Because it's not a drill: talk by Jem Bendell at European Commission

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 100

  • @danobable
    @danobable 5 лет назад +47

    I'm very sad. As a mature student I went to university 15 years ago to do a masters in energy, environment, climate and human ecology as I thought I could help change the world we live in. The solutions we studied were basically the same as Jem highlights and run into all corners of how humans interact with our environment and the systems we have created. 15 years later nothing has changed apart from I can't buy plastic straws anymore. I'm tired, no one is interested and the direction our politicians and economies are taking us is not just the wrong way it's the worst way. One reason people are in denial is because the problem is so huge and the solutions are so unfamiliar that we can't comprehend them. Everything needs to change and changing tiny things takes a huge amount of effort. The laggards and denialists continue to take all our enthusiasm. Thank you Jem and others like young Gretta for finding the energy to carry on talking about this. If there is anyway I can do to help you with what you do then please let me know. Dan

    • @sarahbenjamins
      @sarahbenjamins 5 лет назад +2

      20 years ago for me - I was always the tree hugger in the room in a fairly mainstream job - then it began to change and people 10 years ago were theoretically open to doing something but only if it didn't interfere with the economy or cost anything. I'm also grateful for the energy new people and reemerging people are bringing. Hope is very human and it's what keeps us going. My advice to myself which you might appreciate too was don't underestimate the power of local / personal action in helping to change behaviours around you, think about what you do best and focus on that.

    • @swissspanish
      @swissspanish 4 года назад

      Very well formulated words! Thanks for your honesty and willingness to share your feelings. All the best to you, wherever you are! :)

    • @aerobique
      @aerobique 3 года назад

      Do not despair.
      Or do it quietly, PLEASE, hopelessness is the last thing we need.
      There are good news ahead and things change rapidly, actually.
      Do not despair.

    • @jg-zz2se
      @jg-zz2se 3 года назад

      I’m doing a masters at the moment in Sustainability leadership. This really resonated with me. I feel like I must stay positive and keep fighting the good fight, but there is an underlying feeling that people in the west won’t accept change. I regularly seek out positive stories and optimistic voices to help me try and overcome my feelings. I do think that there will be major, major change coming as politicians start to really wale,up to the shit we are in. For example, serious curbs on flying, unnecessary consumption etc.

    • @alexspringett
      @alexspringett 2 года назад

      that is truly very sad to read. now in 2022 we can see the writing on the wall

  • @hs2874
    @hs2874 4 года назад +9

    This was shot before the Australian bushfires. I had my doubts then. I’ve been breathing in smoke for months, and I have no doubt anymore.

  • @EnzoVecchiaio
    @EnzoVecchiaio 5 лет назад +75

    It's unfortunate that this talk has so few views compared to some others that ignore multiple aspects of this crisis. Relinquishment: What's most disheartening about the denial I see around me is the failure to recognize the need to throttle-back consumption. The Millennial generation is fond of (justifiably) critiquing their Boomer predecessors, my peer group, from whom I all too frequently hear idiocies like, "oh I just had to have that," in regard to items that are not even close to essential. Yet those in the Millennial upper middle class have established consumption norms that reveal their equally delusional view of eco-economic reality and "security." Redefining need in the context of climate crisis is necessary; but it's not occurring.

    • @christinearmington
      @christinearmington 5 лет назад +5

      Vincenzo Yeah, maybe cats or weight loss tips? 😉
      Ironic that as we Baby Doomers were raised on the cheerful optimism of Gene Roddenberry we managed to lose the foothold of Earth that could have made a star-faring future possible. We have deluded ourselves through our beliefs in political, religious, psychological, artistic and other stories. The stories we “tell ourselves about reality.”

    • @Tore_Lund
      @Tore_Lund 5 лет назад +7

      There is nothing like disruprion to change peoples minds: When it is realised that food production is hit first and consumer prices rise, it will have a direct impact on individuals and that should shift opinion. This is possible already happening now.

