A message for those who choose to bash and attack gay people

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • This is for all you hate filled people who feel the need to spew your venom at people who live their lives different than your own. There is no bigger indication of self-hatred and deeply rooted fear than when a person throws hate and anger upon the world.
    As if the story of Matthew Shepard isn't terrible enough - picture this, sit with it for awhile and bring it to mind the next time you want to attack a "fag," "dyke" or "homo" - when Matt was found 18 hours after his beating, his head and face were caked with dried blood, and in the blood on his face was a trail leading down his cheeks from his eyes. This tells us Matt had been awake at some point after his beating and before he fell into a coma, he knew what had been done to him, he was in pain, he was scared and perhaps, he knew he was going to die - and so, he cried. Tied to a fence, unable to move, brain damaged and dying - this man cried. Does that break your heart? It should...if you have one. If the story of Matt Shepard doesn't shock and disgust you far greater than the idea of two people of the same gender loving each other, you're the one not right with God.
    Song written and performed by Melissa Etheridge. She wrote the song in memory of Matt Shepard.

Комментарии • 639

  • @MommaCarriere
    @MommaCarriere 11 лет назад +12

    I am not gay but I am a mother, I have 3 beautiful kids who I love with all of my heart and I can not imagine anyone doing somthing like this to anyone's child. It makes me so sad to think that we live in a world where a person can be made to be ashamed of who they were made to be. If any of my kids ever come to me and tell me they are gay I will love them and support and be the first to tell them, baby don't say your gay like it's a bad thing!

  • @boygreeneye1994
    @boygreeneye1994 13 лет назад

    I am 16 and I cried when i wacthed this because i have been studing matthew and his life for 3 years I am gay and have been jumped for who i am. I was almost shot and I look at matthew as my hero because he has helped me in my soul and I am writing a play based on his life for a english interperatation class in my 10th grade year in high school

  • @HotMissa
    @HotMissa 12 лет назад +5

    The story of Matthew is heart wrenching. How anyone could be so cruel and inhumane to someone they didn't even know just because he was gay in beyond me. I've been a straight ally for more than 30 years and it hurts me to know that there is still this much hate in the 21st century. I might not have known Matthew, but I love him just the same. Thank you for posting this video.
    Much love and big hugs

  • @wildchld65
    @wildchld65 12 лет назад +6

    Beautiful Tribute ... I remember seeing Melissa perform this live and as the band members one by one stopped playing and left the stage Melissa had a single spot light from above and she ended it with her standing with her arms out head back as if a "scarecrow" ... I didn't have dry eyes then and I don't now. Thank you

  • @michelle5451
    @michelle5451  18 лет назад +2

    Thanks Dark, and thank you for watching it. Yes, it is a powerful song, one that never fails to bring her audience to tears each time she plays it in concert. I've been lucky enough to see it in person 8-9 times, it never fails to take my breath away to be a part of thousands singing it live with her. I will never stop believing in a better future of acceptance and equality for everyone.

  • @skyamethyst23
    @skyamethyst23 12 лет назад +2

    pansexual and proud

  • @hippygravy240
    @hippygravy240 15 лет назад +1

    I'm doing a speech about this at school. And I don't care if people are senitive to hearing about gays in school. There is nothing wrong with them. They need to be treated with kind respect all staright people do today. Nothing should hold them back from the something like marriage because of their sexual intreresets. Thanks for putting up this video. People really need to hear this type of thing.

  • @JorraneRei
    @JorraneRei 16 лет назад +1

    I am deeply moved by this video well done, even though i am not gay i have always had a empathy for gay people and people in general who are discriminated against, i just dont understand why people would be so filled with hate against a person who has never done anything to harm them, what drives a person to do such horrible things really?

  • @Sh0h
    @Sh0h 15 лет назад +1

    Yeah... you guys need to stop focusing on just Christians, Islam also preaches against homosexuality and the penalty if you have been caught is the death penalty, like the 2 boys who were caught and hanged for being gay and having sex. I think they were only 16 or 18? Correct me if Im wrong... Beautiful video beautiful song, sad that the circumstances leading to the making of this video had to happen...

  • @RubyTheTart
    @RubyTheTart 14 лет назад +1

    This is a great video. Thank you for making it. It's a lovely tribute to a wonderful young man and has a fantastic message for the haters.
    I constantly think of his parents... and those who loved him. I'm sure their hearts will never heal from this awful loss.

