94 Years Old BaGua Wisdom

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • In this rare family video 94 year old 'demonstrating' his wisdom.
    Part 2 can be seen here:
    Part 3 - Yin Yang Changes is up next!

Комментарии • 234

  • @RaymondYan007
    @RaymondYan007 7 лет назад +14

    He is talking about how to use the image of Bagua and "Jin"(=mysterious way to produce qi). When he was pushed at his left arm, he sent his disciple flying by clenching his right fist and opening it. Or by hitting his forehead with his right hand. He said that his both arms are one, not two different things. In the last part of this video, he showed how to do "Danhuanzhang"(single changing palm). In this case, "Jin" exists in his left arm, not in his right arm.

  • @arosajas
    @arosajas 15 лет назад

    Superb...thanks for posting!

  • @markohu
    @markohu 18 лет назад

    incredible chi control very nice video

  • @aeyaland
    @aeyaland 13 лет назад

    beautiful and amazing

  • @Niccomawf
    @Niccomawf 14 лет назад

    Simple physics applied with masterful skill to the complex structure that is the human body. A simple push can be used so that a body will naturally react in a way that would disturb its balance. If you study chinese culture Qi was a catch all term for everything from "life force" to motion, inertia, and energy.

  • @Bastion83
    @Bastion83 13 лет назад +2

    @MrWatcher101 well said. There are things the west dismissed when introduced to theories the chinese had established for some time, methinks largely due to racial bs perhaps. I too have been studying martial arts(though mainly external forms of kung fu) and I have also felt the effect of a few strikes that science cant figure out.

  • @brn20
    @brn20 15 лет назад

    I have experienced 'Qi' in studying Hsing-I and a little Ba Gua. Of course, I have felt the warmth of my body, the tingling sensation, which can be felt to be moved by breathing and mind.
    I have no doubt that there is *something* occurring. It is certainly not a unique force, however. I think it is greater circulation, electrical sensitivity and perhaps a further effect of a different, more aware state of consciousness. If Qi was a distinct, unique force, then all of physics would be wrong.

  • @RaymondYan007
    @RaymondYan007 7 лет назад +1

    Huh? Why was my translation deleted?

  • @bamboosera
    @bamboosera 11 лет назад

    Because what he was doing is representative of the core body skills of a number of "internal" martial arts. I've trained with teachers who can do the same, and I and other students of these arts can demonstrate these things, as well.

  • @piaten
    @piaten 14 лет назад +1

    I don't see any exagaration here. There's so many factors, like connective tissue strength, intent, sensitivity, whole body power, rooting and so forth, that you can continue to develop into old age, and that more than makes up for loss of mere muscle strength! The trained eye can clearly see the real power here. In fact there's also just no way a "fake" or choreographed demo could look this perfect, with regards to timing!

  • @jamalej65
    @jamalej65 17 лет назад

    Can anyone translate what he is saying..., by the way this would be a good service for youtube to provide..
    translation between languages....

  • @brasled
    @brasled 14 лет назад

    Yi guides the chi, which guides the body... the chi being a low voltage energy network that moves through the ligaments, tendons, and bones, measured and documented by NIH in the 70's and theorized to be part of the immune system, like a negative biofeedback loop, which when broken trigures localized healing.

  • @maschinenraum
    @maschinenraum 14 лет назад

    @adielov1 I think you know that experiment "Newton's Cradle"
    the last ball gets flying away where the ball next to it doesn't move. so maybe this is some kind of 'injected' force that you can't see like that balls in the middle that does not move.

  • @MightySunTzu
    @MightySunTzu 15 лет назад

    labeling is a better way to convey our message, at times, qi gong and body mechanics are a bit different though.

  • @piaten
    @piaten 13 лет назад

    @nmpost7 I never said chi is hocus pocus! Quite the contrary, chi is very real, as is this 94 year old master! My comment was part of a debate further down here, where a comparison was made between this video and one of the con-men of the trade (yes, there are quite a few of them around also). Please take the time to figure out what's actually being said before jumping to conclusions!

