what he says. SMH.
I often watch shows about homeless people in the United States, I am shocked by their conditions (especially the use of illegal drugs) including the very large number of homeless people, even though America is a developed country. If a scene like that happened in Indonesia, the government would definitely be criticized and have massive demonstrations. In Indonesia, homelessness also exists. However, they are not scattered along city streets or stations. They also don't do trouble (drink alcohol, use drugs, and the like). Thank you for your very inspiring video.
As a native indonesian i could say that you are one of tourist that we hoped to see everytime and you respected our culture. Hope you enjoy your stay here ;)
gue lebih mending orang-orang kayak gini daripada lu sok2 bilang "Bikin malu Indonesia". ada namanya freedom of expression. rada kocak lu gak bisa pikir sampe situ.
05:27 - As an Indonesian, don't worry too much, you're not 'annoying' or anything. Sure you're recording a vlog, but we kind of chalk that up as 'nothing out of the ordinary', especially when the locals are well aware their areas are tourist hotspot. Believe me, it takes special talent to make us actually mad at a foreigner, lol. And besides, you're not deliberately doing it out of malice.
Indonesia commands respect in many respects, try to settle there at almost any cost, it's worth it, the standard of living beats the old West anytime. Btw, the max speed the Whoosh reached when I took it was 347km/h.
I reccomend you to watch video of "lost boys" They were traveling around archipelago and they look for adventures and tradition of Indonesia, what amazing is Indonesia is modern but we still keep a live our traditions
Jakarta & Java trains: 🗿💪 Sumatra & Sulawesi trains: 🥺 Kalimantan, Bali, NTB, NTT, Maluku, Papua trains: 💀 Trains in all US states: 🗿💪 Average Overproud Indonesian Netizens: 😱😎🗿👍❤️🇮🇩✨ #Like #Subscribe The youtuber: 🤑🤑🤑🤑
Every single time you mentioned corruption in here I laughed so hard, it felt like sarcasm in a polite voice of yours. 😁🙃 Happy that you're kind, always present with positive vibes, soothing voice, humble and always praising goodness. Enjoy your trip Sir. Much appreciated. 🎉
Your amazement reminds me of a tour that I did to Indonesia last year. On the tour I was speaking to a US citizen. He was similarly amazed because before coming to Indonesia, he believed that Indonesia was a "backward" country with no infrastructure.
Semiga indonesia lebih maju lg trutama dlm hal lainny, seperti gaji diperhatikan, pelayanan rumahsakit, lebih diperhatikan, gaji2 guru tlong ditingkatkn,dan masih bnyk lg
We really grateful having president like joko widodo. Infrastruktur dibangun termasuk bullet train whoosh, walaupun sempat banyak yg mencibir, he still work and now we enjoy all public transport facility. We really proud being an indonesian now. Thank you pa jokowi❤
Bukan pujian namun pengakuan.. pujian mah membawa petaka kalau tidak mampu bawanya, kita ngk minta dipuji, mereka yang mengakui.. kalau pengakuan kan keluar dari mulut si penilai..
Did you know Indonesia is planning to build its own high speed trains?This Chinese built train was just so Indonesia can gain the know how to build its own bullet trains.
@@Danu4500 but the top speed of indonesian fast train (made in indonesia ) can only reach until 240Km/hour. The train will only be built for outside Java, on the island of Java it will still be made in CHINA. the reason is because outside Java the land surface is not as flat as in Java, on islands other than Java there are more mountains and hills. that is why it is only limited to 240km/hour to find a flatter route and minimize MOUNTAIN hollowing and construction of rail bridges. to reduce development costs. and also the population outside Java is not as large as in Java.
@@bionusantara-up2ft haha, tolong dipikir sebelum bertanya, bikin kereta cepat itu bisa emang dalam waktu dekat habis belajar langsung coba buat? Prosesnya tak semduah itu lagipula ada masalah di sektor urgensi kereta cepat untuk segera diperpanjang ke surabaya mengakomodasi jumlah penduduk yang padat untuk bepergian dalam waktu singkat. Lawak 🤡
Sangat senang melihat warga asing menghargai dan memuji proyek ini.. saya sebagai warga asli cukup sedih atas negara saya sendiri yg ckp byk KONTRA ttg KCIC.. tpi ttp proyek sperti ini akan bermanfaat pada saat nya, terima kasih❤
I've been taking Whoosh several times due to my work, but sometimes I just took the old Argo Parahyangan train because the 3 hours spent on Argo Parahyangan healed me. You miss the view of greenery and nature you can enjoy from your train window along Jakarta to Bandung if you take Whoosh.
bahkan skrg d la newyork jg smakin merembet homeless,,, kadang suka heran saja sama amerika negara no.1 ekonomi tp uangnya habis kemana y,, yg mereka pikirkan hanyalah jual senjata perang,, rakyatnya d berikan kebebasan untuk jd perampok bersenjata, pecandu narkoba,, miris skali,, entah dmana oembelaan hamnya,,
Do you know this HSR come from China? In the USA there is no such thing HSR. They claimed their HSR can do 160 miles /hr in a brief time and the majority time is about 80 miles/hr.
Hi Evan, i always watch your video and one of your subscriber. on saturday i saw you in Bandung walking on street near Mercure Hotel 😁 enjoy your trip here in Indonesia.. 🙏
As a Kenyan official once put it: "Every time China visits we get a hospital, every time Britain visits we get a lecture."
Absolutely the truth. The West never helped, they tried through their NGOs, but the NGOs they employed only come into our nations to divide and to indoctrinates, but never actually helped, like China did, but i also have to give it to Japan. They actually helped too, but the West? No, never. They only care about Political Correctness and how many pronouns there are. Nothing of substances.
I've heard that USA didn't get High Speed Train because some powerful people (prob politician too) invested serious amount of money in airline business. Plus, USA is all about capital, if they clean the water in michigan, mineral water sales would eventually go down, if they build good public transportation, US Oil Company would loses profits. It's also same with the food, if they feed us healthy food, those big pharma won't be getting any profits. Funny system if u ask me
At least the Brits are not looting Kenya now
and every time American visits we get a color revolution.
Salahsatu kalimat menohok dari abang bule ini, "Indonesia termasuk negara korup tapi masih bisa membangun infrastruktur seperti ini, sedangkan di michigan tidak ada sama sekali"
Berarti di negara maju pun jg ada korupsi bedanya mungkin gak dipublikasikan aja.
