-Torbek is a Bugbear, (he was pitched as sad character, so things wouldn't go off rails... They might have gone more off the rail because of his sadness.) -Chuckles was originally meant to be a ghost that haunted Gideon in different occasions, but became immediate fan favorite that Mikey has used him in different campaigns they're doing. -Ghost chuckles' death took place in time before campaign started, details being given every now and then. -According to Legends Of Avantris; Group of Carlfish is called a gym.
There are 4 different campaigns in these 1 Once Upon a Witchlight. - a more normal DnD campaign with an option to reroll in exchange for a random curse. Most of the animations are the cursed behavior. - origin of Chuckles. Born of the curse "the last person you killed tells you things no one wants to know." Later curses have him posses Griko the goblin. 2 a sci-fi campaign Stardust Rhapsody. - Chuckes is a main character as a "space clown" 3 a woodland creature campaign called Uprooted. - DM by Micky (who plays Chuckles in other campaigns) 4 a holiday special Witchlight Wonderland - return of the curse shenanigans - has characters from 4 different campaigns Once Upon a Witchlight Torbek, Uprooted Bitsy, Stardust Rapsody Chuckles and Edge of Midnight Brigsy.
Thanks so much for putting putting the campaigns with explanation here! That added some much needed context ^^ I think I will start with witchlight since that's the one most people seem to recommend to start with (:
@@Maro-e2h Witchlight Wonderland is a One-shot and probably one of the funniest episodes they've done. Definitely find time to fit that one in while your watching OUaW. If you happen to catch up on that campaign, I recommend Uprooted as your next project. (It's my favorite)
The main thing to remember about the shorts (or tic tocks depending on where you watch them) is that they are out of context from multiple different games they have going on. -Witch Light - Just had it's second run end about half a year ago. They should be prepping to continue if it hasn't already, the second run ended in the middle of a Fay Wild plot to get rid of/stop a hag coven. This is where Chuckles first game from, he appears at first as a Ghost but has since sown he might be a bit more than that now. This is the campaign that gives us Gricko the Goblin, Frost the Tabaxi, Kremy the Lizard folk Gator, Gideon the Genosi, and later on Torbek the Bugbear (Think super sized goblin covered in fur, and you're most of the way there.) Edge of Midnight - (Has one or two animations so far) - Group of Avantrins are pulled together from all across the plane to join on a Ghost Train and help Gothic Horror realm beset by Witches, the main characters are an Orc, a Vampire, a Drow, a Satyr, a Lizard Folk Crock (guess who), and a Warforged Scarecrow. Second game promised to be coming later this year. Uprooted: Dimwits of the Dimwood - all the animations with the humanoid animals are from the second Root game, based VERY loosely on the Root board game, they focus more on D&D character events, as a group of willing, and unwilling travelers sow chaos across the Dimwood. The cast is great, but I think Bitsy joining game 2 has been a stand out for it. That mouse is wild, and makes for some of the best shorts moments. I'm not sure of how cannon Uprooted is, but I do know some ideas have passed to, and from that game to other games. So it's likely a small weird forest some where in Avantris. This second run just ended recently, so it's likely going to be a year or more before we see it come back, if they feel there is more ground to be covered with the game as it currently stands. Stardust Rhapsody - I haven't seen this one yet, but this outside of Which Light is the second most used game for the shorts so far. This is the one that features the Sci-Fi setting, and possibly revived Chuckles as a Playable Character. Outside of Chuckles, and a few space themed D&D monsters, I'm not sure what all ties the game to Avantris, outside of maybe taking place some where in the same solar system as Advantris. Cross Overs - For seasonal / Holiday one off games, they tend to do big cross overs that contain both NPCs and Characters pulled at random from the other games. The players normally picking a favorite they would like to play for the one off's theme. Canon plays fast and loose, as we've had characters from all the previously mentioned games show up at the same time, including an alive Chuckles, and Gideon in the same Halloween episode.
Holy crap! I didn't realize they did so many! It seems like the lore of it is incredibly deep. That seems like such a fun rabbit hole that I will fall into. Thank you so much for taking your time and writing such a long explanation, I am really grateful for that! It makes it so much easier to understand and see at what point I can start watching! (:
@@Maro-e2h No problem, figured it was an info drop you might want. Currently I'm caught up with Witch Light and Edge of Midnight, and about half way through Uprooted. Uprooted is probably the crew at their most unhinged, they released a lot of live shorts over that past couple months that are going to need a lot of creativity to get around/make.
Stardust Rhapsodys Chuckles is a different Chuckles to the OUAW Chuckles. The placement in universe is a bit wacky and not quite clear. Still sad that there are no animated Prime shorts. Prime is a great campaign.
