Badr Hari and Remy Bonjasky meet for the first time in this classic bout. 12/08/2007 Watch Badr return to the ring at GLORY 76, December 19th on PPV. BUY NOW at:
In my opinion, Badr won round 1 and 2. Yes, Remy did throw more leg kicks in round 2, but Badr was wayy more active and landed a lot of body shots. The match should had ended either a victory for Badr or a draw.
11:20 is subtle but so fucking sick, they simultaneously try to full power leg kick and it ends up being shin on shin, probably way more painful than a standard kick check
حقش بود یک راند دیگر میگذاشتند.هرچند من معتقدم که (حری،) برده بود.امتیاز ،حری، بیشتر بود،ضمن اینکه من فکر میکنم، رمی، دوپینگ کرده بود، قبل از آمدن توی صحنه بازی خمیازه خواب آلود کشید که شک بر انگیز بود.ولی، رمی، هم خوب بود.عالی بود.👍👏🤞👌
I've heard that from multiple people, and it's true, to an extent, but what did Remy do in terms of offense that was much better than Badr? Bard also landed some really good punches to the body. I'm not a fan of scoring defense in kickboxing if you're not at least tied in offense, which I don't think they were.
The injuries werent fake, but what he was doing was stomping his opponents when they were on the ground. Like Bonjasky in the other fight or Gerges, if he saw that he couldnt win, so they would disqualify him.
@@mitchellbouterse2859 op punten had Badr gewoon gewonnen, k1 heeft hem laten verliezen omdat ze in contractonderhandeling zaten en er niet uitkwamen. Je bent hier niet van op de hoogte, vandaar dat jij overtuigd bent dat Bonjasky had gewonnen🤡😂
@@mitchellbouterse2859 Badr neerging??🤡🤡😂 wanneer dan?? In dit gevecht ging niemand neer vriend. Badr heeft overduidelijk gewonnen, als je dat niet kan zien dan heb je er geen verstand van. Luister gewoon naar de kenners, zoals Hoost die het zelf heeft gezegd als commentator. Oja, badr was hier 22, Bonjasky 31🤡🤡 alsnog kreeg ie er van langs
@@Oussama-nf2zi klopt dat was een ander gevecht. Mijn fout. Ik vind dat bonkasky hier fair heeft gewonnen. Hoost kan zeggen wat hij wil. Bonjasky vond ik de betere en vele met mij🤷🏽♂️. Weinig mensen staan stil bij jou verhaal 🤦🏽♂️want badr heeft niet gewonnen. Rico was de mindere vechter tegen badr in beide gevechten. Maar wie heeft verloren? Vertel maar👂🏽. Precies. Badr. Uiteindelijk onthoud niemand verliezers. En geloof me ik vond Badr de meest getalenteerde en boeiende vechter van de afgelopen 20 jaar. Niet blijven hangen in t verleden🥺.....move on 👍🏽
Per me Badri Hari ha vinto👊 ....non ne giusto la decisione che ha preso il judici vergognati judici. No amo Badri Hari pero giustamente ha vinto lui .....
I am a fan of Bonjasky but honestly Badr won the 1st and 2nd and the 3rd was almost a draw or a loss by short. Sould have been at least an extra round and Remy should have won it as he had better stamina. Maybe the judges expected it and wanted him to get a chance for the grand prix
Rémy bonjansky la légende 🥇🏆👍 badr hari qand il triche pas il perd aussi donc tu voi ces con de tricher mec car en plus tu te tape bien aussi je trouve face à un gars comme ça tenir tous les round ces déjà pas mal avec encore beaucoup d'entrainement plus tard on ne peut pas savoir mes tricher ces ridicule se que tu a fait contre Rémy a l'autre rencontre que tu a eu avec lui.
Two of the greatest fighters. I remembered watching this on Eurosport. Fantastic fight !!
I agree. But the japanese judges are a Joke. Badr won this fight 100%, no doubt About iT.
@@casanegra2934 no,Remy won.
Is that you Rémy ? Lol
@@casanegra2934 nope :I
The offensive master vs the defensive master, what a fight, both legends. I watched it live at the time.
