Candace Owens DEFENDS Trump On Debate Vs Cornel West

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @brettg274
    @brettg274 2 года назад +193

    Fascism was not defined as “far-right” until after 2009. In fact, you’ll find a lot of words redefined in dictionaries after that point to fit leftist narratives. Fascism is capable of being leftist also, and in most cases in history have accompanies socialist or mixed economies.

    • @meghanschuler4739
      @meghanschuler4739 2 года назад +1

      Amen. And ut was always considered a leftist ideal. Especially bc both Mussolini and Hitler they were literally getting their ideas from the American KKK Democrat Party. I'm not talking about just the Democrats specifically they got all their racist ideas and how to handle things from the f****** KKK. Who are way Democrat. The ironing about the dhole party-switching thing is just for the Democrats could say that they're not racist anymore but they are they've always been the racist party they will always remain the racist party now they just Pandora and pretend not to be. They're the most dangerous kind of races I'm with Malcolm X on this one they are the most dangerous kind of racist because they pretend to be the friends but in reality the conservatives are just like I don't give a s*** what color you are just coming in be part of us we need members LOL

    • @davidstoughton3340
      @davidstoughton3340 2 года назад +32

      Definition of fascism
      1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
      2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality- J. W. Aldridge
      He needs to stop using Wikipedia as a source. If you look up communism in Wikipedia it says nothing about far-left. Wikipedia helps to promote a Narrative

    • @thomgorman
      @thomgorman 2 года назад

      @@davidstoughton3340 The difference between Progressivism and fascism is minuscule, in goals, social order, benefits and structure. American progressives' leadership and hatred of their centrist opposition makes them functionally more like the Nazis.

    • @JJnitemare92
      @JJnitemare92 2 года назад +14

      I actually never realized this and your right I looked it up and buying an old dictionary is hard to do with lack of prints.

    • @johnokamoto6762
      @johnokamoto6762 2 года назад +1

      @@davidstoughton3340 that's the definition I remember! that's why you can't tie fascism with the right or left specifically. looking at communist countries, or socialist party leanings in the past and present, you'll see fascism leading to massive amounts of state sanctioned murder. people who disagreed with the prevailing social doctrine were silenced. sound familiar?

  • @Timoeltejano
    @Timoeltejano 2 года назад +133

    I admire the respect shown in this interview/debate.
    Dr West and Ms Owens - well done.

    • @thomgorman
      @thomgorman 2 года назад +2

      You have to keep West on point to keep him respectful.

    • @christopherlarssen3235
      @christopherlarssen3235 2 года назад

      Read her book blackout. She was the victim of a hate crime in high school that ended up being a big scandal against a politicians son in her school

    • @christopherlarssen3235
      @christopherlarssen3235 2 года назад

      It’s a nice change from what happened last time.

    • @daltonpelham1757
      @daltonpelham1757 2 года назад +1

      I definitely noticed this too! Very cool, collected and respectful!

  • @markupton1417
    @markupton1417 2 года назад +4

    She's a trigger for certain communities BECAUSE certain communities would rather hear, "You're being kept down" than "You need to up your game."

  • @rhondagreene50
    @rhondagreene50 2 года назад +23

    You need to watch the video of her in Congress. She was vicious..... DeSantis / Owens 2024..

    • @Sevlar01
      @Sevlar01 2 года назад +2

      Yes that was one of her best videos.

    • @missab2052
      @missab2052 2 года назад +3

      desantis/owens 2024 would be AMAZING!!!

    • @southsidekooly8602
      @southsidekooly8602 2 года назад

      DeSantis for what?

  • @gatorstew1
    @gatorstew1 2 года назад +126

    I'm as far opposite politically from Cornel West, but one thing I've always noticed, is that he seems to be universally liked by his conservative hosts. That says a lot about someone's character in my opinion. Also, his willingness to go into the lion's den to debate is admirable. You rarely see that from people on the left anymore.

    • @M11969
      @M11969 2 года назад +13

      Agreed, he's a gentleman.

    • @bozeeke
      @bozeeke 2 года назад +15

      Because he's not a lying piece of shit or a disingenuous jackass. He's an honest guy who is giving real answers about his actual opinions, and even if you disagree with him (and even as a centrist I certainly do) you have to admit he's actually a decent guy.

    • @BearNecesities1
      @BearNecesities1 2 года назад +7

      He doesn't get defensive or radical. He stays cool calm and collected.

    • @andreadeamon6419
      @andreadeamon6419 2 года назад +4

      True. Maybe he's an independent and doesn't really know it?

    • @bozeeke
      @bozeeke 2 года назад +1

      @@andreadeamon6419 no. He's just an honest more old school liberal. Even as person who is in the middle I think he's wrong about a lot of things, but he's a straight up honest guy

  • @Spoiler_Alertist
    @Spoiler_Alertist 2 года назад +44

    I dont tune in to watch arguements. I tune in to watch the process of you expanding your worldview and political views. its truly a wonderful thing to witness. I've been looking into this area for years and being able to see you process all this episode by episode, reminds me of the thoughts I had. it actually gives me a more clear understanding of why I believe what I believe. I LOVE your attempt to objectively view these very nuanced topics, keep it up!

