After sighting in at 60 feet, I could easily cover 5 shots with a nickel ! Truly a pleasure to shoot! Scope was easy to adjust for eye relief. Only problem the varmints must have seen it delivered lol!Update: So impressed with shot groups at 30 yards I purchased a Hammers 3×9 with adjustable Objective scope! Now a true nail driver!
I watched this video like when I was 12, I was so much hyped about the zombie apocalypse, that I wanted to move to USA to be able to buy guns. Visiting this video after 10 years brings back so many fresh memories. Ah good 'ol 'Merica!
We're happy to have you. Definitely lots of guns but it's not as dangerous as the media would have you believe. At least outside of the major cities.....
@@bubumic2971 So, are you saying that burglaries, rapes, and murder do not exist today. I really don't care about your well being, but I DO care about myself, family, and friends.
This is a dream for any Gun fan. I would love to have a store like this in my Country. Keep your Gun freedom Americans, that´s the right way to go. Excellent.
+jgrove2000 I think your numbers for France are greatly exaggerated. If they were true then the mortality rate is still much under that set by pro gun US and the recent killings in France are an abortion while the US death toll is not. By owning a gun in the US no one was able to stop the attacks on the Twin Towers. Don`t get me wrong as i like the idea of owning a gun. It appeals to the boy in me and in the past i have owned several shotguns.Our schools do not have security as it is not required. I can see no safety for our children in a general population being armed.
What's funny is that when you look at crime numbers for many comparable countries, the US, France, AUS, UK, etc. They all have very similar crime numbers. So for all surveillance, guns laws, cameras, etc. in the UK your crime rate really isn't any better than ours.
+John Wizeman - That's one reason I left the UK years ago. People don't understand that an unarmed man cannot truly be a free man, especially when he lives under a corrupt, repressive government.
I find this very interesting. I own a small gun shop in New Mexico, USA, and often have visitors from other countries stop in to see something unheard of in their countries. If you're ever in New Mexico stop by in Grants, NM. I'm the only one in town.
+Kyle Stamps Yep. When my GF lived in Baton Rouge I picked up a few things at Jim's almost every time I was in town. Best stocked gun store I've ever visited. We moved out of the area and I really miss Jim's.
Kyle Stamps If the situation here in europe gets worse, I'm considering moving to USA, simply because of the gun laws here in Europe. Im antigun in first world countries, but when you have to live in constant fear of getting robbed/looted, you should have a right to defend yourself. Would you be so kind and tell me about the legal situations, regarding foreigners like myself trying to aquire firearms in different states of the USA? Thanks in advance!
For the record, i dont live in constant fear of being robbed. Ive never been a victim of a crime. I carry out of principle, and if im attacked, i can protect myself. The US has a very low crime rate especially considering that we have the highest rate of ownership in the world by a landslide. As to your question, if you go to a gun range in the US (there are lots of great indoor ranges with lots of stuff, some even have restaurants) you can rent guns for use at the range. If you want to buy they usually require a background check that rakes 5 minutes. Itll usually ask if youre a US citizen, require a social security number, a state issued drivers license and a bunch of other stuff. But im pretty sure there are a few considerations for people who visit the US legally. Dual citizenship wouldn't hurt either.
This bit was disturbing to me: "following in the wake of handgun restrictions 15 years ago in the UK, we've all but forgotten about sidearms. .... and with handgun crime rising massively in the wake of the handgun restrictions, maybe it's time to relax the handgun restrictions in the UK." This is exactly how gun owners feel in the US, when people who know nothing about guns want to ban, restrict, or further control them. Disarming law-abiding citizens or making it harder for THEM to get guns, but doesn't restrict criminals at all; it just boosts the black market and removes our means to defend ourselves from the bad guys.
No way will UK government ever allow people to own hand guns again - they even class pellet guns as "air weapons" and you can only have 12ft lbs energy for air rifles, and 6ft lbs energy for air pistols Scotland is even worse - you now need a license to own an air rifle or air pistol - you have to pay, and of course the police can refuse you one
Now it's knifes,and screwdrivers. London has passed New York in murders. This is what happens when you give up freedom for so call safety. You lose both!
And in Scotland, a man was incarcerated for a longer term than what a muslim got for raping a minor. What was the man's crime? Carrying a potato peeler "without reasonable excuse".
+mixflip Here ya go Mix. UK gunlaws means that the country is purged of firearms..right?
+Mike Rourke I'd prefer to be in the circle that allows me to stop someone from killing me. when I'm 75 years old I won't be able to fight off a home invader like I used to. guns are not evil....people are. and guns are an equalizer for women who live alone and senior citizens who are often prey upon by young thugs.
Why does the British Government not trust their own citizens, yet seems to have no problem filling it's shores with all sorts of shady characters from abroad?
+englishforeverr Because the electorate is chock full of idiots who vote for individuals that do not have the public interest as the highest reason for their running for elected office. I think Sir Winston Churchill said it best when he said, "the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter". My country has been taken over by Anti-American politicians who are more concerned with lining their own pockets than doing their job. And them we have Barry Soetero AKA Barack Obama, but I can't even get started on that a-hole. Guns aren't the problem, bad people are. If we have someone Ina list because they can't be trusted why are they running around in the first place. Welcome to the new politically correct Unites States. A place many of us American citizens no longer recognize.
+OMGWUNSIU Read about how Churchill REALLY was before you spout out one or two quotes from him. Then inform yourself about why Obama sent back Churchills bust (and I completely agree with him).
Because we have something here called "innocent until proven guilty". Just because someone thinks you MAY commit a crime, doesn't mean your rights are instantly nullified.
englishforeverr you need a back ground check before you purchase a firearm....So if you're in a terrorist watch list you're not getting a gun,unless you get it illegally like all mass shooter in the United State does and like all the mass shooter in United Kingdom does
+buggeroff Brazil has a gun ban but all the bad guys have them.. bad guys always have access to guns. You can buy a black market handgun in London if you want. The point is to never give into "reasonable restrictions" because the only group that is controlled are the law-abiding.
redegeldunit420 lol.. you must be a ninja! That is fine and all.. how are 100 lb women and the elderly going to protect themselves? Wait for the police? No thanks.
Early 2008: While I was temporarily working in Yuma Arizona, I met two retired British Army SNCO's now living in Arizona for a number of years, one is a County Sheriff there. I asked why they moved from the UK to the states, both stated that they knew they were going to move when the British Govt started prohibiting gun ownership, they also stated that the UK drifted towards socialism so fast they didnt want to be a part of it. At the time we met they were both riding ATV's and assisting the US Border Patrol, both were packing pistols and AR's.
