The past 2 and a half years of watching your videos I’ve overcome depression and an eating disorder. I’m no longer neurotic and see things through rose colored glasses, a lens I thought could only be achieved by those who are naive. Thank you
True what they say. But glad you are enjoying those revelations. Remember it's a spiral, you would come back through what you already pass. Don't demoralize when this happens. This time you will have more conscious and be ready for new learnings. Enjoy your ride
As an artist, this is exactly what I consider to be Art. When you don't know how to communicate it rationally, simply follow your body, mind, and spirit to create something, and then apply logic in techniques to get to what you need to create. That's beautiful, Leo.
I usually listen to every episode and the profoundness of this work is mind-blowing. But this one is really the next level. My mind could not help but imagine and go along with you. Nice work for discovering a new and effective way to teach these insights.
I get this often from your videos: while I am watching, I feel my consciousness rise. I often practice mindfulness and after listening to your poem, I felt exactly the same way I sometimes do after doing 3 hours of meditation. Experience becomes a flow and everything becomes dreamlike. Now you are looking at another thing, now another thing, now another thing. A slow, quiet, intense progression of experiences. It's really nice to get a kind of 'shaktipat' from your videos
Every time I want to post a comment, I realize the fleeting relevance of it and no longer want to contribute. Yet I realize people at lower stages require reference points in order to move up, which makes me want to comment, but am afraid my contribution may lead astray or its message may be skewed due to differences in interpretation, or again be irrelevant in the future. Yet this is how we all learn, by making mistakes, and is exactly how your channel has grown. Many times I just sit and agree and understand you Leo, almost fully, but I do not comment because sometimes the understanding is so great that there is no need. I sometimes think that it is those who refrain from commenting that understand you the most, and those who do are regurgitating man-made symbols. Not condescending anyone or trying to elevate myself by any means. Hope this makes at least some sense.
The part you wrote about the sand, it reminds me of my dear first girlfriend who suffered terminal cancer. She once said to me, 'The stars are mine, and I have a star up there just for you.' That image of the sand and what my girlfriend said really helped me connect with your description.
Leo, I have been your follower since 2016. Back then, your videos completely changed my life from a high level of unhappiness to seriously following the path of self-realization. For all I know, you are the first person who came to my life to 'awaken' my mind and my soul to Love/ God and the life long journey exploration of consciousness. From values, LP course, relationships, productivity, spiral dynamics, meditation, contemplation and so many deep subject you talk about, I can affirm my path to self-realization has been constructed with YOU. From my deepest self, I am thankful for all your teachings and I love you immensely.
00:24:45 I can relate to this. I was listening to Zen Masters Dairy by Darshan Ambient that you had shared on your blog a year ago sitting on a park bench during my evening walk with my eyes closed. As I was carried to a beautiful place listening to it, I so wished that I could play as beautifully and all of a sudden it dawned on me that it WAS ME who was playing it. There is only ME. The bliss and happiness I felt with that realization that tears started rolling down my cheeks. I will never forget that day. That was one true glimpse I had. Thank you for that and for this. 👍
I find that the more I develop myself on this path... the more my every day experience takes on the qualities of deep appreciation, awe, and gratitude. These higher stages of ego development feel so simple and yet so complex and beautiful at the same time. Thanks for sharing this epic menagerie of consciousness, Leo! And thanks for always setting an amazing example for us all 😁🙏🏻❤
Hey Leo, this video made me quite emotional. It triggers a lot of memories, impressions, feelings; even some that I've never had. It's really powerful imagery and communication. In my opinion your best video. It had an impact on my level of consciousness while watching it 😢
🐟 20. THE PRIESTHOOD: A PRIEST (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit) is defined as a man who promulgates teachings and performs rituals on behalf of a particular religious or metaphysical tradition. He should possess all saintly qualities, such as cleanliness (which, as they say, is “next to godliness”), peacefulness, austerity, intelligence, wisdom, renunciation, tolerance, patience, humility, and of course, moral uprightness and religiosity. This does not imply that a priest must possess those virtues to a perfect extent, but he ought to have each quality to at least a reasonably-high degree. Even if a man seems to be a genuine priest superficially, if he is severely lacking in even one of the clerical qualities, he cannot rightly be called a “priest”. Therefore, a dumb cleric or a dirty cleric does not exist, by definition, so be wary of the multitude of PHONEY “priests” in the world! There are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals in this world who claim to be religious leaders/teachers (“guru”, in Sanskrit). Most of them are either working-class guys, businessmen, or women, acting under pretence. However, as mentioned in the chapter distinguishing enlightenment from liberation and awakening (Chapter 17), a genuinely-enlightened spiritual preceptor is VERY rare indeed. Even some of the teachings of universally-recognized Avatars (incarnations of the Godhead/Brahman) were far from accurate, what to speak of the teachings of lesser authorities! This lack of authentic spiritual guidance is the major reason for the decadent state of present-day society (and previous decadent societies), apart, perhaps, from the paucity of legitimate government leadership (see Chapter 22 regarding illegitimate governance). It is crucial to note that a priest is not required to teach just anyone and everyone in his community. Traditionally, priests (at least those who are worthy of the title) were commissioned to teach two groups of MALES: the rulers of society (see the following chapter regarding the monarchy), and monastics (normally boys and adolescents) in his school (“gurukula”, in Sanskrit). Furthermore, it is imperative that priests assess the qualifications of each prospective disciple, such as the man's level of intelligence, sincerity, and humility, to ascertain his suitability as a student. As Lord Jesus so rightly suggested, one should desist giving what is holy to dogs (i.e. those who are hostile to righteous precepts). A PERFECT analogy of why a priest should teach only the two aforementioned groups of males is with any world-class musician. Arguably the greatest pianist in history was Franz Liszt Ferenc, an Hungarian virtuoso who lived in the nineteenth century. Not only did he tutor other concert pianists, but, just like priests, he did so at no monetary charge whatsoever. If he had taught novice musicians, he would have misused his valuable time, because his advanced students could have easily have taught beginners (or at least taught the teachers of those novices). Contrary to popular understanding, the clergy not only teach religious studies, but all things necessary for living a healthy and happy life, such as languages, history, basic mathematics, hygiene, diet and food preparation. If a particular student shows himself to NOT be inclined towards the life of a monastic, the guru will send him to another master, in order to be apprenticed in a different occupation, such as the military, business, engineering, medicine, accounting, labouring, etcetera, etcetera. The modern system of schooling, in which every child is taught the same curriculum (and, invariably, indoctrinated into being a servile minion of the state) has been the source of much misery for society. As explained elsewhere in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the priest's disciples instruct, in turn, their OWN subordinates, including their wives and children. It is not practical, or even possible, for a