The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD by Linkus7 in

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 520

  • @NurmiSimo
    @NurmiSimo 6 лет назад +1572

    >any Nintendo game
    >"the developers actually forgot to put a speed cap on how fast you can go backwards"

    • @TheBrutalSax
      @TheBrutalSax 6 лет назад +163

      @@TheUltimateRare I mean if BotW being intentionally beatable in under an hour isn't proof that they love speedrunners, idk what is.

    • @The_Muznick
      @The_Muznick 5 лет назад +74

      @@TheBrutalSax The Metroid franchise is proof that Nintendo loves speedrunners

    • @skinwalker69420
      @skinwalker69420 5 лет назад +15

      They fixed it in Mario 64, but in Japan

    • @Coffee-Comrade
      @Coffee-Comrade 5 лет назад +46

      @@TheBrutalSax Being given the ability to launch yourself across the map in multiple ways is proof, as well. Especially the stasis shrine to temple of time boulder launch, it's set up in a way that makes it appear very intentional.

    • @Splozy
      @Splozy 5 лет назад +4

      @BrutalSax I wouldn't say that's a good quality for a speedrunning game

  • @ballisticwaffles
    @ballisticwaffles 6 лет назад +1895

    The audience dancing in time with the pauses is going to be the death of me.

    • @MOORE4U2
      @MOORE4U2 6 лет назад +72

      At least around 26:00, they point with the Wind Waker songs, too.

    • @silvermagpie1071
      @silvermagpie1071 5 лет назад +32


    • @Komali09
      @Komali09 5 лет назад +5

      Brennan Moore oh god!

    • @swordsmancs
      @swordsmancs 5 лет назад +29

      I usually skip Pausa so I am so goddamn glad you pointed that out so I could view them all slowly joining in until everyone was dancing, thank you

    • @HeartlessKing1
      @HeartlessKing1 5 лет назад +5

      XD I just saw this lol.

  • @Goooober12
    @Goooober12 6 лет назад +944

    Local village boy rapidly swims across oceans and saves the world in 6 hours.

    • @silvermagpie1071
      @silvermagpie1071 5 лет назад +29

      Ryan Monaco And gets ALL the stuff

    • @againcs2386
      @againcs2386 5 лет назад +7

      Sounds like Baywatch to me

    • @ZanaTheBatPony
      @ZanaTheBatPony 5 лет назад +2

      Ryan Monaco technically it was 6 hours, 12 minutes and 57 seconds, but seeing as it was a 100% Run the details can be overlooked just a tad bit.

    • @ernestoartaza7576
      @ernestoartaza7576 4 года назад +4

      Local boy also manages to perform teleport, use pots to beat half a dungeon in pijamas and get a title of tresure hunter in 6 hours.

    • @Julien_Pomares
      @Julien_Pomares 4 года назад


    @MCRAVAGE54 6 лет назад +450

    Link and linkus swimming in the seas P A U S I N G

  • @stardust7780
    @stardust7780 6 лет назад +552

    no makar there's floormasters there!
    oh no he has airpods in he can't hear us
    oh god
    oh no

    • @Factory26_
      @Factory26_ 5 лет назад +12

      This is hands down, one of the funniest comments I’ve ever seen.

    • @coneyislandqueen476
      @coneyislandqueen476 5 месяцев назад

      even five years later i still found this entertaining

  • @Jelastronaut
    @Jelastronaut 5 лет назад +296

    i watched this live and the amount of "KABOOMS" and "SPLOOSHES" had the chat absolutely *writhing*

    • @alexramos5592
      @alexramos5592 4 года назад +54

      this vod is very hard to listen to

  • @TVVictor
    @TVVictor 6 лет назад +574

    Gymnast has a super powerful aura the whole way through

    • @Factory26_
      @Factory26_ 5 лет назад +84

      He just sits there, all powerful like, he looks like a god

    • @LittleBigLucas51
      @LittleBigLucas51 4 года назад +16

      Why is this comment so good?? xD

    • @themessenger8656
      @themessenger8656 3 года назад +18

      Gymnast is a great Zelda runner and I agree that his aura is just a new power

  • @wildboar67
    @wildboar67 5 лет назад +185

    linkus is always so much fun to watch at GDQ because he's so receptive to the audience and the donation readings. He's got a really fun personality and I love how well he explains what he's doing

  • @MOORE4U2
    @MOORE4U2 6 лет назад +316

    Can you imagine laughing at Kaboom comments being made for two and a half hours?
    This post was made by the Pausa meme gang.