You sound like that you suffer from savent syndrome lad. I would recommend that you get that checked out before interacting with anymore women in your life
The Brits couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag since their "wonderful" government disarmed them a while back. Let us resolve never to be disarmed.
I have many friends from the U.K and mainland Europe. When they come to the states on holiday, among the first things they want to do is go to the range to shoot. The hunger is definitely there.....and growing.
crispycritterz Here in Thailand there are many gun ranges frequented by tourists from countries like Japan, Britain, etc. where it is difficult to get a gun and most people have never shot one.
crispycritterz Yea, and luckely we have 10 times lower gun-deaths in Europe. It is all fun and games until a mass-shooting happens. Tell me how many people die per year of guns?
crispycritterz You're right, but the laws and public perception of being anti-gun in the UK will never change. There is a large group of people who are adamant the Police shouldn't be armed. They want the protection of the Police but don't want the Police to be able to protect themselves.
I must disagree. Britain has produced some of the greatest riflemen in history. It's in the UK's culture. It won't be a change, but a return to a tradition. When enough people are murdered in their homes, Westley Richards won't be able to keep enough stock on hand to meet the demand from a public tired of being victims.
I'm very happy to see the guy had a good time and got to shoot some nice firearms with warm people. This is what shooting is really all about just having fun and being sociable with other like minded people. You will find that many gun owners are the most down to earth people you'll ever meet and super friendly too.
+Kenneth Lee well the one I go to sells Handguns and ar15 clones chambered in .22 rimfire, among other things. But I live in Northern Ireland which has different Gun laws to the rest of the UK. We can conceal carry with the right permit.
***** I'm actually somewhat familiar with your gun laws in Norther Ireland, and by European standards, they are amazing. I don't lump you in with the rest of the UK on this issue.
Thats pretty much it most double barrel shotguns and large number of rimfire caliber rifles and air rifles and a few bolt action and sometimes lever action centerfire rifles
Of the examples I've seen they're either some ultra upscale boutique store selling firearms that cost more than new cars or some cluttered back-alley shop with a couple double barrels, rimfires, and bolt actions.
There was a shop owner in the UK that lived above his shop. It had been broken into and he was twice beaten by the same two perps. On their third return burglary the shop owner shot one with a shotgun. The shop owner went to prison!
+molon labe In the UK the level of serious violence is minimal compared to the US. One of the reasons for this is that guns are not readily available. I owned a shop which was broken into a number of times and i would set that aside to beadle to live in a society that allows people to live without murderous implements.
mrsillywalk I guess that's your choice. I choose to be able to defend myself. The muslim that nearly beheaded the British soldier a year or so ago was especially poignant. If ever a dog needed killing.
+molon labe The problem for you is that you are now trying to defend against another person with a gun. Here there is a rise in knife crime, but to suggest that we all carry knives would be moronic.
I live in Scotland, and its funny that on the one hand I can be trusted to fire an AR15 for recreation....but I can't be trusted with a 9mm pistol unless I move to the isle of man...or Jeresy...or the isle of Wight....or Guernsey....or Gibraltar.....or Northern Ireland
Here in the USA we are brought up in a culture of hunting, shooting for fun, collecting and owning guns. It is just as normal to us to see, use, and carry guns as it is for you in the UK to think they are scary tools of the devil. You were raised one way, we were raised another. I wouldn't trade away my rights for anything in the world. But, if you're happy and feel safe, that is cool. But you could come here and meet your average gun owner and see that 99% of them are honest, law abiding, friendly, help-your-neighbor types of people. The gun owners of whom I speak aren't the ones going nuts and killing people, and we will never give up our rights because of the actions of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of the population.
One of my favorite activities..perusing the used firearms rack and gun library at our local Cabela's going to a gun show. Never know what you're going to find. I've purchased several firearms from local Cabela's store over the years and never been disappointed.
jimiie5436 UK has lower gun deaths, but major criminality is higher. Fucking CCTW on every corner... UK is Orwellian nightmare. Infestated with multiculturalism.
Gangster88232 Crime is far less harsher in the UK. No one is afraid to get shot or killed. Multiculturalism has nothing to do with guns or gun-owner ships.
Something_to_appease_Google the UK is a pay to play country. Government officials do nothing that has not been paid for! And it is well excepted by the legal community. They call it appreciation. Not a bribe in a way....... Bribes are offered, appreciation is demanded.
Nice to see a man from the UK walk into an American gun shop with an open mind. Sure he asked questions, but he didn't come off as judgemental or arrogant like so many do. And to admit that maybe they need to relax the UK handgun laws, bravo! Criminals are emboldened when they know their potential victims are unarmed.
I am brazillian with an American and EU citizenship (yes 3 citizenship). And that is no other nation equal to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA specially regarding the peoples right to bear arms.
MOLON LABE yes, if you marry her and cheat on her you will wake up tied in a knot with your parts stuffed in your mouth and a hole where they used to be. Be careful what you wish for as it might just bite! Not to mention she might have a Dad or Brothers !
unlike other box type stores .. ie .. walmart .. target .. lowes .. home depot .. etc .. the three box type shooting stores .. do NOT have lower prices on the norm .. in my area .. Phoenix AZ .. cabella's is by far one of the most expensive places to buy a firearm AND the one with the longest waits and most obnoxious process ..
Oh yeah, you have it great, with a large and growing muslim population that's not assimilating into the British culture but instead, being allowed to establish Sharia Law in their communities effectively excepting them from being subjected to British Law. Oh yeah, things are just going swimmingly aren't they. Go ahead, keep your head in the sand. That way when one of these "moderate" Sharia law abiding muslims comes along and chops it off it's already buried.
I stumbled onto this video as I was scrolling along. I live in Baton Rouge Louisiana not far from both Jim's Firearms, Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops. It's great to see the host have a bit of fun. Fairly good grouping on his pistol shots.
Missouri there is literally no gun laws. No license needed, dont have to pay sales tax buying a gun from another state. Background check takes 10 min...