Iya bang andaikan tidak ada korup dan sda di kelola dg baik oleh negara sendiri , warga indonesia ga kerja pun digaji 10jt sebulan ,terlalu kaya negara kita tpi terlalu banyak pula korupnya
Siapa bilang Amerika ga ada korupsi. Hanya dalam bentuk dan model lain...kalo pajaknya tinggi, harga mahal...tapi infrastuktur-nya diabaikan. Tuh...uang pajak dikemanain?
Nonton film2 gelap sana merasa serem juga.
Kalo disana "KORUP"nya legal , dibilang "LOBBYING" ya namanya sogok biar undang-undang menguntungkan perusahaan.. Jadi disana itu yang menguasai orang-orang kaya/perusahaan, pemerintahnya itu cuma babu disuruh2, nah yang menderita rakyat biasa / jelata, karena pemerintah menuruti kata perusahaan bukan untuk kepentingan rakyatnya
@@grimthereaperz,nge-lobby bukan korup ya. Wkwkwk
Noooo dia gk blg Indonesia negara korup. Dia blg laporan dari pemerintah US yg di beritakan yg mereka tau di sana kalau indo itu negara korup. Jadi statement itu bukan dri dia sndiri. Krn dia dnger dri pemerintahan ny
Indonesia saat ini masuk paling marak dengan kasus2 besar korupsi tapi masih bisa bikin kereta cepat, dan masih bisa membangun. andai tak ada korup Indonesia pasti bisa lebih cepat lagi melesat dalam membangun.
bukan menuduh...garong di bumn sulit dimusnahkan kecuali asn yg sekarang di delete..lalu ganti yg benar2 baru..tp itu jg gk mungkin..tgl system di buat yg baru, agar korupsi bisa ditekan...syukur2 hilang
Korupsi di Konoha udah kayak tradisi,kan dulu di jajah Inazuma dibayar sebenarnya tapi di korupsi
Eh antara di jajah Inazuma atau holand,di korupsi
Enggak murni buatan lokal 😏teknisi mesin kreta whoosh msh disupport org PRC. Kreta super cepat Bdg-Sby pun bakalan pake mesin buatan PRC
pemimpin kita adalah cerminan masyarakatnya, jadi kalo mau merubah yg diatas maka dimulailah merubah dari bawah atau diri kita sendiri.
I am really grateful Indonesia has this fast train, when my mom get a stroke attack and need to submitted immediately to ER, i rush to Bandung using this. Cut 3hours if i am using my car.
And now i am happy more people enjoying this facility too,
Hope your mum is doing well. ❤
Hope you Mother is fine. 🙏
Semoga cpt pulih ya
Ahhh i hope your mother is okay now!
when i worked as a geotechnical drilling rig seller I travelled several times to indonesia, and spent a few trips between Jakarta and Bandung. Back then(2012-2015), it took roughly 6 hrs and we were crammed in a suv like mini bus. LOOK how things improved today. As I no longer hold the same job I don't think i would visit indonesia in the foreseen future, but I wish the best for the country and its people.
@@shawnli3916 the people there deserve it. They're so nice.
Thank you sir
I feel like you're missing Indonesia right now. Come here soon Sir, while you still have the opportunity
I am happy for Indonesia, so much progress under the leadership of Pak Jokowi and the hard work of Indonesians. Respect from Malaysia.
Thank you❤
It's incredible how modern and clean the Jakarta station is! Looking forward to trying this while I'm in Indonesia.🇮🇩
Comparing a newly made hi-speed train with a decade(s) old train isn't fair. Not quite apple 2 apple
Yes, you must got it
@@b0retastic karena di indonesia sangat di "larang keras" jika anda tertangkap menggunakan narkotika
@@b0retastic dan narkotikalah yang membuat maaf suatu Negara dengan penduduknya menjadi sampah masyarakat( homeless )
@@b0retasticdan di America banyak sampah masyarakat (homeless) yang kencing sebarang di station kereta dan menjadi Station yang jorok dan bau
10 tahun lalu kalo mau nyobain naik mrt/lrt/kereta bandara mesti ke BKK, KL, SGP kalo naik kereta cepat mesti ke jepang nonton moto gp ke sepang paling deket.. terima kasih kerja kerasnya pak jokowi kita semua sudah punya infrastruktur itu semua ❤
Indonesia transport the best in southeast now
Tp masih ada orang2 yg ga nyadar hasil kerja keras Pak Jokowi. Heraaan...
Biarkan saja ..nanti juga pada mati sendiri@@erikaname13
Iya benar, 10 tahun lalu rasanya masih seperti mimpi yang jauh. Tahu2 sekarang sudah jadi kenyataan semua.
Bro, youtube mu masuk berita di indonesia haha
Selamat bersenang senang diindonesia bro, good luck...
bener sekali bro aku lihat dia diberita 🗿
Yang mana bang beritanya
@@Didi_teadi xhmaster tv bang
@@hikarunakamura7194 kalo gw liat di Tvone
Bule aja appreciate negara kita segininya...dari detik pertama sampe habis, dia memujiiiiiiii ... Thank you brother... GBU ❤❤
Kok ada yg aneh😂😂
Orang indonesia banyak yg munafik,, mereka memprotes kinerja pemerintah tapi menggunakan fasilitas negara,,,sungguh ironis dan menjijikkan
Dia appreciate ya karna simply he can afford it, meanwhile most indonesian can't. It is nice to have this kinda things tapi gaada urgensinya alias masih banyak bgt yang harus jadi prioritas dibanding kereta cepat.
@@greenlight8376klo gak sekarang kapan lagi Bang. Basic untuk jd negara maju itu salah satunya fasilitas infrastruktur yang paling penting. Klo mikirin orang miskin terus kapan majunya. Faham lu!!!