  • @unmechanized1
    @unmechanized1 2 года назад +38

    The term fascist was coined by Benito Mussolini. He said the definition was “the merger of the corporation and the state.” He also coined the term “Bazannza”. 😏

    • @Muckylittleme
      @Muckylittleme 2 года назад +6

      "FASCISM" = far right - the complete opposite of the truth.
      It is sad watching him honestly looking up fascism on the internet without knowing the search engines are rigged and definitions that have literally been changed in the last decade or so to fit the lefts false narrative - historical revisionism is fundamental to the left.
      Here is the true historical meaning of fascism and why it was, still is, and always will be a left wing ideology.
      fascism has its roots in left wing ideology, the very words derivation comes from the Italian word fascio (meaning a bundle, as in sticks to make them stronger) The word was used figuratively by late 19th and early 20the century Italian socialists to mean league/solidarity and so became collectively known as the fasci.
      Mussolini's Fascist Party was so called because it was made of up of these hard left revolutionaries and Mussolini was an ardent Socialist. (More detailed history later if you want it and also on how Hitler was also a socialist and the derivation of the word Nazi)
      Mussolini's farther was very left wing and founded a local branch of the Socialist party and was on the City council.
      Mussolini was a left wing radical and when he fled to Switzerland he was arrested for being a leftist agitator.
      When he returned to Italy he wrote articles for Socialist newspapers such as "The workers future"
      He also alter wrote propaganda articles for Spanish socialist newspapers..
      He was described by the Italian ruling class of the time as a "revolutionary socialist with deep anarchic roots and a highly developed affinity for revolutionary labour unionism"
      He later moved to Trent in Hungary where he was secretary of the local branch of the socialist party.
      He later moved back to Italy and during the riots of the General strike of 1911 was arrested.
      He also moved to Milan for a spell to edit the socialist newspaper there, Avanti.
      When war broke out between Germany and France WWI Mussolini demanded Italy join the war on the side of socialist France whereas the Party wanted to remain neutral.
      Mussolini remained outspoken and was expelled/left the Italian Socialist party.
      He essentially became an agent of French workers party, working against the Italian socialist party in an effort to bring Italy into the war on the side of the more radical French socialists.
      This is when he began to get large amounts of funding from the elite who realised they would profit from the war (nothing has changed there)
      Italy eventually joined the war and Mussolini was drafted. and went to fight before returning a war hero and form his own radical breakaway group.
      Mussolini's new found national socialism with the ideology that workers should be on the side of France, the cradle of socialism, and that Socialism would follow the achievement of National self determination. (So justifying left wing nationalism, AKA fascism)
      After the war though Mussolini was disillusioned that nothing much changed, and the Industrialist who backed him now had power.
      This was the catalyst for the fasci interventionalists to come together and the formation of Fascist Party.
      The rest, as they say, is history - but not revisionist history of the left after reading this I hope.
      Hitler was also a Socialist and fascist.
      A Nazi was a member of the National SOCIALIST German workers party as Nazi is the German abbreviation for National Socialist (Nationalsozialistische) . So yeah Nazis were national socialists just like Mussolini and indeed Hitler led the German National socialist party.
      Here a quote from an interview with Hitler.
      When asked why he labelled himself a socialist he replied,
      "We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one."
      Being a white supremacist and all around genocidal maniac is irrelevant to this fact - less we recognise his eugenics based policies were also a blessing from the left, but that's another history lesson.

    • @theSacredAtheist
      @theSacredAtheist 2 года назад +1

      @@Muckylittleme You have always been my favorite writer. This post proves why.

    • @unmechanized1
      @unmechanized1 2 года назад +1

      @@Muckylittleme Absolutely! Fascism is left wing ideology that’s been repackaged and relabeled using a false political spectrum. Well said! Most people don’t have the Bazannzas to utter it.

    • @davidstoughton3340
      @davidstoughton3340 2 года назад +2

      That is the definition I remembered, corporate/Govt. merger but did not see when searching it. Strange. Of course looking at our own situation here with our tax money subsidizing everything and the threat of pulling money for non compliance with political agenda has placed us in this camp long ago, correct?

    • @billbradley4878
      @billbradley4878 2 года назад

      While Mussolini was one of the founders of fascism that is actually a misattributed quote, Mussolini never said it. Feel free to fact check me, I encourage it.

  • @mh_golfer
    @mh_golfer 2 года назад +8

    I love that you are willing to admit you don't know what something is. It shows how open you are to learning new things.
    SPLC = Southern Policy Law Center and they are definitely left-wing

  • @nickknight9060
    @nickknight9060 2 года назад +8

    I clicked this video not see people argue but for your reaction to the truth! Because the truth will set you free!

  • @offroad5798
    @offroad5798 2 года назад +6

    13:47 This dude just said "in Idaho" - saying we have a Nazi presence. Yeah, he truly doesn't know what he's talking about. He then correlated having a "militia", with Nazism. Remember folks, we shouldn't talk down to these people but educate them. They really don't know

  • @masonics2927
    @masonics2927 2 года назад +75

    Thoroughly enjoyed this. Prime example of a civil discussion that actually creates progress and helps change peoples minds and realize we all share very common interests. I think people need to give Candace Owens an opportunity to present her perspective and her ideas before bashing her. She's very well spoken and articulated.

    • @SirTinnlee
      @SirTinnlee 2 года назад +3

      You are so right on with your thoughts.

    • @ajschroetlin2196
      @ajschroetlin2196 2 года назад

      I don't trust anyone that gets paid to spread division.
      Candace, Shapiro, Crowder, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Larry Elder, and Jordan Peterson are all cut from the same cloth.

  • @chester6514
    @chester6514 2 года назад +19

    Remember that Candice doesn’t say poor people shouldn’t get a helping hand. She is specifically against the government doing it. She is all for charity to give free financial help, charity-driven assistance, food kitchens, community and church involvement, all of that conservative stuff.
    She basically thinks that more people would be helped if the government left them alone, because people give more and care more about their community if the government stays out of their pay checks and their communities. She believes it should be left to the family and the community to bring everyone out of the gutter and flourish together.
    At least, that’s my reading of her ideas. She definitely has data to back it up and basically agrees with Thomas Sowell on the same topic. It’s an interesting perspective that I think more lower class people are thinking about because they want to try and get in control of their own lives.
    Loved these longer form vids btw 👍🏼

  • @gigglezz811
    @gigglezz811 2 года назад +3

    Everyone is forgetting the old wisdom. Actions speak louder than words.

  • @spockthevulcan
    @spockthevulcan 2 года назад +102

    What's so awesome is watching Van come to realize how much in the center his politics really are. He grew up hearing all the standard leftist positions, fueled by liberals, so he adopted them as his own without question. Now as he looks deeper he sees what's actually resonating within him and that's compassion, truth, dedication and accountability. It's okay to have 1 foot on each side of the political isle...I do as well.