@@FuschelChan there are also no animated shorts for Beneath Dark Wings which I recently got all caught up on and man BDW is so good. I also like their Strahd run, along with their arctic survival campaign Icebound. All their stuff is good and I recently started Prime and am on like episode 9 or 10. Prime is a little harder to get into since they're 20 sessions in before recording and so you feel like maybe you missed something but not quite, as there hasn't been a ton of delving into character backstories in the campaign yet so it isn't TOO hard to get into it. It is actually hard picking a campaign party that I like the most, but so far the ones that have had full or near full development I'd say have to take it so their Strahd run or Beneath Dark Wings since those are complete or very nearly complete campaigns. Witchlight, Midnight, and Icebound are from what I know plenty far off from being complete. I don't know about Prime but I'm still early in Prime. Uprooted is a strong second or third spot since I love everything about the unhinged little animals.
@@mybigwillie6153 That's not quite true, flor has made at least one, where Caprice tries to teach Felix Abyssal. It might be the only one, sadly. CoS has made me ugly cry a few times and I will fight for our little Arson Lizard to the end of time (I'm DMing Strahd atm and had to exclude some songs I wanted to use so I don't start randomly sobbing during session). Icebound is great, I love Dereks DMing and the sometimes very subtle horror he uses! Prime *is* really hard to get into, but Mikey wrote some of the backstory down. I think he put it on ice for the crunch, but I don't think he will drop that completely. I have some auditory processing problems so the early episodes were so hard for me, but they are worth it. So far, CoS is the only completed campaign. I don't know if we will get another one since - if I recall correctly - Mikey needs a break from DMing (apart from Uprooted) so we probably won't get the BdW finale soon. But that just means more time to catch up for those who haven't yet. I'm done with all the mainline stuff and only have to watch Feywild and You Will Be Witness to completion and this didn't make it easier to pick a fave campaign. I'd probably tie CoS and Prime for first.
The Deez Nuts short: Yeah, that whole session Gricko has been making Deez Nuts jokes. They ended up at shop run by faeries, so instead of paying with money they paid with bargains, generally trading away some non material thing (the spring in Gideon's step, the colour in Kremy's eyes, an ounce of fear from Frost). And Gricko paid for his purchase by trading away 'his greatest joke'. Aka, he can't make anymore Deeze Nuts jokes. And he hasn't. (also if memory serves, that particular payment was sneakily suggested to the DM by one of the *other* players, who passed her a note)
Each campaign is definitely a fun watch! I usually listen to them while I'm at work and with each session being roughly 3 to 4 hours, the day is over before you know it. Glad to see others discovering this group and having a good laugh!
My stomache hurt from laughing at one point xD i leave it on to listen on the side when playing games or doing chores, time really flies by fast that way! :D
'Avantris' is a world setting mostly made by Mikey (player of Gricko and Chuckles). Their channel has several campaigns with various setups, usually basing things off premade campaigns like Curse of Strahd or Into The Witchlight but adding their own custom stuff in. One of the campaigns uses the Spelljamer material which is D&D in space. I highly recommend starting with their Christmas specials to dip your toe beans in the water before committing to a full campaign as the specials are non-cannon, often standalone, and very chaotic. After that, Once Upon a Witchlight is the campaign with Gricko, Torbek, and the first appearance of Chuckles, so you can't go wrong there!
Thanks a bunch for the explanation and recommendation (: I watched the first 3 hours of witchlight whenever I do something i just leave it running and listen to it. But will check out the one shots as well at one point.
don't know if I am too late to say this, but Torbek is a bugbear in mythology they are the boogie men of the woods, but the ones in D&D are also the typical under your bed boogie man, they have 5ft extra reach and even though some can be 8ft tall they can fit in a space only small races can fit in comfortably, to give them the monster in the closet or under the bed feel.
Tobrbek is a bugbear. The timeline is, iirc, Chuckles was a joke character from Gideon and briggsy (the lizard man/crocodile) backstory. They worked at a circus and were like conmen/hustlers and Gideon accidentally hit a clown so hard he died and they fed him to the pigs to cover up their crime. So I THINK the one where he goes “you know I had chlamydia?” Was the birth of chuckles. He was just so funny that they kept finding excuses to make him come up as a ghost and before long he became some kind of elder god of clowns. Or a demon. Then eventually they did a spacejammer campaign (which is why they were in space) and he became a PC. Chuckles, Bitsy and torbek are my favorites but the rest of the cast do a great job setting them up. They wouldn’t be nearly as funny if the other cast didn’t do such a good job setting up the scenarios that make them so funny.
Yo, first time on your channel, love the cat model! I feel like I haven't seen one quite like it, it's super fun! This group is a wild trip. they seem to bounce re-occurring characters in between various different sampaigns with different settings which is how you get the stuff with the same characters showing up talking to fairies, making potions is space, or pulling out a cell phone in the north pole. Because of this it can be really difficult at first to nail down all the characters and references since these shorts aren't even close to chronological order lol.
