They do not expect that. You expect them to repent or feel remorse. But it’s all about our response-ability. Hard as it is to admit we attract everything we experience.
Later on, if your abuser/betrayer develops self-awareness, they will realize how mature and self-controlled you were by not looking for revenge or for their humiliation. It is called grace because you show it even to those who don't deserve it. Showing grace is how we can be the best we can be.
please one story that bothers me that i cannot wrap my head around... After jacob and his children convinced an entire city to circumcise their boys, they slaughtered all of the city's men. They then fled and this is when Jacob claimed to have fought an angel, got his hip dislocated, and changed his name to Israel thereafter. It sounds to me like they wronged and entire city, realized what atrocities they commited, tried to flee, got beaten up by "an angel" (i doubt this as this rate), and then changed his name (probably to hide since they wronged and entire city). How is this justified? how is this not judged? This is the grandson of Abraham who mutilated and slaughter these people? and changed his name and fled? please help me make sense of this passage.
@@jackdolphy8965 I'm living it and. have done so since the day I was born. Enough is enough so the answer to your question is that family betrayal needs to be stopped in its tracks and STILL takes a couple of generations to get right-side up.
It's important to recognize that people that hurt us, are also not good for us. We move on and evolve from these experiences. Heart break and hurt makes you stronger but when you are vulnerable and attacked by narcissists it is very painful. Anyone going through this remember family is blood but you can find your own people..
This is so true. Just because someone is family doesn't mean you have to continue to be hurt by them. Confront them and tell them how they hurt you. If it continues move on and find new friends. Ask God to handpick your new friends or partner or spouse for you. Pray for those who persecute you or hurt you as Jesus taught.
Refuse to be a victim or or a victim in waiting EXACTLY. MY mother threw me away at age 5. From that day foreword I refused to be a victim ever again -- once old enuff. My whole life has been a struggle to be better. Kinder. Merciful. Wise GENEROUS. An all around better human being. I've been lied 2 and stolen from anyone -- everyone. But you see my God is very merciful and wise. Generous too he's given me the capacity to live to love. To share. To learn and to teach. My mother abandoning myself and brother and sister -- WAS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME IN MY LIFE ??? IT GAVE ME THE CAPACITY to walk 1000 Mike's in ANYONES SHOES. OR BAREFOOT OR LEGLESS. one cannot love and hate at the same time ?? Yes or no. So if one chooses to love he CAN NEVER HATE ??? I REFUSE. NOBODY WILL EVER MAKE ME A VICTIM AGAIN. MY GOD WILL NOT NOT ALLOW IT. BE BETTER IN LIFE -- BE BIGGER. WALK IN THE WAY OF GOD. .......shalom
Would like to add to your power and wonderful testimony...Let abused humans never ever depend on the apologizes of the abusers and or betrayers to heal, be free and fulfilled...That is saying they have the power and the qualities for victims to be free.....God is our life and thus our freedom and our healer..
Ameen! You are such an incredible human - yes, with HaShem's Grace, but also your own strength, grit, faith and love. I'm proud of you, and i pray you have someone in your life that tells you that often. Shalom ❤️🙏🕊
@@MalikaICYes! I was an incredibly angry teen because of all my Dad's... Well, i won't get into that lol. But i felt like it was right that i be so enraged and for years i sought an apology. I never got it because he just continued gaslighting me. It's strange to now have a decently close relationship when he's still trying to mess with my life. Emphasis on trying, because i know to protect myself. But he does need me, and provided i keep those boundaries up, and remember who G-d created me to be, all will be okay. I no longer need an apology. I will say, though, that i take great joy in being the calm, logical one in the relationship, because nothing makes him angrier than that lol. Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Shalom! ❤️🙏🕊
It’s such a simple concept: remember how you felt when you were injured and don’t do it to anyone else. So why is it so difficult to live this lesson? It’s another variation on the Golden Rule. So hard to shape our lives around it! But you grasped it. God bless you.
"your sense of self, and dignity is not lost because 'they' were never the ones to give it to you". Beautifully said and a reminder that I will carry with me. Sometimes you need to hear hard truths because we can easily get caught up in the emotional response. The trick, as you said, is to remain unshaken, and faith enables us to transcend and see beyond our limited scope of reality. Powerful messages. Thank you!
@@arlenehutchinson9259 ehm not that I know of, i am unorthodox, (quranist). So I have a very private relationship with God through studying Islam, specifically the Quran. I don't follow any clergymen. I like Simmons because it's not so much religion, but rather life advice. With lots of philosophy and logic. No dogma. I really dig it. If I find a Muslim philoslpher who does the same, I will update you. I am sure there are plenty
the Universe gives back exactly what we put in... and a little bit more... if you give your love without price... it doesn't matter what the recipient does or thinks living in fear of betrayal does not lead to personal happiness.. or good friends... because.. if you want a friend you have to be a friend
Our Jewish family has so much to share with us about Hashem. These Jacobson brothers are full of insight into Yeshua, YHVH May they, their families and Israel be blessed and prayed for often. 🙏🕯
@@keplermission4947 this is their behavior, they can certainly tighten up presentation. And yes, he’s better as have currently just started to listen to his new recordings.
Rabbinic Judaism is not the roots of Catholicism. Ancient Judaism ended and only the Samaritans practice it. Judaism after Jesus split into Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity. So no the Jews of today are not the elder brothers of the Christians, they are cousins.
It’s happening to ME/YOU, how do you NOT take that personally ? Every one of my family members has stabbed me in the back over selfishness and greed, I couldn’t even think about doing anything unkind to them for no good reason. Animals are my people first, humans are a waste of space. Narcissists , psychopaths…karma is cleaning them up.
@@kimdagnillo8246 I understand completely. The pain of betrayal is so profound. But I think the key is forgiveness. Just between you and God, proclaim you forgive them. (The ones who betrayed you don't even need to know! Between you and God: pray your forgiveness) Then do not internalize the pain. Allow it to pass. Protect yourself from any further betrayal you can, and do not allow it to change your sweet soul. Continue to love and bring compassion to all. That is how you prevail. Allow God's Love to shine thru you🙏🏽
Your video is so beneficial to me.I have suffered from betrayal …my family did it .I want it out of my system ! I’m so hurt ! What you said is so true! My life is like Joseph’s but I didn’t have a good sense of self from the beginning so it’s been so hard to recover😢
Beautiful wisdom better than all the therapy I've been through, anger and the thought of revenge can eat you up for years and prolongs the suffering you go through, for me I'm still suffering from betrayals of family ...but..I'm a single dad because of it and that has grown my soul more than anything , not wealthy but feel rich in love and I feel my girls can deal with the world I never could before I got this responsibility.....
Rabbi, I am a Christian and had previously found and listen to the birthday message. I needed to hear that message for reasons to long for a text. I will be 60 this September 28. My heart feels allot younger but I never thought of my birthday the way you described it. Even this message gave me hope that it's never too late and that each day should be a day to start over. Thank you for your words of wisdom. I subscribed and will begin to watch all your videos. Shalom. Bless you.
