I’m not sure if the original animators realized this or not, but this is clearly the Army taking advantage of someone who’s having difficulty re-integrating to society. I’m not sure if they realized it back then or not, but it’s so clear now.
they just were paid a commision worky by the army ain't that hard to understand. Don't in those time you would had much economic freedom as an animator to resist a paid job.
Trust me when I say this: This is the nicest way the Army could potentially tell someone to come back since the civilian world is difficult to transition back to after service. Today, its essentially the toxic comments. "You won't make it" "You will never find a career like this" "You're probably going to end up homeless and divorced" And a myriad of other comments by retention officers and NCO's, as well as team, platoon and company leaders throughout the Branches. Its even worse when they try to bribe you to stay in. Promising bonuses or a permanent station of your "choice"... I'd rather this, than the current mode. Because at least with this, it tells me that at least I have a family to come back to should things not work out. When I got out in '21, it felt like Divorce Court.
I'm glad I served, and never regretted it. But I never regretted not re-upping either. Being a lifer was not for me, and when my hitch was up it was just time for me to move on.
I love how the artwork and animation perfectly match the Ralph Phillips cartoons. Chuck and Co. only used that style for a year or two at most when they moved back toward the WB house style. His personal stye didn't really get to shine again until his MGM television specials.
It’s just as the old saying goes: “If something sounds too good to be true, then chances are, it probably is.” Now obviously that’s not to say that nobody has EVER benefited from serving in The US Armed Forces, as there are PLENTY of people who are able to live comfortably and receive various benefits from having done so. But it also goes without saying that Military Life is NOT for everybody, and you should NEVER rush in without think about it first, as such a call is a VERY BIG decision and one that is not so lightly taken back! At least these Days, folk who aren’t interested have the benefit of not having to hide in a hole to avoid being drafted, which was STILL in effect when this short was released, and not too far away from The Vietnam War to boot as well! If anything, this short just makes me want to avoid signing up even more with how overly glamorized they try to present life in and with The Armed Forces as. I still wouldn’t go for it anyway, but it would be a LOT more appreciative if the advertisements were more grounded and realistic like they are over in European Countries!
This was really depressing. While the guy is in the army, all of his friends have moved on, got married, had children. His family doesn't care about him. He's unemployed. The very real possibility of death is actually preferable to him. It reminds me of the Deer Hunter.
i was thinking that too. all that benefits is great especially for the long run. but even when he got out at a young age he had nothing going on since everyone he knows moved on. even with financial and living expenses covered, one still gets depressed and stressed out with out the social interactions (well like 90% of people ya know? some people like being alone)
@@MannyKunV are you all this dense????? You seriously think that joining the military is akin to prison? Because you comment makes it seem like it. When you join you end up making new and closer friends, ones you not.only shed tears with but in some cases you shed blood with. In fact it becomes closer than friends and becomes a second family. Do your old pals move.on, yea theyve got lives to.live too. But it doesnt mean you wont go.back and.visit from time to time. I think you have a poor idea of what military life is like both when this cartoon was.made and.today.
His family cares plenty, they just have their own to live. And the army sucked away the best years of Ralph's life, so he has to re-enlist to get any sort of stability.
IF he took night classes during his time in the army, he MIGHT have been able to get a commission. contrary to what movies and games tell you, its near impossible to get a commission as an officer without a 4 year college degree, it has happened, but its stupid rare, as in its only happened maybe 4 or 5 times since the end of WW2, and even during the war, it still wasnt common outside of special forces units like the rangers and for pilots.
In high school at the height of the Vietnam war, I remember a recruiter came and gave us a spiel at a mandatory assembly. Even though I am a woman, I seriously thought about joining the Air Force. Thank God I came to my senses before I made a big mistake.
*The Army will send you to 'OCS' if you really want it and qualify for it in terms of intellect and demonstratedability* ( *for instance, getting an advanced training-course equivalent to a civilian 'RN' degree is an automatic'2nd. Lt.' and the military will pay for all of it 'in-service'* )
Ralphy! Use the damn G.I. Bill to go to school the way UNCLE SAM UNQUESTIONABLY OWES YOU in return for your service...........The same goes for you young guy's n girls getting out nowadays. It's owed to y'all!
I retired with a pension in my 40s. My kid got a free college education with housing allowance. I’m working on my second pension. Military life is challenging but I’m proud of my service and I still recommend it to any young American.
This cartoon still has a degree of pathos to it...the feeling of going through any honeymoon phase and feeling alienated is a great representation for anybody. Even so....I still get a mixed message. Even though Pete is ralphie's "antagonist", he still points out that life should persist outside of one area of focus. I wouldn't retire at 38 at the expense of years of isolation from most of what I know and love
The truth is unless you are at war you are based somewhere and you go into work like anywhere else. Now if you are single, hotdog no woman to steal your money and you can live off the government cheese and invest pretty much every penny. You got it made. And you might find your wife inside and you would know she is able to commit herself to something more than selfish interests. And isolation? No different then moving out of town for a better job.
