I’ve had the first iteration of this light for about a year. It’s been flawless, bright and reliable. Runs about an hour of constant on, but for a quick scan every so often, it stays charged for months.
Still rocking my original PL mini. Didnt think I would like this light honestly due to the USB charge. But it holds its charge well. I have since bout two more for other carry guns.
Dingle Fritz Me too. Just ordered this new one too. I just pulled my Glock out of the glove box to recharge the mini that I bought 9 months ago. It’s been in the truck for 4 months and I figured I’d give it a recharge. It was green. No loss of charge in 4 months in the truck. This new one will be my 4th Olight.
@@Kornholeeoo Just wondering, do you keep your gun loaded in the glovebox? If you do, did you have to order holster that accepts this light to cover the trigger? Thanks
I got one for $63 on the day they released it. It’s on my glock 30 and fits nice in a sticky holster size LG-6S. This light is crazy bright in the house...so much so that I can’t see my night sights at all when it’s on. That’s only inside though, outside I can see fine. This also fits my brother’s Taurus G2C. It’s a little small on my Walther Q5 but the viper red dot I have mounted for now shows up just fine indoors with light on.
mann ivI've been trying to find a holster for my EDC with the light on it and haven't found one yet. I'm in the hospital and haven't had a chance to find one.
I have it and use to run it on my Canik Elite SC and it will fit the holster whether it’s pushed back to the trigger guard or flush to the muzzle. It’s a Slim Fit Holster. Best in the game!
I work at Bare Arms Custom Holsters in Ashland ,Ky as one of the builders. we get a lot of orders for the pl-2 mini on almost all the guns we build holsters for, and building a holster for them is actually pretty easy and they fit amazing and keep retention very well. I own one myself on my new Canik TP9 Elite SC and built a holster for it, and with this light it can carry both IWB and OWB very comfortably. if you ever want to try one of your carry guns with a custom holster molded for the pl-2 mini just give us a call and talk to brian or tommy and we can see what we can work out for you.
As a person who makes holsters, i have over 40 diffrent flash lights. The TLR1 is the most popular but the regular size Olight PL2 valkyrie is the best flash light out of all and one of the brightest and cheapiest.
very good overview eric, and thanks for putting this on my radar. i know some people were giving you flak for putting this up late but to be honest i don't always keep up with gun news unless i'm specifically looking to buy something so i saw it here first. i'm glad that guns and gun accessories are becoming more and mainstream and accessible, the more people we can get shooting and defending themselves, the better.
What kind of tree do you plug it into to recharge when yer out in the field or woods. I think I'll take the Streamlight TLR 7A with a few batteries in my pocket. 👍
I don’t think that’s going to happen. They sell so much volume they can have the prices a little lower I think. They are doing a great job with their lights, they really are. I was skeptical at first, but as I’ve used/abused them they seem to hold up great.
Seriously, the o-lite whoring out has been ridiculous over the past year. Even RUclipsrs I've learned to respect has been pushing their products lately, the Chinese must have deep pockets behind this one.
@@theduck17 Apparently. I did a side by side of a similar priced pocket light Vs. an Olight and the Olight IMO was better but I was doing the video just to see how the two compared. At least what they sell is good
It's likely. Tbh they make a solid product non the less. I'm kind of into premium ish flashlights and have had a few of theirs was was pretty impressed for the money
Was researching a light I could use on multiple pistols and you popped up. Just ordered and it will arrive tomorrow. Will probably order a couple more, after this first arrives tomorrow. Want to check them out personally, before I order multiple units. Looks like a great addition to my FN509 Tact, Glock 19X, and a few of my compacts. Great vid as always. Thanks, Ritch
I’m excited to get my light and put it on my XDS. On a side note, don’t be that guy that does stupid shit with your pistol and do “Trick Shots” That kind of shit gets people killed…. Good video….
Keep up the videos ive been a mosin modder for a minute. and your videos have helps alot. Just bought this light for my m9 (because i still shoot better with my service weapon) and was like well i respect this dudes oppinion. Thanks.
I expected to see Bigfoot come out of the bushes riding a unicorn after that CZ malfunctioned. Seemed about as likely as catching that pistol malfunctioning on camera. LOL Just kidding, I have had shit luck running 147 gr in my CZs too. Great video!
I bought it for my 19X but after running it for a couple hours, I decided it was too smol for the Glock. The tan Streamlight TLR HL is a better fit for the 19X imo.