Yeah i saw them transform into a vampire or they THINK they are transformed into a werecat xD it's hilarious, it makes me wanna know what lead up to this :D Also thanks for stopping by , i very much appreciate it (:
The different Chuckles appearances are from different campaigns and for different reasons, Chuckles's first actual appearance/ reference was in "Once Upon a Witchlight" as a random clown from the party's circus business that Gideon killed because he hit him too hard. In Witchlight, they will randomly be given curses at the DM's discretion, one of which is "The last person you killed tells you things about their life that you don't want to know" Gideon got that curse first and since they hadn't fought anyone yet, they said that Chuckles was the last person he killed. This led to a running gag of Gideon killing clowns and now everyone except for Torbek's player has a clown to voice to torment Gideon. This is also why Chuckles usually appears as a ghost or morphing Gricko. The living versions of Chuckles come from their Spelljammer campaigns and from their Christmas One-Shot Specials. Spelljammer is the go-to "D&D in Space" ruleset which is why it goes from Earth/ normal fantasy to space so suddenly, they're not the same campaign. I'm not entirely sure if their "Stardust Rhapsody" (Cowboy Bebop inspired) campaign is Spelljammer or just modified D&D 5e, but that's where Chuckles is the most fleshed-out, pun intended, and where we get the "flesh gloves" bit: this version of Chuckles is a chaos-corrupted human whose flesh and clothes presents like a clown and he has fiendish/ clown-themed powers, at one point he talks about his appearance saying that his gloves are part of his flesh and he can't take them off. Witchlight is my favorite and, without a doubt, their most popular campaign, but it is a slog. Stardust Rhapsody is really good for a shorter series, it has some equally funny moments but some HARD gut-punches compared to some of the others. Also: Torbek is a Bugbear with a drinking problem, he was written to be a sad character but his player lays it on so thick that it made him hilarious. He was originally a one or two episode filler character because Derek, Morning Frost's ("Frosty") player was going to be out of town for a couple of weeks, but I guess people loved him so much he came back to be part of the party. Winds up having some sick abilities and we're starting to get glimpses of his backstory. Bitsy is supposed to be a ditzy character, the lemon/ lemon juice thing was just Bitsy's player coming up with something off the wall for her to be in a fight about.
Shoocharu is actually making most of the animations! He's great. there are also some from other animators, also there are some great fanvids! You might not understand a lot of them if you don't have some context. I recommend watching the Witchlight campaign if you enjoy the shorts, I had so many stomach aches from laughing. (pretty much everyone starts with witchlight) The Uprooted Campaign is great if you want to start with a shorter one. The non-animated Shorts also have the other campaigns, there are even one or two of Prime (the first campaign which is awesome but not enough people watch). I love your model, I wanna squish it.
Thanks so much for leaving such a detailed comment! I will make sure to check out Shoocharu's work as well (: Also thanks for the recommendation for witchlight, that one seems to be the ome that most people are suggesting. :D My model is very squishable :P
@@Maro-e2h Gladly! I love Avantris and your reaction was great :3 Shoocharu is great for the wacky and goofy stuff :D Witchlight i s the most known campaign, so a lot of ppl got into LoA through that. it's hilarious. And the eyes are perfect!
The thing about dad jokes and puns is that they're not for anyone's amusement but your own: it's not the joke, even though the joke can be clever, it's about peoples' reactions to the joke. One of my favorite ones that I dropped on someone was during a short study abroad, one of my classmates was talking about how she had went through TSA needing to hustle because the layover was super short, but the people ahead of her (two Germans I think she said) were just shooting the breeze with the TSA agent talking about the differences between crocodiles and alligators, someone jokingly asked her "well what *is* the difference," she said she was too mad to pay attention and didn't know, so I asked, "Oh, do you want to know the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?" She and the other folks listening said, "Yeah!" So I told them, "Well one you see after a while and the other you see later." A look of disbelief that I actually just said that followed by a cacophony of groans.
Spelljammer is a space fantasy setting. While older editions treat it as fantasy in space, 5th ed like how avantris treats it as Sci-fi with fantasy races.
Interesting tidbit; Torbek is a bugbear. In dungeons and dragons bugbears are often depicted as the larger, harrier, more brutish cousins of goblins. In British folklore bugbears are evil and unsettling looking bear like creatures that wander forested areas and punish misbehaving children.
There’s a campaign setting for D&D called Spelljammer which is, to all intents and purposes, sci-fi D&D. It has space ships, laser weapons, all your typical Star Wars/Star Trek stuff in D&D. So the campaign with Kaboosh and Chuckles as a space clown is a Spelljammer campaign
I never really looked into a sci-fi based D&D campaign but after seeing the shorts I feel like it's really worth getting into. Thanks for the info, much appreciated :D
I have only come across Avantris recently. I like that Gricko and Chuckles are done by the same player. I think I have seen others mention that a lot of the animation stuff is taken from the session. So chuckles pulling the scarves out of his mouth to mop forehead were mimed by the player. Much the same as the Carlfish.