  • @michelle5451
    @michelle5451  17 лет назад +1

    Thanks Annie, I also remember following this in the news and I remember being sick in the pit of my soul because I couldn't comprehend such hatred toward a gay person; I still don't. With so much that is wrong in our world, I don't understand why so many find love so wrong.

  • @popazz1
    @popazz1 13 лет назад +1

    I 1st learned of Matthew thru the dvd,"The Laramie Project".Even tho I am a 50 year old man,I still want to howl with rage sometimes at 'man's inhumanity to man'! As a gay teen in the 70s I faced homophobia & physical & verbal attacks frequently! But the murder of this beautiful young man seemed to take homophobia to a different level.And nowadays it just seems the 'norm'.I despair.Thank you so much for this stunning video,and for caring enough to want to share it with us.Bless You!

  • @michelle5451
    @michelle5451  16 лет назад +1

    The song is called "Scarecrow" and was written/recorded by Melissa Etheridge. She wrote it about Matthew.

  • @milkblackcoffee
    @milkblackcoffee 15 лет назад

    This is really a very good message for all of us.
    Stop the hate!
    Peace to his soul!
    Thank you Bob, for sharing it with me.
    Thank you, Michelle for uploaded it.

  • @WilliamSledd
    @WilliamSledd 18 лет назад

    amazing video, glad you posted it, GREAT JOB! u ROCK! love ya

  • @beLOVEnow888
    @beLOVEnow888 13 лет назад

    Gays have existed in the beginning of time, part of God's creation. Maybe it is a way for people to learn unconditional love, being different to you does not make it wrong. Just because you cannot understand them, do not make it ok for your to hurt/abuse them. Wonder the hardship gays have to go through being different already. Have you been abused some way before, then imagine that being double triple etc for gays, trying to hide their true selves, being afraid, ashamed etc .Learn unconditional

  • @hojofan
    @hojofan 14 лет назад

    Thank you for making this video!!! It deserves 100 stars!! My second cousin was murdered in his own home by two landscapers simply because he was gay. The message on my channel is "Stop the Hate"!! I just sent you a video response explaining my cousin's death. Peace2U, Kim

  • @grimace
    @grimace 18 лет назад

    This was an amazing video, I cried so hard when I saw this. I never realized how much it really does hurt me as a gay man to hear these people bash me personally because of the gay content in my videos. I wish that everyone would just learn to LOVE!
    I put the video in the Vlog on Grimace TV.

  • @rochaluge
    @rochaluge 15 лет назад

    Thanks friend Mihaella for sharing, I have watched the movi that was about tis crime. It,s just sad that the message is still necessary.

  • @PtechyaPerfect
    @PtechyaPerfect 13 лет назад

    My school has been getting ready for our production "The Laramie Project". I've been preparing for almost three months now, and tonight is opening night. I've heard everything several times now, but I still cry every single time.
    I am the stage manager for this production and yesterday they told me that protestors were coming to our school. It upsets me that after all this time so little has changed... Thankyou for this video, I'm so happy to see that not everyone is so ignorant and cruel.

  • @palleinarsson
    @palleinarsson 13 лет назад

    I believe in god and i don´t judge people. God will do that. Why is so much hatred against gay people or colored people. Why can´t we live together?
    I am gay and i am not forcing other people to be gay. Gay is just part of me i am also a human.
    Stop this hatred, stop judging these religion groups and stop judging gay people. Let´s try to live together. Sometimes you don´t like other people but do you have to hurt them ?

  • @sarahmm712
    @sarahmm712 13 лет назад

    i have waited a long time to actually listen to this song. i will never listen to it again, not because i don't like it but because the intesity of what melissa has written is far too much for me. hatred is intollerable! thank you so very much for sharing this and thank you melissa for being able to put in a song just how much ignorance and hatred can do. the tears will never end after this song... SCARECROW

  • @BornAfflikted
    @BornAfflikted 14 лет назад

    I am not a god fearing man. I have seldom been known as a forgiver. The fact that these parents asked the judge to not sentence them to death to me has to be one of the biggest acts of compassion I have ever heard. To those of you who are god fearing people and still support these rights you are wonderful. To those who claim "your god" would judge them in this fashion keep in mind your bible states you will be judged how you judge your fellow man.