I sport one of the original PL Valkyrie olights on my 6920 AR, it only has 400 lumen output, but hey it's perfect for room clearing. Really tough lights for the money. I'll be grabbing a couple during this flash sale !
There's quite a few that make holsters compatible with olights in general, maybe not for the olight Pl-mini 2 seeing that its just now being released. A few make holsters were you can charge the light without removing the gun from the holster, LLOD and Tuxtontactical for example. I have the original olight pl-mini and can't find a level 2 or 3 OWB holster for it and its driving me crazy.
I have two of them on my two guns and I trust them to work on an emergency like someone is in our house and I just charged one also being a lefty I rest my finger on the lever or the arm on the left side I don't know what they call them anyways I like that they are waterproof in a puddle or whatever rain they just work.
Do you think that this style of adjustable light has one more mechanical part to go wrong? With both of the connection tension points it seems there is a tendency for one or the other compression points to fail?
I hope there is plenty to p/u a couple on "Deal Day", been using Olight offerings "issue free" for about 2 years now! So, these latest Olight offering's will most likely rock for a variety of Our hard to equip compacts!!
M&P compacts are 4" - their original pl-mini fits 4" compacts as well. The real question is will it fit any of the xds 3.3", which is probably one of the shortest pistols made with a rail.
Great review as always. But I think that anything with a proprietary system (like the batteries/charging circuit here) is a drawback. I avoid anything that does not have off-the-shelf parts. What is the lifespan of the battery? Is it even replaceable or is the light disposable at that point like so many LED flashlights today that do not allow for a bulb-change? What is the cost of a replacement battery? Anytime that you are beholden to only one company to get needed parts, that is a big negative for me. A good example is the dongle...can't get that in the phone charging section of a store etc. I tried to find info on their site and non of these questions were addressed anywhere. They do however list the lights that use regular batteries in the FAQ.
Looks like it could have a dedicated mount for shields / glock 43 screwed on instead of that huge rail adaptor. I wonder if Olight or someone else will bother to make one.
How does your channel even bring in revenue brother? I hope y'all are doing ok being how RUclips is with weaponry channels. Dont wanna see the channel go!!! #superbcontent
I like that Eric is being courteous at night with the silencers, assuming he even has neighbors.
Has neighbors *anymore
I'd love to have Eric as a neighbor.
😂😂😂 lol
I’ve had the first iteration of this light for about a year. It’s been flawless, bright and reliable. Runs about an hour of constant on, but for a quick scan every so often, it stays charged for months.
We appreciate the hard work you put into these vids, Eric. Keep on keepin' on brother.
30 secs in and I can already tell this design solves a problem I had with the mini on a few pistols. Very nice.
I was subscribed to you for years and for some reason I wasn’t all of a sudden. Glad to be back, thanks for the review!
Me too
Olight is definitely more innovative then most light manufacturers 👍🏻
@@abeezy.x5910 oh yes
As an armchair physicist, I can appreciate good light. This one hasn't disappointed in 3 years on my hellcat
The answer to the stupidly overpriced Surefire. Thank you Olight i'll be grabbing one!
@@animalmother556x45 uh nope, 2 months later still works beautifully
Surefire is Expensive but you get what you pay for and lifetime warranty
Thanks for the update
@@murmaider2 how's it working now ? Thinking about getting one
@@sladeb6036 8 months later still as good as the day I got it.
Still rocking my original PL mini.
Didnt think I would like this light honestly due to the USB charge. But it holds its charge well. I have since bout two more for other carry guns.
I've the PL-Mini and am very happy with it. That being said, this new one looks to be even better! Thanks for the video!
Dingle Fritz Me too. Just ordered this new one too. I just pulled my Glock out of the glove box to recharge the mini that I bought 9 months ago. It’s been in the truck for 4 months and I figured I’d give it a recharge. It was green. No loss of charge in 4 months in the truck. This new one will be my 4th Olight.
@@Kornholeeoo Just wondering, do you keep your gun loaded in the glovebox? If you do, did you have to order holster that accepts this light to cover the trigger? Thanks
@@jbkaufman3621 Yes. I have holsters from MIE Productions and WERKZ.