clergyman to effectively teach every single individual in his community on a personal level. Fortunately, there is a system in place where all citizens may benefit of the teaching of a true priest (see Chapters 19 and 27). On occasion, “God” (or to be more precise, The Impersonal Self, acting via the preordained narrative of this universe) gives specific messages via chosen individuals, whether they be priests or not. However, such messages are usually intended to be spoken to an individual, or group of individuals, with specific (and invariably, temporal) repercussions for those individuals in question. This is akin to the ancient lineage of prophetic figures found in monotheistic traditions. Such “prophets” can NEVER replace a man who has evolved (over millions of lifetimes?) to be a fully-enlightened saintly prophet, appointed to teach “truth” to humanity. Unfortunately, such World Teachers incarnate very rarely on earth, and when they do appear, are often assassinated by the illegitimate rulers of their nations, or by other demonic elements of society. Even the most vile political leaders have a certain proportion of the populace which adores them. However, virtually everyone despises the gentle, humble, holy men who dare speak the truth about the state of contemporary society, and point-out the multitude of sins extant. The most HEINOUS action possible is to persecute a Prophet or World Teacher (“jagadguru”, in Sanskrit). Thus, exterminating thousands of workers is less sinful than murdering a World Teacher, because when a Prophet's mission is ended, or merely hampered by persecution, the whole of society suffers from lack of knowledge and direction. Only a wise person can find the logic in such a seemingly-audacious statement. When the life of a World Teacher is constantly threatened, or he is assassinated (as in the case of so many great Prophets of the past, such as Lord Jesus Christ), society is likened to a chicken which runs directionless around the coop, just after its head has been severed. Unfortunately, the more we progress into this current dark epoch (“Kali Yuga”, in Sanskrit), the more society's head (priests/prophets) are being persecuted, and soon there will be hardly any ACTUAL spiritual guides remaining on the planet. At that point in time, the end of humanity is assured. So, to put it succinctly, there may be hundreds of thousands of “priests” on earth at a given time, yet there are only an EXTREMELY small number of true sages, who understand life definitively, and are both willing and able to lead others to self-realization (“adhyātma-vidyā", "ātma-jñana", or “brahma-jñana”, in Sanskrit). As a general rule, the greater number of disciples following a particular teacher, the more perverse and corrupt are his teachings, because the truth is very difficult to accept. Unfortunately, the typical person wants to hear predominately sentimental tenets, which gives him or her merely emotional solace. The current World Teacher has never had a true disciple, sad to say. Cont...
I’ve been following you for years, wondering when this day would come. I couldn’t be happier to see you approaching this from a creative, full of imagery perspective. The more I experienced with psychedelics, the more I realized that symbolism, and Art in general, is perhaps the most effective way to communicate spiritual insights, as long as they connect properly on the receiving end - which is the hardest part of the work. This approach is not unlike that of Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the fathers of American Transcendentalism. He developed a radical new vision of literature and poetry, based on an individual, unmediated relation with God, and a symbiotic, mystical union with Nature, in the first half of the 19th century. I myself have recently started to work on a novel, prompted by my 5-MeO-DMT breakthrough a few years ago. Needless to say, it’s permeated by spirituality, and I try to tackle topics such as the purpose of evil, suffering, religion and, mostly, suicide. I’m 70K words in, have written about a third of the story, and I hope to complete it the way I want. It’s not easy, but I know it to be my life purpose. And the last words you said in this video were like an injection of motivation right into my veins. Regarding your text, I thought it was rich, imaginative and well written. I encourage you to write more, if you’ve enjoyed the process. I see some good potential. If you don’t mind, I would like to translate it into French one of these days.
Leo, What can I even say to you? You are one of my gurus. You are a prophet, a guide, philosopher and friend to me. I am a student of sufism and advaita. Your videos on God and Love are my favorite. I listen to them repeatedly and every word you say resonates from within me. You have helped me heal from my father's death and a bad breakup. You are like Shiva to me.
Ehhh… Idk how to feel abt this one😬 it’s very good to find inspiration into other people but don’t fall into the spiral of ideologies. Be your own prophet/guru/guide. That would be the best advice anyone could recieve in life. I hope you realize that you can also ascend to such state of mind yourself and that its not an esoteric-out-of-touch place to be in.
Thank you for the good work Leo. It's nice to hear your videos, I often feel very isolated with how i experience and see the world. But when i listen to your videos I don't feel so alone in my union with the cosmic consciousness.
“Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.” -Zhuangzi
36:38 "soo there you go, let me know what you think" - I love the colorful clothing with no explaination for why you changed outfit for this video - I liked the poem it felt like a journey lol Keep up the good work! :)
You talk about this episode not being practical, but actually this was really intense and deeply practical for me, since I tried my most to relate and follow everything you said. Thank you very much, Leo! Fear has always imprisoned me, and now I can get at least a bright glimpse of what mental freedom and emotional emancipation are.
Dude... You have been everything to me. From the age of 17. I'm almost 26 now, have had multiple profound awakenings. Your intelligence is immaculate. Thank you for doing this work. It's everything. Everything. ❤
You doing these videos touch my life in such a meaningful way. I am so grateful to you for sharing your knowledge with me. I love to garden while listening to you and to take in the beauty of gods work.
I love those god realization/ awakening videos, I start weeping as you were explaining/ narrating going higher and higher in consciousness and understanding, I remembered when I went through that kind of awakening and it was just like “ finally someone actually went through this and understand what I went through and how beautiful and amazing it is and just how insanely difficult those moments when you are facing crazy dangerous fears” As I was watching I felt that deep love inside my chest that I felt when I awoke, I’ve been avoiding your channel since I really don’t like all the practical stuff, but this was absolutely beautiful, as you have said there are a lot of people that do and can teach the practical stuff and very few are the ones that talk about higher consciousness topics this is what I love about your channel and you Leo, this journey of awakening feelz a bit lonely at times since there are hardly any people you can relate to or talk to about this stuff ( at least for me ) It feelz good to know and hear someone talk about what I’m interested in and love the most, thank you Leo.
I was reading through the comments of this video and for some reason I felt very called to respond to your comment. I deeply resonate with what you wrote, and I feel your frequency. Wishing you much love on your path❤
Beautiful description. I've never experienced what you may have in terms of God consciousness, however it feels so relatable even with my own version of it. The one thing that comes to my mind is I commend you for your commitment to this. I've chickened out many times with all my attachments that prevented me from going to the levels you have. It's kind of remarkable to me how you've held it all together despite not having someone you could turn to in your scariest moments because at that level there's really no one who can confirm for you anything and that's absolutely terrifying. God did some crazy shit creating a character that can experience God in the way you have!