Michael Byrne Yeah. If you are too poor for college and are an unemployed NEET living off people, the military is a good solution. Especially if you're single. You can still do activities that a majority of civilians do, like going out to eat at a restaurant.
They forgot to mention the fact that there is a higher chance you'll get killed in the army. Of course, nowadays in modern times, you also have to go through PTSD as well. And be villified, rather than honored with some people, because the armed forces often invade other countries, rather than protect them.
Just want to throw this out there, but the people on the front lines either did poor on their test to be a grunt or they choose to be on the front line. I know a lot of people in the service where they work on nuclear reactors on ships, or they are a paper pusher in South Korea writing paychecks and financing. True, you might be honored and vilified in other countries and your own, but the chance of you getting killed is really low, unless you are on the front lines or in hostile territory.
Joeym1972 You think PTSD is something new? It's just the new scientific name for what was originally called "Shell Shock" or "Battle Fatigue," but which is properly known has "the horrors of war." In fact Shaolin monks practiced martial arts not just for self-defense, but because it was a way for ex-military retirees to re-process their war-trauma in a peaceful mindset... just like that crap aikido.
Lyndon Johnson really screwed everyone up by throwing us into Vietnam rather than just minding his own business and staying the hell out of there. He'd of gone down as a true hero for the Civil Rights Bill had he not screwed the pooch the way he did for everyone by getting us into Vietnam!......This PSA Cartoon was made while you could rest easy that you weren't going to have to die for something stupid between Korea and Vietnam!
You'd have a better chance dying in a car crash in heavy traffic on the city streets of the USA, than being hit by a bullet on the front lines. You can kill the kooks with guns before they open fire, but the kook-drivers out there, all you can do is pray!
Okay, my take. Yeah, civilian life is more uncertain...but at least it doesn't involve being sent to kill people in other places you have no problems with, but the US does.
I call foul on Ralf not knowing any of this- why didn't he stay in touch with his friends? Heck, why didn't they join him? Didn't he research the army before he initially enlisted?
.....what amazes me and scares me is the "dead on"accurate portrayal of PTSD....back in the "shell shock" day.....Mel Blanc......and every single person involved in this in 1955!!!!....talk about the FREEDOM of a voice actor thoose days....ahead of its time.......i grew up to "looney toones"(tunes)...im 44....do the math......grateful i grew up to Mr Blancs voice!!!...im from an italian heritage,..and hindsight is 20/20....i have 3 siblings,all of us watched bugs,Pete the puma,Daffy..ect. ...and already being a loud "boisterous" family,...i look back now and see how as a child my ""character" was influenced by looney Toons(tunes)...i see bits of their characters in my family as well.....and i have to tell you how "GRATEFUL"... My impressionable youth was,and how now thirty something years later im still "Loud and Abrasive"......lol....but ima tell you and "sound out"how i feel!!!!.....even if its alittle "overdramatic".....
Whether going the 20+ or a "one-and-done" term of enlistment, you gotta set yourself up for success while youre still in. It wont be automatically issued or ordered, gotta rise n grind between networking, education, and skill development. Falls upon yourself, but with proper prep work with a finely tuned resume and list of references, you'll have better odds when transitioning out. Believe me, i know the long duty hours can drain the energy right out of us, but doing at least a little each day, or even week, is still progress. Youve got this, every buddy.
@@c3aloha Its no longer a 20 year pension. They've changed to the Thrift Savings Program which is essentially a type of 401k. However, those who were nearing their 20 could opt to keep the old system retirement pension, to prevent losing out on a potential large pension payout upon retirement...
I don’t believe they thought much about the future in regards to this. After all, this cartoon wasn’t meant to be shown to future generations. Certainly not 66 years later. I mean, we are all supposed to be driving around in flying cars, and living on the moon. Not watching ancient film reels through some magic wireless interactive television that exists somehow on a cloud, somewhere, in the air. Sorcery is what this is!
