We need someone like him in Economics to show the “Government“ how it should be done. Morale’s and enlightened as to the human life in every day life, He was named as “The Father of Modern Economics” and should still be used as a guiding figure in life today especially in local government and, the UK parliament! I learned about his books while studying Business Administration and found his thinking as fair and enlightened. The greed and power grabs worldwide by those who should know better is shameful and kills the Economy of most countries of the world today (2024).
Thank you for a really good biography of Adam Smith.
Well done and very informative for me as one only vaguely familiar with his contributions.
We need someone like him in Economics to show the “Government“ how it should be done. Morale’s and enlightened as to the human life in every day life, He was named as “The Father of Modern Economics” and should still be used as a guiding figure in life today especially in local government and, the UK parliament! I learned about his books while studying Business Administration and found his thinking as fair and enlightened. The greed and power grabs worldwide by those who should know better is shameful and kills the Economy of most countries of the world today (2024).