MPL Talks: Major Leaders of World War II - Josef Stalin

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Learn about Josef Stalin, including:
    • his misdeeds, ranging from armed robbery to mass murders
    • how he would "erase" his opponents from history
    • how Stalinism differed from Leninism and Marxism.
    For more programs and talks at Mentor Public Library, visit

Комментарии • 58

  • @cossav2560
    @cossav2560 3 года назад +8

    A high quality and down to earth biography of the man and the dictator. Thank you for this great work. Highly admirable.

    • @TheDavidlloydjones
      @TheDavidlloydjones 2 года назад

      Nothing high quality about it. A mediocre guy riffing on a bunch of stuff and making a fool of himself and a mess of a bunch of important history.

    • @cossav2560
      @cossav2560 2 года назад

      @@TheDavidlloydjones What exactly did he say which is wrong?

    • @TheDavidlloydjones
      @TheDavidlloydjones 2 года назад

      I'm not criticizing him for being wrong about all this perfectly ordinary fact. I'm pointing out that he does a shoddy, undigested, job of presenting it.
      Your "high quality" and "great work" are simply incorrect.
      The error is yours, not his.

  • @LLekso
    @LLekso 7 лет назад +26

    there is a mistake in his name in Russian. It has to be "СТАЛИН" (STALIN) not "СНАЛИН"(SNALIN)

  • @promokk
    @promokk 2 года назад +1

    Good one👍🏾

  • @jackcollins77
    @jackcollins77 4 года назад +1

    Re: Guido Sarducci
    here's a 5-second university:
    Q: what is the big secret to success in the stock market?
    A: Buy Low, sell High

  • @Ccccccccccsssssssssss
    @Ccccccccccsssssssssss 7 месяцев назад

    This is such a good series, thank you!

    • @rayhelps5591
      @rayhelps5591 5 месяцев назад

      Too many ums, arghs and mistakes... apart from these "details" not bad, but could be much better.

  • @alanbo32
    @alanbo32 2 года назад +2

    This guy Stalin was some character, the more I learn about him, the more I’m stunned. He really gives Hitler a run for his money in terms of just being the worst person in history, and also an inept military leader, the only thing that saved him in that war was his decision to listen to his generals where Hitler wouldn’t. Stalin actually refused to do a prisoner swap with his son and a German pow, what an absolute monster.

    • @aurockscastillo5460
      @aurockscastillo5460 2 года назад

      Hitler killed 6 million jews ,stalin had 500k jews fighting for him,his chief adviser was lazar kaganovic, a jew,most of the diplomats in the soviet union were jews ,molotovs predecessor was a jew called livetnov,bad spelling.
      Stalin gets a bad rep for a famine that happen In 1930s,eventhough it was a normal historical occurrence that occurred often in the russian empire/soviet union.
      Collectivision of agriculture,another "crime" of stalin ,led to the industrialisation of the soviet union and thousands of factories capableof producing 100k planes and tanks.
      Dekulakization another so called crime of stalin ,were the deportation of peasants who refused the collectivision order and burned their crops risking another famine in the process.
      The only flaw of stalin was paranoia ,which In the climate of the 1930s is understandable.

    • @alanbo32
      @alanbo32 2 года назад

      @@aurockscastillo5460 idk what your doing, but Stalin was an absolute disgrace of a human, yes he achieved things people thought were impossible, but I still would put the dirt on the bottom of my sneakers above him, it’s mind boggling the Russian people hold him in esteem.

    • @Ailasher
      @Ailasher Год назад

      You call him an absolute monster because he refused to swap his son. But this was not an option for the absolute majority of Soviet POW's. If we were my son or my daughter in captivity, and the leader of my country couldn't or didn't want to exchange my son or daughter, but at the same time he get back his son -- in my eyes he would be a fucking traitor.
      That is why Georgian Stalin is a great leader for a large number of Russians, because he was brutal but honestly brutal, and not like most slugs in politics: of the style "yean, these rules work for you, but not for me: because I have a crown and you deal with it".

    • @lloydchristmas1086
      @lloydchristmas1086 Год назад

      ​@@aurockscastillo5460 Stalin was planning his own Jewish holocaust before he died.

    • @1984isnotamanual
      @1984isnotamanual 7 месяцев назад

      Well actually why should his son get special treatment in a Soviet state where you are all supposed to be equal workers. That particular thing is not why he is a monster. It’s his willingness to do anything for Marxism-Leninism to succeed and for him to stay in power including killing millions of people.

  • @LLekso
    @LLekso 7 лет назад +4

    And some of your dates are wrong as well. Stalin died in 5 march 1953 not 1 march 1954

    • @vilveyachke5103
      @vilveyachke5103 6 лет назад +2

      yeah. Guido Sarducci was more late 70's too.

  • @christophermcanally1246
    @christophermcanally1246 7 лет назад +2

    You are neglecting to mention that the authorship of Lenin's testament is suspect.
    There is limited evidence that Lenin ceased trusting Stalin.

  • @bogeyb200
    @bogeyb200 11 месяцев назад +1

    how can they make a power point spelled Snalin? how can you make such a basic mistake with Cyrillic alphabet?

  • @marialiyubman
    @marialiyubman 3 года назад +5

    SNALIN 😂
    (Sorry I’m a jerk)

  • @aug3014
    @aug3014 3 года назад +1

    Stalin was almost surely a psychopath. They’re often very likable. Facile charm is one of the defining traits of psychopathy.

    • @1984isnotamanual
      @1984isnotamanual 7 месяцев назад

      No he wasn’t he was Paranoid and he had the power to kill anyone through his Position as leader. If you were the head of the Soviet Union at that time you wouldn’t be much better I suspect. Read Kotkins newer book about Stalin. No one around Stalin until the Great Purges thought he was a psychopath or that he was gonna kill all those people.