Most of it is true. Some things have changed. But it omits a lot of caveats that come with the truths. When I was in, I accrued up to 90 days of leave, and would only use for the Holidays or hold off for Emergencies (like Red Cross). Using any length of time of 30 days or more required a Battalion Commander's signature, anything beyond 60 required Brigade Commander's signature, which is even more unlikely. But that would have to go through the immediate company and platoon channels prior to reaching their respective desks for signature. The other caveat is that leave is never guaranteed, and it can be ended should a crisis arise that requires your return to your unit (like getting ready to ramp up for immediate deployment because war just kicked off, or a natural disaster like the recent Hurricanes that struck the South East Coastal States). Its not like a civilian business where ignoring a text or call can be ramifications for judicial punishment. You have to be ready to return should they call you back... And they will drug test you as well, if you went to a location that is well known for drug usage (California, for example, which is where most of my family lives). Housing can depend, but the VA guarantees a 0 down payment, low interest rate mortgage for a 30 year payment term. But you have to have a 50% or less overall debt to income ratio... Otherwise they will not help you. If you're married, you get BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing), which is an allotment rendered by rank and the standard of living in which you live. Paychecks have become more, but as a civilian, I make more now, than I did with 5 years in the service. Example: I make 4k a month, or 52K a year, as a diesel mechanic in the civilian world. Whereas I was making 2.4K, or 28.8K per year, as a Specialist in the Army with 5 years in Service, and 2 years in Grade. This is notwithstanding my VA Disability benefit of 80%, at 2.1K per month, or 25.2K a year in disability payment for my service added with my regular labor income. Which turns my overall financial situation to a very positive 77.2K a year in total gross income. While yes, the Army does provide on-post housing if you're married, after E6, you essentially get to live in private housing as opposed to the barracks, much of the other benefits mentioned are accosted as "deductions" from your paycheck. They're not "free". Food, clothing, living allowances, and other expenses like healthcare may be dirt cheap, but they're still deductions nonetheless. More so, the food is not stellar, the clothing is only for work clothing (Service and Duty Uniforms), living allowances varies on marriage or single, and how many dependents one has, and the frequency of being able to use the healthcare is incredibly limited, to almost nonexistent except for extreme emergencies. (You still pay federal and state taxes, despite working for the Federal Government).
The Army monthly salary of $150 in 1956 dollars is $1,633.88 per month in 2022 dollars, or $19,606.56 per pear in 2022 dollars. The Army total value (salary plus benefits) of $495 per month in 1956 dollars is $5,391.79 per month in 2022 dollars, or $64,701.48 per year in 2022 dollars.
It’s technically not a LT short. It’s produced by Chuck Jones’ unit as propaganda commissioned for the army. Probably helped finance their regular cartoon work at Warner Bros
To everyone commenting saying civilian life should be more preferable because of moral issues and so on, remember this is about veterans and people who have already served and a lot has changed since the 1950’s. So I wouldn’t recommend talking about the subject of re-enlistment unless you’ve already been enlisted or re-enlisted Edit: Side note- No major conflicts haven’t been established until around 1963 in Vietnam and major US intervention didn’t start until around mid-late 60’s
One bit of fraud in this was most service members feed themselves who made a career in the military and when adjusted for inflation it's still below the poverty line today in 2018. Indeed when this was made the numbers between military/civilian life didn't add up and a GI Loan was still,a debt that many retired service members couldn't afford it unless they had a job afterwards.
Brony--sure, that's likely so, but look what happened in the meantime. Everyone he knew in high school got married and had kids, some of which were old enough to answer the phone. After four years.
Yes they did. The German V-2 ground-to-ground missile was used in the 1940s. With captured German scientists, the US remade the V-2 as the "Redstone" (1958) and the Soviets made the R-1 (1950). Anti-tank guided missiles were introduced by the French in 1955 (Nord. SS10), followed by the British and Australians in 1958 (Malkara). For air-to-air, the US Air Force AIM-4 Falcon and US Navy AIM-9 Sidewinder both entered service in 1956. The UK's de Haviland Firestreak and the Soviet AA-1 entered service in 1957.
@@joeswanson6782 Its actually all free at the Service Member's expense of deductions. Which is what they don't tell you. The 150 dollar paycheck is what you get after they deduct the benefits, like housing, food, and medical. Alongside taxes (State and Fed), Medicare/Medicaid Tax, SS Tax, and other deductions included...
Mel Blanc was an A-hole. He contractually blocked All other amazing voice actors from getting screen credit (Daws Butler, June Foray and others). Giving him Sole screen credit for all voice performances. What a pompous, egomaniac Jerk! P.S. Thanks for sharing this Gem. It was Awesome. I've Never seen a "Chuck Jones" I didn't like! ; )
Yosef Demby He absolutely did. He was powerful enough that he demanded it as part of his contract. I'm not diminishing his talent as a voice over artist but that's a chicken shit move that many celebrity's from different mediums pull all the time.
By the 50's Warner's shut down their in house animation dept. and he didn't have the power of that exclusive contract anymore. There fore, he couldn't stop other voice actors from getting their credit such as with the Hanna-Barbera Cartoons ala "The Flintstones" & "The Jetsons" etc.
Absolutely all true as far as a great career and I tried to get in when I was 18. Did really well on the entry exams and was qualified 3 quarters of the page down to do a variety of things however, I couldn't get in because of my eye condition...still pisses me off to this day.