@@Kornholeeoo thank you for the reply! Are you happy with the light? I'm thinking about ordering one for my home Glock 19
I got one for $63 on the day they released it. It’s on my glock 30 and fits nice in a sticky holster size LG-6S. This light is crazy bright in the house...so much so that I can’t see my night sights at all when it’s on. That’s only inside though, outside I can see fine. This also fits my brother’s Taurus G2C. It’s a little small on my Walther Q5 but the viper red dot I have mounted for now shows up just fine indoors with light on.
I bought one for my XDS 4 inch. It's my daily carry and I love the light.
mann ivI've been trying to find a holster for my EDC with the light on it and haven't found one yet. I'm in the hospital and haven't had a chance to find one.
@@bradslone8511 we the people holsters
I have it and use to run it on my Canik Elite SC and it will fit the holster whether it’s pushed back to the trigger guard or flush to the muzzle. It’s a Slim Fit Holster. Best in the game!
I work at Bare Arms Custom Holsters in Ashland ,Ky as one of the builders. we get a lot of orders for the pl-2 mini on almost all the guns we build holsters for, and building a holster for them is actually pretty easy and they fit amazing and keep retention very well. I own one myself on my new Canik TP9 Elite SC and built a holster for it, and with this light it can carry both IWB and OWB very comfortably. if you ever want to try one of your carry guns with a custom holster molded for the pl-2 mini just give us a call and talk to brian or tommy and we can see what we can work out for you.
Love the showcase in the background!! Beautiful bits of history
As a person who makes holsters, i have over 40 diffrent flash lights. The TLR1 is the most popular but the regular size Olight PL2 valkyrie is the best flash light out of all and one of the brightest and cheapiest.
I bought 3. For VP9, Beretta 90 two, and Taraus PT111. All fit well. 😀👍 I think I need a few more.
I'm stuck on the fact he said "dongle" and "wall wart"
a trick : you can watch movies at flixzone. I've been using it for watching lots of of movies recently.
@Oscar Gordon Yup, I have been using flixzone for since december myself :D
@Oscar Gordon Definitely, I have been using Flixzone for months myself :D
@Oscar Gordon Yup, have been using flixzone for years myself :)
very good overview eric, and thanks for putting this on my radar. i know some people were giving you flak for putting this up late but to be honest i don't always keep up with gun news unless i'm specifically looking to buy something so i saw it here first. i'm glad that guns and gun accessories are becoming more and mainstream and accessible, the more people we can get shooting and defending themselves, the better.
Love seeing videos with CZ's in em, I'm always looking for the glimpse of Kansas City KS (my hometown) on the side
Got one on my P07 as we speak. If youtube comments allowed for pictures, I'd make your day a post it lol
What kind of tree do you plug it into to recharge when yer out in the field or woods. I think I'll take the Streamlight TLR 7A with a few batteries in my pocket. 👍
Great video man! Helped me decide to make the purchase. Honestly you just gained a new follower! Professional as it gets!
I love my pl mini. Great light. No issues so far
love all the Olight products i Have / top quality all around . .
bought one for 60 bucks on amazone and its freaking perfect im gonna put one on every defensive handgun i own
I have two of these. Love them! Never turning back.
I’ve got 2 Olights and love them both. Will be getting this one on Monday.
I have the PL2 and the mini 1. Love em so when the mini 2s were released I ordered 4 ...
LLOD makes great holster for various pistols running the Olight PL mini
Olight definitely has good products for a great price. Hopefully they don't get big headed and raise their prices like other companies.
I don’t think that’s going to happen. They sell so much volume they can have the prices a little lower I think. They are doing a great job with their lights, they really are. I was skeptical at first, but as I’ve used/abused them they seem to hold up great.
Iraqveteran8888 I agree 👍 Keep up the great work. I never miss a video. Awesome channel, awesome information always.
@@Iraqveteran8888 What are you doing here haha
Just bought one of these. It fits my Canik TP9 Elite SC perfectly. It looks pretty cool too.
I picked up the Mini 1............... and the 2...... the 1 for home.... the 2 for tach/outside. Nice video! Looks like total fun!!!
Today must've been the video drop date in the contract
Seriously, the o-lite whoring out has been ridiculous over the past year. Even RUclipsrs I've learned to respect has been pushing their products lately, the Chinese must have deep pockets behind this one.
@@theduck17 Apparently. I did a side by side of a similar priced pocket light Vs. an Olight and the Olight IMO was better but I was doing the video just to see how the two compared. At least what they sell is good
What? You mean he isn't doing this video because he found a product that thrills him to no end?
