I Saw Lucifer as the Illumined One
- Опубликовано: 16 ноя 2024
- #theilluminedone #whatluciferreallylookslike #everypreciousstonewashiscovering I saw Lucifer as he was described in Ezekiel 28:13. You were in Eden, the garden of God. Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone, red carnelian, pale-green peridot, white moonstone, blue-green beryl, onyx, green jasper, blue lapis, lazuli, turquoise, and emerald, all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created.
Isaiah 53:3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
I made a video right after this one explaining how I was convicted about my harsh comment about homeless type people. I was honestly explaining how I reacted in my dream. My explanation starts at 1:45. ruclips.net/video/Or10SBVWwWA/видео.html
hardamber have you read The Emerald Tablets?
Your good sister
U saw an imposter. Real Lucifer is human.
I myself did not see that as a put down? I know you were just describing a look like he could have looked like a construction worker or lost traveler etc. In the other realm words aren’t used so communication is smoother. You had no bad intentions but nice of you to mention it. Great testimony.
Thank you cfor sharing your dream.
Praise God!!!! This answered a prayer I was curious about 💕
Now I’m curious....I’m all ears.
@@hardamber Hey 👋 I have been listening to John Ramirez videos and he was brought into a satanic environment at a young age and he would say at times he would sit with Satan and talk with him.. John rameriz never described what Satan looked like so...... I was highly curious what did he possibly looked like (Satan) and when you described what you saw it made sense very eye-opening for me. Of course he’s gonna come to anyone he wants to use as a beautiful creature you know anyway thanks for your ministry and I’ll be watching you Colleen 💕 p.s after I saw the video I asked God what does he look like? And poof you came in my news feed and shared
God bless you ...and Thank you for your video.
Thanks for sharing this. It's important to see through the material and social aspects of humanity to the way the truth and the life. God be with you sister!
Thank you. You are a true Blessing. Much needed...Love you and GOD BLESS
I had this dream when I was a kid I seen a beautiful man with a glow like the sun that’s shining behind you in the barn but like you said with all manners of jewels and glittery but still wearing a suit if it makes sense.
Juan Dan Exactly! He was wearing a suit.
Thank u for sharing!
Time is short Jesus is coming
What did Lucifer look like in terms of Face, hair, body?
He was shining and glittery. Face was perfect, everything flawless, but I couldn’t tell his identity. He had dark hair.
@@hardamber Most likely imposter. Real Lucifer is incarnated as human since 1990. Maxixes.com
@@boom-ur6ct she's right!!
Thank you for sharing..many blessings to you.
God bless u sooo soo much in jesus name the rapture is soon love u
I totally agree with you! See you soon. ❤️
Hello can someone pray for me. I got a dream this morning that I was in a room with Lucifer and he told me he can shapeshift and he had a wife but he called me Lilith😳😳😳😳😳 PRAY FOR ME🙌 I also have birds in my yard that watch me everyday please I am not crazy nor making this up. It's real.
Amen..stay strong in Jesus
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures
Lucifer he’s a very interesting character and he’s very powerful One of the beautiful thing God ever made doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a guy when you see Lucifer you going to fall in love and he’s built with the instrument inside of him he can play every 🎸 🎺 🎻 musical instrument
Jesse golestani I agree, but Lucifer is not worth losing your soul over. He hates you more than can be comprehended. When you are in the presence of Christ you are in the presence of the lover of your soul. There is a big difference.
Wow. Every precious stone was his covering...amazing. A friend of mine posted a video about seeing Hitler in a dream. We would think that he would be a monster due to what we know from history, but she was shocked to find in her dream that she responded to him...he was extremely charismatic. There has to be something that causes these figures to draw people to themselves. Thanks for sharing.
I believe you........