So according to the video, the average civilian earned $292.55 per month, $3510.60 per year. Whereas the army paid you $150.00 per month, $1,800 per month, but offered you free services which added up to $495.00 per month, $5940.00 per month. And when you reach retirement, you got $116.00 per month, $1,392.00 per year. Whereas the army, back then, paid you $175.00 per month, $2,100 per year when you retired at 38. When you retired at 48, you get $330.00 per month, $3,960.00 per year
Is American army life like that in 2018? Only an American soldier can answer that question(if he hasn't already been killed in Afghanistan or any other country America has invaded in the past 17 years).
Technically, yes. Deployed to Afghanistan 2018-2019 and didn't get killed. You act as if we had immense casualties from the GWOT when it was the least amount of casualties of our large conflicts in the last Century.
Inflation, genius. A 1956 dollar had the buying power of $10.89 today. That $495 total monthly value (salary plus benefits) in 1956 was the equivalent of a $64,701.48 annual salary today.
Lol, I know this is supposed to get you to join and stay in, but all it says to me is "we took the best years of your life away"
with me, they called me back and had 1 of my sergeants call. Like I would say no to him. Love the man but never forgave him for it
If the Army deal had been so great, they wouldn't have needed cartoon salesmen.
I’m not sure if the original animators realized this or not, but this is clearly the Army taking advantage of someone who’s having difficulty re-integrating to society. I’m not sure if they realized it back then or not, but it’s so clear now.
they just were paid a commision worky by the army ain't that hard to understand. Don't in those time you would had much economic freedom as an animator to resist a paid job.
Trust me when I say this:
This is the nicest way the Army could potentially tell someone to come back since the civilian world is difficult to transition back to after service.
Today, its essentially the toxic comments.
"You won't make it"
"You will never find a career like this"
"You're probably going to end up homeless and divorced"
And a myriad of other comments by retention officers and NCO's, as well as team, platoon and company leaders throughout the Branches.
Its even worse when they try to bribe you to stay in. Promising bonuses or a permanent station of your "choice"...
I'd rather this, than the current mode. Because at least with this, it tells me that at least I have a family to come back to should things not work out.
When I got out in '21, it felt like Divorce Court.
It's wild that the pitch is "May as well join back up because you've lost all your friends and prospects."
I'm glad I served, and never regretted it. But I never regretted not re-upping either. Being a lifer was not for me, and when my hitch was up it was just time for me to move on.
I love how the artwork and animation perfectly match the Ralph Phillips cartoons. Chuck and Co. only used that style for a year or two at most when they moved back toward the WB house style. His personal stye didn't really get to shine again until his MGM television specials.
It’s just as the old saying goes:
“If something sounds too good to be true, then chances are, it probably is.”
Now obviously that’s not to say that nobody has EVER benefited from serving in The US Armed Forces, as there are PLENTY of people who are able to live comfortably and receive various benefits from having done so.
But it also goes without saying that Military Life is NOT for everybody, and you should NEVER rush in without think about it first, as such a call is a VERY BIG decision and one that is not so lightly taken back!
At least these Days, folk who aren’t interested have the benefit of not having to hide in a hole to avoid being drafted, which was STILL in effect when this short was released, and not too far away from The Vietnam War to boot as well!
If anything, this short just makes me want to avoid signing up even more with how overly glamorized they try to present life in and with The Armed Forces as. I still wouldn’t go for it anyway, but it would be a LOT more appreciative if the advertisements were more grounded and realistic like they are over in European Countries!
This was really depressing. While the guy is in the army, all of his friends have moved on, got married, had children. His family doesn't care about him. He's unemployed. The very real possibility of death is actually preferable to him. It reminds me of the Deer Hunter.
I thought the same thing! Even if he stayed in his whole life pass him by and the world would move on without him.
i was thinking that too. all that benefits is great especially for the long run. but even when he got out at a young age he had nothing going on since everyone he knows moved on. even with financial and living expenses covered, one still gets depressed and stressed out with out the social interactions (well like 90% of people ya know? some people like being alone)
Is that where the book and film "The Deer Hunter" came from? is this cartoon older than the book version?
@@MannyKunV are you all this dense????? You seriously think that joining the military is akin to prison? Because you comment makes it seem like it.
When you join you end up making new and closer friends, ones you not.only shed tears with but in some cases you shed blood with. In fact it becomes closer than friends and becomes a second family.
Do your old pals move.on, yea theyve got lives to.live too. But it doesnt mean you wont go.back and.visit from time to time.
I think you have a poor idea of what military life is like both when this cartoon was.made and.today.
His family cares plenty, they just have their own to live. And the army sucked away the best years of Ralph's life, so he has to re-enlist to get any sort of stability.