    • @russianpaul77
      @russianpaul77 2 года назад +3

      yes we need both left and right feet to walk in a balanced way. and the populist left and right have way more in common than we often realize, the media (and intelligence agencies) artificially push culture war to keep us from growing collective leverage to be able to oppose their corruption and profiteering.
      also important to note that ever since the new deal of early 20th century, what we are told is "the left" has been defanged, co-opted, infiltrated, and manipulated into this identity obsessed elitist manifestation we see today. Cornel West is closer to the principled leftists that are blocked out of the mainstream conversation. just like how ron paul and those on the right are pushed to the margins. "liberals" now are just corporate puppets exploiting identity woke politics to paper over the fact they're owned by the same donors who fund the republicans.
      left vs right is much more of a psy-op IMO than a genuine divide.

    • @ifitwere22
      @ifitwere22 2 года назад +10

      That’s kind of the vibe I get. I like watching his videos and getting his takes which are often different from mine. Van’s a super likable man. It’s interesting revisiting videos that I was immersed in years ago. He has fun watching these clips which is something I really relate with and admire about him

    • @davenunyabusiness4893
      @davenunyabusiness4893 2 года назад +1

      I too love watching the indoctrinated realize their BS is actually BS. Its like watching a Soviet citizen experience freedom.

    • @thomgorman
      @thomgorman 2 года назад +4

      There is little or no right-wing in American politics. You can only have one foot on the left and one in the center.

    • @ajschroetlin2196
      @ajschroetlin2196 2 года назад +2

      From what I've seen he's just swapping one propaganda view with another. Neither extreme use in our best interests.

  • @texashookem22
    @texashookem22 2 года назад +9

    Yesterday I had a 3 hour political and cultural phone conversation with an old friend, he of a different skin color and political persuasion than me, and we were able to talk and LISTEN to each other, even though we staunchly stood in different places, and it was a phenomenal 3 hours. We both came away having learned something and being able to understand the other one better. No “solution” answers were agreed upon, but they weren’t needed at the time. The conversation, however, was. It doesn’t matter what side you stand on, as long as you’re willing to really listen to somebody else, that is what is going to keep us together as a species, period. Just like what you’re doing here, Van, thank you again!

  • @amgirl4286
    @amgirl4286 2 года назад +46

    I'm ready to see Cornell West debate Mr. Sowell. We need to see more respectful black men with opposing views debating

    • @SSingh-nr8qz
      @SSingh-nr8qz 2 года назад +1

      I support this idea!

    • @amgirl4286
      @amgirl4286 2 года назад +3

      @@SSingh-nr8qz lol I hope it’s okay for me to say this- but I only see TV shows with womens perspectives.. and 90 percent of the time it’s liberal women. I want to hear from men who are not afraid to tell it like it is- consequences be damned! And I don’t think I as a woman should be speaking for men. We need to hear from all men! And honestly men have to stop worrying about if women get pissed- we say what we feel whether y’all get mad or not. Step up to the plate guys! I will support your voice even if I don’t support your view- as long as you keep it 100 no filters! ;)

    • @ezradanger
      @ezradanger 2 года назад +1

      Why would you want to do that to poor Mr Sowell?

    • @danaustin3885
      @danaustin3885 2 года назад

      @@amgirl4286 What black man would you put forward as a spokesman to replace or do to what she does?

    • @amgirl4286
      @amgirl4286 2 года назад +1

      @@danaustin3885 Not trying to replace her. IShes great. I just want to hear more from strong men with opposing views. We ahve multiple womens daytime talk showes where they discuss issues. Lets hear from the men. It wasnt a putdown. Sowell ---hes the best. There are many people that could be on a show like that.

  • @piratemccall
    @piratemccall 2 года назад +18

    Fascism is NOT far right. Fascism only truly defines Benito Mussolini's doctrine enacted in Italy, and is far too complex to define on a simplistic, linear "left/right" spectrum. There are MANY axis that go into any political philosophy: economic, social, structural, on and on. If you are strictly comparing "fascism" to our current "left/right" dichotomy in America, esentially the platforms of the Democrats and Republicans, traditional fascism shares at least as many fundamentals with the left. But honestly doesn't share many principles with either. Today, 99% of the time when people say fascist it is simply to insult someone on the other side.

    • @JoeBizzle
      @JoeBizzle 2 года назад +2

      Communists believe the arch of history will bend to one of two possible outcomes.... Communism or Fascism. If you aren't working for Communism, then you are working toward Fascism.

    • @piratemccall
      @piratemccall 2 года назад +1

      Exactly. But that is myopic beyond belief. If I see another "left/right" spectrum with communism on the left and fascism on the right my head will explode. To distill all possible variants of government down to such a simple understanding is absurd and complete ignorance of the human condition. The Greek city states had hundreds of governments living side by side at one time thousands of years ago. A million different governments have existed and you can't just plop them on a left/right line. 95% of the time when someone shows you a left/right line, it will be a modern liberal/democrat, who places themselves very close to the middle, and puts modern conservatives/Republicans on the "far right" it is almost always elementary propaganda.

    • @MS-sk5si
      @MS-sk5si 2 года назад +2

      Well said.

    • @JoeBizzle
      @JoeBizzle 2 года назад +2

      @@piratemccall right. And I'm not defending communist beliefs, just exposing them. I believe the arch of history is actually a spiral with the human element doing repeating circles around the straight line of time.

    • @piratemccall
      @piratemccall 2 года назад +2

      @Joe Bizzle
      I know you're not a commie, bro, you're rockin' the porcupine. But yeah, whenever someone says "left/right" the next question has to be "left/right of what?" Every society or state that's ever existed is faced with 1,000 issues unique to their circumstances. You can chart an extremely specific issue on a left/right line, but to chart all of political philosophy on one line is ridiculous.

