WHAAAT ?? not necessarily. you just need to have seen each page in the book for it to work. so just page through an entire book in 5 minutes and read it properly in your dreams
I didn't lucid sream for a few months, and today, I randomly did. And somehow, a LUCID DREAM video is recommended! Guys, Google even controls your dreams.
I am a lucid dreamer and I found that the hardest part of lucid dreaming is realizing that you are in a dream and not in reality. One time I tried to swim in water and I thought it was real when I noticed I could breath in it.
bro same but there was a shark in mine... it was chasing me then I realised I was in a dream cuz everything started going out of shape then I woke up literally trying to swim In my bed... I was legit spinning my arms and moving my legs up and down really fast... it was sick
If you're still having this problem try counting your fingers twice. Usually, after a few seconds, I see fingers grow and understand I'm (hopefully) dreaming. But if it doesn't happen counting fingers works because it will never be ten twice because of the inconsistencies he mentioned.
Best thing to do would probably be to ask the internet about coffe's cafeine duration so that when you go to bed the coffee is no longer active or affecting you.
GokuThe AMVGod same but since im a gamer i get third person perspective of everything that happens and my dreams go on in video games and im playing the video game in my dream. But the video game is my actual dream. I know its trippy and weird but thats what happens when you play games.
READ THIS & let me know what you think... it's because people literally have physical spirits where they can get out of their body with their spirit anytime they want awake or asleep & when they leave their body with their spirit they can see , talk , listen & do whatever they want . you cannot see anyone's spirit unless you have one
I had a lucid dream once...and let me tell you it's the best fuckin thing ever. I was at our school playground jumping and floating around and all my class mates are just staring in awe. and I'm just floating around like hah bitches!
I had a lucid dream once, and when i found out, i immediately went up to a girl and said that i was going to have sex with her. Another girl joined, and they were so much more skilled than me, they knocked me off the bed and continued. I was 10.
Don't do that if you want to lucid dream you need to have at least 1 hour away from your phone or tv before you sleep and also not eat anything 2 hours before you sleep. This will help you fall asleep fast and make it easier to enter rem sleep
Narrator: How do you know this video isn't a dream? Me: *Wakes Up* how the hell am I in the comment section of a video if never seen? *Scrolls up to see video* Wait what the fu-
Patrick Knowlton Remember what he said? Spin around immediately, as soon as you realize your dreaming. Move your mouse rapidly and derp around and that will fix it.
Once I had a lucid dream that there was a group of superheros, who wouldn't let me join. I got mad, flew in the air, and shot them all with lightning, then woke up. :)
"Most dreams are boring" Lmao okay lemme tell my dream • Launching giant floral foam at each other on floating platforms for some reason • We're suddenly on the ground and running for something • "why is everyone laughing" • Okay now we're on an escalator in the middle of the desert • Is standing on the top and looking at a fenced area • The girl from the Ring comes out, but is red • Everyone gets off of the not-moving escalator and goes back to whatever they were doing? • See the girl melted into a puddle and with a camera in hand • DASHI run run run past the girl and go between a rock wall that's a maze? and leaving behind my family in the process • Run into the maze and look left • Something about a frog and an arrow pointing at the ground • Think "aw hell the girl is gonna come out from under there and that's where she lives" • Run further into the maze • Parkour intensifies • I wake up
When I was 10 I had a lucid dream I can still remember, I was outside and there was a long but not very tall brick wall and I knew I was in a dream but got really scared I wouldn’t be able to wake up so I tried to kill my self to wake up by hitting my head on the brick wall..
Something similar happened to me today. In my dreams I'm usually a spy or an agent and while I was running through a forest I suddenly was aware that I was dreaming so in order to escape the people who were chasing me I snapped my fingers and woke up.
I remember when i was i child back in 2007 i dreamed about me trapped in a supermarket with long stretchy walls. Until my Dream became a game called Hello Neighbor
Thats nothing i had a dream were gravity was all f*cked up and every time i took a step the ground would shift suddenly to the side and i'd fall to whatever direction the ground turned to
Every time I have an unpleasant or scary dream it usually ends with me becoming lucid and almost immediately wake up after realizing I’m in a dream, however a few times I have managed to actually control it for a while. Also this started before I even knew what lucid dreams were, I think the first one I can remember was from when I was 6
I have anxiety and agoraphobia and depression I don't take medication due to not being in control and them being hazardous to my mental state.I find sleeping and lucid dreaming more enjoyable than real life.
i use to always lucid dream, and have a fun time doing it. but eventually they stopped coming, and when they would come, it would only last for a short time and i would start waking up, and didn't know what to do about it when i knew i was waking up. now i know to spin around. lucid dreams are fun, and now i understand that when you get to excited you wake up. it makes so much more sense now.