Cabela's merged with Bass Pro... they're one company now. However, we do have many small mom & pop style gun stores around the US as well as retailers (like Rural King) that have a gun counter in a large retail store. Typically, they don't carry a huge selection in store, but they will have low prices on what they do carry... and you can order from a larger selection they have online. Ship-to-store in my experience is not difficult when ordering online. We also have Gun & Knife shows (at least quarterly where I've lived) that have a small entrance fee (generally $1-$5, but can be higher) and a few dozen (up to hundreds) of dealers will all come together, set up booths, and peddle their wares. (Customers still have to pass a federal background check to buy guns from a vendor at a gun show, and some states have mandatory waiting periods before delivery.)
That store is just... amazing. I really need to go to the US and do some gun tourism. Really isn't a good place to be here in the UK if you like guns, seeing this makes my 2.2 air rifle look like a kids toy. Never give up your rights like we have!
There is a Cabellas of similar size in Lehi Utah ,they have a mountain inside the store and hundreds maybe over 1000 firearms for sale along with all other sporting goods you might be looking for. 20 miles South of Salt lake city off I15.
I grew up hunting as well. Bought my first deer rifle a Winchester 94...cost 65.00 I saved for a year and my dad signed for me to own it and over a year and I paid it off.
+john brown Smith Crime rises when the law-abiding lose their Rights to defend themselves against criminals-- who don't give an obama about the law. Why cannot the oh-so-smart lawmakers in Washington understand this?
+john brown Smith so you honestly think a criminal is just going to hand his gun over? lets look at the definition of criminal, oh wait, they break the law. they arent gonna hand their guns over for shit m8. banning specific types of guns does fuck all im afraid.
We will always prefer the dangerous freedom of owning firearms over the "Safe Slavery" of giving up our weapons. The 2nd Amendment shall not be infringed. God Bless America.
Arrowed Albatross Over 1.2 million house and personal property claims, and over 150,000 Commercial claims. Houses and buildings submerged underwater for as far as the eye could see. Odds are, an item that is a couple of inches tall laying down, would disappear in a sea of debris and flood water.
The kicker here is Bass Pro is more of a fishing oriented store. Cabelas is by far the more hunting/camping oriented store, and carries a significantly larger selection of firearms and hunting/defense related gear.
Love to hear someone point out that laws the restrict gun ownership actually wind up doing the opposite of what they claim to do, or did anyone miss the comment at 5:43?
I love his line : With handgun crime rampant in Brittian, following the implication of handgun restrictions 15 years ago. So the criminal didn't obey the laws who could imagine that.
im glad i live in malta. far less restrictions here on what we can own compared to the uk. we can own and shoot pretty much anything apart from full autos and tbh some of the collector guys here have those too
That seemed like the definition of "limp wristing it". I suppose I didn't hold my 9mm strong enough when I first fired one, but that gun just about jumped back out of his hand on his first shot. It's actually a great example of what happens if not held correctly.
So, since this was filmed we have seen Gander Mt stores go under. Cabelas and Bass Pro are now combined under the same company. Calling them "Gun stores" is missing the broader appeal. Those large chains cover a wide array of outdoor sports including fishing, boating, archery, off road sports, camping, hiking and more. The gun store is just a part of the larger store. Jims Firearms is located here in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is focused specifically on gun sales and is more of a representation of what a typical "gun store" is. I've been there several times and even took a Concealed Handgun class with them. It's a nice place but is not even trying to target the "outdoor" market the way Bass Pro does.
+BlackjackMLP they're not totally illegal but might as well be, you're not allowed to keep your own property in your house and you have to be part of a club to even own it. That is stupid I believe that if you want to own a firearm you should be required to train with it and be proficient in gun safety, disassembly, reassembly, cleaning and care. Also owners should train with their guns regularly.
+Lucian Wolf No that's not true at all. After Cumbria in 2010, there was talk about banning private storage of guns at home & keeping them at clubs, but this never happened Some gun clubs allow storage of club members guns, but the space is limited usually. If a person doesn't or cannot store guns at home, then can select an alternative place & that could be a friends house or with an approved gun-storage company for a small fee. A registered firearms dealer could also as as a storer of firearms hot a small fee too.
Just because your country is older and hasn't updated its bus shelters in a while doesnt mean its a better country. Just because you think you have more "history" doesnt make you shit. Your country is still second rate, and you yourself are still ignorant.
well... that's simply not what I said, but I guess reading isn't exactly your strong suit (even with your claim of better literacy.) I did note however that you did not make any effort to dispute my claim that your lackluster nation has fallen to its knees, or that you are one of the ignorant masses that populate said nation.
I'm going to preface this by saying that I don't believe in angles. But, can you prove, with scientific evidence, that there are no such things angles? Because if not, you're calling (as your claim suggest) nearly 80% of Americans stupid, because they hold a different OPINION (and I do mean opinion, because if you can't prove something with scientific evidence, it is an opinion) than you. But more to the heart of the problem, that statistic is actually irrelevant to our conversation. All that was was you lashing out against Americans because you know that we have a superior nation. And you can't accept that, so you feel the need to lash out. Like a child.
Good for them! Wish I lived in the USA. Here in Europe we have to practice our shooting skills with air guns and pistols. Luckily there are some beastly air guns available on the market nowadays... Long live the USA.
while i agree that firearms are fun to shoot at targets, i don't think i could ever turn that firearm on a living being. But put me at a range with an AR-15 and the worries of the world fade away. Oh and i live in Australia, one of the most restrictive countries on firearm ownership in the world. But that doesn't stop me from dreaming of a bygone era where firearms were easy to own and obtain
Just remember America we are now the last hold out that isn’t a third world country where you can still own any type of weapon you want. This must never change support pro gun politicians.
And you mean it is great? Now you have 400 000 000 guns between USA population. How much is enough.? Now your police must be still careful if someone dont have gun in car or in house or somwhere For what it is good? One day it will not funy for your country.
england...gave the world disraeli, lord nelson, churchill, lieutenants bromhead and lt. chard, heroes of rorke's drift.... WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR COUNTRY???????????????????
they got taken over by socialist politicians who think if you stick your head in the sand and ignore the problem or appease your enemy's (cough) Neville Chamberlain (cough) then the bad men will leave you alone. but what do you expect from a country where a man who was defending his property from home invaders goes to prison and then is sued by the scum bag who tried to rob him.
Sebastian F Women don't have any business being around firearms and ammunition and shooting ranges. Their place is in the home cooking and cleaning especially the toilet.