  • @Superat626
    @Superat626 3 месяца назад +1

    It's been a few years, but I do really adore watching this speedrun every so often. It's one of my favourites. Thanks for having this up.

  • @face_nemesis
    @face_nemesis 6 лет назад +89

    i watch these to sleep at night and i woke up randomly to "come on my dude. come get these swedish meatballs. i got them at ikea"

  • @emilyjanet455
    @emilyjanet455 2 года назад +55

    Linkus: very serious detailed explanations of the manual super swim glitch
    Audience: *vibing*
    I was genuinely cackling, this is so wholesome

  • @gamesdonequick
    @gamesdonequick  6 лет назад +227

    Runner introduction starts at 0:09.
    Run starts at 0:56.
    Couch commentary is provided by Gymnast86.
    Patty and KungfuFruitcup are the hosts.

    • @thelasercow8670
      @thelasercow8670 6 лет назад

      Do we have sgdq 2019 schedule?

    • @caslaBBalsac
      @caslaBBalsac 5 лет назад

      He screamed that he held the shield, is it true?

  • @sp3ctum
    @sp3ctum 6 лет назад +91

    The ancient Deku tree addressing Link as "My Dude" is pretty funny. Great game, great runner, great video. Thanks for the upload!

    • @trequor
      @trequor 3 года назад +4

      Up there with the classic naming of Epona as "MyButt" in Twilight Princess

  • @nerdyursus4689
    @nerdyursus4689 4 года назад +48

    6 hours of Kaboom, orb and Sploosh with a zelda speedrun in the background

  • @monstermamojam
    @monstermamojam 6 лет назад +294

    Me:"man that pause sound is probably annoying the crowd..."
    :Checks crowd:
    Crowd: *Bobbing heads side to side with the Pausa's.*

    • @gabriusv
      @gabriusv 6 лет назад +16

      Right? I looked up to see the crowd riding the wave and it was adorable.

  • @insertgamertag5369
    @insertgamertag5369 4 года назад +50

    any 3d Nintendo developer: * forgets to put backwards speed cap *
    speed runners: (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)

  • @Zooblegar
    @Zooblegar 6 лет назад +35

    Im always happy to watch Linkus7 Play, great runner. He has an amazing presence, I hope he goes far in his speedrunner Career

  • @mrsblacksheik4627
    @mrsblacksheik4627 5 лет назад +144

    5:42:09 gotta love that little „call me“ signal from Linkus there. Even though his husband is sitting right there next to him ^^

  • @BlazinBlue606
    @BlazinBlue606 5 лет назад +65

    1:44:30 2 ships are cuddling, the runner get cuddled, all the ships cuddle love is butiful

  • @Cithulu1
    @Cithulu1 6 лет назад +166

    2:20:45 - guy on left finally changes positions

  • @dstarr3
    @dstarr3 6 лет назад +553

    I usually look forward to long Zelda runs for sleeping. But... this one... is not good for sleeping.

    • @demisedulous
      @demisedulous 6 лет назад +5

      Why is that.

    • @valshaped
      @valshaped 6 лет назад +143


    • @Tecoleiva
      @Tecoleiva 6 лет назад +39

      Dave Starr what do u mean? KABOOOOOOOM

    • @TheGoldenDunsparce
      @TheGoldenDunsparce 6 лет назад +16


    • @golderzoa
      @golderzoa 6 лет назад +33

      any speedrun is good for sleeping you must not have mastered full tiredness and laziness yet. i've slept to an OOT tas plenty of times. most of the time being tired means i gotta search videos i wanna sleep to. it's a hard business trust me this video is just something you Save Starr couldn't sleep to. i have a playlist of speedruns that are basicly sleepbait for me in case i really need to snooze i'm all prepped up.

