If you do not want to be followed around when u shop, just kindly inform the retail sales and they will leave u alone. Also, informal greetings, such as 'how are you doing today', has long been a part of the courtesy in Canada. I dun understand how it could be interpreted as a form of nuisance. If your brother is planning to become a citizen in Canada, he would be better off adapting to the Canadian mindset. It is really rude to call people annoying just because they greet u.
@@Vitti.in.Canada 有時我喺街見到人, 如果人哋同我有兩目交投嘅話, 好多時我都同佢/姖點下頭同埋微笑一下。譬如同啲 cashiers 可以講一兩句笑話, 唔好當人哋係機器。又譬如同後面嗰個人推住道門等人哋可以行出嚟等等, 等等, 人哋話, "Thank you", 你可以話, "Oh, no worries", etc. 要快啲留意下&學下呢啲 etiquette, 如果唔係畀人哋 "discriminate" - even subtly - 亦都唔怪得人, 同香港人見到大陸人踎喺街或者通街小便一樣, 係因為自己無禮貌啫, 咁就唔好啦。最大鑊就係畀人哋一竹篙捧一船人, "嗰啲香港人, 個個都係咁衰㗎啦..." The key is to notice your surroundings and make connection with other people you don't even know, rather than treating other people as "just some Joe Blow out there"...
having family here is a bless, good for you :)
hope you and your brother is doing well !!!
Thank you! You too!
I am glad you have recovered❤️
啱啊 馬路如虎口~
me too T^T
大部分国家的地铁都是没有信号的哈, 我去过几十个国家的地铁,好像就是香港日本中国的地铁信号比较好
@@Vitti.in.Canada 哈,是的,我在香港工作一年,北美生活和香港比,就是一下安静下来
@@keyneslonely1078 Subway stations have WIFI but not cell signals.
已經好返啦 多謝你!
TTC,常壞車或星期六、日都維修。入電梯都會say greeting. Have a nice day…..
係呀!!成日都要搭shuttle bus 好煩呀😭
加拿大既電器舖好多sales埋黎同你「打招呼」,一個講完第二個又來,因為想你幫襯佢賺個commission 🤪
而家識講just browsing🤣
第一次睇您嘅作品 恭喜您好返同埋攞到Offer啦😊 係下次更新之前我慢慢啲睇下您以前啲Upload啦
多謝你🥰ttc 係多倫多嘅subway~
Toronto Transit Commission runs the transit network throughout GTA.
@@davewong4834 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
In US, many large stores and restaurants have free WIFI. In Canada, it is rare; Starbucks have free WIFI.
TTC connect 收到架
god bless you to recover
Congratulations to your job offer.
thank you!! ❤️
thank you ❤️
Good luck.
Thanks, you too!
Good for you
thanks ❤️❤️❤️
Freedom Mobile is the only network works in TTC
Oh!!! But Koodo is much more cheaper so I pick it🤣
If you do not want to be followed around when u shop, just kindly inform the retail sales and they will leave u alone.
Also, informal greetings, such as 'how are you doing today', has long been a part of the courtesy in Canada. I dun understand how it could be interpreted as a form of nuisance. If your brother is planning to become a citizen in Canada, he would be better off adapting to the Canadian mindset. It is really rude to call people annoying just because they greet u.
yes~ We get used to it!
你細佬未必有病癥,我都得極 mild 嘅症狀。
@@Vitti.in.Canada yup but both of you are healthy now. That’s important! 中咗之後好似百病不侵。
so big room啊,我要去投靠你地,訓聼就得哈哈哈哈
@@Vitti.in.Canada 🤩🤩🤩正
@@Vitti.in.Canada 那还挺不错的,可以加你一个联系方式了解一下那边吗?
@@Vitti.in.Canada 他們有YUBridge,只需要雅思5.0就可以在約克大學學習。 學費很貴,8個月26,000元。 無論您的英語水平如何,都保證被約克大學錄取。付錢就行
@@tailiu223 原來係咁😮
我就相反, 我嚟咗呢度幾十年, 細個喺 Montreal 讀書, 而家就變咗好唔慣香港人既冷漠, 冇 social conscience. 所以我其實都好唔鍾意同香港人 deal, 尤其是大陸人.
@@Vitti.in.Canada 有時我喺街見到人, 如果人哋同我有兩目交投嘅話, 好多時我都同佢/姖點下頭同埋微笑一下。譬如同啲 cashiers 可以講一兩句笑話, 唔好當人哋係機器。又譬如同後面嗰個人推住道門等人哋可以行出嚟等等, 等等, 人哋話, "Thank you", 你可以話, "Oh, no worries", etc. 要快啲留意下&學下呢啲 etiquette, 如果唔係畀人哋 "discriminate" - even subtly - 亦都唔怪得人, 同香港人見到大陸人踎喺街或者通街小便一樣, 係因為自己無禮貌啫, 咁就唔好啦。最大鑊就係畀人哋一竹篙捧一船人, "嗰啲香港人, 個個都係咁衰㗎啦..." The key is to notice your surroundings and make connection with other people you don't even know, rather than treating other people as "just some Joe Blow out there"...
@@evroadwarrior8408 嚟到呢邊,有同lift 嘅人打招呼😂
@@Vitti.in.Canada 咁你一定要擴展你嘅"打招呼"去到 elevators 以外喇 😆😂!
還有,我都是住喺Yonge and Finch 🤗🤗!!