Shawn Darling if your being serious fuck you If you mean this to be funny sorry mate it ain't It sexist as fuck and I hope you get in a bar fight with Ronda rousy
Sebastian F You bet I am serious. I am an instructor and I had two women students and one tried to kill me since she was my girlfriend and the another one killed my best friend. I never hit the tart never cheated but she wanted my half of a small firearms business that I co own. My best friend well he got stupid got so got killed for insurance money. I just felt awful that I tought her how to use a snub nose revolver. But they are going to be in prison for a very long time
Sebastian F They hate firearms and they want me to get out of the firearms industry. I can't have children because I got fixed 18 years ago. Because I think children are a big waste of time. So they don't need any firearms.
"only in AmErica" lol condescending brit... nice. Stores like this are fun. Tiny gun stores around the country are ok but this is a great place for many other things, camping, fishing, rv, boating, outdoors stuff, etc.. it's an exciting place to visit if you have one nearby and can spend all day looking at outdoors things and eating. Canada is getting them also. I know it's hard coming from a tiny island where you can't drive over 45mph, managed forests, managed hunting etc.. but we have NO clue when you say only in America, because we also have small towns everywhere and small gun stores. We don't compare ourselves to tiny England(sorry) or anywhere else and just want everything bigger than you. You mistake us for being brazen, but we are just a large country with many cities that have people from all walks of life and some are overly prideful.... a human problem among large groups of people. There are vastly more humble and wonderful people here if you stop watching the news and listening to your griping, condescending over liberal friends and spend time with us here. You can spend time in most places here and never see a crime or a gun unless you want to.
After sighting in at 60 feet, I could easily cover 5 shots with a nickel ! Truly a pleasure to shoot! Scope was easy to adjust for eye relief. Only problem the varmints must have seen it delivered lol!Update: So impressed with shot groups at 30 yards I purchased a Hammers 3×9 with adjustable Objective scope! Now a true nail driver!
I watched this video like when I was 12, I was so much hyped about the zombie apocalypse, that I wanted to move to USA to be able to buy guns. Visiting this video after 10 years brings back so many fresh memories. Ah good 'ol 'Merica!
We're happy to have you. Definitely lots of guns but it's not as dangerous as the media would have you believe. At least outside of the major cities.....
No free man shall be debarred the use of arms.- Thomas Jefferson
americanguy87 Yea thanks I live in Germany.
Those were the wild times. What America did not and never will understand is that those times are OVER !
@@bubumic2971 spoken like a true slave
@@bubumic2971 So, are you saying that burglaries, rapes, and murder do not exist today. I really don't care about your well being, but I DO care about myself, family, and friends.
This is a dream for any Gun fan. I would love to have a store like this in my Country. Keep your Gun freedom Americans, that´s the right way to go. Excellent.
Glad to hear a Brit say, "Now's the time for the UK government to begin relaxing handgun ownership."
+John Wizeman nice to hear but once it's gone, it's gone.
+John Wizeman Do you mean that we in the UK can also receive the joys of yearly mass killings in our schools.
+jgrove2000 I think your numbers for France are greatly exaggerated. If they were true then the mortality rate is still much under that set by pro gun US and the recent killings in France are an abortion while the US death toll is not. By owning a gun in the US no one was able to stop the attacks on the Twin Towers. Don`t get me wrong as i like the idea of owning a gun. It appeals to the boy in me and in the past i have owned several shotguns.Our schools do not have security as it is not required. I can see no safety for our children in a general population being armed.
What's funny is that when you look at crime numbers for many comparable countries, the US, France, AUS, UK, etc. They all have very similar crime numbers.
So for all surveillance, guns laws, cameras, etc. in the UK your crime rate really isn't any better than ours.
+John Wizeman - That's one reason I left the UK years ago. People don't understand that an unarmed man cannot truly be a free man, especially when he lives under a corrupt, repressive government.
I find this very interesting. I own a small gun shop in New Mexico, USA, and often have visitors from other countries stop in to see something unheard of in their countries. If you're ever in New Mexico stop by in Grants, NM. I'm the only one in town.
+David Loeffler Will do. Thanks. / Charlie
I look forward to meeting you.
david...will try in october, my vacation...keep on shooting.
David Loeffler
David Loeffler its nice to come across a fellow New Mexican on RUclips
"British gun shops are often pokey little things stuck down backstreets, but THIS is America!"
Youre damn fucking right this is America!🔫🇺🇸
+Kyle Stamps Yep. When my GF lived in Baton Rouge I picked up a few things at Jim's almost every time I was in town. Best stocked gun store I've ever visited. We moved out of the area and I really miss Jim's.
Kyle Stamps If the situation here in europe gets worse, I'm considering moving to USA, simply because of the gun laws here in Europe. Im antigun in first world countries, but when you have to live in constant fear of getting robbed/looted, you should have a right to defend yourself. Would you be so kind and tell me about the legal situations, regarding foreigners like myself trying to aquire firearms in different states of the USA? Thanks in advance!
For the record, i dont live in constant fear of being robbed. Ive never been a victim of a crime. I carry out of principle, and if im attacked, i can protect myself. The US has a very low crime rate especially considering that we have the highest rate of ownership in the world by a landslide.
As to your question, if you go to a gun range in the US (there are lots of great indoor ranges with lots of stuff, some even have restaurants) you can rent guns for use at the range. If you want to buy they usually require a background check that rakes 5 minutes. Itll usually ask if youre a US citizen, require a social security number, a state issued drivers license and a bunch of other stuff. But im pretty sure there are a few considerations for people who visit the US legally. Dual citizenship wouldn't hurt either.
Kyle Stamps Thanks a lot for the info!
Self deprecation is a very British mannerism
This bit was disturbing to me: "following in the wake of handgun restrictions 15 years ago in the UK, we've all but forgotten about sidearms. .... and with handgun crime rising massively in the wake of the handgun restrictions, maybe it's time to relax the handgun restrictions in the UK." This is exactly how gun owners feel in the US, when people who know nothing about guns want to ban, restrict, or further control them. Disarming law-abiding citizens or making it harder for THEM to get guns, but doesn't restrict criminals at all; it just boosts the black market and removes our means to defend ourselves from the bad guys.
No way will UK government ever allow people to own hand guns again - they even class pellet guns as "air weapons" and you can only have 12ft lbs energy for air rifles, and 6ft lbs energy for air pistols
Scotland is even worse - you now need a license to own an air rifle or air pistol - you have to pay, and of course the police can refuse you one
why = muslims own london and other cities now.
Jeremy D I
Now it's knifes,and screwdrivers. London has passed New York in murders. This is what happens when you give up freedom for so call safety. You lose both!