I agree with Host's judgement. Badr won this fight.
Hoost didn’t say that Badr won, he said he thought it was a draw
@@bennyz5515 he said haricwon
wrong! Hoost said draw and an extra round needed - so wake up dummy!
@@samsesk3917 no he said draw
Bravo badr hari 👏
In my opinion, Badr won round 1 and 2.
Yes, Remy did throw more leg kicks in round 2, but Badr was wayy more active and landed a lot of body shots.
The match should had ended either a victory for Badr or a draw.
Remy Bonjasky The Legend.
Wie legend 😂😭😂
@@lucky7187aaa wat wil je zeggen? Dus Badr Hari is wel een legend en Remy niet? Fuckoff man fanboy
@@lucky7187aaa Als gij dat niet weet, hadde gij poep in dun ogen jongeh.
@@jaccojacco1075 Exactly. Both are legends.
@@shvettyballs7045 facts!!!🥊
21:25 "badr hari has taken more strikes than a bowling alley" hahahah
Aausie judges commentator are best😍
No doubt Badr Hari won this match, Remy did almost nothing on this fight just some shy punches and wasting time
Badar hary end beni Romania badar sleep 😂😂😂😂
@@MojazInfono he wasn’t 😂
Badr hari is no 1
Viva Morocco!/ Long live Morocco!
Thank you for the fight Glory.
It was K-1
@@LNP83 oh! thank K-!!!!
@@LNP83 lol
Badr is so technical! He won! Landed more clean punches and kicks
BADR 😍😍😍😍😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
11:20 is subtle but so fucking sick, they simultaneously try to full power leg kick and it ends up being shin on shin, probably way more painful than a standard kick check
these guys were beasts
Remy bonjasky légende
Оба достойны, но на мой взгляд победил Бадр.
I love Kickboxing
Remy bonjasky was the reason why i started kickboxing , remy was also my nickname 👊🏾👊🏾
congrats to Remy for winning the Hollywood acting oscar
Ajajajaja don't cry remy was better badr never win remy two fights remy win don't cry marrocan gay
Says the non fighter
Badr Hari legend
حقش بود یک راند دیگر میگذاشتند.هرچند من معتقدم که (حری،) برده بود.امتیاز ،حری، بیشتر بود،ضمن اینکه من فکر میکنم، رمی، دوپینگ کرده بود، قبل از آمدن توی صحنه بازی خمیازه خواب آلود کشید که شک بر انگیز بود.ولی، رمی، هم خوب بود.عالی بود.👍👏🤞👌
Badr hari is one the best fighter.....
wrong decision ( round 1& 2 for Badr Hari ). round 3 draw
Round 2 for Remy becouse he Blocks Most punches from badr and Scores with lowkicks
Draw😂 Rémy is had a good defense and demolished Badr left leg in the 3rd. Rémy win
I see as 1 and 2 for Badr 3 as draw .and watched it 3 times too .👉
11:20 that hurts, I feel that!!
If a regular person takes that leg kick he wouldn’t be able to walk again in a month 😂😂😂😂😂
@Jan bevroren yeah probably
Hari is great fighter
Remy was better, pulled it off in the third round. Badr was more active in round 1/2, but didn't land much.
I Thing Same one badr was active yes but Remy blocks 70% of his Punches and Scores every round with low kicks
لا اله الا انت سبحانك انى كنت من الظالمين ,,, استغفروا الله العظيم وصلوا على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا وحبيبنا ونبينا محمد
Legend Hari. The best forever
Badr hari win..
surinamese fighters are tooo strong.. 7 K1 titles for Surinamese fighters. They are the best.
🇸🇷🇸🇷 mi mamagron , mi moi switi kondé.
Yes ,they are good .But whole of tham are training from Dutch coach. Dutch kickboxing academy is the best of the world look like.
@@deyanpetkov2544 Brooo Suriname you dont understand 🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🥊💪🏾 only Surinam rembeber that🇸🇷👍🏾😁
@@sayfudeen7781 no, without Holland you wouldn't see any of these guys, remember that.
Definitely thought Badr won this fight.