What you said... "Victim mentality creates more problems "helped. Thank you Likewise, the comments in this thread are almost like reading my own thoughts and feelings articulated for me... Thank you all as well Shalom
This was helpful, I'm also in the process of reclaiming my identity after betrayal and your insights made me think about how I can reframe my perspective. It hasn't come easily. I'm slowly coming to understand that people's cruelty is about them, not me. It wasn't my fault and I survived it all. I am still on my own divine adventure, regardless of those who tried to kill my fire. I am still here, they didn't succeed in taking anything from me. And I've found treasures along the way. Thank you for your clear, compassionate take on a subject I normally get angry about when others bring it up because it's been a tender wound on my heart for awhile now. I enjoyed listening to the whole video.
This helped me out a lot. My brother tried to get me deleted and till this day I've never gotten over it. Life is dark. Listening to this helped me out a lot. Blessings to you.
Powerful talk. No idea how but I watched the entire broadcast, it was so captivating. I cried several times during the hour. God's ways are mysterious but His purity and love is endless.
This Rabbi unfolds all the mysteries of the Bible that I was never taught. I was taught very literal protestant Christianity, it's whitewashed and has turned the Bible into something that it's not. I'm endlessly fascinated on this view of the Bible, I'm genuinely satisfied with his interpretation and ability to interpret the meanings to us in a way thats current and relatable. Wow.
This was amazing! In dealing with pop-phycology and counselors over the last several years I have found that it definitely has its limitations. Everyone is obsessed with narcissists and excommunicating anyone who is considered “toxic.” The problem is that it doesn’t work and as you said it perpetuates a victim mentality. I have had several counselors tell me to block my mother and cut her out of my life. I did that for a few years. I came to realize that her behavior wasn’t personal. She is the way she is and it is how she is programmed… just like a computer. I believe that G-d allows things to happen in our lives and if that is so, then we need to draw a greater good from it. When I stopped taking things personal and looked for the lesson, that is when things changed. My mother invited me to visit the family for the holidays and I really was dreading going to see her and knew it would be a stressful trip. My counselor told me not to go and to follow my instincts. I felt something deeper pushing me to go and step out in faith. I went and it was a painful experience, but we made a breakthrough and I am at peace knowing I did the right thing. She is older with health issues, so you never know how long people will be around. By taking that initiative to step out in faith and do what you are afraid to do really does give you your power back and that is when G-d can step in and do miracles. After years of counseling and not really being that satisfied with it, your talk has given me the missing piece. Such a beautiful, empowering and wise message. Thank you! 🙏🏻
While psychology has its limitations, so does your bumper sticker philosophy. You sound more like a masochist that hasn’t cut their emotional umbilical chord from mommy and confuses dreading something with fearing it. Not to mention the very useful aspect of fear when it comes to self preservation. Does it matter that someone murdered a stranger passing by and it wasn’t “personal”?? No. They still suffered the consequences whether it was personal or not. “You don’t know how long people will be around” and they don’t know how long you will be around either but they continue to make your life difficult. “That’s just how they’re wired” and that’s not an excuse. Perhaps you’re mad at your mom because she didn’t call you princess enough times as a kid or told you a dress made you look fat. Your “philosophy” could put many people in danger that have suffered serious abuse at the hand of their family or parents. It worked for You and Your purposes. Leave it at that.
@@mightytaiger3000 Lol 😂 A masochist I am definitely not. Sounds like you have some major anger issues and your projecting your experiences and reality on me. Did you even listen to the video? I am just echoing what the Rabbi suggested. Where did I suggest other people follow what I did?! I didn’t. I was sharing my own PERSONAL experience. If my PERSONAL experience bothers you than there is clearly some major issues you have within yourself. Maybe you are a sadist who just gets off on trolling the internet looking to spread doom and gloom on happy people who have overcome their battles. Clearly you are still tied to your own inner demons. You do you and I will do me.
Dear Rabbi Jacobson, thank you. It does not matter who we are, Christian or Muslim, we are all humans and relate to every word you say, family, life, our experience here.
This was good Rabbi Jacobson. When I am hurt I have in the past sat in the pain for so long that it had taken over in a sense started to mess with my health. I find this video very helpful to release myself from the prison of mental pain and anguish of my past day by day.
What wonderful advice for anyone who has been betrayed. It took me years to finally make a choice that allowed me to find that divine image. Regardless, I am grateful that I have finally taken the action needed to move my self from victim to a builder, constructor of a life of love and friendship.
When people are trying to get a rise out of me, I choose either to feel hurt or to realize that they are not as important to me as I might have construed them to be, and focus on other relationships or endeavors. They own their actions but not my reactions.
I am new to your channel and just ❤your teaching (so far). It’s just so interesting. I want to thank you. Perhaps it is that we will never know the half of what we do in this life - how far our influence goes and how far a good deed ripples out to encourage others. Now, the good side of the internet is that your wonderful teaching here has already gone out to 154, 521 people - instead of the time and effort of your preparation going solely out to your immediate congregation. Baruch Hashem!
I want to tell you how God is working in this matter. A daughter spoke on the phone with me about deep hurts between herself and siblings. I mentioned how Joseph never sought revenge or nurtured anger. That night she perceived God telling her to read a scripture but she was familiar with that particular scripture and wondered if she mis understood. In the morning I opened my video screen and there at the top was your wonderful message, also about Joseph. I was about to turn away from It, thinking,’what could some unfamiliar rabbi tell me that could help? But I perceived and obeyed God’s encouragement and soon sent the video to my daughter who had also obeyed and studied to her amazement the scripture God showed her which answered her questions. When God shows something three times, we should pay attention. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you rabbi my betrayal has helped me to be a stronger soul, but a day doesn't go by that I don't forget. I love the divine he is me and I am him.❤️
I have had the victim mentality my whole life, and I have alienated and hurt people around me, how I wish I had seen this video decades ago, and I am so grateful for this, it’s not too late for me, thank you Rabbi, I can see so clearly what I would have done differently and am encouraged that I can do things different now, thank you.
@robertrichardson - I feel the same way. I could have avoided many self esteem problems/bad choices, if I had a different attitude and had some wise advice to consider.
I should have known better. I experienced betrayal but instead I became resentful. Because I don't understand why i had to went into those situations when I only loved my family so dearly. It went too long that it almost destroyed me. To the point that i got to pick my pieces up to make me whole again. Good thing my faith is stronger than my odds. I came across similar videos like this one and help me a lot to stay away from being the victim mentality towards the I am in control mentality. That things happens for a reason and that it took me to where I should be right now. Thank you 💖
It appears my life has been one long painful betrayal after another and abuse. In between, I would be the one to for give and move on for my sake. But then I got married to all of them in my husband!!! 😭 I've still been the one forgiving and loving my abuser for 28 years!!! I don't know if I still have an identity cos he has stripped me of any confidence or rather, I have let him that I don't know what to do anymore. It has affected our children. What can I do? as he doesn't want to see me rise. It's all about him or no one else! Appreciate any counsel!
