How can you not love laletin? I mean he looks like an actual normal human being, works a blue collar job and just destroys all these full time inflated monsters. Vitality my #1 for sure
I agree but he’s far from ‘normal’ he’s extremely tall and has a large hand and a lot of muscle, he might not look like that because he is tall but he’s huge and also he is on gear but thats not a problem. Vitaly is my #1 too
Dumbell49 i can see that he is strong as hell. He is probably the third after Tsyplenkov and Saginashvili but compared to the size of those guys, his arms look skinny. Sure, he is not actually skinny but i would like him to build a little more muscle and perhaps he will have a chance at defeating Saginashvili and Tsyplenkov then
@@isithardtobevegan53 Laletin is above Cyplenkov left and right now obviously. Cyplenkov is probably done for good since he can't go back to abusing PEDs with his kidneys. Levan's superior power will probably be too much for Laletin though. Top 3 right arm worldwide are Saginashvili, Chaffee and Laletin. Laletin is still hugely underrated by casual fans, who still think even Devon would stand a chance against him.видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
@@lmnts556 well this match just shows that what Devon said,is true.6:0 against Trubin is some serious shit considering Laletin's reputation and he's still yet to shine.
@@stupidsem9055 he lifts heads of cabbage attached to a stick with bits of string. The stick is 2x2 inches in width making his wrists bend when he lifts the cabbage so he gets more poomp.
Ничего не происходит, просто Виталя очень сильно спрогрессировал в мощном старте, с учётом его рычагов, сильном атакующем верхе и мощных мышцах в предплечье, за счёт которых гнет прутья на раз, он и валит Цыпленкова и всех остальных очень быстро, они просто не могут включиться в работу Единственные кто его может остановить это Леван, Цыпленков, но и это уже не точно Может и Прудник, он вроде пальцы хорошо прокачал Но больше всего вероятности его остановить у Майкла Тодда, если он со старта будет как можно быстрее ложиться под стол У Витали на мой взгляд слабая защита, если Цыпленков остановит и пойдет в атаку, то вероятность проиграть у Витали почти 100%, тоже самое и Леван с ним сделает Даже если Виталя наберёт ещё 20 кг и будет весить 150, то это его не спасёт, не качает от бицепс как таковой и защиту, у него только атака сильная, главное успеть задержать возле подушки хоть на чуть-чуть
Oh wow yep! I missed that ... but the arm goes below the level of the pad while still being held ... holy shit. THis is the worst judging in a pro competition - even worse than The Elf under the Shelf vs Laratt judging ...
Согласен,ему нужна статика сильный но не жосткий,углов недержит.цыпленков в начале карьеры Такой же был мощный ,обьемный,а связка была в два раза тоньше чем у брезенка
IMO Trubin has lost some strength since 2016, as well as his explosiveness and mobility. Something happened along the way with the uncontrolled bulking process. Back in 2013 he was much faster and efficient in certain angles, I would even say 2013 Trubin would have a better chance against Laletin than a slow, tired, low-stamina version of his own self in 2019. I think he needs to cut down the weight. As for Laletin...I think he's the future champion. He has the potential to stay dominant for many years, unlike Denis or Levan, whose massive physical gains come at an obvious price of accelerated health deterioration
As Trubin said before this match that Laletin is stronger in some aspects than Cyplenkov. I think that future belongs to Laletin and Levan Saginashvili.
Outside of unknown injuries and conditions, it seems that Trubin can't hang with these top super-heavyweights anymore, he's trying to put on more and more weight all the time but his frame is not made for it, he looks bloated and unhealthy... Trubin should cut back the weight to where he was few years ago, and compete against Babayev, Prudnik, Ongarbayev and those guys around 225lbs, in my opinion... Laletin is an absolute beast, crazy hand, and this was on right wich is his weaker arm... I'd say Larratt was right, top 3 in the world currently are healthy Cyplenkov, Saginashvili and Laletin, until proven otherwise...
@@compton7833 are you still saying that after the pathetic undertable match?🤣🤣🤣 wal is a fucking joke!! Like wwe. Europe is the big deal at this moment
😁Yeah! He always looks like he's questioning his entire existence, but no way can you question his strength - he even has a win on Michal Todd, so he's no joke. If he would be in WAL he would win the entire thing.
