The Mark of the Beast, Greece’s Citizen Card, and St. Paisios

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Excerpted from Lesson 17: The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian, Rev. 13: 16-18 (Series 3, Section 2), by Fr. Peter Heers
    / @orthodoxethos
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Комментарии • 672

  • @masonschaar3423
    @masonschaar3423 8 месяцев назад +44

    The devil is going to tempt us, with the SAME temptations he tempted Jesus with... Food, death or suicide, and idolatry/ worship. We all must focus on what Jesus did, how did Jesus defeat satan. This is the war my brothers and sisters, this is the fight for your souls. May Jesus be with everyone. God bless

    • @8882keithio
      @8882keithio 7 месяцев назад +1

      This is an amazing insight! Thankyou!

    • @valeriewatring8245
      @valeriewatring8245 5 месяцев назад +1

      Jesus said, It is written, he quoted the Word of God

  • @cyberbules3085
    @cyberbules3085 9 месяцев назад +236

    As a Greek citizen, I am frustrated with the stance of our wicked government. There was a debate on a news channel between a Greek police officer and the chief of the police force Σταύρο Μπαλάσκα. Mr. Balaskas claimed, that until the year 2026 everyone has to get a new ID card or else they will not be able to buy anything. The police officer responded, that people can leave the cities and start a new life in the wilderness without the new ID card.
    Mr. Balaskas responded, that it will be impossible, since without the new IDcard, someone will not even be allowed to buy matches !!
    The reporters of the Mass Media have started a campaign to isolate this group of people from the rest of society by naming them "conspiracy theorists", "lunatics", "sprayed" and all kinds of characterizations.
    This way those people are treated as such by society.
    Is this a democratic government or a dictatorship??

    • @LKRaider
      @LKRaider 9 месяцев назад +52

      That’s everywhere my brother, unfortunately

    • @LKRaider
      @LKRaider 9 месяцев назад

      Also, even Democracy is by no means a guarantee of freedom, it is simply a mob-rule system, and you can lose citizenship from the mob very easily if you don’t comply to their groupthink.

    • @cyberbules3085
      @cyberbules3085 9 месяцев назад

      Since 2019, the Western countries have adopted a dark way of governance.
      The World Economic Forum forces them to impose strict and and cruel laws to their societies, like they are in a hurry to achieve something...A hurry about what?
      Greece is getting day by day more like the society of China...@@LKRaider

    • @anitar150
      @anitar150 9 месяцев назад +14


    • @majorian4897
      @majorian4897 9 месяцев назад

      Democracy was your first mistake

  • @Miroslaw-rs8ip
    @Miroslaw-rs8ip 8 месяцев назад +47

    Thanks for this channel, I am a Bible believing Christian and agree with everything that the Priest stated here! As a Canadian we went through hell with the last so called pandemic, our Government cracked down on our constitutional rights and freedoms and I saw clearly through their propaganda that this was all a lie but it forced most Canadians to get the dangerous jab. Peaceful protests by truckers caused the Federal Government to freeze the accounts of some people and they couldn’t do any business, and this is just the predecessor of greater tyranny that the government is going to unleash on us since they’re already planning on digital currencies and digital identities. Yes we’re living in the last days and we have to prepare for the evil coming soon 😢, we’ll have to depend on Jesus more than ever and each other.

    • @jz295491
      @jz295491 8 месяцев назад +5

      I cant see why you guys still keep Trudoue in power.. !!! Something seriously wrong there !

    • @lightofbabylon7
      @lightofbabylon7 8 месяцев назад +2

      Islam is the first beast in revelation

  • @charlesmaximus9161
    @charlesmaximus9161 9 месяцев назад +203

    Lord have mercy. Through the prayers of St. Paisios, oh Lord save us and have mercy on us. 🙏☦️

    • @WesBarnettMartinez
      @WesBarnettMartinez 9 месяцев назад +2

      The ego dies on a hill for a label
      The Holy Ghost goes up to Christ with the correct Bible; KINGJAMESBIBLE1611
      And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of GodRevelation19:13KJV

    • @georgiacap9294
      @georgiacap9294 9 месяцев назад +12

      Stop worshipping the KJV1611 Bible.

    • @WesBarnettMartinez
      @WesBarnettMartinez 8 месяцев назад

      @@georgiacap9294 The KJB was published in 1611 & in Acts 16:11, Samothracia is 1611Meters high, while Paul & others travel in a direction pointing to England: Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to Samothracia, and the next day to Neapolis;
      Self research never betrays

    • @gregstone869
      @gregstone869 8 месяцев назад +1

      I'm still sticking with the idea that it will be a UPC code tattoo

    • @georgiacap9294
      @georgiacap9294 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@WesBarnettMartinez there were no chapters or verses in the New Testament. They were added later.

  • @jelenanuhanovic2855
    @jelenanuhanovic2855 8 месяцев назад +94

    During c*vid our family tried to set up an independent off grid homestead in Serbia. It was incredibly hard with kids, so we had to abandon the idea in order to be closer to our wider family. Also it is pretty demanding in terms of finances but we were able to invest enough. One of the tougher lessons we learned is that you cannot exist without the wider community of 30-ish people, WITH kids so that your own have company, and everyone in the community has to be healthy and strive to maintain health... another challenge we faced was severe weather conditions during the last 4 years which made it very difficult to grow fruits and veggies successfully...bottom line, all the obstacles are easier to overcome if you solve the hardest part - setting up a community. We left this to God, knowing that when the time is right, the Lord will set this up Himself

    • @annanicholson5309
      @annanicholson5309 8 месяцев назад +10

      Thank you for confirming what I thought. God will provide. Remember if health fails, to live is Christ to die is gain.

    • @PleasePRAYforPEACE_YehaNoha
      @PleasePRAYforPEACE_YehaNoha 8 месяцев назад

      12 23 23 Saturday
      Bar code has 3 sets of 6 bars, the
      Q code has 2 squares with 6 columns in each square
      EM is AC. 6G network , Starlink 666.
      If you receive that seal of satan on your forehead or the chip in your brain 🧠, then you will NOT have the SEAL OF GOD 777 on your forehead and in your brain 🧠.
      The MARK of the BEAST is a sign of SATANS OWNERSHIP of your SOUL and BODY 666 6G Network .
      Just like the SEAL of GOD 777 on your FOREHEAD is a SIGN that you are OWNED by the HOLY ETERNAL LIVING CREATOR ,
      SO NO need to fear 😨
      GOD is FAITHFUL 🙏😇
      God will meet your needs , in your desert time , where you see no water 💦 , no trees, no fruit 🍑, no vegetables 🍆 , no animals to eat God will PROVIDE your food 🙏
      it may fall down from heaven 😇
      you may see a falling down from the sky , just as the Hebrew people people saw the heavenly bread theMANNA falling from the sky and they ate it and it tasted very good and it meant all their nutritional needs 😊😇🙏🕊️🥰😘😍🤣😂😚
      40 years in the desert and the Hebrews clothes and sandles did NOT wear out 😇
      40 years in desert 🏜️ the Hebrew people lived and they were very healthy eating the HEAVENLY BREAD called MANNA 😊
      but we need to remember that the HOLY ETERNAL LIVING CREATOR cared for over a MILLION HEBREW people in the DESERT,
      where there was no RAIN 💦 and no PLANTS , no TREES 🌴, no FRUIT 🍑, no VEGETABLES 🍆 and the HEBREWS ran out of animals to eat, the HEBREWS ate all the animals right away, that were with them.
      The Holy Eternal living Creator RAINED DOWN MANNA HOLY BREAD FROM HEAVEN down for the HEBREW PEOPLE to each, the HOLY ETERNAL LIVING CREATOR told the men where the water was in the desert .
      WHERE to dig for water 🌊
      where they would find the water 🌊 and they found it where they were told the water would be found 😊
      The Hebrews did not die of thirst in the 40 years in the desert 🏜️
      It's going to take a lot of Faith and Trust for the Holy Eternal Living Creator.
      Please read what happens to the people that take the mark in book of Revelation,
      The scorpions from HELL will come up from hell and bite the PEOPLE marked with Satan's 666 mark for 5 full months.
      They will have boils all over their bodies, they will beg for death but they will NOT be able to die.
      so obviously something is going to change the human chemistry in the body that causes the human to live much longer than the average of 72 years that the human lives now, in the western nations, if you look at Dr Fauci, who was head of the national institute of Health in the USA, he's 82 years old , the man does NOT look 82 years old.
      Every time I see him he looks younger 😱
      Look up many of these elite people in the Western Nations they're actually looking younger, r every time you see them BECAUSE I do believe that the scientists have discovered how to extend human life 🧬 beyond 125 years, Klaus Schwab father is still alive and he is over 115 years old and appears to be only 70 years old and Klaus Schwab birthdate is March 39th 1938 he is 85 but looks like his age is 60 years old .
      eople are going to take this medicine that will cause them to live much longer and when planet Earth is very sick and very polluted and the Scorpions 🦂 are biting them , they will want to die they will beg to die but they won't be able to die because they took the demon chemical that caused their body to live much longer than the Holy Eternal Living Creator wanted humans to live BECAUSE after the world 🌍 flood.
      the Holy Eternal living Creator decided that the humans should only live at the most 125 years. Obviously Pfizer's Naz| German scientist have figured out how to extend human life beyond 125 years, people need to research what the Pfizer company did to the Jewish people and also all the prisoners in the slave death camps during WW2 there were many Christians and where there were many leaders in Christianity and Judaism,
      in fact that was the first people that Hitler ordered arrested , were the leaders in the faith.
      The Rabbis, priest and pastors ,
      I think that it will happen again, those will be the first people arrested , will be the leaders in faiths, when the AC gets in control
      because they are they are shepard and once the shepard is removed the sheep get lost .