    • @braeburn2333
      @braeburn2333 5 лет назад +7

      Vincenzo, I agree with you 100 % The root of the problem, as I see it is consumption of industrial goods. We used to get most of our needs met through local connections and our own two hands. Now, our "needs" are met by relying on a global supply chain of industrially made stuff. Its the industrial economy which is causing the green house gasses to accumulate in the atmosphere. Its the global, industrial economy which dumps 7 million tons of plastic in the oceans each year. This so called industrial miracle has turned into a death sentence for millions of species, possibly our own.
      Whenever I buy something, i ask, Will this be replaced with another one made by some industry? If the answer is yes, I usually dont buy it. Thrift stores, yard sales, craigslist are all ways of bypassing the industrial system.

    • @pacosamo
      @pacosamo 4 года назад

      Part of the reason for the so few views I guess it is the title. Not very attention grabbing.

    • @somedudeok1451
      @somedudeok1451 4 года назад

      It's capitalism talking with their voice. The current consumption norms have deliberately been burned into our brains to keep making the profit-hungry business owners money. We need to get rid of capitalism to finally be able to do *anything* about the climate. Under socialism we would not face annihilation because we could fund all the costly climate saving projects simple because we want, without needing them to be profitable. If we end capitalism and then launch carbon negative or sun blocking projects, we could stabilize the climate, no?

  • @Ally-lj4tm
    @Ally-lj4tm 5 лет назад +11

    This needs to be watched by many many many more people. Please help non English speakers and add subtitles ! It's a very complex topic especially for other language speakers.

    • @achenarmyst2156
      @achenarmyst2156 4 года назад

      Allegra d'orazio Subtitles are certainly useful. At the same time we must admit that English is the no.1 world language. International communication and cooperation will have to rely on English if we like it or not. So education of English should be a top priority in every country. I know that it is somewhat unfair, but I see no reasonable and workable alternative. I say this as a German.

  • @thepoetryofpredicament2233
    @thepoetryofpredicament2233 5 лет назад +47

    I would add a fifth R. Reconnection. Reconnection with the Web of Life.
    The price we have all paid in order to participate in this fossil fuel driven
    Colonialized parade of extraction... has been to willfully disconnect from
    All of the primary sources of meaning and right-relationship in human life:
    Deeper Self, Other People, Earth and Soul.
    For me, this fifth R is essential. Any attempts at making things better
    Without this level of reconnection with life itself... will bring more
    “Progress” and high tech “solutions” that are still founded in the
    Toxic lie of infinite growth on this finite planet.

    • @forestdweller5581
      @forestdweller5581 5 лет назад +2

      I don't disagree with you about the lack of connection with nature. But you are kind of assuming that there is still some time left for such a consciousness to become more widespread. Bendell is pretty much making the opposite point here. It's out of control and there is no time. Anything to avoid catastrophe will benefit nature, if even possible. One needs to have life on the planet first in order to connect with it. Most is dead already, you can't reconnect with it. You can try to save what is still here. That would involve technology, science, cooling the sea ice perhaps as he describes.Just to save our own human industrial selves already.

    • @douglashall4573
      @douglashall4573 5 лет назад +3

      I would prefer "R" for "revolt"

    • @andregregoire1175
      @andregregoire1175 5 лет назад

      blame it on religious teaching.

    • @artisof
      @artisof 5 лет назад +1

      Exactly-- Perhaps this desire for infinite material growth is a shoe-in for the real need for individual and collective spiritual growth..the only growth that is scalable, infinite and perhaps eternal. But that is scary- requires shadow work, risk and change - so I guess it will be death before "dishonor." Alas

    • @FacingFuture
      @FacingFuture  5 лет назад +2

      Depends upon which religious teaching you have in mind. You may find some of our UPFSI videos provide food for thought. - Margaaret

  • @EmeraldView
    @EmeraldView Год назад +1

    I don't even know what's going on any more. It's clear things are profoundly 'off'. Does that mean the end is near? I don't even know. It's hard to imagine. I've lived many decades only knowing THIS way of life. A reasonably comfortable American life. But the changes are coming ever more rapidly and are ever more obvious.

  • @margaretbannan490
    @margaretbannan490 Год назад

    Thank you Prof Jem Bendell for your courage to explain and expand on how we might come together as an Earth community to address the environmental emergency facing us all today. Response, Resilience, Relinquishment, and reconciliation are all so vital to our future.

  • @grahamrdyer6322
    @grahamrdyer6322 5 лет назад +9

    Great talk Jem.

