Pietro Guglielmi Thanks for viewing, Pietro! Do subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on RUclips for a steady stream of videos from across India, as part of our ambitious 'Visual mapping of the Indian subcontinent' project. Also view our 'Best of India' video playlist on RUclips, and visit and enjoy your journey across India at clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience! Team WFIL
as a beatboxer i can tell you that when i first tried it, my throat felt like it was on fire lol my vocal cords werent used to that kind of vibration but the more i did it the more my throat and vocal cords got used to the vibrations. but over time i was able to do it for 5 minutes straight. you also need to watch your breath as you do it. im sure there is someone who can explain it better than me
@@andioop6099 Wow this is such an old comment, 7 years ago ahah To be clear, I learned throat singing quite properly since then, and I know what you mean. I haven't been doing it for a while, so now I won't last long if I try, but a few years ago I could keep it for a few minutes straight as well
For anyone wondering how to learn to do this: It's not as hard as you'd think. As long as you have a naturally deep (or even just deep-ish voice) it can come naturally to you. They call it throat chanting because it comes 100% from your throat. It's essentially just extended grunting. Start out by grunting for a long time as deep as you can to warm up your chords, the first few days of doing it you'll really wear out your throat. After a while of just grunting you'll figure out the technique to make it harmonic on your own; for me it just took a couple of hours of trying around. Once you get the technique down just practice every day and over time the set of vocal chords that the sound comes from will strengthen. The vocal chord that you use when you do it have become naturally week over the last several thousand years because we haven't needed them for much. Before we had languages we just grunted all the time, and used them much more, so that's why it can be really hard to do it starting off; humans as a whole have dramatically decreased the usage of those chords. Just wanted to put this here for anyone who wants to try it out on there own, for a long time I decided that it was too hard to do, but one day I decided to learn everything I could about it and now I can do it pretty well. It doesn't sound nearly as good as the monks who have been doing it for decades, but it's decent. I just like knowing that I know how to do it.
Yes. It's strange how two lands and two races can have things like that in common. But it's probably got something to do with having to use a lot of the same muscles. Now some doctors who treat patients with sleep apnea, instead of writing up a prescription for dangerous pharmaceuticals or cumbersome machines, are recommending learning to play the didgeridoo because it exercises upper airway muscles that rarely get used during the day and go flaccid at night, causing obstruction. The best part is that even if you never fully get the hang of it, those muscles in your throat still get a good workout and you may be able to wean yourself off the CPAP after only a few weeks of practice!
@@thudor1 That's really interesting, thanks for posting this Bob. I remember reading that sometimes weak neck muscles can cause snoring. I feel throat singing exercises your throat a lot too.
+SuryaDas Thanks for the support and appreciation! Do help us extend the viewership - we are woefully short of adequate viewers... Thanks for viewing, SuryaDas! Do subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on RUclips for a steady stream of videos from across India, as part of our ambitious 'Visual mapping of the Indian subcontinent' project. Also view our 'Best of India' video playlist on RUclips, and visit and enjoy your journey across India at clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience! Team WFIL
+WildFilmsIndia Yes of course. I am subscribed and will do what I can to help get more viewers. I will definitely recommend your channel to all of my friends. Again, thank you so much. Bahut dhanyawad! :-D
@@aclock4815 yes it does. It seems to be a load of word salad that no one understands, but it sounds nice to say it as though people understand it…..but they don’t.
