Skip to 42:48 that's the good bits. DHH is a clever dude, people should stop thinking they're at facebook/google. We don't have tons of devs. Yes, I also repel the idea of server-side html rendering and other bits, like using rails instead of websockets or semi-native apps. At the end though, if all you need is to add to your rails app a couple of fast UI update points you can build all that with action cable. Trust your tools, trust simple stuff: rails is still easy and fast to maintain. And you will deliver.
Wait, for actioncable, if it uses celluloid threads, is the performance gonna be limited by Global interpreter lock? so essentially each websocket connection has a ruby thread, but each ruby thread can only do 1 thing at a time?
Holy shit did DHH just give us the meaning of life?
Skip to 42:48 that's the good bits. DHH is a clever dude, people should stop thinking they're at facebook/google. We don't have tons of devs. Yes, I also repel the idea of server-side html rendering and other bits, like using rails instead of websockets or semi-native apps. At the end though, if all you need is to add to your rails app a couple of fast UI update points you can build all that with action cable. Trust your tools, trust simple stuff: rails is still easy and fast to maintain. And you will deliver.
Wait, for actioncable, if it uses celluloid threads, is the performance gonna be limited by Global interpreter lock? so essentially each websocket connection has a ruby thread, but each ruby thread can only do 1 thing at a time?
Good old days...
Pick up at 9:24.. DHH is right again!
Great talk. I wish he had gone a little more in depth about services specifically not being the perfect solution to every problem.
I just hope ActionCable will fallback to long-polling, cause websockets support isn't that cool on some browsers.
I not understand, I was waiting for someone speak about rails 5 framework... what s happened ?
DHH is such a charismatic person!
Rails gives me a headache, micro services are simple isolated and scalable