I looked at the schematic on your GitHub page and could not find a coms board. It's implied that the telemetry on 434.9 MHz is generated using PWM output of the raspberry pi zero and filtered using the low pass filter. Is this correct? At what power level is it transmitting? 73, DE WA4OSH
He's created an overview and a whole series of RUclipss that detail every part of this project. You just need to binge-watch them, buy the parts and build it!
I looked at the schematic on your GitHub page and could not find a coms board. It's implied that the telemetry on 434.9 MHz is generated using PWM output of the raspberry pi zero and filtered using the low pass filter. Is this correct? At what power level is it transmitting? 73, DE WA4OSH
Hi Konrad, yes this is correct. It is less than 10mW of power.
Excellent sir kindly teach us setup by setup please
He's created an overview and a whole series of RUclipss that detail every part of this project. You just need to binge-watch them, buy the parts and build it!
If communication on the satellite is using Raspberry pi radio transmission, what will be the range of communication?
The CubeSatSim is designed for the classroom, not space. The range is a few hundred meters.
@@ku2y what would you do to increase the range?