Ruqya Workshop - Sheikh Tim humble [Session 1 part 2]

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @pa4815
    @pa4815 3 года назад +7

    May Allah reward you for this brother

  • @anjilakhan130
    @anjilakhan130 Год назад +1

    It's better doing Ruqyah yourself with faith 🙏 ask Allah yourself, nobody else will understand your emotions rather than you😢may Allah Azwajal make our Imaan stronger n faithful Aameen ya Rabb!!!!!

  • @anjilakhan130
    @anjilakhan130 Год назад

    Most beautiful advice son..JazzakAllah for sharing your love n're truly amazing MashahAllah 👏
    SubhaanAllah ya Rabb ❤

  • @nuyael
    @nuyael 2 года назад

    Thank you for the talk

  • @lenak5905
    @lenak5905 Год назад

    Ultimate Focus: The Decree Of Allah (swt)
    Realization of Flourishing :
    Provisions of this Dunya will come to you even if it hates you! Expecting Relationships to be Perfect.
    Meaning hope and expectations in people and relationships are just Illusion to a path of study of psychology rather than holy Qur'an.
    Chasing worldly desires ultimately leads to hope in partners in this dunya rather than Allah(swt)
    and his Divine Design deep in Belief.
    Qur'an 10:7" Those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us but are pleased
    and satisfied with the life of the present and those who heed not Our signs"
    And the dunya will come to the person who has the hereafter as there primarily concerns even if it hates to.

  • @lenak5905
    @lenak5905 Год назад

    Exercise: The hungry verses the starving.
    I must admit at first I thought the so called 'dangerous thinking' went through my mind.
    For instance: You cant have your cake and eat it but rather than see this as negative thinking,
    after reflection of this exercise.
    I must admit also that it is 'a piece of cake.
    So, overall it remind me of one of your other metaphors:
    For Instance: the child with a slice of cake compared to the child with a whole cake with a slice missing,
    So, in-respect of this 'instant gratification' it is a very complex idioms.
    Which we believe our holy Scriptures (the Quran) leaves no room for doubt but rather more so
    our Affirmation's of our steady fast belief as a Muslim.

  • @lenak5905
    @lenak5905 Год назад

    The Gift of Spirituality:
    To Strength Our Bond to build our spiritual muscle
    Allah (swt) begins by showing us that He knows our struggles
    and we find comfort in knowing that someone sees our struggles.
    "It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his nafs (self) makes to him:
    for We are nearer to Him than (his) jugular vein " (Qur'an 50:16)
    The Only Shelter in the Storm, Loving the Giver is the heart and the self that are nearest for wellbeing and ease.
    (ref:Reclaim Your Heart: Personal insights on breaking free from life's shackles Yasmin Mogahed)

  • @lenak5905
    @lenak5905 Год назад

    Locking the Six Doors of Your Heart Sight
    Imam Al Muhasibi wrote in his Risala al Mustarshidin
    (Treatise for the Seekers of Guidance) that the wise men
    (i.e. himself) said: The heart's house with six doors
    Guarding the tongue: Whoever guarantees what is between his two lips and his two thighs,
    I guarantee Jannah for him. (Bukhari) Mua’dh ibn Jabal surprised at the accountability of our speech,
    once asked the Prophet (peace be on him),
    ‘Are we going to held to account for what we say?’
    The Prophet (peace be on him) replied:
    ‘Are people going to be flung headlong into the Hellfire save as the result of their tongues?’ (Tirmidhi, ibn Majah)
    We will be asked about excessive talk as we will be asked about excessive wealth.
    The Prophet (peace be on him) said:
    Do not indulge in excessive talk except when remembering Allah.
    Excessive talking without the Remembrance of Allah hardens the heart; and those,
    who are the farthest from Allah are those whose hearts are hard. (Tirmidhi)
    Don’t follow one sight with another one. You will be forgiven for the first, but not for the second. (Tirmidhi)
    Just like the tongue and sight,
    It is permissible to smell everything halal,
    Hands and Feet
    Our hands and feet should not be extended towards anything forbidden.
    The Prophet (peace be on him) said:
    A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands the Muslims are safe;
    and the believer (Mumin) is the one whom people can trust with their money and their souls.

  • @lenak5905
    @lenak5905 Год назад

    Beware of the Love trap:
    Building a Audience with a negative tense: such as 'Minecraft' Fine balance without competition
    for those who believe there is immense Love from Allah (swt)and His Messenger (pbuh)
    without any rivalry Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah 2:165
    Still there are some who take others as Allah’s equal-they love them as they should love Allah-
    but the ˹true˺ believers love Allah even more. If only the wrongdoers could see
    the ˹horrible˺ punishment ˹awaiting them˺,
    they would certainly realize that all power belongs to Allah
    and that Allah is indeed severe in punishment.