LOL he thinks he can be a farmer, I'm no farmer i work in IT and even I can tell you farming is fucking hard. America is going down the drain, it hasn't been a democracy for quite a while, the rich own us. they make the laws, they take from the poor, lets slash all the social programs and give a gigantic tax break to the rich.
1% of the nation’s population claim farming as an occupation in the 2010 census. He is speaking in general terms, NOT ABSOLUTES. If anyone pretends to be offended by this vague, generalized example, they need to get a life and grow the hell up.
Re training is possible and not so difficult, Mr Bloomberg. History has shown it. It is unlikely that a person with no need to learn a new new job skill will ever do so, but when faced with poverty and hunger, they will learn new skills. There was the gold rush and the great depression where people learned new skills because they had to. All a person needs is a reason.
This man has my vote - he has the experience-the talent and the wisdom to oversee-to delegate-he will be respected by China & the rest of the world leaders I have been in sales and business all my life - I am an eclectic person - I have failed at more then a few things but my wins have big one, (relatively speaking), I know a lot about what does not work and why - I have always said, small business owners don’t want anyone who is smarter them around - big business hires people who are smarter then they are - this man will do the right things that are crucial for this country and the world & our relationship with the rest of the world - I have been cutting my own check since age 10 - this January I’ll turn 77 - THIS MAN COMES FROM A “LOWER MIDDLE CLASS FAMILY HE UNDERSTANDS THEIR NEEDS AND MINDSET AND BY ALL DEFINITION UNDERSTANDS THE MIND SET OF THE 1% - I HAVE COME TO LEARN, HILLARY CLINTON IS SO ANTIQUATED SHE IS BORDERING ARCHIC - WARREN AND BERNIE ARE RADICALS - I JUST FEEL IN MY HEART THIS MAN IS THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB -
Got my vote. Call me boring and centrist but I like a calm, successful, moral older guy to be in charge of the country. We need a calming like this but someone who will get stuff done.
Brodo don’t hate on Jews cuz they do it better than you. Put a Jew in any industry and they dominate eventually. Their culture is built up so that they win. “The chosen people” is quite a motto. Don’t be ridiculous there’s too many people of different races and religions successful for you to keep believing those ridiculous conspiracy theories. Learn from them. Idiot
Wow, very interesting, to watch how a “Master of The Universe” oligarch, speaking to a bunch of ‘master of the Universe” want to be’ s, concerning his concepts to control, the one’s ‘with lesser brain matter’, the 99 percent that didn’t manifest billions like he did is truly amazing.... He actually believes he has the right to train Mayor’s in cities all over the world who are economically impoverished , through his Bloomberg ‘carrot and a stick’ game through his ‘philanthropy’ so they can win the game through implementation of the best usage of his ‘button policy’ for their individual cities. With the carrot in the game being a 5 million dollar prize.... Really? Like he is the blueprint of successful human endeavor on this planet and he has the right to train people? Then trashing the concept of Democratic Socialism at the end and calling the people who embrace those concepts as stupid? OMG WHAT AN IMMENSE EGO THIS HUMAN HAS!
1:01:18 "Young people listened to Bernie Sanders and they said, 'yeah, democratic...that's good. Socialism...yeah that's that social media stuff.'" ???
I've never met a single person who confused socialism with social media. guess it's hard to know what's really going on when you're so out of touch from being an oligarch
He's a useless fucking moron whose over-entitled life is exactly what is wrong with this country. He will never be President. I'm not having this bonehead lead me.
@@angie99656 I don't know about that, if you haven't noticed everything in america can be bought. united states is not a democracy its a giant business where the rich make the rules. hopefully, you are right though.
Best man for the job of President of the United States. He is truly an honorable man! I will vote for him without hesitation. He will save this nation and the world.
@@GregoryWonderwheel Best man for the job of the President of the United States and the entire Universe. He is truly an Honorable man and God the Son! I will vote for him without hesitation. He had already save this nation and the World 2 thousand years ago. His Name is Jesus Christ.
This is definitely the man that is suited to take America back and put it on a course to recovery on several fronts. He is also the only democratic candidate that will easily stare down Trump and not be subject to his bully pulpit style in the presidential debates. If the dems have any brains at all they will recognize this and push hard for Mike to take the DNC leadership for 2020!
Bloomberg certainly should apologize for his foolish 2015 language. But his life-saving anti-gun program was nothing to be sorry for. Stop-and-frisk helped cut the city’s homicide rate in half, even as the NYPD lost some 15 percent of its manpower. Manhattan Institute policing expert Heather Mac Donald estimates it saved some 1,600 minority lives alone.And a key part of that crime drop came under Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. For all the criticism of stop-and-frisk, countless African American and Hispanic residents loved it. Those who talked to Mac Donald begged for more proactive policing, she’s written. “Why are they hanging out in crowds on the corners?” one man asked about youths in his neighborhood back in 2015. “Can’t you arrest them for loitering?” “I think they should put [stop-and-frisk] back,” another told her. “The criminals feel more comfortable [without it]; it’s easier to get their hands on guns.”
@@OsirisIxchel I have to disagree with you. As an African American who grew up and lived in NYC, I can attest Stop-and-frisk isn't all that bad in practice. However, no amount of rationalizing shortcuts in law enforcement is justifiable. Treading on civil liberties and human rights even to save lives is a gateway to a slippery slope. We start enabling "big brother" to go that route, where will it end. It's imperative that law enforcement itself not break the law (including bending the spirit of the law) to enforce the law.
Iris Friesen the homicide rate dropped in all major cities by more than half and most didn’t use anything close to stop and frisk. No evidence his policy moved the needle
If you really want an interesting insight, Kurt Vonnegut's prescient novel "Player Piano" paints a vivid picture of what a technologically advanced society might look like as its citizens deal with finding purpose in life after automation has supplanted human effort, and the state controls all the means of production. He has several others worthy of anyone's time and effort to read and enjoy, too. Cheers.
@Steven Jackson Fuck the 2nd amendment and the 40,000 murders of our fellow Americans!!! That's all you gun heads care about, not humanitarian rights, poverty, global warming, economy, nor jobs. Why does anyone need a gun, except for the opportunity to 'stand your ground' and kill another human? Very few Americans are threatened by lions and tigers and bears (oh my). And those folks don't defend themselves with AK47s. And what good are your pea shooters against guided missiles, cyber attacks, and your addictions to the vast amounts of internet propaganda? I live alone in a rural area with unlocked doors and have never owned a gun. That's because I have enough common sense to avoid violent situations, instead of elevating them with a belly full of booze and a gun in my pocket. Many times I would have shot first and regretted it later. You can call that cowardice, but I call it wisdom. IMO, only cowards need guns for 'personal safety'.
Mr. Bloomberg is the most qualify candidate to be the president of the United State. He will be bettered president than Trump ( by far). He is a person with high integrity and humanity.
Even after listening to Bloomberg's thoughts on farming and blue collar workers the unedited context is still degrading to farmers and persons who work in industrial areas, "not enough grey matter"
@@__kewlaudia__ Please. This guy has control freak issues on par with few others and self proclaims himself part of the "Intelligencia" in this very video. He clearly believes anyone not within his circle needs to be managed according to his own specific dictates.
A N it’s true. He’s had a lot of luck and connections. He works hard but has an ego that clouds his judgment. Bloomberg is a better business man and is the real deal
Sure, he be wanting to eliminate them 32Oz. drinks, can't believe someone has that much brass. How would Judge Judy rule on this case, always liked her old fashioned common sense, until they connected-up.