  • @jung567
    @jung567 13 лет назад

    @MrAdamWu I see...

  • @codeagent47
    @codeagent47 16 лет назад


  • @littlecannon
    @littlecannon 15 лет назад

    @ courtesyclerk: You're also slagging off the Chinese language? You probably sound hilarious to them...

  • @jclark058
    @jclark058 15 лет назад

    Kimbo slice is all external...muscle, bone, nerve and gristle, he is NO match for a true ba gua or hsing yi stylist. In the match up between "mma", which is not truly mixed only 4 martial art. Muay thai, Jiu-jitsu, boxing, and wrestling. Real internal styles would break 'em up quickly and easily because the true internal and yielding always breaks the hard and stiff.

  • @kbl3000
    @kbl3000 14 лет назад

    the principle is right but too enlargement.
    martial art is religious

  • @Tranxhead
    @Tranxhead 14 лет назад +2

    I think so many decades of internalising sensitivity and power-focussing exercises would allow you to develop such refined control over physical forces that us youngsters would consider it spooky and unbelievable.

  • @KellyWhelanEnns
    @KellyWhelanEnns 17 лет назад +2

    What he is demonstrating is the refined awareness of body mechanics a person develops after training neija for so many years. I have trained with a man of skill comparable to this grandmaster shown here. It was incredibly dificult for my brain to understand what was going on until I spent a month training 10hours a day....and then I only mamanged to touch upon the effortless way of moving he demonstrates for a split second...almost sent somebody flying out a window it was so sudden.

  • @PoisoningOrchid
    @PoisoningOrchid 14 лет назад +1

    Well, warriors might be old. But remember everyone, the oldest tree in the forest is always the strongest and wisest.

  • @DiscoverTaiji
    @DiscoverTaiji 17 лет назад +2

    Well said. Most don't understand. This guy has really got it. Looks like excellent taiji, i don't know much about bagua

  • @piaten
    @piaten 14 лет назад +2

    But since you clearly dont get it, I'll try one more time to demystify this for you: Because of the the way muscle tissue work on a microscopic level, they can develop larger force when just holding position or being stretched than when being flexed. Internal training teaches you to exploit this by compressing your body into the ground, like a spring -more or less. While I respect the fighting abilities of the MMA crew, I find internal training has a more long lasting health and strength effect.

  • @kicksave24
    @kicksave24 17 лет назад +2

    WOW!! I study Bu Gua! It's all about posture, mechanics, root, intent, and chi. It's though to master all those things. As you can see, this 94 year old man still has it!! WOW!!!

  • @bigfatdick5000
    @bigfatdick5000 14 лет назад +1


  • @gurugeorge
    @gurugeorge 9 лет назад +6

    What to watch out for is the two occasions when the young guy comes from the right and just casually holds on to the old guys arm while everyone's watching the other guy talking on the right. On those two occasions the old gentleman casually "bumps" the young guy away. On those instances, the young man doesn't look like he anticipated the bumps at all, and you can see the real effect of them (without the theatrical jumping back, which seems to be traditional in these demonstrations, even when something genuine is being shown).
    What's being demonstrated is genuine, not something magical but a trained skill (the ability to direct forces at will to or from the ground, and utilizing the force of gravity, through a trained body) that the old man has to a high degree.

    • @kobe51
      @kobe51 4 года назад +1

      No. To verify his claim, one must demonstrate this "high level of skill" on a nonbelieving, noncompliant person who is not a 'disciple'. Disciples, acolytes, devotees, etc. are quick to acquiesce. That demonstrates little more than willing cooperation.

  • @liverqiconstraint
    @liverqiconstraint 17 лет назад +1

    My 80 year old taiji teacher has skills on par with this guy and there's nothing fake about it. The second you touch him or vice-versa, he has complete control of your body. You're helpless.