@@Maro-e2h theres also urealms which did something similar. which was the chat casting their votes when rob started a old gods decision i think he called it. where the viewers vote for 1 of 2 outcomes, and it basically determines what happenes regarding some big events in the world of the realm. a campaign hosted by robtv. its not dnd. a custom ttrpg they made called unforgotten realms. you can get it on tabletop simulator. tho unfortunately theres no shorts of their campaign. due to some stuff that happened. rob made his campaigns viewable by members only. and this happened before youtube shorts became popular
@@Maro-e2h Also your quiet/shy - like voice fits the theme quite good. This does not mean you have to stay in that box! Just voicing my appretiation for that fact. Always grow as you see fit
i would definitely recommend watching their campaigns if you want all the backstory and hours of hilarious stuff they haven't animated, but just to warn you they don't have many oneshots outside of seasonal ones like halloween and christmas. And they stream their campaigns so you could end up watching 40+ hours to be caught up on just one of their several long running campaigns
Sick ass avatar, I'd never considered it myself but a chill little animal seems fun. If you don't get various things the cat can sit in and fill like a liquid it would be a crime.
They do different campaigns, the space one is stardust rhapsody. It’s great if you love cowboy bebop 😉 Yeah they are very long depending on the campaign. If you want a lot of laughs for your first campaign, I suggest once upon a witchlight :3
@ you’re welcome! ☺️ Cowboy bebop is amazing! I agree! ☝️ Enjoy watching witchlight ! I’m currently watching icebound right now and it’s gotten interesting so far. Side note: make sure you are emotionally ready for episode 41 and 46 of OUAWL… 41 didn’t hit me as hard as 46…. 👀
dad jokes get funnier when you get older because you tend to enjoy the small things because you enjoy them and not because your trying to fit in....subconsciously.....hope you understand what i'm saying.
I actually found this one on etsy. You can either comission one or buy a pre existing one, the price range ranges literally from free up to hundreds of €. There are all kinds of, also some where you pay like 20€ and you can customize them yourself. It's a lot :D good luck finding one (:
-Torbek is a Bugbear, (he was pitched as sad character, so things wouldn't go off rails... They might have gone more off the rail because of his sadness.)
-Chuckles was originally meant to be a ghost that haunted Gideon in different occasions, but became immediate fan favorite that Mikey has used him in different campaigns they're doing.
-Ghost chuckles' death took place in time before campaign started, details being given every now and then.
-According to Legends Of Avantris; Group of Carlfish is called a gym.
Dude thank you so much for the detailed explanation :D that makes so many things so much clearer haha. I think I was most confused by the carfish haha
And a Group of Weasels is call a Boogle.
@@salavast1522 "I've slain this boogle of weasles many times!"
Torbek is not a pervert he is just a bugbear
Yeah the Gym, I got here just to put that XD
There are 4 different campaigns in these
1 Once Upon a Witchlight.
- a more normal DnD campaign with an option to reroll in exchange for a random curse. Most of the animations are the cursed behavior.
- origin of Chuckles. Born of the curse "the last person you killed tells you things no one wants to know." Later curses have him posses Griko the goblin.
2 a sci-fi campaign Stardust Rhapsody.
- Chuckes is a main character as a "space clown"
3 a woodland creature campaign called Uprooted.
- DM by Micky (who plays Chuckles in other campaigns)
4 a holiday special Witchlight Wonderland
- return of the curse shenanigans
- has characters from 4 different campaigns Once Upon a Witchlight Torbek, Uprooted Bitsy, Stardust Rapsody Chuckles and Edge of Midnight Brigsy.
Thanks so much for putting putting the campaigns with explanation here! That added some much needed context ^^
I think I will start with witchlight since that's the one most people seem to recommend to start with (:
@@Maro-e2h Witchlight Wonderland is a One-shot and probably one of the funniest episodes they've done. Definitely find time to fit that one in while your watching OUaW.
If you happen to catch up on that campaign, I recommend Uprooted as your next project. (It's my favorite)
The main thing to remember about the shorts (or tic tocks depending on where you watch them) is that they are out of context from multiple different games they have going on.
-Witch Light - Just had it's second run end about half a year ago. They should be prepping to continue if it hasn't already, the second run ended in the middle of a Fay Wild plot to get rid of/stop a hag coven. This is where Chuckles first game from, he appears at first as a Ghost but has since sown he might be a bit more than that now. This is the campaign that gives us Gricko the Goblin, Frost the Tabaxi, Kremy the Lizard folk Gator, Gideon the Genosi, and later on Torbek the Bugbear (Think super sized goblin covered in fur, and you're most of the way there.)
Edge of Midnight - (Has one or two animations so far) - Group of Avantrins are pulled together from all across the plane to join on a Ghost Train and help Gothic Horror realm beset by Witches, the main characters are an Orc, a Vampire, a Drow, a Satyr, a Lizard Folk Crock (guess who), and a Warforged Scarecrow. Second game promised to be coming later this year.
