This letter was brilliantly worded. Salute to the man who penned it. We DESPERATELY need more people to stand up against this absolutely hateful nonsense!
I actually told my undergrad off. I was set to make a sizable donation towards renovating one of the buildings (enough that my surname would be included in the building’s name) and then my small private Christian college made the news. One of their theology professors (black mind you) held a mandatory prayer session to ask God to show her how to hate whites. That is the most disgusting thing I have heard. Apart from going woke, a Christian school is now praying to God to show them how to hate? To Jesus who preached nothing but love and acceptance? When I saw that article I promptly called the president and very politely told him that I never want my name associated with this school ever again, especially to be stamped on one of their buildings. I am also encouraging other legacy alumni to cease their donations and scholarships to the school. If they have a problem with whites, then they certainly don’t need our money to keep them afloat.
JKa v1LLe 👈this moron is a CCP troll that's in every comment section on Fox's RUclips channel. Do yourselves a big favor and ignore this communist clown 🤡
@@ChrisWolf75 Dude why does everyone have to be a CCP troll because they are against Trump? He’s a Hollywood elite billionaire. Why do you support that? I thought you were supposed to be against those kinds of folks? NYC born a near decade long Democrat who golfed with Bill Clinton. Why does Trump get to have a CCP bank in Trump tower and his kids get to go to China to make deals, but everyone here who is against that hollywood elite billionaire is singled out as a CCP troll...kinda strange. Or is this normal?
Can any loyal fox viewer get to the bottom and have some balls to question the powerful network Fox why it is allowing its comments section to be turned off especially their most recent clips about the Derek Chauvin case? Are they trying to limit the stupid comments of their loyal viewers?
This ideology is harmful to Black People. It implicitly is racist, it believes you are inferior. I'm a white father with a black son and I would never allow him to think he is a victim, incapable of anything he puts his mind to.
Like ANY school, they're not going to let a parent dictate how their school is run. Ask any of your friends in the teaching profession. This school didn't respond because there's a waiting list to get in. It doesn't matter whether we like what they're doing, it's a private school. Amazing how elitist Tucker Carlson gets y'all sympathy for his rich entitled CEO buddies who don't give a rat's rear about the rest of us citizens.
I am sorry, but these schools are very impressive and the kids go on to do extremely well. There is nothing wrong (in fact it is what is needed) with opening kids' minds to other perspectives. Instead you want to continue to indoctrinate them with text books filled with half truths and out-and-out lies. I bet you want them to learn that George Washington's teeth were made of wood. That's the bs you want to continue to feed kids? I say h*ll no!!! Teach them the truth along with the skills to navigate it and impact the future in a positive way.
@@MsVision2020 Indocrinatining children with BLM propaganda is not "opening kids' minds". Teaching them that all white people are racists is wrong and divisive. I don't see how that school could be described as "very impressive".
@@MsVision2020 @biker jk That's exactly the impression BLM, Critical Race Theory and other such trains of thought are giving. As Guttman said, the current, "extraordinarily divisive idea is that there are only, and always, two groups in this country: victims and oppressors." As a white guy who grew up in the '60s, I agree that the achievements of people of color were under-represented in my education and that SHOULD change. Just as movies like, "Hidden Figures" showed, people of all races and genders made contributions that should be recognized and taught. However, that should NOT mean that now we ignore the accomplishments of white people. The scales may have been tilted in favor of white people in the past, but you don't fix that by going overboard in the other direction.
@@BonafideGail The problem now is, that reasonable people have been forced to keep quiet by the threat of losing their job or some other important facet of their life by the "moral left".
@@MrSenserus we have to view every aspect of society through the lens of race, but we must not let that affect our thoughts on race. For example, if more white people learned in school how much minorities contributed to this country hopefully their views would change. My other issue is that the father is wrong. Systemic racism didnt die 50 years ago. As a matter of facts in 1990s president Nixon's aide admitted the war on drugs was racially motivated.
@@TheFrenzy1978 Can any loyal fox viewer get to the bottom and have some balls to question the powerful network Fox why it is allowing its comments section to be turned off especially their most recent clips about the Derek Chauvin case? Are they trying to limit the stupid comments of their loyal viewers?
This letter was one of the most intelligent summaries of what is occurring today in not only schools, but society. A round of applause for this good parent.
@@quantumblurrr Do you realize that when you try to make fun of someone for being an 'intellectual', it makes you sound really stupid? Like, haha, smart people are dumb... what losers.
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That was one of the most intelligent letters I've ever heard. The thought of that letter not " registering " with leadership at that school says it all. I would expect every parent who cares about thier children to take thier child immediately out of that school...
Let's get personal, I'm a 26-year-old father of a 6 year old daughter and a four year old boy. I've called my school in Omaha Nebraska and confirmed they have no new training for equality or critical race. I have talked to them... Now if they sneak to send through the back door my kid will be out and they will be up against more than just me because I won't be quiet or silent. 4 years of them hating Trump and me not being able to speak my mind this is way too far and I will not let this happen. If you want to see an angry Conservative then let's f****** bring it you want to f*** with my beautiful little daughter. Bought a house in a Mexican neighborhood I'm surrounded by minorities and it's a blessing I mean it doesn't really matter they're just good people so the fact that there's an expectation out there by some disgusting trained Marxist that my daughter has to apologize to these other kids for being born by me and her mother.. how in the f*** can anyone allow that to pass no we will fight until I die that will never happen better dead than soulless
Not register? Did you watch the same clip as I did?? Sorry man, they knee-jerkily took offense to it, without thought. It's over with them. They will go down with this ship. And if we don't so something we will too. This is not about parents and children, it's about our country.
This is a parent that truly cares about the World his Child will grow up in. He took serious action to protect his child. All parents should take notes.
Earlier today, I came into a conversation about a similar topic. what it boiled down to is, these ideologies that fictitiously create a skewed understanding of hierarchical structures to our youth, without true intent of inclusiveness, forget wholeheartedly the world they should be striving to make for generations to come
@@Garnog404 With a father as sharp as this, they will figure it out. Im more concerned about the millions of public school kids who will be brainwashed by this racist woke BS
1% Evan Ł Just because you think the kids parents made it, doesn’t always mean the child will. And “making it” isn’t always only about being wealthy. This father is a great example for other parents.
Because the most ignorent , leading the country , got the most votes from the most ignorent voters in a country that has become the most ignorent in modern history.
Parents have to respond just like this dad. The parents are the prime educators of their children. Especially when children are young and thirsting for knowledge.
From a Harvard (gag) study, decades ago, it was determined that 80% of a child's adult intelligence is achieved by age 3 so yes, parents are the most important teachers, even if they don't realize it.
As a member of the Afro - American community I strongly support this letter . God bless this family for having the courage to say this and for it to be seen and heard. More people need to Wake up from the Woke !
@@carlitoab i totally agree. I have shared it on fb n surprisingly it hasn't been taken down yet. Oh it's basically the only social media i use to communicate with friends n family
@@LoveforAmerica wow that's cool - well done. I can just imagine FB will be updating their algorithms to target these things. I used FB a lot at one point but decided to suspend my account last summer and feel a lot better for it. I know if I really need to I can still use messenger or reactivate it but I do think Zuckerberg is one of the worst things on the planet (I refrain from saying "one of the worst humans" because I wouldn't be surprised if Zuckerberg is actually a lizard in a human body).
@@carlitoab well i have a lot of friends that can't stand Biden or this administration n post a lost worst stuff than i ever have n i never seen that slimebag do anything but once. He or whomever just deleted a friends post but never banned that person or anything
@@jesusrivera521 Oh, look, a woke fool has infiltrated and is doing what all woke fools do - attempt to shout down any and all opposing views. Is it any wonder parents and normal people are beginning to speak up. Relax, one and all, Rivera's and all his ilk's day in the sun is starting to set. This parent's letter is just the first salvo and if he did not fear its words he wouldn't be here trying to belittle it and all of us.
I actually see it as a weak parent hiding behind his daughter. I mean, after all, who is in the front line here? Him? Nope, his daughter is the one that's got to face the music and look into the eyes of her comrades and future teachers...
lol You're joking right? I'm not talking about your statement I mean to be honest I don't agree with it but that's another thing... you said so much better written than you could write in other words and then you spelled 'well' as 'we'll' lol you had to do that on purpose but it's better if you didn't hilarious I do it all the time, stupid phones lol
@1% Evan Ł You don't actually live in reality or you're not even good at trolling. If you're considering yourself "woke" and haven't accepted that you're a racist, then you're not good at being woke. It's the first tenet of woke-ism. Accept the white supremacy, and feel guilt over it if you're white and use your supremacy to elevate those inferior to you. If you're not white then you need to accept your victimhood and act accordingly to your place in the victim hierarchy
Mary Fasano, I agree with you, and I note that a few people are trying the tricks of the brown- and black-shirts of the 1930s by labelling and rejecting anyone with a different viewpoint to their own racist and insulting doctrine that all black people are "victims" of all white people (aka "white supremacists"). It's insulting to the majority of ordinary people, black and white, who live their lives together as peacefully as possible and do not share that victim/supremacist, black vs white, viewpoint.