  • @XXBloodyElle
    @XXBloodyElle 6 лет назад +34

    I recommend everyone to check out the wind waker run from 6 months ago, this dude is a treat to watch

  • @MilesSinn
    @MilesSinn 5 лет назад +34

    I half expected Linkus to say at 3:37:41 "since I lost Makar, I'll have to take the bus"

  • @alexanderh7807
    @alexanderh7807 4 года назад +8

    These guys are godly, Linkus and Gym are the true GOATs of Zelda

  • @noisepollution4473
    @noisepollution4473 6 лет назад +13

    Six hours is a lot, but to watch a Linkus GDQ run is worth it, he's great at explaining everything well.

  • @bradleyskyrme7310
    @bradleyskyrme7310 6 лет назад +163

    Pausa v2.0

  • @bizzburnley
    @bizzburnley 6 лет назад +35

    1:44:42 Omg Gymnast86 cuddling Linkus7 on the couch for good luck is the best thing i have ever seen.
    Also the crowd is the fucking best

  • @ocircles738
    @ocircles738 6 лет назад +266

    3:12:11 if the KABOOMS get too soul crushing, skip here. It gets more bearable after this point

    • @felixtense
      @felixtense 6 лет назад +71

      It is actually so annoying

    • @probablyawesome1
      @probablyawesome1 6 лет назад +17

      You're a god damn hero

    • @SirTeclas
      @SirTeclas 6 лет назад +10

      My head was going to explode, thank goodness it's over. Thank you!

    • @itsbunta
      @itsbunta 6 лет назад +31

      The run itself is entertaining but all the donations are killing me.

    • @sp3ctum
      @sp3ctum 6 лет назад +17

      I thought I could not get tired of that. I was wrong.

  • @medadospozolesporfa
    @medadospozolesporfa 6 лет назад +4

    I just can't with the back couch. You people are too adorable reacting to literally everything! Makes the run a little better

  • @emilyjanet455
    @emilyjanet455 2 года назад +20

    Linkus being utterly confused at 3:10:54 is cracking me up. PRAISE THE SUN! 🙆

  • @MonteKristof
    @MonteKristof 4 года назад +27

    Damn that game hel;d wonderfully over the years. It still looks just as gorgeous as the year it released, thanks to the art style! It could release in 2020 with the same art, I wouldn't bat an eye!

    • @lindseylindsey9200
      @lindseylindsey9200 Год назад +2

      Tbf this is the hd version but even the original is gorgeous too

  • @HaruVibes_
    @HaruVibes_ 5 лет назад +20

    Always super pleasant to have an announcer that has a ton of personality and a wonderful voice to keep the run consistently entertaining.

  • @MidoCounters
    @MidoCounters 4 года назад +33

    Do you ever just watch this again just because Linkus and Gymnast are commentating?

  • @Syl518
    @Syl518 3 года назад +18

    1:45:27 This GDQ was full of amazing impressions, but this one from the crowd is definitely my favorite.

  • @manguy01
    @manguy01 6 лет назад +38

    Et tu, My Dude...

  • @myrixica4222
    @myrixica4222 5 лет назад +27

    The cuddling actually helped lmao

  • @DatingTV
    @DatingTV 4 года назад +12

    this has some great "man comes to watch younger brother's game event" energy

  • @emilybennett7864
    @emilybennett7864 6 лет назад +19

    My 2 favourite speedrunners cuddling pleases the RNG Gods.

  • @luliby2309
    @luliby2309 4 года назад +13

    This crowd is the best. Everyone dancing in rhythm with the pauses was the absolute best and had me in stitches. That plus everyone shouting "orb!", "sploosh", or "kaboom!" along with some praising the sun was hilarious. Great to have an engaged crowd.

  • @domb428
    @domb428 6 лет назад +52

    4:00 love the crowd

  • @Monke7763
    @Monke7763 Год назад +4

    I come back to this vid at least once a year

  • @auro7409
    @auro7409 4 года назад +15

    Me: *watching this a year and a half later*
    Lunkus: *beasts sploosh kaboom*
    Me: *still claps*

  • @gamingg92
    @gamingg92 3 года назад +6

    This crowd is amazing, dancing at pause, motioning the wind waker songs

  • @that_danishdude
    @that_danishdude 5 лет назад +11

    Oh my gosh. I didn't know that barrier skip had been consistently found/proven yet. Holy crap. That blew my mind when he said he was going to do barrier skip.