    • @PleasePRAYforPEACE_YehaNoha
      @PleasePRAYforPEACE_YehaNoha 8 месяцев назад

      😇🙏 12 23 23
      We Can Endure
      -How to survive trouble
      In this lesson we shall see how to survive trouble. We will notice seven methods by which we can endure trials and tribulations. In each of these methods we draw on the help that God provides.
      "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalms 46:1).
      "Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of Grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
      1 Accept the Forgiveness of Sins
      In times of trouble, we are beset by many negative feelings, fear, disappointment, bewilderment, grief, a sense of failure, rejection and guilt. Guilt is one of the worst. We cannot cope with our troubles when burdened with guilt.
      Jesus provides us with blessed relief from guilt. No matter how terrible our sins have been, Jesus is able to carry them all away.
      Through him we can have "our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience" (Hebrews 10:22).
      "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness, by whose wounds you were healed" (1Peter 2:24).
      "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool" (Jeremiah 31:34).
      "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus... through him we are more than conquerors" (Romans 8:1,37).
      Forgiveness is a blessing to all who will "repent and be baptized" (Acts 2:38), and thereafter "repent and pray" (Acts 8:22).
      "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1John 1:7,9).
      It is vital that we rid ourselves of guilt by seeking God's forgiveness and accepting it so that we may also forgive ourselves.
      2 Read the Scriptures
      A crisis is no time to neglect the Bible. When we are in trouble, we need God's word more than ever, and we will see things in the Bible that we did not notice when the living was easy.
      "Through the patience and comfort of the scriptures we have hope" (Romans 15:4).
      "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path... I am afflicted very much; keep me alive O Lord, according to your word" (Psalms 119:105,107).
      "I commend you to God and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up..." (Acts 20:32).
      Certain passages of scripture are especially comforting in times of trouble. For example, Psalms 23, Romans 8:18-39, Matthew 6:25-34, Hebrews 12:11-13, Job 2:7-10.
      3 Pray
      A crisis is no time to neglect prayer. We need prayer more than ever when we are in trouble.
      As Jesus faced the prospect of crucifixion, "He prayed fervently" (Luke 22:44).
      When Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison, they "were praying and singing hymns to God" (Acts 16:25).
      We too need to pray in times of trouble. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God..." (Philippians 4:4-6).
      Sometimes, in trouble, we just don't know how to pray as we should. Words seem unable to express our feelings and fears. God understands, and provides the intercession of the Holy Spirit to help us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-28).
      4 Be Strengthened by the Holy Spirit
      Not only does the Holy Spirit intercede for us (as just mentioned) but he dwells in us to strengthen us
      "God will strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being" (Ephesians 3:16).
      Even though death itself comes upon us, we have the promise that "if the Spirit of him who raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who indwells you" (Romans 8:11).
      5 Shift the Mind's Focus
      Obviously we cannot help thinking about our troubles, however they should not be the constant focus. Even in times of trouble we should focus our minds on those high and noble things in which our hope is based.
      "Whatever is true... noble... right... pure... lovely... admirable... excellent... praiseworthy... think on these things" (Philippians 4:8).
      "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control..." (Galatians 5:22).
      "In your faith supply virtue... knowledge... self-control... perseverance... godliness... brotherly kindness... love..." (2Peter 1:3-8).
      If we will focus our mind on these at least as much as we focus on our tribulations, then we will help our minds to cope with our troubles and assist us in dealing with them.
      6 Take Advantage of Christian Fellowship
      Fellow Christians can be a source of strength and relief in time of need.
      The very first Christians "were together and had all things common... as anyone had need" (Acts 2:44-45).
      Genuine Christianity involves helping people in distress (James 1:27).
      Christians "weep with those who weep" (Romans 12:9-15).
      Christians "bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2).
      Christians "help the weak, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'" (Acts 20:35).
      Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ. They pray together, and help each other through life. Do not be ashamed to take advantage of this when you have genuine need. If you have been willing to assume the duties of a Christian, why not also be willing to partake of the blessings that you need?
      Christian fellowship is much more than social get-togethers. Being at a party or a picnic is the last thing you feel like doing if you have great worries and your life is in turmoil. But when someone reaches through the shallowness that often passes for fellowship, and links hands with you in some considerate and caring way, then you have had true fellowship that helps you to survive another day.
      7 Practise the Pilgrim Principle
      A great many people live this life as though it were the be-all and end-all. However this world is not our true home. Heaven is our home, and eternal life is our true life.
      Peter speaks of Christians as "sojourners and pilgrims" (1Peter 2:11-12), whose life in this present world is a well-conducted journey along a difficult road.
      The men and women of old such as Abraham and Sarah "confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on earth" who "desire a better land, that is a heavenly one" and God "has prepared a city for them" (Hebrews 1:13-16).
      Jesus promises us,
      "I go to prepare a place for you, and I will come again to take you to myself that where I am there you may be also" (John 14:1-3).

    • @PleasePRAYforPEACE_YehaNoha
      @PleasePRAYforPEACE_YehaNoha 8 месяцев назад

      Former Yugoslavia went through that horrific War im early 90s where about 9000 children died and it was basically a genocide of faithful people Catholics , Christians Muslims and Jews and they're doing the same thing in Ukraine, they're KILLING all the people of Faith, NO you will NOT be safe in any of the WESTERN NATIONS , you need to go to South America.

    • @therighteousrighthand
      @therighteousrighthand 8 месяцев назад +5

      Glad you tried with humans efforts and failed ..God redeemed us HIMSELF. He is a good GOD and does good things for His children.. seek Him and His righteousness and His Holiness....God knows how to keep His own safe.

  • @mozzarella_boyy7779
    @mozzarella_boyy7779 8 месяцев назад +67

    Please pray for us Greeks, we need the lord's protection and mercy now more than ever, our government doesn't compromise and our neighbors don't take us seriously.

    • @georgesbackyardgym
      @georgesbackyardgym 8 месяцев назад

      Take it easy, do you work, pay taxes, have a phone, credit card, bank account, drivers licence. Well what is you problem. What is the government taking away from you. Do you have a passport and if so why, you don't need how dare they know whose traveling into other country we all should be free RIGHT. How are the refugees doing in Greece. Do they need ID or are they citizens of Greece. Come on wake up

    • @kaykay865
      @kaykay865 8 месяцев назад +1

      You need to get up off your knees

    • @AndronikosNikephoros
      @AndronikosNikephoros 8 месяцев назад +7

      Greek nation was Great when wasn't afraid to Fight ☦️💪🏻 we need a new Basil II the Great we need a new Justinian even a new Alexander to remember what we are capable to do Ελληνες 🇬🇷🇨🇾💪🏻✊🏻

    • @kaykay865
      @kaykay865 8 месяцев назад

      @@AndronikosNikephoros need to get away from the West but we do have the best patriots
      All fearless leaders patriots

    • @georgesbackyardgym
      @georgesbackyardgym 8 месяцев назад

      Very Christian like, unless 51% of the people voted or rallied against it then the Government have to listen, but I guarantee less than 5% of the population are concerned their freedoms will be gone lol.@@AndronikosNikephoros

  • @mattmiller5014
    @mattmiller5014 8 месяцев назад +35

    In 1993 I fasted for 21 days. Became quite pleasant after 3 days. No hunger, no thirst, never lost a pound. My friend's finally told me, if you don't eat, you will die. I believed them and started eating again and here I am today, still in the devils world. But for 21 days I was NOT dependent upon the World😊 All great prophets fasted for 40 days . If you don't eat long enough, your Corpeal body will die. But you, the real you, will not. You will leave your Corpeal body behind and go into the light. Only those who Think they Are their corpeal body and fear death will get the Mark.