@@yvonnewalesuk8035 White Supremacy is the enemy, not white people. White Supremacists also enslaved white people. Do not let the rulers fool you, you are not them! We must understand what is going on and never forget our history no matter how painful.
@@spaceysteam5206 Really if you do not realize the racist underlying tone in the letter you should maybe read it a second time and then have a look at your moral compass.
Thank you Tucker for sharing this beautiful letter! It's so shocking what's happening everywhere and this father sums it up very, very well.. And the reactions are so reckless and ignorant.. What world are we living in? I pulled my daughter out of school and started homeschooling her.. Not ideal for me, but I want to save her soul! ✌️❤️
That was an amazing and completely accurate letter. I am so thankful that there are still parents out there willing to stand up for the hearts and minds of their children.
Can someone tell me when racism left? Where's the proof? White America has always been racist. If you're claiming that that precedent all of a sudden changed, then the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that with empirical evidence.
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn racism has always been a concept and probably always will be. Although a misfortune, everyone can help to lessen it. Racism has been quickly receding through new generation’s born and is at an all time low since the relative turn of the 21st century. “White America has always been racist”. And with that, you have become the very thing you want to be rid of. Collectivizing and demonizing a whole race of people based on the skin color and an outdated, post-modern/pseudo-progressivist lens of the world. The VAST majority of white people in America are not racist and “systemic racism” ceased back when legality was not used to discriminate against minorities. You people (the ones with ideological differences obviously) are just fabricating victimizing social issues and the elite/politicians indulge this for power and relevancy.
@@xonrob9575 Not if it's true. Most whites have been racist through the years I don't see how that's a controversial statement. In any case, where is the evidence of what you're saying? You all keep asserting that racism is no longer a substantial thing, but you cite zero evidence for your claims. SHOW ME THE DATA.
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn show the data? My whole point was to prove the nonexistence of something. Lack of data is the data (I know that seems like a cop out but I don’t know what else to say). Stop being a hypocrite and YOU show me the data where most whites have been racist “throughout the years”. That’s such a nonsensical thing to claim that I suspect you just coin a difference in ideological opinion as racist so you don’t have to combat opposing claims.
My son is 4 years old. Last month we enrolled him in a local private school. When touring the school I flat out asked the woman if the curriculum is woke! She said no :)
I grew up in a poor neighborhood with a lot of different races. As a kid, most of us didn't particularly care about skin color. We noticed it but it didn't really mean anything. Two of my friends were both names Mike and they referred to themselves as Black Mike and White Mike. We thought it was kinda funny but didn't really mean anything other than knowing which Mike we were talking about. My point is that most kids don't really care about things like race and ethnicity until they are taught to by their parents, school or the media. Sometimes one of us would mention something from our culture (the Indian girl bringing a unique lunch to school for example) but it was never divisive, we just found those things interesting, cool or funny. I still have a lot of friends of various races and backgrounds. The more time you spend with different people, the more you realize that they're all just people. All of my friends, whether black, white, Asian or whatever are just trying to pay their bills and keep their families safe. I don't want to turn this into a rant so I'll just end with this. The world will be better off once we can move past all of this unnecessary tribalism and racial animus. If you made it this far, thanks for listening to my ramblings. I hope you're having a blessed day.
I grew up in middle-to-upper-middle class area of Portland, Or in the 80s and early 90s, and had friends of many races - race wasn't any different in my schools than what you noted - basically a non-issue that just helped you identify folks if needed. Actually, the first time I really noticed race was when I noted the LACK of it - I moved to Albany, Or in the mid-90s, and there was literally ONE Black student, a handful of Hispanics, and EVERYONE ELSE was white. I was utterly stunned, and I would say it took me at least a couple of months to adjust to NOT seeing people of color all the time!
It’s all about the money my friend. There are major groups , organizations , and people that depend on racism. Without racism, they’re lost, they have nothing else to preach about. A lot of them are wanting to be MLK again, the older generation that were in their 20’s during the movement of the 1960’s want to keep reliving these nostalgic moments. This was an exciting time in our history, the adventure technology and music being made was new and being created by all people, war protestors were very active and then segregation began in the early 70’s between the races, kids then are now in their 50’s like myself, never knew the periods before I brought home and I went home with several of my closest friends of different races. Now I’m being labeled something I never knew existed in my life. I know there are people in this world that pre-judge others based on race but they also judge you on other things. Then there’s the mainstream media that make serious money on headlines, and my conclusion is, if you want to see racism stop, or dramatically decline, turn off the tv.
@@shelbytaylorweaver1537 amen to that and “random”! You’re spot on, but its not just money, it’s power. Politicians get people to hate the opposing side, etc. and... no matter your political persuasion, lets face it, people elected Joe Biden not because he is smart or likable or has great policy ideas, he was elected because Trump was hated by so many. Ppl voted against Trump, not FOR Biden or Harris. All of us good hearted people, most who don’t base our opinions on race, are being played by those who gain from it - financially or for power - basically both. I don’t know how, but WE THE PEOPLE need to take back our country from the tiny minority of hate mongers and sh- stirrers.
I'm speechless. This letter gives me hope. Amazingly well written, I hope everyone makes an effort to get this letter out to everyone who needs to hear it. The guy who wrote it did his part now let's do ours
Wow! The man who wrote that can truly see through the BS. So well written. So easy to understand how this mind set is destroying every fabric of our society. Bless this man for caring so much about the future of every child.
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self-improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.
@burnt andburnie Why the hell would Fox News lie about that? I’ve emailed my sons board on this equity BS of indoctrination of hate. It’s real and poisonous.
I’m watching from Canada and see the crazy identity politics happening down south. The moment my son comes home to tell me about “identity politics” is the moment this momma bear finally attends a teacher/parent meeting! I raise my son to be respectful to all, to be kind, to use his manners, and to treat others how he’d wanted to be treated. Call me naive 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ Something we’ve been teaching him since he could understand. I’m Métis (First Nations & European). I have had many racist comments towards me but I will never be a “Victim”. I earn my right to be where I am. I will never ask society to dumb down to me because of my skin colour Thank god for this parent!! He is on the right side of history
Don't wait for the school to call you for a teacher/parent one yourself and be Pro-active. Head'em off at the pass. An ounce of prevention.
I live here too. I have young kids in school. I think it may be worse for us, it’s been here longer and is more sophisticated in how it’s introduced. I’m hyper vigilant and make sure they learn how to think critically for themselves at home, cause they’re not teaching that at school anymore. I have First Nations and black cousins and they all think it’s some crazy joke when they hear about this stuff.
A parent standing up for his daughter and her education, and the future his daughter is going to be living in, I applaud him, a breath of fresh air in a world where parents don’t/ won’t take responsibility for their children
Standing ovation for this man. When you send your children to an expensive, private school, you have the right to assume that they will be taught properly. God bless him.
It just goes to show, you don't always get what you pay for. Remember that. Important life lessons, you don't always get what you pay for, hard work and determination doesn't necessarily pay off, and a fool and his money aren't always soon parted.
@@blakeweston7593 Not at all. “Properly” is what used to happen, where politics were left on the doorstep, students were respected and factual subject matter was presented in a straightforward, factual manner. Tests were given based on required reading and classroom instruction with no “adjustments” and a child was graded based upon his/her performance. Math, science, history...these have no emotions. No gender or race. Simply sets of factual information to be learned.
This father has the courage to write EXACTLY what needs to be said EVERY WHERE in the USA. He’s to be admired for his bravery and eloquent writing skill! 🇺🇸
Brave? His children are being vilified for being white but he claims this curriculum is harmful to black students and if black MLK was alive he would be offended. He is terrified to even call it what it is. Antiwhite. Instead he accuses the school of being "racist", an antiwhite slur used to justify abuse of white people. The same thing will happen when his kids move to a new school because white people refuse to say that this curriculum is an attack on OUR people. It is not an attack on MLK or the black community. It is pathetically weak to claim it is. And so using this argument will guarantee you continue to lose like you have been losing for the last 50 years to these radical ideologues.
How many latino-americans, asian-americans can you name that you learned about in school? Now compare that to the amount of white americans you can name and tell me how we haven't already been viewing every aspect of history through the lens of skin and race.
@@jesusrivera521 Latinos, Asians did not found the gov't of America. It was white men. Latinos, Asians did not tame and settle the frontier. It was white men. Latinos, Asians did not fight the Revolutionary War. Or the Civil War. You obviously are an example of what a modern education produces. Illiteracy of ones own history and founding. Sad indeed, and I am not even an American and I know this.