Bonyasky figh much better badr is a loser
Most of Hari punches landed in Cover , looks spectacular , but not much count.
I've heard that from multiple people, and it's true, to an extent, but what did Remy do in terms of offense that was much better than Badr? Bard also landed some really good punches to the body. I'm not a fan of scoring defense in kickboxing if you're not at least tied in offense, which I don't think they were.
What a shame! Badr Hari got robbed!!!
Unfortunately, either these judges had there head in their Ass's or it was Fixed!!!
I think draw would be fair but Hari didn’t win
@@topcomment3993 he won 100%. You simply have to be stupid to think he did not win round 1 and 2.
Badr hit hard but Remy blocked everything and passed Badr guard on several occasion. The result is logical
Badr legend!!!!lemmy he is only good fighter nothing else.he figths sneaky against great warriors like badr,mirco and thats why no one remember him
Lol all real kickboxing fans remember Remy he is 3x k1 champion, only little casuals agree with you and think only Badr was great
@@bennyz5515 i didn't say great... he's legend! lemmy won figths with womans crying at the end..thats why he is a forgotten figther
@@dadosdados47 yea only forgotten by delusional fanboys like you who know nothing about the sport
@@bennyz5515 ok you can wake up now champ!
Amazing fight!
This was the hungry badr hari, not the same badr hari from nowadays that fakes injuries after he doesn’t manage to get a KO in de first round.
The injuries werent fake, but what he was doing was stomping his opponents when they were on the ground. Like Bonjasky in the other fight or Gerges, if he saw that he couldnt win, so they would disqualify him.
@Decebal Burebista get your tongue out of badr ass then maby u will see it too
In my humble opinion, it was a draw but I honestly don't think Dadr had anything left for a 4th round, so the correct decision was given.
It was a 3 round fight so Doesn't make any sense.
@@karankickboxingchamp I believe the rules were if after 3 rounds the judges cannot call a winner it goes to a 4th and even a 5th round.
@@karankickboxingchamp if it’s a draw the judges call for a 4th round that’s the rules
The youngest k-1 champion
Badr army 🥶🥶🥶🥶
Bravo badri hari
The good old days amazing
Remy clearly won by scoring more lowkicks anyone who claims otherwise is just bias
I personally think draw
متى موعد نزاله القادم ؟
19 دجنبر
19 December 2020 bader VS Benny
@@abdelboukti7299 thanks 🙏🏻
По мне так Бадр победил
Как минимум - в 2х раундах.
@@ВАСИЛИЙГлазков-ъ4и the first round was draw the second badr won the third remy won for me it’s draw
god bless you
Quelle. Technique. Badr. Incroyable. Mais. Vrai Algérie
Morroco Morocco 🔥🔥🔥🇲🇦💪🏼
Badr Hari Hari had won the points. But the K-1 rule as in boxing. The outsider must knock out the favorite and hold the title.