    • @gordkost3027
      @gordkost3027 8 месяцев назад +3

      Yet do not kill your body purposly or willfully. Body and soul are holy made by Him. And we need to maintain them best we can and learn from our Earthly experience. And best on these topic is to consult the Holy Fathers of the church. Some Fathers now a days support idea of prolonged fasting. But with blessing. You should know everything for the church people, need to be done with blessing from the priest.

    • @lightofbabylon7
      @lightofbabylon7 8 месяцев назад

      Islam is the first beast in revelation and hamas and isis wear the mark of the beast "bismallah" on their headbands and flags this is why they are pushing Islam worldwide and jizya tax

    • @user-yo9pv1ni6t
      @user-yo9pv1ni6t 8 месяцев назад

      Interesting story,, Glad you shared,, I am super skinney and always have desire for food, Not alot of food,,,I find it veryyy hard to fast even one day. But I know if I did live liong enough,,I am 68,,, I would have to choose between taking the chip or refusing. To refuse the chip is almost certain death, ,,as you will face homeless, and you will wake up in the middle of the night w fear and have a heart attack,, I had this experiences, I almost died due to being homeless....

    • @deasvail99
      @deasvail99 8 месяцев назад

      I am glad it wasn't bad after 3 days. For those of us who don't believe in a pre tribulation rapture, we may have to fast for long periods if we can't buy food due to not having the mark. (Thankfully stealing food out of starvation is a forgivable sin whereas taking the mark is a seal of fate.)

    • @user-yo9pv1ni6t
      @user-yo9pv1ni6t 8 месяцев назад

      @@deasvail99 THe rapture has always been going on,, Its not a new idea in the scriptures,,, but the christians have a really weird interpretaion. Really weird. When the chip slowly begins implentation,,,its not going to be all 9 billions chiped in a single day,,,, little by little, those who hold on to the scriptures in any given community around the world,, these few who refuse to accept the chip will face extreme stresss of being homeless and no food, Like my experience I almost had a heart attack = Raptured,, God saved me and my wife at the last minute,,= I got a job,,which I could not get until the last day = Thats the rapture,, you can not work = stress = heart attack = Raptured. All of this is a wayssss off, But yes some do getr raptured NOW, due to the churches NOT meeting their basic needs. = The church is evil and God will destroy christianity, He is doing it now, Look at the churches, near empty

  • @ianmackenzie686
    @ianmackenzie686 9 месяцев назад +58

    I agree that the covidiocy was a dry run. I thought it terrifying.
    May our Lord keep me strong to resist the greater compulsion that's heading our way.

    • @DerekCoveart-dk8iz
      @DerekCoveart-dk8iz 8 месяцев назад +3

      changing the planets dna isnt a dry run

    • @ianmackenzie686
      @ianmackenzie686 8 месяцев назад +4

      Well it isn't the "mark" exactly. But getting closer.

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent 8 месяцев назад

      The war is over, your evil God and his pathetic son Jesus have lost. We are in control of everything, the World will be better now. Much better.

    • @DaisyAnnabelle65
      @DaisyAnnabelle65 8 месяцев назад +3

      Jesus, I will not be afraid, I will trust in you even unto death!☦️

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent 8 месяцев назад

      You don't have to be afraid of Jesus, he's a weak puerile fraud who wants you to be afraid of him, explore the church of Ahriman for all your answers.@@DaisyAnnabelle65

  • @thomasengland9771
    @thomasengland9771 8 месяцев назад +16

    Back in the 70s, I read in the Bible. It's about a cashless society.
    And I could not understand how that would be possible.
    We're almost there

  • @spewbert
    @spewbert 9 месяцев назад +94

    I, by the grace of God, pretty quickly made the connection between vaccine mandates and the mark of the beast. It felt almost mean telling people who already got the vaccine and consider themselves Christian how I viewed it. This chipped identification card sounds even more similar to the mark.

    • @Mr53gil
      @Mr53gil 9 месяцев назад +8

      The ones who took the thing that can not be said, how have their MAC address and are marked. Yes you will get a card at first but it will not last long. The MAC address will work from then on.

    • @demeracl
      @demeracl 9 месяцев назад +13

      Oddly enough, everyone I know that took said thing seems to be doing really well right now in life. They all seem to have gotten or obtained a promotion. I joked recently and said some people are so conditioned they'd rather have a good job then go to heaven.

    • @georgesbackyardgym
      @georgesbackyardgym 8 месяцев назад +2

      next time you cross a busy road, don't look left or right and just walk across like nothing is there. I'm sure your Christianity will protect you. do you realize that is suicide. Your faith your baptism in Christ, following Gods commandments is your salvation in heaven. What man does on earth is from man. Your stupidly is from you not God

    • @demeracl
      @demeracl 8 месяцев назад +9

      @georgesbackyardgym wow thanks for sharing your wisdom. You know so much old wise one yet you come here and talk as the almighty. I will pray to the God you repent of your sins.

    • @georgesbackyardgym
      @georgesbackyardgym 8 месяцев назад

      Explain my sins. I pray for my salvation with the lord, I don't pray for earthy things and wants. Do live in a fairy tale land or something.@@demeracl

  • @DaisyAnnabelle65
    @DaisyAnnabelle65 8 месяцев назад +14

    Lord Jesus Christ save us from this evil world! I trust in you Lord but I may lose my life in order to be with you for eternity.☦️

  • @Lancia444
    @Lancia444 9 месяцев назад +24

    Thank you Father for finally being not afraid to say that this is "digitally based" - the internet and anything connected to it will be a noose for humanity in a very short time.

    • @filipvagai4211
      @filipvagai4211 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@GigiGhibaYet you use it.

    • @lightofbabylon7
      @lightofbabylon7 8 месяцев назад

      Islam is the first beast in revelation. "Bismallah" is the mark they will try to force this mark onto you then they will cause so much chaos that the sexond beast the UN will step in and offer peace if you accept the digital mark of Allah

  • @petarkaraganchev775
    @petarkaraganchev775 8 месяцев назад +13

    Please, God Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me the sinner! Please, God Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on us sinners! Please be with us until the end of the world, protect us from all the evil, protect our families and people all over the world especially through the hard times that are heading towards us. Help us escape the eternal suffering and help us some day to be with You in Heaven. Forgive us the sins! Amen!

  • @CostaB19
    @CostaB19 8 месяцев назад +14

    Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us all.

  • @AramsYoutube
    @AramsYoutube 9 месяцев назад +39

    Bishops will be the first to bless that system and accept donations through it

    • @nickkerinklio8239
      @nickkerinklio8239 9 месяцев назад +22

      Pray for our Bishops

    • @josephk4310
      @josephk4310 9 месяцев назад +16

      God forbid ☦️ !

    • @brianhamilla8581
      @brianhamilla8581 8 месяцев назад +6

      True. Bishops tend to be nothing but politicians in a cleric's robe. Most are worldly, and serve their accountants instead of Almighty God. So sad. 😢

    • @nickkerinklio8239
      @nickkerinklio8239 8 месяцев назад +6

      @@brianhamilla8581 this is the devils trick! Not all Bishops are like that. I doubt even half of them are. I fell for this trick and judged the Romanian Bishop of Canada before I even met him. When I realized he was a genuinely holy man who takes the Church traditions seriously I was very sad.
      Priests, monks and Hierarchs receive greater temptations than us. The demons know that they can do more damage if they corrupt the shepherds of the Church. They need our prayers.

    • @jz295491
      @jz295491 8 месяцев назад +3

      Catholic Bishops..yes, agree !

  • @declanhart1617
    @declanhart1617 9 месяцев назад +37

    Hey Father, I’m a catholic here. Thank you for talking about this. Many Christians have their heads in the sand on topics like this. I’ve thought that apple watches are a preliminary type of the mark. They carry the ability to buy and sell right on the wrist.

    • @bernard637
      @bernard637 9 месяцев назад +10

      ​@@GigiGhibaYou must say it because you fear the implications that the Catholic Church has on the legitimacy of Orthodox authority. You will never hear a Catholic disparage the Orthodox. The truth can stand on its own two feet. Catholicism is the great scapegoat, the most hated, because it is the church that Christ handed to St. Peter whether you like it or not.

    • @bernard637
      @bernard637 9 месяцев назад +4

      I'm so thankful the truth of Christ revealed through the Catholic Church allows me to step away from doom calling Satan and the antichrist all day and just lets me have full joy knowing Christ has already won from his crucifixion and resurrection.

    • @starozytnawiarasw.onufrego8727
      @starozytnawiarasw.onufrego8727 9 месяцев назад

      ​​​@@bernard637Council of Florence, Cantate Domino confirms that RCC had to desperately pretend to poses the right to judge who would and who would not be saved in order to maintain the church power.
      That alone is the evidence that RCC is a heretical organisation because they claim to know about decisions which only Christ makes.
      Do you remember Credo? Who is the ultimate judge of our fate in the afterlife?