@@Sir_Lionheart I just googled cellular memory. If i understood correctly, it's something like the memories from our ancestors or our past lives is stored in our DNA. This also serves as instinct to humans but animals. For example the bees know how to make a beehive because of the stored memory in their cells. If that is true, i have one example which will sound weird but i'm not joking. When i was 2 years old and still in diapers i had a very strange event that i can vividly remember. I was on the floor in the living room playing with toys, my dad and my brother watched a movie, my mom was in the kitchen. There was a creepy scene in the movie, there were people wearing helmets, they were in a red desert, their helmets broke and they couldn't breathe so their eyes started popping out and they looked ugly. That scared me off and i crawled to another room. My family didn't notice me. I had a wooden pencil with a blue fluffy teddy bear attached on it. I wanted to soothe myself and i started playing with this fluffy bear by putting the pencil in my diapers and rubbing my khm khm.. It felt nice, i don't know what else to say. Eventually i fell asleep with my hand and the pencil stuck in my diapers. My family came looking for me and they started laughing at me, i felt so embarrassed they saw me. They were shocked with my strange behavior. And then i started playing with myself regularly since i was 4-5 years old, and i knew everything about sexual things without ever asking or learning. We didn't have internet back then. To this day i don't know why i knew all of this. Is it just instinct? Or maybe cellular memory? I know it's weird alright, but to me it's funny and interesting, and in some way i am proud of it. Some people don't believe me because i was only 2 years old. They don't think it's possible for such a young child to feel aroused, and they don't think you can have memories from that age, but i have lots of memories from that age. My parents confirmed it many times with many different events, and they are also amazed how can i remember all of this. Many years later i found the movie that scared me. It's called Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger. They were astronauts on Mars when their helmets broke. And somehow i think i knew what astronauts were back then, i knew that was another planet without air. Now i can't be 100% sure because maybe my mind is playing tricks on me, maybe i didn't know what astronauts are back then. But i'm almost certain i knew. At least i knew for sure that their eyes were popping out because they had no air. I didn't know about the definition of ''pressure'' but it seemed logical to me, i knew what was happening. I still never watched the movie, maybe i should give it a go these days. Hopefully my comment is not flagged because of this lol...
if you hear closely, they can create more then one pitch with the same sounds, making a literal vocal "chord", you can hear the lower and higher pitches in the same sound.
Chin up, chin up Everybody loves a happy face Wear it, share it It'll brighten up the darkest place Twinkle, sparkle Let a little sunshine in You'll be on the right side Looking at the bright side Up with your chiney chin, chin up
Well, they're not "lyrics" because it's a prayer, which starts around 2:11. I'm not familiar with this one, so I can't tell you exactly, what it is, but the dedication prayer then starts around 3:23. Again, it's a slightly different version than the one I know, so I can't give you the exact words, but dedication prayers dedicate what came before in general to the benefit of all living beings (may the teachings spread, may teacher live a long life, etc).
Eric Brinkman They are singing in Tibetan, right? Not Sanskrit or something else? Do you know how the words would be written phonetically in the English alphabet? I’m very curious, I feel like I may have been a Tibetan monk in a past life and I can do the sounds but I want to know the words so I can do it like them. Thanks :)
Tashi Delek Lama. Thank you Lama for the chants. I feel in the present moment straight away. The frequency of the chant, the monotone (single tone). Noho ora mai (remain well).
I'm here because Sheldon knows Big Bang Theory said he likes Big Band music and Tibetan throat singing......this is actually VERY soothing and relaxing
O texto da descrição traduzido para o português. "A música dos templos tibetanos é particularmente conhecida no oeste por suas duas formas de canto multifônico, conhecidas como jok-kay (tom baixo) e bar-da (tom alto). Em ambas as formas, cada um dos principais cantores entoa simultaneamente três notas, cada um criando individualmente um acorde completo. Os tibetanos são uma das únicas culturas na Terra que cultivam essa habilidade vocal extraordinária. Essa tradição também é conhecida como "canto harmônico" porque é conseguida aprendendo a controlar os músculos da cavidade vocal e, em seguida, remodelando-a durante o canto, intensificando assim os tons naturais da voz. Com efeito, o corpo é transformado em um amplificador de sobretons eficaz. Uma noite em 1433, o lama tibetano Je Tzong Sherab Senge acordou de um sonho surpreendente. Nele ele ouviu uma voz diferente de qualquer voz que já havia soado no planeta. Era uma voz baixa, incrivelmente profunda, soando mais como o rosnado de um touro selvagem do que qualquer coisa humana. Combinado com esta primeira voz, houve uma segunda. Essa voz era alta e pura, como o som de uma criança cantando. Essas duas vozes, tão totalmente diferentes, vieram