Saya lama di Amerika. Public transportation sangat buruk, karena memang pemerintah tidak fokus untuk pelayanan umum. Apalagi tinggal di kota kecil, bus umum beroperasi satu jam sekali.
anggarannya dibuat ngguyur militer negara sekutunya melulu kayaknya
Namanya juga negara cowboy, doyannya ya cuma berhubungan dgn senjata. Rakyatnya aja dibebaskan memiliki senpi. Gak heran bnyk warga stres yg pengen bundir tapi ngajak berjamaah, dgn malakukan penembakan massal. Anggaran terbesar difokuskan hnya unk pertahanan & keperluan perang, membiayai 38 pangkalan militernya yg tersebar di di seantero jagat.... Sementara rakyat tunawismanya semakin melonjak & butuh penanganan serius, pemerintahnya sendiri malah sibuk ngurusi konflik negara lain ... hadeehh
Tapi kayanya mudah buat amerika bikin kereta cepat jika mereka mau
Akibat ketergantungan pada mobil pribadi, banyak rakyat Amerika yang menderita obesitas
Iya betul sx, amerika kalau niat bikin kereta cepat udah dari dulu jga ada karna tau sendiri lah amerika😂 negara berteknologi , cuma rakyatnya lebih enak ke kendaraan mobil pesawat sih@@distapermana4488
Mana nih yg suka bangga sm negara bule ...di amerika aja lbh parah kondisi kereta nya drpd di Indonesia , bersyukurlah kita punya presiden yg peduli
Amerika gak mau bikin rel kereta soalnya udah di lobby oleh pemilik pabrik mobil disana
alhamdulillah.....ternyata bangsa indonesia bisa berbuat yg tidak kalah dari negara barat.....maju terus bangsaku INDONESIA...pilih pemimpin yang melakukan perubahan demi kemajuan bukannya melakukan perubahan karena ANTITESIS pada pemerintahan sebelumnya.....!!!!
Wkwkkw pada percaya banget , lu tau gk sih nih bule cuma manfaatin kita buat dapet duit , amerika kereta nya gak kayak gitu bro , ayo lah jangan mau dibodoh - bodohin
@@dandydankerjangan pada mau dibodoh2 bodohin lah bro
@@supriadjikertisaputro4847 pada percaya ama nih bule ?
China is changing the world for developing Countries. China is helping the standard of living for these countries by building modern infrastructure and fast train transportation.
They are preparing those systems for themselves after a couple decades
You're the person who don't deserve anyone's help in your life @@animatrix1851
China? What are you guys talking about? Go watch any laowhy vid dude youre being fed chinese propaganda XD
@@henry-huang Whats that mean? I don't understand chinese yk...
PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China merupakan perusahaan dengan jenis konsorsium (pembiayaan bersama suatu proyek atau perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh dua lembaga atau lebih) antara BUMN Indonesia dengan China Railways dengan skema Business to Business (B2B), dimana 60 persen sahamnya dikuasai oleh PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN .
Dan sisanya oleh satunya?
Kereta cepat hasil Kerjasama investasi
60 % BUMN
Marga , PT PN
40 % BUMN China
Beijing Yawan
I think you speak very honestly, and I appreciate that....thank you bro, welcome to Indonesia 🇮🇩
Semoga ekonomi Indonesia makin maju kedepannya, biar kereta cepat bisa sampai Surabaya. Bahkan kalau perlu dari Merak-Banyuwangi, Lampung-Aceh, dll. Mimpi aja dulu, dulu China juga biasa aja sekarang jadi negara maju. Bismillah, semoga dpt pejabat gak pada gila korupsi tapi gila kerja buat kebaikan negara. Aamiin
Indonesia sekarang adalah kekuatan ekonomi terbesar dan top size ekonomi di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Jangan heran oleh badan keuangan dunia internasional imf-world bank jakarta metropolitan city sebagai pusat bisnis kawasan Asia Tenggara. Keren jakarta guys👍
@@彭希文-q6e you're so humble 😂 but we both know china is closer to the status of a developed country than Indonesia.
@@hadesium 说实话中国是发展中国家 并讲长期处于发展中国家是政府说的 而且我们东西差距很大 我是西部的 我们市GDP甚至只有一千亿美元 和东部差距还是很大的
@@soluckyme910 请不要把中国列作发达国家,这是对于西方世界的蔑视。因为西方国家一直认为中国和中国人生活在水深火热的贫穷之中。我们中国人很乐于让西方人生活在自己的幻想中。
Fun fact: many Japanese peoples are un happy with this,each times Japanese vlogger reviews this train, its comments section full of hate and yeah swears words...
So thanks mr evan,feels free if you wanna stay here in Indonesia,enjoy your exploration👍and good luck!
Kenapa bisa seperti itu memangnya kenapa dengan kereta cepat indonesia? Apa karna di bangun oleh cina?
@Cacan_karena Indonesian tidak membeli produk Jepang 🤣Empas
Klo mnurut saya emg bener2 jujur dia apa da Ny dari hati sndiri krna kan Dia Org Amerika yg merasakn sndiri
@@Cacan_Empas Dulu ceritanya yg pnya inisiatif buat bikin itu Jepang..trus kata pemerintah Indo ya udah bikin rencananya..bikinlah Jepang kan mulai dari rute, design, pokonya semua dipikirin..udah abis invest bnyak kan Jepang..puluhan Milyar klo ga salah..lalu pas udah dikasiin "proposalnya" dng rincian biayanya, tiba2 di serobot China pake planning yg dari Jepang tnpa ada timbal balik ke Jepangnya...trus rame di Jepang
yah gitu lah intinya..bnyak lg cerita2 tambahannya..
@@borneowisnu2404 oO. Pantas saja.
Tapi jika di lihat² aku lebih menyukai buatan cina ini daripada shinkansen jepang, terlihat lebih modern 😃👍
Thanks bro for ur positive comments
Bang youtubmu masuk dlm berita indonesia...semoga betah tinggal di indonesia
Base on his information. Indonesia di cap sbg negara korup. Tp Evan bingung disini jauhhh lebih baik dr amrik.
Coba kebayang tidak kalau negara kita bebas dari koruptor, pasti bisa berlipat2 lebih baik dari keadaan yg skrg.
Yuk kita kawal UU pemiskinan koruptor dan hukuman maksimal utk koruptor.
Maju terus Indonesia. 🇮🇩
God Bless Indonesia 🙏
US, UK, Canada, Australia dkk itu lebih korup...hanya saja mereka lebih jago menutupinya. 😂😅
Percuma mana mau DPR ngesahkan UU yang merugikan mereka, padahal pak Jokowi sudah kirim surat sejak tahun lalu ke DPR tentang UU perampasan aset ga digubris sama DPR 😂
@@rmahend-9627iya, di amrik lobbying atau suap2 gitu kan legal..