How can he do more matches?? Last November Igor sets up Chaffee vs Kvikvinia instead of Chaffee vs Pushkar. So blame Igor, Dave was ready for Pushkar but no one gives him a chance to beat the No.1.
@@johnbean3878 Trubin was Top2 on the right, then Levan beat him 6-0, now Laletin beat him 6-0. But he would still be the heavy favorite against Devon. Levan, Laletin and Chaffee are the only guys clearly ahead of Trubin's right arm. He would still be the favorite against everybody else.
@@yozkopf3000 Trubin is kind of overated , he used to lost to babaev and some not so famous puller like Aslanov but still he get vey big ego and never accept his losing , before armfight 50 , when he heard of some trolling from levan , Oleg and pushkar that all of them beat him in the past , he really got mad and threaten Levan that he will beat him on the table while the result is in contrast , Levan flashed him with ease . Trubin is kind of puller who looked strong and cool but what he show on the table is not that much , top armwrestler like Denis or Pushkar rarely lost a match especially to everage puller but Trubin from what I saw he has lost too much recently , in my opinion he is far from Top 5 level , I am pretty sure he will lost to both Prudnik and babaev at this moment
Да, но Трубин начал как галимый бык деревенский от отчаяние пытаться выламывать пальцы это было противно.... и вообще Лалетин к нему тянулся рукой после победы а тот как обиженка..
@@nvmffs yeah he seems to have a relatively hight bodyfat % compared to some other guys in his division. I think this shows beautifully how you don't need to be enormously huge to be great at armwrestling if you have a great fast-twitch hit and hand control. Endurance and explosiveness >> the amount of weight you can curl with your biceps
Лалетин крассавчик, но Димон, ну как так? Майкла Тода валил, Пушкарю (царство ему небесное) тоже давал отпор, при том что был в весе легче, обидно за Диму чёт
@Throngdorr Mighty prime Devon is a completely different story. I would give Devon the edge there. Laletin is very very good though. I mean right is his “weaker“ hand he's even stronger on the left
@Throngdorr MightyWhat kind of crap are you guys even smoking? Devon can't even convincingly out power Bresnan in 2012видео.html
I think Trubin was stronger when he was "natural", years ago. He was more technical, more resistant, was a very good top roll. Now he lost everything, he gained only doped strenght. I think he wanted too much and his body didn't allow it. I'm really sorry for him. Vitaly strongest top roll ever.
Trubin could never have fought pushkar at 95kg, he would have been stuck fighting babayev, and krasimir for the rest of his career, and i dont think he wanted that.
Оув, оув, Виталик ну зачем же так жестоко, Димку прям жаль стало, видно страх и растеряность после первого раунда, мне кажется он просто ох..ел от такой мощи противника
Laletin's a beast. I think his advantage comes from his long arms and toproll. His first hit is very fast. Should see what he can offer if someone is able to hold his starting hit
У него еще на вендетте с Пушкарем с массой все норм было зачем он ее еще против Чаффи набирал хз. Ему сейчас вообще о железе забыть надо и чисто силу в борьбе набирать
Дэвид масса по-любому решает- Леван и Цыпа это доказали..Без массы Виталик Левана не дожмет до подушки ,если только не завалит его при первой же атаке !
That's what Trubin gets for believing that he should become Cyplenkov instead of focusing on the things that made him great. He was versatile, strong in every position. He has no explosiveness now.
Laletin can unleash a serious amount of power even without a solid muscle mass. I hope he'll build up some mass in order to destroy every fucking competition. I believe in you Vitalik Laletin!
that looked like a training match for laletin.. i dont think trubin lost strength, he never runs away from anybody. its just the he always fight these monsters. personally i though trubin actually had great chances to give hell to denis..
@@monkebrainedfish3130 Laletin has a absurdly strong first hit, but that's it... if Levan can hold his hit (and i think he can) than he wins (like their match on 2016).
Да, но Трубин начал как галимый бык деревенский от отчаяние пытаться выламывать пальцы это было противно.... и вообще Лалетин к нему тянулся рукой после победы а тот как обиженка..
Диме нужно подтягивать старт, ибо практически всегда работает 2м номером на сдерживание. Как это показал поединок с Тоддом и Пушкарём...и да кстати слить кило так 15 не помешало бы думаю
Когда то он уверенно выигрывал Виталия, но не сейчас, то ли у Лалетина прогресс, то ли у Трубина даунгрес). Теперь кстати есть сомнения в том, кто выиграет топ 8
wtf is this ref doing calling GO before he has even finished placing the hands??? Vitaly is pulling before ref finishes the hand placement and the ref isnt calling jump start?