Let's say he was 22 in 56. By 66 he was was 32, maybe a Lieutenant or Captain. Died in Vietnam
OR was stationed stateside with a desk job in San Diego or DC or Germany
@@jennifersman7990 the original comment thinks you go from enlisted to officer without commissioning lmao
IF he took night classes during his time in the army, he MIGHT have been able to get a commission. contrary to what movies and games tell you, its near impossible to get a commission as an officer without a 4 year college degree, it has happened, but its stupid rare, as in its only happened maybe 4 or 5 times since the end of WW2, and even during the war, it still wasnt common outside of special forces units like the rangers and for pilots.
Turns out Taz isn't the only one with spinning powers.
In high school at the height of the Vietnam war, I remember a recruiter came and gave us a spiel at a mandatory assembly. Even though I am a woman, I seriously thought about joining the Air Force. Thank God I came to my senses before I made a big mistake.
Here’s an idea Ralph, go to college then go Officer if you really want back in
*The Army will send you to 'OCS' if you really want it and qualify for it in terms of intellect and demonstratedability* ( *for instance, getting an advanced training-course equivalent to a civilian 'RN' degree is an automatic'2nd. Lt.' and the military will pay for all of it 'in-service'* )
Many veterans are homeless now!
Or worse
Or live successfully using the GI Bill to get a free college education and have happy content lives. Actually the vast majority do. Like me.
Homelessness excluding the able bodied and the able minded is a choice.
@@c3aloha I can concur this. I had a a wonderful time just as much as I had a horrible time but I hold on deeply to the wonderful things
Are you aware how propaganda works
Ralphy! Use the damn G.I. Bill to go to school the way UNCLE SAM UNQUESTIONABLY OWES YOU in return for your service...........The same goes for you young guy's n girls getting out nowadays. It's owed to y'all!
Notice that the soda shop in this cartoon is called "the Sugar Bowl"---just like on "Arthur"!
It was a very common name for sweet shops.
I retired with a pension in my 40s. My kid got a free college education with housing allowance. I’m working on my second pension. Military life is challenging but I’m proud of my service and I still recommend it to any young American.
I am fairly sure it depends on what you make of it or it makes of you🤔
hey Ralph, Taz called...he wants his spin gimmick back
Chuck Jones and Mel Blanc the masters!....................Seriously though I think Taz got stationed at Okinawa.
sentaimaster100 LOL! Good one!
Oh wow, I didn't know there was a sequel to the army toon.
This cartoon still has a degree of pathos to it...the feeling of going through any honeymoon phase and feeling alienated is a great representation for anybody.
Even so....I still get a mixed message. Even though Pete is ralphie's "antagonist", he still points out that life should persist outside of one area of focus. I wouldn't retire at 38 at the expense of years of isolation from most of what I know and love
Yes we know we watched the cartoon also. Retiring at 38 is awesome, there's so much more life to discover.
well as they say, life truly begins at 40.
Retire at 38? That's a fucking SCAM at the taxpayer's expense.
The truth is unless you are at war you are based somewhere and you go into work like anywhere else. Now if you are single, hotdog no woman to steal your money and you can live off the government cheese and invest pretty much every penny. You got it made. And you might find your wife inside and you would know she is able to commit herself to something more than selfish interests.
And isolation? No different then moving out of town for a better job.
Michael Byrne
Yeah. If you are too poor for college and are an unemployed NEET living off people, the military is a good solution. Especially if you're single.
You can still do activities that a majority of civilians do, like going out to eat at a restaurant.
This was great. Love the graphics and the visit to times past.
''Featuring the voice of Mel Blanc.'' Don't forget Daws Butler as the voice of Ralph Phillips.
1956, Hey! I hear that the weather is great in Vietnam right now..
plainlake and why does the travel agent have the last name of Orange?
@@TheBigMan0706 why are the tree's speaking vietnamese?
@@Adamz678 god dammit I knew someone was going to make that joke
@@TheBigMan0706 I was surprised no one did lol
Another chuck jones about the army education, that has Mel Blanc , so well done animation.
6:51 some didn't even make it to 20
May they rest on peace😔
He gets out of the Army then he decides to re-enlist because everything has changed.....probably got killed in Vietnam 😞
"PTSD"...told with eeirly dead-on candor...😥😥😥
Do you ever stop and think the reason those benefits are so good is because you're likely to be killed before you can collect those benefits?
6:00 unless you end up in a swamp in northen Vietnam
They forgot to mention the fact that there is a higher chance you'll get killed in the army. Of course, nowadays in modern times, you also have to go through PTSD as well. And be villified, rather than honored with some people, because the armed forces often invade other countries, rather than protect them.
Just want to throw this out there, but the people on the front lines either did poor on their test to be a grunt or they choose to be on the front line. I know a lot of people in the service where they work on nuclear reactors on ships, or they are a paper pusher in South Korea writing paychecks and financing.