Lyxos101 Mate. If I was sociopathic enough to have a rotting corpses next to my bedroom without issue. I am pretty sure I would regard the human corpse as carcass since I would essentially regard the human corpse the same way as I would the remains of an another animal. Aka. This was a deliberate use of the word carcass in this context to imply a specific meaning about the "person" behind the comment. It isn't as fun when you have to explain your jokes though : /
Lunafish turn the sleep paralysis into lucid dream, that's how I do it. Lucid dream could start when you are awake but still in sleeping state = sleep paralysis. Lay a little bit or tries to get up (your body is very stiff). When you are up you should be lucid. After I found out sleep paralysis linked to lucid dream, I started to look forward to sleep paralysis since I'm not scare of it anymore
My little sister starts lucid dreaming at the age of 4. Sadly. She said that she lucid dreaming because of her clumsiness, by a simpler mean, she always falling down and hurt herself. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL STEP. She always-waitwhatarethewordaagainohyeah-EMBRACE the pain. Hold on, I'm as weirded as you are. So, everything that make PAIN in the dream, ofc won't let you feel PAIN. So she's just like, AAAAAAAH, wait why I'm not feeling pain. Oh yeah I'm in a dream. The sad thing is she doesn't like to lucid dream, while I'm crazed into it even though I can't... 😢😢😢
Executive _ yes sometimes if you hear it's possible or just having lucid dreams in your mind. you get a lucid dream. if you want to learn it. check out TeamLucidDream. it's an amazing channel.
MegaMGstudios no that's a dream within a dream. or a false awakening. that's kinda what inception is based on..together with layers, a common and accepted "theory" an hypothesis. widtly accepted coined by reece Jones.
I had a dream that i was playing a complicated claw machine game and i was trying to get a mix between mega mind and squidward (basically big head squidward) but other people wanted it so I popped a gun in my hands and shot everybody but I didn't finish my dream i woke up upset that i got no big head squidward
After thinking about lucid dream all day, and telling myself mantras of how I will realize how I’m in a dream tonight, some reality checks too… for 3 days until I was mentally burned out, I randomly had a crazy lucid dream on 5th day.
I only can have lucid dreams when I go to sleep with headphones on... i hear the music inside the dream ,i try to take my headphones off inside the dream but the music doesn't stop and then is when i realise that im dreaming.
I once created a beautiful forest in a lucid dream. I was so happy that I was Lucid that I decided to treat myself with a nice view, and it sure was. A funny thing was that I could feel my eyelids cover my eyes in the real world, but in my dream I saw right through them.
I used to lucid dream all the time. I used to eat nice food in my dreams, hurt people and then fly away to safety with my levitation powers and I always knew none of it was real and I could do anything I wanted. One time I was lucid dreaming and stabbed my sister and then tried to fly away only to realize I wasn't able to fly anymore. Nothing seemed as it should anymore and I heard my sister crying in the bathroom - I went to see what had happened to her and she was bleeding a lot. I had confused lucid dream with reality and have not tried to lucid dream ever since.
sepioify when I am in a lucid dream I just think about a giant planecrash in front of me, when it appears, I know im in a lucid. You should try something simillar too
Step 0: Go to the library. Step 1: Borrow a few books about software development. Step 2: Build some programs and improve your coding skills iteratively with help from people online. Step 3: Look for jobs and show your skills. Step 4: Work hard, learn more and profit. Step 5: Rent a home. It won't be easy, but the market is screaming for coders.
I had a Lucid Dream today (kinda...)!!! I realized it was a dream, and started spinning... Edit: I basically had a REM sleep for 1-2 minutes... #SADNESS
Once in a dream for some reason i was gonna jump over a giant snake. But then right before i jumped i realized i was dreaming and stopped at the very last second and walked around the snake and was able to run/walk normal and usually in my dreams im very very slow in my dreams when i woke up i was happy i lucid dreaming
I like and hate those because I like being lucid but when you go back to your first dream, you'll likely lose lucidity even though you are dreaming, unless you're super familiar with doing that which I think I've done.
I lucid dreamt 1 time before; 1 time only! I got so excited when I realized it, I woke up. FML. Oh btw spinning does help, in both prepping for lucid dreams and like he was saying, in the dream itself.
Y 7654321 Oh. That means you’re secretly a sentient pencil confused is the mind of a human. And when ever you sleep you catch a glimpse into your pencil like qualities, and become a tiny bit more pencil like in the real world.
Lucid dreaming is so fun especially if you can take full control over your dream since at that point your pretty much a god and can change anything about your dream just by thinking about it or if you can acknowledge the concept of time inside a dream without waking yourself up you can slow time perception down while in your dream causing the phenomenon where your dream seems to last hours on end on command
Sleep paralysis is when your body is asleep but you are conscious, this makes you unable to move and will make you start to hallucinate. The hallucinations are mostly but it is possible for them not to be scary
The Krees Call thats a sleep paralysis, i once had one where i lyed in my bed, having my head moved to the left side, i saw death at my desk it looked at me and was about to come closer, but i learned in previous paralysises to move my muscles and use my power to break away the paralysis and wake up (i realize those paralysises always and manage to wake up that way)
Fabian likes Gaming Yeah, it does sound like it at first, but in my dream I was being chased by zombies and I couldn't move, Then I woke up and could move.
I lucid dream a lot. I can control them so well that I can literally "exit" the dream whenever I want. Some of the things I could do was waking my self up, "feeling" around my real body when I was still dreaming, and I could even pick up sounds from real life in my dream ect people talking around me, television. They were all in full color but I could only do certain things by the way I was feeling the day before ect if I felt despair I couldn't move. When I was little, I was having the same nightmare every night. Until one time during my dream I realized I was asleep and it felt like I was lying down in my bed but I was still dreaming. I saw the creature in my dream that was scaring me and I straight up summoned a gun and shot him dead. I never had that nightmare anymore.
Artem Y you wake up usually false awakening. enter another dream. yeah inception is based on lucid dreaming only no shared dreams. if you want to learn to lucid dream. check out TeamLucidDream. it's an amazing channel.
