@Joel Villarreal I don’t think showing loyalty is ever hard. It’s a natural thing and some people have it and some people don’t. You say it’s hard when you suck? Well yea? That’s the point of being a fan? It’s easy when your winning. That’s why everyone and they mom starts to go for the teams that’s winning
forgot about these two, look at the fckin' Biedrins.
more Jamal Crawford videos please
Bet half these so called "warriors" fans don't even know about this squad or that Jamal even played for them...
I'm suree these people on that arena know and still a fan
@Joel Villarreal exactly. Really ones stick with their team Good or Bad. People like to bandwagon and ride 🍆 now a days. No loyalty
@Joel Villarreal I don’t think showing loyalty is ever hard. It’s a natural thing and some people have it and some people don’t. You say it’s hard when you suck? Well yea? That’s the point of being a fan? It’s easy when your winning. That’s why everyone and they mom starts to go for the teams that’s winning
Jamal Crawford belongs in the HOF 4 real though!!!! Smh
Jamal like shoot I ain't scared of Kobe who me ..n please let's go ..😅😅
Rip mamba kobe hit somebody wit a hesi at the 3 line ended up at the cup easily
Jamal Crawford