  • @RidvanDuzey
    @RidvanDuzey 4 года назад +3

    Absolutely loved watching this run! Linkus7 is such a good entertainer and great runner!

  • @kennethandersen2730
    @kennethandersen2730 5 лет назад +10

    i watched this live and now watching it on youtube, it is SO much better! Being able to skip the infinite amount of kabooms and orbs said makes it so much more enjoyable to watch!

  • @Howitchewstofeel5gum
    @Howitchewstofeel5gum 6 лет назад +3

    Great run, great crowd, so much fun! Plus, the announcer is awesome, lovely voice and cool attitude.

  • @fragrantwinter8233
    @fragrantwinter8233 3 года назад +4

    Just watching the audience vibing in the back put a smile on my face.

  • @TrevorSmartTalk
    @TrevorSmartTalk 6 лет назад +6

    6 hour speedrun, what a champ!

  • @WereDictionary
    @WereDictionary 3 года назад +7

    This remains my favorite Wind Waker run on AGDQ.
    The comments from the donators were great, the audience was great, the announcer rolled with everything the donators and the audience did (which is great), the couch was awesome and Linkus is my favorite WW runner.

  • @Space-Popsicle
    @Space-Popsicle 5 лет назад +8

    Great runner, couch support, and AMAZING announcer!

  • @bricenduff2030
    @bricenduff2030 5 лет назад +17

    Shout out to the back up dancers during the super swim

  • @santav55
    @santav55 5 лет назад +9

    I love how the audience casually dances to the rhythm of the pauses at the beginning

  • @WoodlandDrake
    @WoodlandDrake 5 лет назад +6

    The audience participation on this is through the roof!

  • @RaphaelS4567
    @RaphaelS4567 5 лет назад +4

    What an amazing run! Having so much fun watching it!

  • @red5158077
    @red5158077 3 года назад +3

    1:45:28 I love the "Sploosh" and "Kabooms" but the "Hooray Yay!" is funny too

  • @Zinc876
    @Zinc876 5 лет назад +10

    4:34:16 Look up "SEAGULLS! (Stop it now)" to understand the reference to that persons name.
    You guys won't regret it.

  • @felipearellano2811
    @felipearellano2811 6 лет назад +1

    First time people clapped, now they've danced. I love the crowd during the "Pausa" moment, can't wait to see them again (and Linkus) in SGDQ!

  • @Zeroxmachine1
    @Zeroxmachine1 6 лет назад +28

    Anybody here think Linkus and Gym look like theyre brothers or something?

  • @OliyTC
    @OliyTC 6 лет назад +123

    Watching this live was great but you could see the pain in Linkus and Gym's eyes after an hour of repeating the same stale catchphrases.
    Message to people who donated with "Kaboom" or "Orb": You have donated to a great cause and have thousands reading your message. Is that opportunity to make them laugh or feel some kind of emotion really better utilized by ending it with a word that people will scream that will make them forget your initial words?

    • @spears-5789
      @spears-5789 6 лет назад +18

      The orb joke is not that funny, it might’ve been funny at the beginning but then the audience milked it to death.

    • @murmovies
      @murmovies 5 лет назад +7

      Lol stfu

  • @dwite3657
    @dwite3657 6 лет назад +7

    Watching the crowd dance for manual super swim buildup was the best part of this run

  • @sergejeskobar8560
    @sergejeskobar8560 5 лет назад +2

    This game is so beautiful, thanks for the run

  • @mrkenz7566
    @mrkenz7566 5 лет назад +3

    What an amazing game my dudes 9.7/10, superb job Linkus7 epic

  • @KJ-td5gt
    @KJ-td5gt 6 лет назад +172

    So glad no one got tired of the sploosh kaboom orb donations and everyone loved them the whole time!

    • @Arcryoshi
      @Arcryoshi 6 лет назад +4

      K J8011 No :(

    • @LordBeau
      @LordBeau 6 лет назад +33

      @@ragepoweredgamer You are part of the problem

    • @kingkhalil0015
      @kingkhalil0015 6 лет назад

      I liked orb but the others...

    • @SALshaNoma
      @SALshaNoma 6 лет назад +24

      It's late night/early morning GDQ. They get loud to keep up the hype other wise everyone would fall asleep. Just because you don't like to have fun doesn't mean the rest of us don't.