I had a similar experience like yours. I was dreaming that I was in a big forest with beautiful trees and in this forest I was walking on a mile long pathway that was just like a straight line. I remember being aware that it was a dream and that I wanted to wake up but there was something giving me the feeling that I wouldn’t wake up unless I reached the end of this path in this forest. At the end of this path there was this beautiful bright light and as I came closer to it... This is where it gets creepy... All the trees in the forest starts to rot down to a see of mud that turns into boiling blood and in this see of blood there is thousands of screaming baby’s.. At this point I’m starting to freak out and I just wanted to wake up but I couldn’t.. Not until I’ve reached the end and got to the bright light.. As I come to the light, I’m instantly teleported to my grandmas basement where I meet one of my friends.. As I’m talking to him he suddenly transforms into this hideous devil like creature that stares me dead in the face shaking with anger with yellow lizard like eyes.. And that’s it.. That’s when I woke up..
Does anybody know what this could mean? I wasn’t as close to to Jesus and the lord as I am today at that point in time and I didn’t know any words from the Bible.. Maybe that had something to do with it?
It freaked me out and still does to this day since I don’t know why I would dream something like that.
The straight path represents a timeline. The forest represents Eden before and after The Fall. The “friend” represents Judas Iscariot. You were being shown the past according to the Bible.
Interesting dream. I had a dream many years ago I was in a place that looked like heaven as we think of it but was not. Saw a tall man with shimmering skin like the character in the Twilight series except the dream was in 1986 long before the books. He wore a short white tunic with gold belt and did not have hair but very fine feathers that from a distance could look like white hair . Short cut . Red feathers on either side suggested horns. Again just a hint not overdone. Face and body were perfect. Wore sandals. He seemed emotionless. I touched him and felt like I was being electrocuted. That ended the dream. So he can appear as very beautiful. Positive emotions seem impossible for him.
Johanne Dillworth That is a very creepy dream! I had a dream I was out in my barn and one of my cats was being lifted into the air by something unseen. I reached for it aggressively, knowing it was demonic and it electrocuted me. Strange stuff,,,,,
hardamber That is interesting that we both had the same sensation of being electrocuted. Won't try that again.
Luuka evangeelium 24:Jeesus ilmub üheteistkümnele jüngrile
36 Aga kui nad seda kõike rääkisid, seisis Jeesus ise nende keskel
ja ütles neile: „Rahu olgu teile!”
37 Aga nemad kohkusid ja lõid kartma, arvates end vaimu nägevat.
38 Ent tema ütles neile: „Miks te olete nii kohkunud ja miks
sellised kahtlused tõusevad teie südames?
39 Vaadake mu käsi ja mu jalgu, et see olen mina ise!
Puudutage mind kätega ja vaadake, sest vaimul ei ole ju liha ega luid,
nõnda nagu te minul näete olevat!”
40 Ja seda öeldes näitas Jeesus neile oma käsi ja jalgu.
41 Aga kui nad rõõmu pärast ikka veel ei uskunud ja imestasid,
ütles ta neile: „Kas teil on siin mingit söögipoolist?”
42 Nemad panid ta ette tüki küpsetatud kala,
43 ja Jeesus võttis ja sõi nende silma all.
Johannese evangeelium 14:Jeesus julgustab jüngreid
1 Teie süda ärgu ehmugu! Uskuge Jumalasse ja uskuge minusse!
2 Minu Isa majas on palju eluasemeid. Kui see nõnda ei oleks, kas ma siis
oleksin teile öelnud, et ma lähen teile aset valmistama?
3 Ja kui ma olen läinud ja teile aseme valmistanud, tulen ma jälle
tagasi ja võtan teid kaasa enese juurde, et teiegi oleksite seal, kus
olen mina.
4 Ja kuhu ma lähen, sinna te teate teed.”
5 Toomas ütles talle: „Issand, me ei tea, kuhu sa lähed, kuidas me
siis võime teada teed?”
6 Jeesus ütles talle: „Mina olen tee ja tõde ja elu. Ükski ei saa
minna Isa juurde muidu kui minu kaudu.
7 Kui te oleksite tundnud mind, siis te tunneksite ka mu Isa. Nüüd te
tunnete teda ja olete teda näinud.” 11 Uskuge mind, et mina olen Isas ja Isa on minus. Kui te ei usu
muu pärast, siis uskuge mu tegude tõttu.
Apostlite teod 20:28 Seepärast pange tähele iseennast ja kogu karja, kelle
ülevaatajaks Püha Vaim on teid pannud, et te karjastena hoiaksite Jumala
kogudust, mille ta on saanud iseenese vere läbi.