    • @mariorizkallah5383
      @mariorizkallah5383 8 месяцев назад

      @@bernard637papism is soul destroying

    • @angrynas9668
      @angrynas9668 8 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@bernard637The church never had been given to saint Peter, thats false, we know the scripts its writen in greek

  • @richardmeiners6535
    @richardmeiners6535 9 месяцев назад +24

    I recently watched a video on metamaterials that are being used in lenses, that gave devices the ability to see things in a new way, this would include being able to see if a growth on the skin was cancerous or benign. This could be involved in the mark as it would allow the scanners to see an invisible mark on the hand or face, possibly an injection or tattoo, that couldn't be faked. Who knows, the mark will not be exactly what we are expecting, otherwise if they simply came out with a "Mark of the Beast card or tattoo" Only by the grace of God can we be saved.

    • @George-gg1ny
      @George-gg1ny 2 месяца назад

      There is no redemption after you taketh the *mark* , hence our Lord , son of God saith: I will come early , less there be no flesh to save !
      Endure to the end , even if beheaded my friend 🙏

  • @juliepet6314
    @juliepet6314 8 месяцев назад +14

    Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on us Holy Mother of God please save us ☦️
    Thankyou Father

    • @juliepet6314
      @juliepet6314 8 месяцев назад

      @@user-hf5wf7lc6x I'm not Catholic
      Christ is the head of our church, faith and all things visible and invisible
      Our Mother Mary facilitates this
      You cannot condemn me only Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ Son of God can ☦️
      God's blessings to you and don't be so quick to condemn me that is for the Lord

    • @soare5182
      @soare5182 8 месяцев назад

      ​@user-hf5wf7lc6x Roman Catholic church is wrong in many ways and they are heretics and blasphemous against the Holy Ghost. Mother of God the Forever Virgin Mary She's not God but She has the power and the dare to ask Her Son to have mercy on us because He loves Her very much, as a mother and as His child in the same time. She's way above us and the angels in heaven and above all the saints. That's why She is called rightfully the Queen of Heavens. Don't make the mistake of not give the highest honor to the woman that our salvation came. We worship our Lord Jesus Christ God and Man and we honor greatly His Holy Mother as He is honoring Her greatly and blessed her among the nations forever. Btw Virgin Mary considers the roman catholics the enemy of Her Son as She revealed herself in the Mount Athos before the roman catholic's unholy army of criminals came to kill, torment and persecute the monks there centuries ago.

  • @Chris-em2qc
    @Chris-em2qc 8 месяцев назад +6

    Yes!!! Thank you, and I hope people will turn to God after hearing this!! God bless you

  • @IonidisIX
    @IonidisIX 8 месяцев назад +10

    God bless you brethren all around the world.

    • @davidortega357
      @davidortega357 8 месяцев назад +2

      It's going to start in European countries then spread to the whole world. Revelations 20:4--5. Revelations 13: to 14

  • @badgerp-chanqueen7707
    @badgerp-chanqueen7707 9 месяцев назад +11

    I have something to tell you all here today. I worried at my own life next year because... My country Malaysia soon start using digital ID.
    My sane family member told me not to take that, I promised to him that I'm not take that for good or he will disown me if I did.
    I choose not to do that.
    Recently, I have pyrrhic victory after refuse to use digital money. People start mocking and insult me and call me stupid. I'm indeed an idiot but I am smart.
    I should continue my struggles until my soul leaves my body.

  • @sihtnaelkk2187
    @sihtnaelkk2187 9 месяцев назад +8

    St. Paisios' prophetic word is a mark of the existence of the highest gifts of the Holy Spirit in this Church and must be propagated as much as possible in the age of Internet. How did he know??? If not for the Holy Spirit.
    There must not be one person on earth that won't know an illiterate man from Anatolia became so much united with the Grace he knew everything that would happen today. The new ID, the WW3 that already begun, the role of Russia in it and its eventual outcome.
    Thank you father. Algo boost.

  • @darekradulski6213
    @darekradulski6213 8 месяцев назад +8

    Not much time has left, so whatever has left REPENT,REPENT,REPENT.

  • @chrisrobinson34
    @chrisrobinson34 8 месяцев назад +18

    45 years ago I heard this from a Greek monk on Patmos.

  • @chrischristofis8501
    @chrischristofis8501 4 месяца назад +1

    I have had the benefit of spending time with Saint Paisios on Athos, along with other hermits, glergy and monks there, I walked to the top of the mountain in winter and spent a night in a small chapel sheltering from the cold. I have also spent time at other Othodox monastic retreats, i can tell you that i beieve Paisios was indeed a visonary he spoke of things that have happened and are happening now! Not from an intellectual perspective but from what he had been given in visions! Some of what he said was for public discussion, but much was for individuals, he would give wisdom to those that directly sought it! Not for the media or for people to talk about! I can see the truth of what he said happening today. I am grateful to all those who have carried the burden of our worlds ignorance and sin and reached out at great cost to help others.

  • @AnOrthodoxHousewife
    @AnOrthodoxHousewife 9 месяцев назад +44

    Lord have mercy 🙏🏻

  • @markboard1966
    @markboard1966 8 месяцев назад +7

    God will sort it all , anything evil won’t stand a chance .

  • @OmniAtlantic
    @OmniAtlantic 8 месяцев назад +2

    I stand here , you talk , I am Denied My Rights as a EU citizen , By the same system you discuss right Here. I am Greek Orthodox, been babtised , refused my rights to have EU passport, God is my father I will fight against all evil and a have spiritual duty to remove injustice that I see , my time is coming and the powers that denied all half Greeks there rights , to there rightful land , My name is Dominic Barbas and my people will be free ,Amen

  • @princesschelsea1687
    @princesschelsea1687 9 месяцев назад +11

    That came as a surprise . I didn't know you were aware of the whole ID thing in Greece.

  • @eliasandrinopoulos8746
    @eliasandrinopoulos8746 9 месяцев назад +9

    Thank you, Father, for all your wonderful and informative videos! ☦️🙏🏻😊

  • @constantinekarampelas9954
    @constantinekarampelas9954 8 месяцев назад +6

    Prayers for Greece and all Orthodox Christians.

  • @mariavlahochristos7756
    @mariavlahochristos7756 8 месяцев назад +6

    Lord Have Mercy

  • @cfroi08
    @cfroi08 9 месяцев назад +4

    The rise of ID's are a sign of a low trust society. We live in a world where several apps, organizations, and forms of government has your information, yet you constantly have to prove you are who you say you are. None of the institutions which you went through various lengths to prove you exist, is willing to say to your bank, your job, or anywhere else that "yes this person exists" because these institutions don't trust each other. If your ID is expired and you have no bank account, you cannot be paid for the work you do, and you therefore cannot receive the money to buy an up to date ID.
    One of the reasons for this is sin which causes a low trust society that has no cohesion.

  • @ventumloquitur8250
    @ventumloquitur8250 8 месяцев назад +6

    This is really terrifying. Thank you for speaking about this. During COVID - many of us had to have the vaccine, b/c the workplace would not allow many to work without it. ??? The US also recently required a new type of I.D. It’s called the REAL I.D. Hmmm…

  • @soulfulplaya5508
    @soulfulplaya5508 8 месяцев назад +4

    Father you are spot on with what is going on in our world on so many levels, unfortunately people today will queue up in the millions for the microchip ,not by force just a good PR sell ie we can make your life so much easier and the possibilities for you are endless with All Access New World Chips .Bless you Father and all Holy Father's who are spreading the truth about our world, the evilone and his world agenda.Our Saviour Jesus please Protect these brave holymen who spread your holy truth and understand completely our evil world ....

  • 3 месяца назад +1

    We have to be watchful for tyranny in the government, when time comes to choose between abandoning society or complying we must pray and pray and pray so God guides us the right way and protects us.

  • @yourneighbour3309
    @yourneighbour3309 9 месяцев назад +11

    thank you for this video!

  • @kevinmalone9673
    @kevinmalone9673 7 месяцев назад +1

    All must come to pass ,but Jesus our Lord will guide us we have his armour no evil will take us just stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ the way ,the truth ,and the life.Amen.

  • @OMNIDC13
    @OMNIDC13 8 месяцев назад +5

    I would rather die, even if I have to starve to death.

  • @legajocriminal
    @legajocriminal 9 месяцев назад +6

    In my country this kind of ID was implemented long time ago. I never thought about it being a problem until all the covid parafernalia.

  • @Samuel-jc1gn
    @Samuel-jc1gn 4 месяца назад +1

    I got two Pfizer jabs years ago and thankfully I've been alright. But I can assure you I've been on watch since. Thanks father for helping us see the things that go on in our world. The people need to rise up and fight against these preposterous things.