Я фанат арма,но не следил за последнями новостями....лалетина вообще почти не знал...блин,нет мышц,нет ничего.По нему не скажешь что он такой взрывной...одним словом,достойная заменя цыпленкова на турнире
Hard to see anyone being able to stop that, even levan because he pulls through your fingers sooo hard.. levan can't use what makes him super special. I love it. Edit. ( I know he wasn't pulling levan , it was for future reference in the finals).
Even if Vitaly was to lose to Levan and Chaffee he would still be pound for pound the best in my opinion. And he doesn't look monstrously juiced like the others
So what is this format? you are allowed to pull as soon as your opponents fingers touch? this looked like many early starts but I can't tell without the audio
Странная фигня что на судейском захвате первым закрывали постоянно Лалетина. По моему только раз Трубина первым закрыли и то без ремней и получился разрыв
Трубину только на региональных соревнованиях выступать, или в актовых залах перед школьниками понты свои колотить... Зато сколько шума было, пиарили как могли. Мда..
Ципа, Сагинашвили, Чаффи, Лалетин, Квиквиния, Тодд, Ларатт, Прудник (так как набрал топовую форму уже) и все в лучшей форме, ТАКОЙ ТУРНИР Я БЫ ПОСМОТРЕЛ, а иначе - компромис((
Я видел как боролся Трубин ещё лет 10 назад. Скажем достойно боролся . Много лет он нарабатывал эту силу в углах. А как массу набрал, углы соответственно изменились и силы уже в них нужной нет. Так и будет проигрывать. Нужно скидывать срочно килограммов 25 ненужного мяса. Вернутся в былую форму и там в силе набирать !
The way he just walk over Trubin makes me wonder if anyone has a chance at beating Laletin if he puts muscle onto his big frame, not even Levan has that length on the forearms
How can you not love laletin? I mean he looks like an actual normal human being, works a blue collar job and just destroys all these full time inflated monsters. Vitality my #1 for sure
Fuck those others GH abusers
I agree but he’s far from ‘normal’ he’s extremely tall and has a large hand and a lot of muscle, he might not look like that because he is tall but he’s huge and also he is on gear but thats not a problem. Vitaly is my #1 too
Yes, after Denis's time , Vitaly will rules in a near future.
@@Siriuss96 how is he "extremely" tall? Where are you from?
gangbanger 2017 im 6’2 and lets just say 6’8 would make me look small, doesnt matter where Im from, he’s very tall
2:30 all hail Caesar... bring me some grapes.
Both siting like a king
And then Levan walks by and eats them for him.....
@@borissibor2638 Vitaly is Coming For Him!!!!!!!
Болел за Виталю, а почему то Диму как то жалко.... 😥
a trick: you can watch series on flixzone. Me and my gf have been using them for watching loads of movies these days.
@Aryan Ares definitely, I've been watching on flixzone for months myself :)
Cuz his face seems like he is about to cry....
Laletin's speed is absolutely incredible!
Laletin is beast. He will be unstoppable if he packs on more muscle.
Dumbell49 he looks so skinny though. How is he able to fight top dogs being so skinny?
@@isithardtobevegan53 Latin is 6'7. His frame is massive and so are his leverages. Hes by no means skinny hes strong as hell.
Dumbell49 i can see that he is strong as hell. He is probably the third after Tsyplenkov and Saginashvili but compared to the size of those guys, his arms look skinny. Sure, he is not actually skinny but i would like him to build a little more muscle and perhaps he will have a chance at defeating Saginashvili and Tsyplenkov then
@@isithardtobevegan53 Laletin is above Cyplenkov left and right now obviously. Cyplenkov is probably done for good since he can't go back to abusing PEDs with his kidneys. Levan's superior power will probably be too much for Laletin though. Top 3 right arm worldwide are Saginashvili, Chaffee and Laletin. Laletin is still hugely underrated by casual fans, who still think even Devon would stand a chance against him.видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
@Rob K. i think he has fast twitch fibres thats why u see the surge of power at the starting itself
Wow, absolutely destroyed by Laletin
Devon spoke very highly of Laletin, lets see what he can do.