This video speaks directly to me. Thank you so much. I never understood my relationship with my oldest brother and it deeply affected me as a child. I loved him and feared him at the same time and never knew which one was correct. He passed from brain cancer several years back and I still ask myself on a weekly basis if I could have changed the relationship or if I should have. It distorted my whole view of reality
@@Kittiesinclair5 thanks Laura. His father had committed suicide and he found the body so I think he was kind of numb to the world in all honesty and maybe held onto his own trauma and I picked that up because personality and character defects can be contagious when you're around someone all the time. Just kinda merge personalities to some degree, at least that was my experience. I forgave him for maybe not understanding what he was doing to me psychologically, or for maybe not being able to control it, but it always bothered me. I wanted to be close to him and let him know I loved him but what he usually ended up getting was a barrage of defense mechanisms and everything but me.
I'm going to listen to this as I go to sleep. I have been debriefed of my trauma but there's never too much good to learn In love and light Hashem connects me with the divine, who is the divine, who I am as well. Xo
Amen. Such a wonderful teaching, it blessed me greatly. I am not a victim, and I refuse to allow pain to shape my identity. Thanks for sharing life. God bless Rabbi
Thanks Baruch HaShem G-D bless you all. Awhile ago I was thinking about Joseph and asked for help in working out how he stayed so righteous throughout his life. Jacob Israel was a great father and his Mother as well . I got my answer from you Baruch HaShem.
so grateful for Rabbi Jacobson providing these lectures. Imagine if - after some horrific event - instead of a therapist who withholds advice so you can come in for years to discuss your unchanging Victim Status - that Rabbi sits down and says "What did you learn from this? How are you going to use this for Good?" Not becoming a permanent Victim while recognizing betrayal. How will I use this pain and suffering as opportunity for good? I will listen to this again, let my body absorb the Truth.
A very pleasant good morning to you Rabbi Jacobson. Imagine, here I am listening to you giving such IMPORTANT TEACHINGS, and IN THE MIDDLE of your presentation came an add, with profanity. THAT spoiled everything
I don't need love, apologies, thous who betrayed me automatically become strangers and their betrayals do not bother me any longer. No matter who it was husband, children, or relatives.
The only way to find peace after a betrayal is to choose to forgive. And forgivemess is a process. It's not a decision. And that process may go on for the rest of your life. You may reach the end of your life without truly forgiving, but you can continue to try to forgive. You can say "I forgive you", but meaning it, and feeling it, are different things. You have to keep practising your forgiveness and if you observe your feelings closely, as you move along in your journey to forgive, you will feel, little by little, a softening of your feelings towards your betrayer. But don't expect to 'forgive' and feel better all in one day. And it's true that finding others who have been betrayed, will help your journey too. Betrayal can and does, happen to so many of us. And there is strength in being with others who have suffered.
This is a shiur every Jew should live by & get strength to go on & succeed, ones whole life. Thank you for being there to help others by explaining the Peshat in the Tora in your special way. Shabbat Shalom
I was hated and persecuted by a group of " fake friends" who at all cost desired my demise, to put me down all the time, to believe that they are better than me, to do all sorts of games and tricks. I was 19/20, and I did a lot for these girls, I treated them as my equal partners and made effort to see them with good eyes and good deeds. While they are pretending that they are good and innocent people till this day. This experience was very difficult for me until today and some years have passed. Wrong people can create a lot of damage. But God is on my side and has helped me a lot.
My mother would say 'thankful for this day. Thy will be done'. I dip into that when I have experienced the betrayal I do not understand as I cannot conceive of treating anyone this way or that. I don't look for retribution as consequences are not mine to give.
I am a Christian as well and enjoy listening to Rabbi Simon Jacobson, his explanations are detailed and easy to understand. He makes the lessons meaningful to me.
How would Joseph have reacted differently if his brothers had shown NO remorse when they saw him in Egypt? I am struggling with forgiveness after a life-altering betrayal by my 2 brothers, and after 5 yrs there has been no accountability, remorse, apology, or concern for my broken heart. They were victims of narcissistic abuse, but are narcs themselves, and I sometimes wonder if they are evil. I need no convincing of the importance or value of forgiveness, but it's hard when my options are abandonment or further abuse.
The scars of betrayal run deep…atm, in our home, my ex husbands betrayal of me with a woman the same age as our daughters, has caused as much pain to our daughters as it as to me….I’m not sure we can recover.
Sounds like my narcissistic mother & my selfish horrible traitorous family. I'm not even sure why I stay Honouring & loving my remaining parent Or pretending to forgive them because I have nobody and nowhere else to go. Either way, it takes true strength to remain I see a wonderful future of freedom ahead I can afford the years of my life to help her until she leaves this world and place. Some run away but I am one who stays. They say Narcissists are like demons But what darkness can withstand the light
Thank you Rabbi you helped me today to recognize my strengths and look with loving kindness on my weaknesses. I'm going now to visit my elderly neighbor cause I've been putting it off!
And how about when family betrays you, as in my experience, I then went my own way to end the abuse only to have them allege that by my doing this is me betraying them. I believe this is what is called 'gas lighting' me. In other words, supposedly, they're making me into the one who has betrayed by walking away from the experience in order to be free.
It's truly curious and wonderful for me to have recently started listening to and watching your messages. I have been been betrayed in the past however I thought I was immune or had a handle on it. Then BAM!! It happens again. This time is manageablely different. Guess because I older more understanding of life I am not bitter and hateful like before. However your explanation and examples have allowed me to absorb and grow as a human being. Guess it's just a lesson that I had to relearn and process completely and correctly. Thanks good teacher glad you were around this time to help me graduate so to speak. 🙂👍 My feeling of control over the situation is priceless.
Many relatives enjoy taking advantage of their closeness to your mom and dad and throw BS at you as a child, and then a few minutes before your parents arrive they suddenly turn into "nice people". Plenty of my childhood traumas (anxiety, lack of confidence) derived from their psychological abuse, now they are old and never apologized, but want to play nice and approach me and my family as if nothing happened when I visit mom. I am a God-fearing man, but I swear sometimes I wish I had revenge on them, I would enjoy it for sure.
Honestly you could just reject gifts and say you would they rather not send more than a card or not at all. But true not apologizing is not acceptable.