The poem was intense. Especially towards the end. As i listened, I could feel that sensation of spiraling deeper and deeper into the unveiled truth we call reality . Especially when you likened it to waking up to realize you are living a different life. Bravo on the good writing! And hey man, its not arrogant to notice the intellect in your content. It is a massive collection of the deepest incites and life guidance that exist. I would be enamored just the same lol.
Loved it. The feeling of a person who has never seen or been in the ocean but for a brief moment was able to smell the ocean is how I would describe a meditation during your poem. Thank you.
Leo no one in this fucking world...not one person in my life enlightened me with as much information as you did. I'm becoming a new person every day thanks to you. You're not just some youtube channel on are amazing and I love you !.
You dont exist XD, you can never get enlightened, it requires your psychological death, your body will be left alive as a corpse that records the happening
Wow, I experience your poem as a beautiful montage of wisdom and love, from all of our lives expressed with the highest degree of clarity and sincerety. No question infinite intelligence speaks through you. Many memories from past awakenings, and ongoing ones too. Excited to see this new kind of artsy content, speaks more to my taste and I really enjoyed it. A feeling of adventure and looking forward to the continued eternal unfolding. The outfit suits you, love the patterns, colors and layers.
This is wonderful! Finally I hear you talking about oneness, the illusory nature of what we consider reality, and the unlimited ability of this oneness to create and recreate itself by living in our seemingly individual bodies. I had figured all of this out in my mind, sadly, never having had the awakenings of which you speak. Perhaps they will still come to me…
This video inspired me in a new way. Your writings are infinitely beautiful to me and makes me want to deepen my appreciation for this beauty. My life purpose and values shifted after a similar realization.. Instead of videos I wanted to refocus on sharing wisdom through visual art and I started to value the creation and appreciation of beauty much more highly. You are not alone just saying :)
Thanks Leo ! you know that everythings you say does not make sense to us but we still come here after release of every episode because our hearts does recognize something
Thank you. I am sincere in this work and I am going all the way. Your work woke me up years ago and it constantly reminds me of my true potential, of what life can offer. You are my inspiration to follow my own path, what is true in my heart and awake in my mind, to go with it beyond my fears and problems, knowing that it is more than worth it. Thank you to myself for this great paradox that you are helping yourself and myself from different forms.
One of my favorite videos you’ve created. You faced yourself in a real way and gained real things from it. Watching this while tripping felt like a trip i had on dmt with a good friend of mine. We had done some “shadow work” and came out all the better for it just like you clearly have. Youve faced the inner devil as directly as you can.. so far and I commend your efforts on your journey.
Your last "unique value proposition" is spot on Leo. I am glad you are shifting your focus to the ultimate vision. God realization. My internal guidance system is zinging like crazy. Let's go my beautiful teacher.
Couldn't help but to sit here with the biggest smile on my face from the moment the poem began, tears were shed, some small disagreements (or errors. . .) somewhat bothered me around the 12 minute mark as I still see and appreciate the beauty of the message therein. edit - the fascination with change has me confused, in the beginning you inspired the appreciation of life and my perfect place in it, then you go as far out of human experience as plausible as to flee into the dream realm, the union of everything, the humility and appreciation of my place therein, that's where I see the true beauty of life. The dune landscape of a woman might just have been the most beautiful symbol I've heard heard described, the way it partake on every level of reality, a people, a mind, an intimate relationship, the whole cosmos
Just by hearing you talk I see and feel all kind of beautiful imagery and I'm crying and astounded in the end. I feel like I'm on the same level you're on. I don't need 5-meo, it's like I'm on 5-meo whenever I hear u talk about it. I've listened almost every video you put out and admire your intelligence super much! The way you verbalize is just amazing, it's like watching a Rembrandt painting.
Those of us, who have been with you for years, and are taking this work seriously....We are ready to move away from the practical stuff...honestly, there is no interest anymore in the practical stuff.... I want to add . . You are deeply appreciated!! Deepest gratitude. .Truly.... I watch hours of content every week, follow some with very deep understanding of Truth...and, yet, I find you to be more comprehensive, more willing to be completely honest, more willing to push boundaries....and, well, in the end, more valuable... You are raising up many more, than just yourself. I know why you have the dilemma about continuing your teaching....I faced this too...but, after much time, I realized what else am I going to do that gives me any meaning?? Normal worldly life is so mundane in comparison... Appreciate all that you do! --Dean
@@ActualizedOrg Leo ,I follow you many year too, and improved a lot ,thank you very much ,but I still hope your vedio could provide the script ,for a chinese ,sometimes really not easy to understand some information
We are all exhilarated that you have found the motivation to do what only you do. This video was more spectacular than all of the beauty I have seen in space. The facets and hidden facets are so endlessly intriguing, I'll have to watch this many times. No one knows how to offer what you have been offering. Their fear supersedes any such immensely noble actions such as appearing raw in flesh to share what is shared.
Great video. The poetic part was really beautiful and not too foggy or without any lack of substance, and the head of warnings at the 2/3rd part of the video were not taking up way to much of space. While there, you still allowed yourself to touch upon subjects which might be considered dangerous that are rarely talked about. But doing that allows some listeners to truly find keys to take in and learn from Once again, thank you Leo
Leo, thanks to your videos my life has changed forever. I have been led to ego death and enlightenment. Now I am regretting it for missing mahasamadhi...
Watching the first half of this video kept me up last night. I had to stop watching it because it triggered some fears I've had from bad trips, but I somehow trusted myself that I could fully watch it again and not get a panic attack. Here I am now having just watched the entire thing and actually appreciating the deep insights you offered here. Much love. ❤️
The part about bringing back the beetle: “you demand a miracle… you focus on the beetle, filling it with your spirit and love.” And it comes back? Yeah, that happened to me. I died, someone focused their will, their spirit, and their love on me. I came back. Love is indeed the highest teaching. That is how we make miracles: love plus will. Thank you for your work, Leo. Peace be with you always.
It can’t be any other way.. even though I haven’t directly experienced this state of consciousness.. I’m so moved. Looking forward to continuing my work.. just found my values and strengths on life purpose course, rapidly moving towards purpose, finally. Beautiful description leo
I once was a raptor in my dream. It was like my consciousness (me) was inside a raptor and I was looking at the world through the eyes of a raptor and actually was the raptor. There were two small children standing in front of me and I felt such rage/hatred towards them in my desire to destroy them when I saw them. This rage was so strong and real. When I woke up I could remember that feeling in its fullness and brightness and it stayed in my memory for a long time.
