You know, I really enjoy riding with you along the lanes and learning important tips....Thanks day one day....Iam going to visit the Netherlands and take a nice bike ride around your beautiful country......Thanks.
It was indeed, they fixed it and the area is re arranged. The road is a one way street now and traffic only comes from the direction youre looking at. So its a lot better now.,4.3207906,3a,60y,228.83h,66.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXCb8M8tRLcBxVgylfXkePg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=nl
You know, I really enjoy riding with you along the lanes and learning important tips....Thanks day one day....Iam going to visit the Netherlands and take a nice bike ride around your beautiful country......Thanks.
hi how are u im from ethiopia and really love ur videos THANKS
8.36 is really a risky left turn.
It was indeed, they fixed it and the area is re arranged. The road is a one way street now and traffic only comes from the direction youre looking at. So its a lot better now.,4.3207906,3a,60y,228.83h,66.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXCb8M8tRLcBxVgylfXkePg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=nl
Yeah, that's not exactly the best neighbourhood in The Hague.
...two birds fighting, cool:)
Oh those merging lanes I hate them. They are the norm here. And parked cars on the bike lane.
mute! mute! mute! Love your videos but hate the wind.
Lits of nice places in The Hague and you have chosen the worst. Why did you use a mike if you are not using it. Ithink your waisting your time.