And in Scotland, a man was incarcerated for a longer term than what a muslim got for raping a minor. What was the man's crime? Carrying a potato peeler "without reasonable excuse".
did he say in the wake of the gun restrictions crime skyrocketed? No that can't be possible. Banning guns is supposed to make people safer.
+mixflip Here ya go Mix. UK gunlaws means that the country is purged of firearms..right?
+gurney85 that was interesting. you know that news doesn't get much attention. it doesn't fit the anti gun agenda.
+gurney85 ... Yeah, that right there is why people need guns, because criminals will always be able to get guns.
+RMilde and then you find society in a vicous circle
+Mike Rourke I'd prefer to be in the circle that allows me to stop someone from killing me. when I'm 75 years old I won't be able to fight off a home invader like I used to. guns are not evil....people are. and guns are an equalizer for women who live alone and senior citizens who are often prey upon by young thugs.
Why does the British Government not trust their own citizens, yet seems to have no problem filling it's shores with all sorts of shady characters from abroad?
+englishforeverr Because the electorate is chock full of idiots who vote for individuals that do not have the public interest as the highest reason for their running for elected office. I think Sir Winston Churchill said it best when he said, "the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter". My country has been taken over by Anti-American politicians who are more concerned with lining their own pockets than doing their job. And them we have Barry Soetero AKA Barack Obama, but I can't even get started on that a-hole. Guns aren't the problem, bad people are. If we have someone Ina list because they can't be trusted why are they running around in the first place. Welcome to the new politically correct Unites States. A place many of us American citizens no longer recognize.
+OMGWUNSIU Read about how Churchill REALLY was before you spout out one or two quotes from him. Then inform yourself about why Obama sent back Churchills bust (and I completely agree with him).
Because we have something here called "innocent until proven guilty". Just because someone thinks you MAY commit a crime, doesn't mean your rights are instantly nullified.
OMGWUNSIU in Britain they are not citizens but subjects.
englishforeverr you need a back ground check before you purchase a firearm....So if you're in a terrorist watch list you're not getting a gun,unless you get it illegally like all mass shooter in the United State does and like all the mass shooter in United Kingdom does
dear america.....never give up your guns
+brian rennie
A promise.
+buggeroff Brazil has a gun ban but all the bad guys have them.. bad guys always have access to guns. You can buy a black market handgun in London if you want. The point is to never give into "reasonable restrictions" because the only group that is controlled are the law-abiding.
+brian rennie If you need a gun for protection your a damn coward
redegeldunit420 lol.. you must be a ninja! That is fine and all.. how are 100 lb women and the elderly going to protect themselves? Wait for the police? No thanks.
Early 2008: While I was temporarily working in Yuma Arizona, I met two retired British Army SNCO's now living in Arizona for a number of years, one is a County Sheriff there. I asked why they moved from the UK to the states, both stated that they knew they were going to move when the British Govt started prohibiting gun ownership, they also stated that the UK drifted towards socialism so fast they didnt want to be a part of it. At the time we met they were both riding ATV's and assisting the US Border Patrol, both were packing pistols and AR's.
It's time for the UK to recognize the people's right to keep and bear arms. Rights exist no matter the opinions of the government.
You sound like that you suffer from savent syndrome lad. I would recommend that you get that checked out before interacting with anymore women in your life
The Brits couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag since their "wonderful" government disarmed them a while back. Let us resolve never to be disarmed.
I have many friends from the U.K and mainland Europe.
When they come to the states on holiday, among the first things they want to do is go to the range to shoot.
The hunger is definitely there.....and growing.
Interesting you say that. I've never been to America but when I do hopefully, that's the first thing I have in mind lol
Here in Thailand there are many gun ranges frequented by tourists from countries like Japan, Britain, etc. where it is difficult to get a gun and most people have never shot one.
crispycritterz Yea, and luckely we have 10 times lower gun-deaths in Europe. It is all fun and games until a mass-shooting happens. Tell me how many people die per year of guns?
crispycritterz You're right, but the laws and public perception of being anti-gun in the UK will never change. There is a large group of people who are adamant the Police shouldn't be armed. They want the protection of the Police but don't want the Police to be able to protect themselves.
I must disagree.
Britain has produced some of the greatest riflemen in history.
It's in the UK's culture.
It won't be a change, but a return to a tradition.
When enough people are murdered in their homes, Westley Richards won't be able to keep enough stock on hand to meet the demand from a public tired of being victims.
I'm very happy to see the guy had a good time and got to shoot some nice firearms with warm people. This is what shooting is really all about just having fun and being sociable with other like minded people. You will find that many gun owners are the most down to earth people you'll ever meet and super friendly too.
Are you Kidding a Hot Red Head with a Big Gun, it can't get any better than that.
What does a UK gun shop even look like? One double barrel shotgun and a few Red Rider BB guns? One BB gun with tea and a biscuit? Lol.
+Kenneth Lee well the one I go to sells Handguns and ar15 clones chambered in .22 rimfire, among other things. But I live in Northern Ireland which has different Gun laws to the rest of the UK. We can conceal carry with the right permit.
I'm actually somewhat familiar with your gun laws in Norther Ireland, and by European standards, they are amazing. I don't lump you in with the rest of the UK on this issue.
Thats pretty much it most double barrel shotguns and large number of rimfire caliber rifles and air rifles and a few bolt action and sometimes lever action centerfire rifles
Of the examples I've seen they're either some ultra upscale boutique store selling firearms that cost more than new cars or some cluttered back-alley shop with a couple double barrels, rimfires, and bolt actions.
Bolt action rifles are allowed and semi auto .22 rifles
There was a shop owner in the UK that lived above his shop. It had been broken into and he was twice beaten by the same two perps. On their third return burglary the shop owner shot one with a shotgun. The shop owner went to prison!
***** NOPE! Absolutely true. And what the libs want for the US.
Trying? More like hell bent! These tyrants never give up.
+molon labe In the UK the level of serious violence is minimal compared to the US. One of the reasons for this is that guns are not readily available. I owned a shop which was broken into a number of times and i would set that aside to beadle to live in a society that allows people to live without murderous implements.
mrsillywalk I guess that's your choice. I choose to be able to defend myself. The muslim that nearly beheaded the British soldier a year or so ago was especially poignant. If ever a dog needed killing.
+molon labe The problem for you is that you are now trying to defend against another person with a gun. Here there is a rise in knife crime, but to suggest that we all carry knives would be moronic.
That redhead was so damn cute!
