RODIO ERENA , HE is lucky to be interviewed. He is a lier....he never been in England since 2016 , run a way to usa His problem is that he is sick to have money desperately .he is crazy like Tesfascion, Mesfun, and Yueal . Could he tell as his organisation even he is talking further to African Union to represent by his grouped not named it but he is a diplomat my be looking to build his CV which is he didnot finsh his career . Does he is being approved legaly by the goup or organization .his Sicknes matters, he is a local speaker he is trying help the regime PFDJ to buy time by going African Union please could you ask him How did he lift the country, Eritrea? He never wark in his lifetime.
Absolutely false! In 2003, Yuel stayed at his home while we departed to Sawa He was behaved just like a child. So, I am 100% sure, he is lies and denies the truth. Because up to June 30 2003, we were classmates but finally we to Sawa and he stayed in Asmara with few others. So, how did he start his opposition movement since then?
What a funny guy??? Radio Erena it is good you interviewed this guy since you are exposing him. But you don't need to waste too much of your time on this fool attention seeker.
Ethiopia is not safe for Ethiopians but why you are drugging innocent Eritreans to this hell place. If you really care about Eritrean youths why do leave them alone to live in their own blessed Eritrea ?
He is very vague to clarify his defined stragy to struggle against the Eritrean regime. He explicitly focuses on the asylum seekers in Ethiopia. He is speaking periferially mainly to help refugee claimants in Ethiopia. He is also repeatedly saying that we need peacefull struggle to modify the governance system in Eritrea while looking reservist to laudly say that needs to remove shaebia and its roots totally.
I heard this guy lied more than once for that reason I have no interest to sit here and listen to this guy. Such a position seeker. I don’t even think he cares about anything except himself.
No wonder isu said zitekim tekawami yebelnan,if you are opposition and care more about Eritrea, you will be considered higdef, so higdef care more about Eritrea 🇪🇷 Eritrea has no opposition.lemano agame are begging around 😂.
All what he he talking is false, even he don't have a known job, his main income is Hgdef via the Embassy. He doesn't has any organization or any party, he is paid Hgdef agent
ዩኤል ንነብሱ ጸላኢ ምዃኑ ይነግር እሞ ንካልእ ኣካል ጸላኢ ከም ዝኾኑ የቅምጥ ግና ዩኤል 100% ኣካል ህግደፍ ከም ዝኾነ ጽባሕ ካልኦት ሓቅታት ክወጽኡ እዮም።
ራድዮ ኤረና ካብዞም ኩሎም ተቓለስቲ ኣዲስ ወሪዶም ዘለዉ ገዲፍካስ ጃሱስ ህግደፍ ተምጻልና
ዩኤል ምዑንጅሉ ብድሕሪኡ ደመኛ ህግደፍ ከም ዘሎ ርዱእ ኮይኑ ክፈልጦ ዘለዎ ግን ነብስኻ ከይተሕስም ዝደናገር መንእሰይ የለን! ኣይትኸውንን'ያ🌿💙✊
*ሓንቲ እምኒ ኣፍንጭኡን ዓይኑን ትሰብሮ'ዶ ስኢንክምሉ ነዚ ጸያቂ ቃልሲ ዝኾነ ዩኤል ዝብሃል ሰብ*
የኤል መዳናገር እኮ ናብ በታካ ተመለስ
ሓው ዩኤል ምናልባት ንዘይፈልጣካ እምበር ንሕናስ ንፈልጠካ ኢና ተቓዋሚ ስርዓት ኮይንካ እውን ኣይትፈልጥን።
ግዜ ጥራይ!
@@Dejenmengesha ኣታ ደጁ ኣብ መወዳእታ ናብ ውሽጢ ሃገር እንታይ መልእኽቲ ኣለካ ምስ በሎ እሞ ስምዓዮ ነዚ ተንኮለኛ፣ ታርጌቱ ክሃርም ይፍትን ኢዩ። ኩሉ ክነቕሓሉ ኣለዉ። ነቶም ናይ ውሽጢ ሃገር ዘለዉ ግን በዚ መንገዲ እቲ ሓቀኛ ሓበሬታ ክረኽቡ ክኽእሉ ኣለዎም።
Are you one of them promoting killing in Israel? You are going to pay your price one day brother !!! Don't Sleep.