@@mattlowjaster6637 Less sugar = better health = lower healthcare. In a world full of hostile wars, forests burning and famine from global warming, I can't believe that you are so narcissistic that the size of your soda container is your highest priority. It's for the sake of your own health. I don't even drink sodas. Why should everyone else pay higher insurance premiums, just because fat assed people like you can't control your consumption?
@oliverthecat666 One would think if a person is super-mega rich, they would want for nothing-not so fast. Well, I guess these folks enjoy to diddle with poor folks lives, like what they can eat, what size of soda they can drink, what color of underwear they have. ....and so on.
NYC has had a massive assets inequality issue until Trump got Congress to pass tax reform reducing SALT deductions. Since passing the cap in 2017, NYC housing price have been in decline making housing MORE affordable. Meanwhile, Democratic Party members are in reversal, fighting to take from the federal government rather than building out the federal budget.
Read the book 'One Second After" by John Matherson. After an EMP attack on the USA, a small town in the mountains of NC struggles to survive. When people from the coasts begin migrating into the interior the people of the protagonist's small town cannot take them all in. They quickly realize they need doctors, nurses, veterinarians, farmers, carpenters, manual laborers, soldiers. What they DON'T need are actors, entertainers, lawyers, administrators, MBAs --- in short, the people Bloomberg is addressing -- you know -- the ones with Bloomberg's "gray matter". He is right, however. As the USA more and more destroys jobs by sending them overseas and/or building robots, those who don't have the skills "to code" will not have the dignity of work (until the EMP, of course). But Bloomie is one nasty piece of work because though he identifies the potential problem, his contempt for those left behind is immeasurable.
We aren't living in a post-apocalypse, and to people who whine that we don't need 'actors, lawyers, etc' I'd like to ask you how much you spent on music and entertainment last year, before you jack your jaw about how much 'you don't need i.t'
@@angie99656 In this world, where those people do not directly contribute, they are NOT needed. Since when is a lawyer of any use to any one in the rank and file? They are worthless.
"Bernie Sanders would have beaten Donald Trump, the polls show he would have walked away with it...But Hillary Clinton got the nomination" -Mike Bloomberg
Mr. Mike Bloomberg: An idea is, show to the World, what has, the power is lat our people need to eat if you are a good human being you don't need to be you are already a human you are more powerful dan any president still I like to see you as a President sure you are
Russell Dodd ...thank you, she is. My family taught me to be honest and work hard. In addition, they think people who lie should be avoided. I am sure that you apparently would like your children to be just like sad.
Mike Bloomberg I have never begged in my life, but it is Saturday evening 22 Feb and I am begging you - please get out and throw your support to Biden or Steyer. Please don't horse trade, just do it really, really fast. You said you only entered to keep Trump from winning. I don't know any other way to send out this plea. If you see this and agree, feel free to copy it and post. I am going to keep looking for every possible way to get this plea to Bloomberg.
58:20 Another way to say this. We don't demand to have others around us for the sake of fake diversity, we are in school to set our careers, and need to be around those that think the same way we do about our chosen career. You don't put bakers in the same class as welders. Separately, I think Donald is more of a businessman than Mike is. More diverse businesses. But that is my opinion. Mike has a good chance of being the nominee for the Dems. But all Donald has to do is focus on the squad and Mike does not stand a chance. But here is what I think is amazing. Donald has held on to his tax returns for an assumed competition with Mike. There is a reason for it. Donald has been planing on being president since his early 30's, there is not much he has not planned for.
jhoee ... how on earth is trump more of a businessman then Bloomberg? Bloomberg created his own business, trump just inherited it from his dad. Trump could have but all his inheritance in bonds and would have been richer than he is. Its like Mike giving his business to his offspring, then calling them businessmen.
@@crisbernabe2866 -- This is such a tired, baseless argument and is a complete non sequitur. I don't care who is the better businessman, or who built the bigger business or whether he got help from his dad or started it on his own from a cardboard box in a NYC subway! That has nothing to do with the policies one sets as President of the U.S. and that's what matters! In addition to supporting the left-wing views of the modern Democratic Party (like open boarders and amnesty), Bloomberg is a megalomaniac who thinks he was anointed by God to oversee the lifestyle choices of individuals. His latest talking of attacking the vaping industry is just the latest example of that. A couple of months ago, he said that they were killing people after the new reports of all the cases of lung injuries without ever bother to see what the culprit was.
@@crisbernabe2866 .They are equal in their chosen disciplines. There is no hard measuring stick to this other than our opinions on where the lines are and what value they have. Bloomberg has made more because of overall volume of trading money, whereas Trump has been mostly Real Estate., They both have used other people’s money to get ahead. Literally, so your argument is not very sound of Trump starting with money from daddy. I have had a net worth of about 2 million for years, all earned on my own, and was on welfare at 10 years old. Sure, its not that much, but its not that easy to turn it into 10 million or 1 billion for that matter like you elude that trump did so easily. They both took risks that paid off, and I respect them equally for it. They are both success stories, that we all can look up to, even though they have character flaws. Remember, Bloomberg used to be an actual Republican. Who gives a shit who is richer. If that’s the argument, then George Foremen should be president, he has a net worth double what Hillary has, so should he be president? I would trust George more than Hillary if I was basing it on character and charisma. AND 100% of the time lawyers should never be Presidents or Prime Ministers.
@showlogicprod So what is you opinion on Bill Gates.? He has done more for humanity than any politician running today. He is mega Rich. But he has no Power ego like regular politicians. Sure he went through a phase when he was younger where he wanted that, but grew out of that. We need to elect people with Masters in Economics, and degrees in philosophy. I will take a successful business person over a lawyer any day. I’m Canadian. You guys spend billions on endless elections like idiots, where all of that money could be going to programs for the classes of people you note to me. You hold on to your paper dollar bill like it’s the bible. We dumped that on 1987, as it cost more to chase the paper, and most people will spend the coin dollar over the paper. You don’t tax your booze even close enough what it should be, you could fund your health care from that alone. How do you think we do it? You need a 3rd party. It forces people to work together, instead of 2 ways only to do things. Bernie has done fuck all in 30 years. Its like you keep him around for sentimental value. Ron Paul was the right choice, but his time has passed, and what’s nuts is most of Ron Pauls ideas are some that Trump has implemented, or versions thereof. If Trump keeps the USA out of a War, and keeps a sound economy he will be re-elected 100% The Dems can bring anything that he can actually be charged for, because there is nothing. Trump has prepared for this his entire life. But, it will be almost impossible for him to keep a sound economy for yet another 4 years. The economy is due for a correction. And for Gawd sakes, pay down your debt. It’s ridiculous.