I was once trying to work something out and was hoping for inspiration and a voice said How much of your thought is actually yours? I was taken aback. Then you question everything. When born your bodies mind explores its invironment and it is taught how to act and think. You collect memories of these thoughts through which tou act. They become you. Their comes a point when you start to become your own thought choices rather than others thought who use it to dictate. Pharoah. Others around you will get angry that you become independent of their rule. Power is the number of people who support your thought. Generally the sheep. The soul is from God. It is the thought of good. The body is thought of self. The soul needs you to be open to recieve. Joseph stands for being open hearted. When the world he lives in is full of closed souls who steal energy from each other and desire power over others, Joseph is open. The famine is symbolically a shortage of energy. Joseph takes all the energy and then shares it out equally. This is like heaven where all thought can be shared equally and safely. Nothing is kept but energy flows constantly so that each soul recieves and shares thought energy. The world we see is enclosed in a boundry of self. We percieve a limit of resources. The soul percieves open thought which is above the boundry of self. The Jordan into the promised land. We need to cultivate the promised land in our mind by eliminating thought that others have forced onto us to enslave. Hard work to destroy the building blocks of our thought that entraps us. Jericho.
I'm very practical about it. It takes 10 years to heal my heart each time it was broken. For me it's been to avoid dating completely, avoid shows, concerts, anywhere where I see happy couples. Throw myself into work and make sure it's long and hard hours to avoid thinking and feeling. During off hours study, and keep studying (can't stand TV, so research every story they drone on about in 12 international sources and see through their drivel, and basically prove they are chronic liars). Also I skip Christmas and all romantic music, church and everything which depicts lovely family settings - because it makes me feel like I'm choking and drowning not to experience that. So I avoid all events which involve seeing families and children, I can't stand the pain. So I keep head down and keep working, (oh of course laugh and joke, put on a good act), and still keep working till the next time it happens. And I only meet someone who interests me about once every 5 years, and they may not be single and emotionally free to engage, and I don't date during emotional recovery times. I have to feel emotionally free to give it another chance. But now, while not wanting to be lonely, the idea of dating gives me a panic attack. I can no longer do it. (Anyway, the only thing that matters is a complete meeting of the minds and synergy - if that's not there, there's not much point)!
Start by learning to love yourself. No person with self-love will continue punishing themselves the way you are hurting yourself. Are you completing the abuse that your former partners began? I feel very sorry for you but you are also very foolish. Only you can change it. Have the courage to correct your self-flagellation please?
Imho: the minute you realize it's not "about you" but rather, it's about GOD'S Will and you are here to be a servant to His plan and for His pleasure, things change. Having "friends" that are in sinc with that level of spiritual maturity is a bonus to me. I see all obstacles or hurtful experiences as opportunities to make giant strides spiritually (a gift). It is like the "what you see is what you get" idea moment by moment for me. Do not choose to focus on being a victim (or you will be a victim). Choose the greatest of these = Love. Consider it instead as a "beautiful learning experience" in your wonderful life full of mysterious GOD-given experiences. GOD always turns the bad into good if you believe and are not discouraged in that belief of GOD'S LOVE OF US. UNITY.
If I may correct something you said Rabbi @31:55 "King David, the 1st king of Isreal "... from prim sch teachings the 1st king of Isreal was King Saul who was anointed by Samuel. David became 2nd king of Isreal following the death of Saul & his son Jonathan in a battle... "Thy glory O Isreal is slain upon thy high places, how are the mighty fallen... tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Ashelon lest the daughters of philistines rejoice...Saul & Jonathan beloved and lovely, in life and in death they were not separated... they were swifter than eagles and stronger than lions... Thanks for your wise teachings Rabbi, Much appreciated 🙏🏾
I wish i never knew them all my life but my God has made them wish they never met me now either. I feel much better now that God has spoken for me himself because anything I shared was what was revealed to myself as well. He's truly the only parent I have ever known and I will worship him until the night my breath leaves my body.
What amazes me is that those who betray and abuse you, expect that you will be okay with it, and remain silent.
Heal brother
Lol yeah
They do not expect that. You expect them to repent or feel remorse. But it’s all about our response-ability. Hard as it is to admit we attract everything we experience.
Later on, if your abuser/betrayer develops self-awareness, they will realize how mature and self-controlled you were by not looking for revenge or for their humiliation. It is called grace because you show it even to those who don't deserve it. Showing grace is how we can be the best we can be.
please one story that bothers me that i cannot wrap my head around... After jacob and his children convinced an entire city to circumcise their boys, they slaughtered all of the city's men. They then fled and this is when Jacob claimed to have fought an angel, got his hip dislocated, and changed his name to Israel thereafter. It sounds to me like they wronged and entire city, realized what atrocities they commited, tried to flee, got beaten up by "an angel" (i doubt this as this rate), and then changed his name (probably to hide since they wronged and entire city). How is this justified? how is this not judged? This is the grandson of Abraham who mutilated and slaughter these people? and changed his name and fled? please help me make sense of this passage.
Family betrayal isn't something to embrace, its something to end.
I agree!!
Absolutely agree!
Depends on how you end it, and on what you are left with (what you have left yourself with), no?
@@jackdolphy8965 I'm living it and. have done so since the day I was born. Enough is enough so the answer to your question is that family betrayal needs to be stopped in its tracks and STILL takes a couple of generations to get right-side up.
Agreed, I walked away.
It's important to recognize that people that hurt us, are also not good for us. We move on and evolve from these experiences. Heart break and hurt makes you stronger but when you are vulnerable and attacked by narcissists it is very painful. Anyone going through this remember family is blood but you can find your own people..
BS. Stop repeating mindless BS. It NEVER makes anyone 'stronger'. It's a deep scar that always remains. FOREVER!!
This is so true. Just because someone is family doesn't mean you have to continue to be hurt by them. Confront them and tell them how they hurt you. If it continues move on and find new friends. Ask God to handpick your new friends or partner or spouse for you. Pray for those who persecute you or hurt you as Jesus taught.
@@donnapierangeli6216 your god handpicked the first abusive family he stuck you in. Don't trust him again.
Yes :)
@@christineribone9351 I believe we choose our lives. You're right about the scars but the life learning is there once we get through it. Much love ❤️
Refuse to be a victim or or a victim in waiting EXACTLY. MY mother threw me away at age 5. From that day foreword I refused to be a victim ever again -- once old enuff. My whole life has been a struggle to be better. Kinder. Merciful. Wise GENEROUS. An all around better human being. I've been lied 2 and stolen from anyone -- everyone. But you see my God is very merciful and wise. Generous too he's given me the capacity to live to love. To share. To learn and to teach. My mother abandoning myself and brother and sister -- WAS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME IN MY LIFE ??? IT GAVE ME THE CAPACITY to walk 1000 Mike's in ANYONES SHOES. OR BAREFOOT OR LEGLESS. one cannot love and hate at the same time ?? Yes or no. So if one chooses to love he CAN NEVER HATE ??? I REFUSE. NOBODY WILL EVER MAKE ME A VICTIM AGAIN. MY GOD WILL NOT NOT ALLOW IT. BE BETTER IN LIFE -- BE BIGGER. WALK IN THE WAY OF GOD. .......shalom
Would like to add to your power and wonderful testimony...Let abused humans never ever depend on the apologizes of the abusers and or betrayers to heal, be free and fulfilled...That is saying they have the power and the qualities for victims to be free.....God is our life and thus our freedom and our healer..