  • @higgme1ster
    @higgme1ster 2 года назад +2

    Just imagine how Candace Owens might do in a Presidential Candidate Debate? She'd blow the wheels off of the bus!

  • @DOOMrtr
    @DOOMrtr 2 года назад +16

    Wikipedia is very skewed and bias. I would hesitate on using them as a source...even for the definition of words lol That sounds crazy but language gets manipulated down to the definition these days.

  • @flyonthewindshield3653
    @flyonthewindshield3653 2 года назад +1

    The most important thing is for Dr. West and Candace to have a serious conversation. Respectful, listening, considering etc. Really blown away by Dr. Wests understanding.

  • @stevena.7022
    @stevena.7022 2 года назад +4

    "... as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless." George Orwell's 'On Fascism'. London Tribune 1944.
    That source is only a brief newspaper article. I recommend it for a quick read.

  • @marshanall2695
    @marshanall2695 2 года назад +9

    Really wish there were more conversations like this. I'm so sick of people supposedly having a debate but it ends up with people not listening or resorting to insults and name calling. I immediately turn it off when that happens. Whatever happened to people in general being able to agree to disagree and not take things so personally. Can't wait to see part 2 of this. Thank you

  • @shelaughs185
    @shelaughs185 2 года назад +4

    I just want to hear good, well thought out, articulate conversation without tempers or name calling. That's why I clicked on this. It's been fun to see your reactions as you get informed. Good stuff all around.

  • @BigSherm328
    @BigSherm328 2 года назад +44

    While I disagree with Dr. West on some issues. I really do admire and respect him. He’s willing to engage in civil debate with those he disagrees with. He’s a brilliant man.

    • @Brandi6666
      @Brandi6666 2 года назад +4

      Really, just because he strings big words together; he is saying diddly squat. Really listen to him compose a winded sentence. Hes adding big words to seem like he has something interesting to say. See i just did it🤣 he is as bright as rev sharptongue and we all know he is in it for himself

    • @davenunyabusiness4893
      @davenunyabusiness4893 2 года назад

      @@Brandi6666 you Rev Charlatan.

    • @LarryBonson
      @LarryBonson 2 года назад +1

      West is shill don't be fooled.

    • @chamboyette853
      @chamboyette853 2 года назад

      @@Brandi6666 That is not what Big Sherm is saying.

    • @abnormallygoza
      @abnormallygoza 2 года назад

      @@Brandi6666 I've watched this man for decades, I'm a classic liberal and I no longer fit in with this neo-liberal movement that has been building for the last 15-20yrs with the third wave feminism and social justice movement. These people are so narcissistic and removed totally from reality that my views, where as viewed as liberal/libertarian when I was younger and before my time, are now considered right-wing. This country has created a new wave of communists that remind me of yearly communist China under Mao Zedong and his "great leap forward" or more accurately the second 10yr plan where he focused his propaganda towards the youth of China. He told them that the teachers were traitors and had the youth beat and lynch teachers/professors and held public book burning. He tried to rewrite history to make his rule and ideological beliefs as scripture/gospel/law. The universities here in the US are doing the same thing

  • @noblevictory2200
    @noblevictory2200 2 года назад +48

    I've watched and followed Candace for many years enough to know much of where she stands on the issues coming in to the debate. She's wise and ethical and fiercely just ♡
    BTW make no mistake, Candace Owens does her homework thus worthy of the respect she brings

  • @texashookem22
    @texashookem22 2 года назад +27

    Just starting the video, but I LOVE this setting and dynamic, wish more debates and conversations were in this type of environment.

    • @jared699
      @jared699 2 года назад

      You should check out more of Rogan then because all of his conversations are in this exact environment. And he has some great guests.

  • @MS-sk5si
    @MS-sk5si 2 года назад +23

    That definition of fascism is wrong as hell.
    It isn’t equated to the right wing. And nationalism doesn’t always correlate with fascism. Ghandi was a nationalist. MLK was a nationalist.
    Don’t look up a definition and take what you find on the top of the results page. It won’t get you anywhere. If you looked up the same terms 10-20 years ago, it would say something completely different.

    • @MW-go9rh
      @MW-go9rh 2 года назад

      Yeah you caught that too eh? Amazing how definitions have changed unbeknownst to us under this administration. Criminals.

    • @gatorstew1
      @gatorstew1 2 года назад +3

      @@MW-go9rh Yeah, when leftist control the definitions, somehow everything bad ends up "right wing", lol - even though the dude with the funny mustache was a left-wing starving artist.

    • @aNugget100
      @aNugget100 2 года назад

      May I ask how it is? My understanding of the term agrees with that definition, and fascism is epitomised by Nazi Germany in the 20th century. It is ultra nationalist insofar that it promotes racial differences within societies, hence the prosecution of "the other" in German society throughout the 30's and during WW2. All fascist countries in the 20th century were dictatorships. All were one party states and all divided society in to tranches in some way, rife with persecution.
      Nationalism has become a dirty word in the current age, and doesn't mean what people think it means. You bring up Ghandi and MLK which are prime examples. They were nationalist, but not ultra nationalist, there is a distinction there. Ultra Nationalist individuals are neo nazi's/fascists.
      You're arguing the case for Nationalism - not fascism. Ultra-Nationalism is a much more extreme version which is characteristic of Fascist societies.
      Fascist societies is also absolutely aimed at the right. You can't describe Maoist China or Stalinist Russia as fascist. They were authoritarian, yes, much like the right wingers. The differences lies in the ideology behind the political system, driving the philosophy. Its completely different.
      Not trying to be rude, just genuinely curious as how to you would define fascism if you don't agree with the definition of the video, which literally summarises every fascist society in the 20th century, which is where the term and ideology originates.

    • @gatorstew1
      @gatorstew1 2 года назад +2

      ​@@aNugget100 the problem is that they ignore socialism in the definition. Also, compared to communism, fascism was right wing, but compared to the rest of us, fascism is far left wing big government. H*tler and Mussolini were both progressive leftists. Hitler was a starving artist leftist. You look at the contemporaries in the D-party at they time, they admired what they were doing in their countries.