ኣቱም ተቃለስቲ ዩኤል ብዓል ተልእኾን ተንኮለኛን ጸረ ቃልስን እዩ::ኩሉ ንግዜ ጥራሕ ግዜ ዘይቀልዖ ሓቂ የሎን::እዚ ኩሉ ላዕሊ ታሕቲ ዝብሎ እሞ ብዘይ ስራሕ ካብን ናብን ዝንቀሳቐስ ብድሕሪኡ ግን ሰባት ከም ዘለይዎ ርዱእ ኮይኑ ብዙሕ ብዙሕ ሓቅታት ክወጽእ እዩ ናይዚ ለኽባጥ ሰብ'ዚ
ዩኤል በይኑ ዓለሙ😂 ኣይሰለጠካን
@@filimonghebreyohans5829 እቲ ጸገም እኮ እዚ መልእኽቲ ብቐጥታ ብራድዮ ናብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ይሓልፍ ኢዩ፣ ነቲ ህዝቢ የደናግርዎ ኣለዉ ብዓል ዪኤል ።
Yoni good questions keep it up
ህግደፍ ኢኻ! PERIOD
ዮኤል ህግደፍ'ዩ 100%
ኣብ ሞንጎ ሞንጎ ኣስተውዕሉሉ ነዚ ቃልሲ ብ/ንሓመዱ ከመይ ጌሩ ይሃርሞ ኣሎ 🤔
እዚ ዩኤል ዘይተረዶኦ ዘሎ ኩሉ ሰብ ከም ዝፈለቶ ዘይ ምፍላጡ ኢዩ
ብሓቂ😂 ኣነ ኣብ ሊብያ 2003 ኢየ ዝፈልጦ። እንተዘይተጋጊየ ወድ ደግራ ልብኤ ኢዩ።
ዮኤል ጉሓፍ ፍጥረት ሃሱስ ዋሒድ ንስኻ ተተልሎ ሰብ የለን
😢😢😢😢😢 ንምንታይ ግን ነዚ ስብ ኣብ መድያ ተምጽእዎ !!!!😢😢😢😢
ኢረና በጃኹም እባ እዚ ሰብ'ዚ ንየው በሉልና።
ዳኒኤል (ዮኤል) ክንደይ ግዜ ሓቢ'ርና ኢና። ካብ 2003 ዝፈልጦ ሰላዪ ህግደፍ ኢዩ። ዝርድኣኩም እንተኮይኑ።
ሰማያዊ ማዕበል ነዚ ናይ ኢሳያስ ሃላይ ሰላዪ ኣይትምልከቶን። ኣብ ይኣክል ጦቕ ኣቢሉና ሕጂ ከኣ ዳግም መጽዩ ይርብሸና ኣሎ።
ዓባይ ሕቶ ኢኻ ሓቲትካዮ!!