True, you might be honored and vilified in other countries and your own, but the chance of you getting killed is really low, unless you are on the front lines or in hostile territory.
Joeym1972 You think PTSD is something new? It's just the new scientific name for what was originally called "Shell Shock" or "Battle Fatigue," but which is properly known has "the horrors of war."
In fact Shaolin monks practiced martial arts not just for self-defense, but because it was a way for ex-military retirees to re-process their war-trauma in a peaceful mindset... just like that crap aikido.
Lyndon Johnson really screwed everyone up by throwing us into Vietnam rather than just minding his own business and staying the hell out of there. He'd of gone down as a true hero for the Civil Rights Bill had he not screwed the pooch the way he did for everyone by getting us into Vietnam!......This PSA Cartoon was made while you could rest easy that you weren't going to have to die for something stupid between Korea and Vietnam!
You'd have a better chance dying in a car crash in heavy traffic on the city streets of the USA, than being hit by a bullet on the front lines. You can kill the kooks with guns before they open fire, but the kook-drivers out there, all you can do is pray!
Joeykm1972 There's something else this cartoon didn't mention: reenlisting will make you an unwitting tool of the Military-Industrial Complex.
Good ol propaghandi.
Okay, my take.
Yeah, civilian life is more uncertain...but at least it doesn't involve being sent to kill people in other places you have no problems with, but the US does.
Other voices provided by Daws Butler and June Foray.
I was going to pipe up, but I'm glad you already got there 4 years ago. :)
I call foul on Ralf not knowing any of this- why didn't he stay in touch with his friends? Heck, why didn't they join him? Didn't he research the army before he initially enlisted?
.....what amazes me and scares me is the "dead on"accurate portrayal of PTSD....back in the "shell shock" day.....Mel Blanc......and every single person involved in this in 1955!!!!....talk about the FREEDOM of a voice actor thoose days....ahead of its time.......i grew up to "looney toones"(tunes)...im 44....do the math......grateful i grew up to Mr Blancs voice!!!...im from an italian heritage,..and hindsight is 20/20....i have 3 siblings,all of us watched bugs,Pete the puma,Daffy..ect. ...and already being a loud "boisterous" family,...i look back now and see how as a child my ""character" was influenced by looney Toons(tunes)...i see bits of their characters in my family as well.....and i have to tell you how "GRATEFUL"... My impressionable youth was,and how now thirty something years later im still "Loud and Abrasive"......lol....but ima tell you and "sound out"how i feel!!!!.....even if its alittle "overdramatic".....
Hold up, could Vietnam be a reason why they "terminated" all those people with the weird salaries?
I served in the army reserves for a year. Worst year of my life. Quitting was the best decision I ever made
Whether going the 20+ or a "one-and-done" term of enlistment, you gotta set yourself up for success while youre still in.
It wont be automatically issued or ordered, gotta rise n grind between networking, education, and skill development.
Falls upon yourself, but with proper prep work with a finely tuned resume and list of references, you'll have better odds when transitioning out.
Believe me, i know the long duty hours can drain the energy right out of us, but doing at least a little each day, or even week, is still progress.
Youve got this, every buddy.
You don't collect an Army pension until age 60.
No you collect immediately upon retirement after 20 years service. That's why they're changing it because it's so generous.
@@c3aloha Its no longer a 20 year pension.
They've changed to the Thrift Savings Program which is essentially a type of 401k.
However, those who were nearing their 20 could opt to keep the old system retirement pension, to prevent losing out on a potential large pension payout upon retirement...
The animators showed the average pay people made. That's awesome. As if they thought that was what it would always be.
I don’t believe they thought much about the future in regards to this. After all, this cartoon wasn’t meant to be shown to future generations. Certainly not 66 years later. I mean, we are all supposed to be driving around in flying cars, and living on the moon. Not watching ancient film reels through some magic wireless interactive television that exists somehow on a cloud, somewhere, in the air. Sorcery is what this is!
@@UmmYeahOk So, out of curiosity; do civilians still make more money than military people or is it the other way around, now
"........And with that fat bonus, too." Lol.
Ummm...Ralph. I don't think the old gang knows that you're back!...So much for convincing Ralph(4:46)
Ralph Phillips made Taz look like an amateur!!!
Are any of the military perks mentioned here legit; like the part about housing, the paycheck differences and of course, the 30 day leave?
Most of it is true. Some things have changed. But it omits a lot of caveats that come with the truths.
When I was in, I accrued up to 90 days of leave, and would only use for the Holidays or hold off for Emergencies (like Red Cross). Using any length of time of 30 days or more required a Battalion Commander's signature, anything beyond 60 required Brigade Commander's signature, which is even more unlikely. But that would have to go through the immediate company and platoon channels prior to reaching their respective desks for signature.