EdiKoo yeah that's actually a common theory. but well let's just focus on this reality. we have dreams. we make sense. well most of us. you can experience new things (if you haven't done something and do it in a dream. it will be how you think it is. here things can differ from expectation. this is one continues thing. dreams aren't. I'm not talking about that you can't read or something. because I have read things. a day is a follow up from yesterday. dreams aren't. they are loose nits and pieces and stories. sometimes you have a lot of mini dreams during one REM cycle. actually really annoying since remembering those is harder
Dutchik Damn those are some good points. I sometimes get these feelings of nothingness when i start thinking that what am i, why am i, where am i etc. and i hate it! it seriously beings me down so much i lose all hope of my life and everything feels like nothing. i wonder if it is depression or something but i want it gone =/ ~17 yrs old from Finland
Lucid dreaming is the most criminally underrated skill in the world. I wish everyone knew about it. I think the world would be a slightly better place if everyone had the ability to lucid dream
I was watching a video about lucid dreaming so I checked what time it was and I was 1:42am after the video I checked again and it was 3:04am I GOT SO SCARED AND ASKED MYSELF "HAVE I BEEN LUCID DREAMING THIS WHOLE DAY!?!?!??,but it turned out it was daylight savings time
Matthew Well, I actually experience semi-lucid dreams a lot. I was halfway through the process of writing dream journals and all that stuff when I realized one thing. It is more fun if I don't have total control. It is more challenging if I let my subconscious mind forge the worlds I experience in my dreams rather than me willing them forth. See, in a semi-lucid state (at least for me) you have a lot of control over what *you* yourself are capable off while your power over the world you are dreaming is much less under your control. This creates a fun power dynamic where my mind creates characters, worlds and stories that I can then experience in whatever way I want without feeling restricted in that world. Helps that 95% of all my dream worlds follow their own consistent internal rules throughout the dreams (yes, multiple dreams in the same world, am currently at the 6th visit of one of those worlds). fully lucid is no fun. It lacks the unpredictability a well made dreamworld contains and makes things too... predictable for my tastes. :P
I once had a lucid dream (didn´t knew it back then) and I dreamed that i woke up and my father took me to school but I realized it was 7:45, 10 minutes too late. I took another look at the clock (digital) and I realized it was a dream because the time was 3:40 AM.
He got some things wrong, while studying lucid dreaming, the dreamers moved their eyes in specific ways. And people can lucid dream in other stages, but it is a lot harder
I have only done this twice, I want to do it every night so thanks for your help, my first lucid dream was my flying a huge remote control plane and it was so cool, my second lucid dream was me being a professional piano player, and again thanks for that!! :) 😊😁😀😃
the more episodes he makes, the more he loses his sanity
hehe I guess You haven't tried/managed to have a Lucid Dream?
Or do you mean his sporadic behavior ? :P
LOTRcake the latter
And I LOVE it!
Love it!
Smiler 777777 777th like
I'm going to do this so that I can study in my sleep. yeah Mr exam didn't see that coming!!!
MJ the Student Actuary That is genius. Pure genius.
Let me know how it works out.
TionDoesEverything haha will do!!
MJ the Student Actuary I absolutely love your idea, I have the feeling you may make the world a better place :)
MJ the Student Actuary You would have to memorise the whole book for it to be in the dream :/
WHAAAT ?? not necessarily. you just need to have seen each page in the book for it to work. so just page through an entire book in 5 minutes and read it properly in your dreams
I didn't lucid sream for a few months, and today, I randomly did.
And somehow, a LUCID DREAM video is recommended!
Guys, Google even controls your dreams.
Porn and meth making was recomended to me
Lucid scream? (Check your comments please)
With 60% accuracy
@@Dany-xr6pk you should
I am a lucid dreamer and I found that the hardest part of lucid dreaming is realizing that you are in a dream and not in reality.
One time I tried to swim in water and I thought it was real when I noticed I could breath in it.
bro same but there was a shark in mine... it was chasing me then I realised I was in a dream cuz everything started going out of shape then I woke up literally trying to swim In my bed... I was legit spinning my arms and moving my legs up and down really fast... it was sick
If you're still having this problem try counting your fingers twice. Usually, after a few seconds, I see fingers grow and understand I'm (hopefully) dreaming. But if it doesn't happen counting fingers works because it will never be ten twice because of the inconsistencies he mentioned.
*In order to lucid dream, avoid substances such as caffeine*
looks up from making coffee
Best thing to do would probably be to ask the internet about coffe's cafeine duration so that when you go to bed the coffee is no longer active or affecting you.
caffeine has a half-life of about 5 hours so it may stay for few days before its gone.
In order to lucid dreaming,avoid substances such as caffeine
Looks up from drinking soda
looks up from sleeping
*avoid caffeine and alcohol*
I listened to with a beer in hand
This is kinda too hard for me
When i dream its kinda like the dream controls itself and i´m just watching from a first person view
GokuThe AMVGod same but since im a gamer i get third person perspective of everything that happens and my dreams go on in video games and im playing the video game in my dream. But the video game is my actual dream. I know its trippy and weird but thats what happens when you play games.
READ THIS & let me know what you think... it's because people literally have physical spirits where they can get out of their body with their spirit anytime they want awake or asleep & when they leave their body with their spirit they can see , talk , listen & do whatever they want . you cannot see anyone's spirit unless you have one
i have a friend who does not have a spirit and cannot see other peoples spirit & cannot get out of his body with a spirit because he doesn't have one
GokuThe AMVGod me two lol
GokuThe AMVGod same
I had a lucid dream once...and let me tell you it's the best fuckin thing ever. I was at our school playground jumping and floating around and all my class mates are just staring in awe. and I'm just floating around like hah bitches!