    • @aNugget100
      @aNugget100 2 года назад

      @@gatorstew1 You cannot describe far left governments as fascist. Both far left and far right societies can be authoritarian. But extreme left is communist.
      I think you're getting the distinction slightly confused. Authoritarian describes the state of the society, but communist/fascist describes the ideology that drives it. There are differences between the two.
      Mein Kampf made it perfectly clear that hitler was no leftist. He and his followers even tried to install a dictatorship in 1923 by storming munich. Upon being made chancellor, and following the death of Hindenburg, Hitler actively corrupted the democratic republic, combined the PM position and the chancellorship in to one position, neutered the parliament and ensured no monarchial influence on his decisions. Mussolini and Franco did exactly the same. These individuals were not on the leftist spectrum whatsoever. They wanted personal and absolute power from the start.

  • @Schwabguitar
    @Schwabguitar 2 года назад +10

    Be aware the definition of fascism has been twisted over the years, especially the last 5 or 6. If you want a good understanding you should read the doctrine of fascism, which is about a 30 min read. One thing to understand is fascism, like national socialism and comminusm, is that fascism is a collectivist authoritarian system that despises the idea of individualism. Mussolini was a life long socialist before he came up with fascism, and if you read his early speeches, you'll see alot of communists rhetoric.

  • @jasoncar1469
    @jasoncar1469 2 года назад +6

    Watching Van realize that Google is in fact left was both hilarious and satisfying.

  • @Darkwing29
    @Darkwing29 2 года назад +2

    We want to see people speaking with logic and trying to make the world better.

  • @jacquelineschlesinger5298
    @jacquelineschlesinger5298 2 года назад +14

    I didn’t watch this video hoping for an argument. I tuned in to see what your viewpoint is. Candice Owens presents herself with grace and dignity.

  • @denislaw8
    @denislaw8 Год назад +1

    thanks for putting this up, my brother. It's so good to hear black intellectuals talk about ideas, politics and American life.

  • @BayouMaccabee
    @BayouMaccabee 2 года назад +15

    I disagree with most of Dr. West's political stances, but I genuinely like the man. I believe he honestly wants what is best for Americans. This kind of civil discourse and honest discussions is necessary if we are all ever going to be able to come together as a people without demonizing one another. We need to focus on all common ground to build more trust, and then work outward from that foundation of trust.

    • @martyb5807
      @martyb5807 2 года назад +2

      He is very like Governor Wider from Virginia. I have mad respect for him even though we don't agree on a lot politically.

  • @92118
    @92118 2 года назад +1

    Candace, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro and others are awesome! I discovered late last yr and have learned a lot. Candace is very intelligent and very ready for a defense!

  • @LostVampireNSFV
    @LostVampireNSFV 2 года назад +6

    “It’s gettin’ saucay!” I love it! We need much more debate like this.

  • @claudias3859
    @claudias3859 2 года назад +1

    This is the best conversation I heard so far. No screaming and respectful.

  • @benuovir
    @benuovir 2 года назад +8

    I enjoy listening to two intelligent individuals discuss the reasoning of their beliefs. Regardless of their skin tone. Both are brilliant. I just align more with Candace, but also agree with some of West.

  • @shawnnelson6146
    @shawnnelson6146 2 года назад +2

    I love the way Cornell puts things out there.
    Candace is a deep thinker.

  • @TheCashcrue
    @TheCashcrue 2 года назад +21

    The main problem people are going to have with you watching Candace Owens is that other black people will see it. If they pay attention to what she's saying and do their own research to back it up, they will likely leave the Democrat party. Which is of course unacceptable. Cornell West did a great job in this debate, and I agree with some of his points. However, he is a socialist.

    • @kylaarmstrong-benjamin8066
      @kylaarmstrong-benjamin8066 2 года назад

      Lmfao 😂 😂 😂 😂

    • @RS-fy9hb
      @RS-fy9hb 2 года назад

      Like a full blown socialist? All corporations need to be state owned? Or more a component of the social liberalism present in scandinavia?
      Just curious, because I don't know him.

    • @TheCashcrue
      @TheCashcrue 2 года назад +2

      @@RS-fy9hb he's a little bit of both, but if you see him in a really heated argument I think he leans more towards full blown socialism. Kind of an "Even though you own that much, you don't deserve or need that much" attitude. That kind of government goes from socialism to fascist communism quick.

  • @angelamelton4747
    @angelamelton4747 2 года назад +1

    I want to see two people able to debate and learn from each other so we can solve problems together. That simple.

  • @MikkiWillis
    @MikkiWillis 2 года назад +4

    If you don’t like Candace you’ve very likely not experienced her without a media spin.

  • @davidmcnulty4960
    @davidmcnulty4960 2 года назад +1

    I am just so glad that people could sit down and have a conversation instead of yelling at each other letting the other person speak not being ignorant because they don’t agree with what the other person is saying

  • @geneporreca3848
    @geneporreca3848 2 года назад +17

    Candace doesn't throw out BS. She is legit

  • @jackmarr1776
    @jackmarr1776 2 года назад +1

    I have a lot of respect for both, actually for all 3 on the podcast. As a life long liberal democrat, Candace Owens is guilty of radicalizing me to become a conservative Republican.

  • @therealtorsteph22
    @therealtorsteph22 2 года назад +3

    Not just friends, he converted them. I think his name is Darryl Davis. His story is pretty spectacular.

  • @8cylinderstolife737
    @8cylinderstolife737 2 года назад +2

    Candace got a Buzzer!!! 🤷🏽‍♂️😳

  • @paulpierce1887
    @paulpierce1887 2 года назад +8

    Exactly. I wasn’t at all offended that you said that and I’m Italian. We all need to remember what our parents and grandparents said about sticks and stones. Plus when you’re being funny, people shouldn’t be offended. Even if it’s a bad joke.