Hot girl handling guns = instant turn on.
Cute accent too
And she fishes too !
Does she come with the purchase of each gun? :D
This Brit knows gun controls laws DON'T WORK, so let's let him stay and send Piers Morgan BACK!!!
Good on ya, Mate!
US firearm homicide rate: 4.62. UK firearm homicide rate: 0.06. What was that?
Send them all back to Britain!!! Execute Piers Morgan!!!
@@sh0werp0wer what about knives ratio.
i' ve seen so many in london i've lost the count.
I live in Scotland, and its funny that on the one hand I can be trusted to fire an AR15 for recreation....but I can't be trusted with a 9mm pistol unless I move to the isle of man...or Jeresy...or the isle of Wight....or Guernsey....or Gibraltar.....or Northern Ireland
Can you have a ár 15
Your better off with the AR 15 anyway.
Here in the USA we are brought up in a culture of hunting, shooting for fun, collecting and owning guns. It is just as normal to us to see, use, and carry guns as it is for you in the UK to think they are scary tools of the devil.
You were raised one way, we were raised another. I wouldn't trade away my rights for anything in the world.
But, if you're happy and feel safe, that is cool. But you could come here and meet your average gun owner and see that 99% of them are honest, law abiding, friendly, help-your-neighbor types of people.
The gun owners of whom I speak aren't the ones going nuts and killing people, and we will never give up our rights because of the actions of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of the population.
Ian Rupert _"I wouldn't trade away my rights for anything in the world."_
Nor would I, not even for even the continuation of my own life.
One of my favorite activities..perusing the used firearms rack and gun library at our local Cabela's going to a gun show. Never know what you're going to find. I've purchased several firearms from local Cabela's store over the years and never been disappointed.
UK is like a island prison with all its laws and survailance
squick1842 No, the US is a banana republic. UK has 10x lower guns deaths. Tell me how many of your own people slaughtered themselves with their guns?
jimiie5436 UK has lower gun deaths, but major criminality is higher. Fucking CCTW on every corner... UK is Orwellian nightmare. Infestated with multiculturalism.
Crime is far less harsher in the UK. No one is afraid to get shot or killed. Multiculturalism has nothing to do with guns or gun-owner ships.
+jimiie5436 No,just stabbed or beheaded.
Richard III
How many beheadings in the UK? How many gun-deaths in the US. haha what a joke
always love to hear a brit saying his government should relax restrictions!
As a fellow Brit, so do I!
But, I bet that's not how his video is played out in Britain (Psyop)
Nice to see our brothers from England 🇬🇧 come to visit.
Love watching this as an American.
We should send Piers Morgan back and have this guy come here. The hard part is convincing the Brits to take the red coat back.
Honest to god we were trying to get rid of him!!.....
***** What is Pierce Morgan doing now?
***** You know, I think I just saw him on a commercial for Donald Trump's celebrity apprentice. Not what I expected at all.
The British government really should change its stance on gun ownership.
Something_to_appease_Google the UK is a pay to play country. Government officials do nothing that has not been paid for! And it is well excepted by the legal community. They call it appreciation. Not a bribe in a way....... Bribes are offered, appreciation is demanded.
God is it rare to hear a UK guy to be so open about these things, where can I watch more?
i know right majority of them are all out against it
"Handgun crime rising massively in the wake of the handgun laws." Gee, who could have seen that coming?
Nice to see a man from the UK walk into an American gun shop with an open mind. Sure he asked questions, but he didn't come off as judgemental or arrogant like so many do. And to admit that maybe they need to relax the UK handgun laws, bravo! Criminals are emboldened when they know their potential victims are unarmed.
I am brazillian with an American and EU citizenship (yes 3 citizenship). And that is no other nation equal to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA specially regarding the peoples right to bear arms.
4:28 Beautiful hair, eyes, love for guns, hunting and fishing...this lady got it goin onnnnn!!! Shes a firecraker😍😍😍
MOLON LABE yes, if you marry her and cheat on her you will wake up tied in a knot with your parts stuffed in your mouth and a hole where they used to be. Be careful what you wish for as it might just bite! Not to mention she might have a Dad or Brothers !
unlike other box type stores .. ie .. walmart .. target .. lowes .. home depot .. etc .. the three box type shooting stores .. do NOT have lower prices on the norm .. in my area .. Phoenix AZ .. cabella's is by far one of the most expensive places to buy a firearm AND the one with the longest waits and most obnoxious process ..
Great segment. My little British nephew loves to come over here and shoot with me, and he's pretty darn good at it.
God bless America 🇺🇸
and God bless all the kids that have been massacred
Its always nice to see shows in other nations taking tours of the U.S.
let me apologize to my british cousins for how damn good we have it in the new world.
Oh yeah, you have it great, with a large and growing muslim population that's not assimilating into the British culture but instead, being allowed to establish Sharia Law in their communities effectively excepting them from being subjected to British Law. Oh yeah, things are just going swimmingly aren't they. Go ahead, keep your head in the sand. That way when one of these "moderate" Sharia law abiding muslims comes along and chops it off it's already buried.
+Google Account I'm not from New England and my family heritage is English, so I'm going to have to say that's false.
+Google Account
what like Virginia (ever heard of Jamestown ) or Maryland .The Carolinas or Georgia?
+Fred Fournier
exactly where is this happening? Can you name any locations or is that something you have just made up?
In your own time.
Thanking you.
Have you ever even *BEEN* to England?
4:16 Most girls in the UK are scared of spiders the size of Smarties
I stumbled onto this video as I was scrolling along. I live in Baton Rouge Louisiana not far from both Jim's Firearms, Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops. It's great to see the host have a bit of fun. Fairly good grouping on his pistol shots.
No way!!! I shop at Jim's all the time!
***** Jim's a great guy - he looked after us while we were in Baton Rouge / Charlie
***** Hello from Shreveport ^^
+Pwnzistor Sweet! Hello from Ascension Parish!
+lolley1100 Lucky you!
+lolley1100 I'm from Ascension Parish too, I was just watching video bored at work and said, hmm those shelves look familiar, funny.
Missouri there is literally no gun laws. No license needed, dont have to pay sales tax buying a gun from another state. Background check takes 10 min...
Cabela's merged with Bass Pro... they're one company now.
However, we do have many small mom & pop style gun stores around the US as well as retailers (like Rural King) that have a gun counter in a large retail store. Typically, they don't carry a huge selection in store, but they will have low prices on what they do carry... and you can order from a larger selection they have online. Ship-to-store in my experience is not difficult when ordering online.