@@rmahend-9627bukan lebih korup tapi duitnya dihabiskan buat militer dan perang coyyy 🤣🤣🤣
I, m froom indonesia
You haven't heard of it,because it's built buy the Chinese.It's using the same standards of the 350kmph bullet trains in China...In fact,the trains are the same,the stations looks the same,and the control system is also the same...
The Bullet trains are not even the fastest around. The Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) trains are faster!!
@@enetamuno5953It currently is the fastest in operation at 350 kph. Japan's fastest HSR Hayabusa train is only 320kph.
5年前去巴厘岛旅游,碰到的印尼人都非常友好,令人印象深刻 👍
thank you ❤❤❤
Thank you...❤❤❤
Indonesian leaders have wisely chosen China to help build a high-speed railway system. Looking at Japan's performance in Vietnam and India, if Indonesia chooses Japan, I can be 100% sure that Indonesia cannot have high-speed rail in such a timely manner.
How is japans performance bad they are doing things timely as planned
It's not apple to apple comparison. Can't blame Japan for the issue in India. That country is more corrupt than Indonesia, hence their high speed rail stalled for years. Every state governments want the piece of pie from the project. It frustrated Japan more than India.
@@mohdrizwan5774 japan wont let indonesia have high speed railway, unlike china
@@masterfive9173 why ?
@@mohdrizwan5774it’s about tech transfer as far as I know.
Yeah its pretty impressive ain't it. The Whoosh high speed train is Chinese built. Both the train, the stations, and the entire line is built to the same standards as the Chinese high speed rail network. And China has the largest high speed rail system in the world, larger than everything else in the entire rest of the world combined, and some of the highest speeds anywhere. The Whoosh is like a little taste test of it. The line in Indonesia is really short right now, but the plan is to extend it all the way across Java to Surabaya.
In the US, there have been attempts at building high speed rail. There's mainly the California high speed rail project between Los Angeles and San Fransisco but that suffers from delays, a lack of consistent federal funding, insistant people that often refuse to let the line be built through their area, a lack of inhouse engineering driving up the cost, and more. Private companies have tried too. Brightline in Florida exists but many wouldnt call that a high speed train since it only goes 125mph and only briefly, spending the rest of its route at mostly 70-110mph, which is about the same speed as Amtrak. A company in Texas, Texas Central has plans for a line between Dallas and Houston, and Amtrak is getting involved in that. Brightline is planning on building a new line between Las Vegas and the outskirts of Greater LA, but it also suffers from poor design choices. So while it should be able to go almost as fast as the Whoosh, in practise it'll spend most of its time going much slower, due to the decission to build the line almost entirely within 2 existing freeway lanes, which in several cases have sharp curves the trains can't go through very fast.
Either way the whole "Why doesnt the US have good trains or high speed trains, or good public transit" all of those things are a very deep rabbithole involving everything from state sabotage of rail companies, oil company sabotage of public transit, massive state support for airlines while trains were dying, single family suburbs and culs-de-sac bankrupting cities and being impossible to serve with public transit, extremely strict zoning laws, Freight railroads owning all the tracks and sabotaging Amtrak, and themselves with abysmal states of repair, just to earn more money, it goes on and on.
I will say Indonesia has corruption, heck Jakarta is at risk of flooding, risking the livelihood and safety for hundreds of thousands while the government doesnt even care, but the US is likely even more corrupt if I'm gonna be honest.
Jakarta is in risk of flooding and there's no clear solution for that. Government only care about moving officials and making them feel comfortable in IKN.
@@intriguingfacts5434 Yeah exactly that's what I said
@@drdewott9154 Yeah....regime supporters are so brainwashed...they think IKN is the once-for-all solution for Jakarta problem.
All chinese built, looks okay to nice when new, falls apart in 10 years. Should have bought japanese or french trainsets.
@@s0nnyburnettso sorry that you are getting such a massive dose of cognitive dissonance, Chinese high speed rails have been operating for a lot more than ten years now. Most countries don't choose Japs because they can't deliver.
The fastest train in East Coast is Acela Amtrak north east corridor, and it only run for 125mph . America is now left behind in train transportation, idk why . 😢
Why? Cz they prefer invest money for war.
@@jejaksenyum3131 for ukraine for sure
Gak bakal ketemu lagi tai ama kencing di kereta Indonesia mah
Luar biasa kemajuan jokowi.
Nikmati apalagi yg anda dustakan wahai pembenci
@@jejaksenyum3131😂betul sekali
because the CAR company lobby to make UNITED STATES to be CAR centric country, so they can sell their car.. they will lobby against anything that undermine their sales, like better public transportation
Why there is no high speed train in the US?
Because most tracks in US owned by freight company and not specifically built for passenger train with high speed.
Amtrak only owned 530 miles, the majority of track they used to transport passenger are leased from freight companies.
Yaah begitulah negara kapitalis, segala sesuatau dimilik oleh si pemilik modal
@@tennyboy2303ya Indonesia juga gitu. Jangan terlalu overproud dengan negata kita. Klo emang Indonesia menurut kamu lebih bagus dari amerika ya gimana amerika negara maju tapi sini enggak?
@@RafaRadityo7 dimana over proud saya, saya menanggapi krn kereta api di sana dikuasai oleh swasta dan kebanyakan u barang
@@RafaRadityo7 jangan inferior, mereka maju di sisi tech inovation, military, dan stem nya soal social walfare jauh kita lah. Liat aja asuransi kesehatan, gue bisa bilang sistem BPJS adalah sistem asuransi dari negara yg paling maju dibanding di negara maju lain. Netizen sekarang kadang ngerasa "gue gak overproud kaya kebanyakan netizen nih" padahal tanpa disadari masuk ke jebakan Inferiority complex.