  • @Skunktail
    @Skunktail 14 лет назад

    "god doesn't hate anyone. jesus doesn't hate anyone. god only wants us to be happy." "the bible isn't always clear about these things. people have many different beliefs and interpretations about subjects like this" "i think that being gay isn't the way god intended. BUT." "it is far far more important whether you are a good honest man... whether you love god and all his children. if you are a good person, being gay isn't going to keep you out of heaven." [Associated Student Bodies]

  • @IndianSuperhero99
    @IndianSuperhero99 14 лет назад

    Terrible. When I was in 8th grade 3 years ago.. We did a lyrics assignment. & I picked this song, and made sure I told Matthews story. My teacher was taken back by my story and I couldn't believe she made me stop talking about gay rights. I was so offended. My parents are gay and I support them 100%. The world is cruel. I hate everyone who has something to say against Gay Rights. For all of you who wrote thoughs great/sad/passionate stories below me...thank you. Stay true.

  • @jazzayfashion
    @jazzayfashion 15 лет назад

    I am only 15 yrs old, I am a panasexual. I have been hurt many times in life because of this nonsence. I want to walk outside knowing that my fellow LGBTQ friends are going to be here the next day and so will I. I loved this and me cry, but its so amazing and he will always be in my heart. I am not Christian, but my mom is and she is willing to recognize that I love all people no matter there gender and its usually girls that I date. But she wants me to experience love no matter who it is with.

  • @OsakaLover
    @OsakaLover 15 лет назад

    My best friend's father is HIGHLY religious, and says that being gay means you're, and I quote from him, an abomination...abomination my foot! There's nothing written in the bible about homosexuals being "wrong"!
    Loved the video as well. Couldn't help but cry...it's really really sad that people can be so heartless to those who are different than themselves DX

  • @bridge2nowhere
    @bridge2nowhere 15 лет назад

    I just want to point out that not all Christians, and that includes Southern Baptists, hate Homosexuals. Some may attack me for this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I disagree with gay marriage. HOWEVER What happened to Matthew was a horrfying tragedy. No one who is a true Christian, or of any religion for that matter, should kill, maime, or insult someone like that. It is inhumane and against everything Jesus stood for. My cousin just did this song for her dance recital, and it made me cry.

  • @DagwoodTheGreen
    @DagwoodTheGreen 15 лет назад

    As a gay man, I have seen enough hate, even though I am only nineteen. Many times, I was called horrible names. Now, I am proud to be gay. It is me, and I don't care if someone tries to kill me. I hold little fear of death, and I love life. It is not right how Matthew died. I have often thought how much pain people bring to others. This video is a beautiful thing. More people are realizing that hate is only bringing more hate. I know that Matthew is at peace and he will not be forgotten.

  • @bluemew88888
    @bluemew88888 15 лет назад

    also washington dc will now reconize gay marriage performed outside of the the district just like new york does. thanks for uploading this vid people really need to watch it this is what should be played in our schools to educate kids today instead of them learning to hate from there parents. this is a sad story that happens to much its hard enough for us to come to terms with being gay and trying to live right then people hurt us by taking our rights and killing us

  • @CreatingPulsars
    @CreatingPulsars 15 лет назад

    the book that says that, also says it's a sin to eat shellfish...
    and anyways, Christianity is based off of the NEW testament and the teachings of Christ. The same son of the lord who ate dinner with and befriended those whom society deemed wretched, prostitutes and lepers.
    who are the outcasts of todays society? there are tons but homosexuals would definitely suit. If Jesus were alive today, some of his best friends would be gay. He'd look at your hate with sadness and pity.

  • @greatestone00
    @greatestone00 15 лет назад

    Congratulations to the brave Justices of the Iowa Supreme Court. When faced with a wrong, you righted it. You saw disgusting, systemic discrimination exactly for what it was and said no more. Let us hope that more human beings around the world will stand up for what is right, and let all homosexuals one day soon be free from malice, intolerance, hatred, bullying, being made fun of, violence, beatings, imprisonment, torture, murder, and bigotry.

  • @nonconformityrising
    @nonconformityrising 15 лет назад

    If animals aren't blinded by discrimination and hate, the 'wrongness' of things they don't understand, then why are we? We call them beasts, when in reality can't our own actions toward one another be described as beastly? Gruesome? ...Wrong? If an animal with half the brain compasity and four legs understands that discrimination isn't required then why can't we? The civilized people?

