Soul Sleep and the Afterlife - Dr Michael Heiser

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @theorialogos
    @theorialogos  3 года назад +2

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  • @wayneosaur
    @wayneosaur 4 месяца назад +3

    Michael needs to explain 1 Thess 4 pertaining to those who are asleep. Just because all the nutty ancient cultures believed something about the afterlife, doesn't mean that equates with reality.

  • @edwardhorton7779
    @edwardhorton7779 8 месяцев назад +5

    1 Kings 1:10 So David Slept with his Fathers and was Buried, Acts 2 Men and Brethren let me speak freely to you regarding the patriarch David, that he is both dead and Buried, and his sepulture is with us to this day. VS 34 For David is not ascended into Heaven. ....(He is a sleep, waiting for the resurrection.)

  • @seanmick3093
    @seanmick3093 11 месяцев назад +2

    I trusted in the Lord of Jesus Christ as my personal savior into my heart through faith alone, and not of works, by accepting his free gift of salvation, by his grace on February 16, 1996, each day, I confess sins for process of sanctification, to receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior, please refer to Matthew 10:28, John 3:16-18:36, 5:24, 6:37:47, 10:27-29, 14:6, Acts 2:38, 16:30-31, Luke 15:10, Roman's 1:16, 3:23, 4:5, 6:23, 10:9-10:13, Ephesians 2:8-10, and Titus 3:5. God bless the world, and thank you for sharing.

    • @kamiingtv
      @kamiingtv 9 месяцев назад

      the Initiale justification(Eternal Life) is totaly by Grace we dont work for it but after you got Baptise there is a increase in justification by our good works and not the works of the old testament that is the law of Moses. Revelation 22:12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.

  • @gbwhitewarrior
    @gbwhitewarrior 4 месяца назад +1

    It’s very clear in genesis 1 and 2 that after he formed the man out of clay he breathed life in to Adam age Adam became a living soul . The soul is the mix of our spirit and our netural brain so our soul live my spirit and the mind trains the the soul as it grows and learns . So the soul has a spiritual part and earthly part where they are connected . So the soul is the where the spirit and mind are connected.

  • @scotthull2141
    @scotthull2141 Год назад +3

    these are great questions answering to the belief of "soul sleep".
    however, why would Jesus tell this epic dispensational story about going to build a place at The Father's House and return to get us and take us there if we die and simply go straight to heaven? bypassing the entire point of the ellusion to the Jewish Wedding Ceremony. ... the arrival of guests, the sound of trumpets, the SURPRISE of the Grooms arrival to take the Bride to THE WEDDING PARTY!
    come on Yo!
    Simon Peter says to Him, "Lord, where are You going?" Jesus answered him, "Where I go, you are not able to follow Me now, but you will follow afterward."
    John 13:36

    • @bufficliff8978
      @bufficliff8978 Год назад +1

      Jesus gets them when they die, which was between 20-50 years after Jesus ascended.
      Peter didn't go with Jesus when He ascended. Peter went when he died.

    • @IsaacNussbaum
      @IsaacNussbaum 4 месяца назад +1

      *"...and return to get us and take us there...."* John 14: 1-4 does not say anything about Jesus taking the redeemed to heaven, Scott. It only says that Jesus will come back to Earth.
      ✴ _In my Father's house are many mansions_ [moné: abode, room; dwelling place]: _if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, _*_I will come again...._* (John 14: 2-3; KJV)

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 4 месяца назад

      Do you have a timestamp for the "great questions"? Haven't heard them yet. Other than that, I like your comment 🙌

  • @michaelpelidis9088
    @michaelpelidis9088 Год назад +3

    What are we to make of testimonies of people who have positive encounters with saints from the afterlife? In christian orthodox faith and tradition we see the saints from the afterlife appearing and interacting in the lifes of the living quite often. You hear stories of healing, guidance etc. I ask because I am a Greek protestant Christian trying to make sense of how I should respond to my orthodox brothers who talk about saint encounters they have. If anyone can respond to my question I would be very grateful🙏

    • @christinajarbo7109
      @christinajarbo7109 Год назад +1

      Hello Michael. I am a former Catholic and encounter similar discussions. I simply tell people that while some experiences may be made up, all sorts of people in all sorts of religions have all sorts of real experiences. Someone's real experience doesn't automatically mean that it was from the one true God. And when you dig into many of the supernatural experiences people have, you usually find that their stories include many contradictions to scripture. I don't base my beliefs on other people's experiences, I base my beliefs on holy scripture, and God's word will never fail us.

    • @janiceking6955
      @janiceking6955 8 месяцев назад

      And even if it feels positive, (and satan disguises himself as an angel of light), God said do not contact the dead. As soon as we try to rationalize, we are as disobedient as Adam and Eve were.