@@lmnts556 well this match just shows that what Devon said,is true.6:0 against Trubin is some serious shit considering Laletin's reputation and he's still yet to shine.
Does laletin lift weights?
@@stupidsem9055 he lifts heads of cabbage attached to a stick with bits of string. The stick is 2x2 inches in width making his wrists bend when he lifts the cabbage so he gets more poomp.
@@stupidsem9055 129kg now
Виталя красавчик че говорить.
Но с Димоном то че происходит, за него тоже обидно.
Cast Master это не его спорт. Чисто генетически. Изначально.
Ничего с ним не происходит. Достиг потолка своего.
Жалко его. Классный пацан был. Какие-то загоны у него начались, комплексует чего то. Всё под серьёзного дядьку косит, лучше бы собой оставался.
@@Arsen3280 вероятно, именно поэтому он становился чемпионом мира?)
Ничего не происходит, просто Виталя очень сильно спрогрессировал в мощном старте, с учётом его рычагов, сильном атакующем верхе и мощных мышцах в предплечье, за счёт которых гнет прутья на раз, он и валит Цыпленкова и всех остальных очень быстро, они просто не могут включиться в работу
Единственные кто его может остановить это Леван, Цыпленков, но и это уже не точно
Может и Прудник, он вроде пальцы хорошо прокачал
Но больше всего вероятности его остановить у Майкла Тодда, если он со старта будет как можно быстрее ложиться под стол
У Витали на мой взгляд слабая защита, если Цыпленков остановит и пойдет в атаку, то вероятность проиграть у Витали почти 100%, тоже самое и Леван с ним сделает
Даже если Виталя наберёт ещё 20 кг и будет весить 150, то это его не спасёт, не качает от бицепс как таковой и защиту, у него только атака сильная, главное успеть задержать возле подушки хоть на чуть-чуть
Not taking anything from Laletin, but 1:25 is a pin for Trubin
No doubt
yes I just watched it and the first time I was thinking the same,but If you look at trubin's elbow it goes way of the pad.
Just slow down the video and you see Trubins elbow coming off the pad, that's a foul
Absolutely right , he pins Vitaly at ,1:25 !!!
Oh wow yep! I missed that ... but the arm goes below the level of the pad while still being held ... holy shit. THis is the worst judging in a pro competition - even worse than The Elf under the Shelf vs Laratt judging ...
The strap always tells the truth.
Not exactly pal
Truth forever and forever 👍🏻
Ehhh it takes away the hand work usually the stronger guy wins. Not as much technical moves in strap
What truth? That the weaker man can win?
@@mikeg1032 Whatever truth you want.
Perhaps by far the strongest top roller in the world. Crazy wrist strength.
After ivakin for sure
MajorEd ivakin isn’t what he once was
I almost felt sorry for Trubin. Laletin absolutely crushed him.
Laletin vs mask would be awesome
Hannibal Barca Laletin would destroy him! But definitely interesting as both are top rollers..
Я считаю Трубину нужно не мышцы качать, а брать и гнуть железные пруты, болты, как это мощно демонстрирует Лалетин!
Согласен,ему нужна статика сильный но не жосткий,углов недержит.цыпленков в начале карьеры Такой же был мощный ,обьемный,а связка была в два раза тоньше чем у брезенка
Старт проигрывает
@@василийпетрович-б5щ какая связка?
@@edushas6917 сухожилие локтевое
@@edushas6917 локтевая
IMO Trubin has lost some strength since 2016, as well as his explosiveness and mobility. Something happened along the way with the uncontrolled bulking process. Back in 2013 he was much faster and efficient in certain angles, I would even say 2013 Trubin would have a better chance against Laletin than a slow, tired, low-stamina version of his own self in 2019.
I think he needs to cut down the weight. As for Laletin...I think he's the future champion. He has the potential to stay dominant for many years, unlike Denis or Levan, whose massive physical gains come at an obvious price of accelerated health deterioration
Absolutely agreed, both on Trubin and Laletin...
Лалетин это который дальнобойщик? Похоже без гидрача ездит)
И грузит все в ручную
Так ходят слухи, что это действительно часть его тренировок вместе с ручным сгибом арматуры. ))))
Походу и без движка тоже
As Trubin said before this match that Laletin is stronger in some aspects than Cyplenkov. I think that future belongs to Laletin and Levan Saginashvili.
i think levan is gonna die soon. when he speaks he needs to take massive pauses to catch his breath. he is overdozing
Артур Убилава Why tho?