Uprooted: Dimwits of the Dimwood - all the animations with the humanoid animals are from the second Root game, based VERY loosely on the Root board game, they focus more on D&D character events, as a group of willing, and unwilling travelers sow chaos across the Dimwood. The cast is great, but I think Bitsy joining game 2 has been a stand out for it. That mouse is wild, and makes for some of the best shorts moments. I'm not sure of how cannon Uprooted is, but I do know some ideas have passed to, and from that game to other games. So it's likely a small weird forest some where in Avantris. This second run just ended recently, so it's likely going to be a year or more before we see it come back, if they feel there is more ground to be covered with the game as it currently stands.
Stardust Rhapsody - I haven't seen this one yet, but this outside of Which Light is the second most used game for the shorts so far. This is the one that features the Sci-Fi setting, and possibly revived Chuckles as a Playable Character. Outside of Chuckles, and a few space themed D&D monsters, I'm not sure what all ties the game to Avantris, outside of maybe taking place some where in the same solar system as Advantris.
Cross Overs - For seasonal / Holiday one off games, they tend to do big cross overs that contain both NPCs and Characters pulled at random from the other games. The players normally picking a favorite they would like to play for the one off's theme. Canon plays fast and loose, as we've had characters from all the previously mentioned games show up at the same time, including an alive Chuckles, and Gideon in the same Halloween episode.
Holy crap! I didn't realize they did so many! It seems like the lore of it is incredibly deep. That seems like such a fun rabbit hole that I will fall into.
Thank you so much for taking your time and writing such a long explanation, I am really grateful for that! It makes it so much easier to understand and see at what point I can start watching! (:
@@Maro-e2h No problem, figured it was an info drop you might want. Currently I'm caught up with Witch Light and Edge of Midnight, and about half way through Uprooted. Uprooted is probably the crew at their most unhinged, they released a lot of live shorts over that past couple months that are going to need a lot of creativity to get around/make.
Stardust Rhapsodys Chuckles is a different Chuckles to the OUAW Chuckles. The placement in universe is a bit wacky and not quite clear.
Still sad that there are no animated Prime shorts. Prime is a great campaign.
@@FuschelChan there are also no animated shorts for Beneath Dark Wings which I recently got all caught up on and man BDW is so good. I also like their Strahd run, along with their arctic survival campaign Icebound. All their stuff is good and I recently started Prime and am on like episode 9 or 10. Prime is a little harder to get into since they're 20 sessions in before recording and so you feel like maybe you missed something but not quite, as there hasn't been a ton of delving into character backstories in the campaign yet so it isn't TOO hard to get into it. It is actually hard picking a campaign party that I like the most, but so far the ones that have had full or near full development I'd say have to take it so their Strahd run or Beneath Dark Wings since those are complete or very nearly complete campaigns. Witchlight, Midnight, and Icebound are from what I know plenty far off from being complete. I don't know about Prime but I'm still early in Prime.
Uprooted is a strong second or third spot since I love everything about the unhinged little animals.
@@mybigwillie6153 That's not quite true, flor has made at least one, where Caprice tries to teach Felix Abyssal. It might be the only one, sadly.
CoS has made me ugly cry a few times and I will fight for our little Arson Lizard to the end of time (I'm DMing Strahd atm and had to exclude some songs I wanted to use so I don't start randomly sobbing during session). Icebound is great, I love Dereks DMing and the sometimes very subtle horror he uses!
Prime *is* really hard to get into, but Mikey wrote some of the backstory down. I think he put it on ice for the crunch, but I don't think he will drop that completely. I have some auditory processing problems so the early episodes were so hard for me, but they are worth it.
So far, CoS is the only completed campaign. I don't know if we will get another one since - if I recall correctly - Mikey needs a break from DMing (apart from Uprooted) so we probably won't get the BdW finale soon. But that just means more time to catch up for those who haven't yet.
I'm done with all the mainline stuff and only have to watch Feywild and You Will Be Witness to completion and this didn't make it easier to pick a fave campaign. I'd probably tie CoS and Prime for first.
The model tracking is super funny!
Also, huge respect for simply doing the content you enjoy making.
Thank you very much for your kind words :D I just want to enjoy the things I enjoy and share it with other people (:
7:00 torbek is a bugbear
The Deez Nuts short: Yeah, that whole session Gricko has been making Deez Nuts jokes. They ended up at shop run by faeries, so instead of paying with money they paid with bargains, generally trading away some non material thing (the spring in Gideon's step, the colour in Kremy's eyes, an ounce of fear from Frost). And Gricko paid for his purchase by trading away 'his greatest joke'. Aka, he can't make anymore Deeze Nuts jokes. And he hasn't. (also if memory serves, that particular payment was sneakily suggested to the DM by one of the *other* players, who passed her a note)
When ever chuckles says “mustard” its a reference to the mad hatter in the original alice and wonderland, actually his entire voice is
Oh I didn't know, thanks for telling me! That makes more sense now to me ^^
Small animals holding weapons will never not make me smile, also great video and definitely earns a sub ❤
Small animal with weappn is smiling brightly right now :D
Each campaign is definitely a fun watch! I usually listen to them while I'm at work and with each session being roughly 3 to 4 hours, the day is over before you know it.