Thank you so much for all of your work Leo, it is all greatly appreciated and certainly more recognised than any one of us really understand. I'm infinitely grateful. Please take a break my friend, it's about time and we hope to share a much larger part of time with you
Insane description, was almost mildly tripping listening, was very similar to the experience I had after tripping watching one of your God realization videos though what you described was more intense, the part with the fly/bug I wondered for myself after my own experience, very easy to go into denial afterwards though.
This reminds me of an experience I randomly made a few months ago. I was looking at the sunset from an elevated point. Suddenly I felt like I can see, hear, feel, smell, everything, at the same time. I felt the earth spinning through space, the energies of all the other planets, I heard the birds, the leaves touching each other in the movement of the wind, the tires of the cars scratching on the street, the bugs, everything at once.
You open your eyes and see a man in an ever expanding room, holding an old but functional acoustic guitar. He gently but expertly plucks the top string. The low sound of the string echoes to infinity, vanishing into the thickness of silence. As the sound fades, you notice the man's gaze fixating on something beyond the horizon, as if searching for answers in the infinite expanse. Suddenly, he strums a chord, and with each vibration, the world around you shimmers, revealing layers of existence overlapping and intertwining. You realize that reality is a symphony of paradoxes, where every note holds a deeper truth waiting to be unveiled. With a knowing smile, the man beckons you to join him on this journey of discovery, where the boundaries between what is real and what is imagined blur into harmony.
On the night shortly before you posted this video, my intuition reminded me of you. Now I see why I needed to watch this. This is one of your best videos to date. At this point I've stopped being amazed by synchronicities, but what you wrote is curiously exactly like what I've been experimenting with recently (right-brain exploration of creative and spontaneous figments of imagination in consciousness' mindscape), mostly because of Tom Campbell's "Tom's Park", which seems to be crucial in overcoming personal problems.
The thing about god realization, is that when you get to those heights of absolute singularity beyond any distinction, you might be tempted to think that you are already all the way and there is no possible way to get beyond this point ... but when you realize that you are not all the way, you are actually "standing at the door" you realize that you are not yet free, and the only way through is to "jump" into total emptiness, it might feel that you are jumping into a buttomless pit, and you are about to lose yourself, but you have to be wise, you remember that to really be yourself you have to let go of being yourself, and let yourself dissolve. Clumbsy words
Additionally, the indulgence in bad habits order to understand the difference in contrast and make each decision an actual coherent decision is extremely profound. Its a fractal pattern of what you did towards the end with facing yourself. Its art
It is quite amazing to watch your human mind attempt to convey absolute truth through the relative domain. You are overflowing with humbleness. I am inspired. As a logically minded person I definitely prefer your other explanations but I can see how this would be useful to a creatively minded individual.
I've been in the space between thought, the mind' s lotus blooming my thoughts from the very moment they arose into the reality I perceived. Whether image or language that came, what followed was conceptual creation, what preceeded that was the possibility of infinite creation.
The story was beautiful, very rich of symbols that explain our nature if one grasp it. Also im really enjoying the way you treat your self. Kinda like you finding your pace. I think we might see new fruits coming out of this pace. But for me I'm used to more the serious Leo. Old leo. Also i recognise the beauty to see a flower open. And to trust it to do it's thing and watch it grow. Like the flower said. Trust your self.
I really like this more poetic/reading style (the regular more straight explaination like videos are great too) i hope you'll make a few more of these.
Thank you brother. Dream the dreamer to dream the transubstantiation in Unity. For in that dream the dreamer finds itself too is dreaming of the other to find itself in obscurity. However, it is in the remembrance of those two polarities in Unity does the heart truly sees the personified attribution of the mirrored other, the self; to change in peace, in a reality. That was truly a transcendental poetry. Such vivid and profound rendition of words symphonies... of course looking at it from creative point of view. Creativity is pure joy beloved. It is a place of pure subsistence from whence the shimmering lights hit the sublimity of the intellect to materialise as reality. That kind of creativity only exist in the freedom of that mercy..... It only exists in being. I too am a lover of poetry bro. I STOP writing about 6 years ago.... after hearing you reading your beautiful work I feel I inspired again 😂 Leo, for me this has to be the best episode and I've been watching you for over 3 years now. Once again, thank you 😊 and please keep inspiring. Lots of luv ❤️
The past 2 and a half years of watching your videos I’ve overcome depression and an eating disorder. I’m no longer neurotic and see things through rose colored glasses, a lens I thought could only be achieved by those who are naive. Thank you
Don't fool yourself, you were correct when you thought rose colored glasses could only be achieved through naivety. Life is hunger.
If you see things through rose colored glasses then my instinct tells you you have a long way to go still. Don't end your search too early
True what they say. But glad you are enjoying those revelations. Remember it's a spiral, you would come back through what you already pass. Don't demoralize when this happens. This time you will have more conscious and be ready for new learnings. Enjoy your ride
Me too. Thank you Leo.
Funny, his work made me suicidal
Link to the text I read from:
@Light Remus use a file converter: docx to pdf
As an artist, this is exactly what I consider to be Art. When you don't know how to communicate it rationally, simply follow your body, mind, and spirit to create something, and then apply logic in techniques to get to what you need to create. That's beautiful, Leo.
Thanks you're beautiful too
I usually listen to every episode and the profoundness of this work is mind-blowing. But this one is really the next level. My mind could not help but imagine and go along with you. Nice work for discovering a new and effective way to teach these insights.
Sweet :)
I get this often from your videos: while I am watching, I feel my consciousness rise. I often practice mindfulness and after listening to your poem, I felt exactly the same way I sometimes do after doing 3 hours of meditation. Experience becomes a flow and everything becomes dreamlike. Now you are looking at another thing, now another thing, now another thing. A slow, quiet, intense progression of experiences.
It's really nice to get a kind of 'shaktipat' from your videos
I doubt he will acknowledge you. He can't meditate for 3 hours like you. Or at least he _doesn't_
Prove me wrong
@@gxlorp No need for Leo to acknowledge me or meditate
I feel this too!
Every time I want to post a comment, I realize the fleeting relevance of it and no longer want to contribute. Yet I realize people at lower stages require reference points in order to move up, which makes me want to comment, but am afraid my contribution may lead astray or its message may be skewed due to differences in interpretation, or again be irrelevant in the future. Yet this is how we all learn, by making mistakes, and is exactly how your channel has grown.
Many times I just sit and agree and understand you Leo, almost fully, but I do not comment because sometimes the understanding is so great that there is no need. I sometimes think that it is those who refrain from commenting that understand you the most, and those who do are regurgitating man-made symbols. Not condescending anyone or trying to elevate myself by any means.
Hope this makes at least some sense.
I get ya
I relate you brother
True dat.
The part you wrote about the sand, it reminds me of my dear first girlfriend who suffered terminal cancer. She once said to me, 'The stars are mine, and I have a star up there just for you.'