The energy in his presentation sure has me fooled!
Yeah, these Olight videos are getting old.... I'd buy one if I knew I'd never have to see another Olight infomercial on RUclips .
It's likely. Tbh they make a solid product non the less. I'm kind of into premium ish flashlights and have had a few of theirs was was pretty impressed for the money
Looking at that silencer from cali...
Jealous for sure
Same dude same
Was researching a light I could use on multiple pistols and you popped up. Just ordered and it will arrive tomorrow. Will probably order a couple more, after this first arrives tomorrow. Want to check them out personally, before I order multiple units. Looks like a great addition to my FN509 Tact, Glock 19X, and a few of my compacts. Great vid as always. Thanks, Ritch
The holster I have for my g32 you can put it at any level and it fits perfect everytime!
Just got mine today . Mounting it on my Springfield Armory XD.45 already very impressed with it .
My subscription hasn't changed and proudly follow your channel.💪😎🇺🇸
i reperpoused my owb holster with a heat gun and its works perfect for on the farm👍 just got one for xmas
Awesome video brother kids ordered me one for father's day to go on my 19x . This got me excited even more
I love that "and in typical american fashion were not gonna read the instructions"
I’m excited to get my light and put it on my XDS. On a side note, don’t be that guy that does stupid shit with your pistol and do “Trick Shots” That kind of shit gets people killed…. Good video….
I like that it does not hang out beyond the end of the barrel like some.
Glad to see your still cranking out the videos and not run off to Vegas for the week
I think they didn't go last year as well.
I'll be grabbing one Monday when the sale hits
Shootin' with Uncle Dan I must have missed it, how you know about the sale Monday and what’s the price going to be? Thanks in advance!
Now on my other PL mini's GEN 1. It runs full force until it stops no dimming as the battery weakens.
@@Wild_Bill_RC well I don't remember but they are 30% off monday
@@Wild_Bill_RC PS they are not super pricey anyway but 30% off is a bargain
Thank you sir I’ll be watching! Ya I have the pl mini Valkyrie and it’s a beast, I like it a lot
Just purchased right now! Excited for delivery
This light is bright as hell, will seriously blind someone if they tried to run up on you to attack
Keep up the videos ive been a mosin modder for a minute. and your videos have helps alot. Just bought this light for my m9 (because i still shoot better with my service weapon) and was like well i respect this dudes oppinion. Thanks.
Last line of defense sells a holster that will the light to charge while the gun is still in the holster.
So glad I didnt buy a regular gen 1 mini on black friday. LOVE my pl2 valkryie's, Ill be getting one of these new mini's for my m&p9c
I don't know why but at 12:05, I imagined Zombies started appearing walking towards the light.
Joking aside, I'm getting two of these soon.
Can you use batteries just in case you can’t charge or is it just chargeable
I’ve always regretted the decision in not buying that Music Man amp when I had the chance
Iraqvetern8888 I've used the magnetic base to attach to metal when off the pistol for hands free light when working.
I have the 19X and just got the Olight mini-2 in tan/fde. It fits in my holster that was made for the TRL-2 .
With LLOD holsters he designed a hole to charge while holstered and safe
Got the first generation on my Glock 45 and love it.
Grabbed one during the sale. I'm pissed I bought 2 TLR7 'S. This light is fantastic. Even fits my XDS MOD 2. 45. Good reviews thanks
Excellent video. You covered all the ins and outs that I needed to know. So far I love this little light on my Glock 17.
Just pick one of these up today gor my g17 carry gun and I love it!!! Mine is the one with the light laser combo!
Great review guys!
Winchester Ammo is the ONLY ammo that has jammed both my CZ-SPO1 and Walther PPQ.
I expected to see Bigfoot come out of the bushes riding a unicorn after that CZ malfunctioned. Seemed about as likely as catching that pistol malfunctioning on camera. LOL
Just kidding, I have had shit luck running 147 gr in my CZs too. Great video!
I like lights to stay at a constant output until dead.
I wonder are holsters on the market yet
I put one on my walther P22 yesterday and I really like it.
I bought it for my 19X but after running it for a couple hours, I decided it was too smol for the Glock. The tan Streamlight TLR HL is a better fit for the 19X imo.
Olight makes an awesome product. I have a PL2 and I'll probably get one of these on one of their flash sales.