  • @AeriaGl0ris
    @AeriaGl0ris 16 лет назад

    A very topical, and moving, song for me. A very good friend is attending college in Canada; he is from the United Arab Emirates. If he hadn't been able to secure status as a refugee, he would have been forced to go back home, where he would no doubt have been killed for being gay. There is no deity who matters enough to me to make me ever turn him in, hate him, beat him, etc. There is no man who means enough to me to make me ever give up our friendship.

  • @CatchingPieces
    @CatchingPieces 16 лет назад

    we musn't hate - hate is what killed matthew. the only enemy of hate is love, therefore we must love. melissa etheridge actually said in her book that when she wrote scarecrow and the line "this is someone's child" she meant not only matthew, but his killers. those men were someone's babies too, clearly in a lot of pain and desperately needing help.
    anger is one thing, and it is right in this situation. but how can we condemn someone for hating, and then turn around and spread more hate?

  • @psoforce
    @psoforce 16 лет назад

    i do agree with you in that respect; fear getting the better of us. altho i still think that a lot of hate stems from the idea that "if i get rid of something i dont like about myself, then i should be whole and happy" and most times that "something" is pasted onto others and that's when there is a lashing out. not all the time, but still..but i do agree with what you say. humans, as a species, in general attack what they dont understand...but it's ok as long as its backed by god or something.

  • @psoforce
    @psoforce 16 лет назад

    it's like my psychology teacher said...people who are racist, biggots, etc. only hate because they see their faults in the person they're attacking. in a way, they're attacking themselves, there's no religious view or anything like that behind it. it's like a unhappy person sees a happy person and is determined to make them unhappy too. i love my boyfriend, and i know as long as i have him no one like those men who beat and killed matthew can ever get to me. (will have to cont. in another post)

  • @Mosessgyrl
    @Mosessgyrl 16 лет назад

    Some people may call me a "Bible thumper", but I will tell you this: no real Christian would ever do this to a person. Christ says to love our neighbors as ourselves. God, on no level condones this. The God we worship loves everyone. He doesn't codemn people to hell because of their sexual orientaion. So to my fellow Christians that feel this was a good thing, you better get down on your knees and pray to God that He forgives you for your ignorance. God loves the gays!!

  • @cwdunstin
    @cwdunstin 16 лет назад

    Melissa Ethridge's voice is beautiful as always. I feel so bad for what happened to that young man; it was NOT deserved if he was gay/hetro or loved animals!! The right wing Christians loves to use the bible against gays, so I will quote the word. "Love thy neighbor" it doesn't say only love your straight neighbor. God loves EVERYONE and EVERYONE should be tolerant of love in whatever form it takes!! I hope Matthew is at peace, I will see you one day my friend...

  • @CandleLightChaos666
    @CandleLightChaos666 16 лет назад

    I'm not gay, but I know a lot of people who are gay and they're my friends. They don't act different and are pretty much normal people. But what's really sad is most of them have to hide their sexuality even though they have equal human rights.
    This video is amazing and the song is simply beautiful. Matthew will NOT be forgotten. His footprint will remain in our hearts forever.
    People are people, no matter their sexuality. Why don't peopple understand this...

  • @sauron950
    @sauron950 16 лет назад

    I really am shocked at how people can act sometimes when confronted by something they don't understand. So many problems in the world could have been avoided w/out such blatant discrimination. They resort to violence because they feel threatened, and never try to adapt. Every time I hear a story like the one about Matt Shepherd, I lose a lot of faith in the "honor" and "integrity" of the human race as a whole, and often wonder if we really are fit to be the ruling species on Earth.

  • @leonidasaa
    @leonidasaa 16 лет назад

    It is not just gay/bi people who are touched by Matthew Shepard's story. I am straight yet i am truly saddened by his story. People who hate homosexuals for no reason must be coming to terms with some sort of trouble within themselves because there is no viable explanation for what happened to him and so many others. It is stuff like this that gives me the drive to continue with my law studies and put away the haters in our society.

  • @nursesarah86
    @nursesarah86 16 лет назад

    These videos are inspiring and righteous. However, we cannot stop the hate with the way our society is now. On February 12, a 12 year old gay boy was murdered by a fellow 12 year old boy who went to the same school as him, because the gay boy wanted him to be his valentine. How can we consider ourselves a civilized society when we teach our children that when a gay person ask you something of this nature, the only option you have is murder. This sort of thinking hurts everyone.