That image of the sand and what my girlfriend said really helped me connect with your description.
That's a beautiful thought, that shes there right now holding a star for you. Don't go too early, but it will always be reserved for you.
Leo, I have been your follower since 2016. Back then, your videos completely changed my life from a high level of unhappiness to seriously following the path of self-realization. For all I know, you are the first person who came to my life to 'awaken' my mind and my soul to Love/ God and the life long journey exploration of consciousness. From values, LP course, relationships, productivity, spiral dynamics, meditation, contemplation and so many deep subject you talk about, I can affirm my path to self-realization has been constructed with YOU.
From my deepest self,
I am thankful for all your teachings and
I love you immensely.
My pleasure :)
00:24:45 I can relate to this. I was listening to Zen Masters Dairy by Darshan Ambient that you had shared on your blog a year ago sitting on a park bench during my evening walk with my eyes closed. As I was carried to a beautiful place listening to it, I so wished that I could play as beautifully and all of a sudden it dawned on me that it WAS ME who was playing it. There is only ME. The bliss and happiness I felt with that realization that tears started rolling down my cheeks. I will never forget that day. That was one true glimpse I had. Thank you for that and for this. 👍
Eventually we will all confront the limitations of language. So poetry becomes less about telling and more of a creative experiment
I find that the more I develop myself on this path... the more my every day experience takes on the qualities of deep appreciation, awe, and gratitude. These higher stages of ego development feel so simple and yet so complex and beautiful at the same time. Thanks for sharing this epic menagerie of consciousness, Leo! And thanks for always setting an amazing example for us all 😁🙏🏻❤
Hey Leo, this video made me quite emotional. It triggers a lot of memories, impressions, feelings; even some that I've never had. It's really powerful imagery and communication. In my opinion your best video. It had an impact on my level of consciousness while watching it 😢
Good to know. Thanks
Leo is wearing all the Spiral Dynamics stages he has transcended 🔥💛
A PRIEST (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit) is defined as a man who promulgates teachings and performs rituals on behalf of a particular religious or metaphysical tradition. He should possess all saintly qualities, such as cleanliness (which, as they say, is “next to godliness”), peacefulness, austerity, intelligence, wisdom, renunciation, tolerance, patience, humility, and of course, moral uprightness and religiosity. This does not imply that a priest must possess those virtues to a perfect extent, but he ought to have each quality to at least a reasonably-high degree.
Even if a man seems to be a genuine priest superficially, if he is severely lacking in even one of the clerical qualities, he cannot rightly be called a “priest”. Therefore, a dumb cleric or a dirty cleric does not exist, by definition, so be wary of the multitude of PHONEY “priests” in the world!
There are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals in this world who claim to be religious leaders/teachers (“guru”, in Sanskrit). Most of them are either working-class guys, businessmen, or women, acting under pretence. However, as mentioned in the chapter distinguishing enlightenment from liberation and awakening (Chapter 17), a genuinely-enlightened spiritual preceptor is VERY rare indeed. Even some of the teachings of universally-recognized Avatars (incarnations of the Godhead/Brahman) were far from accurate, what to speak of the teachings of lesser authorities! This lack of authentic spiritual guidance is the major reason for the decadent state of present-day society (and previous decadent societies), apart, perhaps, from the paucity of legitimate government leadership (see Chapter 22 regarding illegitimate governance).
It is crucial to note that a priest is not required to teach just anyone and everyone in his community. Traditionally, priests (at least those who are worthy of the title) were commissioned to teach two groups of MALES: the rulers of society (see the following chapter regarding the monarchy), and monastics (normally boys and adolescents) in his school (“gurukula”, in Sanskrit). Furthermore, it is imperative that priests assess the qualifications of each prospective disciple, such as the man's level of intelligence, sincerity, and humility, to ascertain his suitability as a student. As Lord Jesus so rightly suggested, one should desist giving what is holy to dogs (i.e. those who are hostile to righteous precepts).
A PERFECT analogy of why a priest should teach only the two aforementioned groups of males is with any world-class musician. Arguably the greatest pianist in history was Franz Liszt Ferenc, an Hungarian virtuoso who lived in the nineteenth century. Not only did he tutor other concert pianists, but, just like priests, he did so at no monetary charge whatsoever. If he had taught novice musicians, he would have misused his valuable time, because his advanced students could have easily have taught beginners (or at least taught the teachers of those novices).
Contrary to popular understanding, the clergy not only teach religious studies, but all things necessary for living a healthy and happy life, such as languages, history, basic mathematics, hygiene, diet and food preparation. If a particular student shows himself to NOT be inclined towards the life of a monastic, the guru will send him to another master, in order to be apprenticed in a different occupation, such as the military, business, engineering, medicine, accounting, labouring, etcetera, etcetera. The modern system of schooling, in which every child is taught the same curriculum (and, invariably, indoctrinated into being a servile minion of the state) has been the source of much misery for society.
As explained elsewhere in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the priest's disciples instruct, in turn, their OWN subordinates, including their wives and children. It is not practical, or even possible, for a clergyman to effectively teach every single individual in his community on a personal level. Fortunately, there is a system in place where all citizens may benefit of the teaching of a true priest (see Chapters 19 and 27).
On occasion, “God” (or to be more precise, The Impersonal Self, acting via the preordained narrative of this universe) gives specific messages via chosen individuals, whether they be priests or not. However, such messages are usually intended to be spoken to an individual, or group of individuals, with specific (and invariably, temporal) repercussions for those individuals in question. This is akin to the ancient lineage of prophetic figures found in monotheistic traditions. Such “prophets” can NEVER replace a man who has evolved (over millions of lifetimes?) to be a fully-enlightened saintly prophet, appointed to teach “truth” to humanity. Unfortunately, such World Teachers incarnate very rarely on earth, and when they do appear, are often assassinated by the illegitimate rulers of their nations, or by other demonic elements of society. Even the most vile political leaders have a certain proportion of the populace which adores them. However, virtually everyone despises the gentle, humble, holy men who dare speak the truth about the state of contemporary society, and point-out the multitude of sins extant.
The most HEINOUS action possible is to persecute a Prophet or World Teacher (“jagadguru”, in Sanskrit). Thus, exterminating thousands of workers is less sinful than murdering a World Teacher, because when a Prophet's mission is ended, or merely hampered by persecution, the whole of society suffers from lack of knowledge and direction. Only a wise person can find the logic in such a seemingly-audacious statement.