da mesma fonte e essa fonte era o próprio Je Tzong Sherab Senge. Neste sonho, Je Tzong Sherab Senge foi instruído a pegar esta voz especial e usá-la para um novo estilo de canto que incorporaria os aspectos masculino e feminino da energia divina. Era uma voz tântrica, um som que poderia unir aqueles que a cantavam em uma teia de consciência universal. Na manhã seguinte, Je Tzong Sherab Senge começou a entoar suas orações diárias. Os sons que saíram dele eram os que ouvira em seu sonho - sons sobrenaturais, sons tântricos - e ele reuniu seus companheiros monges para contar-lhes seu sonho. Naquele ano, mais de 500 anos atrás, o Mosteiro Gyume Tântrico começou em Lhasa, Tibete. Os monges deste mosteiro aprenderam a cantar com a mesma voz que Je Tzong Sherab Senge escutou em seu sonho. Era uma voz que permitia a cada monge cantar três notas ao mesmo tempo, criando 'acordes de uma voz'. Nesse mesmo século, outro mosteiro em Lhasa, o Gyuto Tantric College, foi fundado. Os monges deste colega Tantric College também incorporaram essa técnica de canto em seus rituais sagrados. Durante séculos, os sons e rituais mágicos do Tibete permaneceram envoltos nos mistérios de um país que recusava a comunicação com o mundo exterior. Histórias desse canto sobrenatural voltariam ao mundo "civilizado" junto com contos de habilidades aparentemente sobre-humanas que os monges tibetanos possuíam, mas estas pareciam nada mais que mito. Em 1950, a China invadiu o Tibete. Certos monges escaparam para a Índia, onde continuaram seus rituais tântricos. Suas atividades espirituais permaneceram esotéricas, mas certos professores de religião e etnomusicologia estavam achando seus rituais tântricos um pouco mais acessíveis. Esses cientistas e estudiosos voltariam ao Ocidente com relatos de uma notável técnica de canto usada pelos monges Gyume e Gyuto. No canto tântrico tibetano, o objetivo do canto é invocar e então se unir a uma divindade ou ser particular. Os monges tornam-se literalmente os deuses e deusas a quem estão orando. Pode ser que os tons pronunciados pelas diferentes Faculdades Tântricas sejam invocações específicas para entidades particulares."
I finally figured out how to do this throat singing. Not as clean or as on demand but I can do it. I love the sound. I was was annoying my kids with it.
But it was first mentioned on a "Frazier" episode when he and his brother got so hilariously excited about attending a Tibetan throat singing concert. The scene was so dang funny as I realized that probably 99% of us had no idea what throat singing was!
I try this since 2 years, only every second week. Be careful it destroys your voice. Try it just a few seconds the first time, till you can feel your throat and then stop it. You will notice it the next day :) last year I overstressed my voice and wasn´t able to speak for 2 month
im fascinated by this because im a beatboxer and i use the throat bass aloooot! listening to this makes me feel relaxed and focused thanks for posting this amazing video!
You can feel power and pride in their eyes and voices!... I was watching Mongolian version of throat singing , a comment said they have toned down the vocals otherwise they will start another Mongolian empire !
@Jehoshua Olivier, i would say it's in the modal register. Tibetan Monks have rare facility in the lower register, with uncanny abilities to peer into the depths of the human voice, producing the richest, lowest, most resonant of low notes. It's amazing, they're true bass singers.
Kinda. You can learn to manipulate the overtones with different vowel shapes to get different "notes", but really you're just changing the resonances of one note.
Frequency, Vibration can bend Reality and Change Mood, Health, Cure you or make you sick... depends from Vibration, Meditation everyday, Positive thoughts, Clean Heart is the key of the Universe !!!
Polly: Let me know what you think of the music of Lama Tashi. Please punch in "lama tashi wildfilmsindia" in the RUclips search window! He was Grammy nominated and sounds even better than these monks... He's quite s friend and has visited our office and sung for us as well. WFIL
Melanie: Let me know what you think of the music of Lama Tashi. Please punch in "lama tashi wildfilmsindia" in the RUclips search window! He was Grammy nominated and sounds even better than these monks... He's quite s friend and has visited our office and sung for us as well. WFIL
the very same argument has been happening between protestants and catholics for centuries; please, it really doesnt matter. ten thousand paths, one single destination.
Polly and Melanie: Thanks for your inputs and information. Our meta-tagger clearly didn't take the effort to learn more about overtone singing and such music and instead chose to rely on an unreliable source of information on the internet! May we request you to provide us more information on this music and similar overtone singing, so we can add it to the clip? Please also subscribe to our wildfilmsindia channel on RUclips, for a steady stream of HD factual, travel and musical Asian content?
i would also like to know, ive been searching for a long time. i think i can hear 'chenrizig wang tenzin gyatso yi' at 3:58 which is part of the long life prayer for the dalai lama, but i cant hear the other parts of those verses. i think it is a few prayers that they are chanting.
Did Denis Villeneuve use Tibetan Throat Singers for the Salusa Secundus scene in Dune? Sounds way more like this than something like Mongolian Throat Singing or Inuit Throat Singing.