I was dreaming of doing epic parkour in the night on rooftops escaping from evil fucks, it was awesome I died tho......
Lol i Lucid dream un a zombie apaclypes and I tried to wake up by killing my self in the dream but instead I just respawned XD
I had a lucid dream once, and when i found out, i immediately went up to a girl and said that i was going to have sex with her. Another girl joined, and they were so much more skilled than me, they knocked me off the bed and continued. I was 10.
Watching this before bed.
Don't do that if you want to lucid dream you need to have at least 1 hour away from your phone or tv before you sleep and also not eat anything 2 hours before you sleep. This will help you fall asleep fast and make it easier to enter rem sleep
199th like.
Big brain
me too
Narrator: How do you know this video isn't a dream?
Me: *Wakes Up* how the hell am I in the comment section of a video if never seen? *Scrolls up to see video* Wait what the fu-
Spaghetti Ninja inception *BWOOOOOOOOW*
Spaghetti Ninja
W- whaaaaaa?
boooooiiiii we are twins
Spaghetti Ninja same profile pic
How to survive a school shooting
Bella Stenstrom
Shoot back.
Parsa Etminan give this man a nobel peace prize. and maybe a 44 magnum
Don't need to survive a school shooting if you join the school shooter
Cool Potato heh
move to Canada
**Falls 0.00000001 centimeters in dream**
Dream: *Welp I guess I should go now*
Every time I realize I'm dreaming, I awake instantly. :(
Patrick Knowlton yesss
Sit down in your dream for a minute and get calm
You're not alone
Patrick Knowlton
Remember what he said? Spin around immediately, as soon as you realize your dreaming. Move your mouse rapidly and derp around and that will fix it.
How to get away with murder... for a friend.
mixed girl
Use the 'I'm an alcoholic but I'm going to rehab" defence. Works every time.
mixed girl get a drone put a bomb on da drone and BOOM!
Your lw cute mixed girl you got Ig or twitter ?
When I lucid dream tonight Imma turn into a werewolf and start hunting people
KND Clan that actually sounds lit. Imma try to do that tonight 😂
Your pfp and this comment are perfect for each other's
atart a LAN server I’ll join yah
did it work?
Ur a furry
Devaldy Jonathan Yaaas!!! Hunger Games!!
Devaldy Jonathan PURGE!!!!!!!
Hunger Games! And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!
For the hunger games one refer to film theory.
Devaldy Jonathan Yess the purge
How is this age restricted?
I know right
this show is why i subbed to this channel
Siddhant Maithani same
Me: *checks the time*
Clock: *10 o’clock*
Me: *looks away*
Clock: *10:01*
Me: “am I lucid dreaming?”
MysticAMV17 the clock was about to turn into 10:01.
That just happened to me but it was 4:00
I've had a lucid dream like 3 times and I remembered it today and was like man I really need to try this out, hope this works
Z-Army TeamLucidDream RUclips channel helps.
I have dreams where I think I’m lucid dreaming when I’m not
Purple Potatoe's same!!!
That’s sad
I think that’s reality
if you can sit there in ur dream and decide that its not a lucid dream then its a lucid dream
If ur doing whatever you want in the dream then it is a lucid dream.
I always know when I'm in a dream but I never can control it
fergalicious queen bean practise
Spicyspace Fruit you might not be In REM sleep then
epic how to: survive falling out of a plane
bad hair day wear a parachute
Alex The Magnificent what about if the plane gets blown up? or your parachute malfunctions? what if for whatever reason your left free falling?
he already did that
TheMilkMan where?
they already did something similar.. How to survive a plane crash :P
Rem sleep
Nookie super saiyan sleep
This guy reminds me of one of the episode of my hero acedemia
Rem is best sleep
Me sleeping is fckn enlightment sleep
Shinigami sleep
Once I had a lucid dream that there was a group of superheros, who wouldn't let me join. I got mad, flew in the air, and shot them all with lightning, then woke up. :)
Kiwi Cucumber cool!
i had a lucid dream where i couldnt move a thing
so you became Darth Sidous
sorry friends.
he's lying.
i've been an octopus watching this series since the 60's.
I can clearly see that you're a goomy from your profile pic not an octopus
Says the one with the image of a goomy.
I hate your people and your race. Octopi do not deserve to live among us!! Also fried octopus is tasty. That's right, I went there! >:)
Momo Wang humans r tasty too we taste like porkchops
How to survive school. School is a pain in the ass.
måns löfgren especially if your school is being shot up
måns löfgren free education make freinds to help you trough the day be nice to people
måns löfgren I don't know anyone that died because of school 🤔
måns löfgren the meme is dead like harambe
1. Pay attention
2. Don't jerk off.
Freddy Krueger attacking me in a dream
Lucid dreaming; mind video games for people that don't have time for real video games.
can go deeper than deep dream
The ultimate sandbox experience.