  • @GoogleUser-wx8mw
    @GoogleUser-wx8mw 2 года назад +1

    Glad you reviewed this conversation. I have seen sound bits of Dr. West on network TV and pretty much wrote him off. This conversation helped me to discover the issues where he and I agree, which gives me hope for all of us.

  • @kristyshortridge4968
    @kristyshortridge4968 2 года назад +9

    I'm glad you found this one. It shows a side of Candace that you don't see in the media. The media only wants ratings so they show clips of things she may say without the full context. If you take just about any statement she says, it can seem inflammatory in and of itself. But once you listen to her thoughts, facts, etc, to back up the statement, then you get the full picture. And I can understand that people want to see her emotions, but I think they are there. I think most of America understands and wants to help when others are in poverty, but at the same time, you have to realize that for many - not all - those helping hands get tired. People are more willing to help those who help themselves, but in many cases, a helping hand to some end up being handouts. People have come to rely on the government for a living...and it's not even enough for people to live on. So I think that people, and Candace, do have hearts and are willing to help, but we have to be met part way. Welfare, food stamps, and the like, we're never meant to be a person's sole income.
    And I fully believe a person earning an income is better off than government assistance, even if you make about the same. A job gives a person confidence, self esteem, a purpose, and all of that is infectious and can spread throughout a community.

  • @80slady7
    @80slady7 2 года назад +1

    I'm so glad you give your opinions. Not only is it educational, but it is also great to have the conversation. Much Respect 🙏

  • @FPSmoto
    @FPSmoto 2 года назад +9

    Man, I wish I could like this video twice, because these are the conversations we need to be having as a nation instead of squabbling over the petty stuff while the wealthy sit back and laugh their way to the bank. The powerful forces in this country WANT us to be at each other's throats all the time, because it detracts from the real problems like why are 2 full time working salaries not enough to afford a healthy lifestyle in America? Inflation has all but ruined the idea of the American dream. Back in the 50s/60s, things were a lot simpler in terms of finances in a home. It used to be that only the man was required to work a job and that man would be able to make enough to support his wife/kids. Nowadays, people struggle to get ends meat and both the man AND the woman are putting in 40+ hours at a job. So now we have a whole movement of women who are fooled into believing that a career is ideal for them rather than raising a family, and while this may be true for some women and not for others, just like with men, the economic system we currently have has made it a requirement for women to suffer a career.
    But it is in these changes where we also start to see the decline in birth rate and sexual intercourse between males and females. While not the only factor in this equation (obesity plays a large roll as well in why fewer people are hooking up), it is certainly telling of things to come in the future. I, however, think that necessity is the mother of invention. This means that while there will be people squeezed through the cracks of society, we will strive to try to fix these problems. We can't just look at our problems today and think that they are all caused by an overnight phenomenon. This is something that has been insidiously impregnated into our economic system and is creating a culture of chaos.
    Ordo ab chao, which is latin for Order from Chaos, is a philosophy that touches on the nature of our existence, and that there are universal truths that occur no matter what location we were born, what century we were born or any other factor. One of those truths is that only order can come from chaos, and vice versa. When the world seems too chaotic, then it's only a matter of time before we start to become more structured in our thoughts and actions. This is partly why I believe Jordan Peterson is so popular today. Men especially are at a crossroads between money and purpose. Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. We're on the cusp between the weak men creating hard times and the hard times creating strong men. So all we need to do is to continue to grow strong through adversity and struggle, and our character will speak volumes, and other people who you know and care about will start to emulate your behavior and it will have a domino effect hopefully on a much larger scale than just friends and family.

  • @gloriasheppard7747
    @gloriasheppard7747 2 года назад +1

    No, I didn't want a fight. I love Candace, but the professor is being very respectful and soft spoken. Great conversation.

  • @wesalker3479
    @wesalker3479 2 года назад +9

    That fascism definition can ONLY be correct with the elimination of the term "far right".

    • @laredolassoo
      @laredolassoo 2 года назад +1

      This is wrong. Totalitarianism and Authoritarianism can be either right or left, but fascism is and always has been the far right version of the previous two governance styles.

    • @wesalker3479
      @wesalker3479 2 года назад

      @@laredolassoo spoken like a true liberal . . . . . take off the blinders.

    • @laredolassoo
      @laredolassoo 2 года назад

      @@wesalker3479 it's the dictionary, literal definition. And I'm not a liberal, Wess

    • @wesalker3479
      @wesalker3479 2 года назад

      @@laredolassoo Ya know who writes that crap, right? Academics. Academia has been infected by liberals forever! Their bias can be witnessed easily, if you're willing to see it. It's the same subversive propaganda that Hitler and Mussolini used to con the ignorant masses and, it works here, as well. Of course, you're a liberal. Liberals love to use fake personas on the internet.

  • @themdrnsamurai
    @themdrnsamurai 2 года назад +2

    A great discussion, respectful and smart.

  • @rickdblair
    @rickdblair 2 года назад +3

    I love how you pause these to fact check! That got me laughing that it's so blatant! Keep up this content sir!

  • @davidbentley145
    @davidbentley145 2 года назад

    When some one comes at me ,I respond by asking for a citation(proof)...Truth doesn't mind scrutiny...and is welcomed...A lie will eventually chase itself to death...Ty brother

  • @clasmaster1471
    @clasmaster1471 2 года назад +3

    The mainstream media is the ones who wants to see all the contempt and problems and race issues. Not the people clicking to watch this. Watching this to learn perspectives.

  • @bradcable6
    @bradcable6 2 года назад +1

    No. I wanna see everyone open their eyes and understand reality and the truth

  • @FiREfaiRY1441
    @FiREfaiRY1441 2 года назад +3

    Watch those hearings she's talking about!