I agree it sounds like this. More inspired by this than actually ripping direct audio. Normies who never heard of throat singing always think to mongolian and tuvan not knowing there are many types of throat singing styles. The Sardaukar most closely resemble tibetan throat singing
Don't know if it's just me. I find this EXTREMELY relaxing.
I concur, I sleep to this :)
Pietro Guglielmi Thanks for viewing, Pietro! Do subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on RUclips for a steady stream of videos from across India, as part of our ambitious 'Visual mapping of the Indian subcontinent' project. Also view our 'Best of India' video playlist on RUclips, and visit and enjoy your journey across India at clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
+Pietro Guglielmi Sounds painful. My throat hurts just listening.
Jeffrey D Only painful when you first try to do it. I guarantee it's as easy as talking for these monks.
@@aids7899 yeah, they had years of specialized training
So the beatbox throat bass is a descendant from Mongolian and Tibetan throat singing and that is amazing
finally someone gets it
Delay lama
Insightful comment and spot on.
So you still keep that thumbnail which once was a nerd-hype, years after the fashion is gone?
Internet: "Girls voices get more of a high pitch when talking to someone they love"
The Girls that talk to me:
Oh man... this got a good laugh out of me!!! 😅🤣😂🤣😅😂🤣
Natashia Fawn ha same
Why do they do that?
Yeah, but what is mistaken for _love_ is here *excitement.*
True love doesn't make people hyper but calm.
level infinity acquired
+Carlos Rivera guyss????
You have just made my day, man
Carlos Rivera jawohl
i can only imagine how difficult it is to maintain the tone and the quality for a so extended period
as a beatboxer i can tell you that when i first tried it, my throat felt like it was on fire lol my vocal cords werent used to that kind of vibration but the more i did it the more my throat and vocal cords got used to the vibrations. but over time i was able to do it for 5 minutes straight. you also need to watch your breath as you do it. im sure there is someone who can explain it better than me
@@andioop6099 Wow this is such an old comment, 7 years ago ahah
To be clear, I learned throat singing quite properly since then, and I know what you mean. I haven't been doing it for a while, so now I won't last long if I try, but a few years ago I could keep it for a few minutes straight as well
@@alexvith haha
This is my exact birthday 5 march 2013
I showed my brother this video, he is now a monk and meditates at least 10 times a day.
death metal can't compete to this
you are not even close to metal that uses something similar
Get out of my mind.
Look up Wiegedood - Prowl. 5 mins in.
Freezing Moon by Mayhem. Void ov Voices does some throat singing shit it there. It's brutal
heh heh, check out *drone* metal
I say I like all kinds of music and my friend showed me this...
I still like all kinds of music..
For anyone wondering how to learn to do this:
It's not as hard as you'd think. As long as you have a naturally deep (or even just deep-ish voice) it can come naturally to you. They call it throat chanting because it comes 100% from your throat. It's essentially just extended grunting. Start out by grunting for a long time as deep as you can to warm up your chords, the first few days of doing it you'll really wear out your throat. After a while of just grunting you'll figure out the technique to make it harmonic on your own; for me it just took a couple of hours of trying around.
Once you get the technique down just practice every day and over time the set of vocal chords that the sound comes from will strengthen. The vocal chord that you use when you do it have become naturally week over the last several thousand years because we haven't needed them for much. Before we had languages we just grunted all the time, and used them much more, so that's why it can be really hard to do it starting off; humans as a whole have dramatically decreased the usage of those chords.
Just wanted to put this here for anyone who wants to try it out on there own, for a long time I decided that it was too hard to do, but one day I decided to learn everything I could about it and now I can do it pretty well. It doesn't sound nearly as good as the monks who have been doing it for decades, but it's decent. I just like knowing that I know how to do it.
thanks for the help man!
I will do that on 4AM while my neighbors sleep. Intentionally.
Swarky The sound they make doesn't use the same vocal chords as when you talk.
You're wrong, it comes from your stomach
Vibration , the frequency , the Chant 🔥🔥🔥🙏🙏
Tibetan throat singing + Sunn O))) = Nirvana.
did Sunn O))) ever use that type of singing?
@@bangasou12 They're instrumental only last i knew lol. He just meant listen to both at once.
kantara music director told he used this throat singing in the climax when guliga entered shiva body, pure goosebumps 👌🏻
😂😂 what a waste of your time poor u
@@orpheus1662 what a waste of your parent having you as their kid , you are their disappointed and regretful !
It's just me or the monk of the right is a little bit shy while the one in the left it's having an interdimentional trip?