In order to understand what a business men is you need to know about business or be a business person your self Donald Trump's is a bac seat business man realstate speculator never Ben a leading co guy his business is to take chanse on investment chanse game player not team leader America great again is a campaign slogan America was great and be great before and after Donald fuking Trump's or any other President what makes America great is the people of America not the government the government can be misrepresenting the people like I'm the case of Donald Trump's by braking the Constitution and the laws we the people that is the voice of reason and America
Yes! I like how Bloomberg thinks, talks, and follows through with appropriate actions. He has worked his way up from a parking attendant to multi-billionaire, with dignity and respect for others. He has led NYC out of 2 crises (9/11 & 08 market crash), reduced gun violence, poverty, and imprisoning minorities. Money is not the root of all evil. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Bloomberg has earned his and is selflessly donating it back to help the less fortunate. Now, he sees Trump's corrupt, self-serving leadership and an inept, ideological field of Democratic challengers. So, he is jumping into the race to put our once great nation back on track for a more civil society and more perfect union. IMHO, he is the only candidate with the skill set to accomplish that goal. Bloomberg has the money to fully fund his campaign (w/o obligations to alternative special interests), the business experience to fix our economic problems, a proven track record of public service, a bipartisan agenda to bridge the nation's hyper-partisan divide, the global mindset to repair international relationships, sufficient scientific knowledge to understand the challenges of climate change, and last but not least, the moral character to hold Trump's mob accountable for their corruption (they have turned the swamp into a cesspool).🤙🤙🤙 Bloomberg's campaign soars above all of the petty DNC scandals and infighting. He can't be smeared with accusations of pandering to either side, because he doesn't need to. The MSM can't suppress his exposure, because he could buy them out, if necessary. I noticed there are many Trumptard naysayers in these comments. You folks can whine all you want and cry me a river next January, while your god and master leaves the White House in handcuffs.🥳 'Mike' has my vote, because he understands the real meaning of MAGA and how truly to achieve it.🤩
Making America great doesn't involve communist ideology and dictatorship..and Trump isnt leaving in handcuffs hate to break it to you..although Pelosi may have to sober up in prison!
Yes, and he has the money to do saturate the public with his ads. Have you ever noticed, that products that aren’t selling well, that can’t make it on their own merit, are pushed at us in ads and commercials? Great products, move off the shelf by word of mouth. Have you ever noticed that the bigger the corporation / manufacturer is, the more the commercials, the more spent on the commercials and the more it matters not whether the product is good / great? That money / the ad is going to make you want to purchase. If it doesn’t....that’s okay....there are many many more who will......because the ad told them to.
@@mainlndr that's what people like me are for. To remind of that first intuitive resistance that they experienced before the *logical fallacy technique* (An argument by repetition) was used to brainwash them.
Excellent intelligent interview... he spoke sense. Interesting to watch his presidential bid. Intellectually he is way ahead of all other candidates...
K S Statement from Mike Bloomberg on Non-Disclosure Agreements February 21, 2020 I’ve had the company go back over its record and they’ve identified 3 NDAs that we signed over the past 30-plus years with women to address complaints about comments they said I had made. If any of them want to be released from their NDA so that they can talk about those allegations, they should contact the company and they’ll be given a release. I’ve done a lot of reflecting on this issue over the past few days and I’ve decided that for as long as I’m running the company, we won’t offer confidentiality agreements to resolve claims of sexual harassment or misconduct going forward. I recognize that NDAs, particularly when they are used in the context of sexual harassment and sexual assault, promote a culture of silence in the workplace and contribute to a culture of women not feeling safe or supported. It is imperative that when problems occur, workplaces not only address the specific incidents, but the culture and practices that led to those incidents. And then leaders must act. That is why I am committing to do the following: All business leaders must recognize that our workplace cultures are our responsibility and leadership on good workplace policies must come from the top. I am proud of Bloomberg LP, the company we have built. But like all workplaces, we should always look to do better. We have a human resources team in place that has always worked at the forefront of industries seeking best practices. I have asked them to consult with experts, as I myself have done in recent days, and review and reform our policies where necessary with regard to equal pay and promotion, sexual harassment and discrimination, and other legal tools that prevent culture change. I want my company to be a model for women seeking opportunity and support in their careers. When we support women in the workplace, we advance not just their own feelings of value, but we help them and their families across America live better lives through higher wages. Our efforts ripple throughout the entire economy. As president, I will work to pass the Be Heard Act in Congress, which will legislate these needed changes into federal law. I will also support legislative proposals that increase women’s equity in the workplace, including guaranteeing 12 weeks of paid family leave, signing the Paycheck Fairness Act and increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour. And I will ensure that women have access to affordable child care, as well as quality health care and reproductive services. I will continue to encourage business leaders to support women beyond what is mandated by Congress. I have asked my campaign to review our current policies and to be consistent with these views. There is more we can do when we work together. When we share a respect for each other and treat all of our colleagues as we ourselves would wish to be treated, we all do our best work. This is something Donald Trump does not understand - not when he ran his business, and not now when he is recklessly running our country. I will be a leader whom women can trust.
mike, the source of my conflict with the mafia foundation remains active, since they are in a position, have been, still are, where they can both commit a fraud and cover it up. so that is a significant deficiency that needed to be reported.
That’s what they say, but if you’re middle class is highly likely you get health insurance through work. Up to you how you care for your health outside of catastrophic events.
tmmsplace Yes most do but the premiums and deductibles are so high it makes no sense to even have it other than to help you purchase drugs. Office visits will cost you the same no matter either way.
The part he misses is that "the information society" where the progression of technology is being studied and developed very much go hand in hand with "the industrial and agricultural society", I dont know a whole lot about farming but all these 3000 years that people were farming they didn't have tractors, harvesters, the modern technology used in agriculture and it's no different with manufacturing, in machining, (the job he was talking about "where you stick the metal in the lathe and turn the crank") he was talking about very outdated processes in both careers, The informational society is what made machining go from waterwheels to turn lathe spindles at a very low production rate, to faster, conventional electric and gas engine lathes, to computer controlled machines that made production what it is today, to what is now the holy grail in manufacturing which would be robots, running from machine to machine swapping out parts and making production in a manner much more effective than what humans can do alone. One work society relies on the other.
Stop and frisk was the right thing to do - if u have nothing to hide - deal with it because it sure made a difference in the crime rate in those areas.
synthmaven if you are really interested in the facts and making a good choice, do yourself a favor and watch a couple of Bloomberg’s presentations and compare them to Donald Mike has real money which he earned...never bankrupt vs 6 times for Donald...when someone wants you to just believe whatever they are feeding you but determined to never let you see any proof it means they are not telling you the truth...and something tells me you know that. New York banks will not loan him money because he flunks the “character” test which is a requirement to borrow money ....he is a con your heart you know I am well!
Bloomberg Sues To Kill New York’s Living Wage Law Before He Leaves Office
I searched high and low for wcw with brains not looks but that is finically stabled nad can teach me a little something! I want a wcw that has ambition so it can rub on me! My wcw is ladies and gents!! My man right here x
No show jobs? Do nothing jobs? Sounds ridiculous - care takers, artists, carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, installers, designers, stoneworkers, welders, machinists, babysitters, tutors, bakers, chefs ... everyone can get a skilled job and find their passion. No one should be moving a stack of paper from left to right - technology can not replace creativity. Btw - I have been a woman in tech for many years.
I guarantee you, the majority ot people who disliked and negativity commented on this interview did not listen to the whole thing. Bloomberg is the only person in this race that could defeat Trump. Spread the word...
Someone shared an clip of this in 50 secs taking a controversial statement he said and was circulated with lots of retweets saying how bad he was. I decided to watch full talk and came out thinking this was such an engaging interesting discussion.
I, as well, came to watch the full talk, so to hear the full statement for myself. I too came away with (I think) a better understanding of what he was saying. Still, though, his statement was very disdainful, demeaning. He, as with most who have money, has a bad habit of allowing his true nature spill out. He , as with most politicians, is very arrogant and narcissistic.