Pauluse esimene kiri korintlastele 15:3 Ma olen teile ju kõigepealt edasi andnud seda, mida ma ka
ise olen vastu võtnud: et Kristus suri meie pattude eest, nagu on
kirjutatud pühades kirjades,
4 ja et ta maeti maha ja äratati kolmandal päeval üles
pühade kirjade järgi
5 ja et ta näitas ennast Keefasele, seejärel neile
6 seejärel näitas ta ennast ühtaegu enam kui viiesajale vennale,
kellest enamik on veel praegugi elus, mõned aga on
läinud magama;
7 siis näitas ta ennast Jaakobusele, seejärel kõigile
8 Aga kõige viimaks näitas ta ennast ka minule kui äbarikule.
Pauluse kiri galaatlastele 4:4 Aga kui aeg sai täis, läkitas Jumal oma Poja, kes sündis naisest,
sündis Seaduse alla,
5 lahti ostma seadusealuseid, et me saaksime pojaseisuse.
6 Et te olete aga pojad, siis on Jumal läkitanud teie südamesse
oma Poja Vaimu, kes hüüab: „Abba! Isa!”
7 Nõnda ei ole sa enam ori, vaid poeg, aga kui sa oled poeg,
siis sa oled ka pärija Jumala kaudu.
Pauluse kiri filiplastele 2:Hümn Kristusele
5 Mõtelge iseenestes sedasama, mida Kristuses Jeesuses:
6 kes, olles Jumala kuju,
ei arvanud osaks olla Jumalaga võrdne,
7 vaid loobus iseenese olust,
võttes orja kuju,
saades inimese sarnaseks;
ja ta leiti välimuselt inimesena.
8 Ta alandas iseennast,
saades kuulekaks surmani,
pealegi ristisurmani.
9 Seepärast on Jumal tõstnud ta kõrgemaks kõrgest
ja annetanud talle selle nime,
mis on üle iga nime,
10 et Jeesuse nimes
nõtkuks iga põlv
nii taevas kui maa peal kui maa all,
11 ja et iga keel tunnistaks:
Jeesus Kristus on Issand -
Jumala Isa kirkuseks.
Pauluse esimene kiri Timoteosele 3:16 Tunnistatavalt suur on jumalakartuse saladus:
Jumal on avalikuks saanud lihas,
õigeks tunnistatud vaimus,
nähtav olnud inglitele,
kuulutatud paganatele,
usutud maailmas,
võetud üles kirkusesse.
Kiri heebrealastele 13:8 Jeesus Kristus on seesama eile ja täna ja igavesti!
Pauluse kiri Tiitusele 2:11 Jah, Jumala arm on ilmunud päästvana kõigile inimestele
12 ja kasvatab meid, et me, öeldes lahti jumalakartmatusest ja
ilmalikest himudest, elaksime praegusel ajal mõõdukalt ja
õiglaselt ja jumalakartlikult,
13 oodates õndsa lootuse täitumist ning suure Jumala ja meie
Päästja Jeesuse Kristuse kirkuse ilmumist.
14 Tema on loovutanud iseenda meie eest, et meid lunastada kõigest
ülekohtust ja puhastada endale pärisrahvaks, innukaks headele tegudele.
Peetruse esimene kiri 1:14 Nii nagu kuulekad lapsed ärge ka teie kohanege oma kunagise teadmatuseaja himudega,
15 vaid saage pühaks kogu oma käitumisega, nii nagu on püha see, kes teid on kutsunud;
16 sest kirjutatud on: „Olge pühad, sest mina olen püha!”
17 Kui te hüüate Isaks teda, kes mõistab erapooletult kohut igaühe tegude järgi, siis elage kartuses oma majalisepõlv, teades, et
18 teid pole lunastatud kaduvate asjadega, hõbeda või kullaga teie tühisest esiisadelt päritud eluviisist,
19 vaid Kristuse kui laitmatu ja puhta Talle kalli verega.