@@jesusrivera521 Oh, look, a woke fool has infiltrated and is doing what all woke fools do - attempt to shout down any and all opposing views. Is it any wonder parents and normal people are beginning to speak up. Relax, one and all, Rivera's and all his ilk's day in the sun is starting to set. This parent's letter is just the first salvo and if he did not fear its words he wouldn't be here trying to belittle it and all of us.
Takes balls to do this in today's cancel culture. Considering how easily this could backfire on him, this man is a firebrand and an inspiration to all.
Schools always dismiss anything they disagree with yet preach on courtesy. They're an absolute nightmare and have been getting progressively worse. Bravo to this gentleman and his absolute eloquence. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@Jraff Brenkle And ta-da! Just like that parents can invoke a conservative school which also solves everything, obviously including the wider context of this story that Western societies are infected with mindless and oppressive authoritarianism. Isn't that so, clever clogs?
I came from a half woke school. It'll always be a half woke school until the woke ones die off or fully consume it. The GOOD half clearly hated the other half, and so did all the students. But now, you have FULL woke schools, so the kids don't even know better. Brainwashed and dumber than ever..
As an educator, I welcome this parent's opinion and message! Thank you! If this so called top quality school is going the direction of critical race theory, cut them loose!
I'm no teacher but I feel like I could do a better job than half these schools. Thank you for having common sense I would trust my child in your class.
I don't know if I'm right but I feel like the majority doesn't agree with all this non sense but the minority is so loud that you might think they're the majority
i moved my child from a blue ribbon private school to a private school. i am an immigrant middle class person and just want good education not poison. but i have found you cannot escape it
What’s crazy is these “teachers” feel they have the power to do this. The bosses are the parents. They pay their salary. At what point, in those teachers lives, did they think they are the messiahs and given the right to do this to other people’s children. That is messed up.
@@shellbell123reid4 Can any loyal fox viewer get to the bottom and have some balls to question the powerful network Fox why it is allowing its comments section to be turned off especially their most recent clips about the Derek Chauvin case? Are they trying to limit the stupid comments of their loyal viewers?
Oh, come on. This school's a Girl's only affirmative action $50.000 a year haven for the rich. And it's 20% funded to the tune of 6 million a year by the taxpayer...Mind you. I suppose if you did have more like him, the rich-poor gap would widen even greater as it has been since the Ragan administration...
@@davideldred.campingwilder6481 There's the victim! You knew that there would be a socialist object to the common sense stated so well in the letter. Back off the soy products, ma'am.
@@davideldred.campingwilder6481 hey dimwit don't be hating on people who actually work hard all their lives wanting the best for their children. From you're comment you obviously don't have a life. You want to run around crying wanting the government to pay you're way through life. Go buy you another soy latte and keep playing that victimhood game. Stop pushing the blm lie of systematic racism. Stop pushing the indoctrination of our kid's in these school's. They are causing the division along with media and people who are idiots like you. People like you are the ones spreading hate. Leave our kid's alone.
@@michaelmyers4556 Got me completely wrong there, mate. Firstly, I'm a teacher that looks after children that have been farmed into kindergarten and primary so's their 'loving' mum can go shopping. Secondly, I've been working 35 years. Oh, and my last cycle 3000 miles was my holiday break and then I found another job which im doing in Lithunania. Oh, and I could go on...
This letter is a masterpiece. How many parents think the same, more should act on their fears. Schools are a marketplace, if enough people leave they'll have to give parents what they want.
@@Redmanticore red man you forget that people who pursue higher education end up leaning left, that’s why many republicans push the idea that schools are bad and indoctrinating the youth. They push for defunding these schools as well as other public schools that couldn’t afford to be defunded. Essentially “keep everyone dumb so they vote for us” these peons in the comment section are part of the uneducated and have been fooled to think that “YOUR KIDS AINT EVEN SAFE WHEN YOU SEND EM TO SCHOOL BROTHER” it’s just Fox News being Fox News and Fox News supporters being Fox News supporters
@@PostMalone-real There is certainly a case to be made about schools and colleges pushing liberal ideas, though. I don't care what Republicans try to do to them, but something must change with the ideologically possessed teachers.
Wow that is masterful truth and writing.✊🏾 Is that parent teaching English literature and writing? I'd enrol for sure. After this letter I see my vocabulary is hilariously underdeveloped.
Can any loyal fox viewer get to the bottom and have some balls to question the powerful network Fox why it is allowing its comments section to be turned off especially their most recent clips about the Derek Chauvin case? Are they trying to limit the stupid comments of their loyal viewers?
@@shrim1481 "racist" and "uneducated". Typical. You have no real argument to FACTS so you resort to petty, childish, weak and petulant accusations and insults. You and those who "think" like you are pathetic.
Everyone should copy the link an post it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and your emails. Do it over and over until you are sick of positing, then start over again and again. Do not let this voice go silent.
@Teejvil Teejvil ??? This is not trolling. It is clear statement of what is happening in our elite schools and probably many liberal state schools. It should be posted everywhere over and over.
@@geoffreygreen3521 What is radical about the truth? Ooh. We're talking about Facebook and Twitter where independent thought or facts are not allowed unless they support the left and hatred for America.
It's so frustrating to see private schools pump out garbage like this. Many of them are doing it. Private schools are supposed to be free from the control of the government indoctrination.
"Get rid of your woke ways or we'll take our kids out, ALL our kids. And the money." then see how quickly they drop their woke ways. Always comes down to money.
Not this time around, once woke takes over it drives businesses into the ground as they double down. Look at DC and Marvel comics for a perfect example.
Have read the letter in its entirety and it is a masterpiece. Thankful for men like this father who have the integrity and the fortitude to not only stand up for what is right but to act on it.
at least this parent is aware as to what is being taught in his childs classroom - cant say that for many parents these days this is how we got here. how many parents do you know that have gone into the school and asked to see what they are using to teach, how they are teaching it and who is financially benefitting from the curriculum? i know zero.
Very articulate and precisely explained letter. The author has made a monumental statement totally exposing the nasty damaging agenda that schools seem to be adopting.
Wow, the person who wrote that deserves the utmost respect. He said the exact words that I’ve been trying to say, but don’t know how to say. How can anyone in the right state of mind argue against any of that??
Because its clearly and egregiously ignorant to the fact that our country was built on systems of oppression that are systemic to this day. The parent who wrote that letter wasn't smart enough to understand it, so he just decided it couldn't be possible.
@@kaiaking430 Also, even if it were present to this day, why ruin the children by filling them with all that nonsense of race and equality and crap? They're children, they're not meant to worry or think about any of that. When they're older, they deserve to make up their own mind. It's their personal experiences that will help them draw conclusions. Ruin their mental health by constantly having them feel sorry and sad and worrisome and you end up with grown ups who do nothing but complain and protest and loot. Zero proper education and skills. Zero perspective to help them see ways out of their situation. As you put it, they won't be "smart enough to understand it" They won't even know they're prisoners by design. Indoctrinated to not even have a choice in the matter. Instead of acquiring skills, learning and all that good stuff that pushes us higher, all they'll know and do is loot and protest and cry. That's all they've ever been taught.
By reading the whole letter, noticing things he said in it that are false, misleading, or exaggerated, asking to review a sample lesson on race from that school first, and wanting to see what their curriculum is, and whether they follow it, or throw in stuff they don't tell parents about That's how. "Audi alteram partem."
@@doktork3406 All we had in public school was propaganda, especially anti-Russian propaganda. We had nuclear bomb drills teaching us to hide under our desks. (So much for physics.) We had no real history at all, and little opportunity to read the real classics. (At least we had one or two Shakespeare plays. That was nice. But no one taught us to memorize, and no one told us Shakespeare started out as an actor.) Today, Russia baiting is how CNN and MSNBC make a nice chunk of change. You just want your fairy tales to be dominant. Well, . . .
@Mr Boogie Buhguul you meant to type: Go to church and reconcile yourself with God, for tomorrow may be too late. Speaking of typing coherent sentences, turd brain, is your tent spacious in sanctuary city?
The guy used clear language sure, but the thoughts of the letter weren't that deep. It was the exact same rebuttals that Fox News hosts and Far-Right commentators are always spewing. The administrators certainly had heard these ignorant rebuttals before, and knew a lost cause when they saw one. Some people just refuse to open their eyes to systemic racism
It's WONDERFUL to point this out and, of course, you could insert basically ANY school's name there. But, we never seem to get past the point of simply talking about something. At least this parent combined his letter with ACTION! To him, I raise my salute, good sir!!
We need to remember what Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
This letter was brilliantly worded. Salute to the man who penned it. We DESPERATELY need more people to stand up against this absolutely hateful nonsense!
No Christian is filled with hate..