  • @lyndonthoreau8402
    @lyndonthoreau8402 5 лет назад +12

    I agree with Professor Bendell and Dr. Wadhams, Marine Cloud Brightening is our best option. There are fewer risks associated with this geoengineerring option than other proposed technologies.

    • @thehaarpreport9203
      @thehaarpreport9203 4 года назад

      Ocean Iron Fertilization is the only way our civilization will survive the next 30 years, but it has to start now.

  • @bobmathieson987
    @bobmathieson987 5 лет назад +19

    A Very Heartfelt Inclusive Presentation.

  • @touche97
    @touche97 5 лет назад +3

    a summer without arctic ice will be tragic. we have no history while we live on earth , our species, without ice. this will be a new experience and who knows what it will bring... professor wadhams is an excellent example of commonsense. i recommend his videos.

    • @ryanharvey9800
      @ryanharvey9800 5 лет назад

      No ice means no humans and once theres no humans the 450+ nuclear reactors around the planet will overheat snd start spewing radiation into the atmosphere stripping away the ozone without humans on the planet all life on the planet goes

  • @bealtainecottage
    @bealtainecottage 5 лет назад +16

    The War Against Mother Earth and Man's Arrogance...

  • @robertomartinez7268
    @robertomartinez7268 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you!

  • @RedmotionGames
    @RedmotionGames 5 лет назад +1

    A new version of Threads (BBC 1984) needs to be made about this as the underlying message of that film was how our interconnected world is vulnerable to major shocks. This idea is even more pertinent to climate change than nuclear war.

  • @alexanderherbertkurz
    @alexanderherbertkurz 4 года назад +1

    The quote "The idea that it's too late to stop a breakdown in our way of life is still taboo" rang true in May 2019, but times are moving fast. Since, I have even heard climate change deniers moving from it-is-not-happening to it-is-too-late-anyway.

  • @jembendell
    @jembendell 5 лет назад +37

    Work on this? See

    • @PedroPampolim
      @PedroPampolim 5 лет назад

      It is, as stupid as it this may sound, a very poor quality video. Very good speech as always.

  • @alanchapman8541
    @alanchapman8541 5 лет назад +6

    Excellent, thanks. Yes we must switch emphasis to action: to enable emergent transformation for living more authentically, alongside reducing warming (as the priority of the various threats we face). Leaders can and must emerge everywhere, because traditional systems cannot change fast enough, and anyway cannot fix the problems. (Obviously) this is everyone's business.

  • @thehellyousay
    @thehellyousay 5 лет назад +56

    Hands up if you think climate change is our extinction as a species.

    • @alphatucana
      @alphatucana 5 лет назад

      I think we'll survive, but with a very-much reduced population. We're extremely adaptable after all. We may exterminate ourselves eventually regardless of course, but we'll survive this particular great filter. Probably.

    • @ryanharvey9800
      @ryanharvey9800 5 лет назад

      Within the next 5 to 10 years

    • @dsolnit
      @dsolnit 4 года назад

      We will be one of the last species to go extinct. More likely it means the extinction of 2/3 of all OTHER species, and the end of much (perhaps most) of global technological civilization.

    • @rneedham667
      @rneedham667 4 года назад

      Will the masses die of heat stroke?? Just asking? Should we be prepping food and water?? Or is it a lost cause? Please no snarky comments im sincere.

    • @johnb5057
      @johnb5057 4 года назад

      we deserve it

  • @BoydGilbreath
    @BoydGilbreath 5 лет назад

    The big problem with beef is the mother. To get one beef carcass for consumption, one must fully support the mother, and the occasional father, for a whole year. Hogs are much more proliferative, but chickens are the hands down winners. The average sow produces about 24 piglets annually, but a good hen could produce over 200 baby chicks annually.

  • @taurus1305965
    @taurus1305965 4 года назад +1

    Remember Jevons' Paradox? More advanced technology without population decrease (and overall energy consumption decrease) makes things unavoidably worse for the planet and for the survival of our biosphere.

  • @cncshrops
    @cncshrops 5 лет назад +5

    We, I, need these sort of inputs, to avoid a sort of passivity setting in in the face of impending disaster. The house is indeed on fire, the ship is taking on water.