Glad to see others discovering this group and having a good laugh!
My stomache hurt from laughing at one point xD i leave it on to listen on the side when playing games or doing chores, time really flies by fast that way! :D
I love that you chose to go with the "cat is liquid" void-cat form!
Best choice i made recently if not maybe even in Life :P
@@Maro-e2hgoofy ah cat
chuckles draws you in and bitsy makes you want to stay imo
I saw one where he said "you bruise easy" i nearly broke down haha xD
First time viewer here, and I love your little shadowblob cat of a model. It’s very expressive!
Oh thanks for stopping by :D yeah I like it a lot too (:
I absolutely need you to stream on a regular basis because this is the cutest thing I have ever seen and I need the adorableness on an IV drip feed.
I thought about it (:
I will give it a shot after figuring some things out, like the setup and streaming on youtube or twitch.
'Avantris' is a world setting mostly made by Mikey (player of Gricko and Chuckles). Their channel has several campaigns with various setups, usually basing things off premade campaigns like Curse of Strahd or Into The Witchlight but adding their own custom stuff in. One of the campaigns uses the Spelljamer material which is D&D in space.
I highly recommend starting with their Christmas specials to dip your toe beans in the water before committing to a full campaign as the specials are non-cannon, often standalone, and very chaotic. After that, Once Upon a Witchlight is the campaign with Gricko, Torbek, and the first appearance of Chuckles, so you can't go wrong there!
Thanks a bunch for the explanation and recommendation (:
I watched the first 3 hours of witchlight whenever I do something i just leave it running and listen to it. But will check out the one shots as well at one point.
I really enjoy this fresh concept of a model. Definitely gonna subscribe. I look forward to seeing what you make in the future.
Thanks a lot, I try not to disappoint (:
don't know if I am too late to say this, but Torbek is a bugbear in mythology they are the boogie men of the woods, but the ones in D&D are also the typical under your bed boogie man, they have 5ft extra reach and even though some can be 8ft tall they can fit in a space only small races can fit in comfortably, to give them the monster in the closet or under the bed feel.
Tobrbek is a bugbear.
The timeline is, iirc, Chuckles was a joke character from Gideon and briggsy (the lizard man/crocodile) backstory. They worked at a circus and were like conmen/hustlers and Gideon accidentally hit a clown so hard he died and they fed him to the pigs to cover up their crime. So I THINK the one where he goes “you know I had chlamydia?” Was the birth of chuckles. He was just so funny that they kept finding excuses to make him come up as a ghost and before long he became some kind of elder god of clowns. Or a demon. Then eventually they did a spacejammer campaign (which is why they were in space) and he became a PC.
Chuckles, Bitsy and torbek are my favorites but the rest of the cast do a great job setting them up. They wouldn’t be nearly as funny if the other cast didn’t do such a good job setting up the scenarios that make them so funny.
Yo, first time on your channel, love the cat model! I feel like I haven't seen one quite like it, it's super fun!
This group is a wild trip. they seem to bounce re-occurring characters in between various different sampaigns with different settings which is how you get the stuff with the same characters showing up talking to fairies, making potions is space, or pulling out a cell phone in the north pole. Because of this it can be really difficult at first to nail down all the characters and references since these shorts aren't even close to chronological order lol.
Yeah i saw them transform into a vampire or they THINK they are transformed into a werecat xD it's hilarious, it makes me wanna know what lead up to this :D
Also thanks for stopping by , i very much appreciate it (:
The different Chuckles appearances are from different campaigns and for different reasons, Chuckles's first actual appearance/ reference was in "Once Upon a Witchlight" as a random clown from the party's circus business that Gideon killed because he hit him too hard. In Witchlight, they will randomly be given curses at the DM's discretion, one of which is "The last person you killed tells you things about their life that you don't want to know" Gideon got that curse first and since they hadn't fought anyone yet, they said that Chuckles was the last person he killed. This led to a running gag of Gideon killing clowns and now everyone except for Torbek's player has a clown to voice to torment Gideon. This is also why Chuckles usually appears as a ghost or morphing Gricko.
The living versions of Chuckles come from their Spelljammer campaigns and from their Christmas One-Shot Specials. Spelljammer is the go-to "D&D in Space" ruleset which is why it goes from Earth/ normal fantasy to space so suddenly, they're not the same campaign. I'm not entirely sure if their "Stardust Rhapsody" (Cowboy Bebop inspired) campaign is Spelljammer or just modified D&D 5e, but that's where Chuckles is the most fleshed-out, pun intended, and where we get the "flesh gloves" bit: this version of Chuckles is a chaos-corrupted human whose flesh and clothes presents like a clown and he has fiendish/ clown-themed powers, at one point he talks about his appearance saying that his gloves are part of his flesh and he can't take them off.