I actually told my undergrad off. I was set to make a sizable donation towards renovating one of the buildings (enough that my surname would be included in the building’s name) and then my small private Christian college made the news. One of their theology professors (black mind you) held a mandatory prayer session to ask God to show her how to hate whites.
That is the most disgusting thing I have heard. Apart from going woke, a Christian school is now praying to God to show them how to hate? To Jesus who preached nothing but love and acceptance?
When I saw that article I promptly called the president and very politely told him that I never want my name associated with this school ever again, especially to be stamped on one of their buildings. I am also encouraging other legacy alumni to cease their donations and scholarships to the school. If they have a problem with whites, then they certainly don’t need our money to keep them afloat.
JKa v1LLe 👈this moron is a CCP troll that's in every comment section on Fox's RUclips channel. Do yourselves a big favor and ignore this communist clown 🤡
@@ChrisWolf75 Dude why does everyone have to be a CCP troll because they are against Trump? He’s a Hollywood elite billionaire. Why do you support that? I thought you were supposed to be against those kinds of folks? NYC born a near decade long Democrat who golfed with Bill Clinton. Why does Trump get to have a CCP bank in Trump tower and his kids get to go to China to make deals, but everyone here who is against that hollywood elite billionaire is singled out as a CCP troll...kinda strange. Or is this normal?
Can any loyal fox viewer get to the bottom and have some balls to question the powerful network Fox why it is allowing its comments section to be turned off especially their most recent clips about the Derek Chauvin case? Are they trying to limit the stupid comments of their loyal viewers?
I'm a 21 year old black guy, and not only is that letter true, it is incredibly well written. 10/10.
You aren't black, you are American.
God bless you and yours.
This ideology is harmful to Black People. It implicitly is racist, it believes you are inferior. I'm a white father with a black son and I would never allow him to think he is a victim, incapable of anything he puts his mind to.
@@michaeldroze1524 Successfully colonized like they should be, eh?!
I'm. 21 year old vampire named Batarina, but don't effing call me that.
@@sleepychels0 Black people can move back to the 3rd world if they wish to, would you rather go walk 6 miles for a bottle of water? No, you wouldn't.
That parent absolutely shredded that school into pieces! That's one of the the most truthful letters I've ever heard.
We should be sending our kids to this Parent for home schooling.
And he still sends his daughter there. What does that tell you?
@@sdowdsd That he'd like to see reform instead of giving in.
@@sdowdsd, hey Snowflake. Are you dense? He said at the beginning that he will not re-enroll his child.
@@sdowdsd Can you not understand English? He clearly states that his daughter will not be continuing at the school.
Sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword. What a well written letter, hats off to those parents.
we learned that the pen is mightier than the sword from: The Joker, John Wick, and Eminem
It is not... they did not even read it.
@@lorenzovonmatterhorn7402, I bet they watched this segment of Tucker's show. More importantly, millions of other people did.
The pot laws were created specifically to go after Hispanic people and take their voting rights
Redlining is still going on despite the laws and very few resources are being used to fight it while over policing in poor neighborhoods is the norm
*"The School Did Not Respond." Clearly stated, the response to the father's letter was beyond their intellectual capacity.*
They haven't ignored it, they are waiting for it to be translated into little words they can understand. 🤔
Exactly. He wrote a powerful and thought provoking letter without hate. Yet requiring response due to conversational topics at the least.
Like ANY school, they're not going to let a parent dictate how their school is run. Ask any of your friends in the teaching profession. This school didn't respond because there's a waiting list to get in. It doesn't matter whether we like what they're doing, it's a private school. Amazing how elitist Tucker Carlson gets y'all sympathy for his rich entitled CEO buddies who don't give a rat's rear about the rest of us citizens.
This is just insane. The letter is spot on 100 percent correct.
USA No 1 in lack of maturity
I am sorry, but these schools are very impressive and the kids go on to do extremely well. There is nothing wrong (in fact it is what is needed) with opening kids' minds to other perspectives. Instead you want to continue to indoctrinate them with text books filled with half truths and out-and-out lies. I bet you want them to learn that George Washington's teeth were made of wood. That's the bs you want to continue to feed kids? I say h*ll no!!! Teach them the truth along with the skills to navigate it and impact the future in a positive way.
@@MsVision2020 Indocrinatining children with BLM propaganda is not "opening kids' minds". Teaching them that all white people are racists is wrong and divisive. I don't see how that school could be described as "very impressive".
@@bikerjk1205 What is BLM propaganda, a perspective from a black person? Who said anything about teaching kids all white people are bad???
@@MsVision2020 @biker jk That's exactly the impression BLM, Critical Race Theory and other such trains of thought are giving. As Guttman said, the current, "extraordinarily divisive idea is that there are only, and always, two groups in this country: victims and oppressors." As a white guy who grew up in the '60s, I agree that the achievements of people of color were under-represented in my education and that SHOULD change. Just as movies like, "Hidden Figures" showed, people of all races and genders made contributions that should be recognized and taught. However, that should NOT mean that now we ignore the accomplishments of white people. The scales may have been tilted in favor of white people in the past, but you don't fix that by going overboard in the other direction.
Daughter is lucky to have this dad 🇺🇸❤️
Yes! He's brilliantly articulate and he's keeping a good eye on his daughter
You’re dumb
@@KR-sz2oc china bot
Yeah. 😊
jk ville, MLK is rolling in his grave, outraged at CRT. It goes against everything he taught.
This man wrote what most reasonable people think; in an incredibly concise and structured way. Round of applause.
@@BonafideGail The problem now is, that reasonable people have been forced to keep quiet by the threat of losing their job or some other important facet of their life by the "moral left".
It's well written... but because it sounds nice doesnt make it true
@@Bigchannel34 it’s absolutely true I’m afraid
@@MrSenserus we have to view every aspect of society through the lens of race, but we must not let that affect our thoughts on race. For example, if more white people learned in school how much minorities contributed to this country hopefully their views would change.
My other issue is that the father is wrong. Systemic racism didnt die 50 years ago. As a matter of facts in 1990s president Nixon's aide admitted the war on drugs was racially motivated.
👏 Hi five to this parent. Stand up!
Haha nope you idiot
Uneducated trumptard
@@KR-sz2oc you’re an idiot if you disagree with the parent
@@KR-sz2oc take your trump vaccine and get back to sleep
@@KR-sz2oc lol, this has nothing to do with Trump, speak to the issue at hand, stop searching for old scapegoats
If there was a parent of the year award, this father should get it!! Great job!
Parent that will teach hate
Example, please. You’re obviously missed entire point, simpleton.
@@zebracollins7012 Get over yourself, your comment don't even make sense.
@Nathalie B How is teaching kids not to be racist considered racism?? I use common sense unlike you
@John Barney If you ask me to explain it, I’ll explain it so that your little brain understands it
Bravo!!!!! This letter is a breath of fresh air. Therefore the Wokes will call it racist. :)
Any truth at the moment and the so-called Wokes will call it racist!
Can any loyal fox viewer get to the bottom and have some balls to question the powerful network Fox why it is allowing its comments section to be turned off especially their most recent clips about the Derek Chauvin case? Are they trying to limit the stupid comments of their loyal viewers?
The woke is what you could now call The Zombie Apocalypse. They all seem brain dead.
@JKa v1LLe Ban all woke hippie america hating activists like this sullied self loathing unliberal progressive.
@Allen Scott paid for troll
This letter was one of the most intelligent summaries of what is occurring today in not only schools, but society. A round of applause for this good parent.
You pseudo-intellectuals are beyond tedious lol
@@quantumblurrr Do you realize that when you try to make fun of someone for being an 'intellectual', it makes you sound really stupid? Like, haha, smart people are dumb... what losers.
@@quantumblurrr And you sound like an idiot... oh, you are.
@@endjentneeringclub Start with Barry. I'm a tit-for-tat kind of guy.
Sierra! Long time! Remember the only force is love! You're not about this stuff! Anyhow, can't wait to see you in church!
Freaking. Brilliant. Letter. Way to go dad!
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Leurs états de santé
respectifs les empêchent
de s'approcher trop
près l'un de l'autre.
他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1618909289
That was one of the most intelligent letters I've ever heard. The thought of that letter not " registering " with leadership at that school says it all.
I would expect every parent who cares about thier children to take thier child immediately out of that school...
Let's get personal, I'm a 26-year-old father of a 6 year old daughter and a four year old boy. I've called my school in Omaha Nebraska and confirmed they have no new training for equality or critical race. I have talked to them... Now if they sneak to send through the back door my kid will be out and they will be up against more than just me because I won't be quiet or silent. 4 years of them hating Trump and me not being able to speak my mind this is way too far and I will not let this happen. If you want to see an angry Conservative then let's f****** bring it you want to f*** with my beautiful little daughter.
