Sipadan Island

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @dianalong2024
    @dianalong2024 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wow this was wonderfully beautiful! Relaxed my whole body! Thanks for sharing this video. I loved learning new fish and enjoying such magnificent coral. I'll watch when ever you post.🙏👍🐟🐡🐠🐢🦈🥷

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  11 месяцев назад +1

      TQ so much! 🙏🏼
      In Apr/May, I've got 2 dive trips + 1 volcano hike planned (in Philippines & Indonesia), so will upload more after that.

    • @dianalong2024
      @dianalong2024 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@retireeinthewild-5905well we just subscribed and put all notifications on we don't miss anything! Don't forget to post shorts.... always fun for us to watch 🎉 thanks again.

  • @garrycomans5889
    @garrycomans5889 7 месяцев назад

    One of the great dives on my bucket list that I missed out on. Covid sure put a damper on my scuba desires. Wonderful video, just what you should do in retirement.

  • @fredw8631
    @fredw8631 Год назад +1

    Great video! Amazing choice of music and cutting!
    I was at sipadan this summer and it was one of the gratest experiences in my entire life! Hope this video spreads so every human can see what diversity we have to protect underwater

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  Год назад

      TQ for your kind comment 🙏🏼
      Indeed, Sipadan is great 😊

    • @Алена-ж3ц7р
      @Алена-ж3ц7р 6 месяцев назад

      Hi 👋 Please, could you tell me the name of diving centre which you dived with at Sipadan? Thank you!

  • @peterbjorn2605
    @peterbjorn2605 Год назад

    Fantastic video!

  • @AlfredStoppels
    @AlfredStoppels 11 месяцев назад

    That little island is Huge in Beauty! Thanks for sharing

  • @aslanekdin8654
    @aslanekdin8654 Год назад

    Great video as always !

    @LUCKY_ADVENTURE73 Год назад

    Sipadan Island😱.. Luar biasa alam bawah lautnya. Semoga tetap lestari semua satwa laut dan terumbu karangnya. Sukses selalu

  • @UnaiR-xv1of
    @UnaiR-xv1of 10 месяцев назад

    Amazing!I really appreciate the label of each fish,all these while i named the black stripe fish as zebra fish 😂

  • @Gyathole
    @Gyathole 10 месяцев назад

    Hello! I hope you get more subscribers

  • @arigato22
    @arigato22 11 месяцев назад

    I was there over Xmas! But I honestly cannot remember names except the turtles and lionfish so it's great that you have names :)

  • @zijianxu6125
    @zijianxu6125 Год назад

    Amazing video! Missed those gossip nights🤣

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  Год назад

      Got your AOW? 😊

    • @zijianxu6125
      @zijianxu6125 Год назад +1

      @@retireeinthewild-5905 (inhale swiftly like the northern Swedish) See you guys under the sea😎

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  Год назад

      @@zijianxu6125 Great! 👍🏻
      So did you do 2 dives at Sipadan?

    • @zijianxu6125
      @zijianxu6125 Год назад

      @@retireeinthewild-5905 Nah I didn’t. I was too lazy and wanted to take a day off😂

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  Год назад

      @@zijianxu6125 Well deserved rest. See you under the sea, at Sipadan or elsewhere 💪🏻

  • @ahfanzai
    @ahfanzai 7 месяцев назад

    Nice video, the video quality seems amazing. What is your set up? Thanks a lot.

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  7 месяцев назад +1

      TQ for your kind comment 🙏🏼
      I mostly use my GoPro Hero 10, and I find that its Auto WB works so much better than the Hero 4 that I earlier had.
      In my camera rig, I also carry an Olympus TG6 intended for Macro, but I haven't really got started on Macro video yet, so haven't used it much.. I'm now planning a dive trip dedicated to Macro (maybe Lembeh Strait) so I can practice it and hopefully get some decent result. Video is more challenging than strobe photo, I feel, but I'm gonna try.. 🤓🙂

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  7 месяцев назад +1

      Btw, I use Backscatter MW4300 video lights too - so easy to use and with quick shift between Wide & Macro beam.

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  7 месяцев назад +1

      Finally, I use FCPX to colour correct, edit etc.

  • @iwan_0408
    @iwan_0408 Год назад

    Craaazy reefs

  • @SublimeDepthsWithRaul
    @SublimeDepthsWithRaul 9 месяцев назад

    What has happened to the tornado of black tail barracuda?

    • @retireeinthewild-5905
      @retireeinthewild-5905  9 месяцев назад +1

      Not sure. We went in Dec, and at least one DM said that while it seems generally harder to find schools of Chevron Barracuda these days, going in ~May would probably increase the chance (and visibility will be better).

    • @Mansiang978
      @Mansiang978 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@retireeinthewild-5905 I used to see a group of 2 feet barracuda storm around Mabul House Reef. Sipadan will be my bucket list after obtained AOW. Also waiting air asia launches direct flight from KK to Manado Sulawesi in Sep 2024.

  • @peterbjorn2605
    @peterbjorn2605 Год назад

    Fantastic video!