  • @Dalladon
    @Dalladon 16 лет назад

    If his intend is to provoke, I think he made it clear, I however fail to see his point, but accept his fear. To accept that brings me further than ignoring him. His heart may be dark, but that doesn't prevent me to cast down the wicked. To quote Plato, with his chariots, is to control the dark within is to become God yourself. We can't control all darkness within, but we can try, I think teaching others to learn controlling the darkness, is worth the try.

  • @MicroTex23
    @MicroTex23 17 лет назад

    M5451 ur welcome great words at the end & M.E. is just amazing,I became a bigger fan after I saw her at the Grammys singing a rendition of Janis Joplin and it was one of the best performance I had ever seen..period. Then see sang on Oprah "I Run for Life" and I said I wish there were more artist like her who sings from the heart with a passion,love and most of all purpose. So her tribute to Matthew will forever be here to remind us to care for humanity & in turn..Ourselves

  • @MicroTex23
    @MicroTex23 17 лет назад

    Excellent video Michelle5451, and poignant, its too bad we as society still spew hate in this world and we haven't come to the realiztion that hate corrodes our own soul. To everyone that watches this video, keep in mind hate in any form hinders humanity from progressing to a place of understanding/love/peace. RIP Matthew Shepherd and all the other who died at the hands of hate. Melissa Etheridge always pours out her passion..nice song. PEACe

  • @annie4oceans
    @annie4oceans 17 лет назад

    I was aware of Matthew Shepard and followed the story in the media. After his death I followed the legal case once again in the media. I'd never heard this song...till now. This video brought back those feelings of "how could a human being be so evil and demented to another"? If we would all just think before we said or did something that could harm another human being...."how would I feel if this were done to me or someone I loved"? I'll never forget this vid or song. Thank you.

  • @ksamer
    @ksamer 17 лет назад

    The bible also says it is a sin to wear mixed fabrics. If your clothes are a polyester/cotton blend? Oh damn, you're a sinner. Also remember that the Bible has been rehashed over and over through the centuries so many times over that much of it has been lost in translation. There was not even a word for "homosexual" back in the days it was written, so explain how that now shows up in the texts.

  • @stuartykins
    @stuartykins 17 лет назад

    Seeing as a lot of people like bringing the bible into this, here goes my shot at it.
    adam was created in gods image = god is a man?
    god loves everyone = oh my gosh! god is gay for loving men?
    seriously, think about what you're saying when you say you "hate gays"
    listen to what god has to say, love thy neighbour and stop hating!
    none of us deserve to be hated for being gay.
    Matthew didnt deserve all this and if you werent moved by the video youve got some issues

  • @Mandskull
    @Mandskull 17 лет назад

    What I think is that if someone wants to be homosexual then you just have to respect that and not show hatred to them. I am not homosexual and yet I have no hatred towards those who choose to be. But that still doesn't mean any side straight or homosexual should be allowd to push their beleifs on other people. For example I have gotten popups saying things like 'It's better being gay!' or 'God will take his revenge on homosexuals'

  • @FlameDesire
    @FlameDesire 17 лет назад

    I'm sure this Matthew didn't harrass you or anything. What did he do to you to make him deserve death? Gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, hispanic, african american...etc are people just like you and me. It shouldn't matter what they look like or who they like, nothing matters except their heart. Look beneath someone's skin color and you might find a true friend to support you through harsh times.

  • @MissMisser
    @MissMisser 17 лет назад

    Living by a book written 2000 years ago, is to step on the future of the world we live in. The bible also says, eating seafoods is wrong, but we conveniently ignore that. Many homophobes 'blame' it on the bible, but I see it as an excuse not to take responsibility for your actions/opinions.
    Matthews story left me in tears. Making this world safe for all, is everyone's responsibility. And our job to educate people. Pray in time, this will be considered unnecessary.
    Keep up the great work.

  • @CreatingPulsars
    @CreatingPulsars 15 лет назад

    Well, if you're going to use level of AIDS risk as your reasoning to hate than yeah, gay males would be the top of your list to hate, followed by straight males, then straight women, and you should absolutely LOVE lesbians because face it, when it comes to most STD risks, lesbian sex is the lowest.
    So... yeah... your arguments against homosexuality really make sense *sarcasm*

  • @greatestone00
    @greatestone00 16 лет назад

    When will everybody realize that what makes all people the same is so much more important than what makes us different. I just don't understand the bigots who discriminate against gays. As if homosexuals aren't human beings too. As if they're not someone's son, or daughter, or sister, or brother, or father, or mother, or friend.