Bought a house in a Mexican neighborhood I'm surrounded by minorities and it's a blessing I mean it doesn't really matter they're just good people so the fact that there's an expectation out there by some disgusting trained Marxist that my daughter has to apologize to these other kids for being born by me and her mother.. how in the f*** can anyone allow that to pass no we will fight until I die that will never happen better dead than soulless
The left are brain-washed drones. Exactly like a cult. They would happily drink the Kool Aid if it was handed to them...
The thought of that letter not “registering” with every American 🇺🇸 should be scary 😟...
Not register? Did you watch the same clip as I did?? Sorry man, they knee-jerkily took offense to it, without thought. It's over with them. They will go down with this ship. And if we don't so something we will too. This is not about parents and children, it's about our country.
Don said that the fact that it didn't register "says it all."
He knows it didn't register and that's the problem.
My heart goes out to Mr. Gutmann. Thanking you, from Portugal.
How are we gonna get rid of racism?
Morgan Freeman: "stop talking about it"
@Big Boss Man well if you managed it I'm sure the majority will work it out 🙄
@Big Boss Man teaching for 28 years?bruh
Sure, it worked during the Civil War.
Wish more BLM racists would take that advice instead of instigating their sick misguided hatred.😈
Ironically Morgan Freeman joined the cult of idiots who talk about racism...
This is a parent that truly cares about the World his Child will grow up in.
He took serious action to protect his child.
All parents should take notes.
Earlier today, I came into a conversation about a similar topic. what it boiled down to is, these ideologies that fictitiously create a skewed understanding of hierarchical structures to our youth, without true intent of inclusiveness, forget wholeheartedly the world they should be striving to make for generations to come
But but bu... it’s OffEnSivE 😰😭😭🥺
They care about their children and want them to grow up like them. Bigotry
@@zebracollins7012 Race card is a tool of the intellectually weak and lazy when they cannot counter a logical argument or factual data.
@@zebracollins7012 of course the uneducated would follow the dems bull blindly.
Look around make an assessment for yourself .
That was indeed a brilliantly written letter. That fathers child is going to make it places!
Everyone should share this.
Hopefully his children make it into a different school.
With a father as sharp as this, they will figure it out.
Im more concerned about the millions of public school kids who will be brainwashed by this racist woke BS
1% Evan Ł
Just because you think the kids parents made it, doesn’t always mean the child will. And “making it” isn’t always only about being wealthy.
This father is a great example for other parents.
Never thought this kinda letter would need to be wrote in this Country.Why are we being led by the most ignorant among us?
thats what you get
Because the most ignorent , leading the country , got the most votes from the most ignorent voters in a country that has become the most ignorent in modern history.
I've said for years now that its who you know and not what you know to get a job. This is the problem.
Ignorance requires no effort. It’s the lazy person’s way to coast through life. Ignore real problems and manufacture non existent ones.
The most ignorant, godless and spineless among you.
Parents have to respond just like this dad. The parents are the prime educators of their children. Especially when children are young and thirsting for knowledge.
From a Harvard (gag) study, decades ago, it was determined that 80% of a child's adult intelligence is achieved by age 3 so yes, parents are the most important teachers, even if they don't realize it.
Why? It did no good. These Marists only understand one language, and one word - "BOOM!"
As a member of the Afro - American community I strongly support this letter . God bless this family for having the courage to say this and for it to be seen and heard. More people need to Wake up from the Woke !
dude what? your picture is of a white guy lmao
@@clear5136 Maybe because the situation has everything to do with Racial influences on society.
@@iGigaCow Redbone You Idiot !
@@clear5136 Who cares.
So which Evangelical far right church are you attending?
This parent was spot on. That was brilliant and that should go viral if it hasn't already
Indeed. We need to do our bit to help that happen.
@@carlitoab i totally agree. I have shared it on fb n surprisingly it hasn't been taken down yet. Oh it's basically the only social media i use to communicate with friends n family
@@LoveforAmerica wow that's cool - well done. I can just imagine FB will be updating their algorithms to target these things. I used FB a lot at one point but decided to suspend my account last summer and feel a lot better for it. I know if I really need to I can still use messenger or reactivate it but I do think Zuckerberg is one of the worst things on the planet (I refrain from saying "one of the worst humans" because I wouldn't be surprised if Zuckerberg is actually a lizard in a human body).
@@carlitoab well i have a lot of friends that can't stand Biden or this administration n post a lost worst stuff than i ever have n i never seen that slimebag do anything but once. He or whomever just deleted a friends post but never banned that person or anything
That letter was 🔥! Well done!
Haha nope lmao
Uneducated freaking idiot
@@KR-sz2oc china bot
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說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618892474
I don’t know who said it...”When everything is racist, nothing is racist”. No truer words ever spoken.
Voldemort said it when he was flirting with hagrids mother
"When everyone's super, no one is"
All of us who grew up in the 90's said that and we still don't know who coined it.
Literally when there is only chaos all we know is chaos. Were in hell now boys 👍
Sam harris
This father is a very smart man. He is also a great loving father. God bless u sir.
What proof do you have of that?
@@jesusrivera521 Oh, look, a woke fool has infiltrated and is doing what all woke fools do - attempt to shout down any and all opposing views. Is it any wonder parents and normal people are beginning to speak up. Relax, one and all, Rivera's and all his ilk's day in the sun is starting to set. This parent's letter is just the first salvo and if he did not fear its words he wouldn't be here trying to belittle it and all of us.
I actually see it as a weak parent hiding behind his daughter. I mean, after all, who is in the front line here? Him? Nope, his daughter is the one that's got to face the music and look into the eyes of her comrades and future teachers...
That dad wrote so much better than I could. Very classy and we'll put. Good job.
Agreed. Completely dismantled the race narrative
lol You're joking right?
I'm not talking about your statement I mean to be honest I don't agree with it but that's another thing...
you said so much better written than you could write in other words
and then you spelled 'well' as 'we'll'
you had to do that on purpose but it's better if you didn't
I do it all the time, stupid phones lol
It’s a great letter, worthy of being showcased at a national level. I’m thunderstruck by the level of gutsiness which generated it.
It shows left wing racism is becoming entrenched the education system
@1% Evan Ł Wrong
@1% Evan Ł You're an idiot aren't you.
@1% Evan Ł You are so childish and uninformed.
@1% Evan Ł You don't actually live in reality or you're not even good at trolling.
If you're considering yourself "woke" and haven't accepted that you're a racist, then you're not good at being woke. It's the first tenet of woke-ism. Accept the white supremacy, and feel guilt over it if you're white and use your supremacy to elevate those inferior to you. If you're not white then you need to accept your victimhood and act accordingly to your place in the victim hierarchy
High 5 to that parent, and his perfect dialogue on what this school and many many more are doing.
Great Racist letter which is applauded by white supremacists.
Mary Fasano, I agree with you, and I note that a few people are trying the tricks of the brown- and black-shirts of the 1930s by labelling and rejecting anyone with a different viewpoint to their own racist and insulting doctrine that all black people are "victims" of all white people (aka "white supremacists"). It's insulting to the majority of ordinary people, black and white, who live their lives together as peacefully as possible and do not share that victim/supremacist, black vs white, viewpoint.
@@guyhoffmann5779 what was racist about it
@@yvonnewalesuk8035 White Supremacy is the enemy, not white people. White Supremacists also enslaved white people. Do not let the rulers fool you, you are not them! We must understand what is going on and never forget our history no matter how painful.
@@spaceysteam5206 Really if you do not realize the racist underlying tone in the letter you should maybe read it a second time and then have a look at your moral compass.
I admire parents that stand up for their children. Our children, their children, all children are precious and we have to stand up for our rights!!!
You’re dumb
Freaking idiot
@Gamer Boy china bot
@Lucas Tacos china bot
@@KR-sz2oc china bot
So glad this made it onto a network, it needs to be brought into the light what’s going on with the educational systems.
Lucas Tacos I’m overjoyed you’re making yourself look like a fool
Lol schools never taught noting good for a few years now. Just this trash and safe space.
@Lucas Tacos you are a comment bot allowed by biasedTube or politicalTube somehow because it's suits what they wanted to hear, 😁
You’re a freaking idiot
Uneducated trumptard
The fact people dislike this says it all. Society is going down in a ball of flames
Thank you Tucker for sharing this beautiful letter! It's so shocking what's happening everywhere and this father sums it up very, very well.. And the reactions are so reckless and ignorant.. What world are we living in? I pulled my daughter out of school and started homeschooling her.. Not ideal for me, but I want to save her soul! ✌️❤️
That was an amazing and completely accurate letter. I am so thankful that there are still parents out there willing to stand up for the hearts and minds of their children.
Nice. Kudos to the parent for writing this letter and, many thanks to Tucker for reading it out loud.
That letter was utterly and completely ON POINT.
Can someone tell me when racism left? Where's the proof? White America has always been racist. If you're claiming that that precedent all of a sudden changed, then the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that with empirical evidence.