Ameen! You are such an incredible human - yes, with HaShem's Grace, but also your own strength, grit, faith and love. I'm proud of you, and i pray you have someone in your life that tells you that often. Shalom ❤️🙏🕊
@@MalikaICYes! I was an incredibly angry teen because of all my Dad's... Well, i won't get into that lol. But i felt like it was right that i be so enraged and for years i sought an apology. I never got it because he just continued gaslighting me. It's strange to now have a decently close relationship when he's still trying to mess with my life. Emphasis on trying, because i know to protect myself. But he does need me, and provided i keep those boundaries up, and remember who G-d created me to be, all will be okay. I no longer need an apology. I will say, though, that i take great joy in being the calm, logical one in the relationship, because nothing makes him angrier than that lol. Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Shalom! ❤️🙏🕊
It’s such a simple concept: remember how you felt when you were injured and don’t do it to anyone else. So why is it so difficult to live this lesson? It’s another variation on the Golden Rule. So hard to shape our lives around it! But you grasped it. God bless you.
Wow! You have made me a better person, thank you for inspiring. Never Surrender!!!
"your sense of self, and dignity is not lost because 'they' were never the ones to give it to you". Beautifully said and a reminder that I will carry with me. Sometimes you need to hear hard truths because we can easily get caught up in the emotional response. The trick, as you said, is to remain unshaken, and faith enables us to transcend and see beyond our limited scope of reality. Powerful messages. Thank you!
I am Muslim and I enjoy your lectures very much. Keep it up!
Very much agree !
Is there an equivalent Muslim channel that you would recommend i love learning
@@arlenehutchinson9259 ehm not that I know of, i am unorthodox, (quranist). So I have a very private relationship with God through studying Islam, specifically the Quran. I don't follow any clergymen. I like Simmons because it's not so much religion, but rather life advice. With lots of philosophy and logic. No dogma. I really dig it. If I find a Muslim philoslpher who does the same, I will update you. I am sure there are plenty
So do I!
Sending ❤to you, brother.
the Universe gives back exactly what we put in... and a little bit more...
if you give your love without price... it doesn't matter what the recipient does or thinks
living in fear of betrayal does not lead to personal happiness.. or good friends... because.. if you want a friend you have to be a friend
I am Christian, but listening to this wise Rabbi
Our Jewish family has so much to share with us about Hashem.
These Jacobson brothers are full of insight into Yeshua, YHVH
May they, their families and Israel be blessed and prayed for often.
He's good in this talk, but in earlier ones, waffles and digresses. Is he getting better? A leopard can't change its spots.
Me, too!
me to
@@keplermission4947 this is their behavior, they can certainly tighten up presentation. And yes, he’s better as have currently just started to listen to his new recordings.
I am Roman Catholic. When I need spiritual direction, i return to the roots of my faith. Shalom aliechem, Rabbi Jacobson!
Rabbinic Judaism is not the roots of Catholicism. Ancient Judaism ended and only the Samaritans practice it. Judaism after Jesus split into Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity. So no the Jews of today are not the elder brothers of the Christians, they are cousins.
Yes shalom aliechem, Rabbi Jacobson!
@@sandraleiva1633 whata bout kabbalistic teachings? pre-rabbinic?
I’ve found what helps me is never feel sorry for yourself and NEVER take things personally. Thanks Rabbi for all the meaningful lessons.
Abuse is personal
It’s happening to ME/YOU, how do you NOT take that personally ? Every one of my family members has stabbed me in the back over selfishness and greed, I couldn’t even think about doing anything unkind to them for no good reason. Animals are my people first, humans are a waste of space. Narcissists , psychopaths…karma is cleaning them up.
@@kimdagnillo8246 animals suck though ,selfish and killers and even cruel
I understand completely. The pain of betrayal is so profound. But I think the key is forgiveness. Just between you and God, proclaim you forgive them. (The ones who betrayed you don't even need to know! Between you and God: pray your forgiveness) Then do not internalize the pain. Allow it to pass. Protect yourself from any further betrayal you can, and do not allow it to change your sweet soul. Continue to love and bring compassion to all. That is how you prevail. Allow God's Love to shine thru you🙏🏽
My prayer is God gives you more years to live.
So amazing message.
"a friendship is a reciprocal relationship" Absolutely!
We're to learn. And to learn, we have to go through something that will change our lives.
Block them out of your life
Another Roman Catholic soaking in the wisdom. Thank you for shining a light!
Your video is so beneficial to me.I have suffered from betrayal …my family did it .I want it out of my system ! I’m so hurt ! What you said is so true! My life is like Joseph’s but I didn’t have a good sense of self from the beginning so it’s been so hard to recover😢
Me too . I feel your pain . I pray for you
You will get there. We are not what has happened to us, we are children of God. Let your Love shine
Beautiful wisdom better than all the therapy I've been through, anger and the thought of revenge can eat you up for years and prolongs the suffering you go through, for me I'm still suffering from betrayals of family ...but..I'm a single dad because of it and that has grown my soul more than anything , not wealthy but feel rich in love and I feel my girls can deal with the world I never could before I got this responsibility.....
Walking away from a toxic family environment, is the best move I've ever made!!
I am a Christian and listening to you rabbi ... thank you. 🙏❤
Saving his listeners thirty years' of therapist's fees was the icing on the cake - terrific talk.
Rabbi, I am a Christian and had previously found and listen to the birthday message. I needed to hear that message for reasons to long for a text. I will be 60 this September 28. My heart feels allot younger but I never thought of my birthday the way you described it.
Even this message gave me hope that it's never too late and that each day should be a day to start over. Thank you for your words of wisdom. I subscribed and will begin to watch all your videos.
Shalom. Bless you.
What you said... "Victim mentality creates more problems "helped. Thank you
Likewise, the comments in this thread are almost like reading my own thoughts and feelings articulated for me... Thank you all as well
This was helpful, I'm also in the process of reclaiming my identity after betrayal and your insights made me think about how I can reframe my perspective. It hasn't come easily. I'm slowly coming to understand that people's cruelty is about them, not me. It wasn't my fault and I survived it all. I am still on my own divine adventure, regardless of those who tried to kill my fire. I am still here, they didn't succeed in taking anything from me. And I've found treasures along the way.
Thank you for your clear, compassionate take on a subject I normally get angry about when others bring it up because it's been a tender wound on my heart for awhile now. I enjoyed listening to the whole video.
This helped me out a lot. My brother tried to get me deleted and till this day I've never gotten over it. Life is dark. Listening to this helped me out a lot. Blessings to you.