Beda negara beda kebijakan, kereta barang mungkin bisa memudahkan distribusi barang komoditas warganya lebih lancar, tanpa harus terjebak macet, dan kendala cuaca maupun kerusakan truck angkut barang. Distribusi barang lancar tentunya bisa hemat biaya dan meminimalisir kerusakan barang yang butuh ketepatan waktu agar tidak terjadi pembusukan maupun kelangkaan. Berharap pemerintah juga bisa buat infrastruktur kereta barang agar distribusi barang antar kota maupun provinsi bisa lancar tanpa harus keluar biaya tambahan seperti kerusakan truck angkut karena perjalanan terlalu jauh dan Medan jalan yang buruk, kemacetan yang sebabkan keterlambatan truk barang bisa buat kerusakan barang dan kelangkaan barang, pungli di jalan baik oleh preman jalanan maupun oknum aparat keparat, jalan bisa bertahan lebih lama karena berkurangnya kendaraan truk barang beban berlebihan melintas. Jika kereta barang ada di Indonesia mungkin biaya barang sampai ke konsumen lebih murah dan lebih lancar juga. Semoga pemerintah bisa buatkan infrastruktur kereta barang dengan terminal bongkar muat kontainer barang terhubung antar kota, provinsi dalam satu pulau.
Indonesian people are very nice and polite. ❤ from Singapore
Basically they are. But I still remembered what they did to the Chinese in the year of 1998. And 2002 Bali island bomb incident.
@@mingwu1133every country in this world has its own share of the good and the bad people. Some things may happen much better or much worse in one or other countries.
Enjoy our speed train, Sir Evan. We are still learning here, so we still use technology from other countries, but next we plan to make our speed train by our own. Thx & Welcome to Indonesia 😊🙏
The speed train is impressive. Excited to see the future developments with your own technology. Loving my stay in your country so far!
Fact: technologies, trains, constructions and funding all by communist China.
Terima kasih banyak sudah membuat video tentang kemajuan Indonesia, saya berharap konten anda selalu memberitakan tentang negara ini, karena disaat anda memberitakan ttg Indonesia disaat bersamaan Viewer dan Subscriber anda akan melonjak, sesungguhnya netizen Indonesia akan sangat menghargai anda.
Mohon maaf..
Pramugari ataupun petugas kereta kudu menguasai bahasa inggris,, supaya komunikasi dua bangsa ini nyaman..
Mohon maap, bule harus jg blajar bhs kita , kan vloger hrs niat .
@@bhresastro7079 mentalitas org males.
Bukannya u apply PT KAI, TOEFLnya harus 550?
@@piaku3920hanya sebatas legalitas, nyatanya rata2 tetep jalur orang dalam
Kalau masalah seperti ini beda mas.. harus belajar bahasa ingris, karena biar pelayanan yang di dapat orang luar negara bisa lebih nyaman @@bhresastro7079
Transportasi publik Indonesia sekarang aslinya sudah bagus nilai 99 dari 100 tapi orang2 yg membenci pak Jokowi yg merendahkan kemajuan Indonesia.
Tinggal di daerah pelosok dulu baru ngomong ttg transportasi publik di Indonesia, bahkan di kota besar ga semua punya bis modelan transjakarta. Bandung aja ga ada msh hrs naik angkot kemana mana. Makin macet makin banyak daerah penuh sama mobil buka transportasi publik. Indonesia bukan Jakarta aja
@@olahanikan3698 ntar dibangun ga ada yg naik yg ada boncos apbn buat nambal income. Dari data jaman belanda menurut Arsip nasional indonesia Staatspoorwegen bangun trem trem di pelosok pada boncos pemasukan ga menentu setelah lalulintas rempah mandek pada 30 an.
@@olahanikan3698 memang transportasi publik penting tapi harus realistis juga pd implementasinya.
Apa2 Jokowi, ini negara yg punya bkn Jokowi jd menyebalkan. Lagian kemajuan itu bkn dilihat dr seberapa kencang laju kereta. Ampun warga konoha kalo sdh menjilat.
Trus bertumbuh indonesia q, jgn terbuai dgn pujian, hakikat nya banyak sekali yg harus di perbaiki negri ini❤
Akhirnya nemu komentar gini. Kereta sekelas gini baru cuma dijawa. Thumbnail videonya bodoh, cuma membandingkan kereta terburuk Amerika vs. kereta terbaik Indonesia. Perbandingan macam apa itu? Sengaja banget narik viewer netizen Indo.
Aku muak dengan komen² netizen overproud yg terbuai dgn pujian palsu. Gak sadar mereka kalau sedang dimanfaatin viwernya, saat ini youtubernya pasti sedang foya² dapet duit banyak.
I'm in Indonesia thank you for praising our fast train terimakasih
and the fact that you had to whisper all the time in order to not draw attention to yourself tells me how quiet that train is
Semoga lebih banyak lagi turis mancanegara berkunjung ke NKRI. Amiin Allahuma Aamiin.
Dan semoga turis yang datang tidak merusak dan bisa menjaga fasilitas seperti orang di video ini.
Are you exit from the train station in Padalarang? Your ticket include the train to the downtown of Bandung, you can follow people to go to the next train
yea. i eventually figured it out lol
@@thatevanguy1480you must try to ride MRT and LRT in Jakarta, you can also visit SCBD, good luck and enjoy,😁😁😁
Terima kasih pak Jokowi beliau adalah seorang malaikat Nya Indonesia lanjutkan perjuanganmu pak Jokowi ☝️🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪👍👍👍🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ rakyat Indonesia bersama 🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟
Terimakasihlah sama Tiongkok, kalo gak ada Tiongkok mana bisa Jokowi bikin ginian!
@@_Cawe_Cawe_ya sama aja dia yg niat bangun relasi. lu kira gampang. kalo emg krna tiongkok doang knapa ga dari dulu aja dri sblm jokowi jd presiden. kalo mau benci sama jowoki boleh tapi gausah denial sama fakta kalo beliau kerja nya nyata😛
Jika dijaga terus kebersihannya aku kira akan selalu dapat respect dari bule2. Sehingga wonderfull indonsia benar2 adanya
Terima kasih mister sudah mempromosikan transportasi kami kepada dunia,semoga anda sehat selalu amiiiiiin❤
Jakarta train: 🗿💪
Java train: 🗿💪
Sumatra train: 🥺
Sulawesi train: 🥺
Kalimantan, Bali, NTB, NTT, Maluku, Papua train: 💀
Trains in all US states: 🗿💪
Overproud Indonesian netizens: 😱😎🗿❤️🇮🇩
The youtuber: 🤑🤑🤑🤑
I think you keep forgetting about the age of the country. Indonesia's a relatively young country, who, mind you, is still DEVELOPING. The US is 248 yo, they've had time to build their nation and still look at where their public transportation is at. If Indonesia continues these developments and branch out further into other islands (which I believe we will, because look at IKN), the transportation system will be impeccable.