20 Tema oli selleks ette määratud küll enne maailma rajamist, aga aegade lõpul on saanud avalikuks teie pärast,
21 kes te tema läbi olete ustavad Jumalale, kes on tema üles äratanud surnuist ja andnud talle kirkuse, nii et teie usk ja lootus oleksid Jumalas.
Johannese esimene kiri 4:2 Te tunnete Jumala Vaimu sellest: iga vaim, kes tunnistab Jeesust
Kristust lihasse tulnuna, see on Jumalast,
3 ning ükski vaim, kes seda Jeesust ei tunnista, ei ole Jumalast,
vaid see on antikristuse oma, kellest te olete kuulnud, et ta
tuleb, ja nüüd ta juba ongi maailmas.
Johannese ilmutus 1: Temale, kes meid
armastab ning on meid lunastanud meie pattudest oma verega
6 ning kes meid on teinud kuningriigiks, preestreiks Jumalale
ja oma Isale - temale olgu kirkus ja võimus igavesest ajast
igavesti! Aamen.
7 Ennäe, ta tuleb pilvedega
ja iga silm saab teda näha,
ka need, kes tema on läbi torganud,
ning kõik maa suguharud halisevad tema pärast.
Jah, aamen.
8 „Mina olen A ja O,” ütleb Issand Jumal, „kes on ja kes oli
ja kes tuleb, Kõigeväeline.”
17 Kui ma teda nägin, langesin ma tema jalge ette nagu
surnu. Ning tema pani oma parema käe mu peale ja ütles: „Ära
karda! Mina olen Esimene ja Viimne
18 ja Elav. Ma olin surnud, ning ennäe, ma elan igavesest
ajast igavesti ning minu käes on surma ja surmavalla võtmed.
19 Kirjuta siis, mida sa oled näinud ja mis on ning mis
sünnib pärast seda!
Johannese ilmutus 19:12 Tema silmad olid nagu tuleleek ning ta peas oli palju
peaehteid. Neile oli kirjutatud nimi, mida ei tea keegi muu
kui tema ise.
13 Ja tal oli üll verre kastetud kuub ning oli nimetatud tema nimi
- Jumala Sõna.
Lucifer and Jesus are practically brothers right? Sons of El/ Yahweh?
The anti-christ would be someone who debunks God in every form and take worship away from the supernatural and bring things to "reality". The world will fall into materialism, life would seem better because machines would do everything we desire; we would feel that we never needed God in the first place and believe in only ourselves.
Yes that's why they keep bringing up that new age religiom crap
@Check My Playlist If U Wanna
2 John 1:7
[7]I say this because many deceivers have gone out into the world. They deny that Jesus Christ came in a real body. Such a person is a deceiver and an antichrist.
Keyword: an
There's many who will be branded as an antichrist. It's never just one, but a united front on an idealogy.
The burden of sin was bore upon the cross by the Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who places the burden of sin upon a sinner to be saved is propagating a false gospel of self-righteousness. Jesus paid it all... and He died in our place taking the punishment we all deserve...
Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through repentance and faith. God will not save anyone who is trying to be saved of themselves, He will only save those who know they need a savior and are trusting Him to be saved. The only requirement to be saved is to admit that you are a guilty sinner in God's sight (Romans 3:19-26) and to turn to Jesus Christ in faith trusting in His death burrial and Ressurection (Romans 10:9-13). You must come as an ungodly sinner to be saved. No one has ever been saved except the UNGODLY (Romans 4:5-8). God doesn't save the self-righteous, who are going about to establish their own righteousness (Matthew 7:21-23). We can only be saved by God's righteousness, which is through faith in Christ. Philippians 3:9 says, “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.”
This Brother Is Preaching The Real Gospel of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ .
Glory to God !!!
I am Malachi Chpt 3.
Why thank you.
How many cats do you have?
