They didn't care how.much it cost to let them in. Flying them from city to city, housing them, feeding them. Now they complain about the cost to send them back? Hypocrites.
Whatever the cost it will be a net savings. The benefits cost was huge but the increase in demand also drove up prices for food and housing for everyone.
They didn't care how.much it cost to let them in. Flying them from city to city, housing them, feeding them. Now they complain about the cost to send them back? Hypocrites.
Whatever the cost it will be a net savings. The benefits cost was huge but the increase in demand also drove up prices for food and housing for everyone.
The DEI hires know they days are number too. She knows it 😅😅😅😅😅
Simply tell her they will have to take some of her wig, nail and makeup money to help house and feed her friends then watch how quickly she gets it.
That’s so cool what you said lol agreed
That DEI host is the absolute worst. She has zero credibility.
It costs us more to keep them...
That lady always has a snobby smirk on her face.
Abby: "Well, no Jennings tonight, so, should be a cakewalk!" ;)
"dON't cAlL tHeM IlleGAls!!!!!" - What she was saying in her head.
I wish Trump would sue this activist!
ITS NOT FREE….. somebody is paying for it.
Another issue is when Venezuela says no way to letting their supermax prisoners back in-country.
Imagine being a host and disagreeing with this !
She went quite PALE.
Maybe she can host a couple of families at her residence.
Good message messed up with all the "humorous" add ins.
Oh, now they care about government spending GTFO