Its basically built in VR inside of your head. Its the coolest. :D
Seth Mitchell Sometumes I play witcher 3 in my dreams and kill everything with an Fuze charge from Rainbow six seage:D
Seth Mitchell yknow gaming will help you lucid dream? Thwy forgot to mention it
I miss that deep voice that used to say EPIC HOW TO in the beginning
Yusuf Serang Right! I end up having to do it myself 😂.
kumbirai muringi haha that's a good idea
Yusuf Serang look up honest trailers from screen junkies. it's worth it
Yusuf Serang his name is Jon Bailey. he does Honest Trailers and has his own channel
I was about to thrust it in, when I was dreaming. My alarm woke me up right when it was about to go in.
*Now I'm mad.*
HarambeIsMyRelative hey same here bro
I know how you feel
"Most dreams are boring"
Lmao okay lemme tell my dream
• Launching giant floral foam at each other on floating platforms for some reason
• We're suddenly on the ground and running for something
• "why is everyone laughing"
• Okay now we're on an escalator in the middle of the desert
• Is standing on the top and looking at a fenced area
• The girl from the Ring comes out, but is red
• Everyone gets off of the not-moving escalator and goes back to whatever they were doing?
• See the girl melted into a puddle and with a camera in hand
• DASHI run run run past the girl and go between a rock wall that's a maze? and leaving behind my family in the process
• Run into the maze and look left
• Something about a frog and an arrow pointing at the ground
• Think "aw hell the girl is gonna come out from under there and that's where she lives"
• Run further into the maze
• Parkour intensifies
• I wake up
I’m too lazy to read what you said but u got a like cuz of how much u wrote
Dashi run run run? Hmmm bts reference
But lucid dreaming is even better, you're controlling a dream. Subconscious vs your mind.
I suppose, you watched too much Maze Runner movie.
When I was 10 I had a lucid dream I can still remember, I was outside and there was a long but not very tall brick wall and I knew I was in a dream but got really scared I wouldn’t be able to wake up so I tried to kill my self to wake up by hitting my head on the brick wall..
Jaron Wilson how did you wake up
By dying
Something similar happened to me today. In my dreams I'm usually a spy or an agent and while I was running through a forest I suddenly was aware that I was dreaming so in order to escape the people who were chasing me I snapped my fingers and woke up.
Jaron Wilson did it work
And then u died in real life
How to survive being homeless!!
come to finland
Yeap, was it 12 people (yeap 12) who are actually living with out any kind of roof over their heads and they have made choice them selfs..
ItsCaspar 123 omfg u idiot there not gonna show u cos the only answer is get a job
ItsCaspar 123 gar a job!
The common viewer lol I heard that if you die in your dream you wake up, does that mean that a bee killed you?
In lucid dreaming? You control your dreams, how did a bee wake you up? Did you think about a bee and it woke you up?
I have a dream where I’m bad at everything
Oh it’s called life
Ha-ha-ha-ha-hashtag relatable! *Buddum tssssss*
C0sm1c_Legion YT yes
Epic how to:
Become an assassin.
MLG Cheeseburger a lucid dream.
if you want to learn to lucid dream. check out TeamLucidDream. it's an amazing channel.
MLG Cheeseburger HELL YES!!
I remember when i was i child back in 2007 i dreamed about me trapped in a supermarket with long stretchy walls. Until my
Dream became a game called
Hello Neighbor
Thats nothing i had a dream were gravity was all f*cked up and every time i took a step the ground would shift suddenly to the side and i'd fall to whatever direction the ground turned to
LOLSTER239 meh Swear i've had a dream like that once too....
Chad omg I love that game
How to survive being taken hostage by pirates
PickyTheRabbit i
check how to survie a kidnapping
thats not by pirates
yea but a kidnaping or hostage is still being taken hostage or kidnaped
not the same as being taken by pirates
This is age restricted... Let that sink in for a bit
ikr. but why..
hot steamy sex
Inception is a great movie but i need a part two.
This is my favorite series on youtube!
Captain Måns same here
for me it's men at arms reforged
funny thing is i just looked up a guide for Lucid Dreaming yesterday and now this is posted
Phire Lord Same... (weird coincident...)
Phire Lord I learned how to lucid dream by myself lol. Glad others are learning.
Phire Lord U are actually dreaming :v
Phire Lord this guy looks like alpha m
Check if you're dreaming. Right now. ;)
Every time I have an unpleasant or scary dream it usually ends with me becoming lucid and almost immediately wake up after realizing I’m in a dream, however a few times I have managed to actually control it for a while. Also this started before I even knew what lucid dreams were, I think the first one I can remember was from when I was 6
When I dream I see myself in 3rd person but still never realize I am in a dream
yes! XD someone else that dreams in 3rd person. I wanna try lucid dreaming, it'll be hard i think but i still wanna try
The Random Place Just realized that this is me lol
The Random Place next time that happens in a dream go to options and change to first person mode
You actually don't, but your mind reminds it like that.
3rd person? That's awesome! I've only done that in one dream that I could remember. I totally went Neo from the matrix and dodged bullets.
"How to be a Psychic" would be fun. Cold reading, hot reading, Séance techniques... all kinds of fun stuff.
so. . . how to be a fraud then?
Behemothokun yes. As a way to sneakily educate people about how frauds operate.
How to be like Reigen lol
look up his "how to read minds" video
Urban Kitsune ohh! To the Archives, Boy Wonder. I only discovered this series a few months ago, and I haven't seen them all.
I have anxiety and agoraphobia and depression I don't take medication due to not being in control and them being hazardous to my mental state.I find sleeping and lucid dreaming more enjoyable than real life.
RyG same here
RyG soooo true
RyG lucid dreaming is a part of real life...
What is agoraphobia?