I have two barn cats. There is a feral cat around here that is like a ghost. I can’t really say he’s mine, but I’m feeding him, so I guess he is number three. I also have two cats that are indoors. My barn cats keep the rodent population down to a minimum. They have had no affect on the raccoon population, or the ground hog who scurries for cover when I surprise him. 😬
Lucifer he’s very beautiful he can show himself is a beautiful person looking and he can also change into this nasty goat
The devil/Lucifer appeared to you as someone having glorious beauty but this image or appearance is just a front or deception. He will appear like that to lure and deceive people, but after his fall from heaven he no longer has that glorious form again. That’s why the Bible says that “ The Devil transform himself as an angel of light” meaning he is not an angel of light but of darkness and his fallen and sinful form/ appearance is very hideous, remember the devil is the Father of Lies, and he came to steal kill and destroy. Have a blessed day.
Brian Lawrence you do know lucifer was the most beautiful Angel created, he was made out of instruments of music as well
Brian Lawrence Yes but Soon the prince of peace will Crush satan under his feat !!! Gby
I saw him in a suit with blonde straight hair covering s little bit of his face and with green/blue eyes
+XX"EmoKid"XX Straight?
+The Lord Is My Shepherd bisexual
When you read Enoch book 1.
I don’t understand what you are saying.
I think you saw these two talking about someone else. Because you are already are a daughter of God right?
I think he is Obama. What do you think?
I didn't get the impression that he was human, but more angelic in an evil way. He had the form of a human though.
Sherry, I saw him in 1974. I will never forget it either. My experience was a vision not a dream. He is the most gorgious being one could ever imagine. Breath taking in beauty yet manly. Hair color was the same. His eyes are certainly a strange piercing blue. When I saw him he was presenting himself as Yashuah, complete with the ability to asend from above, float above the ground, heal the sick and present holes in the palm of his hands. He was telepathic. His beauty is difficult to describe to people because he is surrounded and covered in an aura of sorts, that sparkles continually. Sparkles of many different colors protrude from and around him without distorting the clarity of his breathtaking appearance or his attire/robe. It took me many, many years to learn that he was not Christ.
No offense and im not racist but were they black or white?
Victõry BlueFírē I don’t think he was black or white, he seemed more middle eastern.
He is going to rise from Europe so his skin will probably be tanish, not black or white.
I do not remember what Jesus looked like. I guess I wasn't allowed to. Just remember the Sermon on the Mount. :)
+hardamber Please describe his appearance.
+Lucifer Morningstar He looked perfect. I was drawn to his beauty like it was a powerful magnet. I can't remember his face for some reason. It took a lot of force for me to break my eyes away from him. As I said in the video, he was covered in brilliant shining gemstones. There was nothing scary about him.
hardamber Was he tall? Also can you recall his hair colour/style?
+Lucifer Morningstar I'm pretty sure his hair was dark.
hardamber This is going to sound really stupid but, would you mind watching the Batman V Superman dawn of Justice TEASER TRAILERand look at the statue with false God on it. A friend of mine tells me that Lucifer looks lke that; not sure I'm buying it.
Yes he came to decieve you but yes he was a beautiful angel an he will be a handsome silver tongue of a devil when he comes
When the hashatan appeared to me to seduce me, he was so beautiful, I could not take my eyes away from his eyes. he is the entity of all vanity. his evil was suffocating.
I've had 3 Obama dreams. In the first one l really liked him. . he was really charming. .He deceived me. The same in the second one.. In the 3d dream l exposed him.
Sarah Pettersson I had a dream about Obama and his wife and they were very nice and I liked them. I woke up and thought it was strange because I knew better. I wonder why we would have dreams like that?
Myron Logan do you really believe Obama is the anti- Christ, hilarious. Obama is a washed up political turd.
Myron Logan Myron Your wrong, l go to church and in the one l go to, l am the ONLY ONE who is White, Im the only white person with 50 black brothers and sisters, Who is a rasist ? You have the wrong spirit. Remember, on that day, We Will be Held accountable for Every idle Word we have spoken. And for christians, We know better that to be rude we are to be patient and kind to everyone, even non believers
hardamber Yes, it was exactly the same for me. There are so many who are having dreams of Them, Gby 🕊
Sometimes the person is a “placeholder” and they are in the dream because of what their name means.
yeah I think he's obama...Look up on RUclips the visions and dreams the people are having about him...AND I MUST SAY,,,YOU ARE ONE GORGEOUS LOOKING WOMEN....GOD BLESS YOU....LOVE YOU
Thank you :).