  • @zedsterthemyuu
    @zedsterthemyuu 16 лет назад

    I certainly hope so too. A lot of my Asian fellowman voted yes on prop 8, unfortunately, I cannot say sorry enough for them voting the wrong way. A lot of Asians are prejudiced and close minded too. I can only remind as many people as possible that they shouldn't discriminate if they don't want to be discriminated against.

  • @zedsterthemyuu
    @zedsterthemyuu 16 лет назад

    This is a great video. I think it's sad that a lot of homophobic people are still around. I had a friend who is voted yes on prop 8. His argument was that gay people could be gay if they wanted, in their bedroom behind closed doors, but just not marry. He doesn't understand that discrimination is discrimination. I feel that America has taken a step backward in this case...

  • @demonangel918
    @demonangel918 16 лет назад

    an innocent life taken...way too soon! Thank you for making this video,its beautiful. Its hard to comprehend that you would take a life...just because they were gay?! why!! Then take my life,because Im a hispanic woman...take a life since they are black,white,asian,polka dots...We all bleed the same blood...so why spill it?

  • @kiniart2493
    @kiniart2493 16 лет назад

    My daughter was too young to know all this when it first happened. She'd seen Matthew's photo in another anti-hate video and was asking questions... I came across your video while searching for the complete Scarecrow song... Thank you for putting together such a wonderful video. It was a perfect way to educate my daughter on what happened to Matthew.

  • @dhchemistry
    @dhchemistry 16 лет назад

    How strong a force is hatred that it compels a human being to brutally slay another of his own kind? Who could let hate take such control over them that they could stand there and beat someone into a coma for nothing?
    In response to a previous comment, if anything is "evil" here, it is hatred. It is evil in its purest form.

  • @risamaeve
    @risamaeve 17 лет назад

    we have to remember, however scared we get, never to hate those that hate gay people, because then we will be no better than them. We have to show them what sort of people we are, and we have to do that without ever showing hatred to them. REMEMBER THAT. no matter what they do. because all humans are equal.

  • @DOGMAN9999
    @DOGMAN9999 17 лет назад

    Folks...rather this is a religious issue or not is not as important as how we view each other. Do we really want to live in a world that is divided by the sexual prference we choose....the color of our skin...the looks of our new born child? Isn't it time we accept each other for what we are? I love each of you and I accept you for what you are and who you are.

  • @magnu44dirtyharry
    @magnu44dirtyharry 17 лет назад

    I'm not pro gay, but i believe that it's really disturbing the hate some people, if i may call them that, have for gay people. I do joke alot about gays, and along with gays, because find it strange but, i do believe that people have the right to do what they want with others, as long as mutually concented. As for adoption and so on... that's another thing to discuss.

  • @Varsh86
    @Varsh86 17 лет назад

    is it wrong of me to feel hate for the people who did this? who still do this? because, its not just hate i feel, it is pure rage. i know karma will do its share, but all i feel like doing to these extreme narrow minded humans is the exact same thing that was done to Matthew Shepard... Rest In Peace Matt, They'll Get whats coming to them..

  • @FlameDesire
    @FlameDesire 17 лет назад

    True, everyone is the same. We all deserve the right to live. We shouldn't be racist, sexist or anything related to discrimination. Taking someone's life just because this person was born that way is sad. You can't change if your gay or not if you were born to be gay. You can't change that and you shouldn't force others. It's their own right, why care about others?

  • @PsukeLukou
    @PsukeLukou 17 лет назад

    I'd give one point : racism is different than homophobia. One being physical and the other psychological. I would even say that being racist is worse, because it excludes the religious "fanatic zealots". However, you must admit that, in the end, it ends up being the same tolerance problem. Don't you think so?

    @GODSSON6 17 лет назад

    No, I have no idea! Please enlighten me. Blacks were never attacked because of there color! Like heard someone say, you can walk into a room of a 100 people and not decipher who is gay or not and not discriminate. But, of course you could walk into a room and see a 100 people and see who is black, white, asian etc. So trust me it makes a difference. It is different!

    @GODSSON6 17 лет назад

    I am using logic and reality and the reality of the subject is that if someone speaks out against racism the usual response is usually "oh boy here they go again" and disregard it as annoying as if it does not wxist. My problem is not with gays, but the fact the we are supposed to defend them, simply because it is the political correct thing to do!

