잠언 1-31장 [쉬운성경] Book of Proverbs "여호와를 경외하는 것이 지식의 시작이지만, 어리석은 자들은 지혜와 교훈을 멸시한다." Wisdom calls aloud

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • In view of the fact that Proverbs is primarily addressed to young men on the threshold of mature life, this focus on the ideal wife appears surprising. But its purpose may be twofold: (1) to offer counsel on the kind of wife a young man ought to seek, and (2) in a subtle way to advise the young man (again) to marry Lady Wisdom, thus returning to the theme of chs. 1-9 (as climaxed in ch. 9; compare the description of Lady Wisdom in 9:1-2 with the virtues of the wife in 31:10-31). In any event, the concluding epitomizing of wisdom in the wife of noble character forms a literary frame with the opening discourses, where wisdom is personified as a woman.
    Prologue: Purpose and Theme (1:1-7)
    The Superiority of the Way of Wisdom (1:8-9:18)
    Appeals and Warnings Confronting Youth (1:8-33)
    Enticements to secure happiness by violence (1:8-19)
    Warnings against rejecting wisdom (1:20-33)
    Commendation of Wisdom (chs. 2-4)
    Benefits of accepting wisdom’s instructions (ch. 2)
    Wisdom bestows well-being (3:1-20)
    Wisdom’s instructions and benefits (3:21-35)
    Challenge to hold on to wisdom (ch. 4)
    Warnings against Folly (chs. 5-7)
    Warning against adultery (ch. 5)
    Warning against perverse ways (6:1-19)
    Cost of committing adultery (6:20-35)
    Warning against the enticements of an adulteress (ch. 7)
    Appeals Addressed to Youth (chs. 8-9)
    Wisdom’s appeal (ch. 8)
    Invitations of wisdom and folly (ch. 9)
    The Main Collection of Solomon’s Proverbs (10:1-22:16)
    The Thirty Sayings of the Wise (22:17-24:22)
    Additional Sayings of the Wise (24:23-34)
    Hezekiah’s Collection of Solomon’s Proverbs (chs. 25-29)
    The Sayings of Agur (ch. 30)
    The Sayings of King Lemuel (31:1-9)
    Epilogue: The Ideal Wife (31:10-31)
    The Wise Man According to Proverbs: An Outline
    His Character
    He Is Teachable, Not Intractable
    He receives and loves instruction (18:15; 19:20)
    He grows in wisdom (1:5; 9:9; 10:14)
    He Is Righteous, Not Wicked
    He fears the Lord (1:7; 14:16; see below under relationship to the Lord)
    He hates what is false (13:5)
    He shuns evil (3:7; 14:16; 16:6)
    He does what is righteous (2:20)
    He speaks the truth (22:21)
    He Is Humble, Not Proud (15:33)
    He Is Self-controlled, Not Rash
    His temperament
    He is self-controlled (29:11)
    He has a calm spirit (17:27)
    He is slow to become angry (29:8,11)
    2. His actions
    He is cautious, not hasty (19:2)
    He thinks before he acts (13:16; 14:8)
    He thinks before he speaks (12:23; 15:2)
    He Is Forgiving, Not Vindictive
    He is patient (19:11)
    He is concerned about goodwill/peace (14:9)
    He forgives those who wrong him (10:12; 17:9)
    He is not vindictive (20:22; 24:29)
    His Relationships
    To the Lord
    He fears the Lord (9:10; 14:16; 15:33)
    He trusts in the Lord (3:5; 16:3,20)
    He is ever mindful of the Lord (3:6)
    He chooses the Lord’s way/wisdom (8:10-11; 17:24)
    He submits to the Lord’s discipline (1:2-3; 3:11)
    He confesses his sin (28:13)
    To His Family
    To his parents
    Respects them (17:6; contrast 30:17)
    Listens to them (23:22; cf. 1:8; 4:1)
    Seeks to bring them honor and joy
    By being wise (10:1; 15:20; 29:3)
    By being righteous (23:24)
    By being diligent (10:5)
    To his wife
    He appreciates her
    As a gift from the Lord (18:22; 19:14)
    As his crowning glory (12:4; 31:10-31)
    He praises her (31:28)
    He trusts her (31:11)
    He is faithful to her (5:15-20)
    To his children
    He loves them (3:12; 13:24)
    He is concerned about them (1:8-9:18)
    He trains them (22:6)
    Reasons for training them
    Own peace of mind and joy (29:17)
    Child’s honor and well-being (1:8-9; 4:9; 19:18; 23:13-14)
    By teaching/instructing them (1:10; chs. 5-7; 28:7; cf. 4:1-9)
    By disciplining them
    By verbal correction (13:1)
    By physical discipline (13:24; 23:13-14)
    He provides for their
    Physical needs (21:20; cf. 27:23-27)
    Spiritual heritage (14:26; 20:7)
    To His Friends and Neighbors
    To his friends
    He values them (27:10)
    He is constant to them (17:17; 18:24)
    He gives them counsel (27:9,17; cf. 27:6; 28:23)
    To his neighbors
    He fulfills his obligations (3:27-28)
    He strives for peace (3:29-30)
    He does not outstay his welcome (25:17)
    He does not deceive or mislead them (16:29; 26:18-19)
    His Words
    The Power of His Words
    Their power
    The power of life and death (12:6; 13:14; 15:4; 18:21)
    The power to heal or to wound (11:9,11; 12:18; 15:4,30; 16:24)
    Their limitation
    No substitute for deeds (14:23)
    Cannot alter the facts (26:23-26)
    Cannot compel response (29:19)
    The Character of His Words
    They are honest, not false (12:22; 16:13)
    They are few, not many (10:19)
    Not boastful (27:2)
    Not argumentative (17:14)
    Not contentious (29:9)
    Not a gossip
    Revealing secrets (11:13; 20:19)
    Spreading slander (10:18; 26:20-22)
    They are calm, not emotional
    Rational (15:28; 17:27)
    Gentle and peaceable (15:1,18)
    Yet persuasive (25:15)
    They are apt, not untimely (15:23; 25:11)
    The Source of His Words
    His heart/character (compare 4:23 with Mt 12:33-35)
    Positively, he is righteous (cf. 10:11; 13:14)
    Negatively, he is not
    Proud (13:10; cf. 6:16-19)
    Hateful (26:24,28)
    His companions (13:20; 27:17)
    Reflections (15:28)