I laughed my ass off on this comment mate.
Lol 😂
You should see the Sardinian throat singing one. I kept thinking those other three guys just wont let that one guy sing his heart out
Mr Teleport1 I’ve seen it. Not the best type but I still love it. Tibetan throat singing is the master of all throat singing types
oh yeah, the guy on the left is deep throating it real deep! I feel like the one on the left can go a little deeper!!! (I'm so sorry)
It sounds like a didgeridoo!
Hah! It does, doesn't it!
Yes. It's strange how two lands and two races can have things like that in common. But it's probably got something to do with having to use a lot of the same muscles.
Now some doctors who treat patients with sleep apnea, instead of writing up a prescription for dangerous pharmaceuticals or cumbersome machines, are recommending learning to play the didgeridoo because it exercises upper airway muscles that rarely get used during the day and go flaccid at night, causing obstruction. The best part is that even if you never fully get the hang of it, those muscles in your throat still get a good workout and you may be able to wean yourself off the CPAP after only a few weeks of practice!
@@thudor1 That's really interesting, thanks for posting this Bob. I remember reading that sometimes weak neck muscles can cause snoring. I feel throat singing exercises your throat a lot too.
yes 😂
I got some throat exercises for ya
Thank you for this and all of your great videos. I appreciate all of your efforts!
+SuryaDas Thanks for the support and appreciation! Do help us extend the viewership - we are woefully short of adequate viewers... Thanks for viewing, SuryaDas! Do subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on RUclips for a steady stream of videos from across India, as part of our ambitious 'Visual mapping of the Indian subcontinent' project. Also view our 'Best of India' video playlist on RUclips, and visit and enjoy your journey across India at clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
+WildFilmsIndia Yes of course. I am subscribed and will do what I can to help get more viewers. I will definitely recommend your channel to all of my friends. Again, thank you so much. Bahut dhanyawad! :-D
You are welcome - stay with us on this beautiful journey across our heartland!
@@suryadas6987 Which came first? Tibetan buddhism or shaktism?
It's not just relaxing...it healing and awakens cellular memory!!
Is there any demonstrable evidence of what “awaking cellular memory” is?
@@Sir_Lionheart idk but it sounds funny
@@aclock4815 yes it does. It seems to be a load of word salad that no one understands, but it sounds nice to say it as though people understand it…..but they don’t.
@@Sir_Lionheart I just googled cellular memory. If i understood correctly, it's something like the memories from our ancestors or our past lives is stored in our DNA. This also serves as instinct to humans but animals. For example the bees know how to make a beehive because of the stored memory in their cells.
If that is true, i have one example which will sound weird but i'm not joking. When i was 2 years old and still in diapers i had a very strange event that i can vividly remember. I was on the floor in the living room playing with toys, my dad and my brother watched a movie, my mom was in the kitchen. There was a creepy scene in the movie, there were people wearing helmets, they were in a red desert, their helmets broke and they couldn't breathe so their eyes started popping out and they looked ugly. That scared me off and i crawled to another room. My family didn't notice me. I had a wooden pencil with a blue fluffy teddy bear attached on it. I wanted to soothe myself and i started playing with this fluffy bear by putting the pencil in my diapers and rubbing my khm khm.. It felt nice, i don't know what else to say. Eventually i fell asleep with my hand and the pencil stuck in my diapers. My family came looking for me and they started laughing at me, i felt so embarrassed they saw me. They were shocked with my strange behavior.
And then i started playing with myself regularly since i was 4-5 years old, and i knew everything about sexual things without ever asking or learning. We didn't have internet back then. To this day i don't know why i knew all of this. Is it just instinct? Or maybe cellular memory?
I know it's weird alright, but to me it's funny and interesting, and in some way i am proud of it. Some people don't believe me because i was only 2 years old. They don't think it's possible for such a young child to feel aroused, and they don't think you can have memories from that age, but i have lots of memories from that age. My parents confirmed it many times with many different events, and they are also amazed how can i remember all of this.
Many years later i found the movie that scared me. It's called Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger. They were astronauts on Mars when their helmets broke. And somehow i think i knew what astronauts were back then, i knew that was another planet without air. Now i can't be 100% sure because maybe my mind is playing tricks on me, maybe i didn't know what astronauts are back then. But i'm almost certain i knew. At least i knew for sure that their eyes were popping out because they had no air. I didn't know about the definition of ''pressure'' but it seemed logical to me, i knew what was happening. I still never watched the movie, maybe i should give it a go these days. Hopefully my comment is not flagged because of this lol...