  • @littlecannon
    @littlecannon 15 лет назад +1

    There is no "best" martial art. It's down to the individuals understanding and hard work. Being player of Baguazhang, I'd say it has very good strategy and body training and stands up martially.

  • @Ianflaer
    @Ianflaer 16 лет назад +1

    Aikido, has a saying: beginners make large circles, masters make small circles. This is what Alibuck is talking about when he mentions subtlty. don't get confused by mystical sounding words like grounding. This guy is simply making very small movements that alow him to upset their balance. This isn't magic, or it is, but not mystical magic but rather more like slight of hand (body) mixed with a soft martial art. It's deceptive and skilful but nothing more magical than that. just masterfully done

  • @GOG777
    @GOG777 15 лет назад +1

    It's true. If you go to china you can find dozens of people who can do this type of stuff. Few of them have such warm personalities though.

  • @busmahrepus
    @busmahrepus 14 лет назад +1

    that's the master showing them how to use the arms position to "push" , but due to the age of the old master , the young ones won't really put too much effort in against the old master , and also they try to follow the moving flow to feel how these skill works to others if they use it in full power ,thats why when they do it , u may think if it's fake

  • @MikeS24-v4s
    @MikeS24-v4s 18 лет назад +1

    I wish he was my grandpa.

  • @Kippest
    @Kippest 15 лет назад +1

    good post- but most people who argue against the word "chi" don't understand it's varied meaning in chinese roughly as "energy , breath, life/vital force" as a simplified translation

  • @kobe51
    @kobe51 4 года назад +1

    Oh please. They're just humoring the old codger.

  • @watts18269
    @watts18269 16 лет назад +1

    I wouldnt say they cant fight anymore, I like to think that an 80 year old master could still hold his own in a fight.

  • @aznkid723
    @aznkid723 14 лет назад +1

    @bhka111 i agree with you but real martial arts is really about protecting/helping others not killing

  • @toolworks
    @toolworks 15 лет назад +2

    He does not look bad for 94

  • @brittscott4673
    @brittscott4673 4 месяца назад

    I don't know what internal martial arts this master has studied but he looks like he is a master of chi.
    This is why he hardly moves because he is so internally connected with his chi.
    These guys aren't faking anything they have felt the powerful chi coming from the old master and he hardly has to move for them to feel it.

  • @itomonster101
    @itomonster101 16 лет назад +1

    i like the ba gua and tai che styles.

  • @piaten
    @piaten 13 лет назад

    @TheCarlo58 Why is it everyone assumes I'm a skeptic, just because I have an empirical, scientific attitude, and use words like "research", "faciae", etc?! There's plenty of scientific surveys confirming the existence of chi. Anyone who denying chi is a reality are the un-scientific ones, not us! Read the entire comment thread, and or at least figure out what I'm actually saying, before making wild assumptions!

  • @piaten
    @piaten 13 лет назад

    @MrWatcher101 Please, Mr. Watcher, next time you comment, take the time to figure out what's actually being said!! We're on the same team here, for crying out loud! My comment was part of a debate further down here: I was trying to explain the physical workings of peng jin to an induhvidual who was too set in his superstition, namely the common superstition that current western sports science has anything but a basic understanding of how the human body works..

  • @piaten
    @piaten 14 лет назад

    I take it then you didn't even bother to look up any of the research I mentioned -that's pathetically biased, almost superstitious! What I'm talking about is mostly research on how the muscles and connective tissue actually work to create the most physical force. I'm talking about physical, tangible issues here. What that "chi master" you're referring to did was completely different. That was psychological manipulation hocus pocus, whereas this is mostly physical. Do your research, or shut up!

  • @piaten
    @piaten 14 лет назад

    @poddotk What are you talking about! Everyone can have an opinion, but unless you can put forth some relevant argument supporting it, you wanna keep it away from the public! I don't comment on finance or plumbing, cause I don't know anything about it, and thus my opinion on these matters would be worthless. And since you dont know anything about IMA, and don't even try to educate yourself, preferring to stay within your own prejudice, you too, should keep your mouth shut and hide your ignorance!