  • @sfappetrupavelandrei
    @sfappetrupavelandrei 9 месяцев назад +5

    I feel that there is a view which is not presented here. That is that we also need to know when we should make our stand. We need to be careful also not to react too soon. Because doing that we may go on a path which sends us to extremism, to a panic inner state.
    The big NO should be said in the right moment, when there is no more place to accept these steps preparing for the mark of the beast. The teaching of the Church is always to choose the middle ground. But to be able to do that you need to live authentically in Christ which is very hard.

    • @peterjennen99
      @peterjennen99 8 месяцев назад +1

      The mark, number, or image of the beast doesn’t happen until the 2nd beast of Revelation 13 comes up out of the earth. He institutes the system.

  • @Chris-em2qc
    @Chris-em2qc 8 месяцев назад +3

    I've lost everything and everyone, I got nothing to lose, and I'm sick and tired of the beast society!¡ It's already here!!

    • @PleasePRAYforPEACE_YehaNoha
      @PleasePRAYforPEACE_YehaNoha 8 месяцев назад +4

      You need to pray 🙏 and ask the holy Eternal living Creator why you are still alive on Earth because there's a reason there's something that the holy Eternal living Creator wants you to do, to say, you have a purpose, there is a plan, it's not all about you.
      You chosen and U are blessed, don't be depressed , God loves U forever ♾️
      please read book of Romans and memorize Romans 8:28.
      I will pray🙏 for you brother that joy and hope are returned to U ,😇
      Someone needs you, someone need you to pray 🙏 for them someone needs you to love ❤them 🙏😇

  • @JohnSmith-bm6zg
    @JohnSmith-bm6zg 8 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you

  • @janetcohen9190
    @janetcohen9190 8 месяцев назад +3

    "Most of the great problems we face are caused by politicians, bureaucrats, financiers, bankers, and kindred; creating solutions to problems they created in the first place." - Walter E. Williams

  • @delgande
    @delgande 8 месяцев назад +2

    Lord forgive me with my negligence laziness. I took two cvid shots to get paid days off of work. They weren't forced but I wanted extra days for leisure.....Lord help me

  • @SVU631
    @SVU631 4 месяца назад +2

    The digital id is not the final mark if the beast but more like a pre mark

  • @perry900
    @perry900 8 месяцев назад +2

    All hail King Jesus All hail Emmanuel King of Kings LORD of Lords bright morning star for throughout eternity im going to praise him and forever more I will reign with him. Hold fast the confession of your faith without wavering for he who promised is faithful. Good word incrementally it will come.

  • @ryrocks9487
    @ryrocks9487 9 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you! ☦️

  • @robertmccabe8632
    @robertmccabe8632 8 месяцев назад +2

    Saying "no" will open up a world that few comprehend.
    No to equity of outcomes.
    No to LGBT xyz.
    No to moral confusion.
    The list goes on.
    Yes to Yah is always no to satans devices gvt.

  • @annanicholson5309
    @annanicholson5309 8 месяцев назад +1

    Im not orthodox or catholic. Im a non-denominational Bible believing follower of Christ. Yes i see this as you do.

  • @nickmansfield1
    @nickmansfield1 8 месяцев назад +1

    In NZ the project manager for The Reserve Bank to implement the plan is being sought (public ad) and the contract date runs to mid-2025.

  • @emilys5024
    @emilys5024 9 месяцев назад +4

    What will happen to the religious sects such as the Amish? Seems as if they have lived culturally right all along…

  • 3 месяца назад +1

    By the way every UPC barcode starts with 6, has 6 in the middle and ends with 6. Very interesting when you hear that there would be a general number(666) and personal number(random). Which pretty fits the description of a barcode, maybe there would be a special visual code tatooed with something like invisible ink that shows under UV. The most horrible part is that everyone will think it's just an ordinary procedure, everyone gets that and everything is ok, only a minority will resist.

  • @stellaxingguang
    @stellaxingguang 8 месяцев назад +2

    So concerned all of a sudden, when the “number of the name” has existed in all countries already. It’s not a chip, we have already sinned just to work and pay taxes. In Canada it’s even called a SIN card.

  • @frankhollidiaz6142
    @frankhollidiaz6142 6 месяцев назад +2

    Probably not a mere coincidence that nearly every country is trying to push digital IDs by 2025

  • @rodangus4489
    @rodangus4489 9 месяцев назад +7

    Father Peter; Surely the sin involved must relate to worship? Where is the idolatry in carrying a card? A passport is a card but involves no idolatry, no denial of Christ.

    • @thegiftedseer6764
      @thegiftedseer6764 9 месяцев назад +11

      Worshiping the government and bowing down to whatever they say as if they're God, is idolatry.

    • @pah9730
      @pah9730 9 месяцев назад +13

      Of course, in the days of antichrist, submission will be attached to Veneration of his person.
      But this is a gradual process, and all the systems will be in place when he comes to power, and then they will be connected to his person effortlessly.

    • @OrthodoxEthos
      @OrthodoxEthos  9 месяцев назад +2

      Yes. ^^

    • @bernard637
      @bernard637 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@thegiftedseer6764 render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's. If Christ didn't encourage tax evasion which is a coerced donation to war, abortion, etc. why should we be worried about an ID card no less.

    • @boblob2003
      @boblob2003 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@thegiftedseer6764 Not entirely- satan is a deceiver, but there clearly needs to be worship involved in his deception. Joseph and Mary traveling to Bethlehem to be counted in the Roman Census is not the same as bowing down before Nebuchadnezzar's statue because of a the government's decree. Or satan saying to Jesus in the desert, "worship me and all this will be yours." God is Good. He does not want you to be sacred, but to be vigilant.

  • @WoodchuckNorris.8o
    @WoodchuckNorris.8o 9 месяцев назад +12

    Many say of the jab, "it's not the mark" and they took it. But if we accept a type, wouldn't we have accepted the real mark also?

    • @OrthodoxEthos
      @OrthodoxEthos  9 месяцев назад +20

      It’s a gradual process. Certainly people can repent now. Certainly this is not irreversible now.
      But the devil works gradually. All the systems are going to be put into place before the Ascent and Revelation of the antichrist. People become accustomed to living in, and under the power of this control grid.
      It will not be hard for them, then, to simply move this submission to a system to submission to a person , the antichrist.

    • @fnfn9229
      @fnfn9229 9 месяцев назад +5

      I took a dose of the stab. I regret it deeply. What should I do?
      Im not a catechumen yet, but im working things out to visit a divine liturgy and have already had 2 phone calls with a EO priest as i feel like Gods calling me to convert@OrthodoxEthos

    • @chadpilled7913
      @chadpilled7913 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@fnfn9229repent, ask the priest for guidance beyond that. Don't despair. God wants all of His children back. You will be fine. Just trust in the Lord and try to do His will in all things. You will be fine my friend.

    • @revelation2-9
      @revelation2-9 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@fnfn9229Convert now before it is too late. I'm also a convert of three years now and it has been the greatest decision of my life to be chrismated by ROCOR. The Holy Spirit will truly change you for the better.

    • @billybenson3834
      @billybenson3834 9 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@fnfn9229don't worry about it, think of it as a dry run. It wasn't the mark but a forerunner of it.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 9 месяцев назад +2

    You have to remember that the 'beasts' were made by God & Lord God. The 'forehead' is where one's 'thoughts' come from, and the hand - specifically the right hand - is a reference to one's 'good works'. The scriptures are written as a duality, and it's truth is also dual in nature - blessings AND curses. The 'dividing line' is 'fear. Who or what you fear is whom or what you 'serve'. To fear ANYTHING 'but' God results ultimately as 'sin'.
    I like to refer to sin as Self Inflicted Neglect... amd simply because if we are obedient to do what we are commanded, then we should expect God to bless us - and if not (obedient) then He still 'blesses' us - with curses... that we might 'learn the hard way'. As such, we are never foresaken, but instead foresake ourselves; God remains 'good', His promises hold true, and He is then just and worthy - and working on us with and through this 'double edge sword' - the 'sword' being the WORD of God, which then manifests itself into reality.
    I have reduced Leibniz's teachings to a very very simple format and have been trying to share the details for almost 4 years now... and I wish I knew who to tell, because we are fighting against God and can't even see it.
    Consider Job and even Joseph... they were smart enough to know God is working from BOTH sides, and was why Jesus said that to His disciples - fish from the 'other side - there are different 'modes', one for day (obedience), and one for night, when we are baptised or led by 'fire', tested, refined, and so on. Remember, He is in the fire too! Shalom.