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn racism has always been a concept and probably always will be. Although a misfortune, everyone can help to lessen it. Racism has been quickly receding through new generation’s born and is at an all time low since the relative turn of the 21st century. “White America has always been racist”. And with that, you have become the very thing you want to be rid of. Collectivizing and demonizing a whole race of people based on the skin color and an outdated, post-modern/pseudo-progressivist lens of the world. The VAST majority of white people in America are not racist and “systemic racism” ceased back when legality was not used to discriminate against minorities. You people (the ones with ideological differences obviously) are just fabricating victimizing social issues and the elite/politicians indulge this for power and relevancy.
@@xonrob9575 Not if it's true. Most whites have been racist through the years I don't see how that's a controversial statement. In any case, where is the evidence of what you're saying? You all keep asserting that racism is no longer a substantial thing, but you cite zero evidence for your claims. SHOW ME THE DATA.
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn show the data? My whole point was to prove the nonexistence of something. Lack of data is the data (I know that seems like a cop out but I don’t know what else to say). Stop being a hypocrite and YOU show me the data where most whites have been racist “throughout the years”. That’s such a nonsensical thing to claim that I suspect you just coin a difference in ideological opinion as racist so you don’t have to combat opposing claims.
My son is 4 years old. Last month we enrolled him in a local private school. When touring the school I flat out asked the woman if the curriculum is woke! She said no :)
Good for you .
If it's happening in a school that costs $50,000 a year it's definitely happening in a school that is public and free!!!
Nothing happens in public schools. Theyre all dumb and poor.
The problem is that public school is not free, it is paid by citizens' taxes.
Leftists have taken education over and we must fight back.
Secret Obama plan was to radicalized the prestigious schools first so they can produce radicalized elite and the rest will follow.
Yes, they have become indoctrination camps.
@Shalin Chang Who controls the unions?
Sounds like the best teacher this youngster could have is her father.. what an intelligent, loving and amazing man
Home schooling.
I was about to say...The way that letter was composed, that man should educate them himself. That was just brilliant.
Yeah, but who's going to work and provide for a family
Agreed 👍
If you can drop 60k / yr for a private school, you can drop 60k for a private teacher that isn't "woke".
I grew up in a poor neighborhood with a lot of different races. As a kid, most of us didn't particularly care about skin color. We noticed it but it didn't really mean anything. Two of my friends were both names Mike and they referred to themselves as Black Mike and White Mike. We thought it was kinda funny but didn't really mean anything other than knowing which Mike we were talking about.
My point is that most kids don't really care about things like race and ethnicity until they are taught to by their parents, school or the media. Sometimes one of us would mention something from our culture (the Indian girl bringing a unique lunch to school for example) but it was never divisive, we just found those things interesting, cool or funny.
I still have a lot of friends of various races and backgrounds. The more time you spend with different people, the more you realize that they're all just people. All of my friends, whether black, white, Asian or whatever are just trying to pay their bills and keep their families safe.
I don't want to turn this into a rant so I'll just end with this. The world will be better off once we can move past all of this unnecessary tribalism and racial animus.
If you made it this far, thanks for listening to my ramblings. I hope you're having a blessed day.
I grew up in middle-to-upper-middle class area of Portland, Or in the 80s and early 90s, and had friends of many races - race wasn't any different in my schools than what you noted - basically a non-issue that just helped you identify folks if needed. Actually, the first time I really noticed race was when I noted the LACK of it - I moved to Albany, Or in the mid-90s, and there was literally ONE Black student, a handful of Hispanics, and EVERYONE ELSE was white. I was utterly stunned, and I would say it took me at least a couple of months to adjust to NOT seeing people of color all the time!
It’s all about the money my friend. There are major groups , organizations , and people that depend on racism. Without racism, they’re lost, they have nothing else to preach about. A lot of them are wanting to be MLK again, the older generation that were in their 20’s during the movement of the 1960’s want to keep reliving these nostalgic moments. This was an exciting time in our history, the adventure technology and music being made was new and being created by all people, war protestors were very active and then segregation began in the early 70’s between the races, kids then are now in their 50’s like myself, never knew the periods before I brought home and I went home with several of my closest friends of different races. Now I’m being labeled something I never knew existed in my life. I know there are people in this world that pre-judge others based on race but they also judge you on other things. Then there’s the mainstream media that make serious money on headlines, and my conclusion is, if you want to see racism stop, or dramatically decline, turn off the tv.
@@shelbytaylorweaver1537 amen to that and “random”! You’re spot on, but its not just money, it’s power. Politicians get people to hate the opposing side, etc.
and... no matter your political persuasion, lets face it, people elected Joe Biden not because he is smart or likable or has great policy ideas, he was elected because Trump was hated by so many. Ppl voted against Trump, not FOR Biden or Harris. All of us good hearted people, most who don’t base our opinions on race, are being played by those who gain from it - financially or for power - basically both.
I don’t know how, but WE THE PEOPLE need to take back our country from the tiny minority of hate mongers and sh- stirrers.
Well said Random. Similar to my experience in the 70’s as well
A parents duty is to protect their child and this is proof of that 🙏
I'm speechless. This letter gives me hope. Amazingly well written, I hope everyone makes an effort to get this letter out to everyone who needs to hear it. The guy who wrote it did his part now let's do ours
Yep it takes a village to raise the child.
I just hope it wakes some of those parents up. And more people choose to take their children out of that school..
Wow! The man who wrote that can truly see through the BS. So well written. So easy to understand how this mind set is destroying every fabric of our society.
Bless this man for caring so much about the future of every child.
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self-improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.
@burnt andburnie you're fake yourself
@burnt andburnie I didn't bother that much, therefore so weak. You are not even a human for me, so it's useless...
@burnt andburnie
Why the hell would Fox News lie about that? I’ve emailed my sons board on this equity BS of indoctrination of hate. It’s real and poisonous.
He's a real man
This was amazing Tucker. Thanks so much for sharing
Love this parent!! It's so good to know people are waking up and standing up for truth and reality!
I’m watching from Canada and see the crazy identity politics happening down south. The moment my son comes home to tell me about “identity politics” is the moment this momma bear finally attends a teacher/parent meeting! I raise my son to be respectful to all, to be kind, to use his manners, and to treat others how he’d wanted to be treated. Call me naive 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ Something we’ve been teaching him since he could understand. I’m Métis (First Nations & European). I have had many racist comments towards me but I will never be a “Victim”. I earn my right to be where I am. I will never ask society to dumb down to me because of my skin colour
Thank god for this parent!! He is on the right side of history
Don't wait for the school to call you for a teacher/parent one yourself and be Pro-active.
Head'em off at the pass. An ounce of prevention.
Its already there in Canada. Trudeau is happily implementing it in many places. But keep doing what you are doing you will win in the end.
I live here too. I have young kids in school. I think it may be worse for us, it’s been here longer and is more sophisticated in how it’s introduced. I’m hyper vigilant and make sure they learn how to think critically for themselves at home, cause they’re not teaching that at school anymore. I have First Nations and black cousins and they all think it’s some crazy joke when they hear about this stuff.
As an ex Canadian I left Canada because it was worse
Your country fines people for their free speech. Don't b to upity.
A parent standing up for his daughter and her education, and the future his daughter is going to be living in, I applaud him, a breath of fresh air in a world where parents don’t/ won’t take responsibility for their children
He's brainwashed daughter has probably already disowned him.
Her beliefs will be different than his old traditional ways of thinking.
@@jesusrivera521 the daughter is like only 11 theres plenty of time to change that.
And then the headmistress treats his opinion as if it was
@@jesusrivera521 His way of thinking will never be old, that's why it is called common sense and decency.
SAVAGE AF!!! The truth burns when written so incisively. I will be sharing this.
This is what we need more of. Don't just turn the other way and walk away without comment; push back. Push back hard.
I wish people would do this with the masks too. Take them off for good and stand their ground.
@@bls5160 I am one who does; never wore one in the past year at all.
Standing ovation for this man. When you send your children to an expensive, private school, you have the right to assume that they will be taught properly. God bless him.
All parents and students deserve nothing less
It just goes to show, you don't always get what you pay for. Remember that. Important life lessons, you don't always get what you pay for, hard work and determination doesn't necessarily pay off, and a fool and his money aren't always soon parted.
My view: properly
Anything else: no
Agreed 👍
Not at all. “Properly” is what used to happen, where politics were left on the doorstep, students were respected and factual subject matter was presented in a straightforward, factual manner. Tests were given based on required reading and classroom instruction with no “adjustments” and a child was graded based upon his/her performance. Math, science, history...these have no emotions. No gender or race. Simply sets of factual information to be learned.