Ketauan ga pernah naik kereta di US atau nonton videonya 😂
@@anne19777 Iya, aku tahu, kereta kita pasti nanti akan tambah improve kok.
Yang aku masalahkan adalah thumbnail sengaja bener mikat netizen Indo yang gampang overproud. Thumbnail ya ngambil foto kereta terjelek di US dibanding²in sama kereta terbaik di Indo. Tujuannya apa? Tentu saja narik viewer, karena Indonesia negara dgn populasi terbanyak No 4 + netizen gampang bangga, ini dimanfaatkan jadi ladang cuan oleh youtuber luar negri.
@@hadesium Ketauan gak sadar bahwa video ini cuma buat mikat netizen overproud, kayak kamu.
RUclipsr saat ini be like: 💵🤑📈
@@MSTF-o4h luxury train di US juga menurut gw mediocre banget malah dan emang faktanya klo membicarakan the quality from service and comfort, di Indo jauh lebih enak menurut gw. Di US you're paying more and you're not even receiving half the quality you'll be receiving here.
Setelah melihat ini, ternyata Amerika tidak sebaik yg diceritakan di media masa kawan hahahaha 😂. Very beautiful Indonesian Now then America. The Technology of transportations and Publics sosialities is so very good in Indonesia today 🎉🎉🎉
Terima kasih. Yang telah menceritakan tentang Indonesia di mata dunia. ❤🇲🇨
Lihatlah betapa harus bangganya kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia ❤
Salute brother when you say " I don't want waste money for First class, I'd rather give money for homeless" . enjoy your trip...
When you said like China and Japan actually fun fact.... This high-speed train service is operated by PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (Indonesia China Fast Train) , 60% of whose shares are held by PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN Indonesia (Indonesian government) , while the remainder is held by China Railway International Co. Ltd. via Beijing Yawan HSR Co. Ltd. This service route is the first phase of a series of lines in the high-speed rail system on the island of Java... And the technology of the train are from Huawei 😅😅😅 so yeahhh... China whose built this one...
@@1123-p1y thanks. But i can't speak Mandarin 😅
not from Huawei... Huawei do not make trains. They make energy, communication and intelligence products.
Huawei built the communication infrastructures.
As an Indonesian, allow me to say thank you to you, for this wonderful video. Nice!
But yes, we Indonesians, do have corruption problems.
Big unsolved ones.
And some other major problems as well, like in majr economical crisis, we have not been able to uphold the law good enough, illegal mining, controversial Presidential election processes, Nepotism, nation disintegration potential, Islamophobia, etc.
I guess, in the end, the percentage of cases, shall be the way to determine the end result, the so-called overall scores. :)
Sebenernya hampir semua negara di Asia Tenggara punya penyakit yang namanya Korupsi, mungkin kecuali Singapore. Dan itu memang menjadi PR kita.
@@JokoTarub-e2h Singapura pun secara demokrasi rankingnya jeblok jauh dibawah kita loh. Di sana mana bebas komen/kritik pemerintah kayak di Indonesia? Yang pasti, semua negara punya plus minusnya masing2
Blog semua negara jg ada masalah korupsi ,,,ente klo jabat jg pasti korupsi ,,jgn sok suci ,,,banyak kader2 PKS yg katanya bersih y korupsi jg ,,,semua tergantung individu ,,blog
@@jokowijayanto6217 😃😄😄
Sebagai dosen NKRI dengan NIDN dan kepangkatan, saya simpulkan, anda:
BAHKAN macam tak cukup paham Bahasa Inggris. Padahal ini diajarkan mulai setidaknya SMP. Belum lagi hal betapa buruknya anda dalam berbahasa, menggunakan tanda baca, mengeja, bergaya bahasa, berlogika, bersopan-santun. 😃😄
Karena TERJEMAHAN dari kalimat saya di atas:
*Sebagai orang Indonesia, izinkan saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda atas video yang luar biasa ini. Bagus!*
*Tapi ya, kami orang Indonesia, memang punya masalah korupsi.*
*Masalah-masalah besar yang belum terpecahkan.*
*Dan beberapa permasalahan besar lainnya juga, seperti krisis ekonomi besar, kami belum mampu menegakkan hukum dengan baik, penambangan liar, proses pemilihan Presiden yang kontroversial, Nepotisme, potensi disintegrasi bangsa, Islamofobia, dll.*
*Saya kira, pada akhirnya, persentase kasus, akan menjadi cara untuk menentukan hasil akhir, yang disebut sebagai: skor (nilai) keseluruhan.* :)
@@jokowijayanto6217 Dan setidaknya dengan menilik dari tulisan anda di atas, yang jelas ada banyak kesalahan dalam peraturan Bahasa Indonesia, di faktor-faktor:
▪️Tata Bahasa.
▪️Tanda Baca.
▪️Gaya Bahasa anda.
Hingga faktor:
Maka, insyaa Allaah, anda memang ... macam pandir.
Dein Video ist wirklich unglaublich, Bruder. Danke, dass du nach Indonesien gekommen bist. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
pray that Indonesia will always be the best and a religious nation. Indonesia will advance for global peace and harmony
I believe one of the reasons why United States don't invest on public transportation is because most people have cars there. Even some of the homeless have cars.
If the government invest more on train stations, they also need to think about how people go to the station from their home. Which means, bus transportation needs to be better and reachable.
Menurut gw sih ga begitu, Masalahnya itu kepadatan penduduknya, di Indo itu malah pemerintahnya ingin masyarakat naik kendaraan umum, kalau lu tinggal di Jakarta/Bandung pasti ngerasain jalan utama itu pasti macet terus beda dengan di AS. Di AS juga kalau di New York itu kendaraan umumnya terintegrasi, karena kendaraan disana juga banyak macetnya.
Us More Hutang & Jombie Bro😁
Indonesia government is still super corrupt, but somehow we manage to survive, we're okay.....can we imagine if our government is more clean, honest, really work for the country little bit more..... definitely Indonesia can become a giant country for sure....
Compared to India, Indonesia government is like an angel. Bribe is 35% now in India - even to open a simple company.
