I’ve got a very similar build but a few tweaks. I don’t run the nashkar on the front weapon slot, I run helleports in that slot because the DPS and healing are higher with 6 gun ports vs only 2 when using the nashkars there… My furniture is also slightly different because I’m leaning into both piercing and fire damage. I run shot carving station for faster reload with Nashkar’s and the added taunt bonus. 5% is less than 15% but it doesn’t require the long charge that megaphone requires. It’s always active. Overall, your build is well thought out and it’s definitely worth a try
Finish the storyline and then you can sell some of the goods you create to Rahma and Scurlock when you need extra silver. Kill a lot of stuff. If you want Rogues to spawn constantly, keep a few PO8 with you
Nice to see a Sambuk build that brings it back into some prominence
Quality of the video was awesome. I haven't had time to play. Those floating towers were a big surprise. Love how you put together your builds.
Thanks Dreadlock, i appreciate you sharing these builds. 🏴☠️
I’ve got a very similar build but a few tweaks. I don’t run the nashkar on the front weapon slot, I run helleports in that slot because the DPS and healing are higher with 6 gun ports vs only 2 when using the nashkars there… My furniture is also slightly different because I’m leaning into both piercing and fire damage. I run shot carving station for faster reload with Nashkar’s and the added taunt bonus. 5% is less than 15% but it doesn’t require the long charge that megaphone requires. It’s always active. Overall, your build is well thought out and it’s definitely worth a try
great content as always!
Did more story content come out yet for this season?
no, they didn't time gate the story this season. it was all available from the start. I finished it on day 2
Hello 👋 Where and how to farm a silver? I got a game 1 week ago and now I have a big problems with silver for factories 🏭…
Grind. Sink everything. Grind more.
Finish the storyline and then you can sell some of the goods you create to Rahma and Scurlock when you need extra silver. Kill a lot of stuff. If you want Rogues to spawn constantly, keep a few PO8 with you