  • @piaten
    @piaten 14 лет назад

    @paddotk Pardon my manners, but obviously you know nothing about tendon power, connective tissue, the force-velocity curve, peng jin, root and subtle movement called opening and closing, among others! Do your homework, and if you still think it's fake, well -fine. Just don't pollute the internet with your ill informed karate-kid ideas about things which you know nothing about, much less ever experienced first hand! Hint: What is the difference between piston power and spring/elastic power?

  • @Ianflaer
    @Ianflaer 16 лет назад

    Right, I'm so sorry. I forgot Jeet Kun Do encompasses all aspects of martial arts and movement. Sorry, I forgot that. But, ummm, I wasn't saying anything about what we were seeing here stopping a maniac bent on ripping your head off. Until you are 94 years old and have spent the years between now and then refining your technique to the point where you are recognized as a world class master you are being extreemly arrogant and closed minded. Remember too the people here could be anyone.

  • @Ianflaer
    @Ianflaer 16 лет назад

    I would think that most of the people in the video are martial artists, and perhaps students of Bagua teachings. This being the case let us remember that martial artists will move in certain ways absorb impact, motion, or force. Think of how Judo-ists protect themselves from a fall or students of taijutsu will roll or flip through an attack to lessen the damage it does to them. I suspect many of the reactionary movement we see here is these guys trying to regain balance or absorb whatever it is.

  • @Ianflaer
    @Ianflaer 16 лет назад

    Ok, can we try this from a perspective not muddled by religeous beliefs either christian or whatever Alibuck's is?
    First, I too have had a passing interest in martial arts and though I have not myself attained any greatness in it I have known those who have. So I DO have a clue as to how something like this may work.
    Second, let's look at what we can see in the video. If you look at the faces and body language of these people, especially in the beginning you can tell they are surprised.

  • @panchamkauns
    @panchamkauns 13 лет назад

    This master is very old and probably doesn't bring great power anymore. They show exaggerated reaction to his power out of respect, as is the Chinese custom. The miracle is that he brings his power in such an invisible way. This shows that his bagua tradition has the training methods that will produce the highest level of skill

  • @luisalau
    @luisalau 16 лет назад

    great these critisisme belongs only to you and no one would want to share that. keep them and take good care of your insults and be happy about what you owned.we see what is in you and what you are like! its all about getting to know you and not by what you brag! you failed! ha! ha! was a convert from church.i know jesus very well too. looks like you dont know much about buddha!

  • @luisalau
    @luisalau 16 лет назад

    great these critisisme belongs only to you and no one would want to share that. keep them and take good care of your insults and be happy about what you owned.we see what is in you and what you are like! its all about getting to know you and not by what you brag! you failed! ha! ha! was a convert from church.i know jesus very well too. looks like you dont know much about buddha!

  • @piaten
    @piaten 14 лет назад

    @minasz And I don't get astrophysics, but still the planets and stars float around there in space, don't they!? As all geniality, this stuff is based on very simple natural principles, yet it is also extremely difficult to accomplish, especially at this level.

  • @piaten
    @piaten 12 лет назад +1

    What do you mean by "must remember he's 94"? This kinda trained tendon strength and improved nervous system doesn't fade as quickly as muscle tone! There actually needn't be any compliance: When rooting, bouncing and sensing skill is good enough one can cause the opponent to stiffen up, just enough to make it easy to transfer power into him through his own limbs, so as to make him bounce.

  • @luisalau
    @luisalau 16 лет назад

    keep your it to yourself, we are not sharing what you says and you owned what you wrote. what come out from you still belong to you when nobody accepts what you wrote.buddha says.....

  • @SifuAminJani
    @SifuAminJani 16 лет назад

    what is he saying, i would like to know. anybody?