..A business has an owner and manipulates the employees by infringing on the intellectual property/skillsets. A Government has three heads and no owner, therefore..simply owning a business/ monopoly is not a justified qualification to direct as an individual, in contrast to cooperating in a governmental process..for a Nation of entities as a representative. Thus, a President is not an authoritative figure without the approval of Congress, The Purse and Oversite of a President. Dumbed down by Historical practices of the wealthy, we have arrived at the need for appropriately educated persons to lead, and that ..wealth is not an education, that, the government is a system of Laws in need of interpreting for the benefit of a Nation. The race is not a reason to give a person a job. Furthermore, Obama set the bar of legal leadership too high for business owners.
Just tell me 1 thing if Bloomberg is unfit for President so why Trump is qualified. So everything you described is nothing more then hate against Bloomberg for something he didn't commit .
@@ty814 ...Trump is not AN INDEPENDENT THINKER and must be hand-held, not educated in esoterics and neither is Bloomberg, simply because each run a business AND WISH TO incorporate the National Treasury and a Presidency. Hate is a poor excuse for having an opinion about an issue. Obama is a Constitutional Law Professor as a President, America is a system of Laws to control parasitic avaricious business owners.
@@junkyard-p1s Mr. *stop&frisk* [who btw. tries bullshitting us, now being a Democrat] has got a plan??? [like Queen Elizabeth? MA]. I'm hellbent to know - tell me more.. No - seriously: Bernie is the only progressive in the race.
We all know that farming takes considerably more brains than just dropping a seed in the ground and watering it. Trump was in California addressing the water problem caused by Blooming Idiots of Bloomy's class who won't net them have the water because the Delta Smelt, who somehow managed to survive all the years that the farmers got all of their water. As for "unskilled" factory jobs, try doing one for a while. Oh, a machinist has to know much of what a mechanical engineer is taught and a good mechanical engineer is willing to talk to the machinists. Both are frustrated by the Blooming Idiots in management to whom one could not explain that there are 254 Angstroms in a microinch! The employment problem that President Trump is solving is due to the Blooming Idiots who don't like paying American workers American wages.
i like bernie, an dislike bloombergs values, but i'm not going to give you a thumbs up becuase I don't think popular hatred is conducive to discussion and listening.
He is a typical liar that thinks he knows what is best for everyone, what is best for everyone is our govt to help its people, not destroy our freedoms & all our jobs...
I'd love for this asshat to wander out west and show us all how low farmers and the blue collar trades people are. Keep all of that in mind when you sit down to eat the food on your table and 8 hours later you need a PLUMBER to open up your clogged pipes so that the food you EAT can be crapped out. Then you'll need an electrician to have a light installed so he can wipe his a$$. This guy is dangerous. Worse than Trump
This is my developing thought: Bloomberg and Klobuchar should be the democratic ticket. I think they're the only 2 that can take on and beat trump. I don't think Bloomberg has balls; I think he has cantelopes. And I freaking love Amy k. I think they're both really nasty and will fight back against trump.
Mike we tried capitalism, it isn't working. You're so good at manipulating that the system that nobody but a handful of people around you can eat. In what world does it make sense that someone should be able to make 40 billion? We need to get a wealth tax going, we cant live in this capitalistic nightmare system where only people mike deems worthy can live better lives. He talks about people not being educated but people cant afford a education, because when mike was young it didn't cost you an arm and a leg to get higher learning. well enough, we dont wanna live in your hell, this is about class struggle.
Bloomberg is an asshole but you communists are just as evil. No one told you to take out $100K in loan debt for a degree in gender studies/ basketmaking. You've known for DECADES the money is in computing or law or business and you don't-need an IVY degree to get into those fields. EVERY SOCIALIST country has either failed turned to communism or is going back to capitalism. The problem isn't capitalism its CRONY capitalism connected to the political swamp, and if you listened for five minutes, you'd see THATS WHAT TRUMP IS TRYING TO FIX. Give this 5 minutes before you answer::
Visit Saïd Business School website ➤
41:50 for the context and farming quote
thanks, very interesting to hear the whole thing
LOL he thinks he can be a farmer, I'm no farmer i work in IT and even I can tell you farming is fucking hard. America is going down the drain, it hasn't been a democracy for quite a while, the rich own us. they make the laws, they take from the poor, lets slash all the social programs and give a gigantic tax break to the rich.
1% of the nation’s population claim farming as an occupation in the 2010 census.
He is speaking in general terms, NOT ABSOLUTES. If anyone pretends to be offended by this vague, generalized example, they need to get a life and grow the hell up.
Thank you for that!
I watched the enough of the video to see what he said in context, and I still think it's condescending and just impolite tbh.
Re training is possible and not so difficult, Mr Bloomberg. History has shown it. It is unlikely that a person with no need to learn a new new job skill will ever do so, but when faced with poverty and hunger, they will learn new skills. There was the gold rush and the great depression where people learned new skills because they had to. All a person needs is a reason.
This man has my vote - he has the experience-the talent and the wisdom to oversee-to delegate-he will be respected by China & the rest of the world leaders
I have been in sales and business all my life - I am an eclectic person - I have failed at more then a few things but my wins have big one, (relatively speaking), I know a lot about what does not work and why - I have always said, small business owners don’t want anyone who is smarter them around - big business hires people who are smarter then they are - this man will do the right things that are crucial for this country and the world & our relationship with the rest of the world - I have been cutting my own check since age 10 - this January I’ll turn 77 - THIS MAN COMES FROM A “LOWER MIDDLE CLASS FAMILY HE UNDERSTANDS THEIR NEEDS AND MINDSET AND BY ALL DEFINITION UNDERSTANDS THE MIND SET OF THE 1% - I HAVE COME TO LEARN, HILLARY CLINTON IS SO ANTIQUATED SHE IS BORDERING ARCHIC - WARREN AND BERNIE ARE RADICALS - I JUST FEEL IN MY HEART THIS MAN IS THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB -
There ya go going with your feelings will get ya in trouble Buddy!!!! STICK WITH THE FACTS JACK!!!!!
Got my vote. Call me boring and centrist but I like a calm, successful, moral older guy to be in charge of the country. We need a calming like this but someone who will get stuff done.
Matt exactly you couldn’t have said it better than that. Gonna screenshot that that’s what I’m saying from now on.
Exactly, we need more jewish billionaires to run our country, like they run every corporation in america.
Brodo don’t hate on Jews cuz they do it better than you. Put a Jew in any industry and they dominate eventually. Their culture is built up so that they win. “The chosen people” is quite a motto. Don’t be ridiculous there’s too many people of different races and religions successful for you to keep believing those ridiculous conspiracy theories. Learn from them. Idiot
Andrew yang will beat this guy
@@JD-dh3yn ditto
Mike 2020,2024
Have a good day be safe god bless
Thank you Mr. Bloomberg. Finally, I'm hearing what I know. Loving you from California.
Ha ha i hear people poo on streets in California so yes he fits in there but not in free America
It was a joy to listen to Michael. Very smart man. He has some very interesting insights.
"ive always believed that you have an obligation to your employer" As a taxpaying citizen of the u.s.a. I'd like to hold him to that quote.
Nothing is wrong with that quote. It is correct.
write4yourlife now thank you, I agree.