  • @Stefan-X24
    @Stefan-X24 Год назад +4

    When Lazarus died wasn't he sleeping?

    • @bufficliff8978
      @bufficliff8978 Год назад +2


    • @richardgawley4274
      @richardgawley4274 Год назад +3

      Lazarus was dead because Mary said that his cadaver was in a state of decomposition.
      Then Jesus raised him.

    • @teresa7168
      @teresa7168 Год назад +8

      His physical body was sleeping, not his spirit

    • @Berean_with_a_BTh
      @Berean_with_a_BTh 8 месяцев назад +2

      Lazarus was physically dead (John 11:14, 21, 32, 37, 39, 44) and his spirit had returned to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

    • @IsaacNussbaum
      @IsaacNussbaum 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Berean_with_a_BTh Lazaruses _breath_ returned to God. ✴ _Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit_ ["ruach"-breath] _shall return unto God who gave it._ (Ecclesiastes 12: 7; KJV)

  • @claytonbigsby
    @claytonbigsby 6 месяцев назад +2

    Ecclesiastes 9 vs 10, Psalms 6 vs5 : Is he not aware of these scriptures or did he purposely omit them?

    • @MC-sn2so
      @MC-sn2so 4 месяца назад

      He’s spoken on them before . The context of the passages in Ecclesiastes is “under the sun”. The realm of the dead isn’t under the sun but under the earth . Of course no one under the earth knows what’s going on under the sun …

    • @IsaacNussbaum
      @IsaacNussbaum 4 месяца назад

      Great points, Clayton!
      ✴ _Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave_ [Sheol], _whither thou goest._ (Ecclesiastes 9: 10; KJV)
      ✴ _For in death there is no remembrance of You; In the grave who will give You thanks?_ (Psalms 6: 5, NKJV)

    • @bobbymann101
      @bobbymann101 4 месяца назад

      Hoo boy. I can't believe people still trot out the ol' Ecclesiastes proof text for this.
      For one thing, the context of the book is the utter futility of life from a Godless, man-centric viewpoint. "The dead know nothing" is how things appear in the natural, and smacks of the futility that Solomon seeks to convey.
      But read on and you quickly find that even this "proof passage" ends up committing a total self-own when it says, "they have no further reward". The entire soul sleep argument is predicated on the final resurrection to either reward or punishment (an event which all Christians believe in, by the way), so if you're going to use this passage as a literal statement from God, spurious though it may be, of what happens in the spirit realm when we die, one would thus have to conclude there is also no hope of reward in a final resurrection.

  • @LoftOfTheUniverse
    @LoftOfTheUniverse Год назад +6

    What ancient near east religion was like the Hebrews? That isn't the strongest argument. On a world of polytheists we are monotheists. And?

  • @BobbyU808
    @BobbyU808 4 месяца назад

    i do not pay much attention to teachers whose doctrines focus primarily on the old testament, not that the old testament scriptures are not important because they are. and how are they important? jesus put it this way: _“you search the scriptures (old testament), for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of me.”_ when the old testament is taught, the focus should be primarily on christ, ie, the old testament is a testimonial of jesus christ. heiser is an old testament scholar so he naturally would focus on the old testament but why? the old testament is merely a foreshadowing of the new testament in which christ is clearly portrayed as crucified. paul opens his letter to the hebrews with the following words: _“god, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past (old testament era) to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days (new testament era) spoken to us by his son.”_ the truth is revealed more fully in the new testament. the old testament should be used primarily to give natural examples of spiritual truths revealed in the new testament, sort of like the parables of our lord. maranatha

  • @JesusChristONLY24
    @JesusChristONLY24 2 года назад +5

    Absurd that people actually believe that the dead are among the living after the living die...

    • @scotthull2141
      @scotthull2141 Год назад

      hence the order not to try to contact the dead. it's a waste of time because it can't be done. Pray to The One who CAN hear your prayers....☝️

    • @KSATSpotting
      @KSATSpotting Год назад +2

      @@scotthull2141 it's prohibited bc you're just talking to demons that are using the form as a loved one

    • @janiceking6955
      @janiceking6955 8 месяцев назад +1

      What if it isn't absurd at all. What if God is protecting us?

  • @discipleinlight
    @discipleinlight 5 месяцев назад

    What should be asked is...on what foundation doctrine is Heiser not in error?

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 4 месяца назад

      It's fascinating and sad to see someone, who happens to be a Bible scholar, get everything wrong 😦

  • @IsaacNussbaum
    @IsaacNussbaum 3 месяца назад

    ✴ _And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:_ (Genesis 3: 4; KJV)
    👿 _And Michael Heiser said to his listeners, Ye shall not surely die._

  • @Keldren.
    @Keldren. Месяц назад

    Really disappointed with Heiser here.. I've watched tons of videos and read all his books and never seen him get so much wrong and in a remarkably short amount of time.