+alexdiezg lmgtfy.com/?q=agoraphobia
i use to always lucid dream, and have a fun time doing it. but eventually they stopped coming, and when they would come, it would only last for a short time and i would start waking up, and didn't know what to do about it when i knew i was waking up. now i know to spin around. lucid dreams are fun, and now i understand that when you get to excited you wake up. it makes so much more sense now.
How to adult.
Shadow Blast // Mobile Gaming! Ok senpai
Shadow Blast // Mobile Gaming! you dont adult
Shadow Blast // Mobile Gaming! How to England
Finally that rotting carcass will be useful for something other than maggot framing! About bloody time! 8D
Elmithian Carcass refers to a dead animal. If you're talking about a dead human, you should be saying corpse
Lyxos101 Mate. If I was sociopathic enough to have a rotting corpses next to my bedroom without issue. I am pretty sure I would regard the human corpse as carcass since I would essentially regard the human corpse the same way as I would the remains of an another animal.
Aka. This was a deliberate use of the word carcass in this context to imply a specific meaning about the "person" behind the comment.
It isn't as fun when you have to explain your jokes though : /
Elmithian Ohh
Well in my defence, it's pretty hard to differentiate between smart and plain dumb people on youtube nowadays
Lyxos101 Fair enough
ohh, okey :Dd
Tried this about 6 months ago. It put me in sleep paralysis :/
Lunafish after years of lucid dreams I had 3 episodes of sleep paralysis and that's why I have it up.
Lunafish turn the sleep paralysis into lucid dream, that's how I do it. Lucid dream could start when you are awake but still in sleeping state = sleep paralysis. Lay a little bit or tries to get up (your body is very stiff). When you are up you should be lucid. After I found out sleep paralysis linked to lucid dream, I started to look forward to sleep paralysis since I'm not scare of it anymore
Yea well at first I was terrified but it was more of an unpleasing experience than it was scary
Lunafish lol. Sleep paralysis isnt that bad as you guys may think. The next step after the paralysis is the lucid dream.
Either seems good for me.
"Why is this age restricted?"
First 20 seconds.
"Oh. That would be why."
My little sister starts lucid dreaming at the age of 4. Sadly.
She said that she lucid dreaming because of her clumsiness, by a simpler mean, she always falling down and hurt herself. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL STEP.
She always-waitwhatarethewordaagainohyeah-EMBRACE the pain. Hold on, I'm as weirded as you are.
So, everything that make PAIN in the dream, ofc won't let you feel PAIN. So she's just like, AAAAAAAH, wait why I'm not feeling pain. Oh yeah I'm in a dream.
The sad thing is she doesn't like to lucid dream, while I'm crazed into it even though I can't... 😢😢😢
Not gonna lie,but I lucid dreamed that I was watching "how to lucid dream"
It might've been the power of suggestion, just hearing about lucid dreaming may cause you to lucid dream.
Executive _ yes sometimes if you hear it's possible or just having lucid dreams in your mind. you get a lucid dream.
if you want to learn it. check out TeamLucidDream. it's an amazing channel.
Executive _ inception
MegaMGstudios no that's a dream within a dream. or a false awakening. that's kinda what inception is based on..together with layers, a common and accepted "theory" an hypothesis. widtly accepted coined by reece Jones.
Dutchik man you know a lot about dreams ,
I had a dream that i was playing a complicated claw machine game and i was trying to get a mix between mega mind and squidward (basically big head squidward) but other people wanted it so I popped a gun in my hands and shot everybody but I didn't finish my dream i woke up upset that i got no big head squidward
Did you have control though?
*_THE CLAW..._*
After thinking about lucid dream all day, and telling myself mantras of how I will realize how I’m in a dream tonight, some reality checks too… for 3 days until I was mentally burned out, I randomly had a crazy lucid dream on 5th day.
Rem is waifu for laifu
I was looking for some discussion on waifu and it turned into JoJo memes, oh well, another comment *bites the dust*
I only can have lucid dreams when I go to sleep with headphones on... i hear the music inside the dream ,i try to take my headphones off inside the dream but the music doesn't stop and then is when i realise that im dreaming.
Thomas -W interesting technique :D your headphones must be pretty comfortable
Thomas -
what? lol
It's all fun and games until Rebecca Black's 'Friday' plays and you realize you are fucked.
+Thomas -W what do you listen to?
How to survive inside a collapsing skyscraper!
Tennesseeean Mapper/Gamer gold XD
Mattia Biggi it a grandpa boi
I once created a beautiful forest in a lucid dream. I was so happy that I was Lucid that I decided to treat myself with a nice view, and it sure was. A funny thing was that I could feel my eyelids cover my eyes in the real world, but in my dream I saw right through them.
I drank coffee yesterday... couple of hours later is lucid dreaming
S.I.M me to I had an l81, went to sleep couple of hours later and had a lucid dream
Is it still lucid dreaming if I know it's a dream but can't control anything?
Iroquois Pliskin yes
Iroquois Pliskin Or probably it is sleep paralysis.Check it up
rahulrahulrake he is saying he is dreaming how can it be sleep paralysis
The fact that you're aware that you're in a dream is what makes it a lucid dream, its the only requierment.
yes thats called a semi-lucid dream.