Wow, very interesting, to watch how a “Master of The Universe” oligarch, speaking to a bunch of ‘master of the Universe” want to be’ s, concerning his concepts to control, the one’s ‘with lesser brain matter’, the 99 percent that didn’t manifest billions like he did is truly amazing.... He actually believes he has the right to train Mayor’s in cities all over the world who are economically impoverished , through his Bloomberg ‘carrot and a stick’ game through his ‘philanthropy’ so they can win the game through implementation of the best usage of his ‘button policy’ for their individual cities. With the carrot in the game being a 5 million dollar prize.... Really? Like he is the blueprint of successful human endeavor on this planet and he has the right to train people? Then trashing the concept of Democratic Socialism at the end and calling the people who embrace those concepts as stupid? OMG WHAT AN IMMENSE EGO THIS HUMAN HAS!
“The trouble with the world is not that people know too little; it's that they know so many things that just aren't so. ”
Mark Twain
All i know i that Billionaires have no place in public administration they have to many conflict of interest.
Bloomberg sure does .
1:01:18 "Young people listened to Bernie Sanders and they said, 'yeah, democratic...that's good. Socialism...yeah that's that social media stuff.'" ???
Corporate Dems actually believe that young voters are disposable. Let's prove them wrong!
Typical boomer, who thinks everyone younger than him is an idiot (which makes you wonder if he concludes that from his own younger self ^^).
I've never met a single person who confused socialism with social media. guess it's hard to know what's really going on when you're so out of touch from being an oligarch
He's a useless fucking moron whose over-entitled life is exactly what is wrong with this country. He will never be President. I'm not having this bonehead lead me.
@@angie99656 I don't know about that, if you haven't noticed everything in america can be bought. united states is not a democracy its a giant business where the rich make the rules. hopefully, you are right though.
Best man for the job of President of the United States. He is truly an honorable man! I will vote for him without hesitation. He will save this nation and the world.
He has no honor. The man who did the unconstitutional stop and frisk policy should never be allowed to enter the doors of the White House.
@@GregoryWonderwheel Best man for the job of the President of the United States and the entire Universe. He is truly an Honorable man and God the Son! I will vote for him without hesitation. He had already save this nation and the World 2 thousand years ago. His Name is Jesus Christ.
Omg how clueless can a person be?
Mike Boomberg is brilliant. He understands what he is talking about and is completely without any recourse to bullshit.
If he was brilliant he wouldn't be a demokkkrat
This is definitely the man that is suited to take America back and put it on a course to recovery on several fronts. He is also the only democratic candidate that will easily stare down Trump and not be subject to his bully pulpit style in the presidential debates. If the dems have any brains at all they will recognize this and push hard for Mike to take the DNC leadership for 2020!
Fuck you can't be that stupid?
Looked up "racist" and a long list of Bloomberg videos popped up. Anyone surprised by this?
Trumps picture wasn’t in there? You might need glasses
Bloomberg certainly should apologize for his foolish 2015 language. But his life-saving anti-gun program was nothing to be sorry for. Stop-and-frisk helped cut the city’s homicide rate in half, even as the NYPD lost some 15 percent of its manpower. Manhattan Institute policing expert Heather Mac Donald estimates it saved some 1,600 minority lives alone.And a key part of that crime drop came under Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.
For all the criticism of stop-and-frisk, countless African American and Hispanic residents loved it. Those who talked to Mac Donald begged for more proactive policing, she’s written. “Why are they hanging out in crowds on the corners?” one man asked about youths in his neighborhood back in 2015. “Can’t you arrest them for loitering?”
“I think they should put [stop-and-frisk] back,” another told her. “The criminals feel more comfortable [without it]; it’s easier to get their hands on guns.”
@@OsirisIxchel I have to disagree with you. As an African American who grew up and lived in NYC, I can attest Stop-and-frisk isn't all that bad in practice. However, no amount of rationalizing shortcuts in law enforcement is justifiable. Treading on civil liberties and human rights even to save lives is a gateway to a slippery slope. We start enabling "big brother" to go that route, where will it end. It's imperative that law enforcement itself not break the law (including bending the spirit of the law) to enforce the law.
Nope...Trump & Russian bots are bizzy af!!
Iris Friesen the homicide rate dropped in all major cities by more than half and most didn’t use anything close to stop and frisk. No evidence his policy moved the needle
If you really want an interesting insight, Kurt Vonnegut's prescient novel "Player Piano" paints a vivid picture of what a technologically advanced society might look like as its citizens deal with finding purpose in life after automation has supplanted human effort, and the state controls all the means of production. He has several others worthy of anyone's time and effort to read and enjoy, too. Cheers.
New York sounds like a challenge, fit for someone like me.
He’s a genius!!!
Bloomberg 2020!!!
@Steven Jackson Fuck the 2nd amendment and the 40,000 murders of our fellow Americans!!!
That's all you gun heads care about, not humanitarian rights, poverty, global warming, economy, nor jobs. Why does anyone need a gun, except for the opportunity to 'stand your ground' and kill another human?
Very few Americans are threatened by lions and tigers and bears (oh my). And those folks don't defend themselves with AK47s. And what good are your pea shooters against guided missiles, cyber attacks, and your addictions to the vast amounts of internet propaganda?
I live alone in a rural area with unlocked doors and have never owned a gun. That's because I have enough common sense to avoid violent situations, instead of elevating them with a belly full of booze and a gun in my pocket. Many times I would have shot first and regretted it later.
You can call that cowardice, but I call it wisdom. IMO, only cowards need guns for 'personal safety'.
@Steven Jackson Bloomberg 2020!!!😀
@Steven Jackson Bloomberg 2020! 😀
Mr. Bloomberg is the most qualify candidate to be the president of the United State. He will be bettered president than Trump ( by far). He is a person with high integrity and humanity.
Even after listening to Bloomberg's thoughts on farming and blue collar workers the unedited context is still degrading to farmers and persons who work in industrial areas, "not enough grey matter"
Dinah Halterman it was a generalized example. He did not insult anyone. Good Lord.
@@__kewlaudia__ Please. This guy has control freak issues on par with few others and self proclaims himself part of the "Intelligencia" in this very video. He clearly believes anyone not within his circle needs to be managed according to his own specific dictates.
One NYC billionaire bad mouthing another NYC billionaire. Go figure.
A N it’s true. He’s had a lot of luck and connections. He works hard but has an ego that clouds his judgment. Bloomberg is a better business man and is the real deal
Because there's no more pure water to drink.
Sure, he be wanting to eliminate them 32Oz. drinks, can't believe someone has that much brass.
How would Judge Judy rule on this case, always liked her old fashioned common sense, until they connected-up.
@@mattlowjaster6637 Less sugar = better health = lower healthcare.
In a world full of hostile wars, forests burning and famine from global warming, I can't believe that you are so narcissistic that the size of your soda container is your highest priority. It's for the sake of your own health. I don't even drink sodas.
Why should everyone else pay higher insurance premiums, just because fat assed people like you can't control your consumption?
@oliverthecat666 Just smother them in cheese, hold your nose, and you'll learn to like them. They are good for you.
@oliverthecat666 One would think if a person is super-mega rich, they would want for nothing-not so fast.
Well, I guess these folks enjoy to diddle with poor folks lives, like what they can eat, what size of soda they can drink, what color of underwear they have.
....and so on.
NYC has had a massive assets inequality issue until Trump got Congress to pass tax reform reducing SALT deductions. Since passing the cap in 2017, NYC housing price have been in decline making housing MORE affordable. Meanwhile, Democratic Party members are in reversal, fighting to take from the federal government rather than building out the federal budget.