Комментарии • 24

  • @MercifulYHVH
    @MercifulYHVH Год назад +2

    감사합니다 ~

    • @MercyReformedChurch
      @MercyReformedChurch  Год назад +1

      늘 고맙습니다. 더위에 수고 많으시죠?

    • @MercifulYHVH
      @MercifulYHVH Год назад +1

      감사합니다. 목사님께서도 더위에 수고 많으실 텐데 건강 잘 지키시기 바랍니다.

    • @MercyReformedChurch
      @MercyReformedChurch  Год назад +1

      고맙습니다. 하나님께서 모든 상황 속에서 넉넉히 지키심을 믿습니다.

  • @hyelee9132
    @hyelee9132 2 года назад +4

    읽는 쉬운 성경 너무 좋습니다. 감사합니다!

  • @user-zs7rd7rq3d
    @user-zs7rd7rq3d 4 года назад +6

    이렇게 좋은 교훈의 말씀이 있을까요?

    • @MercyReformedChurch
      @MercyReformedChurch  4 года назад +6

      하나님 말씀을 사랑하는 분들이 계시니 펜데믹 속에서도 소망을 잃지 않을 수 있습니다!

    • @user-zs7rd7rq3d
      @user-zs7rd7rq3d 4 года назад +2

      우리에겐 소망이 있지요!ㅎㅎ
      오늘도 주님안에서 평안하세요~!💐❣

    • @MercyReformedChurch
      @MercyReformedChurch  4 года назад +3


  • @ly0709
    @ly0709 3 года назад +5

    아멘. 감사합니다...!!

  • @hanahuihyanghan3900
    @hanahuihyanghan3900 3 года назад +4

    감사합니다 잘 듣고 갑니다👍

  • @sunnykim4615
    @sunnykim4615 3 года назад +2

    감사합니다.잠언은 매일 들을려고요

  • @user-pq6fo2dg8e
    @user-pq6fo2dg8e 3 года назад +3


    • @MercyReformedChurch
      @MercyReformedChurch  3 года назад

      후원에 감사드립니다. 늘 고맙습니다.

    • @user-pq6fo2dg8e
      @user-pq6fo2dg8e 3 года назад +1

      @@MercyReformedChurch 네 목사님 가족안에유산문제로갈등이있습니닺기도부탁합니다

    • @MercyReformedChurch
      @MercyReformedChurch  3 года назад

      위해서 기도하겠습니다. 화평한 중에 잘 마무리되길 간구합니다.

  • @limebible
    @limebible 3 года назад +5

    아멘. 쉬운 성경 올려주셔서 감사합니다. 큰글자막 개역개정 잠언통독도 들으러 놀러오세요 🦋