I used to lucid dream all the time. I used to eat nice food in my dreams, hurt people and then fly away to safety with my levitation powers and I always knew none of it was real and I could do anything I wanted. One time I was lucid dreaming and stabbed my sister and then tried to fly away only to realize I wasn't able to fly anymore. Nothing seemed as it should anymore and I heard my sister crying in the bathroom - I went to see what had happened to her and she was bleeding a lot. I had confused lucid dream with reality and have not tried to lucid dream ever since.
I used to lucid dream, but the more I do it the less I can distinguish between reality and dreams-which is a bad thing- .
sepioify when I am in a lucid dream I just think about a giant planecrash in front of me, when it appears, I know im in a lucid. You should try something simillar too
Tim Lepo Yeah, that didn't happen.
Tim Lepo :|
Given that the first step is distinguishing between dreams and reality, this seems rather unlikely.
I have these lucid dreams, where I cant move a thing..
ImSemtex that’s sleep paralysis
Wow...Really Semtx
*slow claps*
4400pate keon wooooosh
Sleep paralysis
@Some Ordinary Gamer From Outer Space i think it is you who is wooooshed
Epic How To: How to be John Wick.
ApolloGaming get plastic surgery
Yeah if I was getting 8 hours of sleep a night, I'd be solving problems better too, lulz.
Edward Ricktofen 😂😂😂
Step 0: Go to the library.
Step 1: Borrow a few books about software development.
Step 2: Build some programs and improve your coding skills iteratively with help from people online.
Step 3: Look for jobs and show your skills.
Step 4: Work hard, learn more and profit.
Step 5: Rent a home.
It won't be easy, but the market is screaming for coders.
+Greedy Imp FREE @ Google Play eh too hard to do
You can afford a phone, right?
I've done this for years and learned a lot about myself, even participate in my dreams.
Natalie Pullman 😂😂😂
Ever had sleep paralysis?
I had a Lucid Dream today (kinda...)!!!
I realized it was a dream, and started spinning...
Edit: I basically had a REM sleep for 1-2 minutes... #SADNESS
St0nerGuy420 same!!
lol I had it for five hours :P amazing tbh
Once in a dream for some reason i was gonna jump over a giant snake. But then right before i jumped i realized i was dreaming and stopped at the very last second and walked around the snake and was able to run/walk normal and usually in my dreams im very very slow in my dreams when i woke up i was happy i lucid dreaming
BloodHound SAME
Is it weird that I dream about having a lucid dream but, like, I'm awake in my dream
@@nootdreamnoot1684 😂
@@cattymouse4996 it still pisses me off to this day. Good news is I'll be 13 in a few days so I'll finally be able to watch the video.
@@nootdreamnoot1684 how come this isn't age restricted to me, huh?? (Pls don't read in an annoyed tone, more like I'm asking myself out loud 😂)
Uggh i had a dream that i was lucid dreaming, yes. A dream where i was sleeping and having a lucid dream. ffs
cardaroy lol
I thought I was the only one that had this kind of dream
I like and hate those because I like being lucid but when you go back to your first dream, you'll likely lose lucidity even though you are dreaming, unless you're super familiar with doing that which I think I've done.
Lol I had a dream like that once.
Same I had that as well
How to not give up or how to not feel pain
You have to be in a deep sleep to not feel pain or dont have a nerve system
I lucid dreamt 1 time before; 1 time only! I got so excited when I realized it, I woke up. FML. Oh btw spinning does help, in both prepping for lucid dreams and like he was saying, in the dream itself.
GenJotsu aw a layer one. yeah they are annoying. if you want to learn it. check out TeamLucidDream. it's a great channel that teached me to do it.
Dutchik Well hello there lucid dreamer.Giz edwards is a part of TLD and I learned to do it from him,so check him out too
The Cardist cardist. I know. I also started with giz. but let me just bring people to tld. then they can go to giz his channel that way.
"Your wife might think you're crazy, but you aint dreaming about her" *winks*
This is my new favorite series
How To Survive In A Desert.
eat sand
As longs as your not anakin
I hate sand. Its coarse and rough, and it gets everywhere.
2 times I new I was dreaming and I couldn't do a thing
Y 7654321 that’s called sleep paralysis
The Chicken Lord Draws no I ment I couldn't control every thing but I could still move
The Chicken Lord I know it’s late but that made me laugh so hard
Y 7654321 Oh. That means you’re secretly a sentient pencil confused is the mind of a human. And when ever you sleep you catch a glimpse into your pencil like qualities, and become a tiny bit more pencil like in the real world.
@@thechickenlord9825 wow thanks for helping me geting intuch with my roots
"only 20% lucid dream" noo.... "it's a skill that can be learned" Yes! i really wanna try!
Lucid dreaming is so fun especially if you can take full control over your dream since at that point your pretty much a god and can change anything about your dream just by thinking about it or if you can acknowledge the concept of time inside a dream without waking yourself up you can slow time perception down while in your dream causing the phenomenon where your dream seems to last hours on end on command
Now I lucid dream no problem after a few months......OREO LAND BITCHES!!
OREO Chloe seriously ?
OREO Chloe Orlando
OREO Chloe OREOS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought lucid dreaming was sleep paralysis and I've had it before, and also it was kinda scary
Sleep paralysis is when your body is asleep but you are conscious, this makes you unable to move and will make you start to hallucinate. The hallucinations are mostly but it is possible for them not to be scary
Guys, the truth is.. you have to be divergent. It’s the only way. Lol
R A I N I E’ S S A D Lool I read that book!