  • @Lili-Benovent
    @Lili-Benovent 8 месяцев назад +4

    O We belong to you dear Lord, you've given us the mark
    The mark we bear upon our wrists
    Protection, love and power strong, the secrets of the dark
    The secrets all the Ancients knew have not been lost in time
    Dispersed among your Devotees, those with proven faith
    The star will draw the secrets out, imprinted on our minds.
    You have taught us how to send our thoughts
    Move things that should not move, fly the night and tame the sky
    Talk to those who've left our world, they haven't left at all
    Bring them back within our lives, once born will never die
    We talk to stars, we talk to trees, the beasts and creatures small.
    The Sabbats are our special time as seasons come and go
    The harvests and the coldest times bring Baal and Moloch near
    Our God, Keeper of the Dark, Ahriman appear
    The Prince of Flames is brought to life, dancing in our fires
    We drink the life, the Blood, the Salt, the Earth, the Water, rain
    The frenzy grows, the joy we know, we sate of all desires.
    We're clandestine, our clans control the ones who think they lead
    Their minds are weak, over time they learn
    We take the best and show the way, of power, lust abound
    They take our potions, take our thoughts and we all own the world
    Unknown to all we shape the way, we take away, the life you think you've found
    But centered round our way of life, is knowledge, joy and love
    The things we change, tho slow to take, will make the world more sound.

    • @lightofbabylon7
      @lightofbabylon7 8 месяцев назад

      Islam is the first beast in revelation. Hamas and isis wear the mark of the beast "bismallah" on their headbands and flags. They will try to cause chaos so bad that the sécond beast the UN will step in offering peace if you accept the digital mark of Allah

    • @philyeary8809
      @philyeary8809 8 месяцев назад

      How edgy.
      How un original.
      How contrived
      So stunning
      So brave
      Slay Queen.
      Just remember, doll:
      Live and DIE by the Sword.

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent 8 месяцев назад

      You interest me Phil and I wonder if you've ever experienced De'ja' Vu, have you ever thought about your past lives and what you achieved when you were here before?
      I've written a little poem about it and I suggest you read it slowly, Blessed be XXX
      De’ja’Vu Lili
      The three lives lived of mortal man, each with a different view
      The feeling that you felt today, so strong and not misplaced
      You know that person, you know that place, you’ve felt the De’ja’Vu
      You also know that if approached, a blank stare on their face
      Would leave you asking if you’re sane, you turn your head away
      You know you’re sane, you know the scene, confusion is at play. -
      The more you think the more you’re lost but it’s all a part of fate
      It’s then you need hypnosis deep, the magick Mandrake root
      The Peyote and the incantations will bring your past life back
      You may not like what you may find, Black forbidden fruit
      Or past loves that you still love, revenge left lost and black
      If knowing is your only goal, the truth is absolute. -
      But if you want to immerse your soul in joining once again
      The people and the places lost you risk your present life
      You’ve only three and they won’t mix, you’ll only bring the pain
      The cards of life will not be shuffled thus, complications rife
      De’ja’Vu’s a two edged sword you’ll avoid if you accept
      The pleasures in the knowing and all it does contain. -
      But what of when you are approached, told by strangers to your side
      That you were part of their past life, Oh so long ago?
      The circle turns, you can’t recall, they are sure, they know that you have died
      You see the questions within their minds, you were called a different name
      A riddle to be pondered as you follow life’s slow flow.

      Blessed be.

  • @coldjello8436
    @coldjello8436 9 месяцев назад +5

    Algorithm boost.

  • @mavifeeyakier9593
    @mavifeeyakier9593 8 месяцев назад +2

    so, what does church doing about this to safeguard the flock, brother Heers..??

  • @georgemantzouranis4572
    @georgemantzouranis4572 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks Father, but not if it's decentralized. Confusing times ahead but I give it our Lord and Savior. May his mercy and love be with us. I pray for his discernment and the courage to just stand and say No! Ohi!

    • @lightofbabylon7
      @lightofbabylon7 8 месяцев назад

      Islam is the first beast in revelation. Hamas and isis wear the mark on their headbands and flags its "bismallah" in Greek or Aramaic they are identical "666" and "bismallah" this is why islamist are spreading all over the world trying tI force their demonic ideology onto everyone else

  • @annalynn9325
    @annalynn9325 8 месяцев назад +2

    Is it correct that the final mark of the beast will be associated with worship of the antichrist? So this is a precursor but not the final one?

  • @missionscrpprwill1946
    @missionscrpprwill1946 8 месяцев назад +1

    Are Questions Answered On This Channel?
    Stay In Prayer 🙏

  • @icxcnika9399
    @icxcnika9399 9 месяцев назад +6

    I think the right hand is a simple chip, ID, bank, health all that stuff. The forehead part is likely an interface with the internet and AI, something like what Elon Musk is developing.

  • @Takkforkniven
    @Takkforkniven 8 месяцев назад +1

    "The devil is compromise". Henrik Ibsen

  • @Maeglin7936
    @Maeglin7936 9 месяцев назад +8

    Well shoot!! They have that here in Indiana! They have a star on the I.D card and Drivers license. I ended up getting it otherwise they wouldn't give me my I.D card back during the cough plandemic. Just great...

    • @pah9730
      @pah9730 9 месяцев назад +3

      They have *what* in Indiana?
      I don’t think we talked about a “star” as relevant…did we?

    • @Maeglin7936
      @Maeglin7936 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@lindamorgan2678 yep, that is the one. If you want to travel you need that. Just when that goes in to effect I am not sure.

    • @Kyriakyriaki-onlyaservant
      @Kyriakyriaki-onlyaservant 9 месяцев назад +5

      That's Real ID, a precursor....

    • @OrthoNektarios
      @OrthoNektarios 9 месяцев назад +2

      Same here in Arizona

    • @Kyriakyriaki-onlyaservant
      @Kyriakyriaki-onlyaservant 8 месяцев назад +3

      Don't sign up for Real ID, keep getting your renewal license or id...just don't give them what they want. Pay attention as to how you answer the questions. Use your passport to fly within the U.S.

  • @George-gg1ny
    @George-gg1ny 2 месяца назад

    Lord Son of man saith: Those who reject the *mark* and endure to the end, assuredly will receive the keys to my fathers kingdom 🙏🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @ebw_servant_of_GOD
    @ebw_servant_of_GOD 8 месяцев назад

    Galatians 2:20
    “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
    EPHESIANS 6: 10-11
    10"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
    EBW USN Ret
    Servant of GOD

  • @StraggleOn
    @StraggleOn 8 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for this teaching. I understand that Christ gave Revelation about those things about to unfold in that generation, in the first century during thr Roman Empire. Do any of the church fathers teach Revelation this way?

    • @George-ur8ow
      @George-ur8ow 8 месяцев назад

      Some prophecies were for those among the generation of Christ our Lord (e.g., destruction of the Temple), yet others were not. It is not either/or.
      Early Christians spoke of their living in “the last days”, not because they simply got it wrong, but because they understood that the age to come had already broken through in this present age, as Christ had already raised human nature into the heights of heaven by His Resurrection and Ascension, and promised to return in glory.
      To understand eschatology we must begin not with the ‘last things’, but with the past. If eschatology is ultimately the coming of the Kingdom of God, then we must begin with the gospels, in which Christ proclaims that the Kingdom has arrived. This is illustrated in the miracles and exorcisms which Christ wrought. The kingdom of death and sickness was overthrown. And yet, Christ also speaks of a kingdom to come. He speaks also of His second coming and the last judgement. Herein lies the paradox of the Church in its eschatological dimension: the Kingdom of God has already arrived, and still it is yet to come. This is the basis of our understanding of the Church, of the Kingdom of God, of heaven and hell.
      Too often modern Christians forget that the Church is not just an institution, but the Kingdom of God that is here but is still to come. The Church is described as the Bride of Christ. We are betrothed to Christ. The second coming is the wedding day and the final consummation. Therefore, we live this present life in two dimensions: as saved and yet hoping for salvation; as betrothed to Christ and yet in anticipation and anxiety for the consummation of the marriage; as joyful and yet penitent; as having everything and yet possessing nothing; as living in this world and yet “having here no continuing city”; as in the world yet not of the world; as being members of Christ’s Church, receiving the new life of baptism and eternal life in the Eucharist; and yet as striving to be made worthy of the Kingdom to come. This double character of Christian life is absolutely essential to the Church’s spirituality and role within society. Awaiting the Kingdom of God by no means amounts to being disinterested in the present world, but the exact opposite. It is this present world that is the stage on which the history of salvation is taking place. This life is the history of eternity. The present world and the world to come cannot be separated.

  • @Grkguy
    @Grkguy 9 месяцев назад +13

    But you can still buy and sell food without an ID card. I thought that this was referring to marking your body. Inserting a chip under your skin, not carrying a card. What difference does the chip in an ID card have over the chips in everyone’s cell phone which they carry around? The chips in your phones record your movements, what you like, what videos you watch and then they sell all that data to big corporations to target you and send specific advertisements.

    • @pah9730
      @pah9730 9 месяцев назад +4

      Of course, in the days of antichrist, submission will be attached to Veneration of his person.
      But this is a gradual process, and all the systems will be in place when he comes to power, and then they will be connected to his person effortlessly.