  • @dariowiter3078
    @dariowiter3078 7 месяцев назад

    Stalin died March 5, 1953, not March 1, 1954.

  • @emanuelbrown4055
    @emanuelbrown4055 2 года назад

    Use it

  • @tonyholmes962
    @tonyholmes962 3 года назад +1

    Now you have explained it I think I may be a bit of a marxist. I will talk to Father.

  • @fuzzydunlop7928
    @fuzzydunlop7928 6 лет назад +2

    Wait, so if Peasants inherently act as a balancing force against Revolution, what happens when it's a modern Nation-State that effectively has its lower class be inherently better off than the status of peasant? Like, the modern day United States for example. What happens when the lower class, while not essentially a serf, cultivates a mindset of exploitation and discontent? While I can't say I agree with his diagnosis for Capitalism, Marx's predictions and presumptions are hard to shake as accurate. They seem more relevant now than ever before. I guess that's why FOX exists, to keep what passes for the "peasantry" ill-informed.

    • @cliff7292
      @cliff7292 5 лет назад +1

      I watch both Fox and it's counterbalance CNN. I came to the conclusion that Fox is more accurate then CNN. I first realized this when they both were covering the Elian González story, the little boy from Cuba that the Clinton administration wanted return and his relatives here wanted him to stay. Fox showed soldiers with machine guns taking him away.. Fox showed them pushing a reporter from another network onto the ground. CNN showed none of this. Then flash forward to the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman affair. CNN kept showing Tryvon several years younger than he was at the time but even worse they edited the film of the blood on the back of Zimmerman's head. Proof that Trayvon was slamming his head against the concrete sidewalk bolstering Zimmerman's self defense claim. Recently watching CNN you'd think the caravan from Central America was composed solely of women with children in strollers. Fox showed the true make up of the caravan,mostly young single men. Yes, both have an axe to grind but Fox grinds it truthfully, CNN does not.

  • @sttepanov
    @sttepanov 9 месяцев назад +1

    Имя диктатора Сталин, а не Сналин)

  • @robertmatch6550
    @robertmatch6550 3 года назад +1

    Off to a bad start when you can't get Stalin's name right on your backdrop in the Cyrillic. I'm sure it's a typo not mis-spelling. After that I don't have a sense that there's much deep 'insight' here, just the kind of restatements of the obvious. This guy's a solId genius compared to the idiocy of say, Trump, but I don't think his delivery is well rehearsed and he moves his arms too much.

  • @RemoteViewr1
    @RemoteViewr1 3 года назад +4

    Me, personally? I note total body count. Both Adolph and Stalin only have rookie numbers. Mao at 80,000,000 Cultural Revolution, plus another 6,000,000 is the all time death count champion. Stalin comes in at number two, and Hitler lags significantly from both, a rather distant third. But that's me, deaths are a gold standard criterion metric of evil.

    • @abfnjewbgalr
      @abfnjewbgalr 3 года назад

      gotta figure in population differences between Germany, Soviet Union, and China.

  • @cringlator
    @cringlator Год назад +1


  • @Wiintb
    @Wiintb 2 года назад +1

    The worst is Churchill.

  • @DeHeld8
    @DeHeld8 5 лет назад +2

    It's a bit sad that this lecture did not at all go into the many, many anti Stalinist currents of communism that existed back then and exist now. Council communism, Luxembourgism, Anarcho-communism, Trotskyism... It is very important to note that many Marxists and anarchists were and are horrified by what happend in the USSR under and after Stalin, and see those things as completely antithetical to the political ideals of communism.

  • @lonestarbug
    @lonestarbug 2 месяца назад

    Disjointed presentation. Click off.

  • @andyball1317
    @andyball1317 6 лет назад +2

    says Errrrr 2 much ....

  • @rayhelps5591
    @rayhelps5591 5 месяцев назад

    I'm a great lover of history and would love to follow your channel... but your narrative leaves much to be desired.

  • @ruslankbr5243
    @ruslankbr5243 6 лет назад +3

    Americans even cant write his name right while call him worsts from bad)

    • @marrenrue7731
      @marrenrue7731 2 года назад

      That wasn't he real name anyway

    • @BiharyGabor
      @BiharyGabor 2 года назад

      @@marrenrue7731 Snalin wasn't, indeed.

  • @doctorwoohoo1152
    @doctorwoohoo1152 2 года назад

    Really enjoying watching this series, he's very informative. A lot of the stuff he mentions here, particularly about how in East Germany, mothers would be coerced by being threatened to have their children taken away - that's the kind of stuff which the moment you read/ learn about it, should make you lose all respect for anyone that has anything less than vehement contempt for leftist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Collectivist garbage.
    I always find people who have favorable views of such a heinous philosophy are just dumb people using it as a crutch to make up for a lack of intelligence/personality. They're not misunderstood, they're not misrepresented, they're just dumb, poorly-read trash who can't often tell their asses from their elbows. They may have genuine problems, but their solutions are akin to taking Cyanide as a painkiller.
    They have gaping chasms in their understanding of the world (and of everything else), and _ironically_ these pathetic attempts to fill in said chasms, by sanitizing & promoting inhuman behavior, only widen the chasms further.

    • @Ccccccccccsssssssssss
      @Ccccccccccsssssssssss 7 месяцев назад

      You sure are painting with a broad brush

    • @doctorwoohoo1152
      @doctorwoohoo1152 7 месяцев назад

      @@Ccccccccccsssssssssss My friend, the world is full of people who complain about broad brushes and then go do exactly the things it so grieved them to be accused of.