መን ይሕግዞ? ኤእ በጃኹም ኤርትራውያን
ዮናታን ኮለል ኣይትበል ዩኤል ልኡኽ ህግደፍ ስለ ዝኾነ ኢዩ ሰብ እንዳዳናገረ ከአ ንህግደፍ ይስልየሎም ኢዩ ዘሎ።
Radio erena wn hgdef yom tom mesreta
እዚ ዩኤል ዝባሃል ሰብ ብጣዕሚ ክትጥንቀቅሉን ክትነቅሕሉን የድሊ አምሶሎ እዩ ንለባም ንጹር እዩ መልእክቱን አካይዱኡን
እማሃር እማሃር ይብዝሕ ኣሎ ኣበይ ይመሃር መዓስ እማሃር እዚ ኩሉነብሱ ሐሶት እዩእዚሰብ እዚ ዝቡቕ ድራማ እዩዝሰርሕ
ዩ ኤል ለኽባጥ ሓሳዊ ተቓላሲ ኮንካ ኣይትፈልጥን
ህግደፍ 100%
መን ወካሊ ገርዎ?🫣
ሰላም ሬዶ ኤሬና ይኤል ህግደፍ እዩ
ዝዛረ ቦ ዘሎ ዘረቦ ጹር ኣይ ኮነን
Kahadi fooooooo
ሎቅማጽ ዝኾነ ሰብ...ንስኻስ ደላይ ፍትሒ ኮንካስ ኣነን ንስኻን ጎኒ ጎኒ ክንቃለስ?? ...ጃሱስ ንህገደፍ ከጥፍእ ባኣኻ ምጀመርኩ … ኣምሰሉ ማንም ደላይ ፍትሒ ከይግራህ በዚ ሰብዚ
ስማዕ ዩኤል ንህዝቢ ከተእምን ክትክእል ኣሎካ ካብ ምጽላም ምህዳም ኣብዚ ናይ ዲያስፖራ ቤርጌድ ንሓመዱ ኣበየነይቲ ሃገር ኢዩ ጥርናፈኻ ንዓይ ዝገርመኒ ህግደፍ ንኹሉ ተቃላሳይ እናጸለሙ ነቶም ካድረታት ናቶም ግን ትንክፍ ኣየብሉዎሙን ኢዮም ሰብ ብስርሑ ኢዩ ህዝቢ ዝድግፎ ሞ ናይ ብሓቒ ቁኑዕ እንተኾንካ ጹባሕ ኬድካ ኣብቲ ኣኼባ ተረኸብ ኣይኮነን ግደፎ ምዝራግ ምርባሽ
Bog Bell
Yoel is hgdef. He will go to Awel Said soon
Ane eka ezi Yonatan btaemi ela teheguseni nezom lekbatat enda sehakka tsibuk gerka eka tuhatom👍👍👍
ዳኒኤል (ዮኤል) እኮ ዝዓሸወ ሰላዪ ህግደፍ ኢዩ። ንትግራዎት ጥራሕ ኢዩ ኣሽኪዑዎም።
ትርሐስ ሸብጡ፡ህግደፍ ኢዩ፡
ዩኤል ሓሳዊ ሕጂ እቶ ኣብ ኣዳራሽ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ዑሉል መታለሊ ሸንካ ደቅስ የዕርፍ መታለሊ ወልማጥ ሓግዘኒ ኣይትበሎ ነብስካ ወክል ላድሮ
እዚስ አብ ሐደ ግዜ ይአክል እየ ኢሉ አብ ትግራይ ኮይኑ ነጊሩና ሕጂ ከአ ብርጌድ ንሐመዱ ምስ መጸት አነ ብርጌድ ንሐመዱ እየ ይብለና አሎ እዋ እንታይ ዝበለ ሐሳዊ እዩ 😂😂😂😂😂
Wedi erey jegna eu yuel kexlo ❤❤❤
ጊስ ሐሳዊ ንስካስ ሰሪሕካ ትፈልጥ አንታ ህግድፍ መንደፍ
ስለ ዝተዛረብካ ዘይኮነስ
ብፍረ ቃልሲ እዩ ዝምዘን
ኩልኻ መንእሰያት ኣስተውዕል
ንባዓል ንጹር ዕላማ ሳዓቦ።🎉🎉🎉
🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 ሓሳዊ ኣዳራሽ ገዛ መዕነዊ 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
😂😂😂መርገጺኡ ዘይርዳእካ ዓንጃል ሰብ
RODIO ERENA , HE is lucky to be interviewed. He is a lier....he never been in England since 2016 , run a way to usa
His problem is that he is sick to have money desperately .he is crazy like Tesfascion, Mesfun, and Yueal . Could he tell as his organisation even he is talking further to African Union to represent by his grouped not named it but he is a diplomat my be looking to build his CV which is he didnot finsh his career . Does he is being approved legaly by the goup or organization .his
Sicknes matters, he is a local speaker he is trying help the regime PFDJ to buy time by going African Union please could you ask him
How did he lift the country, Eritrea?
