Playing in college together is one thing. A once in a lifetime experience that one only see truly in retrospect. But then to play after, and still find the fun, great feeling, and see the good in it all, well thats priceless 🥳 so nice og you Ian to make the effort and post these videos ❤️ means a lot to us (silly parents). Good luck with life, and thank you for all these fantastic memories and moments you have created via these videos 🥳 and hopefully many more to come
Playing in college together is one thing. A once in a lifetime experience that one only see truly in retrospect. But then to play after, and still find the fun, great feeling, and see the good in it all, well thats priceless 🥳 so nice og you Ian to make the effort and post these videos ❤️ means a lot to us (silly parents). Good luck with life, and thank you for all these fantastic memories and moments you have created via these videos 🥳 and hopefully many more to come
Great playing once again