Witchlight is my favorite and, without a doubt, their most popular campaign, but it is a slog. Stardust Rhapsody is really good for a shorter series, it has some equally funny moments but some HARD gut-punches compared to some of the others.
Torbek is a Bugbear with a drinking problem, he was written to be a sad character but his player lays it on so thick that it made him hilarious. He was originally a one or two episode filler character because Derek, Morning Frost's ("Frosty") player was going to be out of town for a couple of weeks, but I guess people loved him so much he came back to be part of the party. Winds up having some sick abilities and we're starting to get glimpses of his backstory.
Bitsy is supposed to be a ditzy character, the lemon/ lemon juice thing was just Bitsy's player coming up with something off the wall for her to be in a fight about.
The dnd where they're in space is spelljammer
Another vtuber reacting to Avantris graces my feed
Thanos Voice
Another one for my collection
I am honored to be added in your list :D it means a lot!
Shoocharu is actually making most of the animations!
He's great.
there are also some from other animators, also there are some great fanvids! You might not understand a lot of them if you don't have some context.
I recommend watching the Witchlight campaign if you enjoy the shorts, I had so many stomach aches from laughing. (pretty much everyone starts with witchlight)
The Uprooted Campaign is great if you want to start with a shorter one.
The non-animated Shorts also have the other campaigns, there are even one or two of Prime (the first campaign which is awesome but not enough people watch).
I love your model, I wanna squish it.
Thanks so much for leaving such a detailed comment! I will make sure to check out Shoocharu's work as well (:
Also thanks for the recommendation for witchlight, that one seems to be the ome that most people are suggesting. :D
My model is very squishable :P
@@Maro-e2h Gladly! I love Avantris and your reaction was great :3
Shoocharu is great for the wacky and goofy stuff :D
Witchlight i s the most known campaign, so a lot of ppl got into LoA through that. it's hilarious.
And the eyes are perfect!
The thing about dad jokes and puns is that they're not for anyone's amusement but your own: it's not the joke, even though the joke can be clever, it's about peoples' reactions to the joke. One of my favorite ones that I dropped on someone was during a short study abroad, one of my classmates was talking about how she had went through TSA needing to hustle because the layover was super short, but the people ahead of her (two Germans I think she said) were just shooting the breeze with the TSA agent talking about the differences between crocodiles and alligators, someone jokingly asked her "well what *is* the difference," she said she was too mad to pay attention and didn't know, so I asked, "Oh, do you want to know the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?" She and the other folks listening said, "Yeah!" So I told them, "Well one you see after a while and the other you see later." A look of disbelief that I actually just said that followed by a cacophony of groans.
21:23 He ACTUALLY did that. XD He held that pose for a while before he also broke character laughing.
I saw it , it was sooo good xD
Spelljammer is a space fantasy setting. While older editions treat it as fantasy in space, 5th ed like how avantris treats it as Sci-fi with fantasy races.
8:43 Antidepresants dont exist, thats why
0:48 same energy as the meme of the goose holding a knife "peace was never an option" lol
and it never will be :P
Interesting tidbit; Torbek is a bugbear. In dungeons and dragons bugbears are often depicted as the larger, harrier, more brutish cousins of goblins. In British folklore bugbears are evil and unsettling looking bear like creatures that wander forested areas and punish misbehaving children.
That is interesting, also that it draws from real life :D
I have discovered yet another underrated RUclipsr!
I shall subscribe!
I love your model by the way!
Hey thank you so much :D It really means the world to me!
Thanks, I just love cats haha (:
There’s a campaign setting for D&D called Spelljammer which is, to all intents and purposes, sci-fi D&D. It has space ships, laser weapons, all your typical Star Wars/Star Trek stuff in D&D. So the campaign with Kaboosh and Chuckles as a space clown is a Spelljammer campaign
Yea they have like 5 campaigns going on, 3 of them are classic DND, one is the space campaign, and one is based off of the root board game
I never really looked into a sci-fi based D&D campaign but after seeing the shorts I feel like it's really worth getting into. Thanks for the info, much appreciated :D
I have only come across Avantris recently. I like that Gricko and Chuckles are done by the same player.
I think I have seen others mention that a lot of the animation stuff is taken from the session. So chuckles pulling the scarves out of his mouth to mop forehead were mimed by the player. Much the same as the Carlfish.
Duuude I need to see that acted out by the players escpecially the chuckles pulling out the tissues and the carlfish one xD
Your model is adorable i love it
I`m so happy you like it :D
So long as new youngsters get to hear to joke for the first time and nostalgia for memes, it never left us, it is inside us.