@@ArturUbilava With that kind of temper you should worry about your blood pressure instead
Levan should reduce his weight. He has a hard time breathing. 3 or 4 years ago he was in better shape but weaker.
Could have a stronger hand the way Chaffe does.
Leverage advantage + inhuman strenght= Vitali Laletin
Лалетин очень прибавил в последнее время
Outside of unknown injuries and conditions, it seems that Trubin can't hang with these top super-heavyweights anymore, he's trying to put on more and more weight all the time but his frame is not made for it, he looks bloated and unhealthy...
Trubin should cut back the weight to where he was few years ago, and compete against Babayev, Prudnik, Ongarbayev and those guys around 225lbs, in my opinion...
Laletin is an absolute beast, crazy hand, and this was on right wich is his weaker arm... I'd say Larratt was right, top 3 in the world currently are healthy Cyplenkov, Saginashvili and Laletin, until proven otherwise...
And what about Prudnik? He is also insanely strong. Laletin vs Prudnik would be interesting in my opinion.
Becoz vitaly played wid larrat hand like a toddler.
Trubin weakness is his wrist, it is really small compare to his forearm size.
nah man, the best armwrestler right now is chaffee in my opinion, he can beat levan and laletin on the right for sure.
@@compton7833 are you still saying that after the pathetic undertable match?🤣🤣🤣 wal is a fucking joke!! Like wwe. Europe is the big deal at this moment
Leletin is awesome
what about his next opponent?
3 words . Still very little improvement
Divon Larrat.
Ghost returns.
did u hear about levan?? 🤔 😎 🤣
Thanks bro for videos
its so nice seeing how neatly the ref sets these guys up and they dont try to cheat
If Laletin packs on some more weight he's gonna be damn near unstoppable. Crazy leverages.
Trubin always looks so lost, needs to be more confident about himself.
Pallin i care .
😁Yeah! He always looks like he's questioning his entire existence, but no way can you question his strength - he even has a win on Michal Todd, so he's no joke. If he would be in WAL he would win the entire thing.
@@T12J7 1 year later after this match i put 0.25 speed on this video to see that Vitaly won like 3 times by 3 micro false starts lol.
@@stevelleremy1685 yeah man,i think 2 false start or maybe 3
But early start or not laletin will win but not that easy
У Трубина хорошо к столу идти получается. Оба молодцы!
Not saying Chaffee is weaker, but if Chaffee doesn't improve his speed he might even get pinned by Laletin.
No doubt, Laletin is a beast
Chaffee needs to do more matches, hes becoming sort of a myth
How can he do more matches??
Last November Igor sets up Chaffee vs Kvikvinia instead of Chaffee vs Pushkar.
So blame Igor, Dave was ready for Pushkar but no one gives him a chance to beat the No.1.
@@kasparov9 agree 100% he should have been matched with pushkar. But i think hes only done 2 real matches total since 2017
@@asdwqda6474 у тебя ава хорошая)
@@asdwqda6474 кликуха у тебя ниче так! Молодец все знайка
@@asdwqda6474 он имел ввиду сухожилия.
@@asdwqda6474 без связок вроде ключичных ничерта не выйдет: закорчишься от боли и отвалишь. стоит раз порвать и крышка - не заживают они
laletin can beat laratt without much difficulty.
Devon is a beast and all but yeah there is no doubt that he isn't on the level of the top guys anymore
Laletin would flash Larrrat even faster than he did that against Trubin
@@johnbean3878 Trubin was Top2 on the right, then Levan beat him 6-0, now Laletin beat him 6-0. But he would still be the heavy favorite against Devon. Levan, Laletin and Chaffee are the only guys clearly ahead of Trubin's right arm. He would still be the favorite against everybody else.