@@twentytwo138wow that’s very interesting, I believe you.
Find your soul
and keep it in your heart.
Feed it, honor it
for what it is, your presence
in this world, open,
fresh, inspirational.
if you hear closely, they can create more then one pitch with the same sounds, making a literal vocal "chord", you can hear the lower and higher pitches in the same sound.
Yeah I’m guessing that’s “multi-phonic” like in the title. AKA “vocal fry” 👍
Dreams are messages from the deep.
That film has made me actually addicted to throat singing, im constantly looking to get my sarduakar fix man
i remember i hear this a lot when i was young, my family always watch eerie chinese movies
This new Death Grips album is fire!
Wow, what are the lyrics?
+Anon Ymous lol
Chin up, chin up Everybody loves a happy face Wear it, share it It'll brighten up the darkest place Twinkle, sparkle Let a little sunshine in You'll be on the right side Looking at the bright side
Up with your chiney chin, chin up
Well, they're not "lyrics" because it's a prayer, which starts around 2:11. I'm not familiar with this one, so I can't tell you exactly, what it is, but the dedication prayer then starts around 3:23. Again, it's a slightly different version than the one I know, so I can't give you the exact words, but dedication prayers dedicate what came before in general to the benefit of all living beings (may the teachings spread, may teacher live a long life, etc).
@@UserName-ff8jr Oh my god. 😂
Eric Brinkman They are singing in Tibetan, right? Not Sanskrit or something else? Do you know how the words would be written phonetically in the English alphabet? I’m very curious, I feel like I may have been a Tibetan monk in a past life and I can do the sounds but I want to know the words so I can do it like them. Thanks :)
I love this beautiful chanting sound blessings
Tashi Delek Lama. Thank you Lama for the chants. I feel in the present moment straight away. The frequency of the chant, the monotone (single tone). Noho ora mai (remain well).
I bet these guys can do some mad throat bass haha
I'm here because Sheldon knows Big Bang Theory said he likes Big Band music and Tibetan throat singing......this is actually VERY soothing and relaxing
oh really, hehe
Literally came here in the middle of that episode to see what this was🤣
I searched for this after watching Sheldon throat sing thinking, "I need to learn that!"
Incredible sounds - love this form of chanting. Om mani padme hum........
O texto da descrição traduzido para o português.
"A música dos templos tibetanos é particularmente conhecida no oeste por suas duas formas de canto multifônico, conhecidas como jok-kay (tom baixo) e bar-da (tom alto). Em ambas as formas, cada um dos principais cantores entoa simultaneamente três notas, cada um criando individualmente um acorde completo. Os tibetanos são uma das únicas culturas na Terra que cultivam essa habilidade vocal extraordinária. Essa tradição também é conhecida como "canto harmônico" porque é conseguida aprendendo a controlar os músculos da cavidade vocal e, em seguida, remodelando-a durante o canto, intensificando assim os tons naturais da voz. Com efeito, o corpo é transformado em um amplificador de sobretons eficaz.
Uma noite em 1433, o lama tibetano Je Tzong Sherab Senge acordou de um sonho surpreendente. Nele ele ouviu uma voz diferente de qualquer voz que já havia soado no planeta. Era uma voz baixa, incrivelmente profunda, soando mais como o rosnado de um touro selvagem do que qualquer coisa humana. Combinado com esta primeira voz, houve uma segunda. Essa voz era alta e pura, como o som de uma criança cantando. Essas duas vozes, tão totalmente diferentes, vieram da mesma fonte e essa fonte era o próprio Je Tzong Sherab Senge.
Neste sonho, Je Tzong Sherab Senge foi instruído a pegar esta voz especial e usá-la para um novo estilo de canto que incorporaria os aspectos masculino e feminino da energia divina. Era uma voz tântrica, um som que poderia unir aqueles que a cantavam em uma teia de consciência universal. Na manhã seguinte, Je Tzong Sherab Senge começou a entoar suas orações diárias. Os sons que saíram dele eram os que ouvira em seu sonho - sons sobrenaturais, sons tântricos - e ele reuniu seus companheiros monges para contar-lhes seu sonho.