Higos I'm so sorry
R A I N I E’ S S A D thank you master yoda
R A I N I E’ S S A D lol
Sometimes I wake up from a really cool dream and I want to go back to it, so I just fall asleep again and continue the dream
it’s always easy for me to know that i’m dreaming cause when i lucid dream, i always appear in some place far far from my house
(Imagines bully in dream)
Me: *im bout to end this mans whole career*
How to save someone from a burning building
Parash Viper you dont lol
Parash Viper take them out of the burning building
You must think you cracked a hilarious joke
He did.
This video has been on my reccomended for YEARS
My pet octopus was watching it
I have 0% control over my dreams. It's scary, cause when want to lift my hand up, I can't, and it freaks me out!
The Krees Call thats a sleep paralysis, i once had one where i lyed in my bed, having my head moved to the left side, i saw death at my desk it looked at me and was about to come closer, but i learned in previous paralysises to move my muscles and use my power to break away the paralysis and wake up (i realize those paralysises always and manage to wake up that way)
Fabian likes Gaming Yeah, it does sound like it at first, but in my dream I was being chased by zombies and I couldn't move, Then I woke up and could move.
Its wierd what i see in my dream eventually happens in reality🙁
Same thing happens with me, but I think it might be deja vu.
hey there sam winchester.
Thought I was th only one , it's kinda creepy sometimes
It's actually called cognitive dreaming.
Yea its like you see something in reality but you think you already see it on a dream or somethin
I lucid dream a lot. I can control them so well that I can literally "exit" the dream whenever I want. Some of the things I could do was waking my self up, "feeling" around my real body when I was still dreaming, and I could even pick up sounds from real life in my dream ect people talking around me, television. They were all in full color but I could only do certain things by the way I was feeling the day before ect if I felt despair I couldn't move. When I was little, I was having the same nightmare every night. Until one time during my dream I realized I was asleep and it felt like I was lying down in my bed but I was still dreaming. I saw the creature in my dream that was scaring me and I straight up summoned a gun and shot him dead. I never had that nightmare anymore.
How to fart with diarrhea:)
silver storm underrated comment
silver storm you don't
Lol, just don't fart.... Or use the restroom 😂
Don’t hold back!!
silver storm YO TANGO
I’m a lucid dreamer, when I go to bed I sorta start my own story and somehow I can control it.
same here
What if you fall asleep in your lucid dream? 🤔🤔
you just enter another environment in the same dream
Artem Y you wake up usually false awakening. enter another dream. yeah inception is based on lucid dreaming only no shared dreams.
if you want to learn to lucid dream. check out TeamLucidDream. it's an amazing channel.
Artem Y and then dream that your dreaming inside your dream
EdiKoo yeah that's actually a common theory.
but well let's just focus on this reality. we have dreams. we make sense. well most of us. you can experience new things (if you haven't done something and do it in a dream. it will be how you think it is. here things can differ from expectation.
this is one continues thing. dreams aren't. I'm not talking about that you can't read or something. because I have read things.
a day is a follow up from yesterday.
dreams aren't. they are loose nits and pieces and stories. sometimes you have a lot of mini dreams during one REM cycle. actually really annoying since remembering those is harder
Dutchik Damn those are some good points. I sometimes get these feelings of nothingness when i start thinking that what am i, why am i, where am i etc. and i hate it! it seriously beings me down so much i lose all hope of my life and everything feels like nothing. i wonder if it is depression or something but i want it gone =/ ~17 yrs old from Finland
Lucid dreaming is the most criminally underrated skill in the world. I wish everyone knew about it. I think the world would be a slightly better place if everyone had the ability to lucid dream
I was watching a video about lucid dreaming so I checked what time it was and I was 1:42am after the video I checked again and it was 3:04am I GOT SO SCARED AND ASKED MYSELF "HAVE I BEEN LUCID DREAMING THIS WHOLE DAY!?!?!??,but it turned out it was daylight savings time
I actually had a lucid dream. I tried reading a note but the words were scrambled and everything was black.
exactly you can get precise information the same to me
Matthew Well, I actually experience semi-lucid dreams a lot. I was halfway through the process of writing dream journals and all that stuff when I realized one thing.
It is more fun if I don't have total control. It is more challenging if I let my subconscious mind forge the worlds I experience in my dreams rather than me willing them forth.
See, in a semi-lucid state (at least for me) you have a lot of control over what *you* yourself are capable off while your power over the world you are dreaming is much less under your control.
This creates a fun power dynamic where my mind creates characters, worlds and stories that I can then experience in whatever way I want without feeling restricted in that world. Helps that 95% of all my dream worlds follow their own consistent internal rules throughout the dreams (yes, multiple dreams in the same world, am currently at the 6th visit of one of those worlds).
fully lucid is no fun. It lacks the unpredictability a well made dreamworld contains and makes things too... predictable for my tastes. :P
I once had a lucid dream (didn´t knew it back then) and I dreamed that i woke up and my father took me to school but I realized it was 7:45, 10 minutes too late. I took another look at the clock (digital) and I realized it was a dream because the time was 3:40 AM.
i try to search something on youtube but ... :(
You can't read in your dreams.
He got some things wrong, while studying lucid dreaming, the dreamers moved their eyes in specific ways. And people can lucid dream in other stages, but it is a lot harder
I have only done this twice, I want to do it every night so thanks for your help, my first lucid dream was my flying a huge remote control plane and it was so cool, my second lucid dream was me being a professional piano player, and again thanks for that!! :) 😊😁😀😃
How to do Astral Projection next