We also have Gun & Knife shows (at least quarterly where I've lived) that have a small entrance fee (generally $1-$5, but can be higher) and a few dozen (up to hundreds) of dealers will all come together, set up booths, and peddle their wares. (Customers still have to pass a federal background check to buy guns from a vendor at a gun show, and some states have mandatory waiting periods before delivery.)
AVENGER KHAN Well actually it does. Multiple times as many people are saved by guns in the U.S annually than are killed with them.
A sensible brit.
Catwithanm16 Inorite? Who'd have thunk it? *(chuckles)*
if that were the case there would be no monarchy or Al Qaeda terrorist killing their citizens
I seriously doubt that he was probably a spy
My favorite local gun shop has more than 7000 guns in stock! I think they have more than most gun shows!
That store is just... amazing. I really need to go to the US and do some gun tourism. Really isn't a good place to be here in the UK if you like guns, seeing this makes my 2.2 air rifle look like a kids toy. Never give up your rights like we have!
Dude come visit. A lot of states will be happy for the tourism after the restrictions are lifted. Lots of places to go rent a gun. Full auto, too.
Start in Texas then oklahoma. Lastly Missouri.
I am from india, i have never seen any gun shop here nor have i ever held a gun or seen one irl
There is a Cabellas of similar size in Lehi Utah ,they have a mountain inside the store and hundreds maybe over 1000 firearms for sale along with all other sporting goods you might be looking for. 20 miles South of Salt lake city off I15.
I'm moving to the U.S, NOW!
You're welcome to move here. They'll take my guns from my cold dead hands!!!!
Move to a small town in a state with very few gun laws. Try to find one with at least one or two gun stores.
Make a UK version entitled, "Guns and Tea."
Alex McCoy +97474760355 imo nambar add call me
I grew up hunting as well. Bought my first deer rifle a Winchester 94...cost 65.00 I saved for a year and my dad signed for me to own it and over a year and I paid it off.
9.5/10 for the Jims shop. 10/10 for Blayr Hofmeester.
Just Bruh
Catwithanm16 I might just empty the shop if she is the sales assistant.
Skilpadjie1 Bruh
Skilpadjie1 That little redhead will never lack for a place to sleep or a warm meal as long as i am alive.
I love this country.
5:43 - "Handgun crime rising massively in the wake of the handgun law..."
+john brown Smith Yeah its funny how that works... law abiding citizens follow the laws and criminals dont. Crazy!
+john brown Smith Crime rises when the law-abiding lose their Rights to defend themselves against criminals-- who don't give an obama about the law. Why cannot the oh-so-smart lawmakers in Washington understand this?
+john brown Smith so you honestly think a criminal is just going to hand his gun over? lets look at the definition of criminal, oh wait, they break the law. they arent gonna hand their guns over for shit m8. banning specific types of guns does fuck all im afraid.
anyvideostuff 101 No, I don't believe it at all. Just wanted to make sure everyone heard the irony of what he said.
john brown Smith ah, i see
Beauty behind the gun.
We will always prefer the dangerous freedom of owning firearms over the
"Safe Slavery" of giving up our weapons. The 2nd Amendment shall not be infringed. God Bless America.
One thing us in the U.S love is seeing people from other countries shoot here. You are all always welcome here to enjoy and share our pastimes :)
"Lost their guns underwater."
Yep. Totally.
Arrowed Albatross
Over 1.2 million house and personal property claims, and over 150,000 Commercial claims. Houses and buildings submerged underwater for as far as the eye could see. Odds are, an item that is a couple of inches tall laying down, would disappear in a sea of debris and flood water.
Bighorn44 None
Theyre just below “run for your lives” and “dont let your house disappear”
And some of the flood water is salt water so devastating on own.
5:45 ... anyone have links back up this statement? Gun crime rising in wake of stricter laws?
Yeah, Detroit, NYC, Chicago etc. - high murder rates and very strict gun laws. Look up some FBI stats?
civilian Have a look at this
Fieldsports Channel
i believe it, but anything from the last decade? link is from 2001
i dont think the fbi keeps stats on the UK.
civilian Erm, yeah, if you need UK stats look at the Home Office figures
The kicker here is Bass Pro is more of a fishing oriented store. Cabelas is by far the more hunting/camping oriented store, and carries a significantly larger selection of firearms and hunting/defense related gear.
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary security deserve neither neither liberty, nor security” (Benjamin Franklin)
those that allow their tyrannical government to flush out their citizenry with CRIMINALS from another country should never expect safety or liberty.
Love to hear someone point out that laws the restrict gun ownership actually wind up doing the opposite of what they claim to do, or did anyone miss the comment at 5:43?
I love his line : With handgun crime rampant in Brittian, following the implication of handgun restrictions 15 years ago. So the criminal didn't obey the laws who could imagine that.
Feel bad for the UK citizen. Your rights was taken away and it's too late to get it back. That's why it's important to not give it away.
The 2nd amendment has its perks!
eamon reis l
I live in MN and pass 2 cabalas up just to go to bass pro shops in council bluffs Iowa what a great store
5:45 ... pay attention, Piers Morgan !
Now that's America
im glad i live in malta. far less restrictions here on what we can own compared to the uk. we can own and shoot pretty much anything apart from full autos and tbh some of the collector guys here have those too
I love my country
When society brakes down. The gun rules! I was in Katrina
That seemed like the definition of "limp wristing it". I suppose I didn't hold my 9mm strong enough when I first fired one, but that gun just about jumped back out of his hand on his first shot. It's actually a great example of what happens if not held correctly.
A beautiful redhead who loves to hunt. Definately my kind of gal! 😍
big boss unless you are greencard holder or citizen, you cant.
"I don't shoot to kill, I shoot to stay alive"
"When every 2nd (second) counts, the cops are just a few minutes away"
So, since this was filmed we have seen Gander Mt stores go under. Cabelas and Bass Pro are now combined under the same company. Calling them "Gun stores" is missing the broader appeal. Those large chains cover a wide array of outdoor sports including fishing, boating, archery, off road sports, camping, hiking and more. The gun store is just a part of the larger store.
Jims Firearms is located here in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is focused specifically on gun sales and is more of a representation of what a typical "gun store" is. I've been there several times and even took a Concealed Handgun class with them. It's a nice place but is not even trying to target the "outdoor" market the way Bass Pro does.
THE UK HAS GUN SHOPS!?!?!?!?!?!?