  • @Ezoangelofdeath
    @Ezoangelofdeath 2 года назад +1

    That guy mediating is Gavin Mcinnes, the guy who started the Proud Boys

  • @Satch_4_Hogs
    @Satch_4_Hogs 2 года назад +5

    I love seeing rational calm intelligent respectful conversation.
    Dr. West said that Liberalism was strong in the universities. What he meant to say was liberal, or left leaning, or progressivism.
    This is not the same as Liberalism. There is a large amount of Socialist idealism in the universities, which is counter, and even hostile towards, Liberalism.
    To contrast the two, Liberalism focuses on the individual, and Socialism focuses on the group identity.
    Liberalism is synonymous with Western or European society.

  • @avpwargamer5765
    @avpwargamer5765 2 года назад +1

    That was a great take. "They speak specificly to those that hear them." That's very insightful. If we can understand what our opposition is hearing and how they think, we are a step cloaser to unity and understanding.

  • @jbiskner1
    @jbiskner1 2 года назад +10

    I enjoyed this until you said this administration is progress 😂 there is not a single metric in which my life or virtually anyones life has improved under this administration.

    • @andreadeamon6419
      @andreadeamon6419 2 года назад

      True. We're hurting now more than we ever have. Gas, utilities, rent and food have doubled - except for our paychecks to pay for it

  • @joshz7712
    @joshz7712 2 года назад +1

    I didnt want to. Some times I do depending on who is taking the heat but this is the kind of discourse I like. This is what progression looks like. This is awesome to see and hear.

  • @herschelsquirts2338
    @herschelsquirts2338 2 года назад +3

    You really need to check out Larry Elder’s story about his father moving to Los Angeles and why they didn’t speak for so many years. Great story.

  • @benarnold9595
    @benarnold9595 2 года назад

    Conversations like this gives me hope for the future. Live love ,love life.

  • @robertdedrick7937
    @robertdedrick7937 2 года назад +3

    No we want all Americans to get along and clean up our government.
    I no how I feel, just like Candice, I just want the "left" to truly understand my position. Then we can agree to disagree but love each other and move this country forward.

  • @ashleyrobinson998
    @ashleyrobinson998 2 года назад +1

    Dude when my boss finds me asleep in my car today instead of delivering pizza Im gonna blame you!!!!! Again I found your channel at 11pm last night after work it is now just after 7am and Im still up watching..... Thank you for doing this not many people do....

  • @moe45673
    @moe45673 2 года назад +3

    Dude, you're the one guy that I genuinely enjoy listening to even when you say things I fundamentally disagree with :D

  • @hihoktf
    @hihoktf 2 года назад +1

    You notice how she specifically addresses policies, while he doesn't mention policies except in a vague sense. There's a few reasons for that.

  • @JoeBizzle
    @JoeBizzle 2 года назад +3

    The difference between Rap/Hip Hop artists and every other profession is this: The geniuses can make millions doing songs about a certain criminal lifestyle. Then when others attempt to make their own money participating in that activity, they end up in jail.

  • @cebrith
    @cebrith 2 года назад +1

    Van -- you nailed me on the "giving information" thing. Has been a wedge issue in my relationship that I've been overcoming for the past several years. Your show is a place I go to be in a positive presence while listening to these great minds. I find I'm a better listener and communicator after listening to your show.

  • @adamenvoyoftheend
    @adamenvoyoftheend 2 года назад +8

    PSA: Hitler was a Socialist. Which is the opposite of 'far-right'. Careful with definitions, because they change quite often.

    • @mzet420
      @mzet420 2 года назад +1

      Hitler was not a socialist. Yes the Nazi party called themselves the The National Socialist German Worker’s Party but that was in name only and done to appeal to the working classes. His actions speak loudly. For example Hitler surprised trade unions. He also persecuted socialist and left wing political activist. He also banned the Social Democratic Party of Germany in 1933. So Hitler used the term Socialist for his propaganda.

    • @fewwiggle
      @fewwiggle 2 года назад

      @@mzet420 Right. Next you will be telling me that the Soviet Union wasn't "socialist":
      "one's good standing in one's trade union depended on staying on the right side of the unions' KGB liaisons/agents and of its party organization"
      Regardless, Hitler persecuted anyone who was opposing the Nazis -- that tells us nothing about Nazi politics.
      The "right" (conservatism/libertarianism) in general wants as little government as possible and more individual autonomy. That is the exact opposite of what the Nazis wanted.

    • @adamenvoyoftheend
      @adamenvoyoftheend 2 года назадвидео.html Just gonna put this here, and suggest people read or keep their arguments in Twitter. Won't be checking back because comment drama isn't my thing.

  • @frikster5542
    @frikster5542 2 года назад

    This is great....2 people with different political opinions ,debating each other with respect......2 class acts.

  • @clstjam4321
    @clstjam4321 2 года назад +4

    I love how the definition of fascism has changed since I learned about it in the 80s. The term NAZI stood for National Socialist Workers Party. Socialism, as defined by Karl Marx, the father of Communism is simply soft Communism. Remember, China doesn't say they're Communist, they say they're Socialist. Is China's govt far right? No they're far left authoritarians. Also the USSR was the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Was the USSR far right? Hell no! (The rest of the definition is the same)
    I suspect this will get some hate but changing a definition that existed for over a hundred years is insane!

  • @jackstickler1705
    @jackstickler1705 2 года назад +1

    Nice to see two adults from different political parties and a calm rational discussion and actually listening to each other. Unfortunately I think that’s a big thing these days.

  • @JoeBizzle
    @JoeBizzle 2 года назад +4

    How can a woman get drunk and claim she can't be held responsible for her actions when it comes to sex, but then can't use that same excuse if she gets in a car accident?

    • @Spoiler_Alertist
      @Spoiler_Alertist 2 года назад +2

      how come men can't say they were blackout out drunk and not be held responsible for their actions? seems sexist to me

    • @missab2052
      @missab2052 2 года назад +1

      two excellent questions.

  • @meliciousgoremay
    @meliciousgoremay 2 года назад +1

    “We was broke as the Ten Commandments…”
    Aww man, as a sinner, I felt that 😅

  • @paulstewart6203
    @paulstewart6203 2 года назад +7

    Great content, love to see more Owens, Elders, Shapiro, Jordan, they all give a common-sense logical approach to problems.