    • @alphatucana
      @alphatucana 5 лет назад

      I'm concerned, but I'm still not doing much of any consequence. It's a kind of denial I suppose. And I have no idea how I can possibly exit this system and survive. I can't buy a hidden hovel in the wilderness and farm my own food. I have neither the money nor the energy. Plus in Britain there's nowhere to go anyway, frankly.

  • @butchr4850
    @butchr4850 5 лет назад +5

    Totally agree! We all face very serious issues Government talking and meetings has done little or nothing it's just more lip service.

    • @michaellidster1389
      @michaellidster1389 5 лет назад

      Who knows what the government is planning in secret. They might already be preparing for extreme change, but pretending otherwise so that society doesn't collapse before their plans are fully developed.

  • @xiscanicolas6009
    @xiscanicolas6009 5 лет назад

    Excellent talk! This is more than psychological. I trained in the field of somatics, social therapy and animal behaviour, and this is used marketing! It should be used for RESILIENCE, RELINQUISHMENT and RECONCILIATION! Our nervous system is meant for this! We need to promote co-regulation and share how to do this. I am working at an online program for this, starting from eco-anxiety. It is absolutely possible to avoid going from fear to freeze, from anxiety to depression.
    This art is known by animals, and was known in ancient societies, before it went into the hands of manipulation: how to sell. Our nervous system is the most neglected from our 11 body systems, but the most important: the chief of the orchestra.
    I found a taboo is missing: DECREASE in population. Islanders were most prone to have a reflexion on this, and only the size of our island is blinding us...
    Then I do not agree with the focus on cereals, as this means no trees and no insects. It is a mistake to give grains to ruminants, but what are the consequences for us? In this dilemna, the opening is in the fact that ruminants thrive on more than grass: on any leaf. It means we can reforest and stop insecticides, as cows even need insects in their diet! Not to mention all places we cultivate though the land is not appropriate for this.
    Not only agriculture started to damage before it was industrial, but eating grains allowed our population to increase, with the need to protect our crops from other animals. We cannot be plantivores without having a predator or a way to control our population! Animals having an animal based diet on the contrary are controlled by the avaibility of animals for food, which creates a balance. It prohibits any species to take over others.

  • @gw7754
    @gw7754 5 лет назад +1

    Jem Bendell does a great job in pointing out how much warming-related trouble we've already baked into the climate system. So like it or not, we're destined for a much bleaker future, climate-wise. So deep adaptation along with deep changes to our lifestyles.
    Not an impossible task, but a very difficult one. Will enough people realize in time that we can maintain our modern lifestyles but must do so in a way that is basically completely different from how we currently live?
    If you understand the need for such changes because you are well-versed in the realities of Global Warming, then making the changes should be easier for you. The hopeful part is that at least we're starting to talk about these realities more, but still in the early stages when there really isn't much time to waste.

  • @rf-bh3fh
    @rf-bh3fh 4 года назад +1

    Just look out your window and ponder. I have seen the change in the sky. Have lived in Michigan for almost 20 years. Seasons have changed. Clouds have changed. I have this underlying feeling that things are accelerating. Anyone animals tend to come around my house to feed on the nut and fruit trees I have planted. Not long till things will become extinct Prone. We are AT the cusp.

  • @brookerichards2038
    @brookerichards2038 5 лет назад +2

    Very important information and ideas.

  • @wanderingneone
    @wanderingneone 5 лет назад +2

    best of luck to Jem and ao
    I tried putting something out there quite similar with "21" around a decade ago, but I received ignorance and it failed. Hopefully Jem Bendell has a better chance with at least informing the public ao more in regards to the issues we are facing. They are huge and demands a multidisciplinary approach never seen in human history.
    gl ranger!

  • @aerobique
    @aerobique 3 года назад +1

    We need to frame this as what it is, a adventure of unprecedented proportions, the opportunties! it transports reasonable hope! Meaningful Excitement!
    21st century, hello somebody!
    it's about *you* !

    • @FacingFuture
      @FacingFuture  3 года назад

      It's about YOU!
      So true, Leya?.
      21st century, hello somebody! YES. Let's strive to FACE FUTURE!
      ACTIVE HOPE needed so that our great, great grandchildren can celebrate NEW YEAR 3000 CE on beautiful planet EARTH.
      And be inspired by Greta, introduced to the world by Stuart Scott at COP 24 (Katowice, Poland). NO-ONE IS TOO SMALL TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. -
      Dr Jem Bendell. OSKAR'S QUEST - Have you watched that, Leya? - Margaret

  • @SuperMaxiiiiii
    @SuperMaxiiiiii 5 лет назад +3

    no mention of desalination at a massive scale, cause that will be whats needed to sustain our agriculture and drinking water supplies.