Life may be dark, but your soul shines in the darkness🌟 Be light you seek
Powerful talk. No idea how but I watched the entire broadcast, it was so captivating. I cried several times during the hour. God's ways are mysterious but His purity and love is endless.
Rabbi, you are a brilliant man. Almost makes me want to convert. Thank you for this
This Rabbi unfolds all the mysteries of the Bible that I was never taught. I was taught very literal protestant Christianity, it's whitewashed and has turned the Bible into something that it's not. I'm endlessly fascinated on this view of the Bible, I'm genuinely satisfied with his interpretation and ability to interpret the meanings to us in a way thats current and relatable. Wow.
Learn to give with no expectations in return.
Thank you Rabbi Simon Jacobson.
This was amazing! In dealing with pop-phycology and counselors over the last several years I have found that it definitely has its limitations. Everyone is obsessed with narcissists and excommunicating anyone who is considered “toxic.” The problem is that it doesn’t work and as you said it perpetuates a victim mentality. I have had several counselors tell me to block my mother and cut her out of my life. I did that for a few years. I came to realize that her behavior wasn’t personal. She is the way she is and it is how she is programmed… just like a computer. I believe that G-d allows things to happen in our lives and if that is so, then we need to draw a greater good from it. When I stopped taking things personal and looked for the lesson, that is when things changed. My mother invited me to visit the family for the holidays and I really was dreading going to see her and knew it would be a stressful trip. My counselor told me not to go and to follow my instincts. I felt something deeper pushing me to go and step out in faith. I went and it was a painful experience, but we made a breakthrough and I am at peace knowing I did the right thing. She is older with health issues, so you never know how long people will be around. By taking that initiative to step out in faith and do what you are afraid to do really does give you your power back and that is when G-d can step in and do miracles. After years of counseling and not really being that satisfied with it, your talk has given me the missing piece. Such a beautiful, empowering and wise message. Thank you! 🙏🏻
While psychology has its limitations, so does your bumper sticker philosophy.
You sound more like a masochist that hasn’t cut their emotional umbilical chord from mommy and confuses dreading something with fearing it. Not to mention the very useful aspect of fear when it comes to self preservation.
Does it matter that someone murdered a stranger passing by and it wasn’t “personal”?? No.
They still suffered the consequences whether it was personal or not.
“You don’t know how long people will be around” and they don’t know how long you will be around either but they continue to make your life difficult.
“That’s just how they’re wired” and that’s not an excuse.
Perhaps you’re mad at your mom because she didn’t call you princess enough times as a kid or told you a dress made you look fat.
Your “philosophy” could put many people in danger that have suffered serious abuse at the hand of their family or parents.
It worked for You and Your purposes. Leave it at that.
@@mightytaiger3000 Lol 😂 A masochist I am definitely not. Sounds like you have some major anger issues and your projecting your experiences and reality on me.
Did you even listen to the video? I am just echoing what the Rabbi suggested. Where did I suggest other people follow what I did?! I didn’t. I was sharing my own PERSONAL experience. If my PERSONAL experience bothers you than there is clearly some major issues you have within yourself.
Maybe you are a sadist who just gets off on trolling the internet looking to spread doom and gloom on happy people who have overcome their battles. Clearly you are still tied to your own inner demons.
You do you and I will do me.
Love you
Dear Rabbi Jacobson, thank you. It does not matter who we are, Christian or Muslim, we are all humans and relate to every word you say, family, life, our experience here.
This was good Rabbi Jacobson. When I am hurt I have in the past sat in the pain for so long that it had taken over in a sense started to mess with my health. I find this video very helpful to release myself from the prison of mental pain and anguish of my past day by day.
What wonderful advice for anyone who has been betrayed. It took me years to finally make a choice that allowed me to find that divine image. Regardless, I am grateful that I have finally taken the action needed to move my self from victim to a builder, constructor of a life of love and friendship.
Please give some advice how you did it please?
@@CreativeChristianContentYOUR FAITH WILL GUIDE YOU
Thank God for you. Trying to help heal the broken hearts 💕 on earth 🌎 as it is in heaven. God is close to the broken hearted..... So true ...
You walk the hell away and never let them back in. Doesn't take an hour to express that.
A Course in Miracles is all about forgiveness
When people are trying to get a rise out of me, I choose either to feel hurt or to realize that they are not as important to me as I might have construed them to be, and focus on other relationships or endeavors. They own their actions but not my reactions.
I am new to your channel and just ❤your teaching (so far). It’s just so interesting. I want to thank you. Perhaps it is that we will never know the half of what we do in this life - how far our influence goes and how far a good deed ripples out to encourage others. Now, the good side of the internet is that your wonderful teaching here has already gone out to 154, 521 people - instead of the time and effort of your preparation going solely out to your immediate congregation. Baruch Hashem!
I want to tell you how God is working in this matter. A daughter spoke on the phone with me about deep hurts between herself and siblings. I mentioned how Joseph never sought revenge or nurtured anger. That night she perceived God telling her to read a scripture but she was familiar with that particular scripture and wondered if she mis understood. In the morning I opened my video screen and there at the top was your wonderful message, also about Joseph. I was about to turn away from It, thinking,’what could some unfamiliar rabbi tell me that could help? But I perceived and obeyed God’s encouragement and soon sent the video to my daughter who had also obeyed and studied to her amazement the scripture God showed her which answered her questions. When God shows something three times, we should pay attention. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
When the God speaks to you: listen 🙏🏽
Thank you for your advice I needed it so much. God bless you are helping so many.😊
Thank you rabbi my betrayal has helped me to be a stronger soul, but a day doesn't go by that I don't forget. I love the divine he is me and I am him.❤️
I have had the victim mentality my whole life, and I have alienated and hurt people around me, how I wish I had seen this video decades ago, and I am so grateful for this, it’s not too late for me, thank you Rabbi, I can see so clearly what I would have done differently and am encouraged that I can do things different now, thank you.
@robertrichardson - I feel the same way. I could have avoided many self esteem problems/bad choices, if I had a different attitude and had some wise advice to consider.
Rabbi, Thank You , for your, inspirations. I enjoy your lectures so much. God Bless!🙏😇
Pressure forms a diamond. It helps a person see many facets.
Thank you Rabbi Jacobson✡️🙏♥️🔥Wish you and all here a beautiful day!!
I should have known better. I experienced betrayal but instead I became resentful. Because I don't understand why i had to went into those situations when I only loved my family so dearly. It went too long that it almost destroyed me. To the point that i got to pick my pieces up to make me whole again. Good thing my faith is stronger than my odds. I came across similar videos like this one and help me a lot to stay away from being the victim mentality towards the I am in control mentality. That things happens for a reason and that it took me to where I should be right now. Thank you 💖
It appears my life has been one long painful betrayal after another and abuse. In between, I would be the one to for give and move on for my sake. But then I got married to all of them in my husband!!! 😭 I've still been the one forgiving and loving my abuser for 28 years!!! I don't know if I still have an identity cos he has stripped me of any confidence or rather, I have let him that I don't know what to do anymore. It has affected our children. What can I do? as he doesn't want to see me rise. It's all about him or no one else! Appreciate any counsel!