Devon would be able to more or less match laletins length...mask would be a great matchup, 2 supertall toproll specialists
@@yozkopf3000 Trubin is kind of overated , he used to lost to babaev and some not so famous puller like Aslanov but still he get vey big ego and never accept his losing , before armfight 50 , when he heard of some trolling from levan , Oleg and pushkar that all of them beat him in the past , he really got mad and threaten Levan that he will beat him on the table while the result is in contrast , Levan flashed him with ease . Trubin is kind of puller who looked strong and cool but what he show on the table is not that much , top armwrestler like Denis or Pushkar rarely lost a match especially to everage puller but Trubin from what I saw he has lost too much recently , in my opinion he is far from Top 5 level , I am pretty sure he will lost to both Prudnik and babaev at this moment
отличный поединок!!! Лалетин хорош!!
Да, но Трубин начал как галимый бык деревенский от отчаяние пытаться выламывать пальцы это было противно.... и вообще Лалетин к нему тянулся рукой после победы а тот как обиженка..
vitaly 2m03 imagine if he gain muscle and weight! he gonna be a monster in the futur!.
monolithe00 yes, if he keeps getting bigger, he shall destroy everyone
He can't. He has incredibly bad genetics for bodybuilding/gaining mass. Just look at his arms.
@@nvmffs yeah he seems to have a relatively hight bodyfat % compared to some other guys in his division. I think this shows beautifully how you don't need to be enormously huge to be great at armwrestling if you have a great fast-twitch hit and hand control. Endurance and explosiveness >> the amount of weight you can curl with your biceps
@@nvmffs he gained just about 20 kg prior to this tournament. And to those who say he is small, how is 2m in height and 130 kg small?
@@sandrissedis8840 People are twisted from watching too many roid monsters, it has become too normal.
Лалетин крассавчик, но Димон, ну как так? Майкла Тода валил, Пушкарю (царство ему небесное) тоже давал отпор, при том что был в весе легче, обидно за Диму чёт
JanMorgot че обидно?, пусть ещё больше курсанет, авось «поможет», думал он.
По словам цыпленкова все спортсмены за две недели останавливают тренировки, а трубина забивается до последнего дня
Vitaly is has the same rising strength as Devon in 2008 which makes it so hard to fight him
He's like a younger, better version of Devon to be honest I think he would beat Devon convincingly.
@@TimmyTurner421 I agree, I belive that he will beat Levan in 2-3 years
@Throngdorr Mighty Ye I belive prime Devon would probably even beat Levan
@Throngdorr Mighty prime Devon is a completely different story. I would give Devon the edge there. Laletin is very very good though. I mean right is his “weaker“ hand he's even stronger on the left
@Throngdorr MightyWhat kind of crap are you guys even smoking? Devon can't even convincingly out power Bresnan in 2012видео.html
Help, I am having some confusion with the rules. Why wasn't that a pin? 1:22 (Plz reply only if u r certain abt the rules)
Trubins elbow was off the back of the pad, so they cant call it a pin since its either a slip or an elbow foul
I think Trubin was stronger when he was "natural", years ago. He was more technical, more resistant, was a very good top roll. Now he lost everything, he gained only doped strenght. I think he wanted too much and his body didn't allow it. I'm really sorry for him. Vitaly strongest top roll ever.
Trubin could never have fought pushkar at 95kg, he would have been stuck fighting babayev, and krasimir for the rest of his career, and i dont think he wanted that.
вперед, Виталий! За себя и за Дениса!
Dimitry's problem is he doesn't know how to counter Vitaly. I mean, he didn't stop him once.
Watch 1:06 Laletin's elbow was out of the pad before Trubin.
if u see frame by frame, you will see how Laletin goes before the Ref call the "go"
Оув, оув, Виталик ну зачем же так жестоко, Димку прям жаль стало, видно страх и растеряность после первого раунда, мне кажется он просто ох..ел от такой мощи противника
Laletin's a beast. I think his advantage comes from his long arms and toproll. His first hit is very fast. Should see what he can offer if someone is able to hold his starting hit
Levan did.
Vitaly is such a nice guy in general... but in the official tournament setting, he is absolutely cold and merciless. 👀
Дима загубил свою карьеру 1 действием - этим ненужным набором массы против Чаффи
Абсолютно точно
David Copperfield Ничего не загубил, всё нормально, масса тоже нужна. Только сейчас ему этой массы хватит, нужно связки укреплять
У него еще на вендетте с Пушкарем с массой все норм было зачем он ее еще против Чаффи набирал хз. Ему сейчас вообще о железе забыть надо и чисто силу в борьбе набирать
И чтобы масса решала для этого все таки нужна антопометрия и габариты
Дэвид масса по-любому решает- Леван и Цыпа это доказали..Без массы Виталик Левана не дожмет до подушки ,если только не завалит его при первой же атаке !