    • @clivejames5058
      @clivejames5058 9 месяцев назад

      It will come first as a digital ID on your phone (we already have that here in New Zealand) but at some point they will insert some sort of chip into the right hand. Everyone will think it is so convenient, so innovative. Nearly 90% of my country was fully vax'd and already have this digital ID. Complete sheep sadly, who trust their government. The rest of us were/are labelled anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists BUT I was/am still receiving my government pension. At some point, I expect this will stop.

    • @theangryslav9115
      @theangryslav9115 9 месяцев назад +6

      Because on this ID it wont be as a normal id card. Other information will be there too so you can be discriminated. One of them is vaxxed status.

    • @princekermit0
      @princekermit0 9 месяцев назад +9

      When the digital currency gets implemented all paper currency will have a sunset date on when they will cease being valid. Step one credit cards, step two debit cards, step three credit score databases and then social credit systems, step four wireless rfid credit/debit card infrastructure, then step five digital currency becomes the monopoly of means of transactions, step six requires accepting an rfid skin chip, and AI becomes the beast. Expect a law that forbids barter.

    • @83cookey
      @83cookey 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@theangryslav9115 It does not work like that. Today everything is getting more and more connected. When you scan your credit card, they can use this info to track you, they can use your phone to track you, your passport or regular ID card can be used to track you. Everything is in the database somewhere. Only thing I need is something to identify you and I can cross correlate across databases.
      I believe that the image of the beast will be AI - pure intelligence devoid of all emotions, smart, powerful but empty. Powerful AI will be able to scan across all databases, security cameras, correlate phone information and help to control the masses to worship the person in power.
      I hope we will feel that taking the ID is wrong and that we will not be tricked into it. I hope it will be some kind of a chip that will need to be implanted in us.

  • @KenmoreChalfant
    @KenmoreChalfant 9 месяцев назад +7

    Fear and superstition is the path to darkness, brothers. Look for love and there you will find it.

  • @thenaturalhuman9568
    @thenaturalhuman9568 5 месяцев назад

    I was informed by members of a well known monastery that the Church will now the mark when it comes and will issue warning of it. Let us attempt to be sure we identify the correct mark under guidance from the Church

  • @user-cw7fh9fr1i
    @user-cw7fh9fr1i 8 месяцев назад

    I have never been dependent upon any system and I never will and here it is but I will buy my God I will be and I shall

  • @Icavotz
    @Icavotz 8 месяцев назад +1

    I'm very wary of the increasing use of BIOMETRIC data via facial recognition or fingerprint. Banks a starting to impose this for online banking in Europe.

  • @kevinlkeys
    @kevinlkeys Месяц назад

    It's ironic that this starting where John received the Revelation 🙏🙏

  • @ZBielski
    @ZBielski 3 месяца назад

    Please listen to this. To the question of what to do about not having Amazon anymore and this is serious. Learn bushcraft which is basic survival and building using natural materials and hand tools. Learn about the plants in your area, likely there's way way more food than you think and it is delicious and nutritional. Use Google lens to identify plants fast and do your best to remember their primary characteristics. Just a few and you have a source of greens and vital minerals. Also learn how to hunt trap and fish. Trapping being most important being low calorie consuming and you can catch multiple animals in one go. And lastly learn to grow your own food. Corn beans and squash. Get heirloom varieties and make sure you can store them dry. Some corns are sweet and don't store well. Potatoes are an easy plant to grow along with Jerusalem artichoke. This is what we as orthodox need to do to overcome the tribulation which is inevitably near.

  • @danoman5217
    @danoman5217 8 месяцев назад +1

    The mark will be your loyalty and obedience to beast.

  • @user-cw7fh9fr1i
    @user-cw7fh9fr1i 8 месяцев назад

    As much as I wished it to not be true I know it to be in my heart what it is and what it's a rising to be and there's nothing I can do because my God up above and my Lord avails it to be..

  • @pablokoz7497
    @pablokoz7497 8 месяцев назад +3

    If it starts like that , do your best to get some land and a big garden and chickens- before you get shut out ❤

    • @mother8696
      @mother8696 8 месяцев назад

      Your only problem is no money to pay your taxes…

    • @hillbillyheadcam1729
      @hillbillyheadcam1729 8 месяцев назад

      And pay your property taxes in advance as far as you can!

    • @margaretha907
      @margaretha907 8 месяцев назад

      Yes ,if you can but its not a reality for most city dwellers

  • @user-cw7fh9fr1i
    @user-cw7fh9fr1i 8 месяцев назад

    Those that have faith won't even have to worry about it❤

  • @Dave-xs9dm
    @Dave-xs9dm 8 месяцев назад +1

    1987. P Shampoo bottle back. 13 stars and moon. Other day I open a case of d. F. Same thing I seen on that box

  • @merecatholicity
    @merecatholicity 9 месяцев назад +2

    This sounds like dispensationalism. Was St. John not writing to specific churches of his day? I am all for seeing the continual spiritual fulfillment throughout the ages, but it seems like the mark of the beast was a warning for the people he was writing to in the first century that manifested in the worship of Caesar and his image.

    • @seraphim95
      @seraphim95 9 месяцев назад +2

      Consensus of the church fathers is that there WILL be a final mark at the end of history.
      "And he [the Antichrist] will cause a mark [to be put] in the forehead and in the right hand, that no one may be able to buy or sell, unless he who has the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name; and the number is six hundred and sixty-six, that is, six times a hundred, six times ten, and six units. [He gives this] as a summing up of the whole of that apostasy which has taken place during six thousand years. For in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand years shall it be concluded." - st Iraneus Against Heresies

    • @seraphim95
      @seraphim95 9 месяцев назад

      " By the beast, then, coming up out of the earth, he means the kingdom of Antichrist; and by the two horns he means him and the false prophet after him. And in speaking of "the horns being like a lamb," he means that he will make himself like the Son of God, and set himself forward as king. And the terms, "he spoke like a dragon," mean that he is a deceiver, and not truthful. And the words, "he exercised all the power of the first beast before him, and caused the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed," signify that, after the manner of the law of Augustus, by whom the empire of Rome was established, he too will rule and govern, sanctioning everything by it, and taking greater glory to himself. For this is the fourth beast, whose head was wounded and healed again, in its being broken up or even dishonoured, and partitioned into four crowns; and he then (Antichrist) shall with knavish skill heal it, as it were, and restore it. For this is what is meant by the prophet when he says, "He will give life unto the image, and the image of the beast will speak." For he will act with vigour again, and prove strong by reason of the laws established by him; and he will cause all those who will not worship the image of the beast to be put to death. Here the faith and the patience of the saints will appear, for he says: "And he will cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead; that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name." For, being full of guile, and exalting himself against the servants of God, with the wish to afflict them and persecute them out of the world, because they give not glory to him, he will order incense-pans to be set up by all everywhere, that no man among the saints may be able to buy or sell without first sacrificing; for this is what is meant by the mark received upon the right hand. " st Hippolytus

    • @merecatholicity
      @merecatholicity 9 месяцев назад

      @@seraphim95 Yeah, I'm not opposed to a final form of these things, but what St. Hipplytus is teaching is far different than Fr. Heers.

    • @agiasf7330
      @agiasf7330 9 месяцев назад +3

      What Fr Peter says is what our Orthodox Saints have said.
      You are of course free to believe as u choose. Papists & others hold other beliefs. God has granted u freewill & we respect it.

    • @mouthpiece200
      @mouthpiece200 8 месяцев назад

      @@seraphim95 The antichrist is King Charles.

  • @yannisvaroufakis9395
    @yannisvaroufakis9395 7 месяцев назад

    I'm a Greek-American getting my Greek citizenship. All that remains is the I.D. and passport. Now I don't know if I should complete the process.

  • @yourneighbour3309
    @yourneighbour3309 9 месяцев назад +4

    ive been wanting to say so much on this without sounding stupid, and id love to discuss and be proven wrong. but i sound stupid and if i type a paragraph i can be looked at as however so. annoying!! thank you for this video well said!

    • @georgesbackyardgym
      @georgesbackyardgym 8 месяцев назад

      So you follow Revelations not Jesus ?

    • @yourneighbour3309
      @yourneighbour3309 8 месяцев назад

      @@georgesbackyardgym Where did you get that from..? Lord Jesus Christ Is Son Of God, Lord Jesus Christ Is God.