  • @PsukeLukou
    @PsukeLukou 17 лет назад

    So what? Because there is still racism, people will not accept homosexuality? And I guess that if we follow your thoughts, there will still be homophobia because there is still racism, right? You really think that one is more important than the other? Look, the BIG message is the following : "Peace, equality, live and let live." So please, use your reasoning skills and logic.

  • @stuartykins
    @stuartykins 17 лет назад

    Your video was so touching, it made me cry. I just can't believe that people would do something so sick.
    Some people really need to see this, open their narrow little minds filled with hate for people who are different. We should all be allowed to be who we are, stop the homophobia.
    It's hard to believe that such cruelty still exists in this world.

  • @HannahMayJune
    @HannahMayJune 13 лет назад

    some students at my high school and other people in the area did a play (a series of interviews quoted directly) and my school saw it. it was touching yet depressing. how could someone feel so passionately against someones personality that they would commit murder? i just cannot comprehend.

  • @jowoods1
    @jowoods1 13 лет назад

    @Michelle5451 beautiful video...I am a lesbian and have been in my relationship for 12 years now. We need to remember Matthew's story hoping somewhere it reaches even ONE closed minded person is an achievement. Your words that you included with the video,very elequent! Peace n Love

  • @erinecho4
    @erinecho4 13 лет назад

    When this album first came out in 1999 I was just a kid and I never understood why my mom skipped this track. I asked, and she said it was because it was too painful to listen to every time. Then she told me the Matthew Shepherd story and hugged me while I cried.

  • @Kelly12386
    @Kelly12386 14 лет назад

    This is the first time I've ever heard this song, I'll admit something, I usually don't get teary eyed or cry, but this song and what happened to Matthew Shepard.......It just makes me sick how they could be that ignorant and do what they did to him. Thanks for posting this video.

  • @ambros2006
    @ambros2006 16 лет назад

    CandleLightChaos666 so true what u said i know a lot of people that are gay and most of them are my friends. and it is realy sad that most of them and this have to hide their sexuallity just becuse of some people dont agree with what they are doing!!! to right Matthew wont be fogotten.

  • @itswhatever816
    @itswhatever816 17 лет назад

    I really don't understand how people could do such a hateful thing like that. Why can't people just accept it and deal with the fact that people are the way they are? They are no different than anyone else and shouldn't be treated the way they are with such hate.

  • @mikeyinqc
    @mikeyinqc 17 лет назад

    what i can, and do choose is my actions! i am in a long term committed relationship- completely faithful. as far as being ignorant? for those who don't think it is a choice? i live it every day- i "know" me, and i know i never chose. so count me amoung the ignorant.

  • @korisx
    @korisx 17 лет назад

    I know this is late, I've just realised when someone replies to a comment I make it goes to my email address which I check once in a blue moon lol. Yes Michelle things are well down under thanks for asking. I'll have to check out more of your stuff take care.

  • @korisx
    @korisx 17 лет назад

    From Australia, hello, Matthew 25:40? I don't remember it, lol. I guess the video reveals its power. Just like all other text in the book, the moment gives power to the verses. Unless you were wise, then the verses would give power to the moment. Babbling now, anyway this was a beautiful video.

  • @FlameDesire
    @FlameDesire 17 лет назад

    Puddin...not everyone is gay. There will always be straight people and gay people. Us gays can have children, we go to a donor. Being in a gay or lesbian only world doesn't mean we don't produce life. There are guys that will be willing to donate to keep the population up.

  • @bronxgirl712
    @bronxgirl712 17 лет назад

    I love your video (besides the fact that it was great) for the simple fact that you said that people should mind their own business and worry about their own lives. That is such great advice. If more people took that advice, there'd be no need for videos like this.

    @GODSSON6 17 лет назад

    It is funny how the same people that easily accept homosexuality and do not denounce racism. But, gays compare there struggle with that of blacks, amazing!Racism of blacks still exists and you expect people to embrace homosexuality! Please, talk about hypocracy!

  • @98smithg
    @98smithg 18 лет назад

    I havent finished my degree yet but i can still legitimatly say i have a degree . If you dug a hole in the ground and you intented it to be 4 by 1 foot across , but you had only so far dug a 1 by 1 foot hole in the floor , would you not say there is a hole in the floor?