That's what Trubin gets for believing that he should become Cyplenkov instead of focusing on the things that made him great. He was versatile, strong in every position. He has no explosiveness now.
Диман держись!!! Чёрная полоса бывает у всех. Надо что то изменить в тонировках и давить как раньше. Верим в тебя.
Надо убрать натяжку,и тренить бок!
I wonder what Laletin would do against Matt Mask. Another guy with same long arm, strong hand
Yeahhh vitaly will win...
Laletin can unleash a serious amount of power even without a solid muscle mass.
I hope he'll build up some mass in order to destroy every fucking competition. I believe in you Vitalik Laletin!
that looked like a training match for laletin.. i dont think trubin lost strength, he never runs away from anybody. its just the he always fight these monsters. personally i though trubin actually had great chances to give hell to denis..
Laletin smashed Trubin easier than Levan did.
Yup thats why im putting my bets on Vitaly that he wins top 8
@@monkebrainedfish3130 Laletin has a absurdly strong first hit, but that's it... if Levan can hold his hit (and i think he can) than he wins (like their match on 2016).
@@Feon2 In 2017 Laletin was weaker. I think 2019 is the beat Laletin. Like look how buffed he ia now compared to him in 2017
@@monkebrainedfish3130 you are right, but Levan also got (even) bigger
@@Feon2 I know but it depends. If Levan will be able to stop the hit then he may be able to overwhelm him with his strenght
Кто-то ожидал иного результата?
Все и многие.
нет , конечно. Тут встретились 2 абсолютных генетических антипода. Турбину нечего делать в арме
@@Arsen3280 Ну или не бороться в супертяжах, а как раньше в категории 100 кг
lord British я бы сказал даже до 90. Уж больно маленькие у него кисти и запястья.
у Лалетина чудовищной силы пальцы.
Да, но Трубин начал как галимый бык деревенский от отчаяние пытаться выламывать пальцы это было противно.... и вообще Лалетин к нему тянулся рукой после победы а тот как обиженка..
Леван прорвал эти пальцы
Да! Но, кто победил - очень важно!
Laletin Vs Chaffee! I think Laletin has good chances!
Can you do a video of your reaction or opinion about fights in top 8, it would be so great
Диме нужно подтягивать старт, ибо практически всегда работает 2м номером на сдерживание. Как это показал поединок с Тоддом и Пушкарём...и да кстати слить кило так 15 не помешало бы думаю
The real question is
Who is better:Laletin or Saginashvili?
Absolutely saginashvili........
LEVAN will toy with him like he does anyone else
Came on vitaly laletin
У Трубина просто одни монстры в соперниках.
Когда то он уверенно выигрывал Виталия, но не сейчас, то ли у Лалетина прогресс, то ли у Трубина даунгрес). Теперь кстати есть сомнения в том, кто выиграет топ 8
@@LuchanoSpaguetti он в топ 10 то не войдет! какой топ, раздули звезду, без техники!
@@ivansva ну да))) очень уверенная победа. Прям интрига снова появилась в турнире
Ну таков уровень, тут слабых нет, только монстры, включая его самого.
wtf is this ref doing calling GO before he has even finished placing the hands??? Vitaly is pulling before ref finishes the hand placement and the ref isnt calling jump start?
Vitaly was pinned in round 3 though. Why did the ref call the slip?
Look at Trubins elbow
trubin must train more. He won more in the middle weight division
Трубину нужно вернуться к его весу и кондиции, когда он первый раз дал бой Пушкарю. Набор массы, как мы видим, ему идет явно не на пользу!
Здаров Женя. Давно заметил, что армом увлекаешься)) Помню впервые заметил тебя в теме по возвращению Воеводы в арм))
@@Чел-о7д привет. Так я сам в прошлом КМС по арму, вот и стараюсь оставаться в курсе новостей.
Beaet mode on lelatin to the world . .
Trubin kept pulling back instead of trying hook him.
He has such a long lever combined with that massive top roll it makes it hard to beat him
Trubin babaev bresnan kurdecha are not on the level of top 8
David Bedia who’s going to replace them then?
@@skullzonyt9955 Dave Chaffee.
SkullzOnYT Chaffee and Bagent perhaps?