    • @mmmargh4743
      @mmmargh4743 6 лет назад +2

      I love all sorry not sorry

  • @joebear567
    @joebear567 6 лет назад +28

    Patty + Zelda = good time

  • @ArmosAviator
    @ArmosAviator 6 лет назад +23

    2:49:46 This is why I love Gym

    • @ChaosExodus
      @ChaosExodus 6 лет назад +6

      Gymnast is pretty awesome.

  • @melaniekirkland6634
    @melaniekirkland6634 5 лет назад +1

    Why does this help me fall asleep so well?

  • @SickInTheHeadINC
    @SickInTheHeadINC 6 лет назад +35

    Ever notice how Wind Waker runs make them mad donations?

    • @TheBrutalSax
      @TheBrutalSax 6 лет назад +6

      People tune into The Legend of Zelda. Also it is 6 hours

  • @DrPumpkinz
    @DrPumpkinz 6 лет назад +12

    "I can not roll with a pig in my hand."

  • @ScarFearz
    @ScarFearz 5 лет назад +16

    Didn't know Max (Gassy Mexican) watched speedruns. That's pretty cool.

  • @FierceFlame9001
    @FierceFlame9001 3 года назад +4

    This is an absolutely incredible run. Super interesting to watch, great explanations, great commentary, overall just a super pleasant experience. Thank you for showcasing this game and category!

  • @diamonddog2638
    @diamonddog2638 5 лет назад +17

    Oh my freaking god the audience during the first super swim set-up. I never noticed that.

  • @monkeycompier
    @monkeycompier 6 лет назад +44

    Even though it is a 100% run, nothing about the game is really spoiled

    • @ArmosAviator
      @ArmosAviator 6 лет назад +1

      That’s where you’re wrong kiddo

  • @kranich9077
    @kranich9077 6 лет назад +1

    it was a really great run and linkus was really entertaining :) thank you

  • @TheSuccumbedSilence
    @TheSuccumbedSilence 6 лет назад +31

    they're getting tired of the kabooms two and a half hours in lol. You did this to yourselves.

  • @jgirl13245
    @jgirl13245 3 года назад +2

    I lost it at the “My Dude, where’s Makar?” comment. The pun game is strong with this run.

  • @timeparadox999
    @timeparadox999 6 лет назад +7

    Legend Kaboom and the Pausa of Sploosh

  • @3NDgaming
    @3NDgaming 6 лет назад +135

    Too much Kaboom. Really bothers me.

    • @starguardianlux8036
      @starguardianlux8036 6 лет назад +7

      how much did you donate?

    • @JoelBurger
      @JoelBurger 6 лет назад +15

      @@ragepoweredgamer An inside joke probably shouldn't be repeated hundreds of times over the course of 6 and a half hours.

    • @potatosackhead5922
      @potatosackhead5922 5 лет назад +1

      3:33:00 You're welcome.

  • @MusiKube_
    @MusiKube_ 5 лет назад +10

    1:00:28 And that's all the permission the donators need...

  • @enchantedmal6757
    @enchantedmal6757 5 лет назад +8

    Is no one gonna talk about the complete ear destruction at 1:27:04

  • @CR-gh5bp
    @CR-gh5bp 5 лет назад +7

    I like to think that the Link from this game goes on to Phantom Hourglass and beats that 100% in like 6 hours too.

  • @L33T_Taco
    @L33T_Taco 3 года назад +2

    Link backing into a wall: "Alright you guys have a good one"
    *Flings off through the water at mach 7*

  • @hungryhippowdon7141
    @hungryhippowdon7141 6 лет назад +8

    I find it crazy that you go to one room before the final boss halfway through the run.

  • @soueu8D
    @soueu8D 6 лет назад

    I tryed to watch it live, even donated what I could, but it was so late and I fell asleep. Gonna watch on youtube now :)
    The swedish sniper is my favorite runner and zelda runs are so fun to watch

  • @rcsync
    @rcsync 6 лет назад +1

    Tried listening to this overnight and my phone died midway and now we have the vod

  • @kiriq2696
    @kiriq2696 6 лет назад +7

    6:32 to skip pause madness

  • @christrenkov4304
    @christrenkov4304 6 лет назад +104

    I wish the donation reader wouldn’t read every single KABOOM donation. It got old pretty quick and feels super forced

    • @thelasercow8670
      @thelasercow8670 6 лет назад +15

      It does, but you can say the same for HYPE

    • @saw141
      @saw141 6 лет назад +14

      Chris Trenkov I have loved GDQ events for over 4 years, but I noticed a lot of repetitive interruptions this year. I’m not trying to be too bland but it was just too much. In the Mario Odyssey run there was a lot of crowd yelling too. However, if the runner allows it, and the organizers allow it, so be it. Certainly not enjoyable for me, though.