  • @MistressDena18
    @MistressDena18 13 лет назад

    i love what you done here, it is very moving and touching to knowing there aren't as many closed minded people any more but for those who are, it saddens me to think of those people and why they would do this type of thing to some one so sweet

  • @velvetbc
    @velvetbc 14 лет назад

    The guy who killed Mathew is just stupid, why should he tell his girlfriend he just killed a guy ?!! he is stupid ...if it is nobody's business if the killer was using so much drugs, the same way it is not the killer's damn business if Mathew was gay

  • @missdeebates
    @missdeebates 14 лет назад

    TODAY IS MATTHEW SHEPARD DAY , we do not need permission to make it so , WE DECLARE IT SO, 8th October 2010, 12 years ago today his life was extinguished , but his light will burn so brightly it will blind you RIP dear Matthew never to be forgotten x

  • @Lucifaera
    @Lucifaera 14 лет назад

    you forgot one thing: matt's parents. because the attackers were so young they showed forgivness and told the judges not to sentence them to death.
    and this is one more thing the song is about: I can forgive... But I will not forget.

  • @Varsh86
    @Varsh86 17 лет назад

    i suppose being the bigger person stems from being a more intelligent person. so let that twisted cult preach its hate. the rest of us need to get on with life and progress unlike the regression they go through every single day. thanks michelle.

  • @DragonSelena1976
    @DragonSelena1976 17 лет назад

    I first heard that song at one of her concerts...it sent chills through me the first time I heard it sung live and it still holds the same effect to this day. You have a done such a wonderful job of putting pictures to the words and music.

  • @oooolive
    @oooolive 17 лет назад

    You have a lovley attitude my friend, Im glad to see that you are not all homopobes. It means my life is slightly easier. Also it makes life better for you because you get all of this posative feedback from people like me. :) have a good day.

  • @oooolive
    @oooolive 17 лет назад

    Amazingly i have the ability to have children and im a lesbian. I am 16 (today its my birthday) and even i realise that the number of gay people acctually isnt rising its just that more people have the ability to be open about their sexuality.

  • @Savethetomboys
    @Savethetomboys 18 лет назад

    The first time I heard this song it touched my heart. My brother is gay and I love him dearly. I belive we can't choose what we are and we are born the way we are. And for someone to say it's wrong is wrong them self and needs to learn tolerance of others.

  • @yamixyoukai
    @yamixyoukai 13 лет назад

    This song cuts right into my soul, and is on my mind non-stop.
    Those who don't feel anything when listening, must question themselves as to WHY...
    Mathew Shepard DID NOT deserve a death like that, he died far before his time!

  • @EvenxInxDeath8
    @EvenxInxDeath8 13 лет назад

    This song touches me in so many ways. Sick corruption of the human mind has programmed that "being gay is wrong." Being a human is beautiful. Despite gender, race, sex, age. Love is love. Love is beautiful.

  • @HeidiHoencamp
    @HeidiHoencamp 14 лет назад

    @Michelle5451 What a great response, it's exactly what I say to people who believe sexual orientation is a choice. I just can't believe how ignorant some people are. God bless you and all others who think like you and me.

  • @nhbear24
    @nhbear24 15 лет назад

    I look forward to the day where these posts are no longer needed.That will be a day that all of God's children will live together without hate and violence.Wouldn't that be a nice place to live?What do you think?

  • @KellyAKoehler
    @KellyAKoehler 16 лет назад

    My God this is very powerful, very heartbreaking, very relevent. Thank you for being an ally-- I thank you so much for your strength and your love in fighting the hate...this video has left me struggling to find words

  • @Overseer08
    @Overseer08 16 лет назад

    What's the song title it's so beautiful, nice video it almost make me cry, i'm just sick and tired of this hatred world why people can't understand that everyone has the right to love everyone he/she wants?

  • @yunix29
    @yunix29 17 лет назад

    It's insane to think that homosexuality can be taught! You are or you are not, you don't become or learn to be. It's not a choice, who would choose to be laughed at and hated because of the way they live?

  • @sabboth42
    @sabboth42 17 лет назад

    Its the hate filled mind that divides
    Its the hate that corrupts
    Its the hate that binds
    Its the hate that leaves you broken and empty
    Its the hate that finds pleasure in killing
    Its the hate
    Its the hate...

  • @jowoods1
    @jowoods1 13 лет назад

    @Michelle5451~Also Amy Ray(Indigo Girls) does her solo based on this same story...you did such a wonderful job on this video,I would be interested to see what you could do with the song "Laramie":)