I’m a Christian as well, truly I needed to hear this, God has his hand on me
This video speaks directly to me. Thank you so much. I never understood my relationship with my oldest brother and it deeply affected me as a child. I loved him and feared him at the same time and never knew which one was correct. He passed from brain cancer several years back and I still ask myself on a weekly basis if I could have changed the relationship or if I should have. It distorted my whole view of reality
If you feared him and he did nothing to alleviate that fear,then thats a biiiiiig clue as to who he was.
@@Kittiesinclair5 thanks Laura. His father had committed suicide and he found the body so I think he was kind of numb to the world in all honesty and maybe held onto his own trauma and I picked that up because personality and character defects can be contagious when you're around someone all the time. Just kinda merge personalities to some degree, at least that was my experience.
I forgave him for maybe not understanding what he was doing to me psychologically, or for maybe not being able to control it, but it always bothered me. I wanted to be close to him and let him know I loved him but what he usually ended up getting was a barrage of defense mechanisms and everything but me.
I'm going to listen to this as I go to sleep.
I have been debriefed of my trauma but there's never too much good to learn
In love and light
Hashem connects me with the divine, who is the divine, who I am as well.
I love listening to you!! I don’t have anyone in my life like you. I have a bunch of Job comforters who are of no help.
You are loved. We got you Peggy ❤
Amen. Such a wonderful teaching, it blessed me greatly. I am not a victim, and I refuse to allow pain to shape my identity. Thanks for sharing life. God bless Rabbi
Thankyou Rabbi Jacobson. I was in tears many times throughout this lecture, realising ...... well just realising.........
Thank you so very much. This is so encouraging and inspiring! Thank you.
Toda Rabbi Jacobson. G-D has blessed you with so much wisdom and in turn your teaching was a very much needed blessing for me at this exact time! 💙🙏🕎
Thanks Baruch HaShem G-D bless you all. Awhile ago I was thinking about Joseph and asked for help in working out how he stayed so righteous throughout his life. Jacob Israel was a great father and his Mother as well . I got my answer from you Baruch HaShem.
Never Look back and tell everyone what they did to you
so grateful for Rabbi Jacobson providing these lectures.
Imagine if - after some horrific event - instead of a therapist who withholds advice so you can come in for years to discuss your unchanging Victim Status - that Rabbi sits down and says "What did you learn from this? How are you going to use this for Good?"
Not becoming a permanent Victim while recognizing betrayal. How will I use this pain and suffering as opportunity for good?
I will listen to this again, let my body absorb the Truth.
Thank you, Rabbi, I really needed to hear all of this today. Blessings to you and yours
A very pleasant good morning to you Rabbi Jacobson. Imagine, here I am listening to you giving such IMPORTANT TEACHINGS, and IN THE MIDDLE of your presentation came an add, with profanity. THAT spoiled everything
This is a profound word!! I love Listening to this because he’s gentle, open and compassionate with stating facts .!
Thank you, Rabbi Jacobson, from a Catholic girl. 🙏🏻
I don't need love, apologies, thous who betrayed me automatically become strangers and their betrayals do not bother me any longer. No matter who it was husband, children, or relatives.
Very good point. Thank you.
Thank you for all you do to help others.
Thank you Rabbi, I greatly enjoy listening to your teaching.
I am so glad I came upon your channel Rabbi Jacobsen....your wise words have given me giudance.
The only way to find peace after a betrayal is to choose to forgive. And forgivemess is a process. It's not a decision. And that process may go on for the rest of your life. You may reach the end of your life without truly forgiving, but you can continue to try to forgive. You can say "I forgive you", but meaning it, and feeling it, are different things. You have to keep practising your forgiveness and if you observe your feelings closely, as you move along in your journey to forgive, you will feel, little by little, a softening of your feelings towards your betrayer. But don't expect to 'forgive' and feel better all in one day. And it's true that finding others who have been betrayed, will help your journey too. Betrayal can and does, happen to so many of us. And there is strength in being with others who have suffered.
Living well is the best revenge
thank you, Rabbi!
This is a shiur every Jew should live by & get strength to go on & succeed, ones whole life. Thank you for being there to help others by explaining the Peshat in the Tora in your special way. Shabbat Shalom
I'm learning SO MUCH by watching your videos. Thank you for all that you do.
I was hated and persecuted by a group of " fake friends" who at all cost desired my demise, to put me down all the time, to believe that they are better than me, to do all sorts of games and tricks. I was 19/20, and I did a lot for these girls, I treated them as my equal partners and made effort to see them with good eyes and good deeds. While they are pretending that they are good and innocent people till this day. This experience was very difficult for me until today and some years have passed. Wrong people can create a lot of damage. But God is on my side and has helped me a lot.
My mother would say 'thankful for this day. Thy will be done'. I dip into that when I have experienced the betrayal I do not understand as I cannot conceive of treating anyone this way or that. I don't look for retribution as consequences are not mine to give.
You talk gives me renewed courage to continue to embrace the unknown future. This is eternal wisdom. Thank you!
I am a Christian as well and enjoy listening to Rabbi Simon Jacobson, his explanations are detailed and easy to understand. He makes the lessons meaningful to me.
How would Joseph have reacted differently if his brothers had shown NO remorse when they saw him in Egypt? I am struggling with forgiveness after a life-altering betrayal by my 2 brothers, and after 5 yrs there has been no accountability, remorse, apology, or concern for my broken heart. They were victims of narcissistic abuse, but are narcs themselves, and I sometimes wonder if they are evil. I need no convincing of the importance or value of forgiveness, but it's hard when my options are abandonment or further abuse.
The scars of betrayal run deep…atm, in our home, my ex husbands betrayal of me with a woman the same age as our daughters, has caused as much pain to our daughters as it as to me….I’m not sure we can recover.
Genesis often points to sibling rivalry and also parents playing favorites which pits siblings against one another.
Sounds like my narcissistic mother
& my selfish horrible traitorous family.
I'm not even sure why I stay
Honouring & loving my remaining parent
Or pretending to forgive them because
I have nobody and nowhere else to go.
Either way, it takes true strength to remain
I see a wonderful future of freedom ahead
I can afford the years of my life to help
her until she leaves this world and place.
Some run away but I am one who stays.
They say Narcissists are like demons
But what darkness can withstand the light
@@michaelmalech5742 My single mother is a Narcissist. I get it.
If life is to be about learning, then these
people & situations are what refines us.
Thank you so much Rabbi. 💛 Awesome wisdom
Thank you Rabbi you helped me today to recognize my strengths and look with loving kindness on my weaknesses. I'm going now to visit my elderly neighbor cause I've been putting it off!
