Time lapse Start: 0:00:19 Syllabus: 0:01:18 Unit-1 Start: 0:01:56 Supply Chain: 0:02:25 Preparations of Drugs Lists: 0:06:52 High Risk Drugs: 0:10:05 Procedure of Drug Purchases: 0:29:29 Unit-2 (Inventory Control Techniques) 0:42:16 Inventory Control Techniques: 0:43:08 Inventory Management of Central Drug Store: 1:23:58 Unit-3 (Expiry Drug) 1:43:53 Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Chapter-2 Important Questions: 1:58:03
Time lapse
Start: 0:00:19
Syllabus: 0:01:18
Unit-1 Start: 0:01:56
Supply Chain: 0:02:25
Preparations of Drugs Lists: 0:06:52
High Risk Drugs: 0:10:05
Procedure of Drug Purchases: 0:29:29
Unit-2 (Inventory Control Techniques) 0:42:16
Inventory Control Techniques: 0:43:08
Inventory Management of Central Drug Store: 1:23:58
Unit-3 (Expiry Drug) 1:43:53
Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Chapter-2 Important Questions: 1:58:03