Michael Bloomberg presenta for the USA
Read the book 'One Second After" by John Matherson. After an EMP attack on the USA, a small town in the mountains of NC struggles to survive. When people from the coasts begin migrating into the interior the people of the protagonist's small town cannot take them all in. They quickly realize they need doctors, nurses, veterinarians, farmers, carpenters, manual laborers, soldiers. What they DON'T need are actors, entertainers, lawyers, administrators, MBAs --- in short, the people Bloomberg is addressing -- you know -- the ones with Bloomberg's "gray matter". He is right, however. As the USA more and more destroys jobs by sending them overseas and/or building robots, those who don't have the skills "to code" will not have the dignity of work (until the EMP, of course). But Bloomie is one nasty piece of work because though he identifies the potential problem, his contempt for those left behind is immeasurable.
We aren't living in a post-apocalypse, and to people who whine that we don't need 'actors, lawyers, etc' I'd like to ask you how much you spent on music and entertainment last year, before you jack your jaw about how much 'you don't need i.t'
@@angie99656 In this world, where those people do not directly contribute, they are NOT needed. Since when is a lawyer of any use to any one in the rank and file? They are worthless.
A significant book, but written by William Forstchen, not John Matherson
"Bernie Sanders would have beaten Donald Trump, the polls show he would have walked away with it...But Hillary Clinton got the nomination" -Mike Bloomberg
Mr. Mike Bloomberg:
An idea is, show to the World, what has, the power is lat our people need to eat if you are a good human being you don't need to be you are already a human you are more powerful dan any president still I like to see you as a President
sure you are
Trump is the best president we have had in many decades.
@Robert M so you have no argument
Who would you rather work for...Trump or this guy? Trump will never get on a debate stage with this man
Trump won’t get on a debate stage no matter who the Democratic candidate is.
@@merrycontrary3520 Trump will get on a flatbed truck trailer, if there is a bunch of puppets wearing red hats,just so he can talk about a head count.
You must be on the crack again. Your mother must be proud.
Russell Dodd ...thank you, she is. My family taught me to be honest and work hard. In addition, they think people who lie should be avoided. I am sure that you apparently would like your children to be just like sad.
He would so easily destroy trump in a debate but trump would not have the balls to face him
Thanks to Bloomberg for standing up to the bully in chief
Bloomberg: Who care what you think about President Obama. Just shut up already.
1:00:58 "There was a guy Bernie Sanders who would've beaten Donald Trump. The polls show he would've walked away with it."
Thank you, and his follow-up here is the proof that Bloomberg is running to stop Bernie. Bloomberg is afraid of socialism.
@@hiphopesq everyone should be afraid of socialism. It is a failed idea that belongs on the dungheap of history.
Mike Bloomberg I have never begged in my life, but it is Saturday evening 22 Feb and I am begging you - please get out and throw your support to Biden or Steyer. Please don't horse trade, just do it really, really fast. You said you only entered to keep Trump from winning. I don't know any other way to send out this plea. If you see this and agree, feel free to copy it and post. I am going to keep looking for every possible way to get this plea to Bloomberg.
If you want to see the clip about Bernie it's at about the 1 hour mark. And he thinks Bernie supporters will vote for him?
3:00 LOL. Hilarious sentiment.
58:20 Another way to say this. We don't demand to have others around us for the sake of fake diversity, we are in school to set our careers, and need to be around those that think the same way we do about our chosen career. You don't put bakers in the same class as welders. Separately, I think Donald is more of a businessman than Mike is. More diverse businesses. But that is my opinion. Mike has a good chance of being the nominee for the Dems. But all Donald has to do is focus on the squad and Mike does not stand a chance. But here is what I think is amazing. Donald has held on to his tax returns for an assumed competition with Mike. There is a reason for it. Donald has been planing on being president since his early 30's, there is not much he has not planned for.
jhoee ... how on earth is trump more of a businessman then Bloomberg? Bloomberg created his own business, trump just inherited it from his dad. Trump could have but all his inheritance in bonds and would have been richer than he is. Its like Mike giving his business to his offspring, then calling them businessmen.
@@crisbernabe2866 -- This is such a tired, baseless argument and is a complete non sequitur. I don't care who is the better businessman, or who built the bigger business or whether he got help from his dad or started it on his own from a cardboard box in a NYC subway! That has nothing to do with the policies one sets as President of the U.S. and that's what matters! In addition to supporting the left-wing views of the modern Democratic Party (like open boarders and amnesty), Bloomberg is a megalomaniac who thinks he was anointed by God to oversee the lifestyle choices of individuals. His latest talking of attacking the vaping industry is just the latest example of that. A couple of months ago, he said that they were killing people after the new reports of all the cases of lung injuries without ever bother to see what the culprit was.
@@crisbernabe2866 .They are equal in their chosen disciplines. There is no hard measuring stick to this other than our opinions on where the lines are and what value they have. Bloomberg has made more because of overall volume of trading money, whereas Trump has been mostly Real Estate., They both have used other people’s money to get ahead. Literally, so your argument is not very sound of Trump starting with money from daddy. I have had a net worth of about 2 million for years, all earned on my own, and was on welfare at 10 years old. Sure, its not that much, but its not that easy to turn it into 10 million or 1 billion for that matter like you elude that trump did so easily. They both took risks that paid off, and I respect them equally for it. They are both success stories, that we all can look up to, even though they have character flaws. Remember, Bloomberg used to be an actual Republican. Who gives a shit who is richer. If that’s the argument, then George Foremen should be president, he has a net worth double what Hillary has, so should he be president? I would trust George more than Hillary if I was basing it on character and charisma. AND 100% of the time lawyers should never be Presidents or Prime Ministers.
@showlogicprod So what is you opinion on Bill Gates.? He has done more for humanity than any politician running today. He is mega Rich. But he has no Power ego like regular politicians. Sure he went through a phase when he was younger where he wanted that, but grew out of that. We need to elect people with Masters in Economics, and degrees in philosophy. I will take a successful business person over a lawyer any day. I’m Canadian. You guys spend billions on endless elections like idiots, where all of that money could be going to programs for the classes of people you note to me. You hold on to your paper dollar bill like it’s the bible. We dumped that on 1987, as it cost more to chase the paper, and most people will spend the coin dollar over the paper. You don’t tax your booze even close enough what it should be, you could fund your health care from that alone. How do you think we do it? You need a 3rd party. It forces people to work together, instead of 2 ways only to do things. Bernie has done fuck all in 30 years. Its like you keep him around for sentimental value. Ron Paul was the right choice, but his time has passed, and what’s nuts is most of Ron Pauls ideas are some that Trump has implemented, or versions thereof. If Trump keeps the USA out of a War, and keeps a sound economy he will be re-elected 100% The Dems can bring anything that he can actually be charged for, because there is nothing. Trump has prepared for this his entire life. But, it will be almost impossible for him to keep a sound economy for yet another 4 years. The economy is due for a correction. And for Gawd sakes, pay down your debt. It’s ridiculous.
In order to understand what a business men is you need to know about business or be a business person your self Donald Trump's is a bac seat business man realstate speculator never Ben a leading co guy his business is to take chanse on investment chanse game player not team leader America great again is a campaign slogan America was great and be great before and after Donald fuking Trump's or any other President what makes America great is the people of America not the government the government can be misrepresenting the people like I'm the case of Donald Trump's by braking the Constitution and the laws we the people that is the voice of reason and America
Mini mike Donald Trump is the world’s greatest political leader
when Steve bannon is afraid of you that's something.
Yes! I like how Bloomberg thinks, talks, and follows through with appropriate actions. He has worked his way up from a parking attendant to multi-billionaire, with dignity and respect for others. He has led NYC out of 2 crises (9/11 & 08 market crash), reduced gun violence, poverty, and imprisoning minorities.