I am that type of friend for real. But rarely get that back in people in return. I don’t think I even have 1.
And how about when family betrays you, as in my experience, I then went my own way to end the abuse only to have them allege that by my doing this is me betraying them. I believe this is what is called 'gas lighting' me. In other words, supposedly, they're making me into the one who has betrayed by walking away from the experience in order to be free.
Exactly. The whole thing is a Jew scheme, a con where everyone is expected to yield to the chosen manipulator and evil doers. This is horrid!
This video is, so so helpfull.
One of the best videos I came across lately.
Thank you..thank you..thank you!
Many Blessings to you all!
It's truly curious and wonderful for me to have recently started listening to and watching your messages. I have been been betrayed in the past however I thought I was immune or had a handle on it. Then BAM!! It happens again.
This time is manageablely different. Guess because I older more understanding of life I am not bitter and hateful like before.
However your explanation and examples have allowed me to absorb and grow as a human being. Guess it's just a lesson that I had to relearn and process completely and correctly.
Thanks good teacher glad you were around this time to help me graduate so to speak. 🙂👍 My feeling of control over the situation is priceless.
You are well grounded and have a good demeanor. I like your contribution. Keep it going. Thank you.
I, my Soul, has only known betrayal.. but I have learned infinite Forgiveness. There is Noone ever to point a finger at, besides our self
No doubt your betrayers are super happy that you blame yourself for their cruelty toward you. Congratulations
Many relatives enjoy taking advantage of their closeness to your mom and dad and throw BS at you as a child, and then a few minutes before your parents arrive they suddenly turn into "nice people". Plenty of my childhood traumas (anxiety, lack of confidence) derived from their psychological abuse, now they are old and never apologized, but want to play nice and approach me and my family as if nothing happened when I visit mom. I am a God-fearing man, but I swear sometimes I wish I had revenge on them, I would enjoy it for sure.
Honestly you could just reject gifts and say you would they rather not send more than a card or not at all. But true not apologizing is not acceptable.
A timely reminder of a valuable lesson. Thank you so much!
Thank you I’m 8n distress and everything your saying pertains to me ,,I cannot get over many things,,,
Thank you for sharing! The opposite of victim is victorious! May we continue to take the initiative and overcome! ❤️
I was once trying to work something out and was hoping for inspiration and a voice said How much of your thought is actually yours? I was taken aback. Then you question everything. When born your bodies mind explores its invironment and it is taught how to act and think. You collect memories of these thoughts through which tou act. They become you. Their comes a point when you start to become your own thought choices rather than others thought who use it to dictate. Pharoah. Others around you will get angry that you become independent of their rule. Power is the number of people who support your thought. Generally the sheep. The soul is from God. It is the thought of good. The body is thought of self. The soul needs you to be open to recieve. Joseph stands for being open hearted. When the world he lives in is full of closed souls who steal energy from each other and desire power over others, Joseph is open. The famine is symbolically a shortage of energy. Joseph takes all the energy and then shares it out equally. This is like heaven where all thought can be shared equally and safely. Nothing is kept but energy flows constantly so that each soul recieves and shares thought energy. The world we see is enclosed in a boundry of self. We percieve a limit of resources. The soul percieves open thought which is above the boundry of self. The Jordan into the promised land. We need to cultivate the promised land in our mind by eliminating thought that others have forced onto us to enslave. Hard work to destroy the building blocks of our thought that entraps us. Jericho.
Wow. Love the deep thinking in your comment. It all makes sense.
@@ChanelThomas248 Thankyou.
I'm very practical about it. It takes 10 years to heal my heart each time it was broken. For me it's been to avoid dating completely, avoid shows, concerts, anywhere where I see happy couples. Throw myself into work and make sure it's long and hard hours to avoid thinking and feeling. During off hours study, and keep studying (can't stand TV, so research every story they drone on about in 12 international sources and see through their drivel, and basically prove they are chronic liars). Also I skip Christmas and all romantic music, church and everything which depicts lovely family settings - because it makes me feel like I'm choking and drowning not to experience that. So I avoid all events which involve seeing families and children, I can't stand the pain. So I keep head down and keep working, (oh of course laugh and joke, put on a good act), and still keep working till the next time it happens. And I only meet someone who interests me about once every 5 years, and they may not be single and emotionally free to engage, and I don't date during emotional recovery times. I have to feel emotionally free to give it another chance. But now, while not wanting to be lonely, the idea of dating gives me a panic attack. I can no longer do it. (Anyway, the only thing that matters is a complete meeting of the minds and synergy - if that's not there, there's not much point)!
You’re running out of decades
You’re letting your betrayal and pain control your life- sad.
Oh Trisha, why do you keep punishing yourself !
One year is too long , why a decade come on girl.
Start by learning to love yourself. No person with self-love will continue punishing themselves the way you are hurting yourself. Are you completing the abuse that your former partners began? I feel very sorry for you but you are also very foolish. Only you can change it. Have the courage to correct your self-flagellation please?
Imho: the minute you realize it's not "about you" but rather, it's about GOD'S Will and you are here to be a servant to His plan and for His pleasure, things change. Having "friends" that are in sinc with that level of spiritual maturity is a bonus to me. I see all obstacles or hurtful experiences as opportunities to make giant strides spiritually (a gift). It is like the "what you see is what you get" idea moment by moment for me. Do not choose to focus on being a victim (or you will be a victim). Choose the greatest of these = Love. Consider it instead as a "beautiful learning experience" in your wonderful life full of mysterious GOD-given experiences. GOD always turns the bad into good if you believe and are not discouraged in that belief of GOD'S LOVE OF US. UNITY.
Thank you for this video. It’s helpful for me to get through betrayal from my brother and ex husband.
This is great, Rabbi. Thanks so much for your wisdom.
If I may correct something you said Rabbi @31:55 "King David, the 1st king of Isreal "... from prim sch teachings the 1st king of Isreal was King Saul who was anointed by Samuel. David became 2nd king of Isreal following the death of Saul & his son Jonathan in a battle... "Thy glory O Isreal is slain upon thy high places, how are the mighty fallen... tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Ashelon lest the daughters of philistines rejoice...Saul & Jonathan beloved and lovely, in life and in death they were not separated... they were swifter than eagles and stronger than lions...
Thanks for your wise teachings Rabbi, Much appreciated 🙏🏾
So wise. Thankyou, from now on I will not let the betrayals control my life.
My middle name is Josefa and your presentation resonated with me.
Thank you, Rabbi Jacobson.
I wish i never knew them all my life but my God has made them wish they never met me now either. I feel much better now that God has spoken for me himself because anything I shared was what was revealed to myself as well. He's truly the only parent I have ever known and I will worship him until the night my breath leaves my body.
Thank you.i will listen to this everyday to remind me until I find myself again.
I needed this..I'll choose that true part inside me to be the driver for now on.