While I understand the reason why this zeon weapon was scrap in favor of the zaku you got to admit it a pretty good weapon that did it job, a long range cannon able to fire with enough force to destroy a federation ship plus at this time federation did not even have any mobile suits let alone the first prototypes mobile suits for space battle. So it was perfect for just sitting in the back and sniping it enemy's, plus the shock wave from a miss was strong enough to knock a ship off course an, from the looks of it disable the ship in mid flight path.
I mean, not really? It takes a long ass time to charge, requires spotter, escort and a fleet to prevent enemy from bum rushing this thing. Remeber, federation DID have balls, and this thing doesnt look remotely armored.
@@ToTlToT which again is why they opted for the zaku the cannon was a good idea in paper in action not so much. But this gun was also internally sabotage to make the zaku looks good from them making the team wait so long, which lead to a blind fire shot, and even had zero ships protecting it.
@MarsGundam I think the reason it was not used on ship was do to the large amount of energy and blow back the weapon had that putting it on a ship would most likely shut down the whole systems
23:36辺り 「俺たちは最初から冷飯食わされてるんだ。例え戦力外でも俺は撃つぞ」って心に残った。
thanks for the upload. love MS IGLOO
ah yes, 240p my old enemy it is good to see you again
While I understand the reason why this zeon weapon was scrap in favor of the zaku you got to admit it a pretty good weapon that did it job, a long range cannon able to fire with enough force to destroy a federation ship plus at this time federation did not even have any mobile suits let alone the first prototypes mobile suits for space battle. So it was perfect for just sitting in the back and sniping it enemy's, plus the shock wave from a miss was strong enough to knock a ship off course an, from the looks of it disable the ship in mid flight path.
I mean, not really?
It takes a long ass time to charge, requires spotter, escort and a fleet to prevent enemy from bum rushing this thing.
Remeber, federation DID have balls, and this thing doesnt look remotely armored.
@@ToTlToT which again is why they opted for the zaku the cannon was a good idea in paper in action not so much. But this gun was also internally sabotage to make the zaku looks good from them making the team wait so long, which lead to a blind fire shot, and even had zero ships protecting it.
The weapon should've been incorporated into a large battleship. Imagine a Gwazine class with a special cannon like that.
@MarsGundam I think the reason it was not used on ship was do to the large amount of energy and blow back the weapon had that putting it on a ship would most likely shut down the whole systems
That's the problem. Big boom = big target. Just like contemporary artillery you need to fire and move.
Oh, more of this please.
I got the entire series
@@solmanthe1st835 release them pls
7:41 総帥府ペーネミュンデ機関を示すワッペン:ドイツ第三帝国のSS特務機関のそれ+棒鍵🗝️の形は「武装親衛隊・第1SS師団」の所属車両に表示されていた
7:42 ペーネミュンデ機関を表す「P」のモノグラム:ドイツ第三帝国での国防軍エリート師団「グロス・ドイッチュラント師団」や武装親衛隊「第1SS師団」の所属将兵の肩章にそれぞれついていた「GD」及び「LAH」が組み合わせたモノを意識している。老舗ミリタリーショップ「サムズミリタリ屋」様の協力のお陰ですわ
7:56 「rush buckets」…日本語では「筆箱(pen case)」なのに、英語字幕では「屑籠」、辛辣…
I like that Oliver didn't agree with Operation British.
Hi irosuko Yamamoto, I wanted to know if you are going to continue writing fanfics?
@@こ次郎様 貴重なご意見ありがとうございます。大口径砲の運用として、敵味方双方入り乱れた状態から敵撤退のタイミングとなるとこの場合、血気にはやったMSが敵に取り付こうとするので、とどめを刺すにはリスクが高いと思われます。作中にも言われている「正確なる間接射撃指示」があれば別ですが、よほど優秀かつ冷静な老練の指揮官でもいない限り厳しいでしょう。
Si Zeon hubiese producido por lo menos 10 unidades del Jormungand, en la batalla de A Baoa Qu habrían causado muchas más bajas en el bando federal.
Your awesome
21:52 シャアか!?
p pencil case!?
4:43 くるりんぱすき
Why is that every time someone uploads MS IGLOO episodes, its poor quality
5:59 Nani? Salamis dorifto?
13:04 They all Knew what this meant.
Only the top brass knew it tbf
Is this dubbed in English anywhere?
maybe there is,but,i've never seen
i have looking for english dud too.
Bring back your gacha content
No, Gundam is better than gacha
@@nemueru straight fax. Glory to Zeon
遥か(ほるるか) 遥(うんこ) 糞(はるか)