@@shekondogare you sure..? 🤔
because many various products from India enter Indonesia, especially tools. But there are no Indonesian products in India.
*This means that many small industries in India can survive and even export*
Suatu saat nanti...indonesia pasti ada pemimpin yg jujur. Menerapkan hukuman amat berat bagi koruptor. Yaitu hukiman mati.
Semoga kereta kaya gini merata seluruh Indonesia ga cuma jakarta aja
Well I believe there are no government in the world that is clean, including here in Indonesia. We've been told thatif you heard something bad about the government, you better believe it that the reality about that is actually worst..lol.
But I think Indonesia is in the right direction.
Glad you enjoy your trip..very cool video. Safe trip buddy!
Masih jauh, liat aja kalimantan to rempang. Rakyat ya di gusur untuk kepentingan kelompok tertentu
I really like how you appreciate everything here.
but as for note, please don't overestimate our country, our train infrastructure indeed is great, but it doesn't mean our other infrastructure is being treated the same way.
We still have a lot things to improve here, especially "corruption" we need to get rid of that first.
Corruption is not a big deal. If a officer could make 100 people earn 100$/day, he get 500$ is alright. Getting money is not a big wrong, getting money without doing anything is! In another words, give the great officer more money, let them lead the country growing!
really interesting reading some of the english comments...the bullet train system is entirely built, assembled and laid out by a Chinese firm tech.
Coba juga transportasi umum lain nya seperti : MRT LRT KRL TRAIN BUSWAY Di Jakarta
6:40 more like, if its this corrupt but the train station still have that service, imagine if the gov not corrupt AT ALL
Indonesia itu di akui bukan mengakui , terharu lihat kejujuran bule ini , thx bro
Terimakasih buat Presiden Jokowi yg sudah bangun kereta cepat Indonesia...... Indonesia maju ❤❤❤pak presiden jokowi presiden paling hebat memimpin Indonesia supaya jadi negara maju❤❤
Projo detected....😂
Jangan lupa bayar pajak
@@andreasthomassimo8198kadrone show up 😝😝
@@andreasthomassimo8198 sdm rendah detected 🤣🤣🤣
Maju karna didongkrak pake teknologi import.. msh hrs diajari dari china, jepang, barat,dst. terus kpn bangsa ini bs berguna bwt kemajuan banyak negara??
Nice to know you're from Michigan. I spent about 7 years studying at MSU. Missing Michigan falls and winters.
The cleanliness of Indonesian train stations is not influenced by Islam. Don't connect it with religion. I'm Indonesian. In the past, Indonesian stations were very dirty. Changes occurred when the head of the train company was led by Ignatius Jonan. He was even a Catholic who reformed trains and stations to make them clean and good
"Don't connect it with religion" why not??? in Islam it's a necessity
@@marcelleo29 Huh what? Necessity?? Even in the mosque, it's dirty, the place for "wudhu" is always muddy and smelly feet everywhere😅. Lol very disgusting
@@FikaKahyani So what's wrong if he says it's part of Islam coz the average population is Muslim, Islamophobia???
@@FikaKahyanicleanliness is necessary in islam..thats how it should be..
The real reason is that this station is operated by Chinese people, so it is as clean as a Chinese station.
you're the best reviewer, way better than those other vloggers who just film stuff without even trying and tasting it. you actually get the full experience firsthand and then hook us up with the legit lowdown.
And the fact that we still need a feeder train at Padalarang Station is criminal, and Padalarang Station is not even within Bandung nor Cimahi's perimeter. Both Karawang and Tegalluar stations are being put as far away from a concentration of population.
Not to mention that Halim station's connectivity to other modes is still heavily limited to Halim LRT and busses with irregular schedules. It's a bit of a disappointment that this HSR train is only accessible to upper-middle class at bare minimum, making Jakarta-Bandung HSR funding being put on a thin ice.
I'm only giving Jakarta-Bandung HSR A 6.8 / 10
Bro she didn't get why you were saying when you asked the stewards if you could film the 1st. Class. She thought you wanted to sit in 1st class. You can of course film anywhere in there.
Yeah, it's a shame that as stewardesses they don't speak English.
Yeah.. tidak masalah mengambil video kelas 1.
@@poetry81 The thing is, if they're unsure they should ask what the person means instead of just answer it ignorantly. Common problems with non-native foreign language.
Or bro could've repeated the question or request just to make sure she gets what he says. SMH.
The US: we Americans can help Indonesia to improve their country especially in train systems.
but Indonesians like me can't hate Americans. 😂 They helped Indonesia a lot
Even Donald Trump has 2 luxury resorts in Indonesia.
Your video about KRL commuter line was broadcasted in the national news
bro, I'm Indonesian, it's scary when you say "even though Indonesia is corrupt and the water is dirty" but thanks for making Indonesia viral
they arent wrong, especially in jkt u cant really expect much for the environment
I often watch shows about homeless people in the United States, I am shocked by their conditions (especially the use of illegal drugs) including the very large number of homeless people, even though America is a developed country. If a scene like that happened in Indonesia, the government would definitely be criticized and have massive demonstrations. In Indonesia, homelessness also exists. However, they are not scattered along city streets or stations. They also don't do trouble (drink alcohol, use drugs, and the like). Thank you for your very inspiring video.
Indonesia chose China, so they got a high-speed train.
Vietnam chose Japan, so now they are still waiting.
And Vietnam is seeking China to take over Japan's high-speed rail projects now.
As a native indonesian i could say that you are one of tourist that we hoped to see everytime and you respected our culture.
Hope you enjoy your stay here ;)
Ngaku2 "NATIVE" segala.. . Padahal suku asli Indonesia juga ngk gini2 amat kalau komen. Bikin malu Indonesia.
@@WarzoneOfficial22789 mentang2 gue jagoan inggris jangan sok2 panggil gue orang luar.
gue lebih mending orang-orang kayak gini daripada lu sok2 bilang "Bikin malu Indonesia". ada namanya freedom of expression. rada kocak lu gak bisa pikir sampe situ.
Kwkwk.. chindo ga diajak.. bukan native indonesian 😂
05:27 - As an Indonesian, don't worry too much, you're not 'annoying' or anything. Sure you're recording a vlog, but we kind of chalk that up as 'nothing out of the ordinary', especially when the locals are well aware their areas are tourist hotspot. Believe me, it takes special talent to make us actually mad at a foreigner, lol. And besides, you're not deliberately doing it out of malice.