Money is not the root of all evil. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Bloomberg has earned his and is selflessly donating it back to help the less fortunate. Now, he sees Trump's corrupt, self-serving leadership and an inept, ideological field of Democratic challengers. So, he is jumping into the race to put our once great nation back on track for a more civil society and more perfect union. IMHO, he is the only candidate with the skill set to accomplish that goal.
Bloomberg has the money to fully fund his campaign (w/o obligations to alternative special interests), the business experience to fix our economic problems, a proven track record of public service, a bipartisan agenda to bridge the nation's hyper-partisan divide, the global mindset to repair international relationships, sufficient scientific knowledge to understand the challenges of climate change, and last but not least, the moral character to hold Trump's mob accountable for their corruption (they have turned the swamp into a cesspool).🤙🤙🤙
Bloomberg's campaign soars above all of the petty DNC scandals and infighting. He can't be smeared with accusations of pandering to either side, because he doesn't need to. The MSM can't suppress his exposure, because he could buy them out, if necessary.
I noticed there are many Trumptard naysayers in these comments. You folks can whine all you want and cry me a river next January, while your god and master leaves the White House in handcuffs.🥳
'Mike' has my vote, because he understands the real meaning of MAGA and how truly to achieve it.🤩
Making America great doesn't involve communist ideology and dictatorship..and Trump isnt leaving in handcuffs hate to break it to you..although Pelosi may have to sober up in prison!
Whatever perceived transgressions Mike is accused of can not remotely compare to the totality of corruption and ignorance embodied in Donald
He's intrusive, his ads are everywhere and I'm sick of him already.
Yes, and he has the money to do saturate the public with his ads. Have you ever noticed, that products that aren’t selling well, that can’t make it on their own merit, are pushed at us in ads and commercials? Great products, move off the shelf by word of mouth. Have you ever noticed that the bigger the corporation / manufacturer is, the more the commercials, the more spent on the commercials and the more it matters not whether the product is good / great? That money / the ad is going to make you want to purchase. If it doesn’t....that’s okay....there are many many more who will......because the ad told them to.
@@mainlndr that's what people like me are for. To remind of that first intuitive resistance that they experienced before the *logical fallacy technique* (An argument by repetition) was used to brainwash them.
But you’re here. His products actually do very well.. with or without him. Trolls need to feed the hate, but have nothing to show for their efforts.
Exactly what me being here proves? Sounds like you made series of wrong assumptions.
I’m talking about his campaign ads, not his products.
Mini Mike
Now this is a true businessman and true self made billionaire.
He's part of the reptilian class
I MISS MIKE! I'll vote for Joe tho!
Excellent intelligent interview... he spoke sense. Interesting to watch his presidential bid. Intellectually he is way ahead of all other candidates...
Senator Warren would like to have a word.
K S Statement from Mike Bloomberg on Non-Disclosure Agreements
February 21, 2020
I’ve had the company go back over its record and they’ve identified 3 NDAs that we signed over the past 30-plus years with women to address complaints about comments they said I had made. If any of them want to be released from their NDA so that they can talk about those allegations, they should contact the company and they’ll be given a release. I’ve done a lot of reflecting on this issue over the past few days and I’ve decided that for as long as I’m running the company, we won’t offer confidentiality agreements to resolve claims of sexual harassment or misconduct going forward.
I recognize that NDAs, particularly when they are used in the context of sexual harassment and sexual assault, promote a culture of silence in the workplace and contribute to a culture of women not feeling safe or supported. It is imperative that when problems occur, workplaces not only address the specific incidents, but the culture and practices that led to those incidents. And then leaders must act.
That is why I am committing to do the following:
All business leaders must recognize that our workplace cultures are our responsibility and leadership on good workplace policies must come from the top. I am proud of Bloomberg LP, the company we have built. But like all workplaces, we should always look to do better. We have a human resources team in place that has always worked at the forefront of industries seeking best practices. I have asked them to consult with experts, as I myself have done in recent days, and review and reform our policies where necessary with regard to equal pay and promotion, sexual harassment and discrimination, and other legal tools that prevent culture change. I want my company to be a model for women seeking opportunity and support in their careers. When we support women in the workplace, we advance not just their own feelings of value, but we help them and their families across America live better lives through higher wages. Our efforts ripple throughout the entire economy.
As president, I will work to pass the Be Heard Act in Congress, which will legislate these needed changes into federal law. I will also support legislative proposals that increase women’s equity in the workplace, including guaranteeing 12 weeks of paid family leave, signing the Paycheck Fairness Act and increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour. And I will ensure that women have access to affordable child care, as well as quality health care and reproductive services. I will continue to encourage business leaders to support women beyond what is mandated by Congress.
I have asked my campaign to review our current policies and to be consistent with these views. There is more we can do when we work together. When we share a respect for each other and treat all of our colleagues as we ourselves would wish to be treated, we all do our best work. This is something Donald Trump does not understand - not when he ran his business, and not now when he is recklessly running our country. I will be a leader whom women can trust.
Wow does this guy talk down to the peasants.
mike, the source of my conflict with the mafia foundation remains active, since they are in a position, have been, still are, where they can both commit a fraud and cover it up. so that is a significant deficiency that needed to be reported.
what is law?
baby don't hurt me...
don't hurt me... no more....
False, that is not the law!
Good Morning!
He's ignoring the middle class, that's the real problem. The middle class gets taxed to death and can't afford their health insurance.
That’s what they say, but if you’re middle class is highly likely you get health insurance through work. Up to you how you care for your health outside of catastrophic events.
Ok, yep I agree, middle class, self employed and guess what, no healthcare
tmmsplace Yes most do but the premiums and deductibles are so high it makes no sense to even have it other than to help you purchase drugs. Office visits will cost you the same no matter either way.
The part he misses is that "the information society" where the progression of technology is being studied and developed very much go hand in hand with "the industrial and agricultural society", I dont know a whole lot about farming but all these 3000 years that people were farming they didn't have tractors, harvesters, the modern technology used in agriculture and it's no different with manufacturing, in machining, (the job he was talking about "where you stick the metal in the lathe and turn the crank") he was talking about very outdated processes in both careers, The informational society is what made machining go from waterwheels to turn lathe spindles at a very low production rate, to faster, conventional electric and gas engine lathes, to computer controlled machines that made production what it is today, to what is now the holy grail in manufacturing which would be robots, running from machine to machine swapping out parts and making production in a manner much more effective than what humans can do alone. One work society relies on the other.
He is not wrong about why young people like Bernie 🤷🏻♂️
educating you, and I really don’t want to spend a lot of time talking about the problem; I’d rather talk about the solution. YANG 2020
Yang is a jerk.
Stop and frisk was the right thing to do - if u have nothing to hide - deal with it because it sure made a difference in the crime rate in those areas.
Watch Bloomberg and you will fully understand why Trump is petrified of him
Just imagine how much better the country would be with him
Petrified of Mini Mike..? LOL
synthmaven if you are really interested in the facts and making a good choice, do yourself a favor and watch a couple of Bloomberg’s presentations and compare them to Donald
Mike has real money which he earned...never bankrupt vs 6 times for Donald...when someone wants you to just believe whatever they are feeding you but determined to never let you see any proof it means they are not telling you the truth...and something tells me you know that. New York banks will not loan him money because he flunks the “character” test which is a requirement to borrow money ....he is a con your heart you know I am well!
bloomberg for president 2020
Bloomberg knows about jobs and make a difference
Bloomberg Sues To Kill New York’s Living Wage Law Before He Leaves Office
For sure. Look what happen to those poor people in Atlantic city. They got sucked in by a snake charmer.