+GuardianLords Yes.
+BlackjackMLP they're not totally illegal but might as well be, you're not allowed to keep your own property in your house and you have to be part of a club to even own it. That is stupid I believe that if you want to own a firearm you should be required to train with it and be proficient in gun safety, disassembly, reassembly, cleaning and care. Also owners should train with their guns regularly.
No shit
+Lucian Wolf You don't need to be in a gun club
+Lucian Wolf No that's not true at all. After Cumbria in 2010, there was talk about banning private storage of guns at home & keeping them at clubs, but this never happened Some gun clubs allow storage of club members guns, but the space is limited usually. If a person doesn't or cannot store guns at home, then can select an alternative place & that could be a friends house or with an approved gun-storage company for a small fee. A registered firearms dealer could also as as a storer of firearms hot a small fee too.
Redhead for the win! If you guys are the outdoor type, women like this babe will be a good match.
Jim McCarthy
Extremely rare, and, unobtainable.
Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna Ga. is one of the largest. A million guns in stock IINM
It always astounds me how ignorant the British are to American culture.
... Thats the exact ignorance I'm talking about. Like, I mean, are you stupid or something....
Either way, you're all just mad because your country used to be great, and now it's second rate at best.
Just because your country is older and hasn't updated its bus shelters in a while doesnt mean its a better country. Just because you think you have more "history" doesnt make you shit. Your country is still second rate, and you yourself are still ignorant.
well... that's simply not what I said, but I guess reading isn't exactly your strong suit (even with your claim of better literacy.) I did note however that you did not make any effort to dispute my claim that your lackluster nation has fallen to its knees, or that you are one of the ignorant masses that populate said nation.
I'm going to preface this by saying that I don't believe in angles. But, can you prove, with scientific evidence, that there are no such things angles? Because if not, you're calling (as your claim suggest) nearly 80% of Americans stupid, because they hold a different OPINION (and I do mean opinion, because if you can't prove something with scientific evidence, it is an opinion) than you.
But more to the heart of the problem, that statistic is actually irrelevant to our conversation. All that was was you lashing out against Americans because you know that we have a superior nation. And you can't accept that, so you feel the need to lash out. Like a child.
Good for them! Wish I lived in the USA. Here in Europe we have to practice our shooting skills with air guns and pistols. Luckily there are some beastly air guns available on the market nowadays... Long live the USA.
where is this Shop
+Muhammad AQ We went to shops in Baton Rouge + Las Vegas. / Charlie
Muhammad AQ all over the US
while i agree that firearms are fun to shoot at targets, i don't think i could ever turn that firearm on a living being. But put me at a range with an AR-15 and the worries of the world fade away. Oh and i live in Australia, one of the most restrictive countries on firearm ownership in the world. But that doesn't stop me from dreaming of a bygone era where firearms were easy to own and obtain
Most gun confrontations seem to end with the culprit fleeing.
And now with this totally emotion driven semi autos ban in NZ those rights were eroded even more...
Meanwhile in the UK, most dealers' shops around me are converted garages at their house
Just remember America we are now the last hold out that isn’t a third world country where you can still own any type of weapon you want. This must never change support pro gun politicians.
And you mean it is great? Now you have 400 000 000 guns between USA population. How much is enough.? Now your police must be still careful if someone dont have gun in car or in house or somwhere For what it is good? One day it will not funy for your country.
R Nagyno shut up you ass clown. The only real free country in the world is the United States because of the second amendment.
@@craigscott5661 USA is free country? 😂😂 you're right. We see how many people die in USA for your freedom.
R Nagyno move to a better free country then snowflake.
Yeah, ask any new yorker. What's the crime rate there now?
Love to see someone from the UK who likes our gun community
Everything that gets taken away will cause more crime
Usa all the way
Humongo-fantazmigorically-enormous! My friend, that is the best word I've heard for the last decade.
england...gave the world disraeli, lord nelson, churchill, lieutenants bromhead and lt. chard, heroes of rorke's drift.... WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR COUNTRY???????????????????
We moved on and became less violent and prejudice unlike America
Nothing that they didn't allow to happen.
they got taken over by socialist politicians who think if you stick your head in the sand and ignore the problem or appease your enemy's (cough) Neville Chamberlain (cough) then the bad men will leave you alone. but what do you expect from a country where a man who was defending his property from home invaders goes to prison and then is sued by the scum bag who tried to rob him.
It's simple: people voted Labour too many times.
i think i love her!
You should meet Brian's girlfriend in the Albany n.y. Gun Shop!
*For an average deprived European this looks like heaven*
That girls favorite word IS ummmmmmm
Sebastian F Women don't have any business being around firearms and ammunition and shooting ranges. Their place is in the home cooking and cleaning especially the toilet.
Shawn Darling if your being serious fuck you
If you mean this to be funny sorry mate it ain't
It sexist as fuck and I hope you get in a bar fight with Ronda rousy
Sebastian F You bet I am serious. I am an instructor and I had two women students and one tried to kill me since she was my girlfriend and the another one killed my best friend. I never hit the tart never cheated but she wanted my half of a small firearms business that I co own. My best friend well he got stupid got so got killed for insurance money. I just felt awful that I tought her how to use a snub nose revolver. But they are going to be in prison for a very long time
Sebastian F They hate firearms and they want me to get out of the firearms industry. I can't have children because I got fixed 18 years ago. Because I think children are a big waste of time. So they don't need any firearms.
Shawn Darling you got Castrated or a vasectomy
My kind of girl
"only in AmErica" lol condescending brit... nice. Stores like this are fun. Tiny gun stores around the country are ok but this is a great place for many other things, camping, fishing, rv, boating, outdoors stuff, etc.. it's an exciting place to visit if you have one nearby and can spend all day looking at outdoors things and eating. Canada is getting them also. I know it's hard coming from a tiny island where you can't drive over 45mph, managed forests, managed hunting etc.. but we have NO clue when you say only in America, because we also have small towns everywhere and small gun stores. We don't compare ourselves to tiny England(sorry) or anywhere else and just want everything bigger than you. You mistake us for being brazen, but we are just a large country with many cities that have people from all walks of life and some are overly prideful.... a human problem among large groups of people. There are vastly more humble and wonderful people here if you stop watching the news and listening to your griping, condescending over liberal friends and spend time with us here. You can spend time in most places here and never see a crime or a gun unless you want to.
cabelas is the best.
Neat place, but their used gun prices are outrageous!