He never wark in his lifetime.
Bhgdef genzeb tekefilu eyu nezi kalsi fah zeblo zelo
ኣንታ እዚ ወዱ ካብ ጌግኡ ኣይማሃርን ድዩ፡ዮናታን ሓወይ ምስ ከምዚኦም ዝበሉ መጨበጢ ዘይብሎም ሰባት ምዝራብ ይትረፍካ።እዚ ወዲ ካብ ደይ ዋን ኣትሒዙ ንዝተኣከበ ተቃላሳይ ክብትን እንተዘይኮይኑ ብጭቡጥ ኣብዛ ውድብ እዚኣ ተወዲቡ ይሰርሕ ኔሩ ዝብለካ ደሊኻ ኣይትረክብን ኢኻ። ስለዚ ናይ ዝሓለፈ ሓሊፉ ዩ ብሕጂ ግን ንኸምዚኢም ዓይነት ሰባት እንተይዓምካ ተመራጺ ዩ ዝብል ርኢቶ ዩ ዘለኒ።
Yonatan Sebay eka nay bahqi journalist 👌 አንተ ዮኤል ግን ሐቂ ዝባሃል የብሎን ካብቲ ዘረብኡ።
Yoel hasawi
😂😂 ኣብ መወዳእታ ናብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ዘሎ ህዝብና እንታይ መልእኽቲ ኣለካ ኢልዎ ዕንክሊል ኣቢልዋ ዪኤል ሎቕማጽ፣ ዮኒ ግን Thanks so much I appreciated you man 🫡
ኣበይ ጎስጎስ እገብር ሐውና ዩአል ድራማ እዩ ዝሰርሕ ምንቅስቓስ ዝብሃል የብሉን
ዮናታን ብጣዕሚ ፎኪስ ኢኻ ።መርገጽ ዘይብልካ ዝርግርግ ዘአቱ ነገር ሃስስ ምስበልካ ኢኻ።እንታይ ዓይነት ማይ ሰቲኹም ኢኹም ዓቢኹም ምዝራግ ምጥላም ፕሮፎሽናሊስትስ ኢኹም።
ዝገርም ግን ኣዲስ ድዮም ዘይፈልጥዋስ ዋል ኪሽፍኑ ኣዲስ መብራህቲ ከይከድት ዊላ ኣይትፈልጥን እያ ዕሱብ ግን ሓቂ ኪዛረብ ኣይኪእልን እዩ።
ነንባዕሉ ዝዋቓዕ ሓሳባት
He want us to believe all his lies! Please stop ✋
Lekhbat 😂😂
ዩ ኤል ጃሱስ ህግደፍ
ኣብዚ ኮመንት ዘሎ ዕሰል ዓማጺ ግን ፍትሒ ዝእልሽ ዩ ማለት ድዩ፧
ዩኤል ሓውና ብዝመስለካ ተቓለስ ልዕሌኻ ተቓላሳይ የለን። ትርርር ጥራይ በል ንምድረ ጨኮንቲ ፈሪሕካ ክትማሳሰል ኣይትፈትን።
ተስፋ ዘለካ ሰብ ኢኻ ዮኤል።
ቦግ በል ከዛብ ዩኤል ኣታ መንይኡ ንዓኻ ዝሻቀለልኻ ሙዑንጅሉ😂 ከምዝ ወድዝ ለኽባጥ ኣይርኣኹን ከይሓፈረ ድማ ተቃላሳይ ንምምሳል ይፍትን😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ከምዚ ዩኤል ዝብሃል ሓሳዊ ሰብ ርኤ ኣይፈልጥን
ውፉይ ምስ TDF ከይተራከበ ምስ ብልጽግና እቶም ብድሮን ዝደብደቡ ይገርም
Shekortetino, shame on you for interviewing Yoel at this crucial moment for BNH
Yuel medenagerii
ዩ ኤ ል = ልዩ ጸላኢ ኢዩ። እዋይ ለመጽመጽ። ዩኤል እታ ምሕብ ኢትካ ትፈርስ ኣሎኻ።
*ዮናታን ታኒካ፡ ሰብ ስኢንካ ዲኻ ነዚ ኣምጺኻዮ*
መንእሰይ ክወጽእ ኣዋናውንኩሞ ካምፕታት ከፊትኩም መጋበርያ እንዳ ገበርኩሞ ወጺኦም ኢልኩም እንዳ ተሓጎስኩም ሲ መንእሰይ ወጺኡ ኢልኩም ክኣ ሓለይቲ ትመስሉ በዳናት 😄
Absolutely false!