You poor fool all meem originate for Dee's nut jokes 😂😂
6:20 chat can donate to give the players curses.
gricko got a curse that returned chuckles
That's such a cool idea to integrate the viewers into the campaign :D
@@Maro-e2h theres also urealms which did something similar. which was the chat casting their votes when rob started a old gods decision i think he called it. where the viewers vote for 1 of 2 outcomes, and it basically determines what happenes regarding some big events in the world of the realm.
a campaign hosted by robtv.
its not dnd. a custom ttrpg they made called unforgotten realms. you can get it on tabletop simulator.
tho unfortunately theres no shorts of their campaign. due to some stuff that happened. rob made his campaigns viewable by members only.
and this happened before youtube shorts became popular
10:40 there is a space setting for dnd. and space clowns is a cannon race the players can pick
that would be the Spelljammer module for D&D
welcome to avantris! we have a lot of dead clowns and cat piss here 👍
(also, i love your model!)
Thanks so much, I can't wait to start watching the whole story xD also, a lot of dead clowns? More? XD
@@Maro-e2h no clown is safe when Gideon is around
Shoo cute cat model, always glad to add cute things to my collection
I'm honored :D
@@Maro-e2h Also your quiet/shy - like voice fits the theme quite good. This does not mean you have to stay in that box! Just voicing my appretiation for that fact. Always grow as you see fit
Thanks a lot (: yeah since I am a bit new to this youtube things I might be a bit shy, lets see where it goes :D
Torbek is a bugbear, they're related to goblins and hobgoblins
i would definitely recommend watching their campaigns if you want all the backstory and hours of hilarious stuff they haven't animated, but just to warn you they don't have many oneshots outside of seasonal ones like halloween and christmas. And they stream their campaigns so you could end up watching 40+ hours to be caught up on just one of their several long running campaigns
I mean I am curious so I will start watching on a free weekend :D
Dad jokes are weak, stupid and cheesy which is exactly why they are funny. You don't laugh at the joke itself, but because of how bad the joke was.
That is so true actually thinking closer about it xD
Torbek is the name for Bearbug.🤓
Just found your channel I really love your avatar ❤
Yeah I am quite new, thanks a bunch :D
Sick ass avatar, I'd never considered it myself but a chill little animal seems fun.
If you don't get various things the cat can sit in and fill like a liquid it would be a crime.
Thanks :D i definitely need to get him some items to sit in or to play with haha
You don't need a knife. Cats are knives
no complaints, just jumping between different campaigns
Hey Maro! Love the new model
Heyo :D thank you so much (:
Torbek is a bugbear
Torbeck is Bugbear big hairy goblin
I really love your lil kitty cat model! It's adorable n squiggly! I just wanna pat its lil head. Who designed it?
thanks a lot :D it was a pre existing model I bought from Etsy (: the seller is called "MarinkiArt" (:
space means spelljammer
Cat! 😊😊😊😊
Haha yeah quite the resemblance :D
They do different campaigns, the space one is stardust rhapsody. It’s great if you love cowboy bebop 😉
Yeah they are very long depending on the campaign. If you want a lot of laughs for your first campaign, I suggest once upon a witchlight :3
Cowboy bebop is amazing, still can remember the first time I watched it :D
Thanks for the recommendation, I was confused on where to start (:
@ you’re welcome! ☺️ Cowboy bebop is amazing! I agree! ☝️
Enjoy watching witchlight ! I’m currently watching icebound right now and it’s gotten interesting so far.
Side note: make sure you are emotionally ready for episode 41 and 46 of OUAWL… 41 didn’t hit me as hard as 46…. 👀
Hey Maro what are you using for your model? like software? cheers
Hey (: I'm using vtube studio on steam and also vtube studio on my phone for the tracking.
Subscribed cus of cute black cat,
best reason :D
2:59 I guess you could say they grew on you???
Torbek is a bugbear
So bugbears are big goblins? Or related in a way?
@Maro-e2h yes
@@Maro-e2hbasically yes. The goblin hierarchy goes Hobgoblins>Bugbears>Goblins.
dad jokes get funnier when you get older because you tend to enjoy the small things because you enjoy them and not because your trying to fit in....subconsciously.....hope you understand what i'm saying.
I know what you mean, I feel like in general you are less likely to be ashamed to say you like certain things (:
why i found this cat vtuber in my home feed? should i keep it?
Would be highly appreciated :D
The shorts are a mix of scenes from 3 separate campaigns that's why the storyline is so disjointed
Bro VTubers have gotten out of hand. First we get cat girl, then cat boy, now JUST CAT lol
(Don’t think I’m hating I love it)
We are evolving... just backwards :D (Thanks :D)
@@Maro-e2hthat’s why my Vtuber in the future is going to be a literal worm
Love it xD
What this
Im trying to make a cute vtuber model could you tell me how you made yours or at least who helped ya ?
I actually found this one on etsy. You can either comission one or buy a pre existing one, the price range ranges literally from free up to hundreds of €. There are all kinds of, also some where you pay like 20€ and you can customize them yourself. It's a lot :D good luck finding one (:
@@Maro-e2h thanks :)