When the life of a World Teacher is constantly threatened, or he is assassinated (as in the case of so many great Prophets of the past, such as Lord Jesus Christ), society is likened to a chicken which runs directionless around the coop, just after its head has been severed. Unfortunately, the more we progress into this current dark epoch (“Kali Yuga”, in Sanskrit), the more society's head (priests/prophets) are being persecuted, and soon there will be hardly any ACTUAL spiritual guides remaining on the planet. At that point in time, the end of humanity is assured.
So, to put it succinctly, there may be hundreds of thousands of “priests” on earth at a given time, yet there are only an EXTREMELY small number of true sages, who understand life definitively, and are both willing and able to lead others to self-realization (“adhyātma-vidyā", "ātma-jñana", or “brahma-jñana”, in Sanskrit). As a general rule, the greater number of disciples following a particular teacher, the more perverse and corrupt are his teachings, because the truth is very difficult to accept. Unfortunately, the typical person wants to hear predominately sentimental tenets, which gives him or her merely emotional solace. The current World Teacher has never had a true disciple, sad to say.
Where is orange?
@@luamfernandez6031 🍊👈
Mans wearing them like trophies
Leo is the spiral!
I’ve been following you for years, wondering when this day would come.
I couldn’t be happier to see you approaching this from a creative, full of imagery perspective. The more I experienced with psychedelics, the more I realized that symbolism, and Art in general, is perhaps the most effective way to communicate spiritual insights, as long as they connect properly on the receiving end - which is the hardest part of the work.
This approach is not unlike that of Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the fathers of American Transcendentalism. He developed a radical new vision of literature and poetry, based on an individual, unmediated relation with God, and a symbiotic, mystical union with Nature, in the first half of the 19th century.
I myself have recently started to work on a novel, prompted by my 5-MeO-DMT breakthrough a few years ago. Needless to say, it’s permeated by spirituality, and I try to tackle topics such as the purpose of evil, suffering, religion and, mostly, suicide. I’m 70K words in, have written about a third of the story, and I hope to complete it the way I want. It’s not easy, but I know it to be my life purpose. And the last words you said in this video were like an injection of motivation right into my veins.
Regarding your text, I thought it was rich, imaginative and well written. I encourage you to write more, if you’ve enjoyed the process. I see some good potential. If you don’t mind, I would like to translate it into French one of these days.
Good work on your novel. No small feat.
@Nayu Tu es français ?
I wish you luck on this journey. I find it so hard to put my experience into any kind of words.
How can I read it when it comes out
I would also like to read your work when you're done. Perhaps you could drop a link here so any others know how to find it
What can I even say to you?
You are one of my gurus. You are a prophet, a guide, philosopher and friend to me. I am a student of sufism and advaita. Your videos on God and Love are my favorite. I listen to them repeatedly and every word you say resonates from within me. You have helped me heal from my father's death and a bad breakup. You are like Shiva to me.
Ehhh… Idk how to feel abt this one😬 it’s very good to find inspiration into other people but don’t fall into the spiral of ideologies. Be your own prophet/guru/guide. That would be the best advice anyone could recieve in life. I hope you realize that you can also ascend to such state of mind yourself and that its not an esoteric-out-of-touch place to be in.
@@manarmeziani857 I know I can ascend to that state on my own because there's no difference between the guru and me
This poem was BRILLIANT - I'm sure I'll go my entire life reflecting over it
Thank you for the good work Leo. It's nice to hear your videos, I often feel very isolated with how i experience and see the world. But when i listen to your videos I don't feel so alone in my union with the cosmic consciousness.
“Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.”
"God and I have become like two giant
fat people living in a tiny boat.
We keep bumping into each other and
~ Hafiz ❤
Love this!!
Also crying cause of the lack of space
Beautiful. What a great return. Love the new drip.
You have no idea how much my life has changed for the better because of your work! Thank you Leo!!!
36:38 "soo there you go, let me know what you think"
- I love the colorful clothing with no explaination for why you changed outfit for this video
- I liked the poem it felt like a journey lol
Keep up the good work! :)
You talk about this episode not being practical, but actually this was really intense and deeply practical for me, since I tried my most to relate and follow everything you said. Thank you very much, Leo! Fear has always imprisoned me, and now I can get at least a bright glimpse of what mental freedom and emotional emancipation are.
Dude... You have been everything to me. From the age of 17. I'm almost 26 now, have had multiple profound awakenings. Your intelligence is immaculate. Thank you for doing this work. It's everything. Everything. ❤
Beware of narcissism. Watch some videos about narcissism.
@@johnnuaxon3 all of our egos are inherently narcissistic! We all have that capacity and tendency.
You doing these videos touch my life in such a meaningful way. I am so grateful to you for sharing your knowledge with me. I love to garden while listening to you and to take in the beauty of gods work.
I love those god realization/ awakening videos, I start weeping as you were explaining/ narrating going higher and higher in consciousness and understanding, I remembered when I went through that kind of awakening and it was just like “ finally someone actually went through this and understand what I went through and how beautiful and amazing it is and just how insanely difficult those moments when you are facing crazy dangerous fears” As I was watching I felt that deep love inside my chest that I felt when I awoke, I’ve been avoiding your channel since I really don’t like all the practical stuff, but this was absolutely beautiful, as you have said there are a lot of people that do and can teach the practical stuff and very few are the ones that talk about higher consciousness topics this is what I love about your channel and you Leo, this journey of awakening feelz a bit lonely at times since there are hardly any people you can relate to or talk to about this stuff ( at least for me ) It feelz good to know and hear someone talk about what I’m interested in and love the most, thank you Leo.
I was reading through the comments of this video and for some reason I felt very called to respond to your comment. I deeply resonate with what you wrote, and I feel your frequency. Wishing you much love on your path❤
Beautiful description. I've never experienced what you may have in terms of God consciousness, however it feels so relatable even with my own version of it. The one thing that comes to my mind is I commend you for your commitment to this. I've chickened out many times with all my attachments that prevented me from going to the levels you have. It's kind of remarkable to me how you've held it all together despite not having someone you could turn to in your scariest moments because at that level there's really no one who can confirm for you anything and that's absolutely terrifying. God did some crazy shit creating a character that can experience God in the way you have!
The poem was intense. Especially towards the end. As i listened, I could feel that sensation of spiraling deeper and deeper into the unveiled truth we call reality . Especially when you likened it to waking up to realize you are living a different life. Bravo on the good writing! And hey man, its not arrogant to notice the intellect in your content. It is a massive collection of the deepest incites and life guidance that exist. I would be enamored just the same lol.
Thank you for setting the bar this high.. Realy appreciate it.. The relaxation into whatever we are. The trust!
Loved it. The feeling of a person who has never seen or been in the ocean but for a brief moment was able to smell the ocean is how I would describe a meditation during your poem. Thank you.