I sport one of the original PL Valkyrie olights on my 6920 AR, it only has 400 lumen output, but hey it's perfect for room clearing. Really tough lights for the money. I'll be grabbing a couple during this flash sale !
The new polymer 80 subcompact frame as a rail on it. None of the Glock subcompacts do. I think that would be great on a P80SC.
I have had a hard time finding a holster to integrate with this light
You have to find a place that makes custom kydex holsters. Also I’m a Ham myself
Black point tactical, great stuff
There's quite a few that make holsters compatible with olights in general, maybe not for the olight Pl-mini 2 seeing that its just now being released. A few make holsters were you can charge the light without removing the gun from the holster, LLOD and Tuxtontactical for example. I have the original olight pl-mini and can't find a level 2 or 3 OWB holster for it and its driving me crazy.
Considering it hasn't been released yet......
Dremels work great on kydex.
Did you ever find a holster? I'm having the same issue .
a nice addition to a kel-tec sub 2000
Good presenttion. Excellent audio. Well done, Sir.
Fits my 43x just fine
The light ,if its cranked down too tight, can cause a failure to feed. Take the light off and see if it doesn't fix the failure to feed problem .
Is that an OD colored one? Where'd you find it? I'm an Olight Dealer too, I don't see that color
nevermind, you said Tan.
Fierce defender holsters makes a iwb holster and this light as a combo set!
I have two of them on my two guns and I trust them to work on an emergency like someone is in our house and I just charged one also being a lefty I rest my finger on the lever or the arm on the left side I don't know what they call them anyways I like that they are waterproof in a puddle or whatever rain they just work.
This video is 2 years old I'm curious how long before the battery stops taking a charge??
I’m getting one on Monday!
SP01 comes with heavy springs. Spring are rated for nato ammo.
Will it fit H&K USP or do you have to get an after market rail first?
Do you think that this style of adjustable light has one more mechanical part to go wrong? With both of the connection tension points it seems there is a tendency for one or the other compression points to fail?
Would it fit on most weapons? Rifles and crossbows ?
You always brighten my morning 😏
Very gay
Big Shep big gay
It fits the new Hellcat too!
Does it have a laser to or just the flashlight
I second the tabs motion for you to pull out
Does it last a full 60 mins at 600 lumens, or does it drop to lower lumens after a certain amount of time?
This is what I’m wondering aswell I’ve heard the go from 600 to 60
I run this light on my M&P Shield 9 .. using a Recovery Tactical Rail too.
Does it fit the 365
My dad asked me why I wanted a light on my rifle to let the enemy know where I am. Because I dont want to blow 3 grand on night vision.
Tallacus was he offering to buy you NV?
Bright white lights like WML’s and flashlights actually blind NV users correct?
@@GideonShofar37 blinding doesnt work that good when they put cyclic fire in your direction lol
Just save up and get both with v/ir laser.
I hope there is plenty to p/u a couple on "Deal Day", been using Olight offerings "issue free" for about 2 years now! So, these latest Olight offering's will most likely rock for a variety of Our hard to equip compacts!!
Can you get a new cp33 from Kel tec????
M&P compacts are 4" - their original pl-mini fits 4" compacts as well. The real question is will it fit any of the xds 3.3", which is probably one of the shortest pistols made with a rail.
Why no video on the assault weapons ban?
🍏 watch chargers work as well fyi
I appreciate what you do
Great review as always. But I think that anything with a proprietary system (like the batteries/charging circuit here) is a drawback. I avoid anything that does not have off-the-shelf parts.
What is the lifespan of the battery? Is it even replaceable or is the light disposable at that point like so many LED flashlights today that do not allow for a bulb-change? What is the cost of a replacement battery? Anytime that you are beholden to only one company to get needed parts, that is a big negative for me. A good example is the dongle...can't get that in the phone charging section of a store etc.
I tried to find info on their site and non of these questions were addressed anywhere. They do however list the lights that use regular batteries in the FAQ.
Looks like it could have a dedicated mount for shields / glock 43 screwed on instead of that huge rail adaptor. I wonder if Olight or someone else will bother to make one.
Eric, why did you ignore Ramlite for 7 years ? Dan Hotchin (Ramlite)
How does your channel even bring in revenue brother? I hope y'all are doing ok being how RUclips is with weaponry channels. Dont wanna see the channel go!!! #superbcontent