Naquele ano, mais de 500 anos atrás, o Mosteiro Gyume Tântrico começou em Lhasa, Tibete. Os monges deste mosteiro aprenderam a cantar com a mesma voz que Je Tzong Sherab Senge escutou em seu sonho. Era uma voz que permitia a cada monge cantar três notas ao mesmo tempo, criando 'acordes de uma voz'. Nesse mesmo século, outro mosteiro em Lhasa, o Gyuto Tantric College, foi fundado. Os monges deste colega Tantric College também incorporaram essa técnica de canto em seus rituais sagrados.
Durante séculos, os sons e rituais mágicos do Tibete permaneceram envoltos nos mistérios de um país que recusava a comunicação com o mundo exterior. Histórias desse canto sobrenatural voltariam ao mundo "civilizado" junto com contos de habilidades aparentemente sobre-humanas que os monges tibetanos possuíam, mas estas pareciam nada mais que mito. Em 1950, a China invadiu o Tibete. Certos monges escaparam para a Índia, onde continuaram seus rituais tântricos. Suas atividades espirituais permaneceram esotéricas, mas certos professores de religião e etnomusicologia estavam achando seus rituais tântricos um pouco mais acessíveis. Esses cientistas e estudiosos voltariam ao Ocidente com relatos de uma notável técnica de canto usada pelos monges Gyume e Gyuto.
No canto tântrico tibetano, o objetivo do canto é invocar e então se unir a uma divindade ou ser particular. Os monges tornam-se literalmente os deuses e deusas a quem estão orando. Pode ser que os tons pronunciados pelas diferentes Faculdades Tântricas sejam invocações específicas para entidades particulares."
Vc é o mestre Bro!
Muito obrigado 🙏
Girls in the locker room: Ew! We have PE today
Boys in the locker room: 0:00
Very interesting and relaxing. I didn't know about this form of chanting. I'm glad I've learned something new today.
Listen sardaukar chants from new movie dune.
@@tarunindoriya902 I'll make sure to listen to it! Thank you ☺
@@laurapaivab 😊😊
If you try doing this yourself it's quite amazing. I did and it was immediately relaxing. I think sound frequencies are healing!
I finally figured out how to do this throat singing. Not as clean or as on demand but I can do it. I love the sound. I was was annoying my kids with it.
The sound of the Universe "ohm"
I can chant like this.... love it.
I'm just here because it was mentioned as one of Sheldon's favourite music.
Same 😂
Loool same.
Lol yup. Episode is on right now
haha same here
But it was first mentioned on a "Frazier" episode when he and his brother got so hilariously excited about attending a Tibetan throat singing concert. The scene was so dang funny as I realized that probably 99% of us had no idea what throat singing was!
the real quesion is, can they play wonderwall?
why would they want to, ew!
when i drink the entire coca cola bottle in one take because i thought i was matt stonie
El video me encanto, mucho mas lo que estos monjes pueden hacer, me dio pena no poderlos escuchar, se que tienen magi os cantos que llegan al alma
Beautifully mesmerizing and completely calming promoting my inner tranquility
I tried this and I ended up having a coughing fit xDD Tears came out too fk.
I try this since 2 years, only every second week. Be careful it destroys your voice.
Try it just a few seconds the first time, till you can feel your throat and then stop it.
You will notice it the next day :)
last year I overstressed my voice and wasn´t able to speak for 2 month
@@realbushdoctor I heard honey water can help ur vocal cords
Try inward bass next
Magnifico... Powerfull 🙇👼 Namaste
im fascinated by this because im a beatboxer and i use the throat bass aloooot! listening to this makes me feel relaxed and focused thanks for posting this amazing video!
I felt the vibrations of this through the can I was holding. XD
This was amazing. Thank you.
Very good lyrics and beautiful singing.
You can feel power and pride in their eyes and voices!... I was watching Mongolian version of throat singing , a comment said they have toned down the vocals otherwise they will start another Mongolian empire !
I-is this Vaporwave?
Corny. Next joke please.
heard a lot of this singing in dharamshala, it's a lot more impressive hearing the volume of those sounds in person.
@Jehoshua Olivier, i would say it's in the modal register. Tibetan Monks have rare facility in the lower register, with uncanny abilities to peer into the depths of the human voice, producing the richest, lowest, most resonant of low notes. It's amazing, they're true bass singers.