    • @yourneighbour3309
      @yourneighbour3309 8 месяцев назад

      @@georgesbackyardgym im saying bottom line theres no point to discuss the end times because it doesnt matter. i came here hoping to discuss opinion with only Eastern Orthodox and for them to correct me. What i was saying is that if i simply write a paragraph as i have, i can be taken as some stupid evangelical who only cares for the end times but quotes scripture wrong blah blah i can give more presumptions that anyone can give. i just want to know the right view, although it doesnt matter. but what matters to me is how people in america get the common lie of pretribulation although its simply just not right and youve got to be a fool to believe all that, i hate discussing this kind of stuff simply because my typing is longer than me simply speaking it in person, im not obsessed with end times nor dont care. Once again only if youre an Eastern Orthodox, id like to hear your thoughts and id be willing to continue on mine. thats why i typed the original text again, to not be looked at as absurd but here i am typing this oh so long i must be crazy🤷‍♂️☦️💙

    • @georgesbackyardgym
      @georgesbackyardgym 8 месяцев назад

      In the name of the Father, the Son and the holy Ghost. Holy Trinity, Have even rad the bible@@yourneighbour3309

    • @georgesbackyardgym
      @georgesbackyardgym 8 месяцев назад

      Hang on mate, are you saying that all the current events that people are freaking out about are to do with the ends of times and the mark of the beast ?@@yourneighbour3309

  • @GeneralKato
    @GeneralKato 8 месяцев назад +2

    To understand the Mark of the Beast, one first needs to know and understand the Mark of our Creator….

    • @hillbillyheadcam1729
      @hillbillyheadcam1729 8 месяцев назад +2

      Why, they are opposite things not similar. The mark of the beast is not a day, it is exactly what the bible says it is- a mark in the hand or forehead(a literal physical thing) that allows one to buy or sell.

    • @GeneralKato
      @GeneralKato 8 месяцев назад

      @@hillbillyheadcam1729 Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I do would like to add that the forehead represents freewill (choice) and the hand represents force. As the Illuminists say, everyone will enter the Luciferian Age, either by choice or by force. A chip or the CBDC is in my opinion just a tool for enforcement. Like the ESG is also. Other than that, believe what thou wilt.

    • @michaels7874
      @michaels7874 8 месяцев назад

      You mean like the one He used to mark Cain?

  • @mariakatariina8751
    @mariakatariina8751 4 месяца назад

    In the original language, the ikkuna to eterion would be in front of your forehead and in/on your right hand: alike cellphones and laptops.

  • @ConradJupiter77
    @ConradJupiter77 8 месяцев назад +1

    Everyone who holds authority in government should by law be forced to get a public deliverance every week. So the ppl know they are clean and nothing from the spirit world is influencing these ppl we have elected.

  • @exercicesinmetal666
    @exercicesinmetal666 8 месяцев назад +1

    Cards are not the problem, it is who manage this that is the problem and the vaxx and wi-fi is wayyyy more heavier on the life....way more a problem.

  • @NitayNostrasifu
    @NitayNostrasifu 2 месяца назад

    Is it possible to donate something significant to a monk in Mt Athos for help with Greek citizenship

  • @marciacharles2639
    @marciacharles2639 7 месяцев назад +1

    If you Can not buy or sell trust the Almighty God with all your heart 👏

  • @Pavel-si4cy
    @Pavel-si4cy 8 месяцев назад +2

    Good thing i never had a job or money i live off grace of other people and live modest

  • @RomanHold
    @RomanHold 8 месяцев назад

    In germany they started to print the numbers of the month onto your face on your ID card.
    In china or in korea your not allowed to fold a piece of paper with the image of any politician on it, because that would be disrespectful "a fold or even a scratch on the print of his face" and "painting something like glasses or a mustache onto any face is a bad child's play", period.
    In my world, just like the letter "O", a zero "0" represents circle-logic, or a hole.
    The interruption of the circle logic is btw "the power symbol of electronic devices".
    If you have a zero or that "1 interrupting it" missing, that zero represents "something is missing" aswell, it's empty space.
    If your lifetime hits zero, then you are dead.
    If you have zero energy, then sth is wrong.
    Zero is exactly between negative and positive numbers, as if it was the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
    If you torture sb with gun violence and hold the barrel into his face and make them a slave, they look into a big circle.
    If you also don't like the number "2", because it is like a dejavu or because it is in division the halving of sth. or like "two at the same time", or because "the second place loses against the first place", then the only month where you can get an identification card made is the November.
    Because only then the "11" gets printed onto your face, which is kind of... as well because that's like the dejavu again and also adds up to 2. However atleast "both sides are identical now", which is also good and bad "because it may be like mono sound" or "left and right become indiferential". Usually "left does not equal right".
    Every other month (but Oktober that one with the 10 is the only month with the zero at the other side (2nd place)) gives "circle logic to the right side of your body", like eg. "04 ontop of your face".
    In german and in english "right" is not just a side of direction but it also is congruent in sounding like "your right" to be able to do a certain thing.
    The rights you have as a citizen.
    It seems like these are getting "voided" since 2021.
    It btw happend simultaneous to corona.
    We could start a long discussion about things that just sound identical don't have anything to do with "what you really mean", but I just don't see the reason why "I have to have the months in which I created that ID printed in numbers onto my face.
    It feels like an "information virus", some kind of information that is not supposed to be there.
    Especially if you usually if at all "identify with the date of the day of your birth", possibly with the month and year too.
    But for me "there is no 13th month", so I can't have the day of my birth printed ontop my face. I also can't have a 9x printed onto my face and having an ID with a "01" was torture.
    Like that was "not right".
    I don't want it. And I don't want the zero in my face!
    I also don't want oak tree leafs as a holographic print at the top.
    In information science and in mathematics, specifically in the classic logic "a statement is either true (1) or false (0)" and thus ultimately not both at the same time.
    When you print "01-09, 10 or 12" into the face of sb., that thing represents the violation of the first axiom of the classic logic.
    Because it's always 50% false, because a zero is present in like 80% of the years since we have 2 digits in months, they add a zero i front of the numbers of 1-9 and even more "false" if only "1" is equal to "true".
    I mean... I have got myself a November ID now and am still waiting for it, but I just can't wrap my head around "how the designer of that ID came up with that idea".
    Let's also say "one" equals white and "zero" black or darkness.
    That ID is called "Personalausweis", ofc "ausweis" means identification (document), however it sounds like "out of white".
    So you get a card that has "personal out of white" (I know it's not what it means, but a lot of people even if it's just fooling around, even if they don't wanna think that way, have that "schnapsidea" - fooly thought (maybe they also have it since they got the zero sprinted onto their face).
    And eventhough it says "weis ((weiß/white) it becomes even more confusing because "ich weis" is also "I know") in 9/12 cases you get zero, which I personally make associations with with black.
    I'm not being ra*ist here, my point is simply "that it become incredibly difficult to not feel completely violated and lost in translations", when getting an official documents with such a weird a** symbolism and words and numbers with these multiple kind of meanings which when you just go by phonetics (what it sounds like) have contrary meanings.
    If I was to create some kind of virus, which purpose is to cause confusion, that'd be it.
    Very painful.
    Like everyone became 50% disabled.
    Your either true to yourself and others and say what you think and also differentiate it with what you mean, or you are nothing.
    Which is what they seemingly wanna make you become.
    Nothing and or zero "is the opposite of rising to the top".

  • @oceanblue3028
    @oceanblue3028 8 месяцев назад +1

    2024 will tell

  • @d.aletadrawdy7584
    @d.aletadrawdy7584 6 месяцев назад

    Father, Whole Foods and Amazon have already begun microchipping in the hand.😳🙏 So Grateful for your Sharing your wisdom; you have Helped my understanding in many issues and Truth.🌹

  • @ryrocks9487
    @ryrocks9487 9 месяцев назад

    6:27 Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, Cyprus said something exactly like this.

  • @sotosthegreek1141
    @sotosthegreek1141 8 месяцев назад

    Hello Father!
    I have some questions. Why the official statement made by the Greek Church, is that this card has nothing to do with our faith/religion aka (η κάρτα είναι θρησκευτικά αδιάφορη). I mean, should we start to have disbeliefs and disagree about the official statements of the Church now?🤔 And what we should do if some priests say that the card is ok and not harmful, but others say it is the beginning of the mark of the beast etc. Also, the Church Fathers say that we shouldn't care a bit about these bad things that many say will happen, but to put our entire trust to God. So in my humble opinion, Christians shouldn't think of it a lot, espesially in Greece...
    Anyways, may God bless all of us ❤☦

  • @user-cw7fh9fr1i
    @user-cw7fh9fr1i 8 месяцев назад

    I don't know if you guys think that this worries me but it doesn't worry me it sickens me that a government would allow for it to be a cover-up of one of theirs or many of theirs personnel's that are incorporating us to the societies and including driving around my life somehow because of his implications that he's implied.. through his sources...
    Game by his militarization employment that he had for many years...

  • @ricardosansur6494
    @ricardosansur6494 9 месяцев назад


    • @OrthodoxEthos
      @OrthodoxEthos  9 месяцев назад

      🙏 Thank you 🙏
      God bless you!!