In 2003, Yuel stayed at his home while we departed to Sawa
He was behaved just like a child.
So, I am 100% sure, he is lies and denies the truth.
Because up to June 30 2003, we were classmates but finally we to Sawa and he stayed in Asmara with few others.
So, how did he start his opposition movement since then?
ሰይጣናዊ ዑሱብ ዮኤል
What a funny guy??? Radio Erena it is good you interviewed this guy since you are exposing him. But you don't need to waste too much of your time on this fool attention seeker.
Yoel hawi wedi bashay weyleka kedae
Ethiopia is not safe for Ethiopians but why you are drugging innocent Eritreans to this hell place. If you really care about Eritrean youths why do leave them alone to live in their own blessed Eritrea ?
እዚ ዩኤል ግን ምስ ኣየኖት ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ እዩ ዘሎ????
ብዓል ኪሮስ እንድሕር ዘይፈልጥዎ ኮይኖም ሲ እንታይ እዩ ዝገብር ዘሎ??
ስለዚ ሓደገኛ ከይኮነ ኣይተርፍን ምኽንያቱ መራሒና ዩ ወይ ወኪልና እዩ ንሕና ኢና ተልእኾ ሂብናዮ ዝብሉ ጉጅለ ኣባላት ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ኣይረኣናን እስኪ ሓቅነት እንተለዎ ጽባሕ ኣብታ ጉባኤ ይሳተፍ ኣባላቱ ሒዙ ክንላለዮም: እዚ ኩሉ ዝመላለሶ ኸ መን ይሽፍነሉ?? ቀጻሊ ስለ ዝመላለስ እየ ንሕና ክንጠራጠር ግድን እዩ እቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብስውር ይሕግዞ ኣሎ ንብል ።ዩኒ ግን ክትፈርሆ ዘይኮነ ኣትሪርካ ክትሓቶ ኔሩካ እዚ ወዲ ሕጂ ውን ምሳና ከይነጸረ ኣይንኣምኖን ። ዩኒ እዚኤን ሕተቶ ፖሊስ
ህግደፍ ኢዩ ዝሕግዞ
እዚ ሓደገኛ ሓሳዊ 'ዩ ኩልኻ ደላይ ፍትሒ ካብዚ ሰብ እዚ ክጥንቀቕ አዎ 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
ሎምስ ከዕብዱና ኢዬም ! ምናልባት ክንደይ ኢርተራ ኣለዋ ኢልካ እባ ሕተተለይ ኣጋጣሚ ካልኣይ ግዜ እንድሕሪ ረኺብካዬ
ኣንታ እዛ ሬድዮ ኤሬና ጥዕና ኣለዋ ድዮ መን እዮ ወኪል ሰመያዊ ማዕበል እሉኩም ኩሉኩም ሓሰውቲ ሬድዮ ኤሬና ዘይ ኮነት ሬድዮ ሓሰና
ይኦል ሓሳዊ ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ኣይኮንካን :ህግደፍ ኢኻ ሓሳዊ ንዘይፈልተካ በሎ :ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ድይትውክልን ኢኻ ::
ዘራጊ ማይ ኮሎ ጹሩይ ማይ ነይስተ
Radio Erena n TVEre kab tmesl newih gzie koinu alo.