The other caveat is that leave is never guaranteed, and it can be ended should a crisis arise that requires your return to your unit (like getting ready to ramp up for immediate deployment because war just kicked off, or a natural disaster like the recent Hurricanes that struck the South East Coastal States). Its not like a civilian business where ignoring a text or call can be ramifications for judicial punishment. You have to be ready to return should they call you back... And they will drug test you as well, if you went to a location that is well known for drug usage (California, for example, which is where most of my family lives).
Housing can depend, but the VA guarantees a 0 down payment, low interest rate mortgage for a 30 year payment term. But you have to have a 50% or less overall debt to income ratio... Otherwise they will not help you. If you're married, you get BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing), which is an allotment rendered by rank and the standard of living in which you live.
Paychecks have become more, but as a civilian, I make more now, than I did with 5 years in the service.
Example: I make 4k a month, or 52K a year, as a diesel mechanic in the civilian world. Whereas I was making 2.4K, or 28.8K per year, as a Specialist in the Army with 5 years in Service, and 2 years in Grade. This is notwithstanding my VA Disability benefit of 80%, at 2.1K per month, or 25.2K a year in disability payment for my service added with my regular labor income. Which turns my overall financial situation to a very positive 77.2K a year in total gross income.
While yes, the Army does provide on-post housing if you're married, after E6, you essentially get to live in private housing as opposed to the barracks, much of the other benefits mentioned are accosted as "deductions" from your paycheck. They're not "free".
Food, clothing, living allowances, and other expenses like healthcare may be dirt cheap, but they're still deductions nonetheless.
More so, the food is not stellar, the clothing is only for work clothing (Service and Duty Uniforms), living allowances varies on marriage or single, and how many dependents one has, and the frequency of being able to use the healthcare is incredibly limited, to almost nonexistent except for extreme emergencies.
(You still pay federal and state taxes, despite working for the Federal Government).
The Army monthly salary of $150 in 1956 dollars is $1,633.88 per month in 2022 dollars, or $19,606.56 per pear in 2022 dollars. The Army total value (salary plus benefits) of $495 per month in 1956 dollars is $5,391.79 per month in 2022 dollars, or $64,701.48 per year in 2022 dollars.
nothing like a little government propaganda
Mike Alvord propaganda
monitor1862 Never heard of Propaganda or info war....... Everything the government say is true.
Propaganda? Was something misrepresented?
This was back in the days when the government actually cared about their soldiers. Nowadays it would be considered propaganda.
I would argue that our soldiers have better compensation today than they ever have.
The voice actor isn't just Mel Blanc. It's Mel Blanc and Daws Butler.
No pressure sales tactics here.
The Laughing Rabbit buy buy buy. you need the new iPhone, last years model was so rubbish, buy the latest one, you must.
qazwsx edcrfv
Take My Money!!!! Please!!!
1:28 Did the army teach him how to run like Taz? 🌪
So why there still Veterans in the streets ?
thats what i like to know too
Don Patterson Herman.R Cohen Grant Simmons Hanna Barbera Michael Lah Ray Patterson Raymond Jacbos Saturday 10Rd December 1956
But his life passed him by while he was in the army
nah nigga , the army is great. waste life for the goverment's interests with the white suits while they snoop down with their lambo down the street.
Reminds me of the little angel and little devil on various toon characters shoulders...
I wish they wouldn't label these army shorts as Looney Tunes, no jokes, no slapstick and educational junk all over the place!
It’s technically not a LT short. It’s produced by Chuck Jones’ unit as propaganda commissioned for the army. Probably helped finance their regular cartoon work at Warner Bros
2:43, Kilroy was there too!
Little Ralph Phillips all grown up. I guess all that daydreaming left him fit only for life in the Army.
at 1:37 - check the girl...and the WING backed chair =) it's hard having a dirty mind
E-5 1/2! Hilarious!
This would be ideal for the MST3k crew!
-the music is so great it ended the cartoon music-
If you join now, you can get the exact same benefits in the video, but in 2022!!
Like the free education, 30 day leave and benefits for things like housing or food?
To everyone commenting saying civilian life should be more preferable because of moral issues and so on, remember this is about veterans and people who have already served and a lot has changed since the 1950’s. So I wouldn’t recommend talking about the subject of re-enlistment unless you’ve already been enlisted or re-enlisted
Edit: Side note- No major conflicts haven’t been established until around 1963 in Vietnam and major US intervention didn’t start until around mid-late 60’s
Why are small creatures always talking to the youth of the day?
Daws Butler, not Mel Blanc.
One bit of fraud in this was most service members feed themselves who made a career in the military and when adjusted for inflation it's still below the poverty line today in 2018. Indeed when this was made the numbers between military/civilian life didn't add up and a GI Loan was still,a debt that many retired service members couldn't afford it unless they had a job afterwards.