  • @piaten
    @piaten 14 лет назад

    @danielsan05 Of course you don't! I'm not a mathematician, so I don't understand maths (beyond the basic level). Study and research is the key to understanding.

  • @MrWatcher101
    @MrWatcher101 13 лет назад

    @piaten It is soo easy to go on and criticise what one does not fully understand. I have been looking ionto the martial arts for years. I have experienced practical demonstration of internal Kung Fu. This is for real. Not hocus pocus. Don't so quick to dismiss eastern ways. The world was dominated by the east for 18 of the last 20 centuries. Not all that you don't understand or believe is false.

  • @MrWatcher101
    @MrWatcher101 13 лет назад

    @piaten It is soo easy to go on and criticise what one does not fully understand. I have been loking ionto the martial arts for years. I have experienced practical demonstration of internal Kung Fu. This is for real. Not hocus pocus. Don't so quick to dismiss eastern ways. The world was dominated by the east for 18 of the last 20 centuries. Not all that you don't understand or believe is false.

  • @akniznik
    @akniznik 13 лет назад

    The old man is using positioning and counter-balance to find the trick send-off point. notice how he massages his partner into the exact stance he requires to execute the final send off. amazing yes, but the falling man is doing 99% of the work based on his body position. the old man is not exceptionally strong, his trick is in how he positions his partner before sending him flying, and its a damn good trick.

  • @idonthavefootprints
    @idonthavefootprints 14 лет назад

    @piaten Abusing your lexicon doesn't make you seem like an intellectual, it makes you seem like an ass. Show me an example of chi being used against a trained fighter who doesn't believe in chi. Say, someone from K1 or even UFC being affected by a persons 'chi' in a fight situation. Until then this is just suggestive thinking and the power of the mind of the person affected. Remember when the chi fighting 'master' challenged a mixed martial artist? We all know how that went down.

  • @brasled
    @brasled 14 лет назад

    Beyond that, I have no clue, and am honest enough to realized that physics knows little more about reality than ancient chinese theory, especially if what humans choose to believe trigures the outcome, which if true, simply means science is nothing more than a figment of imagination, a consensus reached by modern man, and part of the great dream much like the rest of human existence. Of course, I find many of physics conclusions gradually approaching many of the ancient theories.

  • @Dawei3
    @Dawei3 14 лет назад

    in my opinion, this is the real stuff. i can understand a lot of what he is saying, and from my training, it seems to be consistent. if you don't believe, look up tony psaila. he moves his body in a similar way, and explains it in a more "western" way. the whole qi thing just gets you thinking in a certain way, and gets your body to move in ways that is hard to do when you're thinking in a more linear manner.

  • @steveecker
    @steveecker 15 лет назад

    Exactly. Study up on fear cages caused by electromagnetic fields made from faulty wiring etc. Your body can generate those same fields, with different levels, causing extreme discomfort etc. Cuevasdecamuy, no matter how self-hypnotized you make yourself, you can't cause your body to have specific reactions. For instance, you can't cause your skin to turn yellow, as it does when your liver is messed up and you have jaundice. You can't cause your eyes to become bloodshot etc...

  • @FMAStudent
    @FMAStudent 15 лет назад

    Well, my ten cents says the Master's chi is causing the " oversold " reaction by the younger people. If you're a Westerner like me then you never had the slightest introduction to chi in your life. I am an American patriot. An educated patriot. Yet, I am a realist and I'll tell you for a fact that the finest doctors and engineers of the USA who were born and bred here have no clue what chi is. Neither do I. But, I know that I don't know. Which is why I will learn it.

  • @defaultpseudonym
    @defaultpseudonym 16 лет назад

    Don't mix things up. Let's assume "all Chinese martial art is there to kill" was a correct statement. How does that influence the content of the video?
    Regarding the rest: I don't know what those guys are talking about, so don't want to rush with assumptions like "CHIS PUSHING THEM AWAY LOL", but I highly doubt the invisible force is with him. Also I don't think its body mechanics, as his locks are obviously easily evadable.