This father has the courage to write EXACTLY what needs to be said EVERY WHERE in the USA. He’s to be admired for his bravery and eloquent writing skill! 🇺🇸
Brave? His children are being vilified for being white but he claims this curriculum is harmful to black students and if black MLK was alive he would be offended.
He is terrified to even call it what it is. Antiwhite. Instead he accuses the school of being "racist", an antiwhite slur used to justify abuse of white people.
The same thing will happen when his kids move to a new school because white people refuse to say that this curriculum is an attack on OUR people. It is not an attack on MLK or the black community. It is pathetically weak to claim it is. And so using this argument will guarantee you continue to lose like you have been losing for the last 50 years to these radical ideologues.
I assume this is sarcastic, but this being Murica, I fear it is not...
@@JubilationMedia it’s better that he say this than nothin at all!!!
White people are openly discriminated against and victimized...but MLK! Nonwhites are the real victims of antiwhitism!... SMH
@Bjork many ppl say it, just doesn’t make the headlines cuz the media has an agenda
That Dad hit the nail on the head! He said exactly what most normal and rational people already think.
How many latino-americans, asian-americans can you name that you learned about in school? Now compare that to the amount of white americans you can name and tell me how we haven't already been viewing every aspect of history through the lens of skin and race.
@@jesusrivera521 Latinos, Asians did not found the gov't of America. It was white men. Latinos, Asians did not tame and settle the frontier. It was white men. Latinos, Asians did not fight the Revolutionary War. Or the Civil War. You obviously are an example of what a modern education produces. Illiteracy of ones own history and founding. Sad indeed, and I am not even an American and I know this.
The same thing is happening here in the U.K. As parents we must find the anger and courage to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough.
Wow...I am really not alone. Thank God.
You absolutely are not alone.
HERE HERE!!!! We had better start getting more parents like this or we are in trouble.
Look around you!!!! Ur already in trouble!!!
We are in trouble.
Andrew Guttman sounds like an absolute legend!
It's good to see people stand up for the right things.
I totally agree with you mate...
“Our nation will not survive a future generation of leaders even more poorly educated than those leaders of today”
Donald Trump’s time as President is serious proof of this.
Donald Trump’s time as President is serious proof of this.
We aint going nowhere with these banana Republicans. They all quit on us even Donald Trump.
Thanking God for a parent who stands up! We ALL need to get our heads on straight and STAND UP. Now. We are on the brink.
It's too late for that. Now we all just need to smother our brainwashed children as they sleep.
Your god is old, so your ways of thinking are old.
More so than you know. You can't hide the truth.. If you cover it. It's like a open sore that will never heal.
@@jesusrivera521 Your ilk always think you're winning, patience, fool, patience.
@@jesusrivera521 Oh, look, a woke fool has infiltrated and is doing what all woke fools do - attempt to shout down any and all opposing views. Is it any wonder parents and normal people are beginning to speak up. Relax, one and all, Rivera's and all his ilk's day in the sun is starting to set. This parent's letter is just the first salvo and if he did not fear its words he wouldn't be here trying to belittle it and all of us.
Takes balls to do this in today's cancel culture. Considering how easily this could backfire on him, this man is a firebrand and an inspiration to all.
Indeed Aldo !
The community cancels cancel culture. We got our voice!
Nah, takes simple dignity and common sense. If you wouldn't do it then that says sth about you...
Matt Gaetz would be proud!
@Sky Jacker What in the hell are you ranting about... how about focusing more on the unhinged world of yours??
Thank you tucker for reading it and encouraging Others to read this letter. 👍
That is the best Letter I’ve heard in a LONG TIME! Thank you Andrew Gutman
Schools always dismiss anything they disagree with yet preach on courtesy. They're an absolute nightmare and have been getting progressively worse. Bravo to this gentleman and his absolute eloquence. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@Jraff Brenkle And ta-da! Just like that parents can invoke a conservative school which also solves everything, obviously including the wider context of this story that Western societies are infected with mindless and oppressive authoritarianism. Isn't that so, clever clogs?
Lowering the standards for teachers has been happening for a long time in urban areas and the result is children who can't read or do math.
So you say. But what's hidden in the dark will come to light. That you can stand on forever.
I came from a half woke school. It'll always be a half woke school until the woke ones die off or fully consume it. The GOOD half clearly hated the other half, and so did all the students. But now, you have FULL woke schools, so the kids don't even know better. Brainwashed and dumber than ever..
Yes! We need more parents like this! Keep it going!!!
As an educator, I welcome this parent's opinion and message! Thank you! If this so called top quality school is going the direction of critical race theory, cut them loose!
I'm no teacher but I feel like I could do a better job than half these schools. Thank you for having common sense I would trust my child in your class.
I don't know if I'm right but I feel like the majority doesn't agree with all this non sense but the minority is so loud that you might think they're the majority
It's good to see teachers like you who still have an open mind.
What’s wrong with teaching critical race theory?
@@brandenmoore1428 you need help
Yay parents finally standing up to Truth!!! God bless you!!!💜
Men: stand up for your families!!!
well said!!!!
yup, allowing the Left to walk all over the Family for 50 years has been a losing strategy
Wow that letter says it all outstanding!!
i moved my child from a blue ribbon private school to a private school. i am an immigrant middle class person and just want good education not poison. but i have found you cannot escape it
Most teachers are teacher because they are compliant. Schools are susceptible to bad PR.
What’s crazy is these “teachers” feel they have the power to do this. The bosses are the parents. They pay their salary. At what point, in those teachers lives, did they think they are the messiahs and given the right to do this to other people’s children. That is messed up.
Sorry to hear that. Homeschooling is the only way to escape it I am afraid.
Keep trying, if failing, your trying effort and self taught info will rub into your children. Keep up the good work
Can any loyal fox viewer get to the bottom and have some balls to question the powerful network Fox why it is allowing its comments section to be turned off especially their most recent clips about the Derek Chauvin case? Are they trying to limit the stupid comments of their loyal viewers?
That is one awesome parent. I wish we had more parents like him. More parents need to rise up through out this country.
Oh, come on. This school's a Girl's only affirmative action $50.000 a year haven for the rich. And it's 20% funded to the tune of 6 million a year by the taxpayer...Mind you. I suppose if you did have more like him, the rich-poor gap would widen even greater as it has been since the Ragan administration...
@@davideldred.campingwilder6481 There's the victim! You knew that there would be a socialist object to the common sense stated so well in the letter. Back off the soy products, ma'am.
@@davideldred.campingwilder6481 hey dimwit don't be hating on people who actually work hard all their lives wanting the best for their children. From you're comment you obviously don't have a life. You want to run around crying wanting the government to pay you're way through life. Go buy you another soy latte and keep playing that victimhood game. Stop pushing the blm lie of systematic racism. Stop pushing the indoctrination of our kid's in these school's. They are causing the division along with media and people who are idiots like you. People like you are the ones spreading hate. Leave our kid's alone.
@@michaelmyers4556 Got me completely wrong there, mate. Firstly, I'm a teacher that looks after children that have been farmed into kindergarten and primary so's their 'loving' mum can go shopping. Secondly, I've been working 35 years. Oh, and my last cycle 3000 miles was my holiday break and then I found another job which im doing in Lithunania. Oh, and I could go on...
This letter is a masterpiece. How many parents think the same, more should act on their fears. Schools are a marketplace, if enough people leave they'll have to give parents what they want.
It's worse than that, it's in the PUBLIC schools as well.
Orthodox Christian run schools are particularly resistant to this insanity.
and what type of school never teaches about racism or feminism?
@@Redmanticore red man you forget that people who pursue higher education end up leaning left, that’s why many republicans push the idea that schools are bad and indoctrinating the youth. They push for defunding these schools as well as other public schools that couldn’t afford to be defunded. Essentially “keep everyone dumb so they vote for us” these peons in the comment section are part of the uneducated and have been fooled to think that “YOUR KIDS AINT EVEN SAFE WHEN YOU SEND EM TO SCHOOL BROTHER” it’s just Fox News being Fox News and Fox News supporters being Fox News supporters
@@PostMalone-real There is certainly a case to be made about schools and colleges pushing liberal ideas, though. I don't care what Republicans try to do to them, but something must change with the ideologically possessed teachers.
"I went to school and became a racist." every adult in 10 to 20 years.
@Untrepid One what are they doing now? 😱
@Fentanyl Floyd 🙇
Aborigines, indigenous, native population?? Qui, of course they do!
Dont send your kids to any school before you speak to the Faculty in detail!
Schools are supposed to educate kids on race. How could they be racist if they are taught not to be racist?? Where’s the common sense
@@zebracollins7012 Race card is a tool of the intellectually weak and lazy when they cannot counter a logical argument or factual data.
Wow that is masterful truth and writing.✊🏾
Is that parent teaching English literature and writing? I'd enrol for sure. After this letter I see my vocabulary is hilariously underdeveloped.