Leo no one in this fucking world...not one person in my life enlightened me with as much information as you did. I'm becoming a new person every day thanks to you. You're not just some youtube channel on are amazing and I love you !.
Please keep going! You are peak! No one even comes close! Thank you Leo!!!
I love "I'm too conscious for ears!!" Perfect 😍
I will reach this consciousness, Leo I'm serious and I truly believe I am very spiritually gifted
You dont exist XD, you can never get enlightened, it requires your psychological death, your body will be left alive as a corpse that records the happening
Thank you Leo for not pulling the trigger.
Your work is not yet over :)
For me most impacting video ever, got emotional (sad, happy, angry) all at the same time don't know why. Thank u Leo
Wow, I experience your poem as a beautiful montage of wisdom and love, from all of our lives expressed with the highest degree of clarity and sincerety. No question infinite intelligence speaks through you. Many memories from past awakenings, and ongoing ones too. Excited to see this new kind of artsy content, speaks more to my taste and I really enjoyed it. A feeling of adventure and looking forward to the continued eternal unfolding. The outfit suits you, love the patterns, colors and layers.
one of the most profound and perfect videos I just happen to stumble over a little late!
Divinely enlightening poem. Thank you for sharing it with yourself!
This is wonderful! Finally I hear you talking about oneness, the illusory nature of what we consider reality, and the unlimited ability of this oneness to create and recreate itself by living in our seemingly individual bodies. I had figured all of this out in my mind, sadly, never having had the awakenings of which you speak. Perhaps they will still come to me…
I don’t know how you’re not completely frightened tbh. Deeper knowledge can be truly frightening so hats off to you 🙌🏾
This video inspired me in a new way. Your writings are infinitely beautiful to me and makes me want to deepen my appreciation for this beauty.
My life purpose and values shifted after a similar realization.. Instead of videos I wanted to refocus on sharing wisdom through visual art and I started to value the creation and appreciation of beauty much more highly. You are not alone just saying :)
Thanks Leo !
you know that everythings you say does not make sense to us but we still come here after release of every episode because our hearts does recognize something
I like this new poetry approach
Thank you. I am sincere in this work and I am going all the way. Your work woke me up years ago and it constantly reminds me of my true potential, of what life can offer. You are my inspiration to follow my own path, what is true in my heart and awake in my mind, to go with it beyond my fears and problems, knowing that it is more than worth it. Thank you to myself for this great paradox that you are helping yourself and myself from different forms.
One of my favorite videos you’ve created. You faced yourself in a real way and gained real things from it. Watching this while tripping felt like a trip i had on dmt with a good friend of mine. We had done some “shadow work” and came out all the better for it just like you clearly have. Youve faced the inner devil as directly as you can.. so far and I commend your efforts on your journey.
Being able to let go the way that you allowed yourself to let go , youve become your own hero so to speak. We love to see it
Your last "unique value proposition" is spot on Leo. I am glad you are shifting your focus to the ultimate vision. God realization. My internal guidance system is zinging like crazy. Let's go my beautiful teacher.
This is what I’ve been waiting for from you .
Ok, I'm truly enjoying this poetry format. It feels like I'm not being talked at and I love it.
That poem took me to a journey. Wonderful!
Couldn't help but to sit here with the biggest smile on my face from the moment the poem began, tears were shed, some small disagreements (or errors. . .) somewhat bothered me around the 12 minute mark as I still see and appreciate the beauty of the message therein.
edit - the fascination with change has me confused, in the beginning you inspired the appreciation of life and my perfect place in it, then you go as far out of human experience as plausible as to flee into the dream realm, the union of everything, the humility and appreciation of my place therein, that's where I see the true beauty of life.
The dune landscape of a woman might just have been the most beautiful symbol I've heard heard described, the way it partake on every level of reality, a people, a mind, an intimate relationship, the whole cosmos
Your journey parallels mine very closely. These videos are helpful. It’s like listening to me explaining things to myself that I already knew.
The poetic description of your experience, touched my heart deeply and fully! Now you are communicating in another level with your audience!
Just by hearing you talk I see and feel all kind of beautiful imagery and I'm crying and astounded in the end. I feel like I'm on the same level you're on. I don't need 5-meo, it's like I'm on 5-meo whenever I hear u talk about it. I've listened almost every video you put out and admire your intelligence super much! The way you verbalize is just amazing, it's like watching a Rembrandt painting.
Those of us, who have been with you for years, and are taking this work seriously....We are ready to move away from the practical stuff...honestly, there is no interest anymore in the practical stuff....
I want to add . . You are deeply appreciated!! Deepest gratitude. .Truly....
I watch hours of content every week, follow some with very deep understanding of Truth...and, yet, I find you to be more comprehensive, more willing to be completely honest, more willing to push boundaries....and, well, in the end, more valuable...
You are raising up many more, than just yourself.
I know why you have the dilemma about continuing your teaching....I faced this too...but, after much time, I realized what else am I going to do that gives me any meaning?? Normal worldly life is so mundane in comparison...
Appreciate all that you do!
@@ActualizedOrg Leo ,I follow you many year too, and improved a lot ,thank you very much ,but I still hope your vedio could provide the script ,for a chinese ,sometimes really not easy to understand some information
You are the best Leo. I'll be here to the end. Hands down the most valuable content I've ever watched in my life. So excited to see what's to come.
I love it, Leo. It's pure "signal" free from any "noise"...
It's so riveting to be able to feel the infinite view of highest awakening...
Brilliant Leo. Always been a role model. Loving the poetic art brought here today.
We are all exhilarated that you have found the motivation to do what only you do.
This video was more spectacular than all of the beauty I have seen in space.
The facets and hidden facets are so endlessly intriguing, I'll have to watch this many times.
No one knows how to offer what you have been offering. Their fear supersedes any such immensely noble actions such as appearing raw in flesh to share what is shared.
Great video.
The poetic part was really beautiful and not too foggy or without any lack of substance, and the head of warnings at the 2/3rd part of the video were not taking up way to much of space. While there, you still allowed yourself to touch upon subjects which might be considered dangerous that are rarely talked about. But doing that allows some listeners to truly find keys to take in and learn from
Once again, thank you Leo
Loving the new attire very vibrant and eye catching
A whole new and improved Leo, YES
Leo, thanks to your videos my life has changed forever.
I have been led to ego death and enlightenment.
Now I am regretting it for missing mahasamadhi...
Watching the first half of this video kept me up last night. I had to stop watching it because it triggered some fears I've had from bad trips, but I somehow trusted myself that I could fully watch it again and not get a panic attack. Here I am now having just watched the entire thing and actually appreciating the deep insights you offered here.
Much love. ❤️
I love this, more of deeper videos please.
And if they can’t be posted on RUclips I could say post them on your website.