Badr Hari king
Badr Hari won the fight , wrong decision
Never. Rémy had a good defense. Not because Badr was the aggressor he won...nah. Not alle The punshes came trough. Rémy demolished Badrs left leg😂😂
@@mitchellbouterse2859 op punten had Badr gewoon gewonnen, k1 heeft hem laten verliezen omdat ze in contractonderhandeling zaten en er niet uitkwamen. Je bent hier niet van op de hoogte, vandaar dat jij overtuigd bent dat Bonjasky had gewonnen🤡😂
@@Oussama-nf2zi dat Badr neerging in dat gevecht was ook afgesproken zeker met K1🤣🤣🤷🏽♂️jij zal het wel weten🤥
@@mitchellbouterse2859 Badr neerging??🤡🤡😂 wanneer dan?? In dit gevecht ging niemand neer vriend. Badr heeft overduidelijk gewonnen, als je dat niet kan zien dan heb je er geen verstand van. Luister gewoon naar de kenners, zoals Hoost die het zelf heeft gezegd als commentator. Oja, badr was hier 22, Bonjasky 31🤡🤡 alsnog kreeg ie er van langs
@@Oussama-nf2zi klopt dat was een ander gevecht. Mijn fout. Ik vind dat bonkasky hier fair heeft gewonnen. Hoost kan zeggen wat hij wil. Bonjasky vond ik de betere en vele met mij🤷🏽♂️. Weinig mensen staan stil bij jou verhaal 🤦🏽♂️want badr heeft niet gewonnen. Rico was de mindere vechter tegen badr in beide gevechten. Maar wie heeft verloren? Vertel maar👂🏽. Precies. Badr. Uiteindelijk onthoud niemand verliezers. En geloof me ik vond Badr de meest getalenteerde en boeiende vechter van de afgelopen 20 jaar. Niet blijven hangen in t verleden🥺.....move on 👍🏽
Badr hari
Konu kickbox ise tartışmasız 1 numara Badr Hari
بدر هاري 😚😚😚
All i have to say is that Badr definitely not lost this fight. Cheers for the awesome judgement 😂
İşte bu dogru karar bravo bonjaski
what fight were those judges watching
Отличный бой! Remy is legendary😎
الغش لم يترك اي بلد.بدر هاري هو الفائز دون شك💴😡
Never ever 1st round draw 2nd round badr 3rd round remy
Per me Badri Hari ha vinto👊 ....non ne giusto la decisione che ha preso il judici vergognati judici.
No amo Badri Hari pero giustamente ha vinto lui .....
Luta parelha, vi vitória do Bonjasky mas dava para fazer um round extra
Bravo badr vive Maroc Sahara marocain vive Mohamed 6 ..
Badr GOAT🐐👑
Bedir aslanlar gibi dövüştü maçı Bedir kazandı bu maçta ırkçılık var
Bravo Remy
Judges were so biased badr hari a clear winner of this fight
Badr got robbed! Even hoost said it
No hoost said draw
Deze gevecht was voor badr eigenlijk
Remy blocked almost %80 of punches that's because he won the match
just 1 for this man is : morocan LEGEND of world
Bader legende
Well i don’t hate him but I don’t love him either, so stop the bullshit
Badr 💪 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👑
I am a fan of Bonjasky but honestly Badr won the 1st and 2nd and the 3rd was almost a draw or a loss by short. Sould have been at least an extra round and Remy should have won it as he had better stamina. Maybe the judges expected it and wanted him to get a chance for the grand prix
I saw it 1st round draw second round badr 3rd round remy so a 4th round would be fair
1r badr
2r draw
3r remy
I think remy looks overwhelming in 3rd round more than badr looks in 1st round
So 30-29 remy, very understable
Yeah you definitely could see it that way personally I would fight them the 4th round
2r was badr for sure idk what you watched
Wtf badr hari won this fight,the only round remy maybe won was the third..
Nou 2023 badr stille now chamipoen en he wil never
Ese bonjazki si encontró su piedra ...
This was recent or is old?
2007 i think
Wrong decision badr should be the winner
Vive maroc vive bader hari
This channel iş Badr channel?
Și care este mai bun???
Remy did a better job. The experience beats the power.
Badr won that. Judges got it wrong. 2 rounds to Badr easy if not 3.
Un super combat. Mais pour moi il y avait match remporté par badr où nul
Badr N1
Rémy bonjansky la légende 🥇🏆👍 badr hari qand il triche pas il perd aussi donc tu voi ces con de tricher mec car en plus tu te tape bien aussi je trouve face à un gars comme ça tenir tous les round ces déjà pas mal avec encore beaucoup d'entrainement plus tard on ne peut pas savoir mes tricher ces ridicule se que tu a fait contre Rémy a l'autre rencontre que tu a eu avec lui.
Badr won 💯
It was too close, they should've done another round.
bu maçın hakkı BEDR HARİ nindi bence
I got 2-1 for Badr Hari. One more round would’ve helped
Esse Hari não e desse mundo não o cara e demais
Бадл победил,засудили. Баньяске тоже не промах,но тут явно проиграл,я ставил на него
Badr should have won this
Nah Thats cap not more than draw
Remy win badr never win remy remy is better, more kicks more powerful remy badr was broke in the last round remy champion
Badr...the ultimate choke artist.