Thanks a bunch! We’re mostly thankful for the viewers who, like you, take time out to encourage and engage with us. That’s worth a hundred viewers. On the Fertilid interaction, if you were playing in a non-budget build, you could incorporate either Lotus Cobra or Amulet of Vigor and you’d have an additional mana available to use Fertilid again. If you have both, then you could get every basic land out of your deck and into play for free.
Officially my favorite commander now
Didn't think about the Retreat to Kazandu combo, or the Persist interaction. Nicely formatted video, too. You should have more viewers.
Thanks a bunch! We’re mostly thankful for the viewers who, like you, take time out to encourage and engage with us. That’s worth a hundred viewers. On the Fertilid interaction, if you were playing in a non-budget build, you could incorporate either Lotus Cobra or Amulet of Vigor and you’d have an additional mana available to use Fertilid again. If you have both, then you could get every basic land out of your deck and into play for free.