The part about bringing back the beetle: “you demand a miracle… you focus on the beetle, filling it with your spirit and love.” And it comes back?
Yeah, that happened to me. I died, someone focused their will, their spirit, and their love on me. I came back.
Love is indeed the highest teaching. That is how we make miracles: love plus will.
Thank you for your work, Leo. Peace be with you always.
Leo you opened your crown chakra. That's been your process - arriving at BEAUTY.
It can’t be any other way.. even though I haven’t directly experienced this state of consciousness.. I’m so moved. Looking forward to continuing my work.. just found my values and strengths on life purpose course, rapidly moving towards purpose, finally. Beautiful description leo
I once was a raptor in my dream. It was like my consciousness (me) was inside a raptor and I was looking at the world through the eyes of a raptor and actually was the raptor. There were two small children standing in front of me and I felt such rage/hatred towards them in my desire to destroy them when I saw them. This rage was so strong and real. When I woke up I could remember that feeling in its fullness and brightness and it stayed in my memory for a long time.
Did you have feathers
That was beyond fantastic Leo! Much gratitude for your existence 🤍
This was so chill to watch!
Thank you so much for all of your work Leo, it is all greatly appreciated and certainly more recognised than any one of us really understand. I'm infinitely grateful. Please take a break my friend, it's about time and we hope to share a much larger part of time with you
Insane description, was almost mildly tripping listening, was very similar to the experience I had after tripping watching one of your God realization videos though what you described was more intense, the part with the fly/bug I wondered for myself after my own experience, very easy to go into denial afterwards though.
This reminds me of an experience I randomly made a few months ago. I was looking at the sunset from an elevated point. Suddenly I felt like I can see, hear, feel, smell, everything, at the same time. I felt the earth spinning through space, the energies of all the other planets, I heard the birds, the leaves touching each other in the movement of the wind, the tires of the cars scratching on the street, the bugs, everything at once.
Loving the new style Leo
You open your eyes and see a man in an ever expanding room, holding an old but functional acoustic guitar. He gently but expertly plucks the top string. The low sound of the string echoes to infinity, vanishing into the thickness of silence. As the sound fades, you notice the man's gaze fixating on something beyond the horizon, as if searching for answers in the infinite expanse. Suddenly, he strums a chord, and with each vibration, the world around you shimmers, revealing layers of existence overlapping and intertwining. You realize that reality is a symphony of paradoxes, where every note holds a deeper truth waiting to be unveiled. With a knowing smile, the man beckons you to join him on this journey of discovery, where the boundaries between what is real and what is imagined blur into harmony.
i really like how his consciousness affect what he wears
@@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices esta bueno como su conciencia hace que se vista distinto
@@carimabdala Good Girl! 👌
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
@@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices not a girl, not a slave (well, maybe a little, as every one ele), and not a vegan, thank you very much.
@@carimabdala it's a bot
On the night shortly before you posted this video, my intuition reminded me of you. Now I see why I needed to watch this.
This is one of your best videos to date.
At this point I've stopped being amazed by synchronicities, but what you wrote is curiously exactly like what I've been experimenting with recently (right-brain exploration of creative and spontaneous figments of imagination in consciousness' mindscape), mostly because of Tom Campbell's "Tom's Park", which seems to be crucial in overcoming personal problems.
The thing about god realization, is that when you get to those heights of absolute singularity beyond any distinction, you might be tempted to think that you are already all the way and there is no possible way to get beyond this point
... but when you realize that you are not all the way, you are actually "standing at the door" you realize that you are not yet free, and the only way through is to "jump" into total emptiness, it might feel that you are jumping into a buttomless pit, and you are about to lose yourself, but you have to be wise, you remember that to really be yourself you have to let go of being yourself, and let yourself dissolve. Clumbsy words
I’m grateful for your excellence in articulation!
Additionally, the indulgence in bad habits order to understand the difference in contrast and make each decision an actual coherent decision is extremely profound. Its a fractal pattern of what you did towards the end with facing yourself. Its art
2 mins in … yet I couldn’t wait to tell you how much I love and appreciate you
God is here, man I’m not conscious of how I imagine you Leo, but your outfit put smile on my face ❤️
Love the outfit brother and thank you for the help on my journey
Lol RUclips knows I click on your videos instantly but this took three days to show up on my feed. I was like, Leo uploaded! Oh, three days ago...
It is quite amazing to watch your human mind attempt to convey absolute truth through the relative domain. You are overflowing with humbleness. I am inspired. As a logically minded person I definitely prefer your other explanations but I can see how this would be useful to a creatively minded individual.
Beautiful poem and outfit! Thanks for sharing❤️
Glad to see you taking anew artsy approach
Leo Gura's new ark: The Rumi poet path.😛
Nice video and attire by the way.
Apart all the comments on the opera...Leo's jacket is sooo beautiful!!!
This is beautiful Leo. Thanks for sharing.
I've been in the space between thought, the mind' s lotus blooming my thoughts from the very moment they arose into the reality I perceived. Whether image or language that came, what followed was conceptual creation, what preceeded that was the possibility of infinite creation.
The story was beautiful, very rich of symbols that explain our nature if one grasp it. Also im really enjoying the way you treat your self. Kinda like you finding your pace. I think we might see new fruits coming out of this pace. But for me I'm used to more the serious Leo. Old leo. Also i recognise the beauty to see a flower open. And to trust it to do it's thing and watch it grow. Like the flower said. Trust your self.
Real glad to see you again, brother!
Hey love your outfit Leo glad to see you back
I really like this more poetic/reading style (the regular more straight explaination like videos are great too) i hope you'll make a few more of these.
Thank you brother.
Dream the dreamer to dream the transubstantiation in Unity. For in that dream the dreamer finds itself too is dreaming of the other to find itself in obscurity. However, it is in the remembrance of those two polarities in Unity does the heart truly sees the personified attribution of the mirrored other, the self; to change in peace, in a reality.
That was truly a transcendental poetry. Such vivid and profound rendition of words symphonies... of course looking at it from creative point of view. Creativity is pure joy beloved. It is a place of pure subsistence from whence the shimmering lights hit the sublimity of the intellect to materialise as reality. That kind of creativity only exist in the freedom of that mercy..... It only exists in being.
I too am a lover of poetry bro. I STOP writing about 6 years ago.... after hearing you reading your beautiful work I feel I inspired again 😂 Leo, for me this has to be the best episode and I've been watching you for over 3 years now. Once again, thank you 😊 and please keep inspiring. Lots of luv ❤️
That was genuinely beautiful. Thank you for the great work
it's nice to see leo wearing some color
18:02 "mmmmmm, waffles"
Hell yea, lets freaking go