Wow “uncanny abilities to peer into the depths of the human voice” profound
I literally feel like I’m floating
Anyone here after NASAs release of Black hole sonifications 🙋♂️.. The sacred Hindu chant '"OM"' will also have same pitch and sound
This is insane, because this is polyphonic singing, they’re singing 3 notes at once
Kinda. You can learn to manipulate the overtones with different vowel shapes to get different "notes", but really you're just changing the resonances of one note.
una vera eccellenza di emissione della voce e sillabazione
As a kid, I used to hear these tones during "Mortal Kombat" video game . Fell inlove
Frequency, Vibration can bend Reality and Change Mood, Health, Cure you or make you sick... depends from Vibration, Meditation everyday, Positive thoughts, Clean Heart is the key of the Universe !!!
This is so relaxing
These guys can make a great career doing death metal
Yeah I can Orange
@@འཇིགསམེདརྣམརྒྱལ བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས
So talented! ❤
A true metal music. love it 🤘
Great lyrics!
When you A S C E N D E D
I can only hear the monk on the right, awesome, ill play it again.
They're matched in tone for the most part but when the start out the higher pitched one that sounds a bit off is the guy on the right :)
Wow. I'm super impressed!!!.............😳😳😳😳
Polly: Let me know what you think of the music of Lama Tashi. Please punch in "lama tashi wildfilmsindia" in the RUclips search window! He was Grammy nominated and sounds even better than these monks... He's quite s friend and has visited our office and sung for us as well.
Amazing 🧡💛
Burn a blunt , and here this 😮. I was in heaven, I am not kidding
Thanks 9gag
i didnt read your username?
This is many times tougher than normal vocal singing
Very powerful ... 🙏🇮🇳🙏
Reach level Infinity
Polly: For an interesting musical form, please look up "tetseo wildfilmsindia" . Let me know your thoughts on their music! Thanks.
Melanie: Let me know what you think of the music of Lama Tashi. Please punch in "lama tashi wildfilmsindia" in the RUclips search window! He was Grammy nominated and sounds even better than these monks... He's quite s friend and has visited our office and sung for us as well.
How can you honour and worship the Buddha's teachings and maintain so much symbolism and ceremony?????????????????
the very same argument has been happening between protestants and catholics for centuries; please, it really doesnt matter. ten thousand paths, one single destination.
This technique is pretty cool, but funnily enough I was able to learn to do this prior to knowing it was a thing.
now THIS is real music
ventricular folds or vocal folds ? Sounds like Tuvan kargyraa
Ventricular folds! You're right in noticing their similarity. They are produced in the similar ways but with slightly different technique.
Probably false vocal cords.
im ready to watch marco polo now
This is OM sound from oldest religion on Earth Sanatan Dharm(Hindu) ..ॐ
I know these monks. They are from the Gyuto Monastery
Thank you so much for this.
Polly and Melanie: Thanks for your inputs and information. Our meta-tagger clearly didn't take the effort to learn more about overtone singing and such music and instead chose to rely on an unreliable source of information on the internet! May we request you to provide us more information on this music and similar overtone singing, so we can add it to the clip?
Please also subscribe to our wildfilmsindia channel on RUclips, for a steady stream of HD factual, travel and musical Asian content?
Kick ass! Would love to hear them with some digeridoos, and maybe a sythesizer, in a huge cavern.
What is the mantra they are chanting?
I can make out the word Sangye (which means Buddha).
i would also like to know, ive been searching for a long time. i think i can hear 'chenrizig wang tenzin gyatso yi' at 3:58 which is part of the long life prayer for the dalai lama, but i cant hear the other parts of those verses. i think it is a few prayers that they are chanting.
Its really easy guys..try in morning..you will not be dissipointed..#True bass lovers can do this after practise
Did Denis Villeneuve use Tibetan Throat Singers for the Salusa Secundus scene in Dune? Sounds way more like this than something like Mongolian Throat Singing or Inuit Throat Singing.
I agree it sounds like this. More inspired by this than actually ripping direct audio. Normies who never heard of throat singing always think to mongolian and tuvan not knowing there are many types of throat singing styles. The Sardaukar most closely resemble tibetan throat singing
interesting, he used it for Blade Runner 2049 too
Thank you
Hit the bong too hard
But these guys prefer to get high on their own supply 😅👌
sorry for reviving your comment, haha. Luckily it wasn't achieving oftNirvana anyway
This is how Far Cry 4 loading screen backsound came from I think.
Melanie: For an interesting musical form, please look up "tetseo wildfilmsindia" . Let me know your thoughts on their music! Thanks.
Pre big bang vibrational tone of the Thunderbird!
so divine
very impressive
The remix of "Throat Baby!"😉
I'm vibrating
Michel Jawrdain lol I set myself up for that one.
Amit Singh hahah