@@skullzonyt9955 Top 8 needs USA - Canada armwrestlers: Larrat Mask Chafee Bagent Underwood. Then you can call it TOP 8
@@yujirohanma6650 WAL contract, not allowed to compete anywhere else
Pls someone tell me the length of lalatin forearm
Its hard to see Pushkar or Dennis (right hand) beating this Laletin
Я фанат арма,но не следил за последнями новостями....лалетина вообще почти не знал...блин,нет мышц,нет ничего.По нему не скажешь что он такой взрывной...одним словом,достойная заменя цыпленкова на турнире
Димона жалко, но это топ8! Лалетин молоток!
My pal Went to top 8 and shaked everyones hand, he said Laletin's grip made his grip feel like a dead fish.
His grip is second only to levan.
Hard to see anyone being able to stop that, even levan because he pulls through your fingers sooo hard.. levan can't use what makes him super special. I love it.
Edit. ( I know he wasn't pulling levan , it was for future reference in the finals).
Лалетин молодец сидит такой типа,где все конкуренты не вижу равных ...)
Even if Vitaly was to lose to Levan and Chaffee he would still be pound for pound the best in my opinion. And he doesn't look monstrously juiced like the others
Chaffe will get smoked by Laletin
Виталя Брезенк 2.0 тоже из дальнобоев удачи ему красава
Came here to see some real armwrestling after the latest WAL underthetable debacle.
Same haha. Laletin would destroy all wal clowns
@@gabrielbalta2634 kinda :'D
So what is this format? you are allowed to pull as soon as your opponents fingers touch? this looked like many early starts but I can't tell without the audio
As soon as hands close in refree grip
Это просто эпик! Виталию уважение! Такая мощь!
Странная фигня что на судейском захвате первым закрывали постоянно Лалетина. По моему только раз Трубина первым закрыли и то без ремней и получился разрыв
Трубину всего 30 лет, еще минимум 10 лет можно тренироваться и выступать.Все у него хорошо будет.
С фармой врятли так долго сможет выступать,ждёт его таже учесть что и Дениса!
damn, can't believe that trubin got smoked like that
Let's see what Laletin can do against Todd.
2:31 like a boss)
Yes 👍 👍
Пересматривая поединок который раз, видно, что всё-таки по силе Виталий не настолько превосходит Диму) Но старт зарешал
Трубину только на региональных соревнованиях выступать, или в актовых залах перед школьниками понты свои колотить...
Зато сколько шума было, пиарили как могли. Мда..
What is the name of the song??
Что за музыка? Не могу найти
name of music?
Credit for taking like a man
RIP Trubin
Laletin and Levan will dominate the next decade...
Лалетин претендует как минимум на тройку лидеров
Ципа, Сагинашвили, Чаффи, Лалетин, Квиквиния, Тодд, Ларатт, Прудник (так как набрал топовую форму уже) и все в лучшей форме, ТАКОЙ ТУРНИР Я БЫ ПОСМОТРЕЛ, а иначе - компромис((
Трубину надо год отдохнуть от Арма, найти хорошего тренера, видно что старается, а толку мало, результаты идут на спад. Лалетин красавчик)
Ему надо изучить методику тренировок Лалетина, и сразу результаты пойдут в гору. 😎
Как же я болею за обоих парней. Димку очень жалко. В погоне за массой, не приобрёл побед
Лалетин просто машина какая то!!!!!Красавец просто👍👍👍
Я видел как боролся Трубин ещё лет 10 назад. Скажем достойно боролся . Много лет он нарабатывал эту силу в углах. А как массу набрал, углы соответственно изменились и силы уже в них нужной нет. Так и будет проигрывать. Нужно скидывать срочно килограммов 25 ненужного мяса. Вернутся в былую форму и там в силе набирать !
Wow I've never seen Trubin get over powered like that before wow wow!!
it's actually the 4th time he lost like this in recent years
Ultimate toproller..
Блин, Лалетин выглядит как обыкновенный, просто крепкий мужик.
Так он и есть обычный дальнобойщик.
ну, только рост за 2 метра
с ростом за 2 метра =D
The way he just walk over Trubin makes me wonder if anyone has a chance at beating Laletin if he puts muscle onto his big frame, not even Levan has that length on the forearms
Laletin is amazingly strong he picked apart Trubin like it was nothing.