I wish to see you at 2020!!!
I searched high and low for wcw with brains not looks but that is finically stabled nad can teach me a little something! I want a wcw that has ambition so it can rub on me! My wcw is ladies and gents!! My man right here x
No show jobs? Do nothing jobs? Sounds ridiculous - care takers, artists, carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, installers, designers, stoneworkers, welders, machinists, babysitters, tutors, bakers, chefs ... everyone can get a skilled job and find their passion. No one should be moving a stack of paper from left to right - technology can not replace creativity. Btw - I have been a woman in tech for many years.
😊All this success stories of manys Billsclub had to do with computer technologies
I guarantee you, the majority ot people who disliked and negativity commented on this interview did not listen to the whole thing. Bloomberg is the only person in this race that could defeat Trump. Spread the word...
$1 has been deposited into your account
Brilliant. He'll be our next president.
Is this some kind of comedy skit?
That's very close to my response. LOL.
He's just another RICH liberal , he's just looking to TAKE AWAY MORE OF AMERICAN CITIZENS RIGHTS ..
No Bluster from a pompous git.
Someone shared an clip of this in 50 secs taking a controversial statement he said and was circulated with lots of retweets saying how bad he was. I decided to watch full talk and came out thinking this was such an engaging interesting discussion.
Lynx O where is that clip of the discussion? I’d like more than 50 seconds of context but not a full hour😂
@@oliviabryan979 start @ 37 minute mark
I, as well, came to watch the full talk, so to hear the full statement for myself. I too came away with (I think) a better understanding of what he was saying. Still, though, his statement was very disdainful, demeaning. He, as with most who have money, has a bad habit of allowing his true nature spill out. He , as with most politicians, is very arrogant and narcissistic.
Well stated about the discrimination and ageism that exists in the workplace.
..A business has an owner and manipulates the employees by infringing on the intellectual property/skillsets. A Government has three heads and no owner, therefore..simply owning a business/ monopoly is not a justified qualification to direct as an individual, in contrast to cooperating in a governmental process..for a Nation of entities as a representative. Thus, a President is not an authoritative figure without the approval of Congress, The Purse and Oversite of a President. Dumbed down by Historical practices of the wealthy, we have arrived at the need for appropriately educated persons to lead, and that ..wealth is not an education, that, the government is a system of Laws in need of interpreting for the benefit of a Nation. The race is not a reason to give a person a job. Furthermore, Obama set the bar of legal leadership too high for business owners.
Just tell me 1 thing if Bloomberg is unfit for President so why Trump is qualified. So everything you described is nothing more then hate against Bloomberg for something he didn't commit .
@@ty814 ...Trump is not AN INDEPENDENT THINKER and must be hand-held, not educated in esoterics and neither is Bloomberg, simply because each run a business AND WISH TO incorporate the National Treasury and a Presidency. Hate is a poor excuse for having an opinion about an issue. Obama is a Constitutional Law Professor as a President, America is a system of Laws to control parasitic avaricious business owners.
22:55 *"Step down!"*
Bloomberg 2020! A man with a plan!!
@@junkyard-p1s Mr. *stop&frisk* [who btw. tries bullshitting us, now being a Democrat] has got a plan??? [like Queen Elizabeth? MA]. I'm hellbent to know - tell me more.. No - seriously: Bernie is the only progressive in the race.
We all know that farming takes considerably more brains than just dropping a seed in the ground and watering it. Trump was in California addressing the water problem caused by Blooming Idiots of Bloomy's class who won't net them have the water because the Delta Smelt, who somehow managed to survive all the years that the farmers got all of their water. As for "unskilled" factory jobs, try doing one for a while. Oh, a machinist has to know much of what a mechanical engineer is taught and a good mechanical engineer is willing to talk to the machinists. Both are frustrated by the Blooming Idiots in management to whom one could not explain that there are 254 Angstroms in a microinch! The employment problem that President Trump is solving is due to the Blooming Idiots who don't like paying American workers American wages.
Mr. Napoleon Complex
Thumbs up if you hate Bloomberg and like Bernie!
i like bernie, an dislike bloombergs values, but i'm not going to give you a thumbs up becuase I don't think popular hatred is conducive to discussion and listening.
He is a typical liar that thinks he knows what is best for everyone, what is best for everyone is our govt to help its people, not destroy our freedoms & all our jobs...
people want Bloomberg for President
How old this guy??Bloomberg??
Wow. Fuck n A. Wow. What a complete boob. He pissed me off and I'm not even a Farmer. Wow.
Trump 2020.
I'd love for this asshat to wander out west and show us all how low farmers and the blue collar trades people are. Keep all of that in mind when you sit down to eat the food on your table and 8 hours later you need a PLUMBER to open up your clogged pipes so that the food you EAT can be crapped out. Then you'll need an electrician to have a light installed so he can wipe his a$$.
This guy is dangerous. Worse than Trump
🔴La historia de Bloomberg en españolвидео.html
😊 Whois that Said man?
This is my developing thought: Bloomberg and Klobuchar should be the democratic ticket. I think they're the only 2 that can take on and beat trump. I don't think Bloomberg has balls; I think he has cantelopes. And I freaking love Amy k. I think they're both really nasty and will fight back against trump.
Maga 2020
Maga prison 2020
Mike 2020,24
Have a good day be safe god bless
Your dillusional
@showlogicprod lol
Bloomberg definitely does NOT have "more gray matter" than my farming grandfather. What a snob.
Kami Nelson he doesn’t believe he is a farmer. It’s called an example .. he is speaking in generalized terms with a bit of humor.
By the way, can your grandpa come up with the Bloomberg LP business..?
Mike we tried capitalism, it isn't working. You're so good at manipulating that the system that nobody but a handful of people around you can eat. In what world does it make sense that someone should be able to make 40 billion? We need to get a wealth tax going, we cant live in this capitalistic nightmare system where only people mike deems worthy can live better lives. He talks about people not being educated but people cant afford a education, because when mike was young it didn't cost you an arm and a leg to get higher learning. well enough, we dont wanna live in your hell, this is about class struggle.
Bloomberg is an asshole but you communists are just as evil. No one told you to take out $100K in loan debt for a degree in gender studies/ basketmaking. You've known for DECADES the money is in computing or law or business and you don't-need an IVY degree to get into those fields. EVERY SOCIALIST country has either failed turned to communism or is going back to capitalism. The problem isn't capitalism its CRONY capitalism connected to the political swamp, and if you listened for five minutes, you'd see THATS WHAT TRUMP IS TRYING TO FIX. Give this 5 minutes before you answer::
You must understand, Michael is looking out for us...he will make sure none of us fall into being, uh, ya know, "anti-semitic."
I don't like this guy...I won't vote for him.
Bernie 2020
Memo to fascist Bloomberg: I'm buying myself a 16 oz. soda. Read and weep.
I dont think he can hear himself speak.
There is no way he hears himself speak. You are spot on.
The School for the Rich present to you why poor is bad and rich is good ! watch and enjoy !
Love him. Smart business man. Everyone pearl clutching needs to grow tf up.
I Pray bloomberg continues Biden will lose to Trump Sanders as well if they are the only two running for president I will not vote
Bernie would've won 1:00:59.