ኣንታ ለባ ዩኤል ኣይኮንካን ብርገድ ነሓመዱ ንመን ክትብትን ሕጂ ከ ህግደፍ፡ኢካ
Yoni i can't recive notification my dear
እዚ ወዲሲ ደጋጊሙ "ሰሪሐ እየ ዝነብር" ይብል:: እዋእ መኣስ'ዩ ዝሰርሕ - መኣስ'ዩ ኸ ዝገይሽ ?? ,I can ask volume of questions about this human being 😢😢
ምሳና እዩ ዝነብር ክገይሽ እምበር ክሰርሕ ሪኢናዮ ኣይንፈልጥን
He don't have any work, he is a spy
Hahahhahahahahah ዮኤል ዝኸሰረ ነጋዳይ
ናይ ኣምሐርኛ ኣበሃህላ ኣዘኻኺርካኒ
ኣልሞትም ባይ ተጋዳይ 👈🏽
This guy has private helicopter and he flew from adis, mekele and Asmara in daily basis. So he is pure spy.
He is very vague to clarify his defined stragy to struggle against the Eritrean regime. He explicitly focuses on the asylum seekers in Ethiopia. He is speaking periferially mainly to help refugee claimants in Ethiopia.
He is also repeatedly saying that we need peacefull struggle to modify the governance system in Eritrea while looking reservist to laudly say that needs to remove shaebia and its roots totally.
I heard this guy lied more than once for that reason I have no interest to sit here and listen to this guy. Such a position seeker. I don’t even think he cares about anything except himself.
ዮናታን ለኽመኛ ኣቢ እንታይ ገሩ ኣሕዋትካ ካብ ኣስመራ ተደሚርና ክብሉ ኣይሰማዕካዮምን ዲኻ ባዕልኹም መገዲ ዝሃብኩሞስ ናብ ኣቢ ግምጥል ምስ ኣቢ ኣይኮነን ምስ ጣሊባን ክንሰርሕ ኢና
ብህግደፍ እና ተመወልካ ኣብ ኢትዮጲያ ተቃዋሚ መሲልካ ትነብር ዘልካ ስለያ ልኡኽ ህግደፍ ምካንካስ
ኣናፍራ ቆቃሕ ዘይ ፈልጥ ኣይሃዳናይን
መን እንታይ ዘይ ንፈልጥ ተቃልስቲ ኣይኮናን ተጸብ ንእሽተይ ግዜ
" ወኪል ክፍሊ ዲፕሎማሲ?" 😂😂😂፡ ናይመን ወኪል? መን ወክለኒ ኢልዎ? ጉድ እኮ ኢዩ በባዕልኻ ማዓርግ ምልጣፍ 😂😂
ዘሓወይ ኣነ ምስኡ እየ ኔረ ጽቡቅ ጌረ እየ ዝፈልጦ. እንጅነር ዩሃንስ ስዩምን ዩኤል ዮሃንስን ህግደፍ እዮም.እንጅነር ዮሃንስ ናብ ሚድያ ዝበሃል ኣይቀርብን ገጹ ክርአ ኣይደልን. ቅድሚ ኲናት መደበሩ ሽረን እንዳ ኣባ ጉናን እዩ ኔሩ.ኣነ ምስኦም እየ ኔረ.ክሳብ መዓስከራት ዓድሓርሽን ማይ ዓይኒን እና ኸደ ይስሊ ኔሩ.መጀመታ ቅኑዑ መሲሉና ክንሰምዖ ተኣኪብና ኣብ 2018 ደሓርግን ጽቡቅጌርና ፈሊጥናዮ.ስለዚ ሓወይ ኣነ ህግደፍ ምዃኑ.ኣነ ከረጋግጸልካ ኡፈቱ.