    • @PiKmInAnDmArIoRoCk
      @PiKmInAnDmArIoRoCk 6 лет назад +6

      It made a great meme for charity!! People donated to keep the KABOOM hype going and i think that is really special. If they didnt keep reading them they wouldnt have raised nearly as much money. Do it to kill cancer man!

    • @somerandomguy2963
      @somerandomguy2963 5 лет назад +1

      D o n t w a t c h I t t h e n

  • @DerFetteHagrid_
    @DerFetteHagrid_ Год назад +1

    This run is just so wholesome

  • @JKelly756
    @JKelly756 5 лет назад +4

    I love how this game is already so broken yet still takes 6 hours to beat.

  • @WalterRexAndSofie
    @WalterRexAndSofie 5 лет назад +9

    7.8/100 - Too much water.

  • @SG-qb8ne
    @SG-qb8ne 6 лет назад +52

    i want to play Wind Waker HD on Switch.

    • @aaabbb-lq9cp
      @aaabbb-lq9cp 6 лет назад +1

      I wish

    • @SuperLuigiGuy64
      @SuperLuigiGuy64 6 лет назад +2

      Would be nice, but let's wait and see.

    • @Phytolizer
      @Phytolizer 6 лет назад +4

      I would like to play Knack HD on switch please, thanks Reggie

    • @MrFloop
      @MrFloop 6 лет назад

      That’d be cool

    • @SALshaNoma
      @SALshaNoma 6 лет назад

      @@beanlegume9965 what are you talking about? It was a great game or are you just mad because they wanted to do something new?

  • @RevitalizingPersona
    @RevitalizingPersona 5 лет назад

    Hälsningar från Halmstad! Good job on the run, fun commentary and cuteness on the couch!!

  • @aidenpons9584
    @aidenpons9584 4 года назад

    Donation messages were so on point with the rhymes, puns, and of course, *KA-BOOM!* Truly a pleasure to watch and listen to.

  • @TararaTera
    @TararaTera 6 лет назад +4

    Enjoyed the run as always. Everyone did a great job from Linkus and Gymnast to Patty and KungFu. Most of the comments are just people complaining about the audience and the fun you guys had but don't let that sour your mood. Incredibly entertaining!

  • @JapanForSale
    @JapanForSale 6 лет назад +9

    I've always wondered, how do runners and the audience stay in a hall for 3, 4, 5, even upwards of 6 hours straight and not get tired? People get hungry, need bathroom breaks, etc. What's probably worse are those red eye runs in the wee hours of the morning. Large empty hall, few attendees, just a guy marathoning an old game to few fanfare.
    GDQ is great, I appreciate the culture and fandom, but these long ass runs feel more like a work shift than anything.

    • @Flexy59
      @Flexy59 5 лет назад

      You uncultured swine

    • @codymartinez2790
      @codymartinez2790 5 лет назад +2

      Yea too bad it's for charity and not an actual work shift right?

    • @Rawrtato
      @Rawrtato 5 лет назад +3

      it’s actually their normal condition - if you think about it, they’re usually streaming late into the night with just their chat for company!

  • @salapanda1804
    @salapanda1804 5 лет назад +19

    Anybody else notice how incredibly nice the announcer is? She thanks everyone who's donation is announcer's choice! She's awesome
    EDIT: The first announcer, I just got far enough to see there's another one! The second one has an AMAZING voice though.

  • @sluthy1473
    @sluthy1473 5 лет назад +5

    3:26 shoutout to the guy in the back dancing to the pausing

  • @SimonDouville1
    @SimonDouville1 5 лет назад +3

    4:52:44 THX sound ?

    @CJSINS 6 лет назад +2

    I like that the people behind the couch is dancing during the pausing and unpausing. 4:45