    • @alanj9978
      @alanj9978 Год назад

      Hard to imagine desal ever being economic for agriculture. Maybe for some particularly high-value crops with low water requirements.

  • @arthurcnoll
    @arthurcnoll 5 лет назад +3

    There are several severe practical problems I can think of with regard to spraying salt water to increase albedo. The wikipedia article on it has the estimate of around 1500 ships doing this. They would be anchored and have turbines working in ocean currents. Anchoring a ship in deep water is a very challenging thing to do. Very long, very strong anchor cable or chain, and having a firm hold on the bottom isn't easy. You have to catch something solid and the bottom might not be conducive to that. This connection has to not only deal with the currents but with storms. And to keep it aligned with currents two such anchors would be needed.
    Then there is the problem of the turbine- things put in the ocean tend to get covered with life forms that would diminish the efficiency of the turbine. Anti fouling paint is already an issue with ocean pollution that has been a subject of controversy. Then the water pumped isn't likely to be completely clean, it will probably need to be filtered very well to be able to generate a fine enough mist, and the screens will get regularly clogged. Generating the mist efficiently enough for the power available, and getting it high enough isn't something worked out.
    It doesn't look likely that it would be at all easy to just build these things, park them and let them do their thing. The technology isn't worked out well at all. And of course, it isn't a long lasting solution even if these issues were worked out.
    As far as the issue of food: I have felt for decades that feeding lots of grain to animals was irrational. Animals would never have been domesticated if that had to be done, though. The advantage of animals is that they can eat stuff we can't and turn it into meat, milk, eggs, that we can eat. Large amounts of fibrous leaves with herbivores. With pigs and chickens, mostly invertebrates of all kinds, and some fibrous vegetation as well. There are large areas of the world that can grow vegetation but are not suitable for growing crops. These abilities of animals look like they are likely to still be very useful, and even more than growing crops, because crops require so much energy to get rid of existing vegetation, keep weeds controlled, keep animals from the very small to the the large controlled, and maintain fertility that is lost with leaching, erosion, and nutrients taken away in food and not returned, which is mostly the case right now. Changing that latter issue would be an enormous change of infrastructure and human attitudes. It is true that raising crops can produce more food for people than what you get with animals, when all those challenges are met. Continuing to meet them looks dubious, especially with another major challenge for growing crops being climate. As I write this, your words about the house is on fire looks very true. This report is that we have far too much rain and melted snow in the US midwest, drought in Canada, drought in southeast US, too much rain and cold recently in Europe, drought in the Ukraine and parts of Russia, drought in China, drought in Australia.видео.html

    • @shanemulligan669
      @shanemulligan669 5 лет назад

      Thanks for a very well considered reply. I am thinking the energy requirements for cloud brightening would be astronomical. I get the sense the research is not yet at the point where we could even calculate that with any reasonable accuracy. The Arctic decline is rapid, and the scale of the proposed battle seems unfathomable.

    • @butchr4850
      @butchr4850 5 лет назад

      I think we are at the point where we fix it as we go.
      Seems to me, the time for
      long drawn out dialogue has gone action is what's needed whether we like it or not.

  • @exmormonroverpaula2319
    @exmormonroverpaula2319 5 лет назад

    I was a little disappointed that not much was said about the sort of changes that need to be made to have even a chance of getting through this. We need to be using clotheslines to dry clothes, not solar photovoltaic to run electric clothes dryers. We need to switch from automobiles/trucks to using the bicycle, including for cargo transport from railheads. Insulating buildings needs to become an obsession. Thermal window coverings--basically putting a quilt over a window in such a way that it can be rolled up and down--will be an extremely important technology. I felt there is a bit of re-inventing the wheel going on here. A huge amount of work was done in the 1970s on how to run society without fossil fuels. That work has mostly been left on the shelf, never implemented. John Michael Greer is a good author to check out on this subject.