In army you deed in war. Its fact!
Ill try and be an engineer till im 30, then ill be an army engineer till im 50 or so
This isn't even Looney Tunes. Sure it's Warner Bros, but it doesn't make Animaniacs Looney Tunes.
What the little army man is talking about is it true?
Great , children watching this in 1956 are going to start smoking 🚬. 3:42
I thought a 90 day wonder was an offer. Ralphie must be a cheese head as the Spooner is in Wisconsin as far as I know.
3:00 ...how long was he GONE, anyway?
Brony--sure, that's likely so, but look what happened in the meantime. Everyone he knew in high school got married and had kids, some of which were old enough to answer the phone. After four years.
They didnt have guided missiles in the 50,s.
Yes they did. The German V-2 ground-to-ground missile was used in the 1940s. With captured German scientists, the US remade the V-2 as the "Redstone" (1958) and the Soviets made the R-1 (1950).
Anti-tank guided missiles were introduced by the French in 1955 (Nord. SS10), followed by the British and Australians in 1958 (Malkara).
For air-to-air, the US Air Force AIM-4 Falcon and US Navy AIM-9 Sidewinder both entered service in 1956. The UK's de Haviland Firestreak and the Soviet AA-1 entered service in 1957.
What if i don't want to kill people in the self interest of an expanonist empire tho lmao
For got about Free Medical, free bed, Free food. It all adds up; I wish I had Re-UP ;
"Free" at the taxpayer's expense. And go on welfare while you're at it.
@@joeswanson6782 Its actually all free at the Service Member's expense of deductions. Which is what they don't tell you.
The 150 dollar paycheck is what you get after they deduct the benefits, like housing, food, and medical. Alongside taxes (State and Fed), Medicare/Medicaid Tax, SS Tax, and other deductions included...
My question to Americans how much of these things are real facts?
Mel Blanc was an A-hole. He contractually blocked All other amazing voice actors from getting screen credit (Daws Butler, June Foray and others). Giving him Sole screen credit for all voice performances. What a pompous, egomaniac Jerk! P.S. Thanks for sharing this Gem. It was Awesome. I've Never seen a "Chuck Jones" I didn't like! ; )
He didn't write the contract
Yosef Demby He absolutely did. He was powerful enough that he demanded it as part of his contract. I'm not diminishing his talent as a voice over artist but that's a chicken shit move that many celebrity's from different mediums pull all the time.
I understand. WWell, if it makes you any better, they credited Stan Freberg in "Three Little Bops"
By the 50's Warner's shut down their in house animation dept. and he didn't have the power of that exclusive contract anymore. There fore, he couldn't stop other voice actors from getting their credit such as with the Hanna-Barbera Cartoons ala "The Flintstones" & "The Jetsons" etc.
Proof of flat earth
isn't propaganda fun?
Everything is propaganda if you think about it.
Absolutely all true as far as a great career and I tried to get in when I was 18. Did really well on the entry exams and was qualified 3 quarters of the page down to do a variety of things however, I couldn't get in because of my eye condition...still pisses me off to this day.
So according to the video, the average civilian earned $292.55 per month, $3510.60 per year. Whereas the army paid you $150.00 per month, $1,800 per month, but offered you free services which added up to $495.00 per month, $5940.00 per month.
And when you reach retirement, you got $116.00 per month, $1,392.00 per year. Whereas
the army, back then, paid you $175.00 per month, $2,100 per year when you retired at 38. When you retired at 48, you get $330.00 per month, $3,960.00 per year
Are things like that NOW for military people
Stupid cartoon. Just make, to show, that army is a HEAVEN.
Is American army life like that in 2018? Only an American soldier can answer that question(if he hasn't already been killed in Afghanistan or any other country America has invaded in the past 17 years).
Technically, yes.
Deployed to Afghanistan 2018-2019 and didn't get killed.
You act as if we had immense casualties from the GWOT when it was the least amount of casualties of our large conflicts in the last Century.
@@JohnDoe-wt9ek America is *always sticking its nose in where it doesn't belong!*
Ummm...this is NOT public domain. It's not old enough yet.
Come with the evidence next time. In the mean time here is the evidence that it is public domain:
Most government produced films are public domain by law.
Government films ARE public domain from square 1.
That’s mess than a minimum wage job gives you in a week
Inflation, genius. A 1956 dollar had the buying power of $10.89 today. That $495 total monthly value (salary plus benefits) in 1956 was the equivalent of a $64,701.48 annual salary today.
I wish we still had stuff like this. The military is a great job.
I know, I really wish I’d gone for military service out of high school
This looks fake, like it was just generated in 2016
I wish I got drafted! 🇺🇸💐🇺🇦
Well, sign up.
All paid for by people who ACTUALLY work..
that's some BS indoctrinating material.