"Why isn't this guy running the country?" My thoughts exactly. Why have the fools, idiots and sheep taken over this great land?
What kind if mad man would want the job?
Can any loyal fox viewer get to the bottom and have some balls to question the powerful network Fox why it is allowing its comments section to be turned off especially their most recent clips about the Derek Chauvin case? Are they trying to limit the stupid comments of their loyal viewers?
@@nandy1256 they know that their base is racist and uneducated, it's just making them look bad to their sponsors. That's why they turn off comments.
@@shrim1481 probably has more to do with trolls who will say anything and insult anyone in an effort to provoke an argument.
@@shrim1481 "racist" and "uneducated". Typical. You have no real argument to FACTS so you resort to petty, childish, weak and petulant accusations and insults. You and those who "think" like you are pathetic.
My kids are glad to be back in school. They needed to catch up on what the latest gender was.
How is your family doing Andy?
Yep, rapid evolution of about ten new genders a month.
The letter says it all, well put.
What a brilliant parent. 👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you again Mr. Carlson. God bless you, your family, and your team!
Everyone should copy the link an post it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and your emails. Do it over and over until you are sick of positing, then start over again and again. Do not let this voice go silent.
This would be censored from fb or Twitter
@@geoffreygreen3521 Posted the link on Facebook. Will they take it down?
@Teejvil Teejvil ??? This is not trolling. It is clear statement of what is happening in our elite schools and probably many liberal state schools. It should be posted everywhere over and over.
@@philsalley3278 not sure but the way things are now they might block you for life for radicalism
@@geoffreygreen3521 What is radical about the truth? Ooh. We're talking about Facebook and Twitter where independent thought or facts are not allowed unless they support the left and hatred for America.
Wow, brilliant, they couldn't even respond. Their feelings were hurt. 🤕
Only had to say 'offensive' and that's dealt with.
In their view, he's beneath them.
They did respond ... but didn't give one logical rebuttal to Mr Gutmanns concerns .. they just said they were offended ... typical leftist BS
We shouldn't pay school taxes for a school who doesn't have to listen to the parents. We need new schools and a new check for teachers
That is why the Democrat want to abolish school choice because they can not brainwashed those student. Public school is easy target to brainwash.
@Gamer Boy china bot
@Gamer Boy china bot
@Lucas Tacos china bot
@Lucas Tacos Oh Vulva - don't ever change. More people need people like you to laugh at.
It's so frustrating to see private schools pump out garbage like this. Many of them are doing it. Private schools are supposed to be free from the control of the government indoctrination.
"Get rid of your woke ways or we'll take our kids out, ALL our kids. And the money." then see how quickly they drop their woke ways. Always comes down to money.
Not this time around, once woke takes over it drives businesses into the ground as they double down. Look at DC and Marvel comics for a perfect example.
The anti-woke movement is also motivated by money (and its associated privilege and power).
@Christo Genea SPOT ON.
@Christo Genea Er, the power of white privilege? It is still very considerable in the United States as it is across the Western World.
I am so so so so proud of this father! He is putting to words what every good parent feels. Keep speaking truth!! Can we start our own schools?
Webhave to start in our homes, then the schools which are indoctrinating , not educating them!
@@marilynhadley322 how bout y’all just send your kids to school and brainwash them with conservative ideas when they get home.
You can homeschool your children, which is not public schooling at home. :)
Have read the letter in its entirety and it is a masterpiece. Thankful for men like this father who have the integrity and the fortitude to not only stand up for what is right but to act on it.
That letter is incredibly moving. It's so concise and to the point. I absolutely love it and wouldn't change a thing.
That parent is one of my HEROES! I am a Canadian high school teacher and I applaud him - BRAVO! Tired of this lying propaganda. Protect you children.
What a wicked web we weaved in this country. Disgraceful. Kudos to all parents who object to this evil.
@Lucas Tacos care to elaborate on your point?
@@kerosoldier Lucas is a paid troll
@Lucas Tacos "Lol....Chyna Taco Doofis" 😂😂
@Teejvil Teejvil Lol....complete "Unverified Crap". Beat it troll. Bu-bye.
@Lucas Tacos You sound like the uneducated one...
"Take them down Tucker" Hits another one out of the park. I say put that man in legislation at the capitol.
Amen. Name and shame every single one of these filthy degenerate anti-American propagandists.
This letter deserves a standing ovation. Well done!
What a brilliant parent!!! This parent should definitively be running this country!!! God bless them and thank you!!!
He should be running that school.
at least this parent is aware as to what is being taught in his childs classroom - cant say that for many parents these days this is how we got here. how many parents do you know that have gone into the school and asked to see what they are using to teach, how they are teaching it and who is financially benefitting from the curriculum? i know zero.
Very articulate and precisely explained letter. The author has made a monumental statement totally exposing the nasty damaging agenda that schools seem to be adopting.
Wow, the person who wrote that deserves the utmost respect. He said the exact words that I’ve been trying to say, but don’t know how to say. How can anyone in the right state of mind argue against any of that??
Because its clearly and egregiously ignorant to the fact that our country was built on systems of oppression that are systemic to this day. The parent who wrote that letter wasn't smart enough to understand it, so he just decided it couldn't be possible.
@@kaiaking430 Also, even if it were present to this day, why ruin the children by filling them with all that nonsense of race and equality and crap?
They're children, they're not meant to worry or think about any of that. When they're older, they deserve to make up their own mind. It's their personal experiences that will help them draw conclusions.
Ruin their mental health by constantly having them feel sorry and sad and worrisome and you end up with grown ups who do nothing but complain and protest and loot. Zero proper education and skills. Zero perspective to help them see ways out of their situation.
As you put it, they won't be "smart enough to understand it"
They won't even know they're prisoners by design. Indoctrinated to not even have a choice in the matter. Instead of acquiring skills, learning and all that good stuff that pushes us higher, all they'll know and do is loot and protest and cry. That's all they've ever been taught.
By reading the whole letter, noticing things he said in it that are false, misleading, or exaggerated, asking to review a sample lesson on race from that school first, and wanting to see what their curriculum is, and whether they follow it, or throw in stuff they don't tell parents about That's how. "Audi alteram partem."
@@doktork3406 All we had in public school was propaganda, especially anti-Russian propaganda. We had nuclear bomb drills teaching us to hide under our desks. (So much for physics.) We had no real history at all, and little opportunity to read the real classics. (At least we had one or two Shakespeare plays. That was nice. But no one taught us to memorize, and no one told us Shakespeare started out as an actor.) Today, Russia baiting is how CNN and MSNBC make a nice chunk of change.
You just want your fairy tales to be dominant. Well, . . .
@@kaiaking430:lol, you weren't able to process anything the parent wrote, were you?'re not a "teacher", are you?... ;)...
To that parent and family. Amen Brother. Tell it like it is.
Man, this presentation is in my opinion, a Masterpiece ☮️🤐
"Our nation will not survive a generation of leadership even more poorly educated than we have now". Well said.
Indeed. We really, really, really, REALLY do not need any more AOCs running around in politics.
Kinda tells you what career that school is grooming those kids for 😐
@Mr Boogie Buhguul bitter cuz your gumment education failed you?
@Mr Boogie Buhguul you meant to type: Go to church and reconcile yourself with God, for tomorrow may be too late. Speaking of typing coherent sentences, turd brain, is your tent spacious in sanctuary city?
@Mr Boogie Buhguul yeah whatever loser 🤣
OMG! AMEN! This is such a true indictment of US Education.
Thank you Tucker! One of the only ones still telling the truth.
This is all insanity and needs to stop!
That letter truly *is brilliant,* and states facts and truth, and probably left the administrators at Brearley...drooling and scratching their heads
I can almost guarantee you that they can’t read. Either that or the words are too big for their bird brains.
@@Us3r739 Lol! Exactly!
"...furrowing their brows in a futile attempt to understand.." --Principal Skinner
The guy used clear language sure, but the thoughts of the letter weren't that deep. It was the exact same rebuttals that Fox News hosts and Far-Right commentators are always spewing. The administrators certainly had heard these ignorant rebuttals before, and knew a lost cause when they saw one. Some people just refuse to open their eyes to systemic racism
@John Mayer Right back at ya!
It's WONDERFUL to point this out and, of course, you could insert basically ANY school's name there. But, we never seem to get past the point of simply talking about something. At least this parent combined his letter with ACTION! To him, I raise my salute, good sir!!
We need to remember what Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Martin Luter King is no longer an American hero.
He is substituted with Geroge Floyd.
I guess we're past that now...
Exactly! And as a teenager in the '60s when King was active (and later assassinated), I failed to see why people were threatened by him.
@@carldombek922 lmao.. you’re such a fkin lier
Oh thank God, I was hoping that at least one of these NYC parents would push back against this. This is awesome.
Whoever that brilliant and articulate parent is...needs to seriously run for office!