  • @johnh3276
    @johnh3276 2 года назад +1

    These two are both heavyweights of their generations, very sharp, also very caring, and that makes their conversations a bit epic.

  • @sewermachine462
    @sewermachine462 2 года назад +3

    Candace is a trigger for the ignorant.

  • @SaydeeEnward
    @SaydeeEnward 2 года назад +1


  • @g.k.2400
    @g.k.2400 2 года назад +3

    Mad respect for looking up the term on the spot, although I would highly recommend using an actual dictionary like Meriam-webster or oxford (which can both be found online). Google isn't a good scource for definition as it more often takes the current social interpretation instead of the actual intended meaning. Also "Wikipedia" is an Encyclopedia and not a Dictionary.
    1. often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

  • @micahprice2807
    @micahprice2807 2 года назад +2

    Great conversation, but as an Alabamian, I resent a bit the statement equating Nazi groups with “a gun range in Alabama”. There are crazy people everywhere... but you’ll find in south Alabama some of the best people you’ll ever meet. When the songs talk about people who will give you the shirt off your back, and help each other financially.. that’s the people in Alabama... people that will think you are wrong, but help you anyway with a handshake and a smile and remember your name 5 years from now because YOU matter! Sorry for the rant... but I’m tired of this kind of soft association with Nazism and things like that...

  • @lisashinn3367
    @lisashinn3367 2 года назад +6

    As brilliant as he is, Cornel West stull uses the victim card.

  • @danielludlow8960
    @danielludlow8960 2 года назад

    I love seeing an actual conversation of two different views yet treating each other with respect because this..."debate" how we can survive and thrive as America. What a GREAT conversation!!!!!!

  • @proud2bamerican
    @proud2bamerican 2 года назад +4

    She wins you over video after video. Just like me, since Blexit

  • @EhdrianEh
    @EhdrianEh 2 года назад +2

    So nice to see such a chill channel willing to listen and 'chat' (as much as you can chat on a one-way video). I also get, what I believe to be, an intelligent, moderate view from a person who came from a place I know little about.

  • @JoeBizzle
    @JoeBizzle 2 года назад +6

    The "Living wage" argument always makes my blood boil. If you want more money, then equip yourself with skills that someone else is willing to pay you more for.

    • @Ifslayanct
      @Ifslayanct 2 года назад +2

      Absolutely. IMO on top of that, a "living wage" is grossly overestimated. What they want is luxury. They want a middle class home, getting take-out and watching TV every night with their dogs and cats. Trust me, be in the military and you'll see how much the government is willing to spend on you to keep you alive-- and that's considering you're working for them. Giving a Universal Income that's enough to keep you alive is even worse, it's more like prison. Here's your 10x10 with a roommate, a couple pillows, and if you want food then there's a chow line serving some slop right over there. Everything else you want you gotta earn.

    • @hihoktf
      @hihoktf 2 года назад

      Somebody knows some Thomas Sowell. 👍

  • @nedrasellayah9314
    @nedrasellayah9314 Год назад

    This was a really good very reasonable discussion. Very different to other aggressive conversations she and others have had with Cornell.
    Good job. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @MrSirFluffy
    @MrSirFluffy 2 года назад +6

    You are sounding like that girl named Africa who spoke with Jordan Peterson, except in your case it's with Candace Owens. Ya'll are just waiting for your negative feeling to be justified, but I mean this in a good way. Much respect for people willing to challenge their preconceptions, it's difficult to do and our ego's are more powerful than we realize even if we see ourselves as humble.

  • @saragodres-tomes1032
    @saragodres-tomes1032 2 года назад +1

    This is great! I LOVE this sharing and debating of real ideas after finding common ground.

  • @DOOMrtr
    @DOOMrtr 2 года назад +11

    This conversation was balanced until they got to the meat of the issues they were discussing. At that point, facts and data were required. Candace had that information. Cornel did not. The scary thing is how quickly he was willing to dismiss his lack of evidence and facts as inconsequential. Cornel basically proves Candaces' argument for him. This is so common on the left side of the political spectrum: The justification of 'well we just know it' or 'I don't need data because it's common knowledge'. That argument wouldn't work on your parents let alone someone with an ounce of common sense. If you can't prove's just a theory.

  • @alicecrenshaw6614
    @alicecrenshaw6614 2 года назад +1

    I love Candice she never pulls a punch. Strong,intelligent, speaks her mind against or for with knowledge.

  • @str5295
    @str5295 2 года назад +3

    Love watching your journey, Van. Conservatives are painted in such an incorrect light by the media, when all we want is opportunity for all, and common sense policies that help make our country safe and genuinely prosperous. Good for everyone! We are not worried about identity politics. Tired of the left dividing us into groups all the time. Keeps people arguing, which I think is their point. Conservatives just want all of America to do well, and leftist policies just don't foster that. Look at the inflation right now.

  • @bri_____
    @bri_____ 2 года назад +2

    Three decent people having a conversation 🙏

  • @MW-go9rh
    @MW-go9rh 2 года назад +3

    I wanted to see a true debate with facts. I really hate when ppl get up n loud n cut eachother off n take cheap personal shots. That I despise n have no interest in watching. I also would like to see Candace viewed n heard instead of just attacked for assuming you know what she stands for. I just want her to be heard. Considered. Not censored. I’m not black but I see her as a force of love for the black community. She’s passionate about helping the black community. As she sees it. Disagree if you do but at least hear her out before disagreeing n beating down her credibility.

  • @kingpin1929
    @kingpin1929 2 года назад +1

    Great video, this is how people should have a discussion

  • @harb2329
    @harb2329 2 года назад +4

    Cornell West and Candace Owens are amazing people… To believers talking about the swamp LOL

  • @pamh2697
    @pamh2697 2 года назад

    This was a fantastic discussion! I've only heard Dr West in short news interviews/clips. I like a lot of what he said here.