ቅድሚ ሕጂ ኣብ ትግራይ ከሎ ወኪል ናይ ይኣክል እየ ዝበሎ ሓሶት ምዃኑ ተከሺሑ እዩ። ሕጂ ኸኣ ? ? ብጀካ ገዛእ ርእሱ ዝውክሎ የብሉን። ንነዊሕ ግዜ ብዘይ ስራሕ ክነሱ መን ይምውሎ ከም ዘሎ ግን ዘተሓታትት እዩ።
@mbahta7652 ንይኣክል ክዉክል ዘይኮነ ንቃልሲ ክሕንኩል እዩ ወሪዱ.ሓደ እዉን ኣዝዩ ሓደገኛ ሰብ ኣሎ ኣብ ማሕበራዊ ሚድያ ገጹ ኮነ ምስሉ ክረአ ዘይደሊ ህግደፍ መሳርሕቲ ኣለዎ. ሙሉእ ሽሙ ኢንጅነር ዮሃንስ ስዩም ከሰተ ይበሃል ኣብ ማዓስከር ማይ ዓይኒ ኣብ ዞን E, ኔሩ. ክሳብ ቅድሚ ዓመት ኣቢሉ ኣብ መቀለ ኔሩ ሕጂ ኣበይ ኣሎ ግን ኣይፈለጥኩን.ካብ ዩኤል ንላዕሊ ዝኸፈአ መርዛም ተመን.
እዚ ዩኢል ዝባሃ ጸይቂ ይጽይቅ እዩ ዘሎ 😏😏😏😏
ዮኤል ለኽባ ሐሳዊ
Hade bteamii zhashe tekawamayyy lomii sema kemzi u tekawmo malet❤🇪🇷
No wonder isu said zitekim tekawami yebelnan,if you are opposition and care more about Eritrea, you will be considered higdef, so higdef care more about Eritrea 🇪🇷 Eritrea has no opposition.lemano agame are begging around 😂.
ዛረገ ሰይጣን መልእክቲ ሞ ይትረፍ ውልቀሰባት ከይተረፈ ዝፈለጥዎ እዩ ዝመስል ዩኤል
ብወገነይ ናብ ረድዮ ኢረና ነዚ ትሓቶ ዘለኻ ሰብ ምሕታትኻ ጽቡቅ እዩ ግን ኣነ ከዝመስለኒ ከምቶም ቀደም ብዙሓት ተቃወምቲ እንከለዉ ዝዛረብዎ ዝነበሩ ይዛረብ ኣሎ እዚ ግን ለሚ ከኡ ዘይኾነስ ንሱ ከምመምሃሪ ኮይኑስ። ሓዱሺ ሓሳብ ጠርናፊ ዝኾነ ክዛረብ ኣለዎ ካብ ቃሉ ግን ሂግደፍ እዩ ስለ ዝኾነ ከልግስ ኣለዎ ዝብል ሓሳብ ኣሎኒ።
ዮናታን እዚ ወዲ ሓሳዊ ኢዩ።
ዳኒኤል ሰበይታይ ሰብ ኮንካ ብዛዕባ ቃልሲ ክትዛረብ
ዩአል ዓሪፍካ ኮፈል
Ezi. Hgdef. Ethopewi 😅😅😂😂😂
Yoni thanks lomi xbuk gierka ኣቃሊዕካዮ ሎሚ ፡ blue revolution kedamay elamana regime change eyu ዓርከይ ን መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ለውጢ ክገብር ንጽውዖ ኢሉና ኣሎ thanks 🙏
All what he he talking is false, even he don't have a known job, his main income is Hgdef via the Embassy. He doesn't has any organization or any party, he is paid Hgdef agent
Was halolow
Hey hasawi, I know you from Seattle, Washington. Remember, people will see through your lies. Stop lying every day."
I’m not sure about this man propose he doesn’t sound very convincing, I hope he is not double agent 😟