  • @defaultpseudonym
    @defaultpseudonym 16 лет назад

    What does that prove for qi-gramps?
    I can actually understand jeetkunejimi's point of view pretty well. People tend to go "oh the qi!" pretty easily. Awestruck pissing their pants in veneration, they're talking about mystical or mundane mastery and the fuck, relying to nothing more than what rumors, movies and dumbass McDojo teachers got for them.
    It would be a different thing if they could actually prove their point, aside from raping well-worn phrases over and over again.

  • @kcvx92
    @kcvx92 14 лет назад

    Lol, idk what other things you skeptics would brought up, but have you guys skeptics ever thought of why do a 94 year-old old man act in a fake video? What does he do it for?
    about 1.35---> i think i can see clearly the old man's body attempts to push the guy in white out. And if it is really fake, then the guy in white must have superhuman sense & reflect

  • @nlitenme83
    @nlitenme83 15 лет назад

    Was it that he was a charleton or that his students believed whole-heartedly in his power that they themselves contributed to the delusion and they themselves were causing themselves to fall down. This is the same thing going on. Why is it the Kiai master was a charleton but this guy is the genuine deal?

  • @luckily77777
    @luckily77777 16 лет назад

    no i dont... when i was a treecutter, i used to use it to lift logs that guys bigger than me couldnt move, and ive seen old treecutters lift logs that i couldnt lift... im sure it is due to chi... what im seeing in this video looks more like hypnotism or theatrics to me... i could be wrong, but i dont think so....lol

  • @xxljmzlxx
    @xxljmzlxx 16 лет назад

    If your Chinese, listen to what the old guy is saying and don't judge by his "physical movement"
    As for the ridiculous throwing, I am not a true believer. I agree with the fact that if his "chi" is powerful enough, then he can detect your center of balance and disturb it.
    As for the "jedi-ish throwing" I don't know

  • @Bzdi138
    @Bzdi138 14 лет назад

    @richardshapiroII nothing against bagua but this sucked plain and simple. I appreciate elders fine but something was terribly amiss here. He either never was a martial artist or he is simply too old or unable to do any moves. It sucked - there is no way around it.

  • @rushforce33
    @rushforce33 14 лет назад

    you may not be able to film something you can't see but you CAN film his students being total suckers....and for being 94...I live in okinawa, and people commonly live to be over 94 and still active so don't be surprised at that......
    this is total crap.....

  • @bigfatdick5000
    @bigfatdick5000 14 лет назад

    You can see an "invisible energy repulse wave" suddenly generated from the old man's arms pushed his 2 students away. Their "body" got "squeezed back" first by the energy wave, and *then* their feet off the ground and bounced back. You can''t just jump and fake it like that.

  • @occultninja4
    @occultninja4 15 лет назад

    you may or may not belive in metaphytsics but it is possible. but most of the time it is done verbaly, through smack talking an oppenent. this can distract and even psycoilogicaly disbalance a person. just like the legend that a samurai could paralize his opponent by screaming at the right pitch.

  • @matthewshimabuku
    @matthewshimabuku 16 лет назад

    many martial arts/self defense does chi training, but chi only works in the mind. if you believe it is pushing you back, then you are going to fall back. Martial arts is best used for its physical applications that condition the body rather than chi excersizes

  • @catjack12345
    @catjack12345 16 лет назад

    i take bagua myself and chi comes fom energy driving fom the dontion(sorry if thats spelled wrong)the sorce of mental and physical peace. chi is a natural prospect within the body that with time and practice can be sommond by anybody.chi is in everything it gives it life

  • @linuxva
    @linuxva 17 лет назад

    The force will be with U young jedy , hmmm, or maybe U are a sith ? The dark side is strong in U ...Man this is jedy art ! LOOOOOL

  • @bamboosera
    @bamboosera 13 лет назад +1

    They are not exaggerating their reactions. The old master is using a relaxed, connected body from the ground, through his dantien and spine, and out his arms. It's subtle and soft power that doesn't diminish with age.