Indonesia commands respect in many respects, try to settle there at almost any cost, it's worth it, the standard of living beats the old West anytime. Btw, the max speed the Whoosh reached when I took it was 347km/h.
Welcome to Indonesia
Indonesia is good for tourists and foreigners
I reccomend you to watch video of "lost boys" They were traveling around archipelago and they look for adventures and tradition of Indonesia, what amazing is Indonesia is modern but we still keep a live our traditions
Jakarta & Java trains: 🗿💪
Sumatra & Sulawesi trains: 🥺
Kalimantan, Bali, NTB, NTT, Maluku, Papua trains: 💀
Trains in all US states: 🗿💪
Average Overproud Indonesian Netizens: 😱😎🗿👍❤️🇮🇩✨ #Like #Subscribe
The youtuber: 🤑🤑🤑🤑
You : ☝️🤓
Every single time you mentioned corruption in here I laughed so hard, it felt like sarcasm in a polite voice of yours. 😁🙃 Happy that you're kind, always present with positive vibes, soothing voice, humble and always praising goodness. Enjoy your trip Sir. Much appreciated. 🎉
I honestly don't understand why America is moving backwards in case of public facilities when they are one of a powerhouse in the world.
Wellcame to indonesia🇮🇩🙏
Blitar jatim indonesia,
Hadir broo
Your amazement reminds me of a tour that I did to Indonesia last year. On the tour I was speaking to a US citizen. He was similarly amazed because before coming to Indonesia, he believed that Indonesia was a "backward" country with no infrastructure.
Semiga indonesia lebih maju lg trutama dlm hal lainny, seperti gaji diperhatikan, pelayanan rumahsakit, lebih diperhatikan, gaji2 guru tlong ditingkatkn,dan masih bnyk lg
Welcome to Indonesia sir...
We really grateful having president like joko widodo. Infrastruktur dibangun termasuk bullet train whoosh, walaupun sempat banyak yg mencibir, he still work and now we enjoy all public transport facility. We really proud being an indonesian now. Thank you pa jokowi❤
Negaraku suka pujian mister 😅
Tapi jgn jumawa masih byk harus di perbaiki koroptor harus di miskin Kan
Gini hari masih ada mental inlander kayak gini..
Mirip ku klux clan di AS..
Bukan pujian namun pengakuan.. pujian mah membawa petaka kalau tidak mampu bawanya, kita ngk minta dipuji, mereka yang mengakui.. kalau pengakuan kan keluar dari mulut si penilai..
Dia bilang Indonesia negara korup apa itu pujian?
it's funny how I am watching this video while I am living in Indonesia for the rest of my life! Thanks for your video!
Thank you for your appreciate. Andai korupsi tidak marak di negeri kami, semua kota di Indonesia mungkin sudah terhubung dg kereta cepat.
Did you know Indonesia is planning to build its own high speed trains?This Chinese built train was just so Indonesia can gain the know how to build its own bullet trains.
@@Danu4500yes, ToT was one major point in this bullet-train project contract
@@Danu4500 but the top speed of indonesian fast train (made in indonesia ) can only reach until 240Km/hour. The train will only be built for outside Java, on the island of Java it will still be made in CHINA.
the reason is because outside Java the land surface is not as flat as in Java, on islands other than Java there are more mountains and hills. that is why it is only limited to 240km/hour to find a flatter route and minimize MOUNTAIN hollowing and construction of rail bridges. to reduce development costs. and also the population outside Java is not as large as in Java.
@@phantomknight9784klo tot knp kerjasama sm cina lg buat proyek lannutan😅
@@bionusantara-up2ft haha, tolong dipikir sebelum bertanya, bikin kereta cepat itu bisa emang dalam waktu dekat habis belajar langsung coba buat? Prosesnya tak semduah itu lagipula ada masalah di sektor urgensi kereta cepat untuk segera diperpanjang ke surabaya mengakomodasi jumlah penduduk yang padat untuk bepergian dalam waktu singkat.
Lawak 🤡
Looking Prety 😂 Narsis amat loe bang
Sangat senang melihat warga asing menghargai dan memuji proyek ini.. saya sebagai warga asli cukup sedih atas negara saya sendiri yg ckp byk KONTRA ttg KCIC.. tpi ttp proyek sperti ini akan bermanfaat pada saat nya, terima kasih❤
Thank you for visiting my country Indonesia and trying the fast train whoosh🇮🇩❤
I've been taking Whoosh several times due to my work, but sometimes I just took the old Argo Parahyangan train because the 3 hours spent on Argo Parahyangan healed me. You miss the view of greenery and nature you can enjoy from your train window along Jakarta to Bandung if you take Whoosh.
Aku sering lihat di RUclips keadaanya Kota Kota di USA ngeri ngri sedap terutama di Skid Row City, Philadelphia dll
bahkan skrg d la newyork jg smakin merembet homeless,,, kadang suka heran saja sama amerika negara no.1 ekonomi tp uangnya habis kemana y,, yg mereka pikirkan hanyalah jual senjata perang,, rakyatnya d berikan kebebasan untuk jd perampok bersenjata, pecandu narkoba,, miris skali,, entah dmana oembelaan hamnya,,
fun fact this train is the fastest non-maglev train in the world. even french TGV and Japanese shinkansen are slower than this train
Bro, you're on Indonesian television, bro, cool
Dia sudah tau pastinya,, gk mungkin jurnalis tv ambil video asal nyomot ww
Nice video, now youve got new subscriber. 😁 Please enjoy your life in Indonesia. Thankyou for your positive videos about my country. 🙏
Do you know this HSR come from China? In the USA there is no such thing HSR. They claimed their HSR can do 160 miles /hr in a brief time and the majority time is about 80 miles/hr.
Wow the video is pretty cool. I'm quite surprised with your statement about transportation in Michigan 😮
Luar biasa untuk kemajuan kereta Indonesia
Hi Evan, i always watch your video and one of your subscriber.
on saturday i saw you in Bandung walking on street near Mercure Hotel 😁
enjoy your trip here in Indonesia.. 🙏
Hey! really? that is crazy lol. say hello next time, if you can. :). have a great day!