  • @ladyfaye8248
    @ladyfaye8248 5 лет назад

    It occurs to me that this as good a place as any to share a rage that I have .
    I see it as pure arrogance in all who are so very upset about their own personal, or even humanity's demise.
    So rarely is there inclusion of the extreme plight of the Animals in the holocaust of atrocities that humanity deals out to the Animals everywhere.
    Their suffering is what is causing the breakdown of 'civilisation'.
    Our cruel abuses of Mother Earth's natural inhabitants have the effect of crippling and destroying our moral compass.
    It is as spiritual revolution which we need, more than anything.
    We need to cease fearing death, accepting it as being hand-in hand with life.
    This implies complex and fundamental alterations in our perspectives and behaviours.
    Yes, I am working on writing and sharing those implications.
    I can tell you this much - no current politician has even begun to recognise the necessary changes.

  • @A3Kr0n
    @A3Kr0n 7 месяцев назад +2

    Four years later it's still business as usual.

  • @paulmitchell5349
    @paulmitchell5349 4 года назад +1

    Peaceful action? I reckon only COERCIVE action will have any measurable effect.Trade embargoes on carbon using technologies would be a start.Tinkering at the edges is too slow.We need to install governments that will set environmental agendas above profit agendas.

  • @oswaldmandus6549
    @oswaldmandus6549 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks for sharing this!

  • @radscorpion8
    @radscorpion8 7 месяцев назад


  • @GrantLenaarts
    @GrantLenaarts 4 года назад

    local currencies make strong sense. Smart Cities will have to confront radical localisation. Net Zero standards based on Blockchain can give us the citizen information about our food supply chains. This is an early warning system for deep adaption.

  • @papabear7280
    @papabear7280 4 года назад

    Very good and very real.

  • @salmabanouriliong1265
    @salmabanouriliong1265 4 года назад

    When did he give this talk. Important to know for relevance of figures which are changing fast.

  • @robertpoen5383
    @robertpoen5383 5 лет назад

    14:10 Regarding geoengineering, as much as it's terrifying and will most likely backfire, I feel we no longer have a choice. The melting arctic is the death knell and the clock is ticking. Any summer now the latent heat effect and loss of albedo will overwhelm any feeble attempts to reverse it, and we will all be cooked. How about a small-scale marine cloud brightening pilot program over Greenland, summer of 2020? Anyone else on board?

  • @dallastaylor5479
    @dallastaylor5479 5 лет назад +2

    How is Stuart doing?

    • @FacingFuture
      @FacingFuture  5 лет назад +4

      Thank you for your kind concern. Please continue to check for any updates. - Margaret

  • @dude9291
    @dude9291 4 года назад

    Seems he hasn't heard of regenerative farming with cattle which is actually good for the climate and environment.

  • @CHAOSmusic-2019
    @CHAOSmusic-2019 5 лет назад +1

    👍 interesting ✌

  • @audience2
    @audience2 4 года назад +1

    This sort of doom laden talk is counterproductive. We should be talking about how comparitively easy and undisruptive it was to bring large percentage of electricity generation from renewables on-line with positive not negative impacts on people's quality of life. Road transportation is at the start of rapid transition to battery electric vehicles as all the manufacturers are converting to them. Industry, Finance, corporate, are all on the path to fossil fuel independence. The transition will pay for itself. Agriculture can be reformed to align practices with the interests of the environment while feeding even more people before the world's population peeks.

  • @johnthom3342
    @johnthom3342 5 лет назад

    The rise of farming and adoption of the plant based diet is the underlying cause of the climate crisis. Plant based diet = overpopulation. Virtually all the diseases of civilization can be trace back to the consumption of carbohydrates which are not natural to the human genome.
    Animal products provide all the nutrients we need and none that we don’t and all animal based nutrients are 100% bio-available.
    Conversely, a plant based diet provides low quality nutrients that are difficult for the body to access and a variety of plants must be eaten to provide a poor and limited balance.
    If humans ate animal products exclusively we wouldn’t need doctors or dentists or drug companies because we would enjoy perfect health just as did our Paleolithic ancestors.
    This silly ignorant notion that a plant based diet is one of the solution to our climate woes is foolish and ignorant.
    Unfortunately this speakers ignorance about diet is reflected in the rest of his assertions as well and he’s not qualified to be making such a presentation or claim knowledge on this subject.