  • @Bastion83
    @Bastion83 13 лет назад

    @piaten also well said. I think the comment issue was little more than misunderstanding. Scientific communities do have a big issue with the idea of 'If we cant figure it out, its false.' Nothing could be further from the truth at times.

  • @pranakhan
    @pranakhan 17 лет назад

    It's not an issue of authenticity if you watch his perfectly minimalist body mechanic; its the issue that theres a reason he's 94 years old in the video. It probably took him 88 years to cultivate those techniques necessary to achieve this effect.

  • @WonderWomann
    @WonderWomann 17 лет назад

    Thats not chi BS as you guys say. He describes clearly what he is doing. Its physics and physiology. He even demos near the end what movements is wrong and then proceeds to show the right one. Looks like Tai chi too.

  • @ronin2167
    @ronin2167 14 лет назад

    @iamcurlyhead yep, it's the isometric control or storing of energy in your muscles and then channeling it out in a manner that distorts the attackers posture or attack. It's just physics.

  • @bigfatdick5000
    @bigfatdick5000 15 лет назад

    If some of you don't believe there's "Chi" in this video,
    go search Ma Yueh Liang here and his push hand video's, you'll see his opponents being "popped" away by his "Chi"...

  • @dhh488
    @dhh488 15 лет назад +1

    Cool video, I wish I had the patience to learn such a skill. As for who's style is better, what a pointless argument - life is too short.

  • @oldtyger
    @oldtyger 17 лет назад

    Agree with illyong and Tim. I've done bagua and taiji and thus I get uprooted all the time. It's basically using your partner as a lever once you figure out how

  • @Danhansen699
    @Danhansen699 16 лет назад

    WTF was that at 1:10?
    I understand the concept/theory here, which is using the attackers energy and deflecting it right back but that was just cool!

  • @Laurynas666
    @Laurynas666 13 лет назад

    reflects a wrong message. people should take this serious.
    soon we have 100 year old's floating in the air! keep it real..... that's my message

  • @egisshield
    @egisshield 16 лет назад

    Would someone post a translation of the Master's comments? I don't speak Mandarin or Cantonese, but I'd be interested to know what he's saying.

  • @angelloakira
    @angelloakira 15 лет назад

    preaty intense lol im surpirse by how they are been move backwards lol

  • @nlitenme83
    @nlitenme83 15 лет назад

    Kiai Master vs. MMA
    Dillman explains chi KO nullification
    search those videos on youtube. They're no different than this.

  • @ronnie3027
    @ronnie3027 13 лет назад

    @Rsuru it,s not himdoing that alone it,s chi gong//ghost kung fu
    he ussess hi,s chii and thatss very verry powerful

  • @Bzdi138
    @Bzdi138 14 лет назад

    @rushforce33 great point - you are correct. I think this guy is just senile and they are trying to make him feel better.

  • @sinistavoicez
    @sinistavoicez 15 лет назад

    Empty yourself and feel the energy being transmitted. Focus on posture and allignment cultivating the internal energy.

  • @markus123452
    @markus123452 15 лет назад

    Im sorry nice old man, sure he knows what he is doing but very over exaggerated reactions from the participants.

  • @PeeteyP
    @PeeteyP 15 лет назад

    you don't have to believe squat to be pushed off by a Ba Qua master. This is body control, not mind control.

  • @spidathon
    @spidathon 15 лет назад

    I taught this old man this and when he got better than me at it I smashed him in the face with a boulder fist

  • @boxa888
    @boxa888 17 лет назад

    hey u should check out john chang. thats a really cool video.

  • @PeeteyP
    @PeeteyP 15 лет назад

    It only shows him pushing guys- maybe they are falling back a little too easily, but it's not fake.

  • @Kudiz
    @Kudiz 15 лет назад

    ooooo kay... the old man looks fragile, and is potbellied. dont belive a potbellied martial artist